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Hospital Management

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

This Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) represents the model of a Hospital
Management System. It shows all the visual instrument of database tables and
the relations between Staff, doctor, record, patient etc. A hospital management
system stores the information of the staff of the hospital the patients along with
the doctors. It is a system which keeps track of all the information e-g, if a
patient has visited the hospital before and its ID is entered again all the
information will pop up according to that patient which is name, last name,
address, patient ID, gender, phone number and the doctors from that patient has
gotten a checkup from.

Entities and Attributes

A entity is a single unique object in the real world that is being mastered.
Examples of an entity are a single person, single product, or single organization.
Entity type. A person, organization, object type, or concept about which
information is stored.

According to The Hospital Management System the entities will be in the
This ERD contains 10 entities.
I. Staff
II. Doctor
III. Record
IV. Patient
V. Rooms
VI. Bill
VII. Medicine
VIII. Payment
IX. Diagnosis
X. Nurse

An attribute is a piece of data that describes an entity. E-g, in a patient database,

the attributes might be name, address, and phone number etc. In a staff
database, the attributes might be name, ID, Phone Number etc.
We have to create the tables for the following entities and put in the different
attributes in those tables as well. First click on the create tab then click on table.
Give a name to the table or the name of the entity given in the ERD. Then select
a field which tells us the characteristics of the following entity.

When all the tables are created then put all the data in the primary key. The
primary key is basically the first entity of the ERD.

A query is data from different tables, add, change, or delete data from a
Select Create > Query Wizard . Select Simple Query, and then OK. Select the
table that contains the field, add the Available Fields you want to Selected
Fields, and select Next. Choose whether you want to open the query in
Datasheet view or modify the query in Design view, and then select Finish.

To create a form, choose a table first of which you want to make a form of and
then further on.
To create a form from a table or query in your database, in the Navigation
Panel, click on the table that contains the data for your form, and on the Create
tab, click Form. Access creates a form and displays it in Layout view.

A relationship in Access helps you combine data from two different tables.
Each relationship consists of fields in two tables with corresponding data. For
example, the permissions table consist of the Staff_ID and the Staff table also
has the Staff_ID as for all the other tables of this ERD has.
This ERD consist of both many to many relationships as well as one to many

On the Database Tools tab, in the Relationships group, click Relationships. On

the Design tab, in the Relationships group, click add tables . Select one or more
tables or queries and then click Add. There you will see the relationship have
been constructed.

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