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Part - 1

What is celibacy?
types of celibacy
celibacy is life
glory of celibacy
Why is there a need for

Part - 2

What is semen?
How is semen made?
What is the importance of
side effects of ejaculation
Importance of semen
Part - Third

What is masturbation?
disadvantages of
masturbation and marriage
masturbation is a disease
how to avoid masturbation

Part - Fourth

Terrible consequences of
watching porn
Truth of porn industry
how to stop watching porn

part five

What is nightfall?
Why do nightfalls happen?
How to avoid nightfall?
Ayurvedic Treatment for
freedom from nightfalls
Part - Six

need for exercise in brahmacharya

celibate food
celibate routine
Important rule for celibate
precautions to be taken while

Part Seven

Some confusion and their solution

how to remove weakness from
the secret to being strong

Part - Eighth

Some Important Yoga Asanas

Why is morning awakening
how to use smart phone smartly
Why is there a need for satsang?
Why become spiritual?
Hello my dear brothers and sisters! Celibacy
should be taught compulsorily in our
schools but unfortunately it is not
appropriate to forget our culture in the
name of modern education.

In today's time, the need for this knowledge

was not as much as it was before because
many types of contaminated things in the
society today, problems like porn,
masturbation are making children and youth
hollow and there is no one to tell them what
is right and what is wrong. Get

Today's parents should never be ashamed of

these things and should give the right
knowledge to their children, as you alert
them at every step of life, in the same way,
in their youth or adolescence, when sex is at
its peak, to give them the knowledge of
celibacy. So that they walk on the right path
and avoid harming themselves.
In this book I have discussed all those topics
which are the problems of today's youth and
also have solved them. After reading this
book, if you follow all the rules, you will be
able to see a lot of change in your life.

Your body will be healthy, your mind will be

happy and you will be able to do the work
you want to do, because by following
celibacy there will never be a shortage of
energy in you, your face will become bright,
whoever sees you will be attracted to you,
you will win the hearts of people with your
words. people. Everyone in the society will
respect you.

If you marry after following celibacy, then

your children will also be bright and
intelligent like you. In the end, I would like
to say that if you read this book and
implement the rules in your life, you will be
greatly benefited.

Part - 1
What is celibacy?

Celibacy is a lifestyle, a way of living life

with happiness and joy. Brahmacharya
teaches us to control our senses.

“Abstention from sexual intercourse by

mind, speech and action in all situations is
called brahmacharya.”

It is written in the Atharvaveda that the

gods have conquered death only through
celibacy. The deities have also attained
divinity through this celibacy.

Celibacy is the best penance: -
As such, ascetics do many types of
penance, but about celibacy, Lord Shiva
says "celibacy is the best penance".

It is written in Jain scriptures:-

“Tavesu va uttam brahmacheram” means

celibacy is the best of all penances.

The person who observes celibacy does not

destroy his semen, such a person's
enemies in the form of diseases stay away
from him, he is strong, intelligent and
sharp, he does not fear any Vastu, such a
person is not even afraid of death. The
desire power of a brahmachari becomes so
strong that once he is determined to
achieve that thing, he keeps on achieving

Maranam Bindopaten Jeevanam

Bindudharanat means "celibacy is life,
semen destruction is death".

Types of celibacy

Celibacy is the best penance: -

As such, ascetics do many types of penance, but about
celibacy, Lord Shiva says "celibacy is the best

It is written in Jain scriptures:-

According to our sages and scriptures, celibacy is

divided into two parts.
(a) Upakurvan Brahmachari
(b) Naishthik Brahmachari

Upakurvan Brahmachari: - This Brahmachari observes

celibacy from birth till the age of 25 and then marries.
It is suitable for household life.

Naishthik Brahmachari: - This celibate follows lifelong

celibacy and never destroys his semen from birth till
death. Siddha saints come in this category.
celibacy is life
"Celibacy is life, destruction of semen is
The place of oil in sesame, the place of ghee
in milk, the same importance is of semen in
the body. Semen is the king of the building
like body. Celibacy is very necessary for
welfare in life. The person who faithfully
follows celibacy, he has real happiness,
health, strength, sharpness, intelligence,
knowledge-science all happiness comes.

Destroying even a drop of semen is the

cause of death and protecting semen is
necessary for life.

Semen is the food for your bones, the oil for

your joints and the brightness of your face.
If a person observes complete celibacy for
25 years and enters the householder's
ashram, then his children also become
vigorous and bright like him and he can also
enjoy the full happiness of the
householder's ashram.

By following celibacy, such power comes in

a person, which people suffering from lust
cannot imagine. The root of every kind of
success is celibacy.
Celibacy is strength and strength is celibacy.
Where there is no celibacy there is no
success and where there is no celibacy there
is no strength.

Cowardly, lustful, weak, ajitendriya person

can never achieve success neither in the
material world nor in the field of spirituality.
A strong and courageous person gets all the

Therefore, those who want to get success in

any field of their life, they should follow
celibacy. By following celibacy, all kinds of
sorrows are destroyed. Semen (force) is
obtained by following celibacy.

Like men, celibacy is also compulsory for

women until they get married. There were
many such goddesses in the country of India
who followed celibacy throughout their life.
When both a man and a woman marry by
observing celibacy, their children will be
vigorous and bright.

Glory of celibacy
The most difficult diseases can be cured by
following celibacy. By following celibacy, all the
diseases related to semen are destroyed.

