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4 Life tables Provide Data for Mortality and Survivorship

Demography - study of populations. It includes the reviews
of changes in population size, natality and death. ● Mortality curve - plots mortality rates. It consists of
two parts;
13. 1 Mortality is the Probability of Surviving ● a juvenile phase in which the rate of mortality is high
● Mortality Rate - number of individuals dying in a ● a post-juvenile phase in which the rate decreases
given time period. with age until mortality reaches some low point, after
To calculate mortality, we divide the number of which it increases again.
individuals that died during an interval of time, by
the number alive at the beginning of the period.
● Probability of Survival - the number of survivors at
the end of a time period divided by the number alive
at the beginning.
● Life Expectancy - the average number of years to
be lived in the future by members of the population.

13. 2 Life tables Give a Systematic Picture of Mortality and


Life table - an account book of death. It was developed by Survivorship curves - the accuracy of survivorship curves
students of human populations and widely used by life depends upon the accuracy of of life table.
insurance companies.
Three types of survivorship curve;
13. 3 Plant Life Tables are more Complex
● Mortality and survivorship in plants are not easily Type 1: Curves are usually used for humans and other
condensed into life tables. mammals and some plants.
● Mortality of individuals usually stimulates growth of Type 2: it is used for characterization of adult birds, rodents,
survivors, increasing the living tissue or biomass and reptiles, as well as many perennial plants.
and the size of the modular ves, and stems. Type 3: used for fish, many invertebrates and some plants.
● Furthermore, it is difficult to separate and even
identify individuals. The parent plant may die, yet 13. 5 Natality is age-specific
live on in sprouts and suckers. ● Birth or natality rates are usually expressed as births
per 1000 population per unit time.
In plant demography the life table is most useful in studying ● This figure is obtained by dividing the number of
three areas; births per unit of time by the estimated population
1. Seedling mortality and survival. size at the beginning of the unit or period of time by
2. Population dynamics of perennial plants marked as multiplying it by 1000.
3. Life cycles of annual plants. 13. 6 Natality and Survivorship Determine Reproductive
● Natality in plants, like mortality, is perplexing because
plants reproduce both sexually and asexually.
● There are two separate populations, seeds and seedlings,
and two separate processes, the production of seeds and
the germination of seeds.
● Except for annuals and biennials, which have one
reproductive effort resulting in the death of the parent
plant, seed production by individual plants is hard to
● Woody plants and other perennials, even within a
population, vary longevity, in seed production over the
years, and in the ability of seeds to germinate
13. 7 Net Reproductive Rate is an Estimator of Population 14.1 POPULATION REGULATION INVOLVES DENSITY

● Mortality and natality are the two major forces Implicit in the concept of population regulation is density
influencing population growth. When birth exceed dependence.
deaths, the population increases. When births equal
deaths, the population remains the same. When Density- dependent effects influence a population in
deaths exceed births, the population declines. proportion to its size.
● Two additional influences on population growth are
immigration and emigration; ● At low density there is no influence.
● Immigration - influx of new individuals into a ● Above that point, the larger the population becomes,
population. the greater is the proportion of individuals affected.
● Emigration - dispersal of individuals from a
population. Density independent
● the effects of a particular influence do not change
13. 8 Exponential Growth is like compound interest with population density
● If there were no movement into or out of a ● the proportion of individuals affected is the same at
population and no mortality, then birthrate alone any density
would account for population changes. Under this
condition population growth would accrue like a. Birthrate (B) is independent of population density,
compound interest as indicated by the horizontal line. Only the death
rate (M) increases with density. At K equilibrium is
13. 9 Rate of increase is Used in population studies. maintained by increasing mortality.
● The finite rate of increase, lambda can be b. The situation is reversed. Mortality is independent,
expressed as the rate of increase, which describes but birth declines with density. At K a decreasing
instantaneous population growth. The population is birthrate maintains equilibrium.
considered to breed continuously, rather than c. Full density-dependent regulation. Both birth rate
possessing a discrete breeding season. and mortality are density dependent. Fluctuations in
● The rate increase depends upon the exponential either one hold the population at or near K.
rate at which a population grows if it has a stable
age distribution appropriate to the current life table
and fecundity table.


No population continues to grow indefinitely. Even those with
exponential growth confront the limits of the environment.
Most populations, however, do not behave in an exponential
fashion. As the density of a population changes,interactions
set in among members of the population that tend to
regulate its size.


● One aspect of population regulation RESULTS
● Among individuals of the same species for
environmental resources. Individuals compete only when a resource is in short supply
relative to the number seeking it. As long as resources
Competition may be divided into two groups based on the enable each individual to survive and reproduce, no
species identity of the competition competition exists.

Intraspecific competition - is between individuals of the

same species.
Interspecific competition - is between individuals of
different species.
● Scramble Competition – occurs when no individual 14.5 DISPERSAL MAY OR MAY NOT BE
receives enough of the resource for growth and DENSITY-DEPENDENT
reproduction, as long as the population remains
dense. Dispersal is an ecological process that involves the
● Contest Competition – takes place when some movement of an individual or multiple individuals away from
individuals claim enough resources while denying the population in which they were born to another location,
others a share. or population, where they will settle and reproduce.
● Scramble Competition can waste resources, from
the point of view of population growth. In Contest Dispersal is a constant phenomenon in populations:
Competition, a fraction of the population suffers, ● Most apparent when population density is high
the unsuccessful individuals. ● Individuals leave the parent population: crowded or
14.3 INTRASPECIFIC COMPETITION RETARDS ● No hard-and-fast rule about dispersal
● Dispersal under conditions of high population density
The intensity of Intraspecific competition is is a response to overpopulation
density-dependent, it increases gradually. ● This type of dispersal DOES NOT function as an
effective means of population regulation
● At first affecting just the quality of life. ● Important to population regulation is Dispersal when
● Later it affects individual survival and reproduction. density is low or increasing

As population density increases toward a point at which 14.5 DISPERSAL MAY OR MAY NOT BE
resources are insufficient, individuals in scramble DENSITY-DEPENDENT
competition reduce their intake of food.
● Ecologists: Dominique Berteaux and Stan Boutin
● Reducing food intake slows the rate of growth and ● Studied dispersal of red squirrel (Tamiasciurus
inhibits reproduction. hudsonicus)
● Examples of this inverse relationship between ● A fraction of older reproductive females left their
density and rate of body growth may be found home areas during the summer months when food
among populations of ectothermic vertebrates. availability was high.
● Dispersal of females adults: increase in survival
Biomass - a function of accumulated living tissues it
contained in many small individuals or a few large ones. when intraspecific competition at home is intense, dispersers
can relocate in habitats

THE EFFECT OF POPULATION DENSITY ON THE ● resources are more accessible

GROWTH OF INDIVIDUALS IN SCRAMBLE SPECIES ● breeding sites more available
● competition is less intense
The growth rate of the tadpole Rana tigrina declines swiftly
as density increases from 5 to 160 individuals confined in Disperse may experience risks when living in an unfamiliar
the same space. terrain
Growth of bass declines rapidly with density above 1500/ha.
Remember: Dispersal may not functions as a regulatory
mechanism, but it contributes strongly to population
● As a population reaches a high density, individual
living space becomes restricted. Often aggressive 14.6 SOCIAL BEHAVIOR MAY LIMIT POPULATIONS
contacts among individuals’ increase. One
hypothesis of population regulation is that increased ● Social behavior appears to be a mechanism that
crowding and social contact cause stress. limits the number of animals living in a particular
● Social stress among pregnant females may increase habitat, having access to a common food supply and
intrauterine mortality and cause inadequate engaging in reproductive activities.
lactation, stunting nurslings. Thus stress results in ● To prove that social behavior limits population in a
decreased births and increased infant mortality. density-dependent fashion, population ecologists
have to show that ;
(1) a substantial portion of the population consists of surplus Occasionally the beta male, mates with the alpha female
animals that do not breed because they either die or attempt The alpha female prevents lower-rank females from mating
to breed and fail; the alpha and other males, while alpha male also prevents
(2) such individuals are prevented from breeding by from mating with the alpha female
dominant individuals; Each pack has one producing pair and one litter of pups
(3) nonbreeding individuals are capable of breeding if each year.
dominant individuals are removed; and
(4) breeding animals are not completely using food and Size of Packs
Influenced by the:
14.7 SOCIAL DOMINANCE CAN AFFECT ● Governs the level of the wolf population in a region
REPRODUCTION AND SURVIVAL ● Availability of food - prior to food goes to the
reproducing pair
Many species of animals live in a group with some kind of
social organization. When the population of wolves is low
(1) sexually mature males and females leave the pack
The organization is based on; (2) settle in unoccupied habitat
● ·Aggressiveness (3) establish their own packs that have alpha female
● ·Intolerance
● ·Dominance of one individual over another ● Sexually mature female reproduces and the wolf
population increases
Two Opposing forces are at work; ● At very low densities, females may have difficulty
● ·Mutual Attraction of individual locating males to establish a pack with (may fail to
● ·Negative reaction against crowding and need for reproduce or survive)
personal space
Each Individual: AND HOME RANGES
● Occupies a position in the group based on ● Social interactions among individuals influence the
Dominance and Submissiveness: movement, distribution and reproductive activity of
1. Alpha individual – Dominant over all others animals over an area. The space that an animal
2. Beta individual – Dominant over others except to normally uses during a year is its Home Range.
Alpha ● Home Range is an area over which an animal or
3. Omega individual – Subordinate to all others. group of animals regularly travels in search of food
or mates, and which may overlap with those of
● Settle social rank by Fighting, Bluffing, and neighboring animals or groups of the same species.
Threatening at Initial Encounters ● Overall size of the home range varies with the
● Maintains social rank by habitual subordination of available food resources, mode of food gathering,
those in lower position body size and metabolic needs. Males and adults
have larger home ranges than females and sub
Social Dominance adults.
Role in population regulation: ● The degree of aggressive behavior among
● When it affects reproduction and survival in a individuals may limit the size of the home range.
density-dependent manner. Dominant individuals hold the largest home ranges,
with some overlap, while subdominant individuals
Example: Wolves occupy home ranges within those of dominant
Work in small groups (pack) 6-12 or more individuals in one

