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A¢TICAL ANTENNAS (PARTID ro 920. A PENNA MEASUREMENTS so far we have been analysing and calculating the antenna characteristics and now experimental wrenis on antennas would be taken up. Basically there are two types of antenna measurements e.g (i) Impedance. measurements, ii) Pattern measurements. ‘The important antenna parameter under first category is the measurement of input impedance and nwa impedance where asunder second calegory are many ¢ : measurement of gain, beamwidth, Polariza- ae. Sometimes, measurement of antenna efficiency and antenna noise are also done. Usually at high frequency Fadiation efficiency factor is not measured as it is assumed that the antenna ohmic losses (i DC FFosses) are ‘negligible, Polarization measurements are important but in some special cases only. Reciprocity theorem permits the Same measurement ‘whether antenna is transmitting or receiving. Accordingly during acasurements ‘of different antenna characteristics sometimes antenna is regarded as transmitting antenna and mm oie as receiving antenna, The measurement procedures for gain, Power gain Impedance, Pattern,. i svnon Resistance, beamwidth (Half power, Erficiency, Polarization, Noise Figure noise temperature and SVR will be dealt one by one. 921. IMPEDANCE (INPUT) MEASUREMENT "Impedance measuremen done—neeordi mesure erding to frequency involved. For radio frequencies below digc) method is employed where as for frequencies above 30 MHz (Low frequency) \usua foo) MHz (High frequency) “slotted line” measurement is_almost invariabl However, betweett tions, convenience or ~encies 30 MHz — 1000 Mz either method ean be used depending on gilability of equipment. : [ {Impedance ata pair of electrical terminals is the ratio of current (7) which flows when & voltage V is applied between the terminals. By generaliztion of ohm’s law T Dp (9.152) Impedance, a complex quantity having resistance and reactive parts i.e. where Z = Z —R +jX | B= Resistive components ; X = Reactive components (9.153) If there is a phase difference @ between current J.and yoliage V, then ceeqeey ; j 6 = tan R ws (9.154) ‘The voltage V and current J will be in phase when reactive component X = 0. Thus the impedan re _ can be determined by measuring the voltage and current at the terminals. The practical method to meas oltage and current at low radio frequencies are voltmeters and ammeters. ‘The dinect measurement of phase ly done with the help of gle 1a bit difficult, though it_ canbe done, Phase angle measurement i easil CR an ellipse patiern is oblained and then phase angle ® is calculated from its dimensions ‘This is the direct method for impedance measurement but commonly used methods are comparison method ie. 9.21 Wheat stone bridge is used 10 measure unknown ith y By: comparison with known impedances. It consists of four impedances connected in four arms of the bridge as shown in Fig. 9.90 (@). AS shown of. 2 eco ane TaN Zs is variable arm impadanee which varied to get null in the die I , 4 the unknown impedance under mncasusement. When the bridge is bolanced by varying impedance Zs, 00 e ‘Under for circuit will give a null. this condition >) (9.155 a) sae ty Tnansuission” | CONDUCTORS p ¥ VOLTAGE . | > Ja PKs PATTERN wy, logement Ld Lab pNP eg pS e ! vr voLTAGe bridge for impedance measurement. (b). Standing wave along the line. (a) Wheat stone bridge f went It may be noted, however, that bridge is balanced not for impedance magnitude but for aj, balance. Thus writing eqn9.155 in polar form, we have Zi 201, Zs 20 2h 426 5 201 + 03 = Z2Z4 202. + 04 (5 vt Thus there “are two balance conditions which must be satisfied simultancously e.g. Liks= 2k for magnitude balance isd 201 + 03 = 20 + G4 for phase angle balance) 9 j..° em From eqn 9.155 (a or b), the unknown impedance Zs is calculated ¢.g. onl) For antenna input impedance measurement the antenna input imy i D. As the end D is grounded so itis a suitable for a low frequency gromis vertical antenna. For balanced antenna one should see that points A and D of bridge are balanced ¥:; ground. In fact, the measurements usually are preceded by Calibration i.e. the bridge is balanced with unknow impedance terminal short circuited (or open circuited). Then the short is removed and unknown impedances inserted in unknown impedance arm between A and D and the bridge is re-balanced. The unknow impedance is now determined by impedance equation. Commercially there are a large number of bridge circuitory in which impedance arms will be me complex. Impedance arms may be in series or paralled depending upon the bridge configuration. Te impedance equations are accordingly given by the designer