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Pulchowk, Lalitpur

(for the partial fulfilment of Bachelor’s Degree in Civil Engineering)

Submitted by: Supervisor:

Samundra Thapa 065BCE104 Prof. Gautam Bir Singh Tamrakar
Simpson Lamichhane 065BCE119
Sudeep Paudel 065BCE123 Department of Civil Enginnering
Sudesh Dahal 065BCE124 I.O.E. Pulchowk Campus
Sujit Bhandari 065BCE128
Tshreya Bhattarai 065BCE13

17th August 2012

Date: 17th August 2012


This is to certify that the project work DETAILED ENGINEERING SURVEY,


BADIKHEL - BADEGAUN ) has been examined and it has been declared

successful for the fulfillment of the academic requirement towards the completion
of the Bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering.

…………………….. ………………………….

(External Examiner) Prof. Gautam Bir Singh Tamrakar



(Head, Department of

Civil Engineering)
We would like to thank Tribhuwan University, Institute of Engineering and
Department of Civil Engineering, Pulchowk Campus for the arrangement of the
project work in the curriculum of B.E (Civil).

We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude and thanks to our respected Project

Supervisor Prof. Gautam Bir Singh Tamrakar for his guidance and advice for the
design of road and preparation of report. We would like to acknowledge the Survey
Instruction Committee, Department of Civil Engineering, and Pulchowk Campus for
providing the surveying instruments used in the project. We would like to thank
Survey Instructor Chandra Lal Gurung, for training us on using total station.

We would also like to acknowledge our obligation towards Mr. Anil Marsani who
helped us in various ways throughout the project. Indebted acknowledgement is
made to District Development Committee, Lalitpur district for its constructive
suggestions, guidance and encouragement for the road project work. We would also
like to extend our sincere thanks to all the locals of Taukhel, Lalitpur and our friends
who helped us directly and indirectly during the preparation of the report.

Samundra Thapa 065/BCE/104

Simpson Lamichhane 065/BCE/119
Sudeep Paudel 065/BCE/123
Sudesh Dahal 065/BCE/124
Sujit Bhandari 065/BCE/128
Tshreya Bhattarai 065/BCE/139

According to syllabus of Tribhuwan University, final year students of bachelor
degree in engineering have to perform project work on different relevant field as
provided by their respective department. This promotes in specializing the practical
knowledge in the relevant field which seem to be efficient for new engineers like us.

The detailed engineering survey, design and estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor

Road ( Badikhel - Badegaun ) was carried out for the project work. The road is a
project which runs along the Basin of Karmanasha River. The proposed road was
studied with various aspects; technical, social and economic. Technical standards

and guidelines of NRS, 2045 are followed for the alignment selection, feasibility

study, detailed survey, geometric design, drawing, rate analysis and detailed estimate of

the road.IRC recommended CBR method has been used for the design of the pavement.

Good transportation facilities itself plays the vital role for the overall development
of the nation by raising the economic status of the people and development of a
civilized society. The road connects the zone of high agro- production field, brick
factories and gives contribution to the socio-economic development of the rural people

of the influence area. The proposed road is 2.027 km in length with construction cost
NRs. 2,56,04,162.89 (Two Crores Fifty Six Lakhs Four Thousands One Hundred Sixty
Two and Eighty Nine Paisas only)


BC Beginning of Curve

BE Bachelors in Engineering

CBR California Bearing Ratio

Ch. Chainage

DDC District Development Committee

DoR Department of Roads

EC End of Curve

FL Formation Level

HS Hard Soil

IOE Institute of Engineering

IP Intersection Point

IRC Indian Road Congress

NRS 2045 Nepal Road Standard 2045

OGL Original Ground Level

OS Ordinary Soil

PCU Passenger Car Unit

Qty Quantity

RL Reduced Level

RRA Rural Road class A

SSD Stopping Sight Distance

VDC Village Development Committe

1. Name of the project:
Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor
Road (Badikhel- Badegaun)

2. Location:
2.1 Geographic location

2.1.1 Region: Central

2.1.2 Zone: Bagmati
2.1.3 Latitude: 27 59'07.62"
2.1.4 Longitude: 85 35'27.83"

2.2 Geographic belt: Middle mountain

2.3 Terrain: Mountainous
2.4 Climate: Sub tropical
2.5 Geology: Sedimentary Rock; Clay Deposit

3. Classification of road:
3.1 Classification: District road

4. Length of the road and its location:

4.1 Starting point: 0+000
4.2 End point: 2+027.24
4.3 Length: 2.027 km

5. Cross-section
5.1 Right of way: 10m on either side of the road
5.2 Road width: 5.75m
5.3 Carriageway width: 3.75m
5.4 Shoulder width: 1m on either side
5.5 Side drain: Trapezoidal section
5.5.1 Depth: 0.3m
5.5.2 Base width: 0.3m
5.5.3 Side slope: 1:1
5.5.4 Unlined earthen canal (Ch. 0+000 to Ch. 1+ 251.35)
5.5.5 Lined canal: (Ch.1+309.82 to Ch. 2+027.24)

6. Adopted Design Parameters:

6.1 Design speed: 30 Kmph
6.2 Minimum gradient: 0.318 %
6.3 Maximum gradient: 10.393 %
6.4 Minimum radius on horizontal curve: 12m
6.5 Maximum radius on horizontal curve: 50m

