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Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR

Numerical method
Optimization criteria
Conclusions and further development

Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for

Non-Stationary Heat Model for EBMR

Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova

EBT 2014

Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for Non-Station
Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR
Numerical method
Optimization criteria
Conclusions and further development

The presentation
1 Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR
Main equation and boundary conditions
Thermo-physical properties
2 Numerical method
Local method
About the local method
3 Optimization criteria
Criteria and optimization problems
Verification of the numerical method
Optimization in the case of EBMR of copper
4 Conclusions and further development
5 Bibliography

Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for Non-Station
Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR
Numerical method
Optimization criteria
Conclusions and further development

Electron Beam Melting and Refining

Electron beam melting and refining (EBMR) in a vacuum using

intense electron beam is a widely used ecologically-friendly method
in special electro metallurgy for new materials fabrication -
production of pure metals and special alloys.
The obtained materials have improved chemical compositions,
structures, properties, and have many applications in medicine,
aerospace engineering, nuclear industry, instrument engineering,
etc. The electron beam melting and refining of metals is
accomplished in a vacuum chamber (the working vacuum pressure
is about 5 − 8 ∗ 10−3 Pa) using electron beams as a heating source.

Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for Non-Station
Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR
Numerical method Domain
Optimization criteria Main equation and boundary conditions
Conclusions and further development Thermo-physical properties

Principle scheme of the EBM process

Figure: 1. Scheme of EBDMR process. G1 – the top surface of the

formed pure ingot; G2 – the interface molten ingot/ water-cooled
crucible side wall; G3 – the interface ingot/ vacuum; G4 – the interface
Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for Non-Station
Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR
Numerical method Domain
Optimization criteria Main equation and boundary conditions
Conclusions and further development Thermo-physical properties


Let H be the height of the ingot, R - it’s radius, F - total heating

time. The domain of the space variables is G :

G = {(r , z) | 0 ≤ r ≤ R, 0 ≤ z ≤ H}.

The total domain of the heat model (when axial symmetry is

assumed) is:

Ω = {(r , z, t) | (r , z) ∈ G , 0 ≤ t ≤ F } = G × [0, F ].

Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for Non-Station
Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR
Numerical method Domain
Optimization criteria Main equation and boundary conditions
Conclusions and further development Thermo-physical properties

Main equation and initial condition.

T (r , z, t) denotes the temperature at time t at the points with height z

and polar distance r . In the inner points of Ω, the temperature
distribution T is described by the heat equation (1) in cylindrical
∂T 1 ∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T ∂T
κ(T ) = r λ(T ) + λ(T ) + V (t)κ(T ) . (1)
∂t r ∂r ∂r ∂z ∂z ∂z

Initial condition:

T (r , z, 0) = T0 (r , z), (r , z) ∈ G . (2)

Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for Non-Station
Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR
Numerical method Domain
Optimization criteria Main equation and boundary conditions
Conclusions and further development Thermo-physical properties

Domain and boundaries

The boundaries G1, G2, G3, G4 of the treated metal are described by the
following subsets of G :
G 1 = {(r , H)| 0 ≤ r ≤ R}, G 2 = {(R, z)| H − Q ≤ z ≤ H},
G 3 = {(R, z)| 0 ≤ z < H − Q}, G 4 = {(r , 0)| 0 ≤ r ≤ R}.

Figure: Boundaries: G1 - the top of the

molten ingot; G2 - liquid
metal/water-cooled side wall of the
crucible; G3 - solid metal/vacuum; G4 -
solid metal/water-cooled bottom of the

Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for Non-Station
Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR
Numerical method Domain
Optimization criteria Main equation and boundary conditions
Conclusions and further development Thermo-physical properties

Boundaries : G 1, G 3
The boundary condition on G 1, is:
= Psurf (r , t) − ασ T 4 − Troom

λ(T ) − Cp (T ) · Wv · T . (3)

Figure: G1 - the top

surface of the ingot.

The heat transfer through the solid metal/side vacuum boundary is

described by:
= −ασ T 4 − Troom

λ(T ) , (r , z, t) ∈ G3 × (0, F ]. (4)
Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for Non-Station
Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR
Numerical method Domain
Optimization criteria Main equation and boundary conditions
Conclusions and further development Thermo-physical properties

Boundaries : G 2, G 4
On the boundaries G 2 G 4 we have heat transfer by Newton’s law:
∂T T − Twater
λ(T ) = λ2 , (r , z, t) ∈ G2 × (0, F ]. (5)
∂r ∆wall

Figure: G2 - liquid
metal/ water-cooled side wall
of the crucible.

