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NTI Science Olympiad(NSO) 2023-2024 CLASS

Pattern and Marking scheme 7

Grade Topic/Section No. of Questions Marks per Question Total Marks

Practical Science 30 1
Grade 7
Achiever’s Section 10 2 20

Grand Total 40 50

The total duration of the exam is 60 minutes.

Practical Science (Each Question is 1 Mark)

1.On the basis of mode of feeding patterns, Aditya prepared four groups with three organisms in each.
He added an incorrect name in one of the groups. Identify this group and select the correct option.
(a) Mosquito, Leech and Lice (b) Lichen, Rhizobium and Mycorrhiza
(c) Algae, Cactus and Rabbit (d) Dionaea, Nepenthes, Sundew
2.Consider the given statements.
I. Small intestine is the longest part of the digestive system.
II. Minerals and vitamins do not need to be changed, they can be absorbed as such
by our cells.
III. Small intestine absorbs most of water from food material.
IV. The food from duodenum goes to the lower part of the intestine, jejunum.
Which of the above statements are incorrect?
(a) I and III (b) II and IV (c) I and II (d) Only III
3.State [T] for True or [F] for False.
I. Fat is completely digested in small intestine.
II. Our small intestine is approximately 20-25 inches long.
III. Nutrients are removed from the undigested food when it is in the large intestine.
IV. Digestion process begins in the stomach part of the human digestive system.
V. The gall bladder temporarily stores bile.
(a) T T T F T
(b) T T F T T
(c) T F T T T
(d) T F F T F
4.Identify the correct relation
Alpca : Breed of camel : : : Breed of goat
(a) Llama (b) Baluchi (c) Angora (d) Bannur
5.Consider the given term below and choose the correct statement for them.
I. Weaving II. Knitting
(a) Process-I is done by using single strand of yarn whereas process-II is done by
using two strand of yarn.

(b) Both the process are done by two strand of yarn, but in weaving two different
colour of yarn is used.
(c) Process-I is done by using two strand of yarn whereas process-II is done by
using single strand of yarn.
(d) Both is done by using single strand of yarn.
6.The term thermal equilibrium refers to the stage when
(a) two liquids are at same temperature (b) all the liquids are at same temperature
(c) all the objects involved and the surroundings are at same temperature
(d) conduction, convection and radiation all occur simultaneously
7.One day Reeta went to jeweller's shop with her mother. Her mother gave an old gold
jewellery the goldsmith to polish. Next day, when they brought the jewellery back, they
found that there was a slight loss in its weight. Goldsmith had dissolved the jewellery in
solution X. Here X is
(a) phosphoric acid (b) sulphuric acid (c) nitric acid (d) aqua-regia
8.Two farmers A and B found a sharp decrease in their crop yield. A observed that it is
because of the sprinkling of excessive fertilisers while B found a supply of washing run off
of clothes to his field. Could you suggest what they should add to regain high yield of
(a) A: Organic matter B : Quicklime (b) A: Quicklime B: Organic matter
(c) A and B : Quicklime (d) A and B : Organic matter
9.The gas we use in the kitchen is called Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG). In the cylinder, it
exists as liquid. When it comes out from the cylinder, it becomes a gas (Change-A) then it
burns (Change - B). The following statements pertain to these changes. Choose the correct
(a) Processes A are a chemical change (b) Processes B are a physical change
(c) Processes A is a physical change but B is a chemical change
(d) Process A is a chemical change but B is a physical change
10.Some of the adaptations in animals are given below.
White fur, frugivorous, sticky pads on feet, thick skin, strong tails, strong sense of smell,
long and large beak
How many of these adaptations are for habitats present in tropical rainforests?
(a) 5 (b) 7 (c) 4 (d) 3
11.Rohan is a naughty boy, one day he takes a can of water and heat it in microwave. After
heating it, he put the can under the running water. He observe the shape of tin can is
The next day he ask his teacher how the shape of tin can distorted.
What reason did his teacher give him?
(a) Due to the excess pressure outside the can.
(b) Due to the reduced pressure outside the can.
(c) Due to equal pressure (d) None of the above
12.Which of the following term is given for the forces generated due to Earth's revolution?
(a) Greenhouse effect (b) Coriolis effect (c) EL Nino effect (d) La Nino effect
13.A person's nose was clipped and was asked to breathe in and out in a plastic bag.
Which of the following changes in the blood of the person could be the reason for the
change in his breathing rate and deep breathing?
(a) The carbon dioxide concentration had increased.
(b) The lactic acid concentration had increased
(c) The oxygen concentration had increased.
(d) The temperature of his blood had increased.
14.Refer to the figure given below. Select the statement which is incorrect w.r.t figure A and

(a) Diaphragm becomes flat in A, while dome-shaped in B.