7. Pavement:
7.1 Sub- grade: Existing soil
7.2 Sub-base coarse: Gravel
7.3 Wearing course: Otta Seal

8. Structures:
8.1 Pipe culvert: 12 Nos.

9. Volume of construction:
9.1 Earthwork:

9.1.1 Cutting: 10283.57 m3

9.1.2 Filling: 16052.44m3
9.1.3 Balance: 5768.87m3 (in filling)

9.2 Pavement:

9.2.1 Sub-base: 3169.72m3

9.2.2 Wearing course: 11320.43m2

10. Project cost:

10.1 Total cost: NRs.2,56,04,162.89
10.2 Cost per km: NRs.1,30,05,156.97

Table of contents

CERTIFICATE ............................................................................................................ I

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................... II

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................... III

ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................. IV

SALIENT FEATURES OF THE PROJECT .......................................................... V

1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 1

1.1. Background ............................................................................................................................. 1

1.2. Objective and scope of the work: .......................................................................................... 1

1.3. Methodology............................................................................................................................ 2

1.4. Project Location ..................................................................................................................... 3

1.5. Alignment Description ........................................................................................................... 3

1.6. Project Rationale .................................................................................................................... 3

2. GEOLOGY AND GEOMORPHOLOGY: ....................................................... 4

2.1. General Geology (Geological setting) ................................................................................... 4

2.2. Alignment Geology ................................................................................................................. 4

2.3. Landslides and Slope stability of the alignment .................................................................. 4

3. HYDROLOGY AND METEOROLOGY ......................................................... 5

3.1. Hydrology ................................................................................................................................ 5

3.2. Meteorology ............................................................................................................................ 5

3.2.1. Climate ................................................................................................................................. 5
3.2.2. Rainfall ................................................................................................................................. 5
4. ALIGNMENT SURVEY ..................................................................................... 6

4.1. Survey Procedure: .................................................................................................................. 6

4.1.1. Reconnaissance: ................................................................................................................... 6
4.1.2. Fixing of Control Stations:................................................................................................... 6
4.1.3. Coordinate of beginning station: .......................................................................................... 6
4.1.4. Coordinate transfer:.............................................................................................................. 6
4.1.5. Detail survey: ....................................................................................................................... 6

4.2. Bench mark ............................................................................................................................. 6

5. DESIGN ................................................................................................................ 7

5.1. Road Classification: ............................................................................................................... 7

5.2. Design speed ............................................................................................................................ 7

5.3. Geometric Design: .................................................................................................................. 7

5.4. Horizontal alignment ............................................................................................................. 8

5.4.1. Horizontal curves ................................................................................................................. 8
5.4.2. Superelevation...................................................................................................................... 8

5.5. Vertical alignment .................................................................................................................. 8

5.6. Cross-section design ............................................................................................................... 8

5.6.1. Shoulder width. .................................................................................................................... 9
5.6.2. Carriageway width ............................................................................................................... 9
5.6.3. Formation width ................................................................................................................... 9
5.6.4. Right of way ......................................................................................................................... 9

5.7. Drainage .................................................................................................................................. 9

5.7.1. Longitudinal drain ................................................................................................................ 9
5.7.2. Cross drainage structures ..................................................................................................... 9

5.8. Retaining structures ............................................................................................................. 10

5.9. Road side development ........................................................................................................ 10

5.10. Relocation of utility services ................................................................................................ 10

6. COST ESTIMATE ............................................................................................ 11

6.1. Summary ............................................................................................................................... 11

6.2. Site clearance ........................................................................................................................ 11

6.3. Earthwork ............................................................................................................................. 11

6.4. Quantity estimate ................................................................................................................. 11

6.5. Analysis of rate ..................................................................................................................... 11

7. SOCIAL IMPACTS .......................................................................................... 12

7.1. Influence area ....................................................................................................................... 12

7.2. Land use patterns ................................................................................................................. 12

7.3. Health .................................................................................................................................... 12

7.4. Education .............................................................................................................................. 13

7.5. Trade, industry and commerce. .......................................................................................... 13

8. CONCLUSIONS ................................................................................................ 14
List of Tables

1. Table 1 : Design Parameters........................................................................ 7


1.1. Background

Nepal being a mountainous country, other means of transportation viz. railways,

waterway, ropeways and airways are less viable and costlier. The road transportation
in Nepal is best suited for the rural linkage and overall development of any area. For
the fulfillment of the basic needs of people, uplift in the level of thinking and
sustainable development of the nation, road has become the main infrastructure and
is in the top priority of National Planning Commission of Nepal.

All these conditions lead to the detail engineering survey design and estimate of
Karmanasha River Corridor Road (Badikhel- Badegaun), Lalitpur district as our
project work. At the present condition, there is no any road which directly connects
Badikhel with the Badegaun village so people here have to travel a large distance
even though the villages are quite near as the only road connecting these two villages
run very far from the area. Due to this scenario, the transportation cost is high and the
local production of the area fails to get the proper market. Moreover this is an area
with the potential of huge brick production with more than 4 brick kilns running at
the present time. As such, this road running along the Karmanasha River joining two
villages viz. Badikhel and Badegaun of Lalitpur district aims to reduce the time of
travel between these villages, helps in the transportation of the local agricultural
products to the nearby market areas and strengthens the brick factories of the area by
ensuring good transport of the produced materials.

1.2. Objective and scope of the work:

 To conduct detailed engineering survey of the proposed Karmanasha river
corridor road.

 To prepare detailed design and cost estimate for the construction of the proposed

 Review of existing study reports, standards and specification.
 Detailed engineering survey of the alignment
 Prepare the topographical map.
 Studies for cross-drainage works and propose suitable cross drainage structures
 Preparation of working drawings
 Prepare quantity and cost estimates
 Preparation of survey and design report
 Explore and recommend sources of basic road construction materials.

1.3. Methodology

The study team member discussed the related matters of the project. Before the
departure of the field survey work desk study was done. During desk study
information and materials required to the project such as topographic maps
references and survey equipment were gathered. The literature review was briefly
conducted and the information was gathered.

