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Intensive and Critical Care Nursing (2015) 31, 189—195

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Strategies for weaning from mechanical

ventilation: A state of the art review
Louise Rose a,b,c,d,e,f,g,∗

Critical Care Research, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre, Canada
Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing, University of Toronto, Canada
Provincial Centre of Weaning Excellence, Toronto East General Hospital, Canada
Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences, Canada
Li Ka Shing Institute, St Michael’s Hospital, Canada
West Park Healthcare Centre, Canada
Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) New Investigator, Canada

Accepted 28 June 2015

KEYWORDS Summary Identification and adoption of strategies to promote timely and successful wean-
ing from mechanical ventilation remain a research and quality improvement priority. The most
important steps in the weaning process to prevent unnecessary prolongation of mechanical
ventilation are timely recognition of both readiness to wean and readiness to extubate. Strate-
gies shown to be effective in promoting timely weaning include weaning protocols and use of
spontaneous breathing trials. This review explores various other strategies that also may pro-
breathing trial;
mote timely and successful weaning including bundling of spontaneous breathing trials with
Closed loop;
sedation and delirium monitoring/management as well as early mobility, the use of auto-
mated weaning systems and modes that improve patient—ventilator interaction, mechanical
insufflation—exsufflation as a weaning adjunct, early extubation to non-invasive ventilation
and high flow humidified oxygen. As most critically ill patients requiring mechanical ventilation
will tolerate extubation with minimal weaning, identification of strategies to improve manage-
ment of those patients experiencing difficult and prolonged weaning should be a priority for
clinical practice, quality improvement initiatives and weaning research.
© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

∗ Correspondence to: 155 College Street, Rm 276, Toronto, ON, Canada M5T 1P8. Tel.: +1 416 978 3492; fax: +1 416 946 0665.
E-mail address:
0964-3397/© 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
190 L. Rose

Implications for Clinical Practice

• Clinicians should seek to identify strategies to promote timely recognition of weaning and extubation readiness
appropriate to their clinical environment and the needs of individual patients.
• Patients experiencing difficult and prolonged weaning require careful consideration with a graduated, consistent
approach using a tracheostomy mask recommended for tracheostomised patients.
• Strategies such as early extubation to non-invasive ventilation and cough augmentation using mechanical
insufflation—exsufflation may be effective in certain subpopulations.