Celibacy leads to physical, mental and spiritual

progress of a man in all three ways. No disease
can attack a celibate quickly. Problems like
headache, abdominal pain, joint pain and
constipation don't even wander around him.

By following celibacy one gets strength, man

becomes a god. Through penance in the form of
celibacy, learned people can conquer even

Rishi Dayanand used to say, "A gram chewer

but celibate is a hundred times better than a
Prof. Ramamurthy ji had so much strength that
he used to mount an elephant on his chest and
stop two cars at the same time. He got this
much strength only through celibacy.
Why is there a need for celibacy?

To achieve success in life, for self-welfare,

to bring strength to the body, to become
courageous, to get rid of diseases, to get
good children, there is a great need for

Any person who wants to achieve success in

life, fame, respect in the society, progress of
the soul or progress in the spiritual field,
that person should follow the celibacy fast
with devotion.

Purity comes in life by following celibacy, a

person's thoughts are pure and his mind
remains happy.
Part - 2
What is semen?

Semen is the basic element in the human

body. Whatever food we eat, it goes
through different stages and finally
produces semen.

Semen is also called (Semen) in English. It

is a fluid that contains spermatozoa,
which is the cause of progeny. Sperms are
formed in the testicles of the male, which
combine with the secretion of the male
glands to form semen.

How is semen made?
According to Ayurveda, the food that a man
eats has to go through seven stages and
then finally semen is formed and these
seven stages take 5-5 days.

When food is digested juice is formed, blood

is formed from juice, flesh is formed from
blood, fat is formed from flesh, bone is
formed from fat, marrow is formed from
bone and semen is formed from marrow.

In this way, when we eat nutritious food in

40 days, then 800 grams of blood is formed
from it and then 15 to 20 grams of semen is
formed from it and this metal is called 'Raj'
in a woman.

That is why it is said in Ayurveda that the

person who protects his semen, his face
becomes bright. The stronger the semen of a
person, the more powerful and vigorous it
will be.

What is the importance of semen?
There is so much power in semen that you
can create a new body from it. The main
function of semen is to produce offspring.
When this semen stays in the body, it gives
the person energy, beauty, and gives him
the ability to fight against diseases.

Semen is the life force of the whole body, by

its protection the life is confirmed, mental
peace remains.

Just as when butter is removed from milk,

milk is of no use, when oil is removed from
sesame, it remains only husk, in the same
way, when semen is removed from the body,
the condition of the body becomes.

According to Ayurveda, two types of cells

have been found in our blood – one red and
one white. In this, white blood cells protect
the body by fighting against the germs of
diseases. By destroying the semen, these
blood cells become weak, as a result the
body is surrounded by many diseases.

Side effects of

Semen destruction affects our body, mind

and soul.

Side effects of semen destruction on the

body: -

By destroying the semen, the physical

strength of the person gets destroyed. Just
like a termite-infested wood makes it hollow
from inside, similarly the body of a person
who destroys semen becomes hollow.

There is a very bad effect on the genitals
of a person who destroys semen. Burning
sensation occurs while urinating due to
destruction of semen and sticky
substance which is semen starts coming
out while urinating.

The power to produce children

decreases. Hair turns white before old
age. Black spots on the face, pimples and
dark circles under the eyes.

Stomach related diseases occur due to

semen destruction. The digestive power
becomes weak and the problem of
constipation starts coming.

Pain in the knee joints and the face

becomes dull, the person's body also
becomes weak.

The release of semen causes a blow to

the heart, which causes tuberculosis and
heart-related diseases.
Side effects of ejaculation on
the brain: -
Semen destruction also has a very bad effect
on the brain, which destroys its memory,
intelligence and brain's working capacity.

The person who destroys semen cannot think

about anything, he starts feeling restless
because due to semen destruction, his power
to think and understand is destroyed.

Such a person gets nervous when there is a

slight adverse situation, his patience ends, such
a person gets angry very quickly on small
things, he cannot keep his anger under control.

Due to the weakness of the brain, the work of

his senses deteriorates and it also has a bad
effect on his power of seeing and hearing.

Due to ejaculation, a person goes into

depression and he starts having thoughts of
Side effects of semen
destruction on the soul: -

By destroying semen, the person's self-

confidence is completely lost, he starts
getting scared to go in front of the
people. Such a person starts considering
himself like an inferior animal.

By taking semen out of the body again

and again, the person becomes impotent.

The person who destroys semen does not

feel at all in spirituality and he goes on
destroying himself by getting trapped in
dirty habits.
Importance of semen
By conserving the semen one gets physical and
intellectual strength. The person who protects
semen (celibacy) understands even the most
subtle things easily.

It is said in the Upanishads that one who is not

celibate cannot even attain the Supreme Lord.

By faithfully following celibacy, reproductive

diseases of men and women are cured and their
children are also vigorous and bright.

The children should observe celibacy until they

complete their education, then if they want to
marry, they can do so.

In Hinduism, the life of a man is divided into

four ashrams – Brahmacharya, Grihastha,
Vanaprastha and Sanyas.

The householder should also maintain restraint

with his wife only for the birth of a child.
Part - Third
What is masturbation?

Masturbation is such an act by which a

person destroys his semen for
momentary pleasure and then repents.
Destroying your semen by masturbating
is like shaking the foundation stone of
your body.

