Fall 2010 Web Issue

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The Tennessee

Fall Issue 2010

Masonic Voice
The official publication of the Most worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Tennessee

Man Of the Year

This issue is dedicated to PM Adlai Coffee

Fall 2010
The Most Worshipful Grand Master

Arvin W. Glass, 33 Editor-In-Chief

Grand Masters Message Editors Message

2 3 7 10 14 17

Matthew A. Taylor, III, 33 Executive Editor Eric Dodson, 330 Gary Brown GL Photography Division

Remembering MEGMG Adlai Coffee What Is Freemasonry? What Is A Freemason? The 2010 MV Man of the Year 40 under 40

Tim Anderson, 32 Webmaster of MWPHGL of TN Contributors: Eric Boyd Lamont Banks Matthew R. Davis, 330
The Masonic Voice is the Official Publication of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the State of Tennessee. This periodical is authorized by the Grand Master and all content is approved by his office and the Grand Lodge. We hold no liability for omissions, errors or mistakes during the printing process. Not all expressions or opinions in this publication are that of the Prince Hall Grand Master nor the Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Tennessee. We encourage you to submit photos, essays, and articles of interest that are for the benefit of the Craft. This publication is to serve the greater good of the Brethren of this jurisdiction and all submissions shall be properly credited. All submitted photos should be in JPEG format, all written articles should be submitted in MS Word format and can be sent directly to:

On The Cover: The Contemplating Mason is the theme for this issue. The Masonic Voice 2010 Man of the Year of the Year: it is the character of a Brother who contemplates the future of PH Masonry and is active in promoting and building up our Order. Our recipient has all the qualities that are good for the Order and we think youll agree with years choice.

We will process all submissions as soon as possible and email back confirmations. We look forward to your contributing to this great publication and will strive to ensure a high standard of previous Masonic Voice publications.



2010 Masonic Voice Man of the Year

Bro. Andrew J. Jackson

Grand Masters Message

reetings PHAmily and welcome to the latest publication of the Masonic Voice. Thanks to all of you that contributed to this edition and congratulations to the MV staff for another great magazine.

Let me bring you up to speed on some moves we have made during the first quarter of my administration. I have appointed Attorney Michael G. Floyd Esquire (229) as Director of Legal Affairs and General Counsel. Brother Floyd is a true professional and is eager to do what he can for the good of the order as an Attorney and as a Prince Hall Mason. I have also organized a Grand Lodge Medical Department. Brother James B. Hill (354), Grand Trustee East is serving as Director. Dr. David M. Sellars, MD (12) and Dr. Lee T. Myers DDS (32) have been brought on board and will be a great asset to this committee. You can expect frequent articles on Men's Health and Dental Care in the Masonic Voice and the Medical Department will conduct various Health screenings during our Grand Sessions. Grand Web Master, Brother Tim Anderson (151) has been working hard on our web site (www.phgltennessee.org ) and has it up and running in fine fashion. AFTER January 15th, 2011, you will find a link to the Radisson Opryland Hotel in Nashville, which is the site for our 141st Annual Session. Additionally, the Masonic Voice will soon be available on the site for your reading pleasure. Our Grand Lecturer, Past Master Tony E. Yates (255), has hit the ground running and is providing leadership and instructions to our District Lecturers. Please give them your full cooperation as we work to standardize our ritualistic work in the Tennessee Jurisdiction. Many thanks to the Worshipful Masters and Secretaries that have submitted their membership information to the Grand Lodge office. This information will be used to set up the membership database. If your Lodge has not submitted the requested information, you are personally holding up the wheels of progress and blocking the path to The Next Level. Please, we need this information as soon as possible. I recently met with my Elected Staff in Nashville. It was a very productive meeting and we left inspired, motivated, focused and ready to provide the leadership that will take us to The Next Level. I want to personally thank District Deputy Grand Master Cedric Bailey (272) and the Nashville District for their outstanding hospitality. Special commendations are in order for Grand Junior Deacon Lamont Banks (251), who served as my Event Planner and did the leg work for our upcoming Grand Session. Because of his efforts I was able to travel in to Nashville and finalize our convention expeditiously. As indicated earlier, we have chosen The Radisson Opryland Hotel on Music Valley Drive at a cost of $103 dollars per day all taxes and fees included. As I visit Districts and Lodges across the State and move among the Craft, I can literally feel the energy and excitement that is in this Jurisdiction. I thank you for your vote of confidence in electing me as your Grand Master and providing me with a Deputy Grand Master and Elected Staff that is second to none. But moreover, I thank you for your prayers and for continuing to support and encourage me following that election. Our Trust being in God, our Faith is well founded. Together and with God's blessings we will achieve our goals and take this Grand Lodge to The Next Level. Most Worshipful Grand Master Arvin W. Glass