Introduction et al., 2007). These patients may be classified as simple

weaning (Boles et al., 2007). The remaining 30—40% may
be classified as difficult weaning, defined as requiring up
What is known about weaning from mechanical
to three SBTs and seven days to achieve weaning success
or prolonged weaning defined as requiring more than three
SBTs and more than seven days of weaning (Boles et al.,
It is undisputed that mechanical ventilation, though lifesav- 2007). These patients require a more graduated approach
ing is associated with complications resulting in risk to the to reducing the amount of support provided by the ventila-
critically ill patient (Adamides et al., 2009; Boles et al., tor or prolonging the time spent off the ventilator using a
2007; MacIntyre, 2001). Therefore weaning from mechan- T-piece or tracheostomy mask (Boles et al., 2007).
ical ventilation has been a long-standing priority in terms This state of the art review of weaning from mechan-
of research to identify the most effective and efficient ical ventilation will discuss recent evidence for strategies
methods and quality improvement initiatives designed to to promote weaning success including the bundling of SBTs
implement evidence and best practices. Existing data indi- with other complex interventions including sedation and
cate the most important steps in the weaning process to delirium monitoring and management and early exercise;
prevent unnecessary prolongation of mechanical ventilation automated weaning systems and ventilator modes that
are timely recognition of both readiness to wean and readi- promote improved patient—ventilator interaction; manage-
ness to extubate (Brochard et al., 1994; Esteban et al., ment of difficult and prolonged weaning; use of mechanical
1995). Inappropriate decision making regarding weaning insufflation—exsufflation (MI-E) as a weaning adjunct; early
and extubation readiness also is not without risk. Patients extubation to non-invasive ventilation; and the role of high
may experience respiratory and cardiac failure associated flow humidified oxygen in weaning.
with increased work of breathing during the reduction
of ventilatory support for weaning (Jeganathan et al.,
2015; Vagheggini et al., 2015). Reintubation due to post-
extubation respiratory failure has been shown to increase Spontaneous breathing trials, spontaneous
mortality from 2.5 to 10 times compared to patients that awakening trials and the rest of the alphabet
do not require reintubation (Rothaar and Epstein, 2003).
However, despite numerous studies attempting to identify As discussed earlier, a SBT or a weaning test is consid-
predictors of weaning and extubation readiness that have ered the best method to ascertain extubation readiness.
high levels of sensitivity and specificity, no one predic- In 2008, Girard and colleagues (Girard et al., 2008) pub-
tor or combination of predictor variables, either objective lished a multi-centre randomised controlled trial (the ABC
or subjective, has been shown to be particularly accurate trial) that paired a SBT with a spontaneous awakening trial
(Meade et al., 2001). In some contexts weaning protocols (SAT), also referred to as sedation interruption. Duration of
that provide structured guidance to weaning and incorpo- mechanical ventilation, intensive care unit (ICU) and hospi-
rate timely assessment of weaning and extubation readiness tal length of stay were reduced with the study intervention
may reduce the time to wean and overall duration of venti- when compared to the usual sedation and weaning prac-
lation (Blackwood et al., 2014). tices prevalent in the participating units at that time. A
A spontaneous breathing test (SBT) or weaning test key feature of studies evaluating the effectiveness of SBTs,
(Perren and Brochard, 2013) that comprises a focused SATs and those evaluating weaning and sedation protocols is
assessment of a patient’s capacity to breathe, currently the shifting of responsibility from physicians to nurses and
is advocated as the best method to ascertain extubation other allied health professionals such as physiotherapists
readiness (Boles et al., 2007). A SBT generally comprises and respiratory therapists (Ely et al., 1999). More recently,
30—60 minutes on either low levels of pressure support or Klompas and colleagues (2015) in a surveillance study of
continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) via the ventila- 3425 ventilation episodes, reported that the pairing of an
tor, or using a T-piece attached to the endotracheal tube. SBT with an SAT resulted in a reduction in ventilator associ-
A recent Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis ated events (VAEs) as well as reductions in the duration of
confirms the results of earlier studies that report no differ- mechanical ventilation, ICU and hospital length of stay. In
ence in terms of weaning success based on the SBT method 2013 VAEs replaced ventilator associated pneumonia (VAP)
(Ladeira et al., 2014). Most patients, approximately 60—70%, as the surveillance target for mechanical ventilation recom-
will require minimal to no weaning of ventilatory support mended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
and are extubated without difficulty after the first SBT (Boles (CDC) (Magill et al., 2013). A VAE is defined as two days or
Strategies for weaning from mechanical ventilation 191