of the bridge. Further the auxiliary equipmentsst detector and RF voltage source. The RF signal source should provide atleast 1 mV. output at the frequency operation and the detector should be an extremely well shielded receiver of sensitivity approximately 5" The actual indicating device may be a dic. meter in the output circdit of the receiver detector. Up® a impedance bridge is good choice for antenna impedance measurement and may be used upto 100M Iso, pe ae landing Wave Ratio Method| or\ Slotted Line Method\ for Impedance. Measurents at High Frequ AMIETE, June 1979, Nov. 1974, May 18 JOlted line method of impedance mea surement i ed on the well known characteristics of wave Saves i. input impedance may be uniquely determined Trem the Knowledge of voltage or current sw, J YS (EE TERNS EES ing SWR), the io ae desired. 847) ween th S Saat ee se Frent minimum and the reference point at which 8 'e method is also called as standing wave ratio method or simply a ers eines 7 serametine weal sam as as SWR is utilized in the method. The slotied line method BIO ny se Wo parameters ie, imy Us ae so (b). Antenna input im is calculated with the help of meen scingd shown in Fig a= (9.158) VSWR = | VSWR = ie = & = TE = Reflection coeticien «= yomeet = 591 019) 2 x= 2pa=2( 1-54) rain ..9.160 (a) 180 (1- Sf sare 29.160 (b) where k = Reflection coefficient. 2 VSWR = S = voltage standing wave ratio; B = d = spacing between load end and first minimum be calculated provided k is known which is nothirg ectly be measured of measuring two From these equations, Z, , VSWR and ‘d’ can but ratio of voltage reflected to voltage incident. With the help Smith chart, Z can die ifVSWR and "d" are known without doing any calculation. Thus the method con quantities e.g. VSWR and d (i.e. position of voltage minimum). ‘After having measured the VSWR and the distance d (the position of a voltage minima), the input impedance of antenna can be calculated from the fundamental transmission line equation ¢.- w= 9.161 (a) w=. 9,161 (0) where Z, = Input Impedance Which can be calculated if Primary constant P, lengih | of line, Zo andl reflection coefficient are kn~wn. Much labour is-saved by using Smith chart available in printed from. It is a impedan dealing with three dimensionless ratios instead of physical quantities. The ratios are impedan z (4) Tength ratio ( ) and voltage ratio VSWR. hart and, ratio, | } » 646 The experimental Fig. 9.91 as block diagram. is shown in [iovcaron ] purier MapULAtiOn [awevirie ] Sougce 9 [ocecron_] To) Probe a aa — = ANTENA siowa |_| L0w. stores wren Fig. 991. Block diagram of making stsied line meashre ‘A teansmission line system terminated nt and reflec! pr RADIATION PATTERN MEASUREM! transmission line, the incide along the transmission line. A partof trans measuring set up. As shown the slotted line arrange cable) with an axial slot, along which moves a the slot, A voltage (or power) measuring device ™ meter. A signal source (may bea transmit u ae anknown impedance being measured (in this case antenna impedance). The standing y, the carriage and observing the resulting variation in the lectric field intensity but since it is proportional to the vo dicator is assumed to be a voltage measuring device, The obtained by moving the probe along output. It fact, this device measures cl conductors, therefore standing wave in sloucd coaxial cable is moved and two consecuuve the VSWR and hence the input impedance. The probe is inserted deeply into commercial standing wave detectors, a hig! sources and unwanted signals between slotted lit modulation source is for modulating signal source the axial setup for deverminalic ted waves and consequently produce standing yy, mission line is replaced by an axial slotted line, y-y, wave} ice may be in simplest case, a crystal detecisy ip on of standing, WAVE FAO tA hop, Mth AES Prom woe PRORE BHO, PROBE CAPRIAGE ania Sut %, ren connie 5 Oe Eons J i: *, mne ele ey, ovens T #0 a SUPPORT orale ct 059 ont, — Fig. 9.92. Perspective view of sayy in an antenna, if not perfectly Macheg ement consists of a length of transtniasi-,, tr oer line Jling carriage carrying a probe. The prote Winn is connected toleftend and the riggs. °% ting “en poins of Vm and Vin APE ke. Thea! slot line in order to sample the standing wore pay h or low pass filter is used, to avoid harmonics s Paton ine and signal source as shown in block dara with a square or pulse. 