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Java Institute for Advanced Technology

Database Management System 1

H7DX 04
H7DX 04/AS/01

Chandupa Nimsara Numwan Jayalath

What is the Database?

A database is information set up so that it can be easily accessed, managed, and updated. Computer
databases typically store collections of records or files containing information such as sales transactions,
customer data, financial data, product information, and so on.

Databases are used to store, maintain and access all kinds of data. Collect information about people, places,
and things. This information is collected in one place for observation and analysis. A database can be viewed
as an organized collection of information.

What are databases used for?

Businesses use data stored in databases to make informed business decisions. Some of the ways organizations
use databases include:

 Improve your company's processes. Businesses gather information about business processes such as
sales, order fulfillment, and customer service. Analyze this data to improve these processes, expand
your company, and boost sales.
 Maintain customer records. Databases frequently store information about individuals, such as
customers or users. Social media platforms, for example, use databases to store user information such
as names, email addresses, and user behavior. The information is used to recommend content to users
and to enhance the user experience.
 Secure personal health information. Healthcare providers use databases to securely store personal
health data to inform and improve patient care.
 Save personal information. Personal information can also be stored in databases. Individual users, for
example, can use personal cloud storage to store media such as photos in a managed cloud.
The Evolution of Database Management System.

Humans began storing information long ago. The first humans had to track and manage limited resources in
order to make well-informed decisions. I still don't know if they knew early on they were using database
management. But ancient civilizations like the Egyptians and Sumerians knew what they were doing when
they pioneered accounting techniques to keep track of dates and make sense of everyday life. Before
computers became widespread, sophisticated database systems were developed by government agencies,
libraries (what is the Dewey Decimal System, if not one of the most famous databases of all time?), hospitals,
and corporations. Some of the basic principles of these systems are still used today in modern database

Various studies have shown that whenever we hear an object, our brain uses images to recall it. For example,
"Do you like apples? Don't think about the letters 'a', 'p', 'p', 'l', 'e', use the image of the apple to get all
relevant information about the apple. This is how data processing in the brain works. Of course it's
complicated and very efficient. When we ask ourselves, "What is a database?” we often think of a collection of
interrelated tables. If someone had asked the same question in the 1990s, they might have considered pulling
all the information from one big spreadsheet. But today we have moved away from the simplified definition of
a database entirely.

The main purpose of the database is to allow easy and effective storage and retrieval of data. Compilation of
structured data (records). In a database, information is stored in tabular form and the data may or may not be
linked to each other. So we can say that a database is basically a collection of database files, and each
database file is a collection of records.

Let’s discuss more briefly,

1. Flat Files (1970s-1990s)

A flat file database is a database that stores information in a single file or table. Each line of the text file
contains records whose fields are fixed length or separated by commas, spaces, tabs, or arbitrary records. It
also cannot contain multiple tables.

Flat file database is implemented in:

 Berkeley DB
 SQLite
 Mimesis
 TheIntegrationEngineer etc.
2. Hierarchical (1970s-1990s)
As the name suggests, hierarchical databases contain data in hierarchically arranged data. If you think about it,
you can think of it as a family tree with parent-child relationships. Each parent can have many children, but a
child can only have one parent of hers. One-to-many relationship. The hierarchy contains levels or segments
that correspond to record types in the file system. All attributes for a particular record are listed under the
entity type.

Network database is implemented in:

 Digital Equipment Corporation DBMS-10

 Digital Equipment Corporation DBMS-20
 RDM Embedded
 Turbo IMAGE
 Univac DMS-1100 etc.
3. Network database (1970s -1990s)

Network database management systems (Network DBMSs) are based on a network data model that allows for
multiple parents and multiple child records for each record. A network database enables entities to have a
flexible relationship model.

Database management systems are classified into four types: relational, network, graph, and hierarchical.

The diagram below depicts a network data model in which the Stores entity is related to multiple child entities
and the Transactions entity is related to multiple parent entities. To put it another way, a network database
model allows one parent to have multiple child record sets, and each record set to be linked to multiple nodes
(parents) and children.

Some of the popular network databases are,

 Integrated Data Store (IDS)

 IDMS (Integrated Database Management System)
 Raima Database Manager
 TurboIMAGE
 Univac DMS-1100
4. Relation database (1980s-present)

The database is represented as a collection of relations in the Relational Model (RM). A relation is simply a
table of values. Each row of the table represents a grouping of related data values. These table rows represent
a real-world entity or relationship.

The table and column names aid in interpreting the meaning of the values in each row. The information is
represented as a set of relationships. Tables are used to store data in the relational model. The physical
storage of data, on the other hand, is independent of how the data is logically organized.

