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House of Lir.

The royal house of the orignal King of Rebma, its semi-mythical founder Lir, who
may have been one of the Tritons. This house is extinct, though there are scholars and scribes
in Rebma who claim that if Lir was the Father of Rebma, a representative or child of the Sea-
Horse, then all the noble Houses in Rebma are descended from the House of Lir. If Lir is a
Triton, bearing those genes and the bloodline of the Leviathan within him, then the
disappearance of the House of Lir is regarded as a victory of the Sea-Horse, as it conquers the
bestial remnants of that lineage and makes the folk of Rebma appear more and more human
with each generation removed from Lir and the prehistory of Rebma. Only Queen Moire
claims direct descent from the House of Lir. All other nobles in the royal family are of other
Houses or are only partly of Lir, and defer to the other families, despite the actual relation.
The Castle Rebma is the official estate of the House of Lir, and all of its associated
grounds, facilities, and resources are at Moire’s command. The Castle Rebma is described in
greater detail following this section.

House Siomal.
One of Rebma's oldest houses, the House of Siomal is known for their staunch
support of the Throne, and their loyalty to Rebma. Dwelling in a series of magnificent
buildings near the Castle, they are present at most functions of State and are often called
upon to assist the Court of Rebma in manners of politics and public opinion. Many of their
line are notable sorcerers, and their library is full of grimoires of all manner, carven upon thin
sheets of stone, quartz, glass, bone, and other precious stones, cut thin enough to be
The current head of House Siomal is Astar, a sage of some note, though relatively
unskilled in the arts of magic. He is aged and is very interested in seeing some of his
daughters and sons married off to various higher-placed nobles in the Sea-Court, and is often
holding large parties, social events, and banquets just for the purpose of matchmaking his
offspring to various Rebman nobility.
Lord Astar Siomal is tall and balding, with a long plaited beard set with pearls and
woven with silver. He wears a caftan of glittering blue silk-like scales, trimmed in pearl and
silver, and his cane is also of those precious substances. His most eligible daughters are
named Serena and Crystal, and are both beautiful. They, however, are less than interested in
being married off for power, and stories about their attempts to thwart his designs have
publicly embarrassed Astar. He has a son Owen, similarly eligible, who is a poet of some
note, though a bit pretentious about his work, and is generally avoided at society events for
fear of impromptu readings.
It is from Siomal that the Lady Moins, onetime consort of Lord Oberon and mother to
Queen Moire and Princess Llewella of Amber came, making this the most noble of houses in
Rebma at this time other than the House of Lir.
House Siomal is perhaps the most prosperous of the Houses, and they have a series of
large and small estates connected in a line near the castle. Together, the House has halls and
guest quarters rivaling even the Castle in their comfort and elegance. Siomal is also known
for its collection of antiques from the days of and before Rebma's formation, and has a library
of extensive occult and sorcerous works which many magic users beg to be allowed to
consult. The windows of this palace are all intricately wrought silver portraying a number of
scenes, somewhat like a stained glass window without glass.
House Riadne.
From this line have come many of Rebma's mightier warriors. A House of military
bent, the Riadne are the hereditary guards of Castle Rebma, their offspring making excellent
and loyal soldiers. Practiced in the arts of war-craft from early childhood, they are among
Rebma's finest, a trait they hold with no small amount of pride. Their family crest is the
stylized image of a cormorant, a fish-hunting bird with wings outstretched and a catch
wiggling in its beak, a magnificent sword held in its claws.
Most of the Castle Guard in Rebma are of House Riadne. The current Lady of Riadne
is Vivian. She is, unlike most of her line, something of a mystic, and is reputed to be a seer of
the future. Uninterested in the arts of war which her family professes, she leaves that aspect
of the House to her offspring, spending most of her time languishing upon a low divan,
contemplating the visions of the future which are said to parade before her eyes. The sword
which figures prominently in the House's emblem is hidden, its location and significance
known only to Vivian.
Her infrequent pronouncements regarding the future are met with fear, and for this
reason, Queen Moire wishes for any of Vivian's prophecies to be kept silent and investigated
by members of the Sea-Court before being announced to the general populace of Rebma. The
Lady Vivian possesses average attributes, though her Psyche is undoubtedly higher than most
player-characters. Queen Vialle of Amber is from House Riadne, hence her knowledge in the
ways of war, despite her blindness.
