Mo42 Properties

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L’Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Technologie et d’Ingénierie

République algérienne démocratique et populaire Ministère de

l’Enseignement Supérieur et de la Recherche Scientifique.

Département:Science & génie de matériaux (SGM)

Année universitaire : 2023/2024.

Projet de ppm : Mo 42 properties.

Réalisé par : Sous la direction de :

Inessderrou. Dr. Matougui .N.
Unveiling the Unique Properties of Mo 42: The Essence of
Molybdenum :
Within the corridors of the periodic table of elements lies a treasure often overlooked: Mo42, a
unique rendition of molybdenum. Beyond its mere existence, this particular derivative of
molybdenum captivates scientists and interests industries seeking high-performing
materials.Discovered amid investigations into transition elements, Mo42 proves to be more than just
a variation. Its exceptional physical and chemical characteristics open unexpected doors in diverse,
critical domains for technological advancement and scientific progress.In this article, we delve into
the enigmatic world of Mo42, unraveling its most closely guarded secrets, unique properties, and
promising prospects it unveils. From its crystalline structures to innovative applications, we explore
the extent of its potential, emphasizing its pivotal role in various industrial and scientific sectors.

Get ready, for Mo42 is more than a mere element. It embodies scientific excellence and the
boundless possibilities awaiting those who venture to understand it.


AtomicWeight 95.96 Period 5
Mass Number 96 Block d
Category Transition metals

color gray

Electronegativity 2.16(paulingscale)

1. Cristal structure of the element MO42 :

Molybdenum plays a pivotal role due to its unique
properties. In scientific research, it's utilized in
studies involving alloys, catalysis, and biological
systems. Industrially, it's crucial in metallurgy,
manufacturing high-strength steels, as well as in
electronics, where it's used in components like
transistors and electrical contacts. Its versatility
makes it indispensable across a wide spectrum of
applications.This characteristics are due to its crystal
structure which forms a concentric cubic structure .
It’s possesses a complex atomic structure
characterized by it’s arrangement of electrons, Almost all the physical properties of solids
are actually determined by the distribution of electrons. Even the mechanical properties of
materials, typically described using interatomic potentials, are largely determined by their
electronic structure. In fact, it is the distribution of electrons in space that governs the shape
of these interatomic potentials, Each Orbit represent a specific energy level , The energy
levels or bounds refer to the discrete energies at which electrons occupy these orbitals as for
Mo42 The electrons in the outer shells (5s¹) are considered the valence electrons, so
molybdenum has 1 valence electron and 41 core electrons. Electrons fill the lower energy
orbitals before moving to higher energy ones following the Aufbau principle.These energy
levels play a crucial role in Mo42's chemical behavior, including its reactivity, bonding
tendencies, and potential applications across various scientific fields.

2. Electricalconductivity:wx:
Molybdenum, including its isotopes like Molybdenum-42 (Mo42), is known to exhibit good
electrical conductivity. As a transition metal, Molybdenum possesses characteristics that
contribute to its conductivity:
1. Delocalized Electrons:Transition metals have partially filled d orbitals, allowing
their electrons to move freely within the crystal lattice. This results in the
presence of delocalized electrons that can carry electrical charge.
2. Metallic Bonding: Molybdenum atoms are held together by metallic bonding,
where electrons are shared between atoms and move freely throughout the
material. This mobility of electrons is key to the metal's conductivity.
3. High Thermal Stability: Molybdenum's strong metallic bonds contribute to its
ability to maintain conductivity even at high temperatures, making it useful in
high-temperature applications where other materials might lose conductivity.
electrical conductivity graph as a function of temperature:

The graph represent the electrical conductivity of the Mo42 in terms of temperature. we note that at
a temperature of 0 K the electrical conductivity is very high ;reaching 10^11 ,with increasing T it
begins to decrease until it reaches 10^6,this decrease can be justified by the occurrence of several
phenomena at the atomic level such as the movement of atoms in materials increases with
heat ,which increases the collision between ions and electrons and thus increase the resistance of
the material to the flow of electric current ;also with an increase in temperature ,the positive
electrical properties of materials ,and the arrangement and structure of the crystal lattice of metals
may change ,and this leads to changes in the orientation of the crystal.

electrical resistivity graph as a function of temperature:

Mo42 metal shows an increase in electrical resistance with increasing temperature which leads to a
decrease in electrical conductivity ;this is known as the coefficient of thermal
resistance .However ,it’s electrical conductivity is not severely affected because it is a good electrical
conductor . (used as a semiconductor )

3. Thermal conductivity :
The thermal conductivity of a material like molybdenum (Mo) can vary based on its purity,
temperature, and other factors. Pure molybdenum has a relatively high thermal conductivity
compared to other metals, around 138 W/mK (watts per meter kelvin) at room temperatureand
possesses a very high melting point, a low thermal expansion. However, the thermal conductivity can
differ for alloys or compositions like Mo42, which might have different percentages of molybdenum
mixed with other elements.