more of increased ventilator settings after two days or more regardless of the patient’s inspiratory effort, effort adapted
of stable or decreasing ventilator settings. automated modes such as Proportional Assist Ventilation
In recent years, awakening and breathing coordina- (PAV) (The University of Manitoba, Canada) and Neurally
tion (ABC) has been bundled with delirium monitor- Adjusted Ventilatory Assist (NAVA) (Maquet, Solna, Sweden)
ing/management and early exercise/mobilisation to form adjust the amount of assistance based on continuous mea-
the ABCDE bundle (Pandharipande et al., 2010). The bundle surement of inspiratory effort (Schmidt et al., 2015). This
approach combines a set of evidence based practices shown enables physiologic variation in tidal volume, inspiratory
to be effective for improving patient outcomes (Resar et al., pressure and inspiratory time that is more similar than
2005) such as reducing the duration of mechanical venti- PSV to breathing without ventilatory support (Akoumianaki
lation. Monitoring for delirium using a validated screening et al., 2014). With PAV, the amount of assistance provided
tool such as the CAM-ICU (Ely et al., 2001) or the Intensive by the ventilator is automatically adjusted and propor-
Care Delirium Screening Checklist (Bergeron et al., 2001) tional to respiratory compliance and resistance measured
was recommended in the 2013 Pain, Agitation and Delirium throughout the inspiratory cycle (Branson, 2004). Therefore
(PAD) guidelines endorsed by several professional societies pressure assistance adapts on a breath-by-breath basis to
(Barr et al., 2013). Early mobilisation was shown to reduce the patient’s needs. The degree of assistance is set by the
the duration of ventilation (Schweickert et al., 2009) as well % support setting. As well as its potential use as a weaning
as to improve physical functional and cognitive functioning mode (Elganady et al., 2014; Xirouchaki et al., 2008), PAV+
(Hopkins et al., 2012; Winkelman et al., 2012). The com- has been shown to reduce patient—ventilator asynchrony
bination of these activities in a bundled approach can be compared to PSV thus promoting patient comfort, ventilator
viewed as an effective strategy for weaning as it has been tolerance and decreasing the need for sedation. Prevention
shown to decrease ventilation time potentially not only due of asynchrony that includes ineffective inspiratory efforts
to timely recognition of weaning and extubation readiness during expiration, double-triggering, aborted inspirations,
but also through reductions in the administration of seda- and short and prolonged cycling may also impact patient
tion and delirium incidence (Balas et al., 2014; Khan et al., mortality (Blanch et al., 2015).
2014). With NAVA, pressure delivered to the airways is pro-
portional to inspiratory diaphragmatic electrical activity
Automated weaning systems measured via an oesophageal catheter (Sinderby et al.,
1999). As with PAV, NAVA has been shown to reduce
Automated weaning systems theoretically enable more effi- over-assistance provided by the ventilator and improve
cient weaning when compared to clinician-directed weaning patient—ventilator interaction (Vagheggini et al., 2013).
by providing improved adaptation of ventilatory support A recent randomised controlled trial comparing NAVA to
to patients’ needs through continuous monitoring and conventional ventilation modes (pressure control and pres-
real-time intervention (Dojat et al., 1996; Lellouche and sure regulated volume control) in 170 critically ill children
Brochard, 2009) (see Table 1 for description of commercially reported a halving in the ventilation duration with NAVA
available automated weaning systems). A recent Cochrane (3.3 hours compared to 6.6 hours) though this did not reach
systematic review and meta-analysis of 10 trials reporting statistical significance. Sedative doses were also lower in
data on only those automated weaning systems that conduct children admitted for medical reasons though not when sur-
a SBT as part of their protocol reported that, compared to gical patients were included in the analysis (Kallio et al.,
non-automated weaning methods, these systems decreased 2015). This trial suggests NAVA is a feasible and safe venti-
weaning time, time to successful extubation, ICU length lator mode for children at least. At present, similar studies
of stay and the number of patients requiring prolonged have not been reported for critically ill adults though trials
mechanical ventilation (7 and 21 days) (Burns et al., 2014). A are underway (Rose et al., 2014).
second Cochrane systematic review and meta-analysis that
included 21 trials of all automated systems regardless of SBT
capability also demonstrated a reduction in the duration of Difficult and prolonged weaning
weaning as well as total duration of ventilation compared to
non-automated weaning methods (Rose et al., 2014). Auto- Patients that experience difficult or prolonged weaning are
mated weaning systems can be viewed as a computerised at increased risk of reintubation, are more likely to require
version of a written weaning protocol. As such, trials of tracheostomy, have a higher hospital mortality and are less
automated weaning systems were included in a Cochrane likely to be discharged home (Jeong et al., 2015). In a recent
systematic review and meta-analysis of weaning protocols systematic review and meta-analysis of studies reporting
that demonstrated reductions in weaning and ventilation outcomes of patients requiring mechanical ventilation for 14
duration with use of a protocol (Blackwood et al., 2014). days or more, only 50% were successfully weaned, 19% were
However, despite evidence to suggest their effectiveness for able to return home and the one year mortality rate was 50%
improving the efficiency of weaning, adoption of automated (Damuth et al., 2015). These are important data for clini-
weaning systems into clinical practice is modest at this time cians to consider that can inform discussions with patients
(Rose et al., 2011, 2015). and family members about the trajectory of care and poten-
tial anticipated reductions in quality of life. There is limited
Patient—ventilator interaction evidence regarding the most effective method for difficult
and prolonged weaning. Indeed a recent Canadian survey
Unlike pressure support ventilation (PSV) that provides reporting on weaning methods for patients ventilated over
the same level of pre-set pressure for every inspiration 21 days found of the 48% of ICUs that indicated they used
192 L. Rose

Table 1 Automated closed loop systems.