Have two social hierarchies: Territoriality is a situation in which an animal defends an

exclusive area not shared with rivals.
(1) headed by alpha female;
(2) headed by alpha male The individual secures sole access to an area of habitat and
the resources it contains.
Defense of Territory: well-defined behavioral patterns 14.11 DENSITY- INDEPENDENT INFLUENCES CAN BE
1. Song and Call
2. Intimidation Displays: spreading wings and tail in
birds and baring fangs in mammals Density Independent factors
3. Attack And Chase ● Temperature, precipitation, and natural disasters
4. Marking with scents that evoke escape and (fire, flood, and drought) may influence the rates of
avoidance in rivals birth and death within a population.
● Do not regulate population growth because
● The total area available divided by the minimum size regulation implies feedback.
of the territory determines the number of territorial ● The resulting increase in mortality rates can even
owners a habitat can support. lead to the extinction of local populations.
● When the available area is filled, owners evict
excess animals or deny them access. Environmental conditions exceed
= affecting growth, maturation, reproduction, survival, and
Lewis Petrivish and Thomas Patterson movement.
● Red Grouse (Lagopus lagopus) in Scotland
● Autralian magpie (Gymnorbina tibicen)
● Cassin’s auklet (Ptychoramphus aleuticus) of Alaska LIFE HISTORY PATTERNS
● White-crowned sparrow (Zonotrichia luecophrys) of
Califonia Reproduction is the major drive of all living things. The role
of The reproductive drive is to transmit genetic
Remember: Territoriality might regulate the population, but characteristics from one generation to another. The ability of
only if an excess of nonterritorial males and females of an organism to leave behind reproducing offspring.
reproductive age occurs.
Asexual Reproduction
“Reproduction is limited by territoriality, and we have ● It creates new individuals genetically the same as
density-dependent population regulation”. the parent.
● Asexual reproduction is the mode of reproduction
14.10. PLANTS CAPTURE AND “DEFEND” SPACE that is involved in the production of offspring with
only one parent.
● Plants are not territorial in the same sense that ● In Asexual reproduction, there is no fertilization of
animals are territorial; but plants can capture and gametes formation that takes place.
hold onto space. ● The organisms multiply and grow at a faster pace
● The faster-growing trees in a forest achieve a height than Sexual Reproduction, as it occurs in a very
dominance, shading others. Dominant trees are also short time.
in a superior competitive position for nutrients and ● E.G paramecium, hydras, strawberry plants, aphids
● Because of their longevity, some plants, especially Sexual Reproduction
trees, occupy space for a long time, preventing
invasion by individuals of the same or other species. ● Is common in multicellular organisms.
● This is where two individuals produce haploid
● Plants also capture space by the release of organic (one-half the normal number of chromosomes)
toxins that reduce competition for light, nutrients and gametes– egg and sperm– that combine to form a
space diploid cell or zygote.
● Allelopathy is the production of biochemicals by ● This halving and recombination of genes allow the
plants that influence growth, survival and gene pool to mux, producing genetic variability
reproduction of other plants. among offspring.
● Allelochemicals can be released into the air, soil,
or water.
Sexual Reproduction takes several forms 2. Polygamy- is the acquisition by an individual of two or
more mates, none of which is mated to other individuals. It
● The most common sexual reproduction involves can involve one male and several females or one female and
separate male and female individuals. several males. A pair bond exists between the individual and
● Plants with the same characteristics are called each mate. The more critical resources such as food or
dioecious quality habitat are distributed, the greater is the opportunity
● In such plant fertilization, this takes place with the for a successful individual to control the resource and
fusion of a female egg and a male gamete in a several mates.
● Hermaphroditic, is an organism with both female Types of Polygamy:
and male organs. ● Polygyny - An individual male gains two more
Hermaphrodites ● Polyandry - An individual female gains two more
● monoecious plant- is the one which possesses ● Promiscuity - Males and females copulate with one
separate male and female flowers on the same plant or many of the opposite sex and form no pair bonds.

However in animals, hermaphroditic individuals possess 12.4 Acquisition of a mate involves sexual selection
both testes and ovaries. - Regardless of the mating system, selection of a
proper mate is essential if a plant or animal is to
Sequential hermaphrodites are one sex while they are contribute genetically to the next generation. In any
young, in which before they develop into the opposite sex population, there are just so many males and
when they mature or become larger. females. Because males are not as selective with
whom they mate, females usually have no trouble
Social change in the sex ratio of the population stimulates finding a partner.
gender change among some animals, notably fish species.
Removing individuals of the other sex initiates sex reversal Sexual Selection - Females select a mate from competing
among some species of marine fish. males on the basis of some specific characteristic during
courtship, females attempt to ensure their own fitness.
Plants can also undergo gender change. Usually, an
asexual stage follows a gender change. Gender change in Charles Darwin observed that the elaborate and often
the specific plant appears to be triggered by an excessive outlandish plumage of birds and the horns, antlers and large
drain on photosynthate by female flowers. If the plant is to sizes of polygamous males seemed incompatible with
survive, one carpellate flowering cannot follow another. natural selection. To explain them, Darwin developed a
theory of sexual selection.
12.3 Mating strategies take several forms
Another hypothesis focuses on the reproductive interests for
1. Monogamy- Is the formation of a pair bond between the female. The basic strategy for both male and female is to
one male and one female. It occurs mostly among ensure their own maximum fitness. What increases male
species in which cooperation by both parents is fitness is not necessarily what improves female fitness.
needed to rear young successfully. In birds, the In this hypothesis, it was said that...
avian mother is no better suited to provide these
needs than the father. Instead of seeking other Sperm is cheap. Eggs are costly.
mates, the male can increase his fitness more by
continuing his investment in the young. Among A third concept of sexual selection is the handicap
mammals, the situation is different. The females hypothesis. It postulates the evolution of three characters:
lactate, providing food for the young. Males often
can contribute a little or nothing to the survival of the 1. A male handicap
young, so it is to their advantage to mate with as 2. A female mating preference for the handicap
many females as possible. 3. General viability trait
12.5 Females attempt to acquire mates with the highest
fitness ● Organisms allocate their reproductive effort to
achieve optimal fitness, with semelparity involving a
Selection is of two types: intrasexual and intersexual. single massive reproductive effort and death, and
iteroparous involving multiple reproductions
Intrasexual Selection involves male-to-male or throughout life.
female-to-female competition for the opportunity to mate. It ● The optimal strategy depends on the organism's
leads to exaggerated secondary sexual characteristics such specific circumstances, such as annual plants and
as bright or elaborate plumage in male birds and antlers in insects in ephemeral habitats and perennial plants
deers. and animals.
● The timing of reproduction is also crucial, with early
Intersexual Selection is mostly female choice of a male. reproduction sacrificing growth and survivorship,
while later reproduction offers more growth and
For monogamous females, the criterion for mate selection maturity.
appears to be acquisition of a resource, usually a defended
high-quality habitat or territory. Does the female select the 12.8 PARENTAL INVESTMENT RELATES TO THE
male and accept the territory that goes with him, or does she NUMBER OF YOUNG
select the territory and accept the male that goes with it?
● The number of offspring that an organism produces
12.6 IN POLYGAMY FEMALES HAVE LIMITED is related to the amount of parental investment that it
INFORMATION FOR MATE CHOICE can afford to give each individual.
● Organisms that produce a small number of offspring
In polygamous species, females have limited information can invest more energy in each individual.
about mateselection, potentially choosing from males based ● These organisms often live in more predictable
on strength, courtship display, or physical appearance. In environments and are able to provide parental care.
some cases, they have little control, as the dominant male ● The degree of parental care that an organism
takes charge of a harem. In other cases, females have more provides varies widely.
control, choosing from a variety of displaying males. ● The amount of parental care that an organism
Extreme examples of female choice can be seen in lek provides depends on a number of factors, including
species where females visit groups of males. the species of the organism, the environment in
which it lives,and the resources that it has available.
● Females Choice NUMBER OF YOUNG
● Hotspot
● Male-male Interactions ● The number and size of young that an organism
produces is influenced by the environmental
Females choice conditions under which it evolves and
Females show preference for a particular mating territory adapts.r-strategists are typically short-lived and have
because it is the safest place to mate or it forces males to high reproductive rates at low population
cluster. densities.K-strategists are competitive species with
stable populations of long-lived individuals. They are
well-suited to stable environments.
● Grime's three-strategy system proposes that plants
Males cluster in places where encounters with females are
can be classified as ruderal (R-strategists),
potentially high.
competitive (C-strategists), or stress tolerant
(S-strategists).ruderals occupy uncertain or
disturbed habitats, while C-strategists and
This model envisions a strong hierarchy among the males,
R-strategists occupy more stable environments.
with the dominant male displacing all others and leaving no
● Plants and animals make adjustments to their
opportunity for female choice.
reproductive strategies in response to environmental
12.10 FOOD SUPPLY AFFECTS PRODUCTION OF ● Instead, the size differences among annuals affect
YOUNG MAY REFLECT THE ABUNDANCE OF FOOD the number of seeds they produce, with smaller
plants producing fewer seeds, even if they allocate a
● The production of young is affected by the food similar amount of energy to reproduction as larger
supply. plants.
● Parents cannot predict the available food at the time ● This pattern is mirrored in poikilothermic animals,
of nesting, so they may have to reduce the number such as fish, where fecundity increases with size,
of young. which, in turn, increases with age.
● This can happen through asynchronous hatching or ● To maximize reproductive success, fish benefit from
siblicide. delaying sexual maturation until they reach a larger
● In asynchronous hatching, the young are of several size, as early reproduction can hinder growth and
ages. future reproductive potential.
● This is practiced by a number of birds, including
raptors, herons,egrets, gannets, boobies, and INTERSPECIFIC COMMUNICATION
● These strategies are a way for parents to ensure Population interaction
that at least some of their offspring survive, even in
times of food scarcity. ● Neutral- When neither of the populations affect one
12.11 THE NUMBER OF OFFSPRING MAY VARY WITH ● Mutualism- When both populations mutually benefit

