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[1] Dual Nature of Radiation 4 Matter Introduction - The cliscev °. henomena Like interference ciffraction and “Miathabion ef Light estedslished thet the Li 4s of wave nature. The® Maxwell's equation of eletho ism, and Hertz experiment on the produ- chen omd “cletection of electromegnetic waves in 1886 Stongly . Supported the Concept of wave nature of In 20th cent the aliscoveries of photoelechic effect by Hertz, Compton effect by Compion were explaimed by quonfum theo. of Light. Acconcling de which, the 4 Consist of the packets of “enorgy which Frave) “in stright Line, with the speed of Light Each packet of energy ia callicl photon (hy). Thus the poricle notune ef Light wos established. Free Electrons - In metols 5 the electrons in the outer Shells CCouted vodance electrons) of the atoms ane Loosely bound. They ort prec to move easily within the metol Surface - Com not deave the” metal surface. Such Loosely bond electrons one Colles) free 2lechons. The free electrons ane held inside the metod, by adthractive force ef the surface Cablec restraining forces: Work Function ( ¢)- Nok function of a metal is the minimum nergy requived by “on election to just escape from the mei S ce. So' as te overcome. e restraining foces at the Surface - Work function is vepassented by ¢ and mensuned in ev. Electron Emission - The phenomena of emission of electrons pom the Surface of a metal is Calkd electron emission. i TRe electron emission a metal surface 4d possible if the enugy possessect by electrons 4s more than the werk function of the metal. The acquisscl energy for the electron emission from the metal suaface tm “be supplied to the free electrons by ome of the following. Physical processes: G1) Thermionic emission - Tt Us the phenomena of emission ef electrons from the metal surface tohen heated suitably. TRe energy requirtel for the emission of electrons pam metol surface is being Supplies! by twramal ennrgy. The emitrec| electrons ane ented thermal electrons of theamions. The number. ok tHeamions emitied clepencls ovr the tempercdure of the metal Surface. Treaamions Gi) Seconelary Emission - It ds the phenomena ef emission of electrons from the surface of metal in large number when fast moving electrons ( primary etectrois) strike the metal Surface + The fost moving electrons ane high enngy electrons. As they fall on metol surface, they tvamsfer their energy do she free electrons of the mites by which their energy becomes mare than the work function of the metol so they one emitted from the m Surface. The electrons So emitted are Callecl Secondary electrons. Palmany. eectron Je Metal Slab Secondary yp election Gi) Photoelectric Emission - Tt ds the Phenomena of emission of electrons from the surface of metol when Li recliation o Suitable frequency fall on ot. a J Here the emurgy to the free electrons fer theiy emission Us being supplied by i photon. The emittecl electrons Ghe Coltecl photoelectrons. The number of photo elechons emittec| olcpends or the imtensity of the inciclent art. Photori Photrelechon iam) Gv) Field Emission / Cold Cathode Emission- Tt us the phenomena of emission of electvons the metel surface Under the application of @ strong electric field - When a Very strong electric Fell ( 1o*vnit) Js applied 40 metal, st emitts electrons. Herts obser vietcong phtoelectni eect 04 dinovered ty Heinuih Hots dy 188% While olemonstxating tv encutence of EM wave, Hout famd clot ph vel apueds sed act the metal electrooles 4 Ye cletecton Loop more easily shen Abe cathoele sod LlLurninaittel by wie atiphh from an ac fam p. othe UV ght falling m whe om caused the emiefion neqatty chavgeal patties, gokioh, aL nod hnown tr be sjukuons, dante He aurounds ngs pct, We) respectively. The KineH the emities Pelertions # same, in Kath ane? ate Cohich one. of the two Tacliations will have higher frequency 2 Sel ke. of Photoelectron Kmac = hy = W Herr K.E. ef electrons in both the cores fs same. (KE), = (KE). 