The domain of House Riadne is a venerable estate which is somewhat martial in
appearance, with austere decor and suitable defenses and stores and practice yards for
militant activities. Though the current head of the House is a peaceful one, they cannot
unmake their history of staunch defense of the Throne and their military background.
House Niobe’s estate is far from City Rebma, and is a beautiful place of twisted
tunnels of pale colors and large crystal spheres which resemble air-bubbles caught in a coral
reef. The bestiary is similarly designed, and makes up much of the estate. The grounds are
patrolled by mysterious hybrid creatures which are trained to hold all intruders. They are
rumored to have several smaller palaces constructed within old ruins, and they do not keep a
dwelling in the city.
House Aneries.
Considered somewhat lightly by the Sea-Court and the other Houses of Rebma,
House Aneries has lost much of its presence, and most of the current nobles are creatures of
Court in the worst way, vain and snobbish, interested only in gossip and social events,
fashion and in petty manipulation for incredibly low stakes. Dwindling in number, the House
which was once known for its sage advice and its political extremism is now little more than
a group home for court dandies and courtiers, with somewhat unsavory reputations which do
little to improve their lot.
The current Lord of House Aneries is a woman named Leda, who might be a watery
reflection of Amber's Princess Florimel, though without Flora's saving graces. The Dame
Leda (where she got the title is beyond anyone's comprehension) is somewhat plump and
more than a little past her blush of youth, though it is still obvious that she was a very
attractive woman. Heavily made up and squeezed into the latest fashions, she appears
somewhat garish and oftentimes is overly forthcoming in her admiration for male members
of the Court of Rebma (or other Courts, for that matter). If one can put up with her flirting
and the continual drone of her vain twittering, Leda is an invaluable source of Court gossip.
Though she appears to talk incessantly, it is an excellent mask for the fact that she never
stops listening...
The manor of House Aneries is an excellent study in the nature of the House itself.
Small and uninteresting architecturally, it has been decorated and furnished with an
abundance of poor, loud taste. Cluttered with useless bric-a-brac purchased from countless
scavengers, the place has an eclectic air which makes it resemble not so much an estate but
the contents of a large museum being stored in a smaller place, with the staff and curators
living amidst it all. Conversations with members of House Aneries inevitibly turn into
showcases for the various items which are new to the family’s collection.
House Noibe.
Known for their excellent bestiary, containing beasts from countless Shadow seas and
from the myriad Reflections of Rebma, House Niobe is nonetheless a somewhat reclusive
family, preferring to remain out of the Sea-Court and its schemes. They are known for their
scholarship regarding the arts of sorcery and alchemy, and their breeding of mysterious
beasts has led to many bizarre creations more suited to heraldry than the real world. It is
rumored among some that they have made pacts with the ancient Tritons, and this has cursed
their line.
Many of House Niobe are Shape Shifters, and some bear the marks of their Triton
lineage in a manner far more noticeable than other Rebmans. The current Lord of Niobe is
Morholt, an immense figure, something of a giant, with fierce black mustachios and pointed
ears. He is a noteable warrior, swinging a curiously wrought weapon which is something like
a wide-bladed, flat-topped sword, with several spiky protrusions along the blade. Rumors
abound that he is in fact a Triton, and that all of his line are similarly inhuman and of that
ancient bloodline.
The bulk of their estates are located outside the city, but they maintain a small manor
house within the city and put in token appearances there.
House Voth.
Recently fallen on hard times, this once-opulent line was known for their magnificent
sea-gardens, which have slid into disrepair since the lassitude which has stricken the House's
Lord Hessel. With the death of his young bride in childbirth, he has retreated from the world,
spending his days locked in his tower which overlooks the City Rebma, watching and
wishing... The servants continue to present him with meals, which are returned uneaten or
barely picked-at. Once handsome and noble of bearing, Hessel has slid into madness, letting
himself imagine an alternate world where his wife did not die and instead lives alongside him
happily. His experiments towards discovering this alternate world resulted in the confiscation
of his enchanted mirrors and an edict forbidding him to exit Rebma. Little is spoken of the
fate of the replacements for his lost Odessa who were not "real" enough for Hessel's taste.
The offspring of the fateful birth was a pair of twins, Kelvin and Loriette by name,
who are in their late teens and are inseparable. Both have dark skin and black hair, Kelvin's
cut short and Loriette's long and flowing, and their eyes are hazel. They both have similar
features and are very attractive. Kelvin's colors are grey and green, Loriette's blue and white.