Name Manufacturer/Patent Brief description

Smartcare/PSTM Dräger Medical, Lübeck, Closed loop control of pressure support based on
Germany monitoring of respiratory rate, tidal volume and end-tidal
carbon dioxide. Tests for extubation readiness using a one
hour spontaneous breath trial
Adaptive Support Hamilton Medical, Closed loop control of inspiratory pressure and mandatory
Ventilation (ASV) Bonaduz, Switzerland breath rate on a breath-by-breath basis to maintain pre-set
minimum minute ventilation. Automatically switches to
pressure support ventilation and adapts pressure support
based on respiratory rate and tidal volume
Automode Siemens, Solna, Sweden Switches from a controlled mode (for example pressure
control ventilation) to a support mode such (for example
pressure support ventilation) based on detection of patient
triggering of two consecutive breaths
Proportional Assist The University of Adjusts airway pressure based on measurement of
Ventilation (PAV) Manitoba, Canada compliance and resistance throughout the inspiratory cycle
to maintain an clinician selected % degree of support
Mandatory Minute Dräger Medical, Lübeck, Closed loop control of the mandatory breath rate while
Ventilation (MMV) Germany considering the patient’s spontaneous breath rate based on
a clinician predetermined minute ventilation
Proportional Pressure Dräger Medical, Lübeck, Pressure support is provided proportionately to changes in
Support (PPS) Germany airway resistance and lung compliance. PPS is based on the
PAV algorithm
Neurally Adjusted Maquet, Solna, Sweden Partial ventilatory support proportional to inspiratory
Ventilatory Assist diaphragmatic electrical activity measured via an
oesophageal catheter
Intellivent-ASV® Hamilton Medical, Extension of ASV that uses closed loop control to adjust
Rhäzüns, Switzerland minute ventilation using end tidal carbon dioxide and
oxygenation by adjusting positive end-expiratory pressure
and the fraction of inspired oxygen
Mandatory Rate Taema-Horus Ventilator® Closed loop control to adjust pressure support based on a
Ventilation (MRV) Air Liquide, France respiratory rate target

a weaning protocol, only 25% had guidance specific to pro- experiencing difficult or prolonged weaning in ICUs and
longed weaning (Rose et al., 2015). A randomised controlled other care locations such as weaning units, respiratory
trial comparing PSV weaning with progressively extended intermediate care units and LTACHs. These patients, along
tracheostomy mask trials found decreased weaning time with those with spinal cord injury or restrictive lung dis-
and increased weaning success with the tracheostomy mask ease may experience impaired mucociliary clearance as the
(Jubran et al., 2013). This trial was conducted in tra- result of ineffective cough associated with respiratory mus-
cheostomised patients requiring mechanical ventilation for cle weakness or paralysis (Gonçalves et al., 2012). For these
greater than 21 days and admitted to a single long term patients, cough augmentation techniques such as lung vol-
acute care hospital (LTACH) in the United States. LTACHs ume recruitment, manually assisted cough and mechanical
admit medically stable patients from acute care hospitals insufflation—exsufflation (MI-E) (see Table 2) may be useful
including ventilated patients from the ICU after 21 days and strategies to promote successful weaning. Two studies by
have a lower intensity staffing model (Kahn et al., 2013). Bach and colleagues (Bach et al., 2010, 2015) report suc-
An important incidental finding of this study that used a five cessful extubation to continuous NIV using a mouthpiece
day screening window to assess the need for weaning prior to with MI-E used both before and after extubation for patients
randomisation, was that 32% of the 500 patients passed the considered unweanable due to profound respiratory muscle
weaning screen. This suggests that, as highlighted above, weakness and unable to pass a SBT. Continuous NIV and MI-E
the most important steps to weaning are timely recognition may offer a preferred option to tracheostomy and long-term
of weaning and extubation readiness, which still does not invasive ventilation. However the success reported in these
necessarily occur in a consistent and optimal fashion. two studies may not be generalisable to other settings as
both were conducted in a specialised centre highly experi-
Mechanical insufflation: exsufflation enced with MI-E and mouthpiece NIV. Additionally MIE was
performed on a half hourly basis and utilised family mem-
Patients with neuromuscular disease and those with ICU bers to aid in its delivery which is beyond the capabilities
acquired weakness comprise an important subset of patients of the average ICU. However a randomised controlled trial
Strategies for weaning from mechanical ventilation 193