Equipment used for surveying:

i. Total station
ii. GPS device
iii. Compass
iv. Measuring tape
v. Hammer

Desk study:

The geographical and the topographical maps were studied. The relevant information
regarding the alignment selection, cross drainage structures, gradient of the road were
discussed. The strategy for the field study was made accordingly.

Office work:

i. Preparation of Plan, Profile and Cross-section

ii. Quantity estimation
iii. Analysis of the rates
iv. Cost estimation
v. Report preparation

1.4. Project Location

The proposed road under study is located in the Lalitpur district. The road starts from
Badikhel and ends at Badegaun and runs along the Karmanasha river corridor .The
length of the road is 2027.24 m.

1.5. Alignment Description

The road alignment is described as follows:

i. The road is 2027.24 m long.

ii. The road consists of the clay soil up to the Ch. 1+300 and gravel mixed hard
soil from that point onwards.
iii. There is an existing bridge at a Ch. 1+285m.
iv. No other structures are available on the rest of the alignment
v. From Ch. 0 + 000 m to Ch. 1+250 m, river runs left side and agricultural field
on the right side.
vi. From Ch.1+300 and onwards, there is river on right side and the high rocky
cliff on left side.
vii. Most of the alignment passes through the normal gradient except at the
chainage of 1+280 m, there is higher gradient.
viii. From Ch. 1 + 221.35 m to Ch. 1 + 309.8 m, there is an existing road and a bridge.

1.6. Project Rationale

The rationale for the road construction is as below:

i. This road joins Badikhel village with the Badegaun village

ii. The agricultural production of the area will get good market due to this road
iii. After the road is constructed the brick factories of the area, owing to the fast
and cheap transportation they can supply their products to larger areas.
iv. Cost of transportation will be drastically reduced as people before have to
travel long distance to reach the same destination.
v. This will promote business in the area and will be basis for the infrastructure
for the like education, irrigation and drinking water.

The Himalayan range in Nepal is divided in to four zones regionally from north to
south. They are the sub Himalayan, the lesser Himalayan, the higher Himalayan and
Tethys Himalaya. The sub Himalaya consists of Terai plain and Churia hills. The
lesser Himalaya consists of Mahabharata range and midland Himalaya. The sub
Himalaya and lesser Himalaya are separated by the main boundary thrust (MBT), the
lesser Himalaya and higher Himalaya are separated by main central thrust(MCT) and
the higher Himalaya and Tethys Himalaya are separated by indosuture zones.

Basically, the project area lies in the lesser Himalaya of central Nepal. It consists of
highly metamorphic rocks.

2.1. General Geology (Geological setting)

The rocks of this area are occupied by the sedimentary rocks. There seems to occur major
geographical change in the past owing to inclined strata of rocks.

2.2. Alignment Geology

The geology along the alignment is explained below:

Chainage. Geological condition

0+000 to 1+300 This region comprises of ordinary soil and river

on downhill side.

1+300 to 2+027.24 This region comprises hard soil and river on

right side whereas rocky cliff on the left.

2.3. Landslides and Slope stability of the alignment

No landslides were encountered along the alignment and the problem of slope
instability is also very low. In some places like in cross drainage structures, some
bioengineering works are suggested whereas other is fine.

The main purpose of the hydrological studies was to evaluate general hydrographic
and hydrological characteristics of the basin and the estimation of the maximum
discharge or the runoff characteristics of the catchment.

3.1. Hydrology

Small temporary streams running only during monsoon cross the alignment with
small discharge. The runoff and other hydrological data are unavailable.

3.2. Meteorology

3.2.1. Climate

The project area experience marked seasonal and specific climatic variations with
moderately hot summer whereas winters are relatively cool. The average temperature
is 250C in summer and 100C in winter.

3.2.2. Rainfall

Almost 80% of rainfall occurs during monsoon which starts around the middle of the
June and continues until the end of the August. Rainfall may also occur in the pre-
monsoon (April-May), post monsoon (Sept-Oct) and in winter.

Detailed engineering survey was carried out in the project area with the help of a
Total Station to produce a topographical map of the project area.

4.1. Survey Procedure:

4.1.1. Reconnaissance:

The road project site was first visited and observed to get the idea about the
topography of the area and the area to be surveyed.

4.1.2. Fixing of Control Stations:

The control stations were fixed by the pegs so that the maximum number of detail
points could be observed from the station, and also ensuring the inter-visibility
between the successive stations.

4.1.3. Coordinate of beginning station:

The coordinates of the beginning station was obtained from a GPS instrument
provided by the survey instruction committee.

4.1.4. Coordinate transfer:

The coordinates of successive stations was obtained by transferring the coordinate of

the beginning station with the help of a total station.

4.1.5. Detail survey:

By fixing the total station at the control station, the necessary detail points were
observed to obtain their coordinates.

4.2. Bench mark

Starting station was established as the benchmark for the survey whose coordinates
were determined using the GPS device.


5.1. Road Classification:

As per the NRS 2045, the road project falls on the category of District Roads.

5.2. Design speed

According to Nepal Road Standard 2045, the recommended design speed for the
District Roads in hilly terrain is 30 km/hr. So a design speed of 30 km/hr. is taken for
the design of geometric parameters of the road.