Different people have different opinions

on whether masturbation is right or
wrong, medical science calls it normal,
and according to Ayurveda and our
scriptures, it is a wrong action.
In modern science medicine it is called
natural. Moreover, its benefits have also
been told, if you masturbate once or
twice a week, then according to modern
medical science, it is normal, but its
addiction is very harmful, this has
become a matter of today's science.

Now let's talk about what Ayurveda says

on this. According to Ayurveda, semen
has to pass through seven stages: from
food to juice, from juice to blood, from
blood to meat, from meat to fat, from fat
to bone, from bone marrow, from
marrow. Finally semen is formed.

In this way your 40 days earning is 20

grams of semen when you eat nutritious
food and it gets digested properly.

In research by modern medicine, it has

also been found that many such minerals
and vitamins are found in wheat which
are important for the development of
body and brain.
That's why Ayurveda says, "The stronger
the semen of a person, the more powerful
and bright that person will be."

The Vedas say that "If a person observes

unbroken celibacy for one year, then his
biggest diseases are destroyed from the
Disadvantages of masturbation
Many people argue that if masturbation had
to be avoided, then why did God create lust
at all? You fools, you come to defame God
for your momentary pleasure.

The simple answer to this is that God has

also given us wisdom and discretion so that
we can build relationships to have children
and increase the prestige of our family,
instead of destroying ourselves by falling
into indulgences.

The result of masturbation is very terrible,

the one who gets addicted to it, his body
becomes hollow from inside, powerless,
face withered and dull.

Due to the decay of the body of the person

who masturbates and the repeated
destruction of semen, it also has a bad
effect on the genitals.

The veins of his penis become weak and

semen starts ejaculating without any
Due to the weakness of the nerves of the
penis, his semen does not stop and
ejaculates on slight pressure or it comes
out while urinating.

Due to masturbation, many people also

become victims of nightmares, which
then take a terrible form and the person
starts experiencing old age in his youth.

Excessive masturbation leads to

weakness of the senses and loss of
eyesight, headache, back pain, joint pain
begins in youth itself, darkening in front
of the eyes, constipation and loss of

"Masturbation is the sharp ax that a man

kills with his own hands on his feet"

The secret and semen by protecting

which great scientists, knowledgeable,
scholars, yogis, warriors can be
produced, is being dumped in dirty drains
today, what can be more sad than this?
Masturbation and Marriage
The person who masturbates starts
getting scared of marriage also because
he has spoiled the situation by destroying
semen. Excessive masturbation can also
make you impotent.

Excessive masturbation does not leave

the power of a person's semen to
produce children, which affects his whole
life and many problems arise even after

Excessive masturbation weakens the

nerves of the penis, many times
masturbation causes injury to the penis,
due to which the nerves break badly and
the excitement in the person's penis
ends, such a person is not married and
becomes impotent.

Many people's genitals become so weak

that they start having problems like
Premature Ejaculation.
Masturbation is a

In today's time, the disease called

masturbation is spreading among our youth.
Just like the addiction of alcohol and
cigarettes, in the same way the addiction of
masturbation is increasing among our youth
and there are many people who are playing
with the lives of youth by praising its
benefits by telling it right.

Even diseases like cancer do not harm as

much as a person spoils his body and mind
by destroying semen.
How to avoid masturbation?
You will need a strong will power to quit the
dirty habit of masturbation and strong will
power will come in you when your thoughts
are pure.

You have to take this resolution from today

itself, taking God as a witness, take a pledge
that after today I will not do this wrong

"Ab lo nashani, ab na nashaiyo." That means

till now all the misery that was supposed to
happen has happened, but from today
onwards I will completely leave this

Let your mind be loose mind, if not today

then never, give it up with a firm pledge
from today itself.

Some people believe that once this habit is

formed, it will never leave again, this is
completely untrue, no work remains
impossible in front of a man's
There are many people who were badly
trapped in the addiction of masturbation,
they were destroying themselves, but when
they realized that it was not enough, then a
power was born from inside them and with a
resolution, they left it from the same day
and today they got married. This also
happened and the children are also
spending their time happily.

"Change your thoughts, your life will


Quit consuming stimulants like alcohol,

cigarettes, etc. which create excitement in
the body. Eat satvik food, when your food is
pure and pure then purity will also come in
your thoughts. There is a famous saying -
"As you eat food, so will your mind and as
your mind, so will your life".

Stop watching porn and obscene videos

completely. Stay away from dirty literature,
music and bad company.

Part - Fourth
Terrible consequences of
watching porn

Watching porn is right or wrong, different

people have different thinking in this, the
person who has the same idea is
attracted towards it.

Watching porn corrupts a person's

thinking. He starts judging the opposite
sex as a sex object and is engrossed in
this work of lust, which destroys his
intelligence, such a person prefers to be
alone and his social and family life gets
Many people get addicted to
masturbation by watching porn videos
which is a very destructive action.
Masturbation destroys the physical and
mental strength of a person.

Watching porn videos can be the main

reason for your failure because you waste
your precious time watching these
videos, time is their biggest wealth for
youth and waste of time means waste of

Porn videos have a bad effect on your

brain, a person's mental development
stops, his power to think and understand
is destroyed, many people do wrong
things by watching porn, which they feel
guilty for whole life.

It also has an effect on the sex life of the

person watching porn because
considering porn as true, their partner
expects the same which is not normal,
sometimes it also causes divorce.
Truth of porn industry

Porn industry has become a billion dollar

industry, people working here earn crores
of rupees for one video, you think that
you get all this for free, it is not at all like
that, you put your life, your health, your
mental capacity at stake and watch it.