● David Lack proposed that clutch size in birds is an 1. Non-obligatory Mutualism- If the relationship is
adaptation to food supply, with temperate species not essential for the survival of both
having larger clutches due to longer foraging time. 2. Obligatory Mutualism - If the relationship is
Martin Codymodified this idea by suggesting that essential for the survival of both.
clutch sizes result from different allocations of 3. Commensalism- When one benefits and the other
energy to egg production,avoidance of predators, gains nothing
and competition. In tropical regions, with predictable 4. Competition - When the relationship between the
climate and increased survival probability, there is two are detrimental to each other’s population
no need for extra young. A third hypothesis states 5. Amensalism- When one affects the other but the
that clutch sizes vary in direct proportion to seasonal affected species does nothing in return
variation in resources, especially food. 6. Predation- A predator hunts and outright kills a prey
7. Parasitism- One feeds on the other, but does not kill
● Field examples support these hypotheses, with birds the host
intemperate regions having larger litters and 8. Parasitoisdism- Like parasitism, but leads to the
mammals at higher latitudes having larger litters. eventual death of the host
Insects, such as the milkweed beetle, also support 9. Interspecific Competition- is the relationship
the hypothesis, with temperate species laying a between
larger number of eggs and producing more clutches. 10. two or more species are affected adversely.
However, more studies along latitudinal gradients 11. Both individuals seek out a common food source,
are needed to confirm these hypotheses. competing with each other for gain over the resource
12. Interspecific Competition takes on two forms, both
12.12 FECUNDITY RELATES TO AGE AND SIZE of which will be discussed on the following slides.
13. Interference competition- A direct or aggressive
● In many species, clutch size and fecundity are approach against one another
influenced by the age and size of the parent,with a 14. Exploitative competition- An indirect reduction of
particularly strong relationship observed in plants shared resources by one another
and ectothermic animals.
● However, annual plants do not exhibit a clear
relationship between leaf area and the percentage
of energy allocated to reproduction.
INTERFERENCE COMPETITION IN PLANTS ● These studies led to the concept of the Gause
principle called the Competitive Exclusion
Allelopathy is a particular form of interference competition Principle, which means that complete competitors
among plants wherein the production and release of cannot coexist.
chemicals by one species inhibit the growth of a different ● Basically no genetic changes in competing species,
species. no takeover of the vacant niche by others, and
stable environmental conditions.
Four Possible Outcomes of Interspecific Competition
The Lotka-Volterra Model were also used in various
● Case 1: Species 1 inhibits the growth of population laboratory experiments to determine the growth and
of Species 2 while their population grows. decrease of population in microorganisms.
● Case 2: Species 2 inhibits the population growth of
Species 1, eventually causing the entire population ● Russian biologist G.F. Gause used Paramecium
to disappear. species (P. aurelia and P. caudatum). P. aurelia
● Case 3: Both species are abundant, inhibiting each showed a higher rate of population increase and can
other’s growth. tolerate high population density compared to P.
● Case 4 Neither species reach a population density caudatum. When these Paramecium species were
enough to eliminate the other. introduced in a test tube with bacterial food, P.
cautdatum died.
The Logistic Equation for Population Growth
● David Tilman and his associates studied the diatom
population of Asterionella formosa and Synedra
ulna. These species need silica to form cell walls.
When they were grown alone in a liquid medium,
these species kept silica at low level. When they
were grown together, S. ulna kept the silica level too
low for A. formosa to survive, which made them

Lotka-Volterra Model in Practice

This idea contributed to the study of competitive

relationships in natural situations and determines what
ecological conditions are needed for species to coexist.

Competition experiments in the field are difficult

- This is used when the growth rate of population's because we have no control on their environment, we
per capita is decreasing as the population size cannot identify whether the population is above or below
reaches the maximum limit of resources (the carrying capacity, and we lack full knowledge about the
carrying capacity). overall life history requirements of the species.
The Lotka-Volterra Model are a combination of two From the results of various field experimental studies, it
different mathematical models from two different people, shows that there is a strong competition for flowing water
namely Alfred Lotka and Vito Volterra. between toads, frogs, and arthropods. In herbivores,
interspecific competition is less significant compared to
Even though they never personally met each other, both of intraspecific competition since they are equally strong.
their models are often combined and referred to collectively
as the Lotka-Volterra Model in recognition of their Exclusion may involve more than competition
contributions to the study of population dynamics. Four species of chipmunks inhabit the eastern slope of the
Sierra Nevada Mountains; the alpine chipmunk, the
lodgepole pine chipmunk, the yellow pine chipmunk and the
least chipmunk. Although quite similar to one another, each
species settles on different altitudinal zones. The reason for
this is because of aggressive exclusion and their ability to
survive in the habitat that the other species cannot occupy.
From this example, we can learn that competitive exclusion Species use a portion of the resources that are not available
does not conform with the Lotka-Volterra equation. Instead, to others. This partitioning is a result of interspecific
exclusion takes place due to physiological tolerances and by competition.
aggressive behavior.
It is the exact reason why Savannah predators don’t
commonly come into contact with one another, as
A Variable Environment Upsets the Equilibrium they have different designated feeding and hunting
times, forming a sort of hierarchy amongst them.
Environmental conditions play a key role in competitive
advantage. Different variations of environmental conditions Guild - a group of similar species whose members interact
with limited resources influence the carrying capacity of an strongly with each other, using the environment in the same
area. In a nutshell, environmental variations enables the manner.
coexistence of competitors that exclude one another.
A niche is an adaptation of an organism in its environment.
Factors that affect competition: An organism's niche includes the full range of conditions and
resources which enables the organism to survive and
● Growth reproduce. Once it comes contact with other niches, a
● Survival competitive interaction will occur.
● Reproduction
Fundamental Niche - an organism that is free from
Coexistence limits the population of each species interference from another species and can use the full
range of conditions and resources where it resides
Competing species can exist together even if they decrease Realized Niche - the part of the fundamental niche
the fitness of each other as well as other species from where the species uses in the presence of competitors
different taxonomic groups. An example of this are the
rodents and ants in the desert scrub of Arizona. Both of Niche width is the sum total of the different resources used
them feed on seeds, and this seeds are heavily affected by by an organism. It can also be described as either narrow or
rainfall. broad.

James Brown and Diane Davidson conducted a study to A niche overlap takes place when different organisms use a
determine how the rodents and ants compete for food part of the same resource simultaneously
Niche Compression - happens when an intense
● A total of six experimental plots were provided. competition of species forces them to restrict their use of
● From the two of them, they excluded rodents by space, range of foods, and other resources
trapping and by adding a fence.
● From the other two plots, they excluded ants by Competitive Release - happens when a species enters an
spraying insecticide repeatedly. area or an island that does not have potential competitors,
● For the remaining plots, they removed both of the migrates into a habitat that was not occupied and increases
rodents and ants. its abundance

The results showed that the ants and rodents compete. The Niche Shift - an adjustment between two or more species
absence of rodents increased the population of ants, while which involves the reduction of competition by adjusting their
the absence of ants increased the population of rodents, and use of the shared niche
the absence of the two showed an increase in the amount of

Resource Sharing and Species Coexistence

Animals consume different kinds of food, feed at different

times, and occupy different areas within their environment.

Plants occupy areas according to the soil moisture gradient,

their nutrient requirement and tolerance for light and shade.