5 AY -W, = hymn ita et eed oun eset an Mi emis fa) te Novsin: Shows the vorioHon o Ss ae pont e with the frequen ty. be the hela wodiotion for two photosetsitive metels xX and Y. (2) whith of the metols ha» lager threshold wavelength ? Give yveoson. (by Explain iving Yeosormh, Which meted oe out electrons, having lenge Kinetic entagy for the same. wavelengftt ore the incident yacliotion. ©) rs the listener between the Light Souree. and metol x Ga halved, how will the KineHe energy of electrons emitted fom at change 2 Ve - ¥ os 1O Cxto” shy sel. (a) ee graph, thseshold Peavereg for moterjal hw = os xtol ot Threshold. frequency. -for moterial Y ss wy = ix st Tt 4s clear tot Vy > VY, ‘TRreahold Wavelength X» «dt So Ax > Ay (®) KEmax = hy - hy 7 ven “elens oe Lavelengh, y K Emax for metal x Js greater than the metol Y (Cc) No effect, became the KineHe enegy olepends only en om frequency of inciclent Te. Bil Rackiatorn of freguancy jo He ane inciolerr ESSE ov turd photosensitive surfaces A and &. Pollawing we" observations are vecovoledt. Suaface A - No photo-electric emission take place- Surface B - Phofremission takes place but photo- electrons heve texp erngy: Explain +he above observations on the bauis of Einstein's photo-electic eguation. Hows will the sbsteavetion sith surface B Chemge when the. wavelength of inciclent vocllations is cecrensect ? Photrelectric equation States thah— Kix = hlv- vw) For Surface A — No photeemission takes place fam surface A, ot ears vew ( incident FRrenucney 4s “foes than threshold frequency because. Kmgx Can nevey be negative ) Sel: Einstein's For Sunface B - Kinae = 0 > Alv-vw) =o or vew Hen frequency of inciolnt JU as equal jo the threshold prequency” of the pho senaihve matoual. With the deerease of ‘twavelngth ‘of Light of inciclent beam, frequency increases and hence “energy of inci olunt photon increases Hot in tum increases the maximum K€. of photoelectron by given photosensitive maderial ~ Important Graphs of Photoelectric Effect - (i) Frequmcey (v) and Stopping Potential (Vo) graph - As we Know eVe = hv - 4, or Vo = Ly — ge cS € — Ve xv Therefore V-Vi graph 3s a stright Mine - + Comparing the above yelotion with y = mx+¢, we note’ that the slope of V-\% graph ia he- The. X-inttencept 3s ve amd the y~-intertept Us - dep. No’ 3 *¥ Frequency tv) omd Stopping Poténhed Cv) gvaphs for different materials sill be vepresentect by paveltel Steught Urs, because the Slope ok each shed Line woh onstant) bub the tHyreshold cay aeles Gta gis sme eet i) Frequency Cv) and photoelectric current graph: The greuph Shows thot o the photoelectric paar 4s independent o LN ———— of the inciolent Light, rt intensity remains constant. Git) Frequency Lv) and maximum Kinetic energy graph - As Kmax = hv- & kK Se Kmax * V The Y~ Kmax h ib a Strou Ling. Comparin the Be Miledioc cate ys mete, we note thet Slope of V- Kmax geoph Gs. x-intercept 3a -4 Ve ond y-indeacept+ is dh. Gv) Intensity and stepping potential graph- TAis graph shows thos Ve the magnitucle of the SIS BPS Pole js im AR? \e intensi tae trices ein til the prequmo, of the Yack or yemerns Constant Intensity (v) Time and photoelectric Curent graph - Tws graph Shows thet the photoelectric Cumant Lr ottedina the soduroction value itn 16° Sec. the stort of reckaton folling on photosensitive moderial , ivvespective of the intensity of inciclent o Light: 103s t Particle Nature of Light (The photon) - (1) In interaction of racllotion with motter, racliation behaves as it is maocle of particles Like photons. (2) Each photon hes exngy & (shy = hY,) and momentum =P (= by 5 >) : (3) Treespective of the intensity of raciation, all the. photons of a particular frequency Vv ov wavelength A» hove the some enmgy “E (= h¥) and the same momentum. G@) By imcreasing the intensity of radiation of a given luancy or twavelengt on a meted sunface, tere Js only imereate in the number of photons second folding on that surface, while each photon 4k having the same ennrgy- (S) All the photons emitted Oo Source of Light travel through space. wi the same spezol cohich is esgual #0 the specol of Light. @) The Len of photon which Shows @ definite enogh (oe Gael) clattes mot change whan photon travels rough “li media. G7) The veloci of photon in clifferert media is di Bien if clu to change in its wavelength. (B) Photons one not oleftected by electric omol metic fields. Hence photons are elechically newhed. Men P a (G3) The rest mass of @ Photon is zero. Aceoroling to the theory of relativity , the mass mM of & particle moving with velocity Vv, Comparable