Special care is taken in making the porn

videos that you watch, so that the person
watches it as much as possible, then you
do not even know when your 4-5 hours
How to stop watching porn?

Friends, if you are also addicted to porn

and even after a million attempts, you are
not able to leave it, then I am going to tell
you some such rules, if you follow them,
you will easily get rid of porn addiction.

You should have a strong desire to quit

any bad addiction, if you want me to get
out of this addiction, then you can
definitely come out of this addiction, you
have to believe in yourself and stop
seeing it from today itself. Give it

First of all, set a goal in your life,

whatever it may be related to your
studies, related to career or any other,
definitely make a goal, when you make
your goal, then spend all your time and
energy in fulfilling it. So you will have no
time left for useless works.

Swami Vivekanand ji has said - "Arise
awake and do not stop until your goal is

Learn new things, develop a hobby, do

such things that you like, make your
interest in it, slowly you will get out of
this addiction.

By doing meditation, the mind becomes

calm and the fire of lust does not rise
much inside us and our mind is more
attracted towards positive things, then
you can do meditation for at least 20
minutes a day.

Exercise, run or do yoga but do take out

at least 30 minutes for your body. Due to
this, negative energy comes out from
inside us and positive energy comes and
slowly we will not feel like watching dirty

Spend time with your family, talk to them
and share your things with them, by
doing this your mind becomes light and
no tension is left and if you are happy
then you will not get trapped in this
wrong habit.

Watch good videos so that you get

motivation, you must read Bhagwat
Geeta book, you will get answers to all
the questions related to your life in this

Friends, I would just like to tell you that if

everything is done on time then it is
appropriate. Only

Try to stay away from reality as much as

possible. Porn and obscene videos
destroy your physical and mental
strength very badly.

Part - Five
What is nightfall?

Nightfall are a mental problem. The

meaning of the dream is "ejaculation of
semen while sleeping." Many people want
to follow celibacy, but due to bad
dreams, their semen comes out, which
destroys their morale and physical

Whether it is once in a month or once in a

week, it is injurious to health. Due to
continuous dreaming, physical strength
starts getting destroyed.
Why do nightfall happen?
Masturbation is the main cause of
nightfall, apart from this, there are many
reasons that cause nightfall. Nightfall is
also caused by watching dirty videos or
having thoughts of excitement while

Eating more hot spicy food in dinner and

eating more food puts pressure on your
stomach, due to which there is also a
problem of nightfall.

Many people always keep bringing erotic

thoughts in their mind, so they definitely
have the problem of nightfall.

Apart from this, due to bad lifestyle and

weakness, dreams also start happening.
Bad food is also the main reason for this,
if you do more fast food, alcohol, any
intoxicant, then this problem starts
How to avoid nightfall?
First of all, from today itself you have to
stop watching dirty videos, pictures and
control your mind. "You become what
you think"
Watch good movies or shows to clear
your mind.

Exercise daily or do running, which will

make your body strong and physical
weakness will go away, so that you can
get rid of this problem.

Sleep till 10 in the night and leave the

bed by 4 to 5 in the morning. By
improving our lifestyle, we can avoid
many of our diseases and also get rid of
the problem of nightfall.

Having bad dreams is injurious to health,

but one should not be afraid of it. Being
afraid makes this disease worse. This
disease can be cured by practicing
celibacy and having pure thoughts.
Ayurvedic treatment
for nightfall?

There are also some Ayurvedic remedies

to stop nightfall, which can help you get
rid of this problem soon.

You can definitely get relief for a short

time by taking medicines, but if you
destroy semen, then this problem will
start again, so if you want to get rid of
this disease completely, then follow
celibacy along with the use of medicines.
Those who have the problem of
constipation, they also start having
nightmares, that's why you do not have
to let constipation happen at all, for this
grind equal quantity of "Julafa Haid and
Dhaage Wali Mishri". Consume one
teaspoon twice a day with fresh water.

"Bangabhasma" is also very beneficial to

remove the problem of dreams. One
spoon of Bangabhasma should be taken
with cream at night while sleeping.

The patient of nightfall should keep in

mind that you have to keep both your
mind and stomach clean.

Chew ten soft leaves of acacia and eat it

for two weeks, it provides relief in

Every morning eat one spoon of sugar

candy with 4-5 rose leaves and drink a
cup of milk on top of it, dreams stop.
In winter, add 3-4 dates and two spoons of
sugar candy in a loaf of milk and cook it well,
when the milk remains half, then remove it
and cool it and drink the milk and throw
away the kernels of the dates and eat the
dates, it will also increase the strength in
your body and relieve dreams. Will also get

The pills of "Chandraprabha Vati" are

available in the market. Taking two tablets
of it daily with milk stops the dream.

Amla is chemical. Very useful for celibacy.

Consume one Indian gooseberry every day,
after eating it for a week, its results will start
to be seen, the nightfall will also stop

Eat one big spoon i.e. ten to fifteen grams

of Gulkand two hours after the meal.

Mixing one spoon of isabgol husk and two

spoons of sugar in water at night before
going to bed, take it for one month, you will
get benefit.
Add more red chilies, fried foods, spicy
and spicy food and stop the consumption
of sweets completely. If you consume
eggs, meat, alcohol, then stop it.
Consume green vegetables, peeled
moong dal and fresh chapati, and eat
some jaggery at the end of the meal.