● simply defined as the ecological process in which an

animal (or an organism) kills and feeds on another
animal (or an organism. An animal that kills another
organism is called a predator while the one that is
killed to be eaten is known as prey.
● Predation is more than a transfer of energy. It is a
direct and often complex interaction of two or more
species, the eater (predator) and the eaten (prey).
● The numbers of some predators may depend upon
the abundance of their prey
● The population of the prey may be controlled by its
predator. Each can influence the population growth These paired equations, when solved, show that as a
of the other and favor new adaptations. single predator population increases, the single prey
population decreases to a point at which the trend reverses.
Forms of Predation The prey increases, followed by an increase in the predator
population. The two populations rise and fall in oscillations.
1. CARNIVORY - predator that consumes meat.
2. PARASITOIDISM- a parasitoid is an organism that
lives in close association with its host at the host’s
Models of interactions between predator and prey suggests
3. HERBIVORY- an animals that is a plant-eater
two distinct responses of the predator to changes in prey
4. CANNIBALISM- consuming organisms wherein the
predator and the prey are the same species.
(1) is for their individual predator to eat more prey as the
mathematical models describe the basics of predation
prey population increases or to take them sooner;
(2) the other is for predators to become more numerous
through increased reproduction or immigration.
ALFRED JAMES LOTKA (1880-1949) --transfer from
physical chemistry into biology, and was a man of The former is called functional response and the latter
exceptional creativity and one of the fathers of what would numerical response.
later become theoretical population ecology.
The response of predators to different prey densities
VITO VOLTERRA (1860-1940) -was an italian depends on:
mathematician and physicist, known for his contributions to
mathematical biology and integral equations, being one of (1) the feeding behavior of individual predators which is
the founders of functional analysis called the functional response; and
(2) the response of the predator population through
In the 1920s, Lotka and Volterra turned their attention to the reproduction, immigration and emigration, which is called the
effects of predation on population growth. Independently, numerical response.
they proposed mathematical statements to express the
relationship between predator and prey populations. They The basis of a functional response is that a predator will
provided one equation for the prey population and another take more prey as the density of the prey increases.
for the predator population. Crawford Stanley Holling (C.S Holling), a Canadian ecologist
has classified functional responses into three types.
The population growth equation for the prey population
consists of two components: Functional responses model describes or expresses the
intake rate of consumers as a function of prey density and is
the maximum rate of increase per individual and the generally divided into three types: Type I, Type II, and Type
removal of the prey from the population by the predator III.
TYPE I response. -the number of prey taken per predator
increases in a linear to a maximum as prey density SWITCHING- In a type III response, we assume that there is
increases. a predator capable of choice and an alternate prey. Although
a predator may have a strong preference for a certain prey, it
Type I functional response assumes that the amount of food can turn to another, more abundant prey species that
a predator consumes increases linearly with the prey provides a more profitable hunting. Ecologists call the act
density. This linear increase assumes that the food of turning to more abundant alternate prey switching.
processing time is negligible, meaning that the time for the
consumer to prepare and its food does not interfere with the At what point in prey abundance a predator switches
search for food. depends considerably on the threshold of security for the
prey species involved. The threshold of security may be
TYPE II response -the number of prey affected rises at a much lower for a highly desirable prey.
decreasing rate toward a maximum value. A predator may hunt longer and harder for a palatable
species before it turns to a more abundant, less palatable
Type II functional response states that as the density of prey alternate prey.
population increases the slower the predator it’ll consume or Conversely, the predator may turn from the less desirable
capacity of a predator to consume and search for a food will species at a much higher level of abundance than it would
decrease. The time it takes a predator to eat and process its from a more palatable species.
prey is interfering with its ability to search for more prey so
as the density of prey increases, there is any eating as many PREDATORS RESPOND NUMERICALLY TO CHANGING
prey as possible and cannot search for anymore PREY DENSITY

TYPE III response. -as prey numbers increases, surplus As the density increases, the number of predators may also
animals are forced out to be the best habitat into poorer increase. Numerical response takes three basic forms:
habitat where they become vulnerable to predation.
(1) direct response- the number of predators in a given
Type III functional response can be distinguished by its area increases as the prey density increases
accelerating relationship between density of a population not
prey consumed and this exponential increase is caused by (2) no response- the predator population remains
learning. Predators learned how to managed their prey proportionately the same
density for them to consume it and we find the natural
improvement of our predators searching and attacking (3) inverse response- the predators cannot keep up with
efficiency. the increasing density of prey.

PREDATORS DEVELOP A SEARCH IMAGE FOR PREY Most numerical responses involve an increase in
reproductive effort. Because reproduction usually requires a
Another reason for the sigmoidal shape of the Type III certain minimal time, a lag exists between an increase of a
functional response curve may be the search image. prey population and a numerical response by a predator
A search image is what an individual uses in order to
detect their prey. For the predator to detect something as PREY HAVE EVOLVED DEFENSES AGAINST
prey, it must fit their criteria. The rare morph of a species PREDATORS
may not fit the search image, and thus not be seen as prey.
The relationship between predator and prey is influenced
considerably by prey defenses and the ability of predators to
The more adept the predator becomes at securing a
overcome them. The predator does not succeed in every
particular prey item, the more intensely it concentrates
encounter. Prey employ a different means of defense:
on it. The search image for the prey items begins to wane,
and the predator reacts to another prey species.
Chemical Defense - is widespread among many groups of
animals. Some species of fish release alarm pheromones
(chemical substances that are synthesized and released in
response to predators to reduce predation risk), inducing
substances, which they have taken from plants and stored
flight reactions. Many arthropods possess toxic secondary
bodies. Other arthropods and venomous snakes, frogs, and Timing of Reproduction- A more subtle form of defense is
toads synthesize their own poisons. -Example: skunk the timing of reproduction so that most of the offspring are
releasing spray liquid; releasing ink like squid, cuttlefish, and produced in a short period of time. Then prey is so abundant
octopus. that the predator becomes sadiated, allowing a percentage
of the young to escape and grow to a less vulnerable size.
Cryptic Coloration - Also called camouflage. It is a defense Such is the strategy employed by ungulates such as the
or tactic that organisms use to blend in with surroundings. A caribou
great example of this is background matching like the
feather of a screech owl matching the tree. Predators have evolved efficient hunting tactics
As prey have evolved ways of avoiding predators, predators
Movements- Movements and other behaviors also tend to have evolved better ways of hunting. Predators have three
hide prey species from predators. Single prey animals general hunting methods:
frequently flee from a predator in an irregular manner,
zigzagging, spinning, looping, or bouncing. Armadillos rolls 1. Ambush- Ambush predators like lions and tigers
up as an act of its defense. rely on stealth and concealment. They hide in
vegetation or behind rocks and wait for prey to get
Warning Coloration- Aposematism or warning color. Some close before suddenly rushing out to attack. This
animals exhibit warning coloration to signal that they are allows them to conserve energy rather than
highly toxic or possess other chemical defense. Warning constantly chasing prey.
colors are usually bright color patterns that serve to warn 2. Stalking- Stalking predators like wolves and coyotes
possible predators that the animal is undesirable as prey (as slowly and quietly follow prey over a distance,
by being poisonous or bad-tasting) getting progressively closer before finally rushing in
for the kill. This allows them to single out weaker or
Mimicry- Defensive or protective mimicry takes place when slower individuals from a herd.
organisms are able to avoid harmful encounters by 3. Pursuit- Pursuit predators like cheetahs and hyenas
deceiving enemies into treating them as something else. rely on speed and stamina to run down prey over
Batesian mimicry, for example, is when a harmless organism longer distances. They tire out fleeing prey by
looks like a dangerous one, deterring potential predators. constantly chasing them. Pursuit hunting requires
high endurance.
Physical Defense- Some animals employ physical means
of defense. Claws, Teeth, and spikes are some of the Predators use deception by resembling their prey. Robber
physical defenses used by animals. Some smaller animals, flies (Mallophora bomboides) mimic bumblebees, their prey.
like house cats and raccoons, also have them . House cats The female of certain species of fireflies imitates the mating
may be sweet pets, but they still have sharp claws for flashes of other species, attracting males of those species,
defense. Some animals have sharp spikes to keep predators which she promptly kills and eats. Predators may also
away . Porcupines are covered in sharp spikes called quills employ chemical poisons, as shrews and rattlesnakes do.

Alarm Signals- Other animal defenses are behavioral. One Cannibalism is common to many animals
is to give an alarm call when a predator is sighted. Because ● Intraspecific predation refers to when a member of a
high-pitched alarm calls are not species-specific, a wide species preys upon other members of the same
range of animals nearby recognize them. Alarm calls often species. This includes cannibalism as well as other
bring in numbers of potential prey that mob the predator. forms.
Other behavioral defenses include distraction displays, most ● Cannibalism is a specific type of intraspecific
among birds, They direct the attention of the predator away predation where an animal eats conspecifics -
from the prey. members of its own species.
● Among terrestrial animals, cannibalism is relatively
Living in Groups- For some prey, living in groups is the rare, though it can be observed in some mammals
simplest form of defense. Predators are less likely to attack (rodents, bears), spiders, scorpions, and insects
a concentrated group of individuals. By maintaining a tight, under certain conditions.
cohesive group, prey make it difficult for any predator to ● In aquatic environments, cannibalism appears to be
obtain a victim. more common among fish, amphibians, and
invertebrates like crabs, snails, and cephalopods.
Cannibalism has been associated with stressed populations, Animals use a foraging strategy
particularly those facing starvation although some animals
do not become cannibalistic until other foods run out, others Foraging refers to the search for and exploitation of food
do so when alternative foods decline and individuals are resources by animals. It involves behaviors for locating,
malnourished. Other conditions that may promote procuring, and ingesting food.
● Optimal foraging theory suggests animals will select
● Overcrowding - When population density becomes food sources and patches to maximize their energy
too high, cannibalism can increase due to gains while minimizing costs like time and effort.
competition for limited resources. This is common in ● Optimal Diet - The diet that provides the nutrients
species that aggregate like fish or crustaceans. an animal needs to survive and thrive in the most
● Stress - Environmental stressors like habitat loss, energy efficient way. This depends on the digestive
pollution, or human encroachment could trigger system, food availability, etc.
cannibalistic tendencies in struggling populations. ● Optimal Foraging Efficiency - The ability to obtain
● Presence of vulnerable individuals - such as optimal foods with minimal energy expenditure and
nestlings, eggs, or runty individuals that provide risk. Improves chances of survival.
easy prey - even in the presence of food.
Foragers seek productive food patches
A species may prey on its competitor The robin has been following the rules of optimal foraging:

Intraguild predation - When two species compete for the (1) concentrate on the most productive patches;
same prey resources, the larger or more dominant species (2) stay with those patches until their profitability falls to a
may turn to preying directly on its competitor rather than level equal to the average for the foraging area as a whole;
sharing the prey. This eliminates the need to divide (3) leave the patch once it has been reduced to the level of
resources. average productivity;
(4) ignore patches of low productivity
The simplest form of intraguild predation involves two
predator species competing for the same prey resource. Herbivory affects plant growth and reproduction
Here is an explanation of the basics: ● Grazing is a specific type of herbivory that involves
animals feeding on grasses and herbaceous plants.
● Two predator species (A and B) both prey upon a ● Grazers preferentially consume grasses and
shared target prey species (C). non-woody vegetation like stems, leaves, and tender
● Predators A and B occupy the same ecological shoots.
niche and rely on prey C as their primary food ● Grazing animals include livestock like cattle, sheep,
source. goats as well as wild herbivores like bison, deer,
● Predators A and B will initially compete for prey C, antelope.
with the total population of C dictating how much ● Grazing can alter plant community structure by
food is available to support populations of A and B. changing competitive balances and allowing
● When prey C becomes scarce due to environmental unpalatable plants to dominate.
factors like drought, the two predator populations
are forced to compete more intensely for the limited Defoliation is another important concept related to herbivory
C resources. and plant-animal interactions.
● At this point, predator A faces a choice - either
compete even harder with predator B for the ● Defoliation refers specifically to the removal of
remaining prey C, or simply start praying directly on leaves from plants, usually by herbivorous animals
predator B as an alternative food source. grazing or browsing.
● By switching to feed on predator B, predator A ● Both insects (like caterpillars) and vertebrate
engages in intraguild predation to alleviate herbivores (deer, goats) can cause defoliation
competition and secure more prey C for itself. through feeding.
● Defoliation reduces the photosynthetic capacity of
plants by removing leaf surface area needed for light
capture and energy production.
Plants defend themselves from herbivores Human interactions with Natural Population

Plants have evolved a diverse array of defenses to protect Throughout history, humans have maintained intricate
themselves from herbivores: Chemical defenses - Toxins, relationships with plants and animals, serving as both
repellent chemicals, antinutrients etc. discourage herbivores providers and potential threats. The evolution of technology
from feeding. and the domestication of certain species shaped larger
societies, but also brought competition and invasive plants.
Quantitative defense As populations grew, so did resource exploitation, affecting
● These are defenses that lower the overall nutritional forests and large mammals. These interactions birthed a
quality or palatability of plant tissues to herbivores. cultural bond with certain species, which continues to
● Examples include high fiber content, silica, tannins, influence everything from religion to art, even in our
and other antinutrient compounds that inhibit high-tech world. However, it's only recently that a portion of
digestion. society recognized the rapid decline of Earth's natural
● They are dose-dependent - increasing quantities populations, prompting efforts to manage and conserve
make the plant progressively more unsuitable as wildlife. These endeavors focus on maintaining exploited
food. species, increasing endangered populations, and reducing
those perceived as detrimental to human interests.
Qualitative defense
● Involve toxic secondary metabolites that target Managing exploited populations began with Fisheries
specific physiological processes in herbivores.
● Examples are alkaloids, cyanogenic glycosides, and ● Humans have exploited plant and animal
non-protein amino acids. populations for thousands of years without concern,
● Not dose dependent - even small amounts disrupt leading to some species absorbing the effects or
herbivore biochemistry and deter feeding. extinction. Only in the late 1800s did efforts to
manage exploited populations, causing debates over
Plants may also employ the least costly form of defense - human impact on fisheries.
hairy leaves, thorns, and spines, structures that evolved ● C.G.J. Petersen, a Danish Fishery Biologist,
early, when they may have been subject to even greater developed a technique for estimating population size
predatory pressure. using tagging and mark-recapture, enabling
biologists to assess fish stocks.
Vegetation, herbivores, and carnivores interact ● Norwegian fishery biologist Johannes Hjort
The relationships between plants, herbivores, and suggests that the highest sustained yield can be
carnivores in an ecosystem: achieved at the point where overfishing began.

● Plants are producers that make their own food Continued exploitation depends on sustained yields
through photosynthesis. They form the base of the ● Harvesting at a level that will ensure a similar yield
food chain. without forcing the population into decline is called
● Herbivores are primary consumers that eat plants sustained yield.
and other producers. Examples include deer, ● Sustained yield management considers a resource
rabbits, cattle, etc. Herbivores depend on plants for as a single biological unit, not an ecosystem, and
their energy and nutrients. considers population dynamics, natural mortality,
● Carnivores are secondary or higher-level consumers and environmental uncertainty, ensuring continuous
that eat other animals. Examples include wolves, productivity for human use. Management differs for
lions, hawks, etc. Carnivores depend on herbivores K-selected and r-selected species.
and other animals for their food source. ● Maximum sustained yield (MSY) is the level of
● Plants and herbivores have a symbiotic relationship. sustained yield above which the population declines,
Herbivores get food and nutrients by eating plants. and harvest takes the population down to a level
In return, herbivores aid in seed dispersal and where the remaining stock can replace the removed
pollination when they eat fruits, berries, etc. Grazing amount.
by herbivores can also stimulate plant growth. ● Optimal sustained yield (OSY) is a more complex
● Carnivores help regulate herbivore and plant approach that considers biological and sociological
populations through predation. Too many herbivores factors
can damage plant life through overgrazing.
Carnivores help keep herbivore numbers under
Overexploited populations show danger signs Exploitation decimated wildlife
● Overexploited populations are causing a potential
disaster, with decreased catch per unit effort and ● Human populations have led to the extinction of
related species catch, and a decreasing proportion many species of wildlife, including the ivory-billed
of pregnant females. woodpecker, passenger pigeon, and Carolina
● After the war, the fishery industry grew rapidly, parakeet.
becoming a thriving industry by 1820. Improvements ● In the early 1900s, efforts were made to stop the
in transportation, fishing boats, gear, and techniques destruction of wildlife through the Lacey Act of 1900
increased catch by 20% annually. and the Migratory Bird Act of 1913.
● However, by 1890, stocks depleted, but increased ● However, by the 1930s, wildlife was still in serious
fishing intensity and capital helped maintain catch trouble, and restoration efforts began with the
until the late 1950s. Early delicacies included lake Pittman-Robertson Act. The Endangered Species
sturgeon, walleye, blue pike, and yellow perch. By Act of 1973, administered by the National Biological
1960, walleye and blue pike stocks were Service, covers vertebrate animals, invertebrates,
commercially depleted. Pollution in the lake also and plants.
contributed to the decline. ● The Act lists endangered species, designates critical
habitats, and mandates recovery programs. It
Economics interferes with sustained yield management prohibits federal funding for harming listed species.
● Traditional fisheries management often overlooks Opponents, like land developers and loggers, argue
ecological roles, leading to bypass, resulting in it hinders their interests.
discard of non-economically valuable species like ● Congressional politicians slow species listing and
sea birds, seals, and endangered sea turtles. habitat protection, ignoring economic benefits of wild
● Discards can disrupt predator-prey interactions, alter plants and animals, while ignoring the Endangered
interspecific competition, enrich benthic Species Act's impact on projects involving threats.
detritus-based food chains, and potentially alter
ecosystem structure and function. Wildlife restoration is a complex task
● Economics influence game species management, ● After the 1930s, white-tailed deer, pronghorn
as biologists prioritize hunting over welfare. antelope, and wild turkey re-emerged receiving strict
Reducing hunting license revenues benefits wildlife protection from hunting, regulated seasons, and
agencies but reduces funding for habitat restoration large empty habitat established by states and federal
and acquisition programs. 18.5 “Sustained yield” in governments.
forestry may not be sustained yield ● Wild turkeys, once a threatened species, are now
approaching extinction due to habitat loss and
“Sustained yield” in forestry may not be sustained yield habitat destruction. White-tailed deer, a species that
● Forests have not fared much better than wildlife. caused accidents and threats to native plants, are
They were destroyed rapidly over the centuries to now more abundant.
clear land for agriculture and supply building ● The turkey, originally from 39 states, was eliminated
materials and firewood. from the northeastern and midwestern states by the
● Forest management began in Europe in the 1600s mid-1800s.
and has since spread to the US, where it has been ● Intensive studies financed by Pittman-Robertson
heavily cleared and exploited. money provided information for restoration efforts.
● The goal of sustained yield in forestry is to balance Live-trapped wild turkeys were transferred to
net growth and harvest, with mature or unexplored suitable habitats in the western US, and by 1960,
forests being cut to stimulate regeneration. they had increased to 7,000 birds.
However, this approach is often used to justify the ● However, capturing wild turkeys in eastern forests
clearcutting of renuining old-growth forests. proved challenging due to genetically-nested
● Sustained yield forestry, utilizing silvicultural and crosses and hybridization.
harvesting techniques, is effective on large ● Intensive studies financed by Pittman-Robertson
acreages, but poor cutting practices and poor money provided information for restoration efforts.
species composition have led to poor quality and Live-trapped wild turkeys were transferred to
quantity of forests. suitable habitats in the western US, and by 1960,
● Forestry, like fisheries, focuses on the resource as they had increased to 7,000 birds.
an economic opportunity, not as a biological ● However, capturing wild turkeys in eastern forests
community. Once an old-growth forest is cut, that proved challenging due to genetically-nested
ecosystem will not return. crosses and hybridization.
Habitat restoration and protection is the key to saving wildlife Reintroductions can return species to depleted habitats