Rumor has it that they possess some form of empathy which allows them to speak
telepathically to each other. They are very interested in affairs of Court, and wish to explore
the world outside Rebma. Either would be a wonderful potential spouse for a playercharacter,
though the jealousy it would create in the other might make things difficult.
House Voth owns other gardens within the city, and those that need it are well-kept,
but the one surrounding the estate is sadly outgrown. There is little to the manor house save
for a slender high tower and four rings beneath it, each meeting at the base of the tower. The
estates have not been visited by any other nobles, and the number of servants passing through
the gates each day dwindles. What mysteries or tragedies might lie within those walls?
House N'realle.
Something of an enigma, this House's members are interested mainly in becoming a
sort of an "everyman's" family, lowering themselves in status to the level of commoner.
Taking a cue from their matriarch's disdain over things noble or even status-conscious,
members of N'realle tend to dress commonly and absent themselves from the affairs of the
Sea-Court, spending their time in the markets and gathering places of Rebma, preaching an
almost socialistic doctrine which advocates the overthrow of the royal family.
This has not been overly well-tolerated in Castle Rebma, and various members of the
House have met their deaths in the dungeons of the Castle, and some are still imprisoned
there for daring to speak against Queen Moire. Currently, the official position is to simply
ignore them, rather than making them martyrs. They have been warned not to threaten the
royals, which they more-or-less comply with, though occasionally they break this rule and
transgressors are punished for it.
The leader of House N'realle is Orane, who disdains the hereditary title which comes
with her station. She is a beautiful woman, young and fiery, dressing in the scaled trunks and
cloak common to the people of Rebma. If she thought she would have a chance against Moire
and the royals, she would lead the people of Rebma into revolution in a second. Her older
brother Cadell, who languishes in Castle Rebma's dungeons, is thoughtful and contemplative,
a minstrel who composed a ballad which offended the Queen. He has been turned into a
figurehead for the family's resentment of the Rebman nobility.
As a clan which prides itself as being representative of the common folk, House
N’Realle does not have a proper estate, but instead maintains a small neighborhood in which
all of their members have homes. The homes are all connected in some way, through tunnels,
open adjacent windows, or through raised walkways above the street level. These homes are
all fairly modest, but are in excellent repair. The neighborhoods are quite safe.
House Monemnis.
Famed as traders and explorers, this House has been host to a long line of merchants
and pioneers, figures out of legend who blazed trails though Shadow and found paths through
the reflections of Rebma. A colorful family, their exploits make up the foundation of many
ballads and children's stories. Their reputation is well-earned, for their wares are exotic and
unique, and they are often the setters of fashion when their ships and traders return from
trading voyages.
They maintain an active trade with merchants above the sea, and are among the
greatest importers of Amber's goods. Most merchants in Rebma pay them some sort of
tribute, willingly or no, and the trade and merchant guilds are almost entirely made up of
members of House Monemnis. They do not have a de facto leader: instead, their direction is
decided by all of the adult members of the family, who vote equally on issues of policy and
House decisions. Currently, there are seven of the House in the guiding circle, with many
others who have married into the House filling the various guilds which rule Rebma's
Many of the more prominent members of House Monemnis disappeared into the
Sargasso Sea with Moire’s older son Nestor, as part of an expedition to explore and pass
through that expanse of vine-choked sea.
House Monemnis keeps their quarters in and about the mercantile areas of the city,
and their homes often overlook the markets. They are well-appointed villas, often stocked
with many extremely valuable and curious objects d'art. These are also adjacent to the
warehouses, which are guarded and patrolled by their soldiers. They maintain one large estate
which is used for family meetings and guests.
House Florian.
Hereditary priests of the Rebman nobility, this House is closely affiliated with the
Church of the Sea-Horse, and their leader is also the High Priestess of the Sea-Horse. Many
of the line join the priesthood, and since celibacy is not a requirement, the vocation is often
passed down among familial lines. House Florian claim to be the descendants of the first
Rebman to speak with the Sea-Horse, and his words are those in the Book of the Waves, an
ancient volume detailing the Sea-Horse's connection to Rebma and the formation of Rebma.
It is said that the pages of this book are mirrored, which only an adept of Rebma's magical
mirrors can read.
The current High Priest of the Sea-Horse is Aubert, who is described in the section on
Servants and Savants of the Sea-Court.
As the House most closely connected with the worship of the Sea-Horse, most of
House Florian are in fact priestesses or acolytes of the Sea-Horse, and dwell in the temples or
near the many shrines. House Florian has one small estate outside of town on a site where the
Sea-Horse was reputedly sighted.

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