5.3. Geometric Design:

Table 1 : Design Parameters
Parameters Values Remarks
Number of Lane 1 As per NRS
Carriageway Width 3.5 m As per NRS
Shoulder Width 1 m (either side) As per the site
Right of way 10 m (either side) As per NRS
Camber 4% As per NRS
Shoulder Slope 5% As per NRS
Minimum Horizontal 12 m As per NRS
curve Radius
Maximum 5% As per Design
Maximum Gradient 10.393 % As per Design
Minimum Gradient 0.394 % As per Design
Average Gradient 1.77 % As per Design

The design values are taken as recommended by Nepal Road Standard, 2045 as far as
practicable. The shoulder width is taken as 1m as per the site condition for the sake
of economic construction as the width of 2 m seems to be uneconomical due to heavy
cutting and filling owing to high value of cross slope. Minimum Gradient as
recommended by NRS (1% for better drainage) cannot be incorporated in the vertical

alignment according to the site condition. The maximum gradient adopted is within
the maximum gradient permitted by NRS.

5.4. Horizontal alignment

The most suitable alignment was fixed as the horizontal alignment considering the
SESE(Short, Economical, Safe and Easy) factors.

5.4.1. Horizontal curves

 Minimum radius for the horizontal curve is determined to be 26m.

 The extra widenings and transition curves are not provided in the road owing to
low design speed and simplicity in construction.

 Due to restricted site condition, minimum radius of 12m is provided at

intersection between the proposed road and existing road.

5.4.2. Superelevation

 A maximum of 5 % super elevation is provided at each horizontal curve.

 It is provided by rotation of pavement about the center line.
 Transition length for superelevation is provided as 5 m.

5.5. Vertical alignment

The vertical alignment includes the selection of suitable gradient and design of
summit and valley curves. The maximum gradient is adopted 10.393% which is
permissible for the hill road by NRS 2045. Summit curves are designed considering
stopping sight distance and valley curves are designed on the basis of night visibility.
The radius of vertical curve is adopted as large as possible so that all the factors are

satisfied, the least vertical radius being 1000m.

5.6. Cross-section design

 Cross-section is designed providing camber of 4% on carriageway and 5% on

 For embankment, the side slope of 1.5H: 1V and for cut, the side slope of 1H:
1V is adopted.
 Total pavement depth of 28 cm is adopted.

 Gravel is used as the sub-base coarse.
 Otta seal is provided for the sealing course above the gravel sub-base.

5.6.1. Shoulder width.

Shoulder width is adopted 1m on either side of the carriage way. NRS recommends
to adopt shoulder width of 2 m on either side but the road being in completely in
rural areas, with low traffic volume and limited budget condition, the shoulder width
has been reduced to 1m on either side.

5.6.2. Carriageway width

Carriageway width is adopted as 3.75 m as a single lane road as per NRS.

5.6.3. Formation width

Formation width of 5.75 m is adopted which includes carriageway width and

shoulder width on both sides.

5.6.4. Right of way

Total right of way for this road section is 10 m on either side of the road.

5.7. Drainage

5.7.1. Longitudinal drain

 Longitudinal drain is provided on the cut slope side of the road.

 The side slope is 1:1 and longitudinal slope is parallel to the alignment.
 Earthen drain is provided from chainage 0+000 to the chainage of 1+251.35.
 Stoned masonry drain of thickness 20 cm is provided from the chainage of
1+309.82 to chainage 2+027.24.
 The area, volume and estimate of the drain are included in the Annex B.

5.7.2. Cross drainage structures

 Pipe culverts of 60 cm in diameter and standard length of 2.5m are provided at

12 different locations of the road. The datas are included in Annex D.
 Culverts are provided at the lowest point of the vertical alignment.
 A minimum depth of 60 cm is provided between the surface of the sub-grade
and the crown of the pipe.

5.8. Retaining structures

Since the sufficient side slope is available on the embankment side, no retaining
structures are adopted in the design.

5.9. Road side development

The road side development includes plantation of trees and providing sign posts for
safe, efficient and comfortable driving. And for protection of cut and fill slopes,
vegetation measures such as bioengineering measures are applied and advised. The
cost of bioengineering is not included in the cost estimate and separate estimation.

5.10. Relocation of utility services

Relocation of utility services such as electricity, telephone and water supply lines is
not required.


6.1. Summary

The total estimated cost for the project “Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and
Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road (Badikhel-Badegaun)” is
NRs.2,56,04,162.89. The cost for the survey, design and compensation has not been
considered. Cost of Bio-engineering works is not included in the estimate.

6.2. Site clearance

No any activities of site clearance are recommended in this road section.

6.3. Earthwork

The quantity of earthwork is calculated as per attached earthwork quantity sheet and
given in the Annex B.

6.4. Quantity estimate

The quantity of different items of work like earthwork in excavation, filling etc. is
calculated by using the Autodesk software and on the basis of standard engineering
formulae. Other quantities of materials during the pavement construction are
estimated as per " NORMS for RATE ANALYSIS as per Standard Specifications for
Road and Bridge Works" published by DoR. The quantity calculated sheet is attached
in the Annex G of the report.

6.5. Analysis of rate

Rate analysis was done as per the norms for rate analysis as given by the DoR and
unit rate of the materials from the district rates for fiscal year 2068/2069 of Lalitpur
district. The DDC rates were understood as the market rates. The derived rates were
without considering the vat and the total net rate of labor material and equipment was
obtained by increasing it by 13% vat. The analysis of rates for different works is
given in the Annex F.


7.1. Influence area

The influence area of the road is the area of which the people get benefit after its
completion. The determination of the influence area is quite difficult as it is governed
by socio economic mobility, geographical and topographical condition and existing
and future road network and current as well as future economic activities.

Considering all these factors and assuming the completion of the proposed road the
rural area of Badikhel and Badegaun village is mainly influenced.

7.2. Land use patterns

Most of the land area of this locality is slope and terrace cultivation is popular.
Wheat, maize, potatoes and seasonal vegetables are mostly grown in this area. For
some period the land remains uncultivated as well. Due to the construction of the
proposed road, the produced crops and vegetables will get the good market and
transportation facility and also helps in the transport of modern agricultural tools,
machines and fertilizers and chemicals in the area. As such productivity will be
increased and no land will remain barren ever.