● Habitat restoration is crucial for the survival of ● Restoring a species to its natural range involves
wildlife populations, as it involves planting, introducing a core population into available but
protecting, and managing an area. Small reserves, locally extinct habitats, either by capturing wild
such as eroded lands, cutover forests, and individuals or using captive-reared ones.
wetlands, hold populations that represent different ● Captive propagation is a last resort, with potential
samples of the gene pool and help maintain genetic issues like small population size, inbreeding, and
diversity in species populations. loss of adaptability. Reintroduction should be
● Corridors connecting habitat patches can considered when feasible.
enhance the integrity and stability of fragmented ● Reintroducing captive-bred individuals into the
populations. wild requires training for survival skills, but success
● Many wildlife species are migratory, and their varies, and careful consideration of genetic and
survival depends on winter habitat. Small ecological compatibility is vital to prevent negative
populations cannot survive unless remaining impacts on native populations. Inappropriate genetic
available habitat is protected against intrusions such backgrounds can weaken resident stocks, as seen in
as development, agricultural clearing, and logging. attempts to increase northern bobwhite quail
● Most reserves do not provide habitat for an populations with birds of southern origin.
expanding population or embrace the entire
ecosystem. Protection and education must accompany restoration
● Human activities outside park boundaries, like
logging, grazing, agriculture, housing, and ● Island Species Vulnerability. Species confined to
recreational development, threaten ecosystem habitat islands face increased vulnerability to
integrity. To protect reserves, concentric buffer areas poaching and predation. Waterfowl nesting in small
should be established. wetlands surrounded by farmland are easy targets
● Excessive land use can lead to overuse and habitat for nest predators like skunks, raccoons, and
destruction. opossum, making predator protection crucial.
● Protection of Larger Mammals. Concentrated
We may control wildlife populations to maintain habitat populations of large mammals, such as bears and
rhinoceroses, are susceptible to poaching and
When a restoration effort succeeds in bringing back a trophy hunting. Safeguarding reintroductions
species, it can inadvertently create a problem of requires long-term support from governments and
overpopulation. This overpopulation puts stress on the local communities, often dependent on
habitat as the species consumes resources beyond what the demonstrating economic benefits and providing
environment can naturally support. This leads to a education about species and habitats.
deterioration of the habitat, making it less suitable for the ● Human Population and Biodiversity. The fate of
species and negatively affecting other associated species wildlife and ecosystems hinges on controlling the
that depend on the same ecosystem. To address this issue, explosive growth of the human population.
the surplus individuals can be removed and transplanted to
areas with depleted populations, providing a potential
solution to both overpopulation and habitat restoration. Mechanical and cultural control can be effective
However, making the decision of when to intervene is a ● Mechanical pest control methods include fencing,
complex task, as it requires a deep understanding of the trapping, cultivation, hoeing, and hand weeding.
natural cycles and relationships within the ecosystem. For These methods have been used for centuries to
instance, in the case of elephants converting tree savannas keep livestock in, deter predators, and prevent
to grassland, deciding whether to let this cycle proceed or herbivores from feeding on crops. Sticky traps,
reduce the elephant population to achieve balance between baited with pheromones and sticky paper at night,
the elephants and the trees is challenging due to the long attract and capture males of specific insect pests like
lifespan of elephants and the time it takes for trees to gypsy moths. Light traps, although effective, also
regenerate. This decision has far-reaching consequences, attract and kill beneficial insects. Various methods of
as it impacts not only the elephants but the entire trapping are used to catch mammalian and avian
ecosystem's stability and health. pests. Homogeneous habitats provide the
opportunity for large outbreaks of pests, as large
fields and extensive stands of forest trees can be a
breeding ground for pests.
Integrated pest management combines approaches to ● Parasites of the lungs enter the mouth or the skin
control and travel to the lungs through the pulmonary
system..They escape by being coughed up and
● IPM is a holistic approach to pest control that takes swallowed into the alimentary tract
into account biological, ecological, economic, social, ● Parasites of the urogenital system enter orally, travel
and aesthetic factors. Its goal is to control pests through the gut to the site of infection, and exit by
while their population size is the smallest, the urinary system.
depending on natural mortality induced by weather ● Blood parasites enter and escape through the skin
and enemies. Knowledge of the population ecology ● Parasites in muscle tissues usually form capsules,
of each pest and its associated species, as well as and reach a blind end. The only way out is for their
the dynamics of host species, is required for host to be killed or eaten by a predator.
successful IPM. Fieldwork is required to monitor
pest species and their natural enemies in order to MANY PARASITES SPREAD BY DIRECT CONTACT.
determine the need for, timing of, and intensity of Direct transmission is the transfer of a parasite from one
control efforts. IPM employs minimum chemical host to another by direct contact with a carrier. The parasite
spraying and thinning to prevent pesticide genetic has no intermediate stages of secondary host. Typically
resistance. Control strategies must be altered from microparasites are transmitted directly.
one area to the next based on long-term harm,
control costs, and decision benefits. IPM has been SOME PARASITES SPREAD BY INDIRECT
effective in controlling pests. TRANSMISSION
Many parasites, both plants and animals, use indirect
transmission spending different stages of the life cycle with

PARASITISM- is a condition in which two organisms live TRANSMISSION AMONG HOSTS IS ESSENTIAL TO
together, one deriving its nourishment at the expense of the PARASITES
others. Transmission from host to host is the key to parasite
survival. It can take place only with the dispersal of an
MICROPARASITES- It includes viruses, bacteria, and infective stage independent of the definitive host. Parasites
protozoans. They are characterized by small size and a requiring more than one host can complete their life cycle
short generation time. only if they can infect the right series of hosts.


Examples include flatworms, acanthocephalans, ● Just as prey responds to predators, so the host
roundworms, flukes, lice, fleas, ticks, fungi, rusts, reacts to parasites. Some responses are defensive
smuts, dodders, broomrape and mistletoe. attempts to counter parasitic invasion. Other
responses are negative reactions to parasitic
HOSTS PROVIDE DIVERSE HABITATS FOR PARASITES ● The host may also react to parasitic infections with
Hosts are the habitats for parasites, which have exploited abnormal growth. For example, plants respond to
every conceivable habitat on and within these hosts. bacterial and fungal invasion by forming cysts in the
Parasites that live on the skin within the protective cover or roots and scabs in fruits and roots, cutting off contact
feathers and hair are ECTOPARASITES. Others, known as of the fungus with healthy tissue. Plants react to
ENDOPARASITES, live within the host. Some burrow attacks on leaf, stem, fruit, and seed by gall wasps,
beneath the skin. bees, and flies by forming abnormal growth
structures unique to the particular gall insect.
● Parasites of insects live on the legs, on the upper
and lower body surfaces, and even on the PARASITES AND HOSTS ESTABLISH AN UNEASY
mouthparts TRUCE
● Plant parasites divide up the habitat. Some live on
the roots and stems, others penetrate the roots and ● When a foreign protein or antigen enters the
bark to live in the woody tissue beneath. bloodstream it is taken up by white cells called
● Digestive tract parasites enter the host through the lymphocytes which produce ANTIBODIES.
mouth and escape the rectum. A path used by other
parasites as well.
● The immune response, however, can be breached. Symbiosis and the Evolution of Mutualism
Some parasites vary their antigens more or less
continuously. By doing so, they are able to keep one Symbiotic Relationship between Parasite and Host:
jump ahead of the host's response. The result is a ● Parasites and hosts engage in a symbiotic
chronic infection of the parasite in the host. relationship where dissimilar organisms live closely
Antibodies specific to an infection are normally together.
composed of proteins. ● Initially, the parasite draws its sustenance from the
● The ultimate breakdown in the immune system host.
occurs in humans infected with the Human
Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) the causal agent of Evolution of Mutualism from Parasitic Relationship
AIDS, transmitted sexually, through the use of ● Over time, in the coevolution of the host and
shared needles, or by infected donor blood parasite, the relationship can become beneficial to
both parties.
PARASITES MAY REGULATE HOST POPULATION ● The host, becoming tolerant of the parasitic
● The impact of parasites on host populations infection, might exploit this relationship. Eventually,
depends on the mode of transmission and the the two species can become interdependent, leading
density and dispersion of the host population. to mutualism
Microparasites, dependent for the most part on
direct transmission, require a high host density to Mutualism Definition and Characteristics
persist. ● Mutualism is a positive, reciprocal relationship at an
● Indirect transmission typical of macroparasites, is individual or population level between two different
more complex parasites with indirect transmission species, where both benefit in terms of survival,
requiring a highly effective transmission stage. growth, or reproduction.
● Evidence suggests that this relationship is more
Social Parasitism in Different Species: about reciprocal exploitation rather than cooperative
efforts between individuals.
SPECIES: Examples include intraspecific nest parasitism Types of Mutualism
among certain bird species, where parasitic females lay
eggs in the nests of host females of the same species, such 1. Symbiotic Mutualism- Involves physical interaction
as among ants, wasps, and certain groups of birds like and is often obligatory, where at least one member
waterfowl. becomes entirely dependent on the other. In extreme
cases, the two organisms function as one, as seen
TEMPORARY FACULTATIVE PARASITISM BETWEEN in the relationship between algae and fungi in
SPECIES: An instance occurs between ant species, where lichens.
a newly mated queen of one species enters the nest of
another, kills its queen, and gets the host workers to care for 2. Nonsymbiotic Mutualism - Can be obligate or
her brood, eventually leading to the replacement of the host facultative and might have started with exploitation.
colony with the parasitic species For example, in plant pollinator relationships, birds
and insects feeding on pollen inadvertently carry
TEMPORARY OBLIGATORY PARASITISM BETWEEN pollen to other plants, benefiting the plants'
SPECIES: Common in ants and notably found in birds like reproductive success. This led to the plants
cowbirds and cuckoos. These birds lay eggs in the nests of exploiting the visitors as pollen dispersers.
a host species, relying on the host's care for their young.
Strategies differ among hosts, some rearing the parasitic Obligatory symbiotic mutualisms, focusing on the
offspring at the expense of their own, while others may try to example of mycorrhizae, a mutualistic relationship between
reject the foreign egg plant roots and fungi.