4 ENT (AMIETE, Dec. 1978, June 1979, Rohtak Univ. if} Radiation pattern of a transmitting antenna is described as the field strength or power densitya distance from the antennas asa function of direction. figure and it needs measurements of ficld intensity all over thé spatial angles. Hence for radiation pat- tern of antenna under test, the various spatial (space) angles must be specified. The test antenna is as- sumed to be placed at the origin of spherical co-or- dinate (Fig 9.93). xy plane is horizontal plane and xz plane is vertical plane. The radiation pattern is accordingly taken either along latitude (or polar angle @) as a function of azimuth angle (@) or or ee angle (@) as a function of polar pale) ees ling upon the application and in- For most antennas, it is gen to take radiation pattern in x aa |. The radiation pattern of an antenna is a three dine zu MERIOIAN OF CONSTANT { Concituoe ‘AZIMUTH OR LONGITUDE ANGLE Gamo" Fig. 9.93. Spherical coordinate system for patter" lat ‘measurement. ANTENNAS (PART-I0, 349) and XZ plane (vertical plane). For horizontal antenna, two patterns age. suffi - ;) The @ component of electric. field (horizontal ae @ (6 = 96"). tis represented as Ey (8 = 90° oy emer as. fences of-@ in XY plane (iy The component ofthe field is measured as.afunction of 8 in he x-zplane( @ = 0" ).Itis represented as Ey = GW) and is Called as #-plane Ey = : plane paitern. TREE two pattems bisect the major lobe it mutually perpendicular planes and heni€é provide enough informations for a number of appacasead’ 75 similarly for vertically polarized antennas : © (The component of Electric field is measured as function plane (8 = represenied as Eo (8 = 30", BY and led as oon ae eB SD (i) The® component of 1eld is measured as function of in XZ plane Itis represented 3 ETE, gn is called as E-plane p Se palit ae ilerated in Fig 95 — z HPLAME . crue f caren Zend Parrenn 70-0 egieeno. £5 (@-=0) ©. HoRIzoNTs ‘RNTENMA VERTICAL CANT EMMA = Eens02 bed 1 E-PLANE / 900) LA natvane Yeno. Pane foo 8 Sess | tare (a) Radiation patterns horizontal and 1) Radiation pattern horizontal and vertical of Horizontal antenna. vertical of Vertical antenna Fig..9.94. For circularly or elliptically polarized antenna, measurements of these four patterns would be needed. tis rather impossible to plot three dimensional patterns on a plane sheet of paper. However, pattern in only one plane provides sufficient information. For example, horizontal plane pattem is of interest in earth to earth ‘communication and broadcasting services, whereas the vertical plane patterns ‘are of interest in communication system between earth and space, or vice versa. For example, radio astronomy, radar, and space ‘communica- tions. 9.22.1. Fundamental Procedure. It is always necessary for measurement of radiation patiern 1 _/ have two antennas, Out of two antennas, one antenna under test and the other at some distance away for illuminating the former. The one will be transmitting and the other will be receiving. iproci ured radiation pattern is same for both whether antenna is transmitting or discussions to follow, Secondary antenna i There are receiving. Sometimes, “nienna under test may also be called as Primary antenna and the other as ives or transmits. ~~ — (en mary the secondary antenn: ary antenna so that only primary antenna patter will affect the result. Usually the Primary arena ic wansmitting, in this procedure, although it is not a necessary condition. The field strength readings and direction of the secondary antenna w.r.. primary antenna are recorded along the ¢ cle at different points. From the readings of ficld strengths ata numbe of points the plot of radiation ¢ __ pattern of primary. ‘amenria is made either in-rectangutar form.or-in Polar form. (6) Both antennas are kept in fixed positions having ‘a suitable spacing between them and secondary “Now.the primary antenna is rotated about.a vertical axis ma beam aimed at primary antenna. SSE alr antennas in horizontal pl “qniennas in Rorizontal plane). Usually, in this procedure, the secondary antenna is (a), oa ee et ‘rection. of the prim tema y The readings arc 2 sa number of points by SCOPPINg the rg x he readings or a continuous readin can onit "Pag Mr G ind chart are syncl (850, mitting, so that field strength. re anermacan tye made, antenna for recording hhronised with motor-generator = available, The rotation of antenna a! unig) distance between In this method use of pattern recorder cat be oe ae aoe wn be ener m4 J ic . umenna is fixed. Unlike primary antenna in hich ements and Ne second proce ai procedure is followed in low frequency ant measurements. of ane 22.2. Arrangements for Radiation Pattern Measurements, It ee pati form the. for radiation pattern measurement is shown in PIB. o.gshaving Seat in 2 rane any (Secondary antenna), amount fO" FOUN TT oF received field te detector (ie. Receiver) and indicator for indicating the relat The dh ’ ‘ar ntote may be entirely automatic or a