7.3. Health

There are no government as well as private hospitals in the area and the only medical
services available are by the few private medicals at a distance of few kilometers
from the area. Due to the proposed road, medical facilities will be available at near
distance than previous and chances of establishment of hospitals and health post in
the same area also increases.

7.4. Education

Quality education is lacking in the area. Few private schools and college are running
but the quality of their performance is not satisfactory. The quality of the education
would improve if the proposed road be built. The Road shall open opportunities for
the students in the locality to go to farther locations for education whereas for the
schools in the area, more numbers of students may be admitted as there would be
mobility of pupils from other areas.

7.5. Trade, industry and commerce.

The major advantage from the proposed to road construction is the development of
trade, industry and commerce in the area. The major industry here are the brick
producing factories which will be highly benefited by the road as it will drastically
reduce their transportation cost, and connects them with their market.

Similarly the vegetables and agricultural production will get a better market and
better price due to the transport being cheap, easier and faster. This will enrich the
living standard of the people living in the vicinity of the area.


Transport is no doubt the backbone for the development and is therefore the most
important infrastructures. Considering the economy and topography of our country
road is the best feasible means of transportation. As such like other road this
proposed road has also its significance in the development of the influenced area. As
such the detailed survey and engineering design and estimate of the propose road was
completed as per the norms and conditions of the country and the prevailing rates.

This road is constructed to ease the transportation facility between the two villages of
Badikhel and Badegaun or to link these two villages. As such this proposed road will
definitely fulfill its objective of connecting these two villages.

This road will further help in the development of trade and industry in the area,
promotes the socio economic activities in the region and helps in other infrastructural
development like health and education in the region.










Survey Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Point Northing Easting RL Desc Point Northing Easting RL Desc

1 633411.250 3055007.253 1380.057 BE 40 633444.814 3054995.669 1378.598 CP
2 633417.341 3054999.042 1379.571 BE 41 633453.958 3054993.842 1378.384 CP
3 633424.384 3054993.253 1379.348 RO 42 633448.971 3054999.682 1378.347 CP
4 633431.756 3054986.630 1379.568 RO 43 633448.094 3055003.298 1378.218 CP
5 633439.479 3054977.480 1380.630 BR 44 633462.639 3055004.009 1378.629 CP
6 633443.222 3054973.133 1380.554 BR 45 633460.306 3055010.976 1378.524 CP
7 633446.533 3054966.612 1379.971 RO 46 633455.035 3055015.420 1378.401 CP
8 633455.098 3054952.700 1379.814 RO 47 633451.672 3055020.093 1378.405 CP
9 633451.391 3054950.746 1379.702 RO 48 633446.805 3055023.181 1378.521 CP
10 633447.968 3054955.966 1379.594 RO 49 633436.896 3055027.680 1378.554 CP
11 633444.848 3054956.086 1379.352 RO 50 633431.512 3055021.163 1378.513 CP
12 633442.575 3054953.161 1379.359 RO 51 633440.800 3055017.132 1378.549 CP
13 633438.444 3054956.319 1379.118 RO 52 633447.621 3054973.548 1378.431 BR
14 633437.345 3054957.076 1378.852 RO 53 633451.839 3054975.677 1378.438 RE
15 633438.837 3054961.937 1378.780 RO 54 633458.228 3054979.969 1378.414 RE
16 633438.795 3054962.014 1378.785 RO 55 633467.074 3054988.871 1378.103 RE
17 633440.106 3054970.835 1380.516 BR 56 633472.998 3054983.716 1378.297 CP
18 633436.400 3054975.264 1380.602 BR 57 633467.181 3054977.599 1378.479 CP
19 633433.301 3054975.228 1379.434 RO 58 633462.249 3054970.110 1378.439 CP
20 633428.708 3054975.731 1379.712 RO 59 633455.539 3054963.233 1378.534 CP
21 633426.932 3054977.664 1379.590 RO 60 633464.531 3054955.123 1378.413 CP
22 633428.637 3054982.017 1379.662 PO 61 633482.971 3054966.895 1378.298 CP
23 633425.075 3054975.939 1379.183 RO 62 633465.031 3054998.008 1377.918 GB
24 633421.947 3054975.407 1379.179 RO 63 633467.549 3054998.109 1377.821 GB
25 633417.237 3054974.001 1379.214 RO 64 633488.223 3055001.830 1377.128 GB
26 633421.449 3054982.800 1378.956 RO 65 633490.928 3055001.985 1377.445 GB
27 633417.803 3054990.338 1379.264 RO 66 633467.744 3055001.391 1380.887 CP
28 633402.593 3055006.097 1379.606 PO 67 633465.128 3055006.701 1380.453 CP
29 633429.094 3054993.310 1378.547 BE 68 633462.806 3055012.829 1380.554 CP
30 633436.061 3054988.851 1378.747 BE 69 633457.625 3055016.569 1380.359 CP
31 633437.327 3054990.965 1378.699 BE 70 633454.784 3055018.971 1379.944 CP
32 633438.658 3054990.056 1378.575 BE 71 633450.745 3055023.124 1379.723 CP
33 633440.067 3054992.021 1378.522 BE 72 633443.159 3055027.371 1379.969 CP
34 633440.851 3054982.052 1378.640 BR 73 633434.485 3055029.647 1379.622 CP
35 633446.327 3054984.533 1378.267 RE 74 633423.582 3055008.107 1378.651 BE
36 633452.339 3054987.057 1378.101 RE 75 633416.332 3055014.043 1378.900 BE
37 633457.516 3054991.356 1378.163 RE 76 633418.251 3055000.875 1379.219 BE
38 633464.837 3054996.218 1378.071 RE 77 633432.999 3054999.391 1378.446 BE
39 633447.401 3054992.252 1378.463 CP 78 633435.586 3054997.545 1378.466 BE