(b) Muscles between ribs contract in A but relax in B.
(c) Volume of thoracic cavity decrease in A and increases in B.
(d) Ribcage moves up and out in A but down and inwards in B.
15.Refer to the figure given below.
Which of the following labels correctly identifies with S
blood vessel carrying impure blood from heart to lungs? R P
(a) Q-Vena cava
(b) R-Pulmonary artery Q
(c) S-Aorta
(d) P-Pulmonary vein
16.Given below are parts involved in flow of blood throughout the human circulatory
I. Left atrium II. Right ventricle III. Lungs IV. Left ventricle V. Right atrium
Select the correct option which identifies the order in which the blood flows through
these parts?
→ →
(a) I IV III V II→ →
→ →
(b) IV I III II V→ →
→ →
(c) V II III I IV→ →
→ →
(d) II V III II I→ →
17.Given below are the stages of budding in yeast but are not in correct order.
I. One of the nuclei enters the bud.
II. An outgrowth known as bud forms on the outer surface of a parent cell.
III. The bud cleaves to become a new daughter cell.
IV. The nucleus then divides.
V. A cell wall is formed between the parent cell and the bud.
Which of the following options has the correct sequence of budding in yeast?
(a) I, II, IV, V and III
(b) II, I, V, III and IV
(c) II, IV, I, V and III
(d) IV, I, II, V and III
18.Which of the following is not a characteristic feature of wind pollinated flower?
(a) Flowers produce huge quantities of pollens.
(b) Petals are brightly coloured and showy.
(c) Pollen grains are light and non-sticky.
(d) Stamen are well-exposed.

19.The distance-time graph given below shows a car moving with a constant speed.
The slope of this graph indicates
(a) time taken by the object
(b) position of the object

(c) speed of the object
(d) distance moved by the object Time
20.Consider the following statements and choose the incorrect ones.
I. The ratio of speed versus distance gives the time taken by an object to cover
that distance.
II. Odometer records the distance travelled by a vehicle in kilometers.
III. To compare the speeds of a number of objects, units need not be same.
(a) I and II (b) I and III (c) II and III (d) All of these
21.An arrangement of cell, bulb and connecting wires to glow bulb is shown as below.
When key is closed, electric current passes through the filament ..
of bulb and it gives off. Bulb
(a) Heat and sound
(b) Sound and magnetism Cell
(c) Heat and light
(d) Sound and light
22.Which of the following statements correct?
I. Fuse works on heating effect of electric current.
II. Electromagnets are used in many devices such as electric bell, cranes etc.
III. Fuses have replaced MCBs in modern buildings.
IV. An electromagnet does not attract safety pins.
(a) I and II (b) Only II (c) I and III (d) Only IV
23.Boojho and Paheli were given one mirror each by their teacher. Boojho found his image to
be erect and of the same size whereas Paheli found her image erect and smaller in size.
This means that the mirrors of Boojho and Paheli are respectively
(a) plane mirror and concave mirror (b) concave mirror and convex mirror
(c) plane mirror and convex mirror (d) convex mirror and plane mirror
24.Sir Newton discovered me using a simple experiment of glass prism. The secret of
rainbow formation was revealed when I came into existence. Who am I?
(a) Reflection (b) Refraction (c) Dispersion (d) Medium
25.Arrange the following soil types according to their water holding capacity from highest to
(a) sandy > loamy > clayey (b) loamy > sandy > clayey
(c) clayey > loamy > sandy (d) sandy > clayey > loamy
26.Akriti heard from her neighbours that 7-10 days after good rainfall, the level of water in
ponds rises quite high.
Which type of soil allows the surface water to percolate below the ground at a faster rate?
(a) Sandy loamy soil (b) Clayey soil (c) Loamy-clayey (d) Sandy soil
27.Of all the water that is present on the Earth, humans can use only about three tenths percent of it.

