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Content Object ID Program Name START DATE END DATE No. of Days No.

of Trainees Delivery Method Category

Mastering Budgeting & Forecasting for

41066793 24-Jan-24 25-Jan-24 2 Days / 6 Hours Per Day 15 Classroom Leadership
Non-Finance Professionals

Program Objectives

Gain the ability to examine the financial health of an organization using budgets, identify problems and inefficiencies. Use the language of accounting and finance to communicate effectively
with financial professionals. Get an insight into the drivers and measurement of cost and cost optimization techniques. Use budgetary control to compare actual against planned performance
and to identify corrective actions.

The Petroleum Training Center is implementing a new evaluation feature that will give insight on the instructor training delivery skills and his/her knowledge in the requested topic. Therefore, the training
provider must share a video featuring the following:
1. The instructor’s knowledge elaboration on the topic they will be presenting.
2. How the content will be delivered (delivery methodology and training techniques)
3. The video duration should not exceed 3 minutes.
4. The video’s format should be in (MP4/MPEG/WMV).
When submitting your proposal through the Tendering system, please upload the video in the technical proposal under: 1.15 ADDITIONAL ATTACHMENTS AREA

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