Detailing - 1
Survey Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Point Northing Easting RL Desc Point Northing Easting RL Desc

79 633476.536 3055002.319 1381.119 CP 118 633495.099 3055043.382 1380.353 CP
80 633468.961 3055002.182 1381.358 CP 119 633500.422 3055064.026 1380.377 CP
81 633465.086 3055012.469 1381.252 CP 120 633512.463 3055073.414 1380.400 CP
82 633458.416 3055020.823 1381.229 CP 121 633512.057 3055074.994 1380.323 CP
83 633446.348 3055029.778 1381.600 CP 122 633517.432 3055043.069 1379.936 CP
84 633439.016 3055032.992 1381.912 CP 123 633513.706 3055033.555 1379.901 CP
85 633432.986 3055033.954 1382.196 CP 124 633515.379 3055028.767 1379.899 CP
86 633432.837 3055038.143 1382.110 CP 125 633511.760 3055020.713 1379.864 CP
87 633477.603 3055007.753 1380.887 CP 126 633508.343 3055014.464 1379.833 CP
88 633481.607 3055028.356 1380.846 CP 127 633495.229 3055006.781 1379.848 CP
89 633486.036 3055032.625 1381.168 CP 128 633492.135 3055007.157 1379.800 CP
90 633487.018 3055039.453 1381.337 CP 129 633488.963 3055002.154 1378.120 GB
91 633490.477 3055040.314 1381.465 CP 130 633503.290 3055000.661 1378.041 GB
92 633492.600 3055043.831 1381.456 CP 131 633513.066 3054994.252 1377.914 GB
93 633496.178 3055058.883 1381.114 CP 132 633524.187 3054988.835 1377.372 RE
94 633500.919 3055069.068 1381.080 CP 133 633558.826 3054979.382 1377.225 RE
95 633507.583 3055074.625 1381.385 CP 134 633545.624 3054974.548 1378.395 RE
96 633506.843 3055079.109 1381.606 CP 135 633545.767 3054972.208 1378.035 WE
97 633498.936 3055068.899 1381.820 CP 136 633494.128 3054994.756 1377.809 RE
98 633493.159 3055057.969 1381.967 CP 137 633491.484 3054996.811 1377.649 RE
99 633491.319 3055058.863 1381.893 CP 138 633488.198 3054994.411 1377.850 RE
100 633489.827 3055058.579 1382.624 CP 139 633540.588 3055003.799 1377.573 CP
101 633488.240 3055053.497 1382.111 CP 140 633514.030 3055009.554 1378.072 CP
102 633488.655 3055047.426 1381.959 CP 141 633518.238 3054995.716 1377.724 CP
103 633489.179 3055041.384 1381.941 CP 142 633573.148 3055078.731 1380.516 CP
104 633484.458 3055041.481 1382.125 CP 143 633572.808 3055078.663 1379.959 CP
105 633482.365 3055040.383 1382.082 CP 144 633567.749 3055091.136 1380.585 CP
106 633477.621 3055014.819 1381.970 CP 145 633562.918 3055088.774 1380.030 CP
107 633473.619 3055004.951 1382.006 CP 146 633552.263 3055083.683 1380.133 CP
108 633470.515 3055005.173 1382.042 CP 147 633536.967 3055081.204 1380.076 CP
109 633461.155 3055021.725 1382.115 CP 148 633532.371 3055066.801 1379.921 CP
110 633454.019 3055029.242 1382.200 CP 149 633531.970 3055066.145 1379.485 CP
111 633432.878 3055033.837 1382.260 CP 150 633515.312 3055068.221 1379.953 CP
112 633432.775 3055038.204 1382.106 CP 151 633516.578 3055056.075 1379.498 CP
113 633467.073 3055035.702 1382.607 CP 152 633518.185 3055043.910 1379.465 CP
114 633475.524 3055047.523 1382.600 CP 153 633521.741 3055051.950 1379.512 CP
115 633478.505 3055002.473 1380.405 CP 154 633533.199 3055062.662 1379.465 CP
116 633482.911 3055004.478 1380.327 CP 155 633534.658 3055072.792 1379.554 CP
117 633492.937 3055039.858 1380.346 CP 156 633543.642 3055082.113 1379.445 CP

Detailing - 2
Survey Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Point Northing Easting RL Desc Point Northing Easting RL Desc