The boundary condition on G 4 is described by:

∂T Twater − T
λ(T ) = λ2 , (r , z, t) ∈ G4 × (0, F ]. (6)
∂z ∆under

Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for Non-Station
Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR
Numerical method Domain
Optimization criteria Main equation and boundary conditions
Conclusions and further development Thermo-physical properties

Thermo-physical properties
We observe a phase change in the melting point T = Tmelt . The moving
phase boundary (crystallization front) is described by:
Γ(t) = { (r , z) | T (r , z, t) = Tmelt }. (7)

The thermo-physical parameters differ on both sides of this

For some metals, the heat capacity Cp can have δ-function like
jumps, the thermal conductivity λ, as well as the density ρ are
discontinuous in T = Tmelt .
Cp can be replaced by efficient Cp∗ which has no δ-like jump and is
discontinuous (or even continuous) and preserves a conservation law
for the enthalpy [2].
An economic continuous calculation scheme for the Stefan
multidimensional problem A. A. Samarskii, B. D. Moiseenko Zh. Vychisl. Mat.
Mat. Fiz., 5:5 (1965), 816827
Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for Non-Station
Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR
Numerical method
Local method
Optimization criteria
About the local method
Conclusions and further development

The heat model (in the case V = 0 - “disks melting method”) is

described by the following set of equations :
∂T 1 ∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T
κ(T ) = r λ(T ) + λ(T ) ,
∂t r ∂r ∂r ∂z ∂z
= Psurf (r , t) − ασ T 4 − Troom

G1 : λ(T ) − Cp (T ) · Wv · T ,
∂T T − Twater
G2 : λ(T ) = λ2 ,
∂r ∆wall
= −ασ T 4 − Troom 4

G3 : λ(T ) ,
∂T Twater − T
G4 : λ(T ) = λ2 ,
∂z ∆under
r = 0 : lim r λ(T ) = 0,
r →0 ∂r
t = 0 : T (r , z, 0) = T0 (r , z).
Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for Non-Station
Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR
Numerical method
Local method
Optimization criteria
About the local method
Conclusions and further development

We write the main equation in the form

κ(T ) = LT ,
1 ∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T
LT = r λ(T ) + λ(T ) .
r ∂r ∂r ∂z ∂z
When building economic methods [3], splitting L into several simpler
differential operators plays an important role:

L = L1 + L2 ,
1 ∂ ∂T ∂ ∂T
L1 T = r λ(T ) , L2 T = λ(T ) .
r ∂r ∂r ∂z ∂z

Samarskii, A. Theory of Difference Schemes; Dekker, M., Ed.; CRC Press:
New York, USA, Basel, Switzerland, 2001; pp. 1–775
Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for Non-Station
Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR
Numerical method
Local method
Optimization criteria
About the local method
Conclusions and further development

We discretise the interval [0, F ] uniformly by a net in the time t

with a step τ :

ω τ = {tn = nτ, n = 0, 1, . . . , S}.

Each interval [tn , tn+1 ] is further split into two:

tn+ 1 = tn + τ, n = 0, 1, . . . , S.
2 2
The basic idea of the local method is replacing the
two-dimensional in space problem with continious solving of two
(locally) one-dimensional problems [3].

Samarskii, A. Theory of Difference Schemes; Dekker, M., Ed.; CRC Press:
New York, USA, Basel, Switzerland, 2001; pp. 1–775
Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for Non-Station
Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR
Numerical method
Local method
Optimization criteria
About the local method
Conclusions and further development

“Radial problem”

1 ∂T1 1 ∂ ∂T1
κ(T1 ) = r λ(T1 ) , (r , z, t) ∈ G × (tn , tn+ 1 ],
2 ∂t r ∂r ∂r 2

lim r λ(T1 ) = 0, z ∈ [0, H], t ∈ [tn , tn+ 1 ], (9)
r →0 ∂r( 2
∂T1 λ2 T1∆wall , (r , z, t) ∈ G2 × [tn , tn+ 1 ],
λ(T1 ) = 4 4
∂r −ασ T1 − Troom , (r , z, t) ∈ G3 × [tn , tn+ 1 ],
T1 (r , z, 0) = T0 (r , z), (r , z) ∈ G . (11)

Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for Non-Station
Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR
Numerical method
Local method
Optimization criteria
About the local method
Conclusions and further development

“Vertical problem”

1 ∂T2 ∂ ∂T2
κ(T2 ) = λ(T2 ) , (r , z, t) ∈ G × (tn+ 1 , tn+1 ],
2 ∂t ∂z ∂z 2

∂T2 Twater − T2
λ(T2 ) = λ2 , (r , z, t) ∈ G4 × [tn+ 1 , tn+1 ],
∂z ∆under 2
= Psurf (r , t) − ασ T24 − Troom

