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1) Introduction
2) Function
3) Implicit function
4) Composite function
5) Some special functions
a) Even function
b) Modulus function
c) Greatest integer function
6) Symmetric properties of curves
7) Limit of a function
8) Left and right hand limit
9) Indeterminate form
10) Standard limits
11) Continuity of a function
12) Differentiability
13) Mean value theorem
a) Rolle’s theorem
b) Lagrange’s mean value theorem
c) Cauchy’s mean value theorem
14) Rules of differentiation
15) Parametric differentiation
16) Increasing and decreasing functions
17) Condition for increasing and decreasing function
18) Local maxima and minima
19) Properties of relative maxima and minima
20) Conditions for maximum or minimum values
21) Taylor’s theorem
22) Partial differentiation
23) Homogeneous function
24) Euler’s theorem
25) Total differentiation
26) Constrained maxima and minima

1) Indefinite integration
2) Integration by parts
3) Integration by partial fractions
4) Definite integral
5) Improper integral
6) Comparison test
7) 2nd method limitation
8) Comparison method for second kind of improper integrals
9) Gamma functions
10) Multiple integral
11) Area of the region
12) Changing of order of integration
13) Triple integral
14) Change of variables
15) Circle Cartesian form
16) Polar form
17) Parabola
18) Ellipse
1) Vectors
2) Components of vector
3) Vector addition
4) Properties
5) Scalar multiplication
6) Unit vectors
7) Inner product of two vectors
8) Vector product ( cross product )
9) Vector products of standard basic form
10) Scalar triple products
11) Gradient of a scalar field
12) Directional derivative
13) Divergence
14) Curl of a vector field
15) Line integral of vector functions
16) Green’s theorem in a plane
17) Surface integral
18) Volume integral
19) Gauss divergence theorem
20) Volume integral
21) Gauss divergence theorem
22) Stokes theorems
Differential equation
1) Types
2) Order and degree
3) Variable separation method
4) Homogeneous equation
5) Linear differential equation
6) Inspection method
7) Bernoulli’s equation
8) Exact differential equation
9) Equation reducible to exact form
10) Clairaut’s equation
11) Linear differential equation of nth order
12) Rules for finding the complimentary function
13) Rules for finding the particular integral
14) Euler – Cauchy equation

15) Higher order differential equation

16) Characteristic function
17) Complimentary function

Complex variables

1) Introduction
2) Complex number
3) Complex functions
4) Neighbourhood of z0
5) Analytic function
6) Singular point
7) Entire function
8) Eulers theorem
9) Exponential function
10) De moivre’s theorem
11) Hyperbolic functions
12) Logarithmic function of a complex variable
13) Analyticity of a complex function
14) Determining an analytic function
15) Harmonic conjugate function
16) Parametrization of the curve
17) Parameterization of circle
18) Cauchy’s integral theorem
19) Cauchys integral formula
20) Complex power series
21) Region of convergence
22) Taylors theorem
23) Laurents theorem
24) Zeros and singularities of complex function
25) Types of singularities
26) Classification of singular points
27) Methods to find residues
28) Method to calculate complex integrals by residue method


1) Introduction
2) Definitions
3) Axioms of probability
4) Probability of an event
5) Conditional probability
6) Total probability theorem
7) Bayes theorem
8) Statistics
9) Types of data
10) mean
11) Median
12) Mode
13) Measures of dispersion/ variability
14) Random varaibles
15) Types of random variables
16) Properties of discrete distribution
17) Probability distribution and cumulative distribution function
18) Properties of continuous distribution
19) Properties of expectation
20) Properties of variance
21) Skewness
22) Bivariate data
23) Relation between JDF AND JPDF
24) Binomial distribution
25) Poisson distribution
26) Uniform distribution
27) Exponential distribution
28) Normal Gaussian distribution
29) Standard normal random variable
30) Moment generating function
31) Correlation and regression
32) Types of correlation
33) Scatter diagram
34) Regression

Numerical method

1) Introduction
2) Causes of errors
3) Solution of algebraic and transcendental equation
4) Roots of algebraic equations
5) bisection method
6) regula falsi method
7) newton ramphson method
8) rate of convergence
9) order of convergence
10) numerical method of integration
11) trapezoidal rule
12) simpson 1/3 rule
13) simpson 3/8 rule
14) truncation error

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