point to point plot aaa aR ANTENN i“ cfpangua Trine ANTENNA) Scone unoer TES { ANTENNA, ‘SUPPORT SHAFT F CABLE TRANSMITTER ‘OR, OSCILLATOR Fig. 9.95. Radiation pattern measuring set up- j antennas uncer test as a receiver, placing it under proper, illuminai primary antenna, The primary antenna is fixed and the secondary is rotated on a vertical axis by antennas shafi. For Ey (@ = 90° - ) pattern meadurement the antenna support shaft is rotated with both aniemy horizontal and for Ey(@, @ = 0), pattern, the antenna support shaft is rotated with both antenna veri In dication may be on a direct reading meter calibrated in ficld intensity. If large number of patterns, areot ‘ken, ‘automatic pattern recorder’ may also be used, which is commercially available. ANTENNA OR ROTATOR MECHANISM. THON ATOR It is usual tg operate the 9.22.3. Distance Requirement. In order to obtain ac- 7 vrate far-field or Eraunofer radiation pattern, the distance between are , primary and secondary antenna must be large. If the distance be- ‘ epee tween the two antennas is very much small, then near field or Fresnel rf pattern is obtained, For accurate, Fraunhofer pattern measurements t ae RECEIVING peek the secondary antenna (i. antenna under test) should be illuminated —_ANYENNA by plane wavefront and plane wavefront is obtained only at infinite _ PERTURE distance. Thus the limit specified is that the phase difference be- *i8: 9:95. Phase difference benweet tween the cente and edge of the antenva under test should nou ‘8 /7eetvng ara for dae exceed 1/16. hould not__- requirement. Under this condition, the distance between Primary and Secondary antenna should be #1) eg ase Om core A " " a = a d = maximum linear dimension of either antenna ; where “= wavelength r = distance between Transmitter and Receiver ‘The value of may, be.calcullated in terms of receiving aperture d and distance r. From Fig, 9.96. cor (SJ? Orie etna 2 a r 28, 85 d; 8 = Phase difference ecror [ pase rsr=L Por 280-8 | +. 8 can be neglected. @& or 85 ) This shows that minimum distance requirement depends on wavelength 2. The value of r may be calculated by replacing § width allowable phase difference (Le. 5 - w/i6 typical). Reduction in r tends broader radiation pattern, higher ean MEET i 9.22.4. Uniform Illumination requirement, ‘The other pattern " ua requirement for an accurate field is chat primary antenna (transmitting) should produce a plané wave of uniform amplitude and phase over the i eas eal. TH imrferene wot ect ays and nde ys (waves eile om ind) should be avoided as far as.possible..Besides reflections from surrounding objects like buildings, cic, should also be avoided. For, test should be conducted in open plain area and antenna should be wees, 7 sisectional, installed on higher towers or tops of high buildings as illustrated in Fig. 9.97. PRIMARY ‘SECONDARY ANTENNA ANTENNA, (TRANSMITTING) Cie TEST ‘ANTENNA RECEIVING) impiRect RAYS: Tower TOWER ‘GROUND Fig. 9.97. Experimental set up for antenna test. 923, MEASUREMENT OF ANTENNA BEAMWIDTH (AND ALSO SIDE LOBE LEVEL) (AMIETE, May 1973) ifantenna radiation pattern is a measured and plotted on a graph paper (cither manually or by automanic pattern recorder), then measurements of beamwidth (and also of side lobe level) can automatically be obtained. ay the radiation pattern 1s must for Beamwidih meas \ Grements) From the pi TSmeasurcdas has ae ‘ Peen illustrated in Fig, 9.98. Here the origin is chosen along the height point as the major radi mT ‘and the ordinate-is represented in ‘ACIS. AS defined Beam- e width is the Angular width between half powePpotnts. ‘Thus half power beamwidih corresponds to 3-ab down Here in figure only nose region “am widih is ut downwards side lobes also exist. In figure HPBW = 10°. _ However, itisalso possible to measure the beam-— —ig° width without actually plotting the pattern provided aaTeS, brirfary antenna is rotated instead of secondary, FOr. pip_ 9.98, 1PBW or 3 db determination Y — beam PATTERN ~ Cae ANTENNA & WAVE PRO beam maximum is first found and a field strength reading is recor ded. The reat of angle Seti noted. Now the primary antenna is rotated in cither direction until the meter rading. com power level of beam maximum or $ times the voltage level. Again, the reading of ang =meBitny Vv : beamwi . this point. The difference between the two angles reading gives the half of the b a ed ps ng beam. This process is repeated on the otherside as a check i.e. primary antenna Is oe Othe beam maximum, until the power reading is half the maximum and angles readings are no . The Mit, between these two half maximum angle readings gives the beamwidth. N For measurements of side lobe level, the antenna is rotated