Lesson 30 Fifth Year Cs

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Student Name: Cian Howley

ID: G00389609

Subject: Construction Studies Topic(s): Doors/Timber Frame Building

Pupil Year Group: Fifth Year No. of Pupils: 17
Lesson Number: 30 Length of lesson: 80 Minutes
Date: 7/12/23 Time of Lesson: 11:10


Relevant Previous Knowledge:

 The students have previously studied various topics like rural and urban development,
foundations, floors, roofs, and windows.
 In the double classes the students have typically drawn different technical drawings of
various construction details, and constructed models of building details relative to current
 In the previous class, the students started to learn about Doors. They learned about the
functions of a door, what they are made from, and different types of doors.

Relevant Previous Skills:

 Their appreciation of the importance of health and safety within the Construction Studies
room is at a standard that would be expected of a fifth-year student. In the junior Certificate
Cycle, most students did Wood Technology and Graphics, meaning they have a good
understanding of technical drawings and the use of hand tools.

Observations (Previous Lesson):

 In the previous class, I noticed some students are struggling to describe the function of an
external door correctly.

This is due to:

- Students not using the correct terminology related to the function on an external door.
- Students not attending class.

Brief outline of WHY this content is the basis of the lesson; what are your reasons for KEY*
planning the lesson in this way? (1 para or bullets).

In the first proportion of today’s class, the students will be completing a work sheet RL
recapping the various pieces of information they learned in the previous class. The students
will have to answer a series of lower and higher order questions on the various functions of
an external door, why certain materials are selected to make doors, and name different
parts of a panelled door. Once the students have completed the worksheet, they will peer
assess their peers work, PEER ASSESSMENT. The reason for this exercise is to recap and
reinforce the learning that took place in the previous class.
In the first class, the students will be learning about timber frame buildings. In the previous
class the students were given homework where they had to research timber frame building. NL
In today’s class the students will have to share their findings and discoveries with their peers
and the teacher. After that, the students will learn about timber frame buildings, their
components, advantages and disadvantages, and the correct terminology that is considered
with timber frame buildings. This will be done by interactive PowerPoint slides, classroom
discussions (Bruner), the use of physical resources and the use of the Key word wall.
In the second class, the students will continue to construct the passive wall detail. The
students will have to follow a working drawing to complete the activity. In today’s class, RL
most students will be drawing the wall details of a cavity wall. Some students may get to
start the process of displaying the various renderings and wall finishes on an internal wall
and external wall. The teacher will allow the students to select their own ways (UDL), in
which they will represent the renderings and finishes. The reason for this activity is to
reinforce the new learning that took place in previous classes, and as physical resource the
students can use when revising for a test or exam.
In the final proportion of today’s class, the students will be completing a worksheet on the
new material that they learned in today’s class. The students will receive a worksheet where RL
they will have to answer various lower and higher order questions on timber frame
buildings. Once the students have completed the worksheet, they will self-assess their own
work, SELF ASSESSMENT (Rogers). The reason for this exercise is to recap on the new
learning that took place in today’s class. After that, the students will be given homework and
be informed by the teacher that their findings and results will be discussed in the next class,

*KEY: RL=Reinforced Learning, NL=New Learning


*KEY: C=Cognitive, PM=Psychomotor, A=Affective

3. have a knowledge of the various technologies which combine to produce a building which is comfortable and safe
Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will be Worksheet Correctly describe the C
enabled to: Describe the function of the Socratic questioning functions of the
components that make up a timber frame (Socrates) specified components
panel. that make up a timber
frame panel.

5. identify, describe and model various structural forms and concepts relating to buildings and other appropriate arc
Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will be Socratic questioning Successfully state the PM
enabled to: Identify the various elements (Socrates) specified components
that make up a timber frame Visual Inspection that make up a timber
construction. Worksheet frame construction
with ease and

21. model buildings and their components and/or restore or reproduce artefacts and furnishings
Learning Intentions (LI’s) Assessment of learning Success Criteria for LI’s Key
At the end of this lesson the students will be Visual Inspection Correctly display the PM
enabled to: Develop the passive wall Socratic questioning appropriate finishes on
construction detail by displaying the (Socrates) the external wall of the
appropriate finishes to the external wall. passive wall detail.




1-2 The teacher will enter the The students will follow the teacher O
classroom and the students will into the classroom.
follow behind.
2-5 The teacher will indicate one A specified student will welcome O
student to welcome the tutor to the tutor to the room, once
the class. indicated to do so by the teacher.