with the ‘Velocity of Light ¢ is given by - Mo. m= or m = mfi- We Where Mo ia the rest moss of porticle- for photrn v=c So that m, =o. Failure of Wave Theory of Light to explain Photoelectric Effect - H en's wave theo. of Li Contd not explain the “Aiithelectyic pee ha ae the given elas : (1) Accoroling do wove theory of Aight, if the intensity a as increased, there sill Sbe increase in amplitude of waves ancl hence energy carrted by Waves will imcrease. when peas oo) Mot fee 8 ee Surface, the entrgy camiect by Aight as clishibuted uniformly over the’ entive gurjaal of metal. All the ez eletivons present in the surfaced of metal will Yeceive the Light energy and they call be ected out ef metol “surface. : Wuhan the waves ef Light ef hWighnr tensity falls on a metal surface 4 with import mort energy sto the electrons in metal. Dus to which the Kimetic enurgy of the ejected electrons will increase. ia a agounst the experimented facts thet the maximum KineHe energy of the ejectecl pholoelectrons us independent ef the Intensity Of inciclnt Light. @) Accorcling 40 the wove theery , b increasing the intensity of the imciolant wave ef Lght, the entagy Com be Imereasecl omcl photvelechic emission will dake place even if the frequen of the incicent hight 4a des tan threshold Plequeney: But vt is against athe experimental fact thot No phodvetectric emission takes place a metol surface if the frequency of the inciclert Light is Luss than the threshold “frequency, ne metter whedever, be the intensity. (3) When the wave of L on a metol surface, the energy of “the “wave of Light il not go do a porteulor elechron. in mitt but will “be eclistibuted do atl the electrons present in the illuminates portion of meta} surface. As a vetutt of which the electrons sill take some time in ciccumulating the entrgy veguived for their emission from “meted susgace - Thin 43 also jeunst the experimental fot thed the evnission of photoelectrons stokes place. ao afta the digh as incident om the. Dual Nature of Radiation - The radiation someHmes behaves a4 a wave and sometimes as a particle, hence raoliation has dual node. In a particulan experiment, the racliation hor a particular nedure (Wave nature or Particle natue) The various phenomena velatect +o radiation Can be olevidecl indo three Codegnries: (1) the phenomeng Like imferternence , diffraction anel polarisation etc. Can be explamed on the boss of electromagnstic Cwave) noture of vadiation only. (2) The phenomena Like photelectric effect , Compton effect etc. Con be expleired on “the “basis of quantum ( particle) nature of racliation. (@) The phmomena Like rectilinear propogation, reflection, yefraction ete. Can be explained on the basis of either of the wave nature oy of the portecle nahme ef radiation. De-Broglie Dualistic Hypothesis - Accorcling to de- Brogtie a moving moctenial porticle sometimes. act as a wave and sometimes QA. A particle or a wave. is a&socioted uth movin particle. The wave associates! with moving particle’ Js Cc mokter. wave or ce-Broglie wave whose wavelength Cobll cle- Broglie wave. eng Hy 4s gen by. = h A= mv lahert m ancl v ane the mass “ernel velocity of the porticle and Wh js Plenk's Constant. Derivation of de- Broglie wavelength - According do Plank's quantum theory, the energy of a eae ef a Pacliackion of frequancy” v omd wavelength A ts - E= hv —O Th Photon is Consiclrect +o be = particle of mass Mm, then accoroling 4to Einstein relation, the enugy arsociatect with Gt sy given By- E = mec — © Foam eq: © ond @ we gu— Av = me> or m = hv ch Momentum of Photon P = mass x Velocity Poe hve 2 av 2 oe A oy De- Broglie amumed thet the above equation ua equally icoble to both te photo radiation and hes Ge Portcle. ie nd a) An elechomognehe wave of wavelen eo Se inciclent on a work ath dA 4s sensitive surface. of negli ible. function. If the photoelecFrons emits this surjace have the ole- Broglie wavelength A,» prove. thot Ae (2eS) x Sol. as Por negligible urrk function , Einstein's photveldltate equcdiod” by , rE = Kyag + 2 C & ds veuy smal > nc Pee ee A 2m ' 2m where P 2s momentum of electron Pp = famhe x ole- Broglie wavelength AL = + A= p= = hA JR [a squaring beth sides, we get - » = AA ame A = (2m or Hence Proveol. De- Broglie Wavelength ef an Electron - Conmsicler, an electron of marsm and change @. Led VW be the vetock acquired! by electron chan accelerates! from Ast thro @ potental cLifference of V volt.” Then “ee ' Kinetic Energy of Electron = iL my Work done on the electron = eV ate Attmy* <= ev or vy = fzev 2 ™ Ih A us the de- Broglie wavelength axsoclated with the electron, then - ,o ob oe a my mzev>m Jamev By Substituting the valuis of m,e anc h we ge - ees cio, 2 12:27 x15! m 2x9 X103! x PEKITP KV Iv" A fees ik ir An electron ib acceleroteds trough a potential cos clifference of loov. What is the de- Broglie wave- hen artocioted wth Ab? To which part ef the electromag natic Spectrum does this value of woavelength correspond. Sel: From de- Broglie equcdion A ae a for V= loov A = 1227 = 1227 A* Teo This wavelength belong ad the X-ray port of clechomagnett yacliation. The wotio between the de- Broglie wavelengths, case aModiates! with protons, acederotedt through a 2°" potential of Si2V ome x- particles gece teraderl through a potential of x volt, Js found to be one. Fired the value of x. Stk De- Broglie wavelength of accelerate! charge peveticle = i [man Ratio of waveleneths of pron end «- portcle, ee Se am x Ae ee [GED Here me 24 , St 22 , Me = X AP ot Mp Vp Ne S12" dx So that ci = faxz x (3) =[& > x = 6UV Show graphically the variation of de- Broglie. Baw wavelength (A) ‘with the. potential CV) the = which arn electron Ud acceleroteol pom veat . Sel kinetic energy Ka ev hare V = Potential dif. 2 Ptlamk = |2mev a4 cle- Broglie wavelengths 54 Azh =_h o § ee 2mev Tv Ce WwW Electric Potential (v) YB) The two Lins marta A ond @ in the given cae figure, Shows a plot of ce- Broglie wovele oy vs "use > rs is tHe. accelerating pated, fer Awo nuclei jH* and He. (a) Whet cloes the slope of the tints reprnent ? Cb) Identify cahich Lines corresponded te thuse nuclei. A » S tae Se pea Sayer at 2 Changeal pertcle A *Tamav as = Constant > AW =e As h (4) TAc lope of the me veprrtent ae (6) 6 Gu and Canty Same change é AS x The Lighter. mars te. iH* ad peprsentet by line OF qredter slope te A and similarly ,H* bg Hine B. a) (a) Determine the de—Breglie wavelength of a prilin a the reat mass whose KineHe ad aa equal enng on election. me O parcstm ss 1o36 Yh thot of Clettrons f : (6) Tm which region of electromagnetic spechum Aow this wavelength Lie 2 7 : Sek (a) cle- Broglie moder wave egquotion Jd ahem ey az hw = oh P 2mK Accoxcling ato question , Kinch enagy of proton K = mc [eimstein’s relation J Ny A = ee [2m Cmecty JZ C freme A i . Tae m GEE C m 1sseme) d Gee x to 34 © buy x Bx lof x91 x16 x Uae (b) Ths region of elechomagneHe spechum is X- Yeu. Ne 4 xiott mm Problem 11. Sketch the graphs, showing the variation of stopping potential with frequency of incident radiations for two photosensitive materials A and B having threshold frequencies vj, > v,, respectively. (i) Which of the two metals, A or B has higher work function ? [CBSE OD 14] (ii) What information do you get from the slope of the graphs ? (iii) What does the value of the intercept of graph ‘A’ on the potential-axis represent ? [CBSE D 06C, 10) Solution. The graph is shown in Fig. 11.22. Metal B Metal A ae Frequency of incident if radiation (v) > e (9 Metal A has a higher work function (W3 = hv, WV 3 because vp > Vo- kh Wy (i) As Vy=hv-Wy or ve=(t)v-% h Slope of Vp —v graph = = (iii) Intercept of graph A on the potential-axis hv) e e It depends on the work function of the material. Problem 12. Figure 11.23 shows the variation of stopping potential V, with the frequency v of the inci- dent radiation for two photosensitive metals P and Q: 1.0 oe («10"5") Fig. 11.23 (@ Explain which metal has smaller threshold wavelength. [CBSE OD 19} (ii) Explain, giving reason, which metals emits photo electrons having smaller kinetic energy, for the same wavelength of incident radiation. (iii) If the distance between the light source and metal P is doubled, how will the stopping potential change ? [CBSE OD 08} Solution. () Threshold wavelength, 25 = As ¥9(Q)>vo(P) hy (Q< Ap (P) ‘Thus the metal Q has smaller threshold wavelength. (i) According to Einstein’s photoelectric equation, For the same 4 of incident radiation, L.H.S. is constant. So metal Q with smaller value of 4 will emit photo- electrons of smaller KE. (ii Stopping potential