From the Editors desk

ecently, I listened to a sermon that spoke on the subject of workmanship. The Pastor gave examples of how Believers should always put forth their best efforts no matter what, and that the efforts should not be for fame and fortune, but to glorify a higher calling in our lives. Workmanship in Prince Hall Masonry is a product of importance. Our higher calling of volunteerism and Brotherly Love should be a priority and a mission in the result of the workmanship.

I cannot tell you how many Brothers and Sistars have spoken about the 140th Grand Communication held in Knoxville, Tennessee. Praise and adulation filled my ears for what was described to be the most successful Grand Lodge in modern times. At the Shrine Imperial Session, at the United Supreme Council; all the comments were about how good the Session turned out. Members in the Order for nearly 50 + years, praised the organizers and it felt good for people to have such enthusiasm. We adjourned with a spirit that should carry us into the 141st; yet at the mid-term of our Masonic Year, we are faced with a reality to look at measures that will sustain us into the next twenty years. When we look at these measures, we clearly see the need to do business in a different way. That means the revamping of ritual to bring about consistency, taxation filings/collections process and the database of membership to know to the letter the number of Prince Hall Masons that we have in Tennessee. We are not talking about major overhaul: we are talking about fine-tuning to make the Grand Lodge and Tennessee Prince Hall Masonry a better entity to serve the mission. Probably the worst kept secret was the Masonic Voices Man of the Year Award. In this issue, the staff of the MV looked to honor the 2010 Man of the Year. An award meant for a Brother who showed fervor and zeal for the Craft and made sacrifices for the good of the Order. In todays atmosphere of selfishness, title-seeking and an overall society of insensitivity towards one another, there has been a loss in the desire to volunteer and serve. Thus, the workmanship in a Brother was the measure for the Award and recognition. Workmanship that is the result of hard labor, dedication and quality.At one time, America was the standard for great workmanship and all other countries strived to rise up to our level. Today, we see our workmanship being emulated by so many clandestine organizations, yet they seek to become Prince Hall Masons and see the quality of work we do or capable of doing. Therefore, we chose Brother Andrew Jackson, the Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master of this jurisdiction. Not only did he play a major role in organizing the 140th Grand Communications venue in Knoxville, he has stepped up to the plate and hit home runs every time hes been tasked to lead this organization. Already, he has taken it to the next level. Humility and poise are some of his strong suits, but it is his professional demeanor that has been at a level above expectations. Let us take time to applaud Brother Jackson and support his endeavors to build up this jurisdiction. On a personal note, I thank you Brother Jackson for your words of wisdom and encouragement. Your actions define your choice. Brother Matthew Taylor, 330 Executive Editor

District News
Nashville Feed The Homeless
Nashville District Feeds the Homeless
Photos Submitted by Bro. Eric Boyd, WM (104) How wonderful it is for us to dwell with one another to achieve something good for our communities. Brothers of the Nashville District have once again shown themselves stalwarts of the community by providing resources to feed the local homeless. More importantly, the commitment of time to cook and prepare meals was a tribute to Prince Halls spirit to provide for others. Brother Eric Boyd also took the initiative to ensure that a good number of Prince Hall Masons contributed something to the cause.

Nashville District Supports KOP Efforts

Photos Submitted by Bro. Eric Boyd, WM (104) On the opposite page, we see the efforts of the District to support the Knights of Pythagoras during a church service. Mentoring young men is crucial to their development. In some jurisdictions, young, impressionable men do not have the KOP. They are limited in learning to assist in skills necessary for personal growth and development. The work the Masons are doing with these fine young men is great and is an investment into our future.

District News
Nashville District working with the Knights of Pythagoras

District News
Brownsville Building Dedication

Brothers from West, and Middle Tennessee attended the Winfield Lodges building dedication in Brownsville, Tennessee. GM Glass, R.W. SGW Boyd and WM Blue honored their local supporters, bridging the nexus of what community ties represent.