reduced mortality, weaning failure, VAP, ICU and hospital

Table 2 Cough augmentation techniques.
length of stay and total duration of ventilation. Second,
Technique Description early use of NIV as a prophylactic intervention can be used
to prevent reintubation for patients considered at high risk
Lung volume Patient inhales a volume of gas (Bajaj et al., 2015). Third, NIV can be used as an unplanned
recruitment and retains it rescue therapy for respiratory failure that develops follow-
Procedure is repeated until ing extubation. In this situation NIV may be harmful if it
maximum insufflation capacity is delays reintubation (Esteban et al., 2004).
Gas can be delivered via a
self-inflating resuscitation bag High flow humidified oxygen
adapted with a one-way valve to
facilitate breath holding or a High flow humidified oxygen delivered via nasal cannula pro-
volume targeted ventilator vides heated and humidified gas (up to 100% oxygen) at a
Manually assisted Cough timed with an abdominal maximum flow of 60 L/minute. This high flow rate reduces
cough thrust or lateral costal air entrainment that occurs with other oxygen delivery sys-
compression once maximal air tems thereby facilitating consistent delivery of high oxygen
stacking is achieved and can be concentrations (Sim et al., 2008; Wagstaff and Soni, 2007).
timed to glottic opening in High-flow nasal cannulae have the capacity to generate low
non-intubated patients levels of positive end expiratory pressure (PEEP), though this
Mechanical Alternates delivery of positive is dependent on the gas flow rate, trachea size and mouth
insufflation— (inflation) and negative pressures closing (Chanques et al., 2013). Generation of PEEP may
exsufflation (rapid deflation) reduce work of breathing and associated tachypnoea (Groves
Delivered via an oronasal and Tobin, 2007; Kernick and Magary, 2010).
interface, mouthpiece, Recently high flow humidified oxygen administered via
endotracheal or tracheostomy nasal cannula has been proposed as an alternative to
tube non-invasive ventilation for patients experiencing hypoxic
Manual or automatic cycling respiratory failure and as a strategy to avoid reintubation.
Pressures of 40 cm H2 O The BiPOP trial (Stéphan et al., 2015) compared high flow
(insufflation) to −40 cm H2 O humidified oxygen via Optiflow (Fisher and Paykel Health-
(exsufflation) are usually most care, Auckland, New Zealand) to noninvasive ventilation
effective using Biphasic Positive Airway Pressure (BIPAP) via facemask
A cycle comprises one inspiration, after extubation in 830 patients following cardiac surgery.
expiration, and a pause with 4—6 Patients were eligible if they either failed a SBT; or passed
consecutive cough cycles the SBT but had preexisting risk factors for post-extubation
recommended for adults failure such as body mass index greater than 30, left ventri-
cular ejection fraction less than 40% and failure of previous
extubation; or passed the SBT and then failed extubation.
that used MI-E three times a day after extubation in a more This non-inferiority trial showed no difference in the primary
heterogeneous group of ICU patients able to pass a SBT has outcome of treatment failure defined as either reintuba-
also reported lower rates of reintubation compared to a tion, switch to the other treatment, or premature treatment
conventional extubation protocol (Gonçalves et al., 2012). discontinuation (21.9% with high flow humidified oxygen
therapy and 21% with BiPAP). There was also no difference in
secondary outcomes with the exception of skin breakdown
Early extubation to non-invasive ventilation
during the first two days which occurred more frequently in
the BiPAP group.
Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) is the provision of (usually)
positive pressure via an interface such as a mask, mouth-
piece or helmet. As such, NIV avoids the complications Implications for clinical practice and critical care
associated with artificial airways such as aspiration, VAP, research
sinusitis, pharyngo-laryngeal dysfunction and laryngeal or
tracheal wall injuries (Elmer et al., 2015). Non-invasive ven- Undoubtedly the most effective strategies to promote wean-
tilation may be used in three ways to optimise weaning and ing success in the majority of critically ill patients requiring
extubation success (Perren and Brochard, 2013). First, to mechanical ventilation are those that promote timely recog-
facilitate early extubation from invasive mechanical ven- nition of weaning and extubation readiness and that remove
tilation thereby reducing associated risks. When used in contextually specific barriers to this recognition. When
this manner, patients generally cannot pass a SBT or meet considering ways to optimise weaning success, clinicians and
standard extubation criteria. A recent Cochrane systematic decision makers need to assess weaning practices within
review and meta-analysis of NIV as a weaning strategy iden- their own clinical environment to identify opportunities for
tified 16 trials including 994 participants, most of whom had change and strategies likely to be most effective such as
a diagnosis of COPD (Burns et al., 2013). This meta-analysis a weaning protocol, the ABCDE bundle approach or use
reported that NIV, when compared to traditional weaning of an automated weaning system. Patients that experi-
strategies via invasive mechanical ventilation, resulted in ence difficult or prolonged weaning present a significant
194 L. Rose

clinical challenge and further research is required in terms and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Heart Lung
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offer solutions in certain patient subgroups, though again
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