This readily usable water is found in how many of the given sources?
ground water, oceans, aquifers, river freshwater lakes, ice caps and glacier
(a) 4 (b) 6 (c) 3 (d) 5
28.In the food chain given below, X will be

→ Grass → X → Tiger

(a) pond (b) cockroach (c) deer (d) sparrow

29.In which of the following soil has highest water holding capacity?
(a) Sand soil (b) Clayey soil (c) Loamy soil (d) Mixture of sand and loamy
30.Which of the following would happen when an acid is slowly added to an alkaline
I. The acid would lose its properties. II. The alkali would lose its properties.
III. The pH value of the acid will increase.
IV. The pH value of the alkaline solution will decrease.
(a) I and III (b) II and IV (c) I, II and IV (d) All of these
Achievers’ Section (Each Question is 2 Mark)

31.On a cold day, it is hard to open the lid of a tight container. But when you gently heat the neck you
can easily open the lid. Why?
(a) On heating glass expands and lid contracts
(b) Lid expends more than the neck and thus slides easily
(c) Neck becomes slippery on heating
(d) Lids of the bottles cannot bear the heat
32.A car at 7:30 am is moving at a constant speed of 4 km/min and an odometer reading recorded is
28568 km. What would be the odometer reading at 9:15 am?
(a) 28673 km (b) 28988 km (c) 29255 km (d) 28568 km
33.State [T] for True or [F] for False.
I. A fuse is used to save energy in electric circuits. Codes
II. Fuse wire is made up of an alloy of lead and I II III IV V
copper which are in different proportions. (a) T F T T T
III. Electric iron works on heating effect of current. (b) T T F F T
IV. Connecting many devices to a single socket leads (c) T T T F F
to short-circuit. (d) F F T T T
V. If live wire comes in contact with neutral wire,
it leads to short-circuit.

34.Refer to the given description of parts of plants and identify A, B, C, D and E.

Description of parts of plants
A. Opening and closing of stomata.
B. Fluid matrix in a chloroplast.
C. Tiny vessels that transport water from roots of a plants to its leaves.
D. Vessels that transport food from leaves to the other parts of the plant.
E. Edges of leaves.
(a) Guard cells Stroma Xylem Phloem Lamina
(b) Stroma Cytoplasm Phloem Xylem Lamina
(c) Guard cells Lamina Stroma Xylem Phloem
(d) Lamina Cytoplasm Xylem Phloem Stroma
35.Study the given Venn diagram.
(a) Plant X could be Venus flytrap Z
X Plant that
(b) Plant Z could be Cuscuta Plant that derives
(c) Y represents heterotrophic nutrition derives Y nutrition from
(d) Plant X is bread mould, plant Y is Nepenthes nutrition capturing and
from a host. digesting
36.Match the given matrix.
A. Temperature 1. 35°C to 42°C
B. Clinical thermometer 2. No mercury
C. Laboratory thermometer 3. Weather forecasting
D. Digital thermometer 4. Degree of hotness
E. Maximum- minimum thermometer 5. -10°C to 110°C
(a) 4 5 1 2 3
(b) 4 1 5 2 3
(c) 4 5 1 3 2
(d) 3 1 5 2 4
37. Two unknown solutions were tested
using phenolphthalein indicator and marked as A and B after testing. Among the two, a
wants to choose the basic solution. What will be the colour of B if it is a combination of
phenolphthalein and base?
(a)Green (b) Red (c) Yellow (d) Pink
38. The humus is found in the A-horizon of the soil. It helps in the growth of the plants.
From the alternatives given, identify the wrong statement about humus.
1. It increases soil fertility.
2. It houses many bacteria and other microorganisms needed for the plants.
3. It is impossible to artificially create humus.
4. It makes the A-horizon dark in colour.
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
39. Kate leaves home at 8:15 a.m. She drives at 70 km/h to work and reaches her office at
8:30 a.m. How far is Kate's office from her home?
(a) 4.7 km (b) 17.5 km (c) 280 km (d) 1050 km
40. Dentists use these mirrors in their instruments due to their peculiar properties to form
the enlarged images. Identify the mirror:
(a) Plane mirror (b) Convex mirror
(c) Concave mirror (d) Planoconvex mirror

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