The teacher will call the roll call The students will reply to the
and ask the students to reply when teacher when their name is called.
their name is called.

The teacher will take note of any

students that are missing.

5-7 The teachers will introduce the The students will be made aware of O
new learning intentions to the the new learning intentions.

1. Describe the function of

the components that make
up a timber frame panel.
2. Identify the various
elements that make up a
timber frame construction.
3. Develop the passive wall
construction detail by
displaying the appropriate
finishes to the external

7-8 The teacher will give the students The students will hear the O
the classroom rules and routines. classroom rules and routines again
to become more familiar with
 No talking when the them.
teacher is talking.
 Raise your hand if you have
a question.
 Keep your area clean and
 Put your chairs under the
tables when the class is
 Leave the classroom
quietly and in an orderly

8-9 The teacher will select two Two students will hand out the O
students to hand out the worksheet to each student in the
worksheet to each student in the classroom.

9-13 The teacher will explain the The students will be made aware of MA
worksheet to the students and what they must do to complete the
afterwards, will ask the students if worksheet.
they have any questions about the
worksheet. The students will ask the teacher if O
they have any questions on the
Once the teacher is satisfied that worksheet.
the students understand what they
must do to complete the The students will start the
worksheet, the teacher will allow worksheet once they are told to do
the students to start the so by the teacher.

13-17 The teacher will tell the students to The students will swap their L
swap their worksheets with the worksheets with their peers.
person sitting beside them. G

The teacher will put the answers on O

the whiteboard and tell the The students will assess their peers’
students to assess their peer’s work by looking at the whiteboard
work. PEER ASSESSMENT. for the correct answers.

The teacher will tell the students to The students will correct any
correct any mistakes their peers mistakes their peers may have
may have made. made.

Once the students have corrected

their peers' works sheets, they will
hand them back to their peers.


17-19 The teacher will ask the students to The students will take their MA
take their homework out of their homework out of their school bags,
school bags. once indicated to do so by the O
The teacher will ask the students to L
share their answer with their peers. The students will share their
answers with their peers.
The teacher will tell the students to
select the three most interesting The students will select the three
pieces of information they most interesting pieces of
discovered and give the students information they discovered and
an option (UDL) to select one will select one person in their pair
person in their pair to share their to share the three answers with the
answer in with the class. class.

19-20 The teacher will call on one person The selected student in each pair O
in each group to share their will share their answer with the
answers with the class. class.

20-25 The teacher will have a discussion The students will have a discussion MA
(Bruner), with the students with the teacher and their peers, on
regarding the information they the information they discovered on CL
discovered on timber frame timber frame buildings.
The students will share their
answer with the class and identify
If key words are brought up or any key words associated with the
discussed, the teacher will reveal topic.
them from the keyword wall.

25-35 The teacher will pull together all The students will gather their CL
the information the students have information and see how it relates
discussed back to a PowerPoint to the PowerPoint slide. MA
slide focused timber frame
The students will have the option to G
The teacher will allow the students
to take notes or draw pictures in take notes or draw pictures in their
their copies of the new material copies of the new material being
(UDL). discussed in class.

35-40 The teacher will show a physical The students will see a model of a MA
model of a timber frame panel to timber frame panel.
the students. O

The teacher will also show the

students various building materials The students will see and hold
that are used in the construction of various building materials that are
a timber frame panel. used in the construction of timber
frame panels.

40-45 In the middle of the double class, The students will try to figure out O
the teacher will give the students a the answer to various riddles and
short break, by asking the students puzzles the teacher will ask.
to think about the answers to
different riddles and puzzles.

45-47 The teacher will explain to the The students will be informed O
students the next part of the about the next part of the project.

47-48 The teacher will select two random Two students will hand out the O
students to hand out their models models to each student in the
that the students are currently classroom.

48-67 Once the teacher is satisfied that The students will start the next part MA
students are aware of what they of the exercise, once indicated to
must do, the teacher will allow the do so by the teacher. N
students to start the next part of
the project.
During this part of the class, the
teacher will walk around the
classroom, to make sure that the
students are following the correct
routines and producers when using
hand tools.

67-69 The teacher will tell the students to The students will start tidying up O
start tidying up their area, return their area once indicated to do so
the hand tools to their correct by the teacher.
location, and to place their projects
into their locker.

69-70 The teacher will select two Two students will hand out the O
students to hand out the worksheet to each student in the
worksheet to each student in the classroom.