V, will remain same because it is independent of intensity and hence of distance between the light source and the metal surface. eapumn 6 Draw a graph between the frequency of intident radiation (v) and the maximum kinetic energy of the electrons emitted from the surface of a Photosensitive material. State clearly how this graph can be used to determine (i) Planck’s constant and (ii) work function of the material. [CBSE F 12] Solution. According to Einstein’s Photoelectric equation, Knax = bv -Wo So the graph between K,,,, and v is a straight line as shown in Fig. 11.19 vo Fig. 11.19 (#) Slope of K,,,,-v graph AKnax =h Av “. Slope of K,,,,-v graph gives the value of Planck’s constant. (ii) Intercept on the negative K,,, axis = Wy “. Intercept on the negative K,,,, axis gives the value of work function. Gprile 3. Monochromatic light of frequency 4F% 10" Hz is produced by a laser. The power emitted is 2.0 x 10-°W. (i) What is the energy of each photon in the light ? (ii) How many photons per second, on the average, are emitted by the source ? [NCERT ; CBSE 18C, SP 19] Solution. Here v =6.0 x 10" Hz, P =2.0x 10° W (i) Energy of each photon, E = hy =6.63 x 107 x 6.0 x 10" = 3,98 x 107]. (ii) If N is the number of photons emitted per second by the source, then Power transmitted in the beam = N x energy of each photon or P=NE _P_20x10°W ~E 3.98x10™ J or N =5.0x 10" photons per second. fmple 4. A monochromatic source, emitting light of ‘wavelength, 600 nm, has a power output of 66 W. Calculate the number of photons emitted by this source in 2 minutes. [CBSE SP 13} Solution. Energy of each photon, 34 8 E=hv =H SER x3x10 =3.3x 107] 6x10 Power of the source, P = 66 W Number of photons emitted per second, Total number of photons emitted by the source in 2 minutes, n=Nx2x60 =2x10"x 120 =2.4 x10 photons. Bvamnale & MLO 6A... E; le 7. The work function of caesium is 2.14 eV. Find (a) the threshold frequency for caesium, and (b) the wave- length of the incident light if the photocurrent is brought to zero by a stopping potential of 0.60 eV. [NCERT ; CBSE OD 04 ; SP 20} Solution. (a) For the minimum, cut-off or threshold frequency, Energy hv, of incident photon = Work function Wo _ 214eV 2.14 16x 10" J 6.63x10Js 6.63 x 10*Js = 5.16 x 10 Hz—_ (b) When photoelectric current becomes zero, Maximum K.E. of photoelectron =P.E. due to the stopping potential V, or Knax = Vo he or x -W, = ev or Aon Oe ey + Wy _ 6.63 x 107 Jsx3x108ms™ 0.60 eV +2.14 eV = 1989x107 Jm _ 19.89 10-7 Jm 2.74eV 274 x 1.6 x 107J = 453,7 x 10°°m = 453.7 nm. Exam, Tight of wavelength 2000 A is incident on a surface of work function 4.2 eV in an experiment on photoelectric effect. (a) Find the maximum kinetic energy (in eV) of ejected photoelectrons. (®) If the intensity of light is doubled, find the change in stopping potential. [CBSE 20C} Solution. (a) he Knax = a. _ | 6.63x 107% x 3x 108 2%1077 x1.6x10- = (6.22 -4.2)eV =2.02 eV. (b) No effect. Stoppi tial is independent of _tb ins rte dition. xample 9. If light of wavelength 412.5 nm is incident on each of the metals given below, which ones will show photoelectric emission and why ? Work Function (eV) 1.92 215 3.20 4.17 [CBSE 18] -42|ev Solution. Energy of an incident photon, pale a __ 6.6310 3.x 108 oe OREN 412.5x10°x16x10-9 =3.01 eV Thus, the energy of the incident photon is more than the work function of the metals Na and K. Hence, only Na and K will show Photoelectric emission with light of wavelength 412.5 nm. ae a EE Problem 33. A proton and an alpha particle are accelerated through the same potential. Which one of the two has (i) greater value of de-Broglie wavelength ' associated with it, and (ii) less kinetic energy ? Justify ' your answer. [CBSE D 09, 14 ; OD 16] Solution. (i) de Broglie wavelength, yok P (2mqv For same V, 1 oe nq re de m4, Am, = |p? B= m, e w Hence 4,,>4, i.e. proton has a greater value of de-Broglie wavelength. (ii) Kinetic energy K=qV For same V, Kaq Seed Ki 4% % 2 Hence, K, m, , 80 pee ie., electron has a greater de-Broglie wavelength. (ii) Momentum, p=~v2meV or podm As m, < My, Pe< Py wv ie., electron has less momentum. Problem 35. An electron, a-particle and a proton have the same kinetic energy. Which of these particles has the shortest de-Broglie wavelength 2 [NCERT ; CBSE D 