THE THERMALE CONDUCTIVITY of Mo42 as a function of temperatur:

 As we notice from the first curve ,Mo42 element has a high thermal conductivity, as the
temperature increase , this conductivity increase .The reason is that Mo42 is a metal that usually
contains a high density of electrons , and this enhances its ability to conduct effective thermal
transfer because the free electrons in the metal structure move easily and transfer thermal
energy from the area to another ,this confirms the relationship between thermal and electrical
transfer according to Weidman –franz low.

4. Mechanical properties :
Due to its high melting point of 2620 °C, molybdenum
retains its strength and creep resistance even at high
temperatures. The strength of molybdenum increases even
further the more the material is formed. In contrast to other
metals, the ductility of molybdenum materials also increases
with increasing forming. We add rhenium as an alloy
element to increase the ductility of molybdenum and to
reduce its brittle-ductile transition temperature. We also use
titanium, zirconium, hafnium, carbon, and rare earth oxides
as alloy components to add to our molybdenum. This means
that we are able to create a variety of materials with very
specific ranges of properties. Compared to other metals, the
modulus of elasticity of molybdenum and its alloys is very high due to the strong bonds between the
molybdenum atoms.


Module d’elasticite (MPA)

A20°c 336000

A1000°c 217000

Module de regidite (mpa)

A20°c 121000

Coefficient de poisson

A20°c 0.305

Module de torision

A20°c 122500




Lingot fritté Environ 150

Metal écroui Environ 190

(quoted from a book)

The stress rupture curve:

Elastic modules curve:

 Mo42 has a high Elastic module of about 287GPAat a temperature of 70 k and begins to decrease
when the temperature increase .The elastic module represent the hardness of the
material ,which indicates how it deforms under tension and returns to its original shape when
the tension is removed .
5. Creep and stress-rupture properties:
The creep and stress-rupture tests for two alloys were conducted under the test conditions of
850 °C/500 MPa and 1100 °C/130 MPa. Table 2 lists the stress-rupture lives of the two alloys with the
Mo contents of 8.0 wt% (Alloy 1) and 9.5 (Alloy 2). Each value in Table 2 shows the average data of
stress rupture life of two specimens under the same test condition.

Table 2: Stress-rupture lives of the two alloys under the test conditions of 850 °C/500 MPa and
1100 °C/130 MPa.

EmptyCell 850 °C/500 MPa 1100 °C/130 MPa

Alloy 1 355 h 184 h

Alloy 2 440 h 306 h

It can be found that the alloy with 9.5% Mo had longer stress rupture lives than the alloy with 8% Mo
under the same test condition. The stress rupture lives increased by 24% under the test condition of
850 °C/500 MPa, and increased by 66% under the test condition of 1100 °C/130 MPa due to the
additional 1.5% Mo addition. This indicates that Mo is an effective strengthening element, especially
at elevated high temperature service condition. The typical creep curves of the two alloys with the
Mo contents of 8.0 wt% (Alloy 1) and 9.5 wt% (Alloy 2) are shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3: Creep curves of the two alloys at 850 °C/500 MPa and 1100 °C/130 MPa.

6. Applications:
 The ability of molybdenum to withstand extreme temperatures without significantly expanding
or softening makes it useful in applications that involve intense heat, including the manufacture
of aircraft parts, electrical contacts, industrial motors, and filaments. Molybdenum is also used
in alloys for its high corrosion resistance and weldability. Most high-strength steel alloys are .25%
to 8% molybdenum. Despite being used in such small portions, more than 43 million kg of
molybdenum is used as an alloying agent each year in stainless steels, tool steels, cast irons, and
high-temperature superalloys.

Because of its lower density and more stable price, molybdenum is implemented in the place of
tungsten. Molybdenum can be implemented both as an alloying agent and as a flame-resistant
coating for other metals. Although its melting point is 2623 °C, molybdenum rapidly oxidizes at
temperatures above 760 °C, making it better-suited for use in vacuum environments.

Molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) is used as a lubricant and an agent. It forms strong films on
metallic surfaces, and is highly resistant to both extreme temperatures and high pressure. Lead
molybdatecoprecipitated with lead chromate and lead suflate is a bright-orange pigment used with
ceramics and plastics. Molybdenum trioxide (MoO3) is used as an adhesive between enamels and
metals. Molybdenum powder is used as a fertilizer for some plants, such as cauliflower.

Also used in NO, NO2, NOx analyzers in power plants for pollution controls. At 350 °C the
element acts as a catalyst for NO2/NOx to form only NO molecules for consistent readings by
infrared light.
Matériaux métalliques book by M.colombié et Coll..

Plansee company the experts in innovative solutions made from molybdenum and tungsten.

Molybdenum: molybdenum(I) fluoride compound data. Retrieved on 2007-12-10.

Properties of Molybdenum. Integral Scientist Periodic Table. Qivx, Inc. (2003). Retrieved on 2007-06-10.

Winter, Mark. Chemistry. Molybdenum. The University of Sheffield. Retrieved on 2007-06-10.

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