Drinking buttermilk in the summer

season gives coolness. Put ground cumin
seeds in buttermilk and add salt.

Taking 5 grams Triphala powder mixed

with honey strengthens the body and
stops having bad dreams. If you feel heat
from honey, then mix it in sugar candy.

Take out the pulp of watermelon seeds,

grind sugar candy equal to its weight and
mix it and keep it in a vial. Eat 10-10
grams of chewing gum in the morning and
evening. By consuming it for 3 months,
the body becomes shapely, athletic and
Free from Nightfall
Some young men think that semen has to
come out, if we do not masturbate then it
will come out due to nightfall, so why not
enjoy it by masturbating. This is a big

The semen which does not become a part

of the body comes out in dreams, but
with masturbation the whole body gets a
shock and this semen which has become
a part of the body gets diluted and comes
out of the body.

Dream Interpretation: It takes enough

time for sex and fornication in the dream.
So don't fall into this illusion and keep
the semen.

Keep your thoughts and conduct pure,

don't talk dirty to anyone, don't watch
any such video which will arouse lust in
you, if you follow celibacy by improving
food and lifestyle, then you will be saved
from the problem of dreams.
Part - Six
Need of exercise in

Exercise is very important for maintaining

celibacy. Anyone who wants to remain
celibate should regularly exercise daily.

By exercising daily, even a weak person

becomes strong and a patient becomes
healthy and a vicious person becomes
virtuous, that is why exercise has been
said to be so important for a celibate.

By exercising, the muscles of the body
become strong and there are no diseases
like nightfall, strength increases in the body,
self-confidence increases.

In exercise, you can choose penalty sitting,

running, swimming, or playing any sport
according to your interest. Yoga is very
important for following celibacy, further I
have explained in detail about some
important yoga asanas.

By exercising daily, the weakness of the

body goes away and a glow comes on your
face, the power to do any work increases.

By exercising daily, laziness and laziness

leave your body and run away and you work
with full enthusiasm. Exercising daily
increases your semen.

Whatever we say by doing exercise gets

digested well and is felt in the body. The fire
in your stomach is fine and you have a good
Some youths complain that what exercise
should I do, I do not get to eat well, so
friends, I am not asking you to exercise
for 8-8 hours like wrestlers. If you
exercise even for half an hour daily, then
you do not need to eat any special food,
homemade pure sattvic food is sufficient.

And if you have money then you can eat

things like cashew nuts, almonds and milk
etc. otherwise home food is enough for
half an hour of exercise daily.

Exercise strengthens the body, increases

intelligence, sharpness and strength. By
exercising while following celibacy, the
body becomes shapely and attractive.

Nappies must be used while exercising.

By wearing a nappy, the nostrils remain
suppressed and diseases like hernia do
not occur. Sensual thoughts also do not
come from wearing a nappy.

Food for Brahmachari's
There is a saying, "As the food, so the
mind" Our mind becomes like the food we
eat and our life is like our mind.

3 pillars of a healthy life have been

mentioned - diet, sleep and celibacy

To follow celibacy, you need to pay a lot

of attention to your food. The food of a
celibate should be pure, sattvic and
nutritious; one should not eat such food
which increases the heat inside it, that is,
increase the heat. He should consume
things made from cow's milk like milk,
ghee, butter, buttermilk, lassi, kheer, curd

"Genital organs cannot be conquered

without conquering the sensory organs"

Don't eat too much fried and too sour
and sweet things with more chili

Have dinner by 7:00 pm. There is delay

in digesting food if we eat late. Our
body is mixed with this nature. As the
sun rises in the morning, our gastric
fire also increases and as the sun sets,
our gastric fire also slows down, so
those who eat food till 10:00 am, their
food is never digested completely and
Which rots and gives them many new
diseases, so whoever wants to follow
celibacy to keep his body healthy, he
should eat food till 7:00 pm.

Do not eat food while watching mobile

TV, because of this, our food does not
get absorbed completely in the body.
Chew the food slowly and eat it.

According to Ayurveda, we should
chew a piece of food at least 32 times
so that enough juice is formed and
digested quickly and provides energy
to our body.

Must fast for 1 day in a month. You can

keep fast on Ekadashi because it falls
twice in a month, so you will fast twice
in a month. If you have any disease
then you can fast after consulting a

One should never eat more than

hunger, some space is kept empty in
the stomach, many people have a habit
of eating solid food in one go, which is
very harmful, by doing this, the food
does not get digested completely and
it takes more time to digest it. It also
takes time.

The reason for this is that you can eat it
little by little in two or three times, by
doing this your food will be digested well
and you will not feel lazy, if you eat in this
way also you will get energy.

Completely give up non-vegetarian food,

a non-vegetarian can never become
celibate. Milk and fruits are the best food
for a celibate.

Quit cigarette, alcohol or any intoxicant

completely. All these come in tamasic
food and create feelings like anger, greed,
jealousy in you.

You have to gradually incorporate these

rules in your lifestyle, it is not that you
adopt these rules at once and you are not
able to follow any rule.

You have to gradually put these rules in

your lifestyle one by one so that you will
be able to follow these rules easily.
Celibacy Routine

If you follow a good routine then you

never feel lazy because from the routine
we come to know that at what time we
have to do what work.