157 633570.549 3055077.882 1378.997 CP 196 633543.310 3055027.873 1377.616 CP
158 633572.537 3055074.271 1378.447 CP 197 633542.988 3055037.435 1377.307 CP
159 633571.663 3055073.227 1377.366 CP 198 633536.467 3055056.600 1377.381 CP
160 633566.448 3055073.088 1377.420 CP 199 633536.118 3055056.447 1377.732 CP
161 633564.888 3055077.813 1378.941 CP 200 633530.863 3055048.573 1377.685 CP
162 633556.742 3055078.262 1378.823 CP 201 633531.840 3055034.789 1377.627 CP
163 633540.423 3055075.130 1378.798 CP 202 633538.632 3055024.870 1377.707 CP
164 633534.245 3055061.401 1378.974 CP 203 633528.467 3055018.680 1377.708 CP
165 633525.962 3055053.226 1378.685 CP 204 633541.236 3055066.723 1377.341 CP
166 633517.412 3055037.506 1378.295 CP 205 633549.851 3055075.782 1377.365 CP
167 633517.179 3055025.750 1377.974 CP 206 633558.545 3055070.717 1377.318 CP
168 633511.841 3055012.561 1377.876 CP 207 633590.134 3055021.959 1377.128 RE
169 633511.686 3055007.591 1377.771 CP 208 633606.865 3055045.123 1376.984 RE
170 633505.057 3055000.835 1377.814 GB 209 633618.325 3055057.798 1376.872 RE
171 633513.761 3054994.668 1377.709 GB 210 633630.187 3055059.608 1376.814 RE
172 633518.109 3055001.907 1377.761 CP 211 633634.379 3055051.520 1376.669 RE
173 633523.062 3055014.092 1377.723 CP 212 633636.788 3055036.505 1376.424 RE
174 633522.629 3055014.424 1378.041 CP 213 633586.465 3055027.631 1377.161 RE
175 633534.210 3055021.144 1377.727 CP 214 633597.890 3055041.554 1377.126 RE
176 633539.065 3055003.131 1377.662 CP 215 633609.963 3055058.398 1377.163 RE
177 633546.014 3054980.325 1377.124 RE 216 633622.660 3055068.303 1376.941 RE
178 633563.857 3054985.892 1377.598 RE 217 633639.760 3055070.471 1377.037 RE
179 633575.460 3055006.651 1377.351 RE 218 633648.453 3055063.579 1376.942 RE
180 633585.987 3055026.945 1377.230 RE 219 633642.610 3055053.591 1377.197 RE
181 633589.317 3055049.092 1377.078 CP 220 633644.399 3055042.773 1376.780 RE
182 633591.346 3055069.936 1376.846 CP 221 633591.484 3055069.392 1377.173 CP
183 633575.648 3055071.850 1377.336 CP 222 633596.038 3055070.149 1377.033 CP
184 633574.463 3055058.768 1377.025 CP 223 633606.097 3055076.830 1376.934 CP
185 633564.273 3055056.327 1377.366 CP 224 633616.795 3055083.545 1377.151 CP
186 633562.700 3055039.984 1377.403 CP 225 633629.388 3055083.399 1377.022 CP
187 633570.577 3055041.861 1377.101 CP 226 633639.345 3055079.184 1376.981 CP
188 633565.381 3055025.797 1377.212 CP 227 633651.213 3055075.609 1377.099 CP
189 633571.352 3055007.578 1377.176 CP 228 633656.692 3055057.728 1376.772 CP
190 633551.150 3055004.589 1377.381 CP 229 633664.478 3055057.782 1376.722 CP
191 633546.759 3055020.215 1377.406 CP 230 633676.400 3055057.835 1376.695 CP
192 633546.560 3055020.578 1377.182 CP 231 633682.187 3055062.952 1377.843 CP
193 633559.693 3055025.328 1377.229 CP 232 633657.665 3055059.103 1377.861 CP
194 633555.887 3055036.106 1377.142 CP 233 633651.519 3055076.882 1377.845 CP
195 633543.500 3055027.061 1377.240 CP 234 633637.314 3055082.466 1378.291 CP

Detailing - 3
Survey Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Point Northing Easting RL Desc Point Northing Easting RL Desc

235 633631.181 3055087.986 1378.434 CP 274 633554.164 3055121.744 1383.007 CP
236 633615.613 3055086.985 1378.500 CP 275 633559.922 3055130.269 1382.920 CP
237 633604.916 3055083.445 1378.476 CP 276 633579.344 3055137.047 1382.992 CP
238 633595.030 3055076.045 1378.263 CP 277 633593.404 3055138.052 1383.262 CP
239 633587.735 3055075.296 1378.129 CP 278 633606.336 3055139.576 1383.251 CP
240 633561.617 3055082.813 1380.135 CP 279 633625.907 3055147.061 1383.153 CP
241 633573.515 3055079.023 1380.471 CP 280 633641.185 3055154.120 1383.247 CP
242 633587.022 3055081.257 1380.584 CP 281 633654.109 3055161.577 1382.975 CP
243 633593.876 3055080.346 1380.557 CP 282 633657.588 3055158.858 1381.773 CP
244 633600.176 3055085.865 1380.569 CP 283 633643.691 3055151.833 1381.826 CP
245 633612.792 3055092.058 1380.535 CP 284 633633.887 3055145.874 1381.670 CP
246 633630.818 3055096.076 1380.509 CP 285 633620.754 3055141.385 1381.917 CP
247 633657.174 3055107.211 1380.461 CP 286 633608.429 3055136.656 1381.890 CP
248 633664.498 3055118.943 1380.477 CP 287 633593.585 3055135.395 1382.231 CP
249 633680.652 3055123.663 1380.165 CP 288 633577.372 3055131.792 1382.390 CP
250 633684.027 3055121.028 1379.614 CP 289 633559.354 3055127.829 1382.470 CP
251 633679.466 3055109.288 1379.558 CP 290 633621.236 3055094.317 1380.618 CP
252 633662.906 3055102.643 1379.673 CP 291 633631.469 3055096.174 1380.617 CP
253 633653.109 3055098.533 1380.095 CP 292 633647.646 3055102.770 1380.612 CP
254 633632.787 3055091.848 1380.087 CP 293 633662.947 3055117.252 1380.591 CP
255 633631.339 3055088.572 1378.554 CP 294 633641.210 3055123.198 1380.514 CP
256 633653.670 3055096.240 1378.475 CP 295 633612.787 3055134.772 1380.578 CP
257 633665.497 3055096.328 1378.417 CP 296 633611.723 3055137.327 1381.459 CP
258 633676.067 3055098.517 1378.488 BE 297 633610.940 3055138.729 1382.442 CP
259 633677.679 3055091.391 1378.643 BE 298 633609.400 3055140.651 1383.442 CP
260 633683.776 3055074.104 1378.560 CP 299 633627.565 3055147.387 1383.342 CP
261 633651.354 3055151.262 1380.583 CP 300 633623.258 3055158.097 1383.241 CP
262 633631.080 3055141.914 1380.594 CP 301 633617.945 3055171.311 1383.276 CP
263 633603.938 3055134.062 1380.613 CP 302 633630.674 3055181.589 1383.302 CP
264 633593.583 3055134.114 1381.377 CP 303 633642.172 3055190.708 1383.333 CP
265 633582.928 3055132.594 1381.357 CP 304 633649.401 3055173.116 1383.349 CP
266 633560.811 3055126.145 1381.458 CP 305 633653.080 3055160.851 1383.322 CP
267 633553.970 3055114.202 1381.415 CP 306 633653.657 3055157.398 1382.385 CP
268 633555.519 3055103.143 1381.063 CP 307 633654.261 3055153.501 1381.177 CP
269 633543.255 3055094.682 1381.081 CP 308 633664.486 3055153.457 1380.883 CP
270 633527.223 3055090.730 1381.105 CP 309 633674.219 3055155.965 1380.966 CP
271 633520.329 3055099.031 1381.086 CP 310 633682.403 3055160.030 1381.050 CP
272 633521.516 3055104.793 1382.785 CP 311 633688.026 3055159.182 1380.556 CP
273 633536.161 3055113.159 1382.867 CP 312 633689.923 3055152.003 1380.386 CP