and meter reading is pated whe lobe portion of the radiation is traversed. The reading is noted at the maximum of the hig! eee side lobe. the ratio of the power readings in the highest side lobe to the beam maximum power Treading will giv, lobe level. It is expressed in ratio. Typical ratios between highest point of major lobe maximum and, lobe minimum are 13 db, 20 db, 25 db, 40 db. 9.25. PHASE MEASUREMENTS , . The phase of an antenna is periodic and it is defined in multiples of 360°, In addition, the during measurements for comparison, “ that can be used to. measure phase and sta from the antenna are illustrated in Figs, 9.101 (a) and 9.101 () es Pp) pattern at short and long distances SOURCE relative quantity, and a reference must be provided ‘ Two basic system techniques that can be ust pectively. For the design of Fig. 9.101 (a), 1 ) MovaeLe PROBE PHASE |} UREMENT| CIRCUIT. FLEXIOLE CABLE TEST = —_ (a)Near field measurement. ) FIXED ANTENNA ROTARY JOINT DISTANCE SOURCE \ ANI UNDER ROTARY MOUNT st (b) Far-field measurement. Fig. 9.101. Phase measurement system oO ANTENNA & wa; a A 8 WAVE 5 . / SPR en sm signal is coupled from the transmission line and it is used to compare in an ® oa Dl a of the received signal. For larger distances this method does not allow a direct = Bria Teference and the received signal. In such cases, arrangement of Fig. 9.101 (b ) ei May be signal from the source antenna is received simultaneously by a fixed antenna and the ae Use, ae Pattern is recorded as the antenna under test is rotated while the fixed antenna serves ag pan Phase measuring circuit may be dual channel hetrodyne system. “ 9.26. CURRENT MEASUREMENTS Frequently it is desired to know the current distribution along an antenna. For examp) ; ify magnitude and phase of the current is known at all points along an antenna, the far field or the radi a can be calculated. rn : erating : There are a number of techniques that can be used to measure the current distribution, Qn, simplest methods require that a small sampling probe, a current is induced which is proportional tothe . of the test antenna. The indicating meter can be connected to the loop in different ways. If the wavelay very long, the meter can be consolidated into one unit with the measuring loop.-At smaller wavelengty, meter can be connected to a crystal rectifier. In order not to disturb the field distribution near the radiagy rectifier is attached to the meter using long leads. To reduce to interaction between the measuring insrmy tation and the test antenna and to minimise induced currents on the leads, the wires are wound on a dieiag support rod to form a helical choke. Normally the diameter of each turn, and spacing between them isa 2/50. The dielectric rod can also be used as a support for the loop. xn order to avoid de short circuit cai ervetal rectifier. a bypass capacitor is placed along the circumference of the loop. ESISTANCE (Rr ) (BY REFLECTION (AMIETE, Nov. 1970, 71,72, Rohtak Universi 0 it in whi inal for connectin . This method is suitable for antennas in which no antenna terminé 0 8 transmis available, for example, parasitic element antennas or for relative radiations resistance of parasitic the reflection method is usually used. Let a half wavelength resonant antenna no. 1 is placed in the field of transmitting antenny a. reflected power which is received by another antenna is measured as illustrated in Fig. 9.102. 9.27. MEASUREMENT OF RADIATION R ; SUBJECT OR TEST ANTENNA NO. | TRANSMITTER Fig. 9.102. Radiation Resistance Measurement by reflection method ‘The power re-zadiated by subject antenna is, then, given by a ~ (Bila) Ry, where k depends on the distance between transmitting and test antennas. £, = Field of transmitting antenna at subject antenna no. 1. Le, = Effective length of resonant subject antenna no. 1. R,, = Radiation resistance of resonant subject antenna no. 1. 7 “Tom Now let us take some standard {fall wave resonant antennd no, 2 (whose radiation resistanc® Yeon of different thickness and hence different effective length [Horak he some raw is case, the reflected power by subject antenna no. 2, is given by J Wi=k eee (9.175) Kn = Radiation Resistance of teat antenna no. 2. From eqn. 9.174 and 9.175, we have by dividing Wi _) RCE: Lee at gy aittlay Ry, 7 (9.176) If, it is assumed that, for small changes in length, the effective length is proportional to the physical Jength i.e - Lie Laj)and La & Ly OAT O17 ‘w.r.t another antenna can be calculated because ( Lo/L: ) asured in terms of ratio ( V2/V From eqn. the radiation resistance Ry, known and ( W2/W1 ) can be measured. The ratio W2/W1 V, = voltage received when test antenna no. | is under measurement. V2 = voltage received 1 when test antenna no. 2 ii is un under measurement. Thus, unknown radiation resistance R,, is calculated | ‘from O--E\IA Egn. 9.179 as each term in the right hand side is known. serene apt 7.183, 29. MEASUREMENT OF pi REN REC Directivity is defined by eqn, ae ot a i A Hation int Cirectivity = Maximum Radiation Intensity . Average Radiation Intensity — D = —_4® x Maximum Radiation Invensity = 0 p< Ratliation Intensity x sin 6 d@ 48 0) The directivity i Pate tobe used is the radiation intensity which i defined as the power wer sacin®le in the given direction. Since the average radiation intensity ee Power radiated, hence eqn. 9.184 is used to compute the directivity of antenna. anes are the polar angle and azimuth angle of spherical co-odinate system of the Except for the simplest antenna i Pattern, the inte, luated by graphical berical methods and commonly used methods are the following a eed 7 (i) Orange Slice Method. For a discrete value of @, a set of patterns is obtained by measuring radiation intensity versus 6, Each pattern is multiplied continuously by sin @ i weighting factor and then integrated. The integrated values for several pattern are then added oe toeqn. pie radiated from the antenna per unit Conical Cut Method. For a number of discrete value of 8, a set of pattem is obtained measuring radiation intensity versus @. Each pattem is integrated and integrated values each, are mnlopticd by the appropriate sin @ weighting factor and added. __ The radiation patterns which are measured for determining directivity include the effect of cross- polarization. Radiation intensity involves both power radiated in normal polarization and cross-polarization power. The latter component is usually large in the direction away from the peak of the pattern. Hence for determination of radiation intensity two sets of patierns may be measured using orthogonal polarization. 9.30. MEASUREMENT OF POLARIZATION Sometimes with some antennas it is of interest to measure the nature of polarization. The polarization of electromagnetic field may be measured atone frequency as. funcion fshe space angles Le polar angle @ and azimuth angle @ or at one angular position as a function of frequency. Measurement of polarization characteristics are specially desired where the dominant radiation is circul larized. ‘The polarization of the radiated field from an antenna is measured by measuring the received signal voltage with a linearly polarized receiving antenna (secondary antenna), since its polarization is rotated in the direction through 2% or 360°. If two maxima and two minima (or nulls) are obtained, the field is linearly poiarized in the direction corresponding to the maxima. The maxima and minima both will be 180° apart from ‘each other or nulls will be 90° apart from the maxima. The direction of the nulls are measured accurately than the maxima. If instead of nulls, (or zeros) maxima or minima are obtained, the field is said to be elliptically polarized, The ratio of maximum to the minimum field intensity is known as Polarization ratio or Ellipticity. When the polarization ratio is measured in the axis of the main beam of the subject antenna under test, then it 3 ANTENNA & Ways a =a (_860_ ae 's called as Axis Ratio (AR ). On the other hand, if the field is ae caer arication OF sere, is rotated, then the field ‘s said to be circularly polarized — a spec PAICAL Dog, AR = 1, Linearly polarized antennas such as half wave dipole or dipole array OF dipole with "en, used for polarization measurement rather any linearly polarized antenna will Solve the Purpes. measurements are also accomplished by using two fixed linearly polarized Teceiving antenna. . the ratio of the intensities received There are three methods used for measuring the polarwation Characteristics of 4 tere, wave e.g. 930.1. Polarization-Pattern Method, in which the polarization pattern with alinear an... direction of rotation of E are found. 9.30.2. Linearly Component Method, in Polarized components of the wave and the 9.30.3. Circular Component Method, in polarized components (of opposite rotation directi them are measured. which the amplitudes (E; and E, ) Of two pen. linearly telative phase angle § between them are meas. which the amplitudes (Es and Es) of two ~ on) of the wave and the relative Phase angle # . The first and second methods are very much similar and are intended for general use. How: of these three methods for measurement of elliptical Polarization, the third method is a difficult mex accurate performance as it needs two identical circularly polarized antennas which is difficult specia! wide band frequency.

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