03C] Solution. The kinetic energy of a particle, = aos A (my _ 2 m 2m ., Linear momentum, face mK h de-Bro; 1 Fes tn glie wavel length, Tank For the particles possessing same kinetic energy, 1 Noe Imi As m,<< m, >h pa Hence the a-particle has the shortest de-Broglie wavelength. oe Example 31. Find the typical de-Broglie wavelength of an electron in a metal at 27°C and compare it with the mean separation between two electrons in a metal which is given to be about 2x 107m [NCERT] Solution. Mass of an electron is m=9.11x10~ kg and T =27+273=300 K :. de-Broglie wavelength of electrons is 3mk’ 4 x 6.63 x 107 Seca a teh etn V3x9.11x 107! x 1.38 x 10-3 x 300 6.63 x 108 6.63x 10% oe eT cree rs ae 9) fxolixisns wm Ot" em Mean separation between two electrons in a metal is 2 _6.2x10° r 2x107%0 Thus the de-Broglie wavelength is m he de uch greater than the given inter-electron separation. . r=2x107m =31 a Example 28. A particle is moving three times as fast as an electron. The ratio of the de-Broglie wavelength of the particle to that of the electron is 1.813 x 107+. Calculate the particle's mass and identify the particle. Mass of electron =9.11x 10 kg. [NCERT] Solution. de Broglie wavelengths of the particle and the electron are h y= and = e M, Vy mM, VU, x Pm e or i 5 e My Py t Ay % a Given v,=30, and 5 71.813 x10" 4 e be aie 3 = - PPE PNG NP ogee m, 1813x107 3 a m, —_ 911x107! P 3x1813x10 3x1.813x19~4 = 1,675 x 10-?"kg Thus the particle, wi i ora eabon ©, with this mass, could be a proton Cuenmnt. AA OF. ia for violet colour, Gxamptof] The wavelength of light in the visible region is about 390 nm : about 550 nm (average wavelength) for yellow-green colour and about 760 nm for red colour. What tne mnereine of photon in GV at the G) violet end (H) avarage werrieogin Teen om colour and (i) red end ofthe Visible spectrum ? (Take h = 6463 x 10" Js and 1 eV © 1-6 x 1 D NCERT Solved Sxampio Solution, Energy of the incident photon, e-% he _ (6-63x10)x(3x108) 4, 90x10) x16x10- (W) For violet light, 5 eV =3:19 eV (663% 10-4) x (3x 108) (ii) For yellow-green light, E, = {$50x10) x (16 x10775°V = 226 eV (6.63x10-*)x(3x108) ii light, = KGXIF) aoe £s Geoxi0 )xCr6x107) = 164EV gxampli ‘The wavelength A of a photon and the de-Broglle wavelength of an electron have ipesame value, Show that the energy of the photon is times the kinetic energy of the electron, Gj B= 2AM p, = FAME KE, of electron exampte[[]] An electron, an a-particle, and a proton have the same kinetic energy. Which of these particles has the shortest, de-Brogie wavelength 7 NCEIRT Golved Example Solution. Kinetic enrgy, E, h__h 1 is nats he De-Broglic wavelength, =" Fink, or am Since proton is 1836 times heavier than electron and a-particle is 4 times heavier than proton, so mg: My: Mg = 1: 1836 : (1836 x 4). Ais shortest for o-particte. exampte[M] A particle is moving three times as fast as an electron. The ratio of the de-Broglie wavelength of the particle to that of the electron is 1-813 x 10, Calculate the particle’s mass and identity the particle. Mass of electron = 9-11 x 10! kg, NCERT Séived Gxdmpie Dy _Momp ry) _ MoM Mey) a, Wmv) m,v, my 3 m, 911x103! so Ts - "»SG,) axtelsxio ~ 67 * 10" be Itis the mass of a neutron or proton. Hence the emitted particle is a neutron or proton. Gxampto{f] Whats the de-Brogile wavelength associated with an electron, accelerated through ® potential difference of 100 volt ? Solution. Here, V = 100 volt De-Broglie wavelength, ee e1a7k In this case the wavelength associated with an electron is of the order of wavelength of X-ray. 11.13. What is the (a) momentum, (b) speed, and (c) de Broglie ‘wavelength of an electron with kinetic energy of 120 eV? Ans. Kinetic energy, K = 120eV =120x16x10"J =192x1077J (a) Momentum of an electron, p= J2mK = J2x9.1x10! x1.92x10” = 5.91x10 kg ms. (b) Speed of an electron, oa 2 59x10 m= 91x10" (0) de Broglie wavelength, _ fh , 6.63x10 p 591x107 = 0.112x10%m = 0.112 nm. 11.14. The wavelength of light from the spectral emission line of sodium is 589 nm. Find the kinetic energy at which : (a) an electron, and (b) a neutron, would have the same de Broglie wavelength. Ans. Here 4 = 589 nm = 589x107 m h = 65x10 ms”. a __But z 2 ue oe MO mK a K=—— 2m? (a) Kinetic energy of an electron, (6.63 x10? K= 2x9.1%10! x(589x10° = 6.95 x10 J = 4.34 eV. (b) Kinetic energy of a neutron, (6.63 x10? ke mee 21.67 x10 =(589 x1 = 3,78 x10 J = 0.236 neV- . length of 11.16. An electron and a photon each have a wavelength of 1.00 nm Find (a) their momenta, (b) the energy of the photon, and (©) the kinetic energy of electron. (Take h = 6.63 x 10 js) [CBSE D 11] Ans. Here A = 1.00 nm = 1.00 x10?m (2) Both electron and photon have same wavelength, so they have same momentum also. h a 6.63 x 1074 23 1 = > = 6.63 x10 ~ kg ms“. 