PERMANENT OBLIGATORY PARASITISM BETWEEN Mycorrhizae is an example of such a relationship. It

SPECIES: This type is exemplified in certain ants and involves a mutually beneficial interaction between plant roots
wasps. Workerless species have queens that infiltrate host and fungi. The fungi aid the plant in nutrient uptake from the
nests, either dominating the host queen or eliminating her to soil, while the plant provides the fungi with carbon as an
take control of the colony. energy source.
Mycorrhizae play a crucial role in the growth of forest trees Non Symbiotic Obligatory Mutualism
and the overall functioning of forest ecosystems. This ● The relationship between mycorrhizal spores and
mutualism is essential to the vitality of these environments small mammals is described as non symbiotic
and is the subject of ongoing research. obligatory mutualism.
● -Although the participants in this mutualism lead
Mycorrhizae are particularly important in nutrient-poor soils. separate lives,they rely on each other for specific
They aid in nutrient decomposition, the translocation of benefits.
nutrients, and selective ion accumulation and absorption. ● In this case, the mycorrhizal spores need the
They also mobilize nutrients in infertile soil and make certain mammals for spore dispersal, and the mammals
nutrients available that are bound in silicate minerals obtain a significant portion of their food from the
mycorrhizal fruiting bodies.
Mycorrhizae help their host plants resist disease by
providing a physical barrier and stimulating root production Facultative Facultative mutualisms such mutualisms such as
of inhibitory substances seed dispersal as seed dispersal are diffuse
● Facultative mutualisms, particularly in seed dispersal
Types of Mycorrhizae and pollination, are diffuse relationships not limited
1. Endomycorrhizae- Common in temperate and to specific species but involving a wide array of
tropical forests, they form a network (arbuscle) related species.
within the host plant's cells, aiding in nutrient ● Various plants employ different strategies for
absorption without altering root structure dispersing their seeds, such as relying on animals
like jays, squirrels, ants, and frugivores. Some plants
2. Ectomycorrhizae- Produces modified, coral-like provide nutrients attractive to ants
roots, working between root cells and extending into (myrmecochorous) in the form of elaiosomes on
a network outside the root, enhancing nutrient seed coats, ensuring seed dispersal to suitable
absorption. locations
● Others attract frugivores by producing nutritious
Mutualisms mutualisms may be obligatory but obligatory fruits to entice animals that eat the surrounding seed
but nonsymbiotic tissue without harming seed vitality. The strategy of
quantity dispersal involves scattering numerous
The term "obligatory" in these mutualistic relationships seeds and relying on diverse consumers to disperse
implies that the participants are highly dependent on each seeds to suitable sites.
other for their survival or reproduction, but these
relationships are described as "nonsymbiotic" because Mutualisms are Mutualisms are often necessary for
they don't involve the intimate physical interactions typically necessary for pollination
associated with symbiosis. Instead, they are mutually ● Mutualisms are vital for pollination as plants rely on
beneficial interactions that may be critical for the organisms various mechanisms to ensure the transfer of pollen
involved. from the anthers to the stigma of conspecifics.
● Some plants disperse pollen via wind in specific
Mycorrhizae and Small Mammals conditions, scattered or patchy plant distributions
● Some mycorrhizae have belowground fruiting necessitate the involvement of insects, nectivorous
bodies, like truffles, which depend on small birds, and bats for effective pollination.
mammals, particularly voles, for spore dispersal. - ● Plants have evolved specialized methods to attract
● Small mammals detect these underground fruiting specific pollinators, offering rewards such as nectar,
bodies by smell, dig up and consume truffles, and oils, and pollen in exchange for successful pollen
then disperse mycorrhizal spores when they transfer.
● Mycorrhizal spores can only germinate upon Some mutualisms are mutualisms are defensive
coming into contact with tree roots ● Certain mutualistic relationships, like the one
between certain grasses and fungi (Clavicipitaceae),
Three-Way Obligatory Relationship exhibit defensive mutualism. In this case, the fungi
● In this scenario, a three-way obligatory relationship residing within the tissues of the host grasses
exists: Trees rely on mycorrhizae for nutrient uptake, produce physiologically active alkaloids.
mycorrhizae depend on tree roots for energy, and
small mammals benefit from consuming the
mycorrhizal fruiting bodies.
● These alkaloids render the grasses bitter-tasting 𝗘𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝗶𝘀𝘁𝘀 use the term to contrast basic characteristics.
and toxic to grazing mammals, causing adverse They speak of heterotrophic and autotrophic communities.
effects such as constricted blood vessels in the
brain, convulsions, and even death. This Although ecologists classify communities in different ways,
mechanism acts as a defense against herbivores, all communities have certain characteristics that define their
protecting the host plant from being consumed by biological and physical structure. These characteristics vary
grazing animals and certain insect herbivores in both 𝘀𝗽𝗮𝗰𝗲 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗶𝗺𝗲.
● The mutualism, although defensive, does come with
costs to the host plant. It leads to sterility by Communities Vary in Biological Structure
inhibiting flowering or causing seed abortion. While The mix of species, including both their number and relative
some plants have adaptations to counteract this abundance, defines the biological structure of a community.
sterility, in many cases, the overall benefits involve
the trade-off between reduced sexual reproduction DOMINANTS- A single or few species predominate within a
and increased vegetative growth. The fungal community. They possess the highest biomass, preempt the
infection contributes to enhanced growth in the most space, make the largest contribution to energy flow or
absence of herbivores, compensating for the loss of nutrient cycling, or by some other means control or influence
sexual reproduction, suggesting a balanced the rest of the community.
relationship where the plants gain defensive
advantages against grazing while incurring certain Abundance alone is 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐬𝐮𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐭.
reproductive costs. Ecologists measure such dominants by 𝐛𝐢𝐨𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐬 𝐨𝐫 𝐛𝐚𝐬𝐚𝐥
Population Population effects of effects of mutualism may
mutualism may be complex Dominance- Basal area or aerial coverage, species A Area
● The population effects of mutualism can be complex samples
and challenging to define. While the benefits of
mutualism at the individual level are relatively easy Relative Dominance- Basal area or coverage, species A
to understand, assessing its consequences at the Total basal area or coverage, all species.
population level is more intricate than evaluating the
effects of predation or parasitism The predatory starfish 𝐏𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫, for example, preys on
● For obligate symbiotic mutualists, the relationship is several associated species and reduces competitive
relatively straightforward. If species A is removed, interactions among them, so they are able to coexist.
species B's population will cease to exist. For
example, if ectomycorrhizal fungi fail to infect the ● Dominant species achieve their status at the
rootlets of young pines, the pines won't develop expense of other species in the community.
well. In such cases, mutualism is critical to the ● The concept of species dominance is
survival of the populations involved 𝗰𝗼𝗻𝘁𝗲𝘅𝘁-𝗱𝗲𝗽𝗲𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗻𝘁.
● In contrast, for non symbionts, whether they are ● A predator species that maintains one mix of species
obligate or facultative, the population effects of in the community may not be defined as dominant if
mutualism may be limited to specific stages of the the criterion is the cycling of nutrients or density.
life history cycle where the mutualistic relationship
occurs. Number and Relative Abundance Define Species Diversity

Relative Abundance- is the percent composition of an

COMMUNITY STRUCTURE organism of a particular kind relative to the total number of
organisms in the area.
Community- A collection of organisms interacting directly or
indirectly. Species diversity- is the number and relative abundance of
Guild- Some species that carry out similar functions or species found in a given biological organization (population,
exploit the same resource within a community. ecosystem, Earth).

𝗭𝗼𝗼𝗹𝗼𝗴𝗶𝘀𝘁𝘀 apply the term to related species, such as the

bird community or mammal community of a particular forest
or grassland.
𝗕𝗼𝘁𝗮𝗻𝗶𝘀𝘁𝘀 prefer the term association for a plant community
possessing a definitive mix of species.
Two Major Components of Species Diversity: 𝗯) 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗺𝗮𝗲𝗽𝗵𝘆𝘁𝗲𝘀 (𝗚𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗸 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙢𝙞𝙖, “𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱").
Perennial shoots or buds on the surface of the ground to
𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗿𝗶𝗰𝗵𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 - The number of different species that live about 25cm above the surface. Buds receive protein from
in an area. fallen leaves and snow cover
𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗰𝗶𝗲𝘀 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 (𝗼𝗿 𝗿𝗲𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲 𝗮𝗯𝘂𝗻𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲) - The (𝗰) 𝗛𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗰𝗿𝘆𝗽𝘁𝗼𝗽𝗵𝘆𝘁𝗲𝘀 (𝗚𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗸, 𝙝𝙚𝙢𝙞, “𝗵𝗮𝗹𝗳" 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝙠𝙧𝙮𝙥𝙩𝙤𝙨,
representation of each species relative to the total number of “𝗵𝗶𝗱𝗱𝗲𝗻").. Perennial buds at the surface of the ground,
individuals in an area where they are protected by soil and leaves. Many plants
have rosette leaves. Characteristics of cold, moist climates.
Shannon Diversity Index - measures the diversity through 𝗱) 𝗖𝗿𝘆𝗽𝘁𝗼𝗽𝗵𝘆𝘁𝗲𝘀 (𝗚𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗸, 𝙠𝙧𝙮𝙥𝙩𝙤𝙨, "𝗵𝗶𝗱𝗱𝗲𝗻"). Perennial buds
the variety and abundance of species in a community. are buried in the ground on a bulb or rhizome, where they
are protected from freezing and drying. Typical of cold, moist
Shannon Equitability Index- is a way to measure the climates.
evenness of species in a community. (𝗲) 𝗧𝗵𝗲𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗵𝘆𝘁𝗲𝘀 (𝗚𝗿. 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙤𝙨, "𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗲𝗿"). Annuals, with a
complete life cycle from seed to seed in one season. Plants
The term “𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀” simply refers to how similar the survive unfavorable periods as seeds. Typical of deserts and
abundances of different species are in the community. grasslands.
(𝗳) 𝗘𝗽𝗶𝗽𝗵𝘆𝘁𝗲𝘀 (𝗚𝗿. 𝙚𝙥𝙞, "𝘂𝗽𝗼𝗻"). Plants growing on other
Types Of Biodiversity plants; roots up in the air.