70-73 The teacher will explain the The students will be made aware of MA
worksheet to the students and what they must do to complete the L
afterwards, will ask the students if worksheet. O
they have any questions about the
worksheet. The students will ask the teacher if
they have any questions on the
Once the teacher is satisfied that worksheet.
the students understand what they
must do to complete the The students will start the
worksheet, the teacher will allow worksheet once they are told to do
the students to start the so by the teacher.

73-76 The teacher will start to correct the The students will start to correct N
worksheets with the students. the worksheet with the teacher. L
The teacher will inform the The students will look at the
students that the correct answers whiteboard or listen to the teacher
are on the whiteboard and correct to correct their own work.
any mistakes they may have made.
SELF ASSESSMENT (Rogers). The students will correct any
mistakes they may have made.
The teacher will tell the students to
tally up their results and put them The students will tally up their own
into a percentage. results and put them into a

76-78 The teacher will tell the students to The students will be informed L
take note of the homework and about tonight’s homework. They O
explain what must be done. will write the homework into the

78-79 The teacher will indicate to one A specified student will thank the O
student to thank the tutor for tutor for visiting the school and
attending today’s class. being part of today’s class, once
indicated to do so by the teacher.

79-80 The teacher will tell the students to The students will put their chairs O
put their chairs under their tables. under their tables.

When the bell rings, the teacher When the bell rings the students
will get the students to leave the leave the class row by row, quietly
classroom row by row, quietly and and in an orderly fashion.
in an orderly fashion.

*KEY: L=Literacy, N=Numeracy, O=Oracy, G=Graphicacy, SEN=Special Educational Needs, MA=Mixed Ability,
CL= Cooperative Learning, GI=Gender Inclusion & MI=Multicultural Inclusion.



Worksheet for the Start of the Class

Worksheet for the End of the class

Physical Resource

Working Drawing


Q. What went well in this lesson, and why? (1 para)

In today’s class, I received my second inspection. Before the class, I was nervous as I knew today
would be the last inspection I would receive on this placement. As a result, I felt a lot of pressure to
perform well and impress my tutor. In today’s class, the students were learning about timber frame
buildings. In preparation for this class, last night I spent a couple of hours preparing for this topic. In
school and at home I prepared a physical rescore of a timbe panel, displaying the various components
that make up these panels. In today’s class, I showed the students this model and explained each
component. At the end of the lesson the students completed a worksheet on timber frame building.
Part of the worksheet entailed that the students would have to label the various components and give
their function. When the students were completing the worksheet, I purposely placed the model at
the top of the classroom on the teacher’s desk. I believed by doing this, allowed the students to recall
the components with ease as they were able to remember what they had previously learned during
the class. When the students were correcting the worksheet, I was amazed to see how much new
information they had learned. I personally believe the model helped reinforce the new learning that
took place in today’s class. Today’s class has proven to me once again that these students can retain
new information a lot faster when they can see a physical model or relate it to the real world.

Q. What did not go as well as hoped, in this lesson, and why? (1 para)

In part of today’s class, the students were discussing with me their findings and discoveries from the
homework they had been given the night before. During this part of the class, many pieces of
information were mentioned. Because of this, the students started to ask a lot of questions. At first
when the students started to ask questions I was delighted, but within a few minutes I received an
overwhelming number of questions. As I was answering the students’ questions, subconsciously I was
thinking to myself, “I need to bring these pieces of information back to what the students are learning
in today’s class”. Due to the number of questions, I received, it caused me to run into some of the
time I had delegated for practical part of the class. I found it challenging to manage the time correctly
in this class.

Q. What might I do to improve this lesson, were I to deliver it again? (1para)

If I had to deliver this lesson in the future, there are a few things that I would do differently. When it is
time for the discussion, I would try to keep the conversation focused on the topic. In the event that
the students drifted from the topic at hand, we would talk about it for a few minutes before
connecting it to what they were about to learn or had recently learned. Another thing I could do is
write on the whiteboard anything relevant to the topic the students are now discussing and go over
each point as we come across it. It would be appropriate to discuss relative information if one was
brought up in class, but I would have to be careful to tie it back to the new information that the
students are learning.

Q. What did I observe today, in general terms, that I need to follow up on, next class? (e.g. student
engagement, classroom management issues, poor/unwieldy entrance and exit from the
classroom, lighting in the room, visibility of the screen from the back of the room, absenteeism,
SEN challenges, H&S, etc.). Bullet points.


 The use of appropriate lights in the classroom.

 Time management

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