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Topic 1: Libraries

How' often do you visit a library?

I, I visit the library very frequently. 1 am in the middle of my studies at my
high school and I am constantly writing essays, studying for exams, and learning
new materials. Therefore, I am in the l ibrary almost every day doing something
related to my studies. My friends tell me I practically live there!
II, Frankly speaking, my visits to the library are few and far between. In
truth, I do not possess the inclination one might expect from an avid
reader. The act of reading, I must confess, fails to engross my attention,
instead presenting itself as a tedious and monotonous pursuit. As a
result, the mere thought of spending time within the library conjures
images of a nightmarish realm. I would even venture to assert that I
actively evade the library, going to great lengths to avoid it at any cost.
Do you like to work in a library?
I) I could see myself working for a library sometime in the future. On the one
hand, I am a se dious person and 1 like reading books, so a library is my idea
of heaven! On the other hand, libraries are very relaxing places and the job is
not stressful. That sounds like a good deal to me. .
II) Regrettably, engaging in library work ranks among my least favored
pursuits. The prevailing atmosphere within these make me feel bored. The
perpetual silence that pervades the air, coupled with an undercurrent of tense
energy, imposes upon me a profound discomfort. Consequently, my ability to
perform tasks within most libraries is notably impaired, rendering my efforts
less than satisfactory.
Did you use a library more when you were younger?
I) To be honest, in my younger years, I did not avail myself of the library's
offerings to a greater extent. To be candid, during my formative years, the
majority of my time was devoted to the pursuit of television viewing and
engaging in video games with my old friends. Regrettably, my inclination
towards reading was not particularly happened during my childhood, resulting in
limited visits to libraries.
II, I would say that I used libraries a lot more frequently when I was younger.
When I was a did, the library was a fun place where I could discover a new
picture book or children’s book and relax worth it. So, I went to the library a lot.
Nowadays, the only thing I do in the library is study, so 1 do not want to go
there as often.
2. How common is it for children to visit libraries in your country?

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II Indeed, it is quite customary for children to frequent libraries in my country
as well. Consequently, many parents inculcate the value of cultivating good
reading habits and nurturing a thirst for knowledge by frequently accompanying
their children to libraries. This practice serves as a means to kindle the flame of
intellectual curiosity, fostering a love for learning and encouraging a studious

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Topic 2: Staking up late
1. Do you often go to bed very late?
1 must admit, 1 have a bad habit of staying up very late into the evenings. Sometimes
I stay up late because I have a big exam and I need to study late at night, preaparing
powerpoint and Prepare all the methods for the following day's lesson,. Especially

when me and my team are way behind the schedule. We have to optimize our
night time to finish a report, or sometime to brainstorm new ideas and to get
ready for our upcoming meetings

2. Did you stay up late when you were a child?

-Yes, I used to stay up late when I was a child. I was quite rebellious and I
always hated going to bed. but My mom always made me go to bed early
as I remember. Back then, I felt it was pretty annoying because there
were tons of interesting. Many compelling movies that only be shown
after 9pm..On the other hand, I would always feel so restless and excited
when the sun started going down. So, I could never go to sleep early. But now I
wish I had a chance to have a decent sleep every night. My biggest
dream is not to work late at night anymore
3. How do you feel the next morning after a late night?
- I usually feel a bit dizzy and sleepy at the beginning of the next morning when
I have not had a proper night’s sleep. If I have a late night, I am miserable and I
cannot focus on anything all day. O Sometimes it ends up way more
seriously, like losing my concentration ability I lose all productivity and
become frustrated at the slightest inconveniences.
4. What do you like to do when you stay up late?

- When I do stay up late, I like to do something relaxing as listening to soft

music or studying. Even if I am not going to sleep, I still get very tired in
the late evenings and so I I find myself unable to undertake activitiesmusic
demand significant exertion or deep engagement. Indeed, the practice of
indulging in soft music serves as a valuable aid in sustaining my focus and
productivity during study sessions

perfect late-night activities for me.

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Topic 3: Chocolate
i. How often do 3'ou eat chocolate?
- I eat chocolate very frequently.. I think I probably eat chocolate at least every day,
I always eat a bar of dark chocolate after working really hard , after going to school, work out to
recharge my energy. It is actually my daily hobby.
Have you ever given someone chocolate as a prcsent .
l) I have often used chocolate as a gift to give to people on special occasions and times
of celebration. I feel that chocolate can be a perfect gift for many occasions, such as
Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, or Christmas. That’s why there were several times when
I gave assorted boxes of delectable chocolate to my loved ones on such special days’
2. Did you like chocolate when you were younger?
1) Yes, when I was a child I adored chocolate. as a rule, most kids enjoy sweets like
chocolate, so I’d assume that I was not an exception. Furthermore, I surmise that my
present fondness for chocolate as an adult is indicative of an affinity I must
have possessed for it during my formative years as a young boy.
3. Why is chocolate so popular in many parts of the world?

1) I think chocolate is so popular in many parts of the world because it is versatile

and has such a unique flavour - bittersweet, which satisfies people’s taste buds. That’s
why chocolate is used as an ingredient in various foods or drinks like cheesecakes, ice
creams, lattes, or bubble tea. Apart from that, it is worth noting that chocolate
holds the potential to serve as a truly meaningful gift for your loved ones on
special occasions or anniversaries.

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