● 𝗔𝗹𝗽𝗵𝗮 𝗗𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝘁𝘆 - measures of diversity within a Life forms spectra of a tropical rainforest, a Minnesota
community. hardwood forest, and a New Jersey pine barren.
● 𝗕𝗲𝘁𝗮 𝗗𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝘁𝘆 - measures species diversity change
between communities. Vertical Layering is Characteristic of All Communities
● 𝗚𝗮𝗺𝗺𝗮 𝗗𝗶𝘃𝗲𝗿𝘀𝗶𝘁𝘆 - describes diversity on a regional
basis, including species replacement over large Vertical structure- Is determined largely by the life form of
geographical regions. the plants—their size, branching, and leaves—which, in turn,
influences and is influenced by the vertical gradient of light.
Communities have Defining Physical Structure
● Communities are characterized by physical features. Layers of the Rainforest
● The physical structure of the community reflects 1. 𝗖𝗮𝗻𝗼𝗽𝘆 - the primary site of energy fixation through
𝗮𝗯𝗶𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗳𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘀, such as the depth and flow of water 𝗣𝗵𝗼𝘁𝗼𝘀𝘆𝗻𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗶𝘀 which has a major influence on the
in aquatic environments. rest of the forest depending on the amount of
● It also reflects 𝗯𝗶𝗼𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗳𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘀, such as the spatial sunlight that penetrates to lower layers.
configuration of organisms.
● In a forest, for example, the size and height of the 2. 𝗨𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿𝘀𝘁𝗼𝗿𝘆 - generally consists of 𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘀𝗵𝗿𝘂𝗯𝘀 and
trees and the density and dispersion of their understory 𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗲𝘀, and younger trees, some of which
populations define the physical attributes of the are the same species as those in the canopy.
community. Species that are unable to 𝗧𝗼𝗹𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝗦𝗵𝗮𝗱𝗲 will die;
● The form and structure of terrestrial communities others will eventually grow to reach maturity after
reflect the 𝘃𝗲𝗴𝗲𝘁𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻. some of the older trees in the canopy die or are
● The plants may be tall or short, evergreen or harvested
deciduous, herbaceous or woody.
3. 𝗦𝗵𝗿𝘂𝗯 𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗲𝗿 - a layer of small to medium 𝗦𝗵𝗮𝗱𝗲
In 1903 by the Danish botanist 𝗖𝗵𝗿𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗻 𝗥𝗮𝘂𝗻𝗸𝗶𝗮𝗲𝗿, he 𝗧𝗼𝗹𝗲𝗿𝗮𝗻𝘁 𝗦𝗵𝗿𝘂𝗯𝘀
classified plant life by the relation of the embryonic or
meristematic tissues that remain inactive over the winter or 4. 𝗛𝗲𝗿𝗯 𝗼𝗿 𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘂𝗻𝗱 𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗲𝗿 - the nature of this layer will
prolonged dry periods—the 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗻𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗶𝘀𝘀𝘂𝗲𝘀 (buds bulbs, depend on the soil moisture and nutrient conditions,
tubers, roots, and seeds) —to their height above ground. the slope position, the density of the canopy and
understory, and the aspect of the slope, all of which
Raunkiaer's Life Forms vary from place to place throughout the forest.
(𝗮) 𝗣𝗵𝗮𝗻𝗲𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗵𝘆𝘁𝗲𝘀 (𝗚𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗸 𝙥𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙚𝙧𝙤𝙨, “𝘃𝗶𝘀𝗶𝗯𝗹𝗲"). Perennial
buds carried well up in the air . and exposed to varying 5. 𝗙𝗼𝗿𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗳𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗿 - the site where 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 takes
climatic conditions. Trees and shrubs over 25cm; typical of place and where nutrients are released from
moist, warm environments. 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗮𝘆𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗼𝗿𝗴𝗮𝗻𝗶𝗰 𝗺𝗮𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 for reuse by the forest
The vertical structure of aquatic (freshwater) ecosystems is plants.
determined by light penetration and profiles of temperature COMMUNITY DYNAMICS
and oxygen.
Community dynamics are the changes in community
Four General Layers are Recognized: structure and composition over time
𝗘𝗽𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗺𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗻 - a layer of 𝗙𝗿𝗲𝗲𝗹𝘆 𝗖𝗶𝗿𝗰𝘂𝗹𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴 water, found in the
summer in well-stratified lakes. DYNAMICS
𝗠𝗲𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗺𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗻 - a layer characterized by a thermocline—a Ecosystems are dynamic. This means that the
very steep and 𝗥𝗮𝗽𝗶𝗱 𝗱𝗲𝗰𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗲 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗲𝗺𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲 . characteristics of ecosystems and their populations vary
𝗛𝘆𝗽𝗼𝗹𝗶𝗺𝗻𝗶𝗼𝗻 - a deep, 𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗱 layer of dense water about over time.
40°C, often 𝗟𝗼𝘄 𝗶𝗻 𝗼𝘅𝘆𝗴𝗲𝗻.
𝗕𝗼𝘁𝘁𝗼𝗺 𝗺𝘂𝗱 - a layer of bottom mud. COMMUNITY
Ecological communities are composed of populations which
The following two structural layers are based on Light shares a defined area and interact
𝗧𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗼𝗴𝗲𝗻𝗶𝗰 𝗭𝗼𝗻𝗲 – (𝗟𝗜𝗚𝗛𝗧 𝗭𝗢𝗡𝗘) an upper layer roughly ZONATION - division of an ecosystem into distinct zone,
corresponding to the epilimnion which is dominated by band,region in horizontal region due to an environmental
autotrophic phytoplankton and is the site of 𝗣𝗵𝗼𝘁𝗼𝘀𝘆𝗻𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘀𝗶𝘀 . gradient
𝗧𝗿𝗼𝗽𝗵𝗼𝗹𝘆𝘁𝗶𝗰 𝗭𝗼𝗻𝗲 - (𝗕𝗢𝗧𝗧𝗢𝗠 𝗭𝗢𝗡𝗘) a lower layer roughly
corresponding to the hypolimnion and bottom mud where ECOTONE - An ecotone is a transition area between two
𝗗𝗲𝗰𝗼𝗺𝗽𝗼𝘀𝗶𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝗶𝘀 𝗺𝗼𝘀𝘁 𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗶𝘃𝗲. biological communities, where two communities meet and
integrate. It may be narrow or wide, and it may be local (the
Communities Exhibit Horizontal Patterns zone between a field and forest) or regional (the transition
● Horizontal patchiness in communities is influenced between forest and grassland ecosystems).
by both physical and biological factors.
● Soil structure, fertility, moisture conditions, and EDGE EFFECT- changes in community or population
aspect shape plant microdistribution. structures that occur at the boundary of two or more habitats
● Light and shade patterns, runoff, topography, and
microclimate also shape vegetation development. ISLAND BIOGEOGRAPHY- Study of ecological relationship
● Abiotic disturbances like wind and fire also affect & community structure on islands. Islands can be Actual
vegetation patterning. Island in a body of water or Figurative habitat islands such
● Shading suppresses some plant species and as Central Park in New York City or National Parks.
encourages others.
● Like vertical structure, horizontal patchiness of plant TWO BASIC “RULES” OR OBSERVATION OF ISLAND
life influences the distribution and diversity of animal BIOGEOGRAPHY
life within the community.
1. Larger Islands support more total species
2. Islands closer to the “mainland” support more
Communities have Characteristic Patterns of Dispersion species

● The dispersion of populations within a given area is METAPOPULATION - A metapopulation consists of a group
characteristic for a community. of spatially separated populations of the same species which
● The dispersion patterns of the populations reflect interact at some level.
the interactions among individuals within the
community, both intraspecific and interspecific. HABITAT FRAGMENTATION- Happens when parts of a
habitat are destroyed leaving behind smaller unconnected

SUCCESSION- Is the series of changes in the composition

of the community over a period of time..

● Primary succession- occurs on a site previously

unoccupied by a community.
● Secondary succession occurs on previously
A climax community is the “endpoint” of succession within occupied sites following disturbance.
the context of a particular climate and geography
DISTURBANCE- is a relatively discrete event in time that
disrupts communities or populations, changes substrates
and resource availability, and creates opportunities for new
individuals or colonies

Disturbance is the matter of scale

us the death of a single tree in a forest,
extensive areas swept by fire, buried under volcanic
ash, torn by landslides, or denuded by human


● As plant succession advances, animal life changes
too. Each successive stage has its own distinctive
fauna. Because animal life is often influenced more
by structural characteristics than by species
composition, successional stages of animal life may
not correspond to the stages identified by plant
● Animals can quickly lose their habitat by vegetation
change. In eastern North America, grasslands and
old fields support meadowlarks, meadow mice, and
grasshoppers. When woody plants—both young
trees and shrubs—invade, a new structural element
appears. Grassland animals soon disappear, and
shrubland animals take over. Towhees, catbirds, and
goldfinches claim the thickets, and meadow mice
give way to white-footed mice.

The successional changes in vegetation following the

retreat of the Pleistocene ice sheet

● The Pleistocene was an epoch of great climatic

fluctuations throughout the world. At least four times
in North America and three times in Europe an ice
sheet advanced and retreated. With each movement
the biota retreated and advanced again with a
somewhat different mix of species.
● Each glacial period was followed by an interglacial
period. The climatic oscillations in each interglacial
period had two major stages, cold and temperate.
During the cold stage tundra-like vegetation
dominated the landscape. As the glaciers retreated,
light-demanding forest trees such as birch and pine
advanced. Then as the soil improved and the
climate warmed, these trees were replaced by more
shade-tolerant species such as oak and ash.

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