Brother Dewey Foster Given Honorary PM Degree

Past Master Wendell Hussey and members of Sunset 211 gathered at Marmalades Restaurant to honor Brother Dewey H. Foster. Grand Master Arvin Glass bestowed the Honorary Past Masters Degree upon Brother Foster as members watched. Brother Foster is a dedicated member of Sunset Lodge # 211; a member in good standing for 62 years, 61 of which he served a Secretary. Serving without reward or recognition, he remains faithful. His Masonic Motto: The Business of the Lodge is top priority. Dewey H. Foster celebrated his 90th Birthday on December 4th, 2010.

Remembering MEGMG Adlai Coffee

On November 23rd, 2010, the Prince Hall PHAmily lost a great treasure in Rev. Brother Adlai Coffee. After a brief illness, he was called to Permanent Refreshment, by the grand Architect of the Universe. Coffee was a Past Master of Rock City Lodge # 272 and a 33rd Degree Mason. His focus was on the York Rite bodies where he helped to organize other jurisdictions and rose to national recognition serving as the Most Eminent Grand Master General. Rev. . Coffee was a great Mason, but his love and greatest work was his church and saving souls for God. Our friend and Brother Illustrious Adlai S. Coffee will truly be missed.

Pictures of Prince Hall Masonry

Grand Lecturer Briggs (MS) is welcomed

GM Lucas (MS) is received as GM Wilson (AR) awaits

Mayor A.C. Wharton of Memphis is honored by the USC.

Memphis Regional Director Flagg, SW Kemp (229) and Grand Webmaster Anderson (251) Bro. Van Hinton poses with GM Glass

LeMoyne Owen College Choir performs before dignitaries at the USC Concert

Major General Bagby (Army) speaks with audience members at LOC Concert

What is Freemasonry? What is a Freemason?

By PM. Lamont Banks, 32 - (#251)- Junior Grand Deacon, MWPHGL of TN

he text book answer to the first question, is a beautiful system of morality, veiled in allegory, and illustrated by symbols. The answer to the latter, is a man that has been enlightened thru a process measured by proficiency in various degrees that follows Freemasonry. Yet, these two answers, are an allegory themselves. Lets move past the obvious, and unveil the veiled. To do this we first need to define our vocabulary words. They are Allegory, Symbols, friendship, love, and Morality. We have all been taught what each of these words mean in our quest for knowledge, but to answer these two questions, I want to focus on one. Morality; a noun- which means; conformity to the rules of right conduct; moral or virtuous conduct. Root word moral, which means virtuous or up right. Lets apply what we have just learned and ask once again what is Freemasonry. A beautiful system of conforming to the rules of right conduct, veiled in a story with characters that represent something else, and illustrated by sensible images that hold a deeper meaning.

ALLEGORY Is a story in which objects and characters stand for something other than themselves

Confused yet? I'm not surprised, just think how confusing it is to the non-masons. You see Brothers, we get confused by the language and the rhetoric. However, the profane get confused by what we say we should be either verbally or in our teachings and what our actions say we are. Please understand Brothers, we are defined by our actions, our conduct, or the lack their of. Freemasons, for far to long, have taken a safe stance and watched as our young men and women have fallen into the tempters snares. Freemasonry, was founded on three principle tenants; friendship, morality(their's that word again), and brotherly love. We Freemasons have a rich history of patriotism and civil rights activism which goes back to our beginnings. Freemasons are virtuous men that conform to the rules of the right and display love, remember? When is the last time you was at a lodge meeting and felt like you was in a room full of virtuous men? Did you feel like a secret agenda or some sneaky plot was a foot? That's my point exactly. If the members don't feel like others in their lodge/lodges are virtuous, and Freemasons make up Freemasonry. Then how can Freemasonry confirm to the rules of the right when it's full of un-virtuous Masons? It seems that we have reached a quagmire. How do we fix this? Is their a remedy to this conundrum? Yes Brothers, there is one. We've had it all along. The answer is The First Great light in Masonry, our rule and guide to our faith and practices. The nexus of our problems in Freemasonry, is that Freemasons have steered far from the teachings of The Great Architect of the Universe.