λ(T2 ) − Cp (T2 ) · Wv · T2 ,
(r , z, t) ∈ G1 × [tn+ 1 , tn+1 ], (14)

T2 (r , z, tn+ 1 ) = T1 (r , z, tn+ 1 ), (r , z) ∈ G . (15)

2 2

Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for Non-Station
Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR
Numerical method
Local method
Optimization criteria
About the local method
Conclusions and further development

Continuous solving of the local problems

For n = 0 we solve continuously the radial and vertical problem. For

n > 0 we replace the initial condition (11) with

T1 (r , z, tn ) = T2 (r , z, tn ), (r , z) ∈ G (110 )

and again solve the two problems continuously. An approximation of the

solution T of the two-dimensional heat problem in the point
(r , z, tn+1 ), n = 1, 2, . . . , S − 1 is T2 (r , z, tn+1 ), We have[3]

T (r , z, tn+1 ) ≈ T2 (r , z, tn+1 )

Samarskii, A. Theory of Difference Schemes; Dekker, M., Ed.; CRC Press:
New York, USA, Basel, Switzerland, 2001; pp. 1–775
Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for Non-Station
Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR
Numerical method
Local method
Optimization criteria
About the local method
Conclusions and further development

The advantages of the local method

The total net on which we build the numerical method is:

ω h,τ = ω h × ω τ , h = (h1 , h2 )

For both locally one-dimensional methods implicit, linearised difference

schemes are build using the integro-interpolation method. They are
absolutely stable and the local method gives a difference scheme with
rate of convergence O(h1 + h2 + τ ) for even discontinuous coefficients
[3]. Furthermore, the scheme is conservative (i.e. it preserves the
conservation laws).

Samarskii, A. Theory of Difference Schemes; Dekker, M., Ed.; CRC Press:
New York, USA, Basel, Switzerland, 2001; pp. 1–775
Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for Non-Station
Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR
Numerical method Criteria and optimization problems
Optimization criteria Verification of the numerical method
Conclusions and further development Optimization in the case of EBMR of copper

Technological premises

The knowledge of the geometry of the crystallization front

(liquid/solid boundary) is very important for studying and
optimizing the quality of the obtained pure metal after the
EBMR process..
The flatness of the liquid/solid contour is directly connected
to the quality of the structure of the obtained metal. The flat
crystallization front permits the formation of vertical dendrite
structure and uniform impurities’ displacement toward the
ingot top surface.

Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for Non-Station
Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR
Numerical method Criteria and optimization problems
Optimization criteria Verification of the numerical method
Conclusions and further development Optimization in the case of EBMR of copper

Some criteria
Sm (tf )
K2 (tf ) := −→ max. (16)
Vm (tf )
(16) ensures the flat liquid pool. For achieving vertical dendrite structure
and uniform impurities’ displacement toward the ingot top surface we
define the following criteria:
< w, n(s; tf ) >
K5 (tf ) := min = min cos ∠(w, n(s; tf )) → max.
s∈[0,S2 ] kwk kn(s; tf )k s∈[0,S2 ]

Figure: Geometry of the

crystallization front. 1 -
crystallization front Γ(tf ),
2 - normal vector in
(r , z(r )), 3 - the vector w,
translated in (r , z(r )).

Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for Non-Station
Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR
Numerical method Criteria and optimization problems
Optimization criteria Verification of the numerical method
Conclusions and further development Optimization in the case of EBMR of copper

Experiments are made for copper disks with height H = 33 mm, diameter
D = 50 mm. rb = 12 mm, Pb :
1 F = 5 min, Pb = 7.5 kW , t ∈ (0, F ];
2 F = 10 min, Pb = 10 kW , t ∈ (0, F /2]; Pb = 12.5 kW , t ∈ (F /2, F ];
3 F = 5 min, Pb = 15 kW , t ∈ (0, F ].
A comparison between experimental and simulation data is made.