By following the routine, all our work is

done on time and we never get stressed,
if we do any work without routine, then
we do not have any idea of its time and
there is a lot of important work which is
left out, then you have a Routine should
definitely be made.
Here I am telling some rules of celibate
routine which you must follow

A celibate should get up in Brahma

Muhurta from 4:00 to 5:00.
Yoga and exercise should be done daily.
A brahmachari should always bathe in
pure and fresh water. Bathing in cold
water suppresses sex power and calms
the mind, while bathing in hot water
makes the body weak.
Good satvik and pure food should be
We must worship our favorite God by
which our mind becomes pure and dirty
thoughts do not come in our mind.
As soon as we wake up in the morning,
we should make a plan for our whole day
that what we have to do today.
Food should be eaten in small quantity
at night.
Should go to sleep by 10:00 pm, do not
use mobile at all while sleeping.

Important rule for celibacy
So far it has happened, but not now,
there should be improvement. Heroes of
Mother India! Wake up, be careful for the
future and make your life meaningful by
following celibacy.

A thin skin is lying on the front of the

urinary tract, there are many small glands
on this part, from which a special type of
white discharge comes out. While taking
bath, we should remove this skin and
wash it properly, otherwise many people
start feeling itching, burning and

Offer water to your penis daily while

taking bath, offering water to your penis
provides relief from many diseases
related to semen and also coolness to the
brain. You can take water in a pot and
pour a thin stream of water on your penis
while taking a bath.

Meditation which we also call meditation.
By doing meditation, our mind gets peace
and even if the thoughts of sex do not
come in our mind, then we get the power
to tolerate them. By doing meditation,
your mind becomes calm, your intellect
sharp and a seriousness comes on your
face, people get attracted to you and
there is sweetness in your speech.
precautions to be
taken while sleeping
Sensual thoughts are at their peak in the
night and in the scriptures, the time of
intercourse has been fixed at night only.
That is why it is clearly stated in
Ayurveda that a student and a celibate
should not stay awake for a long time in
the night, he should sleep by 10:00.

We should not eat too much in the

dinner, the dinner should always be light
so that there is no pressure on our
stomach, if we eat more food and there is
pressure on the stomach, then there are
problems of dreams etc., which is very

Don't do any kind of dirty scene, dirty

conversation and dirty behavior while
sleeping, keep this caution while
You should sleep with your head facing east
in your house. Sleeping with head in the
north direction is very harmful. Sleeping
with your head towards the east brings
wealth, sleeping with your head towards the
south increases your age, and facing west
brings great anxiety and death by turning
your head towards the north. At the time of
funeral rites, everything is done in the north
direction of the dead body. Sleeping with
the head in the north direction reduces the

In Ayurveda, turning to the left is said to be

the best for health. By sleeping in this
position, the body's organs work properly.
Sleeping on the left side is also fit for the

Wash your feet with cold water at bedtime

and sleep, which gives coolness and sleep is
also good. If you have trouble sleeping, then
wash your feet with cold water and massage
mustard oil in it, which has many benefits.
Yes, you will get a very good sleep and will
also get relief from stress.
Part - Seven
Some confusion and their solution

This illusion has been created in the

minds of the youth that the way a
water tank gets filled, then water starts
coming out of it, in the same way, when
the semen bag gets filled, it becomes
necessary to remove it, otherwise we
will get many types of diseases. .

This is a completely imaginary and

superstitious thing, there is no proof of
this neither scientific nor Ayurvedic.

This perfection is a false thing which

has been run to trap the youth in this
trap. Good people used to break sweat.

Some people believe that following
celibacy leads to impotence, which is
completely wrong, but on the contrary, if
you masturbate, then you can definitely
get impotence, until you get married, you
should follow celibacy. should do.

In our Hindu religion, considering a man's

life as 100 years, his life has been divided
into 4 classes, which we also call four
ashrams, which are Brahmacharya,
Grihastha, Vanaprastha and Sanyas. So
you must follow celibacy for 25 years,
then those who want to marry can marry.

Before this, if you destroy your power,

destroy your semen, then you may have
to face premature old age, impotence
and problems in child birth. Masturbation
stops your mental development and
problems start coming in all education

Today's modern doctors and many
celebrities are seen propagating that
masturbation relieves stress and helps
you sleep better. Hey fools! How can you
sleep peacefully by destroying your
precious semen? How can you sleep
peacefully after destroying your 40 days'
earnings? It is not the sleep of happiness,
it is the sleep of your weakness. When
you destroy the semen, your body
becomes loose at the same time and you
start feeling weak due to which you feel
sleepy immediately.

According to Ayurveda, due to the

destruction of semen, weakness in a
person, loss of eyesight and destruction
of intelligence, his face becomes dull and

how to remove weakness
from masturbation

Many people get caught in a bad

addiction like masturbation, due to which
their physical strength is destroyed and
there is weakness in the body. Some
measures have been given to remove it, if
you follow it, you will start seeing good
results in a few days and your body will
become as strong and vigorous as before.

To remove the weakness caused by
masturbation, first of all you have to stop
masturbation completely and decide from
today itself that you will not masturbate
after today and follow celibacy.

In Ayurveda, the consumption of milk and

milk products has been said to be very good
to remove the weakness of the body. By
drinking one to two glasses of milk daily, you
will get a lot of benefit in physical weakness
and milk products such as ghee, milk,
buttermilk, curd, and kheer should be
consumed in plenty.

Leave non-vegetarian at all, many people

believe that non-vegetarian has more
power, but this is an illusion that has been
spread among the people, maximum power
has been found in vegetarian only.