1.00107 * 5 (b) Energy of a photon, ra he E=-—~< a -34 = £63 7 “ = 10° _ 19.89.1077) . “17 = ae ev = 1.24x10 ev = 1.24 keV. c (c) Kinetic energy of electron, K= Pr 2m _ (6.63 x10)? _ "2x9ax1gr ~ 242%10°°5 _ 2.42x10719 ~ "Texto “151 ev. ""NCERT E ‘ADI } | CHAPTER} DUAL NATURE OF MATTER AND RADIATION | roduced by 30 kV d the (a) maximum frequency and (6) minimum wave-length of X-rays p! electrons. Given, h = 6-63 x 10° Jo, Sol. Here, V= 30 kV = 30x 103 v =3 x lot (@) eV=hy or = £¥ _ 16x10") x3x104 h 6-63x10-4 eva ge = he _ (663x107) (3x 108) in 9 7 in eV (16x 1079) x (3x 104) Q.2. The Work function of caestum “the metal surface, emitted electrons, (6) stoy Given ; h = 6-63 x 10-34 v =724 x 10'8 He = 0041 x 1079 m= 0-041 nm 4 6x10! Sol (a) Max. KE, = hv—9, = SO sxi0" = 0346 eV = 035 eV x (b) eV) = Max. KE. = 0:35 eV or V, O35V © jm, 5 0-346 eV = 0-346 x 1-6 x 10-19 ep cayla oy (ees) = 3-488 x 10° m/s = 348.8 km/s = 349 kam sl, ax 91x107! 3, The photoelectric cut off voltage in a certain experiment is 15 V, ee emoradect ca ft vg: ns eran expe Sol, Max. kinetic energy = eV =e x 1-5 V= 1-5 eV, Qa 1A as Fede aan Sams produced by abelium-aeon laser. The power emitied Parcs pe en te age et en ttn be ht beam By eet photons per second, on the average, arrive ata target irradiated by this heere s Asst have to tated Encoder to have te cone ani Ee are) ©) How ast does see have to travel in order to have the same momentum as that What is the maximum kinetic of the photon. h = 6463 10-4 J; amu. = 1-66 x 107 kg. . he _ (663x10™)x(3x108) =344x 19-9 Pl) “Rh 6328x109 2 66x10 195 10-77 kg mst 6328x109 ~ 11490 aa 9-42 x10 W P b) n== =3 x 10!6 photons/sec a E 31axi0%s "1 P (©) va 2 = 105x107 «9663 mast, m 166x107 2, Qs. ‘The energy flux of sunlight reaching the surface of the earth is 1-388 x 10° W/m , How many photons (nearly) per square metre are incident on the earth per second ? Assume that the photons in the sunlight have an average wavelength of 550 nm. P__P__ PA _(1388x103)x550x10° E helX he (663x104) x(3x108) Q. 6 tian experiment on photoelectric effect, the slope of the cut off voltage versus frequency of incident ~~ light is found to be 4-12 x 10-15 Vs. Given e = 1-6 x 10-9 C, estimate the value of Planck’s constant, Sol. Given, slope of graph = 4-12 x 10715 Vs ; Slope of graph = h/e h slope of graph = 1-6 x 10-19 x 4.12 x 10-15 = 6-592 x 10 Js. Q. 3K 100 W sodium lamp radiates energy uniformly in all directions. The lamp is located at the centre _/ &a large sphere that absorbs all the sodium light which is incident on it. The wavelength of the sodium light is 589 nm. (a) What is energy associated per photon with the sodium light ? (6) At what rate are the photons delivered to the sphere ? Sol. n= 3-84 x 107! photons/m? — s. Sol, E =< = SON AE 53:38 x 1079 J a 589x109 100__ 23.0 x 10” photons/s. ‘threshold frequency of a certain metal is 3:3 x 10" Hz. If light of frequency 8-2 x 1014 Hz is {incident on the metal, predict the cut off voltage for photoelectric emission. Given Planck’s constant, h = 662 x 104 Js. 7 34 HOA Vo) _ 66210 010! 33x10!) = 202-74 V e 16x10! work function for a certain metal is 4-2 eV. Will this metal give photoelectric emission for {ncident radiation of wavelength 330 nm ? Given, charge on electron, ¢ = 16 x 10°C, ¢ = 3 x 10° mis ; h = 662 x 10™ Js. Sol. $9 =4-2eV= 1-2 x 1-6 x 10719 J = 6-72 x 10719 he _ 662x104 x3x10° =e = 6 19 eet 330x102 6.018 x 10-93 Znergy of incident photon E < @o, hence no photoelectric emission will take place. Q. 10 Light of frequency 7-21 x 10" Hi is incident on a metal surface. Electrons with a maximum speed ’ ‘of 6-0 x 10° ms“ are ejected from the surface. What is the threshold frequency for photoemission of electrons ? h = 663 x 107 Js, m, = 91 x 10 kg, Sol. eVosfi(V-Vo) oF Vy = 2 “31 2 mUmax (9.1x107") x (6x 105); 1 =y- = 7.21 10!4 - A 4 Sol Lm, =hv—hyy or Y=” Dy 2x(663x10-%4) 7474 10 Hi, 2 of wavelength 488 nm is produced by an argon laser which fs used in the photoelectric effect ay line is incident on the cathode, the stopping potential of photoelectrons ST i ee mca tom wi ees tm Co h = 6-63 x 10 Js, LeV = 16x10 J. he (663x104) x3x108__ 4.38 247 ev. (488x107 )x 1.6107? _ oe culate the (a) momentum and (5) roglie wavelength 1° : ; de-B: bier oye difference of 56 V. Given th= 663 + 103 Ie m, ” nites 562 16 x IPC. ; e Sol. (a) eV sym or mu = 2eVm Momentum of electron, my = 2x (16x10) x56x9x107 = 4402 x 10% kg ms", 12-27 , _ 12.27 b) ha A ET Leah, : Woe “14 Q.13-‘What is the (a) momentum (b) speed and (c) de-Broglle wavelength of an electron with kinetic ~~ energy of 120 eV. Given h = 663 x 10™ Js, m,=9 x wine : eves. 10°! J. Sol. (a) p= f2mE, 20x10) x c20x16x10) = 5:88 x 10-4 kg ms“, 2E, 2x (1201-6 x107!9) (b) v= : eee 26 6 ms}, 1 mY x10 6-53 x 106 ms" h _ 663x10-4 P__588x 10-4 Q.14. The wavelength of light from the spectral emission line of sodium is 589 nm. Find the kinetic energy iaich (a) an electron (6) a neutron, would have the same de-Broglie wavelength. hh = 66 x 10 Js, m, = 9 x 10! keg ; m, = 1-66 x 102” kg. h he he Ce Sol. (a) Fam % Bay (6.63x10-4)? 2x (589x107? )? x9x1073! 6610 osx 1085, 2x (58910)? x166% 107 . . 15. What tis Bi wvelength of (a) a bullet of mass 0-040 kg travelling at the speed of S ete mvt Gabel et mee 0-060 keg moving at a speed of 1-0 ms! and (c) a dust particle of mass < 1-0 x 10% kg drifting with a speed of 2-2 ms“! ? h = 6-63 x 10 Js. (k= = 1-13 x 10m =113 A. For electron, E, = = 703 x 10755 For neutron, Ey = 663x104 3466 x 10°50 19 x10 m, Sol. (a) a= T= (040) x (0x10) 34 663x104 ha k= Eads Tem OO Cox10 x32 ~ 90x 1m photon each have a wavelength of 1-00 nm. Find (a) thelr momenta (b) the energy ols reerue roa and (c) the kinetc energy of electron. h= 6-63 x 1% s,m, 29 10 age Sol. (a) For electron or photon, momentum, P= 5 =—— > — = 663 x 10°25 m, he _ 663x104) XBX10%) «1949 oy, ©) B= 5° ax aéxi-) 1p? _1, (663x107)? (© Fe 2m 2 9x10 x(L6XIO) 17. (@) For what kinetic energy of a neutron will the associated de-Broglie wavelength be 1-40 x 10-19 m2 = 152eV. NCGERTP TEXT BOOLK EXERCISES (b) Also find the sehr wavelength of a neutron, in thermal equilibrium with matter, having og average kinetic energy of KT at 300 K. Given, h = 6-63 x 10 Js ; m, = 1-675 x 1077” kg ; k = 1:38 x 10-9 JK“, We (663x104)? h = = OI 6.634 x 10-21, Son) Ee eR Dx ed xO)? 67S x1 y i ® E= sur = 3 (138% 10-%)x 300 = 621 x 10715 6.63x10734 igs ttm, lone YE W2x621x10 x1-675x10-27 Sh ‘ow that the wavelength of electromagnetic radiation is equal to the de-Broglie wavelength of is quantum (photon). Sol. The momentum of a electromagnetic wave of frequency v wavelength 2. is given by, bv_h =Z.f or aah P De-Brotlie wavelength of photon, =". P Tins wavelength of electromagnetic radiation is equal to the de-Broglie wavelength. Q. 19. Whatis the de-Broglie wavelength of a nitrogen molecule in alr at 300 K ? Assume that the molecule is moving with the root-mean-square speed of molecules at this temperature, (Atomic mass of nitrogen = 140076 w). h = 6-63 x 10 Js 5 k= 138 x 10-3 KA 1 y 1:66 x 10-7 kg. 3 Here, m= 2 x 14-0076 = 28-1520 2. 663x10-4 : me famkT Px G01 15x10 IOS een Sol. Mean kinetic energy of a molecule = 1$mc2 - 37 op c 2 2 16. When a given photosensitive material is irradiated with light of frequency v, the maximum speed of the eptitted photoelectrons equals v,,,,- The square of rape ey Varax, is observed to vary with v, as per the graph shown in Fig. 11.20. Obtain expressions for (® Planck’s constant, and (ii) the work function of the given photosensitive material, in terms of the parameters 1, n and. the. mass, m, of the electron. (iii) How is threshold frequency determined from the graph ? [CBSE 18C ; OD 19} ft: 2 Umax! Tt AC v> I Fig. 11.20 16. According to Einstein’s photoelectric equation, 1 Knax = 2 mo? a a hv-Wo 2 2h 2W, Paw) Thus the graph of OP ax vs. vis a straight line. (i) Slope of graph, Ble uk mn 2W, Intercept on ee axis, 0 =] m . Planck’s constant, h -= n (if) Work function, W, = a : (iii) Threshold frequency, v, = Intercept on v-axis =n

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