Height Diameter
Experiment e A
hm [mm] hm [mm] dme [mm] dmA [mm]
1 0 0 0 0
2 4.00 3.88 12.5 12.0
3 3.94 4.85 18.00 16.0

Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for Non-Station
Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR
Numerical method Criteria and optimization problems
Optimization criteria Verification of the numerical method
Conclusions and further development Optimization in the case of EBMR of copper

Figure: Metalographic
picture of copper sample
after EBMR, experiment 3

Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for Non-Station
Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR
Numerical method Criteria and optimization problems
Optimization criteria Verification of the numerical method
Conclusions and further development Optimization in the case of EBMR of copper

Optimization in the case of EBMR of copper

Numerical experiments for investigation of the geometry of
the liquid pool for copper samples with
H = 33 mm, R = 25 mm are made. The investigated regimes
are: Pb = 12, 13, 14,15, 16, 17 kW , rb = 10, 11, 12 mm,
F = 1 min. The investigated geometrical characteristics of the
A , d A (A is for
liquid pool are hm , dm , Sm , Vm . The values hm m
approximation), as well as values of the criteria K2A (F ),
K5A (F ) are given in the table, where ϕA = arccos(K5A ) is
computed in degrees.
The results show that according to both criteria, K2A (F )
K5A (F ), the most flat molten pool is observed for
P = 12 kW , rb = 12 mm. Therefore, for the investigated
regimes it is most suitable to keep low beam power and
defocused beam.
Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for Non-Station
Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR
Numerical method Criteria and optimization problems
Optimization criteria Verification of the numerical method
Conclusions and further development Optimization in the case of EBMR of copper

Optimization in the case of EBMR of copper

Table: Geometrical characteristics and values of the criteria.

A A −1
rb [mm] Pb [kW ] hm [mm] dm [mm] KA
2 (F ) [mm ] KA5 (F ) ϕA
12 2.96 11 0.128 0.87 29.34
13 3.94 13 0.109 0.82 34.82
14 4.43 15 0.102 0.76 40.7
10 mm
15 5.42 17 0.098 0.75 42.03
16 5.91 19 0.098 0.69 46.3
17 6.4 20 0.090 0.67 48.08
12 1.97 9 0.161 0.93 20
13 2.96 12 0.131 0.89 27.53
14 3.94 14 0.114 0.81 36.1
11 mm
15 4.43 16 0.104 0.79 37.76
16 5.42 18 0.100 0.73 43.76
17 5.91 20 0.099 0.68 46.76
12 1.00 6 0.242 0.98 12.06
13 2.46 10 0.159 0.94 20.65
14 2.96 13 0.135 0.89 27.59
12 mm
15 3.94 16 0.130 0.85 31.52
16 4.93 18 0.117 0.81 35.86
17 5.42 20 0.112 0.78 38.96

Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for Non-Station
Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR
Numerical method Criteria and optimization problems
Optimization criteria Verification of the numerical method
Conclusions and further development Optimization in the case of EBMR of copper

Application software

Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for Non-Station
Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR
Numerical method
Optimization criteria
Conclusions and further development


For the proposed non-stationary heat problem a local method is

proposed. It is economic, conservative and with degree of
convergence O(h1 + h2 + τ ) even for discontinuous parameters.
Propositions are formulated and proved for the realizability and
stability of the Progonka method with which the systems of
equations of the numerical method are solved.
Optimization criteria and discrete optimization problems are
proposed for improving the quality of the structure of the obtained
metal after EBMR.
Verification of the numerical scheme is made by comparison of
simulation and experimental data
Optimization of the EBMR process is made in the case of copper.

Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for Non-Station
Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR
Numerical method
Optimization criteria
Conclusions and further development

Thank you for your attention

Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for Non-Station
Non-stationary mathematical heat model for EBMR
Numerical method
Optimization criteria
Conclusions and further development

[1] Vutova, Katia; Donchev, Veliko. 2013. ”Electron Beam Melting and Refining
of Metals: Computational Modeling and Optimization.” Materials 6, Special
Issue: Computational Modeling and Simulation in Materials Study, no. 10:
[2] An economic continuous calculation scheme for the Stefan multidimensional
problem A. A. Samarskii, B. D. Moiseenko Zh. Vychisl. Mat. Mat. Fiz., 5:5
(1965), 816827.
[3] Samarskii, A. 2001 Theory of difference schemes, Ed. Marcel Dekker, New
[4] V. Donchev and K. Vutova. Optimization method for electron beam melting
and refining of metals. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series. Proceedings of
the 2nd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical
Sciences, Praga, Czech Republic, 1-5 Septembrer, 2013, volume 490, 2014.
[5] V. Donchev and K. Vutova. Experimental and numerical investigation of the
refinement of hf by EBM. In Proceedings of the eighteen international summer
school on vacuum, electron and ion technollogies VEIT 2013, 7 - 11 October,
Sozopol, Bulgaria, 2013. accepted for publication in Journal of Physics:
Conference Series, IOP.

Veliko Donchev, Katia Vutova, Tatiana Chernogorova Economic and Conservative Numerical Scheme for Non-Station

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