To remove the weakness caused by

masturbation, you can use the powder of
jambule kernels and also eat jambule.
Regularly take 3 grams powder of jambule
kernels twice a day with water, you will get
quick benefits.
Banana is a very beneficial fruit to increase
the strength of the body. Whoever feels
weakness in the body should eat banana
regularly, then his physical weakness goes
away quickly. Peeling a banana from the
middle and eating it after applying honey
gives quick relief in weakness of the body.

Eating an apple daily also removes physical


Mix raisins with sprouted grains like

sprouted gram and moong and soak them in
water in the evening and chew and eat it in
the morning, this will give energy to your
body and also remove weakness.

Consume plenty of mango, litchi, banana,

water chestnut, watermelon and all other
seasonal fruits. Include fresh fruits in your
diet. Apart from this, pay attention to eating
leafy and green vegetables, which increases
your semen and removes the problem of

Apart from this, you can also consume
dry dates, dried dates increase strength
in the body very quickly, you can also eat
almonds and cashews, but keep in mind
that eating too many almonds can also
cause nightmares because almonds
become hot in progress. Which increases
the heat inside.

Apart from this, you can also consume

figs, soak figs and raisins in water in the
evening and eat them in the morning, this
will give you quick relief, physical
weakness will go away and strength will
also increase in the body.

There are also some Ayurvedic medicines

which can cure you soon. In this,
Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Safed Musli and
Kaunch seeds are easily available in the
market. Put it and after 15 minutes cool
the milk and drink it, it will give you
immense benefits.

the secret to being strong

Celibacy is the only strength. The person

who wants to be strong, needs sharp
intelligence, he has to follow celibacy,
without celibacy there is neither strength
nor intelligence.

Shri Hanuman ji is considered to be the God

who gives both strength and wisdom, who is
an unbroken celibate, no one in this world
has as much power as him. Shri Hanuman ji
is the ocean of strength and wisdom. This
power has come to him only through the
penance of celibacy.
Part - Eight
some important Yog Aasan
To make the body healthy, strong and
disease-free and to protect the semen, the
ancient sages have made a rule of
yogasanas. With the practice of these
asanas, semen disorders go away, the blood
is purified, the main body becomes sharp
and along with physical strength, mental
strength also increases.

The diseases which are not cured even by

medicines, why do they get cured by using
these asanas.

Yogasanas should be practiced on an empty

stomach. You can do the asanas in the
evening or in the morning according to your
convenience. To do these asanas, you can
practice them by going to a clean place
where pure air comes. Although there are
many asanas, but I am telling you those
which are important for you.


Procedure:- To do this posture, first of all

choose a wall because you are new and it
will be done on its support. Spread a pillow
at a distance of 8 to 10 inches from the wall,
by making both hands scissor, keeping the
head on the cushion, raise both the legs up
with the help of the wall. The legs should
remain absolutely straight. This asana
should be started for 15 seconds in the
beginning and slowly By increasing slowly,
you can practice for 5 minutes.

Benefits: - This asana purifies the blood,

gets rid of problems like headache.
Constipation is removed by doing this
practice daily, the speed of semen is
upward, the eye light increases. White hair
starts turning black again.

Method of Action:- Lie down on the flat

ground, give direct transmission to the
hands, after that raise the feet slowly and by
taking support of the hands on the waist,
straighten them so much that only the
upper part of the shoulders rests on the
ground. Keep the whole body pulled up,
keep the breath in, look at the big toe.

Benefits:- By doing this asana, the liver,

spleen and intestines get purified and the
gastric fire becomes intense. The problem of
constipation goes away, it is good for semen


Method of action: - First sit on a seat, now

firmly place the heel of the left foot
between the anus and testicles, then bend
the right leg and place its heel in the space
above the penis in such a way that the
penis is between the two heels. Come, keep
the hands on both the knees, the waist,
neck and spine should remain straight.
Focus your attention on the tip of the nose
or the space between the two eyes.

Benefits: - By doing this asana, there is

suppression of sex power, by practicing
this asana, by making the mind stable, the
problems of dreams etc. go away in a short
time. You can do this exercise for half an
hour or 45 minutes.

Action Method:- Sit on the ground and

straighten both the legs, bending
forward, hold the thumbs of both the feet
with both the hands and at the same time
exhale and pull the stomach in and keep
the head on the knees, if possible,
between the legs. Try to keep the feet on
the ground, do not bend at the knees and
keep the toes straight forward.

Benefits:- It is best for the stomach, it

intensifies the gastric fire, the pain in the
stomach remains mild, the fat of the
stomach is reduced and the height of the
age increases.


Method of action:- To do this asana, put the

claws of the hands towards the feet and
keep a gap of 1 foot between the claws of
the hands, join the elbows and apply them
on the navel, raise the feet up, both the
feet should be together and remain tight.
The head should be raised upwards, like a
peacock, the whole body should be
balanced on the toes of the hands.

Benefits:- By doing this asana, the

digestive fire gets intensified. There are no
semen related diseases, hands are strong,
belly fat is less.


Methodology: - Keep both the hands on the

waist and stand up, lift one leg up slowly,
the name should be raised from the knees,
when the foot comes in front of you, then
holding the thumb of the other's foot with
the same hand, the breath should remain
inside. Similarly, the second hand was also
used for other money.

Benefits:- By doing this asana, all the

diseases related to the stomach go away
and makes your thighs strong.