Many Freemasons don't view each other as a friend let alone love each other. We make all type of excuses, myself included, to justify why we feel this why, but that is wrong. It is written in Colossians 3:12-15 therefore, Gods chosen ones, holy and loved, put on heartfelt compassion, k i n d n e s s , h u m i l i t y, gentleness, and patience, accepting one another and forgiving one another if anyone has a complaint against another. Just as the Lord has forgiven you, so also you must forgive. Above all, put on Love -- the perfect bond of unity. And let the peace of the Messiah, to which you were also called in one body, control your hearts.

SYMBOL A symbol is a sign that is used to represent something else

Be thankful. You see, Freemasonry didn't change, the Freemasons did. Remember the question, Where were you first made a Mason? in my heart right? Back then your heart was pure and full of desire to aid a group of what you thought great men. But you began to notice a few things. You noticed the ways of some of the Brothers that you didn't like, and that caused you to miss a few very important things. The first is the reason why you joined our noble ranks. Was it for the approval of the brothers that you now hold contempt for, or was it to do some good for yourself and others. The second is whom do you put your trust? That question and answer exchange was not just for the ritual, but for your guidance through the lodge and life. If you didn't put your trust in man then, why change your trust from God to man later? Man is imperfect, all have sinned and come short of the glory of God. Romans 3:23 We have lost focus on the important things that make Freemasons stand out. That important thing is that Freemasons, focus on advancing ourselves through enlightenment, and we use our trowel to spread the cement of brotherly love. Brothers I ask, How much cement have you spread lately? 2nd Chronicles 7:14 says; if my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and forgive their sins, and heal their land. Let me put it another way. Brothers, if you were going on a journey, and realized that


you made a wrong turn, would you keep going or make a uturn? I challenge each Brother to have a strong talk with our creator, and then re-dedicate himself to the several obligations we all took. I challenge you to make the text book answer to the question What is Freemasonry?, and your actions paralell to each other and not perpendicular. It is my prayer that the love of God hits your life like a ton of bricks and floods your hearts with his divine grace and mercy, forever.

PROFANE Not initiated into the inner mysteries or esoteric knowledge of something



From the Northern and Southern jurisdictions , the Sovereign Grand Commanders and their entourages enjoy the LeMoyne Owen Choir performance. In a move to promote unity at the level of the Scottish Rite, 32nd, and 33rd degrees, we look to support one anothers activities. As Masonry of the new millennium progresses, mutual recognition and respect are the keys to building bridges between Brethren.


MV: 2010 Man of the Year

Andrew J. Jackson

hether it is degree work, organizing a Grand Communication or mentoring the future of Prince Hall Masonry in Tennessee, the Right Worshipful Deputy Grand MasterAndrew Jackson cannot be given enough accolades. He is the unanimous choice for the Masonic Voices 2010 Man of the Year. Bro. Jackson was raised to the sublime degree of Master Mason in Phoenix Lodge No. 6, in Chattanooga, Tennessee in 1978. His first elective office was as Secretary of Phoenix Lodge No. 6. While in Chattanooga, he served on the Chattanooga Masonic Building Board and became a member of Martha Chapter No. 77, Order of the Eastern Star.

In late 1980, Bro. Jackson returned to his native city of Knoxville, Tennessee, demitting to C. C. Russell Lodge No. 262 and Wheeler Leona Chapter No. 232 O.E.S. In 1985, he was elected Worshipful Master of C. C. Russell Lodge No. 262. He is also a Past Worthy Patron of Wheeler Leona Chapter No. 232. During the 1980's, Bro. Jackson joined and became active in York Rite and Scottish Rite Masonry joining Knox Chapter No. 20 Holy Royal Arch Masons, Robert Yancy Gary No. 11 Knights Templar, and Alcoa Consistory No. 175. He is a Past High Priest of Knox Chapter 20, H.R.A.M, and Past Commander-in-Chief of Alcoa Consistory No. 175. He also serves as Grand Royal Arch Captain for the Most Excellent Juiett Allison Grand Chapter Holy Royal Arch Masons of Tennessee, P.H.A. In 1986, Bro. Jackson was created a noble of Keblah Temple No. 78, Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. In 2000, he was elect Illustrious Potentate. In 2008, he was appointed as an Imperial Ambassador-at-Large for the State of Tennessee by the Imperial Potentate Oliver Washington, Jr. In 1996, Bro. Jackson was appointed District Deputy Grand Master for District 17 by Grand Master William E. With Johnny Williams Blevins, Sr. In 2005, Bro. Jackson was elevated to Grand Inspector General 33o by the United Supreme Council, President of the Phylaxis Society A.A.S.R. Freemasonry Southern Jurisdiction becoming a member of the Ordie P. Taylor Class of 2005. In 2010, Bro. Jackson was elected Right Worshipful Deputy Grand Master, Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand


Lodge, P.H.A., Jurisdiction of Tennessee. Over the last 30 years since returning to Knoxville, Bro. Jackson has labored tirelessly in all Masonic bodies. He has served as president of the Knoxville Masonic Building Association and played an instrumental role in restoring and refurbishing the Knoxville Lodge Hall and has given his time and money to building lodge halls throughout the State. He has a passion for Masonic research and study, and has written several essays and delivered speeches related to the progressive science of Freemasonry. He is a longtime member of The Phylaxis Society (MPS). His dedication to the craft and his Masonic knowledge has gained him respect and recognition by brethren throughout the State of Tennessee. Bro. Jackson is a member of First A.M.E. Zion Church in Knoxville where he has served in various offices to include Trustee, Sunday school teacher, Treasurer, and business manager. He holds a B.S. Degree in Business Administration from the University of Tennessee and a Master of Arts Degree from Tusculum College in Organizational Management. Bro. Jackson's professional career began with the Tennessee Valley Authority where he worked for 13 years. In 1988, he accepted a position at the Y-12 National Security Complex in Oak Ridge, Tennessee in the Division of Safeguards and Security. He is currently employed as Systems Development Manager, in which capacity he is responsible for developing and implementing systems related to nuclear materials control and accountability. His other responsibilities include participation in a joint working group with the Atomic Weapons Enterprise (AWE) in the United Kingdom. He has performed work with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on nuclear nonproliferation, and conducts training on nuclear materials management for nuclear materials managers in former Soviet Republics as well as for nuclear materials managers in the United States. Bro. Jackson is also actively involved with other professional and civic organizations. He is a member of the NAACP. He is also member of the Institute of Nuclear Materials Management (INMM) and serves on the Executive Committee of the Central Chapter of INMM. Bro. Jackson is a 30 year member of Optimist International where he has served in various capacities. He is also a 20 year member of the National Management Association. He has been married for 24 years to Dr. Denise Jackson a professor in Industrial Engineering, University of Tennessee, and has two sons, Zack a senior at Washington University in St. Louis and Chris a senior at Bearden High School in Knoxville. In his spare time, Bro. Jackson enjoys sports, travel, and reading.


Standing Upright, Being A Good Man, Striving To Be Great. Prince Hall Masonry Teaches Leadership, Social Responsibility, And How I Can Help My Community. Let My Light Shine. I Am Tennessee Prince Hall Masonry.

I Am Tennessee Prince Hall Masonry


40 Under 40



Is a recognition of young Masons under the age of forty years of age. Every issue of the Masonic Voice will feature men who are young in age, yet are striving to build up the Order in their own way. These two Brothers, Andre Henderson, the WM of St Stephens and District Lecturer; along with Erin Balfour, WM for Rock City # 272 serves also as the Grand Pianist. As the jurisdiction enters its 141st year, it is important to cultivate ad sow the good seeds to promote growth. More importantly, it is ensuring the future of Prince Hall Masonry is preserved and that is why we must begin to acknowledge and celebrate to encourage. and motivate. The staff of the Masonic Voice thanks those Brothers for their participation and thanks all of the young men who seek to do good for the Order and make it a better fraternity.

Brother Andre Henderson

Brother Erin Balfour


Brother Jackson poses with diginitaries from the various jurisdictions

Sen. Al Green (D-TX) poses with the Members of the Transportation Team

Grand Lodge Officers section at Brownsville (Winfield Lodge) dedication

Malcom Horton, SiStar Meeks, GM Dr. Vaughn & SiStar Spragginsn


GM Glass, GM Durrant (SC) and Rev. Paul Lowe

USC diginitaries and wives pose with GM Glass

Newly elevated Memphis members of the B.L. Hooks Class of 2010

Secretary Gen Chambers, GIG Taylor & SGIG Eckwood

Goverseer Horton escorts dignitaries at COD



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