Some popular Relational Database management systems are:

 DB2 and Informix Dynamic Server – IBM

 Oracle and RDB – Oracle
 SQL Server and Access – Microsoft
5. Object – oriented database (1990s -present)

A database management system that is object-oriented is one in which data or information is presented in the
form of objects, similar to an object-oriented programming language. Furthermore, object oriented DBMS
help the user by providing transportation support, query languages, and indexing options. Furthermore, these
database systems can handle data efficiently across multiple servers. Unlike relational databases, object-
oriented databases operate within the context of a real programming language such as JAVA or C++.

Object-Oriented Database Examples

There are different kinds of implementations of object databases. Most contain the following features:

 Query Language: - Language for locating objects and

retrieving data from a database.
 Transparent Persistence: - Data manipulation
requires the ability to use an object-oriented
programming language.
 ACID Transactions: - ACID transactions ensure that all transactions are complete and free of conflicting
 Database Caching: - Creates a partial database replica. Allows database access from program memory
rather than disk.
 Recovery: - In the event of an application or system failure, disaster recovery is performed.

Advantages and Disadvantages of the Database Management Systems

Approach vs. File Based Systems approach.

Advantages -

1. No redundant data: Data normalization eliminates redundancy.

2. Eliminating data duplication saves storage space and improves access time.
3. Data Consistency and Integrity: As previously discussed, the root cause of data inconsistency is data
redundancy. Because data normalization addresses data redundancy, data inconsistency is addressed as
well. Data Security: Access constraints in database systems make it easier to restrict data access to only
authorized users.
4. Because each user has a unique set of access rights, data is protected from issues such as identity theft,
data leaks, and data misuse.
5. Simple recovery: Because database systems keep backups of data, it is easier to perform a full data
recovery in the event of a failure.
6. Database systems are more adaptable than file processing systems.


1. The cost of DBMS implementation is higher than that of the file system.
2. Difficulty in comprehending database systems
3. Performance: Because database systems are generic, they can be used for a wide range of applications.
However, this feature has an impact on their performance in some applications.
Roles related to database management

1. Data Administrator (DA):

A data administrator is someone who is in charge of converting data into a usable data model. The
individual is in charge of determining which data should be stored in the database. Data Administrator
is more of a business role with some technical knowledge than a technical role. This position is also
referred to as a Data Analyst. As a result, it is primarily a high-level function that is in charge of the
overall management of an organization's data resources.

 Responsibilities :
 Removes irrelevant data
 Keep an eye on the data flow throughout the organization.
 Creates a concept-based data model
 Analyze and deconstruct the data so that it is understandable to non-

2. Database Administrator (DBA) :

A database administrator creates, updates, and maintains the database. It is a broader role because a
data administrator may be hired to create, maintain, and backup the database, optimize the database
for high performance, or assist in the integration of databases into applications. Troubleshooting,
logical thought process, and a strong desire to learn are essential skills for an excellent database
administrator because the field is vast. This position is also referred to as Database Coordinator or
Database Programmer.

 Responsibilities :
 Design and create a database
 Analyze and monitor database needs
 Provides data security
3. Database Designer:

Database Design is a collection of processes that facilitate the designing, development, implementation and
maintenance of enterprise data management systems. Properly designed database are easy to maintain,
improves data consistency and are cost effective in terms of disk storage space. The database designer decides
how the data elements correlate and what data must be stored.

 Responsibilities:
 Understand the organization's data in order to carry out the company's
database design projects.
 install and configure a relational database management system on the
company's server
 design database schemas and create databases for various company
 projects handle the creation of new users, define roles and privileges, and grant
them access
 assist application development teams in connecting to databases easily
 Monitor database performance and resolve issues as soon as possible to ensure
smooth operation.
 use the most effective techniques for improving the scalability and efficiency of
large databases
 comprehend complex issues, devise solutions, and convert them into software
 To provide the best data modeling, conduct data research and query large and
complex datasets.

4. Application Developer:

A database developer is someone who designs and builds computer databases. They test database programs for
efficiency and performance, as well as troubleshoot and correct problems with them, in addition to evaluating
the best database management system for a specific client.

 Responsibilities:
 Creating software system solutions to meet the needs of clients.
 Writing and implementing the source code for the most recent applications.
 Debugging code and testing an ASCII text file
 Analyzing existing applications as well as activity updates and modifications
5. End User:

The database software on a computer system serves as an efficient and secure repository for an organization's
data. The database's end user rarely sees the software or its files and may be unaware of how the system works.
However, because she uses application software that interacts with the database, the system programmer must
tailor the setup to her requirements. The programmer talks with the user about the system's goals and then
turns them into a working configuration.

 Responsibilities:
 Resolve and debug user problems for serious adverse event tracking,
reporting system and document management system.
 Train and support help desk for end-user community.
 Gather additional requirements and provide end-user support, working
closely with end users.
 Identify and develop required to be written and online support
 Test system development life cycle of applications.
 Participate in client meetings as needed for systems discussion.
 Assist to provide telephone support for SAE TRS system.
 Maintain and update training and support tracking records.
 Research, record, and resolve client phone calls into call center from
correspondent home,
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Dancuk, M., n.d. phoenixnap. [Online]
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