Why is morning
awakening necessary?
Be it a celibate or a householder who wants
progress in his life, he must practice getting up
early in the morning. The time between 4:00
am to 5:00 am is a boon for celibates and
students. The calm and pure environment of
this time gives you many advantages.

Waking up early in the morning strengthens a

person's will power and he is able to do the
work he has decided to do.

Most of the big businessmen, leaders, actors

and great people who hear the names of them
get up till 4:00 in the morning because morning
time is favorable for them, at that time they do
some creative work or do their work. Pay
attention to the body, exercise, do yoga. The
morning environment is full of oxygen.

Whoever wants to observe celibacy and

increase his life span must wake up early in the

In the morning, man gets from it, he
doesn't get diseases and doesn't even get

The matter of getting up early in the

morning seems small, but its importance
is very big. The number of people who
always wake up early in the morning is
very less, but those who become great
men are such people.

The person who does not get up early in

the morning and sleeps till late, has a bad
effect on both his age and body. A man
who does not wake up early in the
morning loses everything, health, age,
strength and celibacy.

Therefore, people who want progress

should wake up early in the morning.

How to use smart phone

"Smartphone is smart but are you smart

enough to use it properly."

Mobile is very important thing in today's

time through EC we can give good things
as well as bad things also you have to
decide what you see in it. Many people
open the path of their destruction by
seeing dirty things in mobile and many
people start a big business by studying
through the same or by learning some
skill, today we have many such examples.
Friends, mobile is a medium, you are the one
who runs it, then you have to decide what
you want to see in it, if you want to watch
porn, then you must understand the
destruction of your physical and mental
strength. And if you see good things, your
thoughts will be good and you will be able to
progress in your life, the decision is yours.

Our mobile can also become the medium of

our progress and you will have to decide for
our downfall as well.

If you have a habit of watching porn and

dirty videos, leave it from today itself, take a
break from your mobile for a few days and
keep it, by doing this your mind will get
some rest and it will be able to understand
well that what is my life worthless. Things
are getting wasted then when you
understand it well then use it.

You can also fix a time to run the mobile

that I will run the mobile from so to so many
hours, the rest of the time I will do my work
or study.

Why is there a need for satsang ?

Every person should keep the company of

people better than himself because the
improvement of a man can not be done in
any way by good company.

A poet has written very beautifully that

sandalwood is cool, the moon is cooler than
sandalwood, but the association of sages
and the satsang of great men is more
soothing, enjoyable and cooler than the
moon and sandalwood.

The person who wants progress in his life

should associate with the best men only, do
not associate with any person who takes you
on the path of ruin, such a person himself
gets ruined and drowns with the one who is
with him. Is.

Good company can reform even a fool from

a fool and a degenerate person from a
degenerate. Even the most foolish person
can become a scholar and a degenerate
person with character.
Why be spiritual ?

By becoming spiritual, our faith is

strengthened. You can have faith in any
God you believe in. By doing this, our
faith is connected with a Supreme Power
and it comes to believe that he will help
me and you will help me in your life. Let's
leave the worry to that God.

It is also good for our mental health, it

gives us relief from stress and spirituality
is necessary to maintain peace within us
in adverse or negative times.

Spirituality brings positive thoughts in
you and all the dirty thoughts are
destroyed as you go to your favorite God
or take his name.

Spirituality means giving and sharing –

which teaches you to be grateful to
everyone. Spirituality removes
negativity, increases love and brings each
other closer.

Spirituality is a way to connect with God,

it purifies our thoughts and purifies the
mind, eliminating all the negativity in the

Whatever is described about celibacy, it is
less. Whoever observes celibacy is strong
and has a radiance on his face.

A celibate person is courageous, he is not

afraid of death, the follower of celibacy
always walks with his chest stretched.

Whoever observes brahmacharya, all these

things come automatically to him, strength,
intelligence, fame.

A brahmachari is never lazy, because of this

he keeps developing continuously, his soul
keeps progressing continuously and he is
seen with respect in the society, everyone
respects him, people get attracted to him.

Youngsters! All I would like to say to you is

that until you get married, follow celibacy
with devotion. Due to which your married
life will also be spent happily.
Shri Krishna has clearly said in the Gita, "That
this mind is the charioteer of the body, which
repeatedly misleads our intellect. We should
not become slaves of this mind, but make this
mind our slave, then whatever we say, this
mind is our every Will obey and will be in our

As long as there were Gurukuls in India and

education of celibacy was given, till then our
India remained on the post of Vishwa Guru, but
as soon as our Gurukuls and the education of
celibacy were abolished, so much destruction
of our youth and society has started.

Today's small boys are also trapped in these

lust and sensual lust, there is no one to explain
them, neither they get good teachers nor their
parents give them any knowledge about these.

My only request to any brother who has read

this book is that if anyone asks you for advice
about celibacy, then definitely tell him and tell
your younger brothers about celibacy and
make your friends aware of celibacy.

By which we will be able to build a good
society and this filth which is spread in
our society will end only when we

If we all follow Brahmacharya, then our

India will again come in the category of
Vishwa Guru because only by following
Brahmacharya, strength, intelligence and
all kinds of opulence can be attained.

Copyright Terms

This book is written by Admin of

@brahmacharya_is_life Instagram page.
Only @brahmacharya_is_life page has the
right to sell this book, so no one should
try to copy or sell it without permission.
All copyrights of this book are with
brahmacharya_is_life Instagram page. If
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