Detailing - 4
Survey Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Point Northing Easting RL Desc Point Northing Easting RL Desc

313 633689.597 3055141.847 1380.436 CP 352 633722.797 3055160.769 1379.746 CP
314 633688.912 3055129.940 1379.942 CP 353 633734.890 3055158.190 1379.533 CP
315 633686.178 3055123.267 1379.950 CP 354 633725.457 3055150.127 1379.514 CP
316 633682.398 3055123.632 1379.865 CP 355 633723.796 3055142.828 1379.335 CP
317 633682.464 3055114.370 1379.655 CP 356 633724.437 3055138.184 1378.924 CP
318 633683.689 3055107.392 1378.451 CP 357 633723.929 3055131.187 1378.226 CP
319 633684.867 3055112.464 1378.778 CP 358 633719.907 3055136.083 1378.892 CP
320 633684.836 3055119.122 1378.880 CP 359 633711.913 3055134.582 1378.907 RE
321 633682.831 3055131.064 1379.708 CP 360 633704.261 3055131.857 1378.858 RE
322 633685.977 3055139.688 1379.701 CP 361 633704.169 3055129.626 1378.469 RE
323 633685.478 3055140.076 1380.272 CP 362 633697.645 3055128.488 1379.527 RE
324 633665.322 3055140.159 1380.177 CP 363 633705.478 3055137.073 1379.509 CP
325 633665.820 3055128.248 1380.206 CP 364 633714.057 3055138.858 1379.742 CP
326 633661.040 3055130.754 1380.498 CP 365 633715.193 3055155.106 1379.627 CP
327 633647.043 3055134.142 1380.509 CP 366 633707.116 3055154.666 1380.324 CP
328 633642.472 3055146.897 1380.573 CP 367 633705.075 3055143.176 1380.332 CP
329 633653.653 3055157.514 1382.391 CP 368 633695.294 3055141.728 1380.291 CP
330 633664.831 3055160.954 1382.416 CP 369 633709.182 3055163.529 1381.062 CP
331 633674.879 3055162.293 1382.316 CP 370 633693.072 3055160.785 1381.009 CP
332 633691.187 3055163.705 1382.568 CP 371 633679.855 3055160.936 1381.563 CP
333 633708.487 3055166.924 1382.392 CP 372 633669.527 3055158.683 1381.511 CP
334 633722.394 3055166.619 1382.411 CP 373 633659.661 3055158.309 1381.789 CP
335 633738.095 3055171.042 1382.388 CP 374 633653.451 3055155.300 1381.864 CP
336 633747.358 3055181.795 1382.297 CP 375 633715.847 3055212.346 1389.129 GB
337 633743.495 3055187.118 1382.280 CP 376 633711.748 3055217.977 1389.123 GB
338 633728.860 3055182.328 1382.346 CP 377 633719.563 3055231.797 1389.153 GB
339 633711.523 3055182.736 1382.233 CP 378 633735.823 3055244.494 1389.160 GB
340 633694.965 3055182.175 1382.204 CP 379 633720.025 3055196.130 1386.121 CP
341 633681.027 3055180.548 1382.178 CP 380 633735.903 3055200.348 1386.154 CP
342 633681.637 3055164.865 1382.125 CP 381 633748.427 3055213.486 1386.347 CP
343 633678.990 3055166.025 1383.067 CP 382 633767.313 3055223.854 1387.049 CP
344 633677.598 3055180.589 1382.974 CP 383 633785.532 3055221.421 1386.830 CP
345 633675.540 3055191.857 1383.200 CP 384 633789.920 3055210.863 1385.615 CP
346 633690.759 3055193.226 1382.888 CP 385 633769.815 3055211.221 1385.584 CP
347 633705.728 3055194.631 1382.929 CP 386 633753.908 3055208.749 1385.267 CP
348 633714.232 3055183.963 1382.903 CP 387 633745.641 3055196.990 1385.103 CP
349 633698.647 3055182.841 1382.851 CP 388 633733.914 3055188.768 1384.922 CP
350 633697.388 3055160.561 1380.362 CP 389 633731.513 3055184.678 1383.685 CP
351 633709.515 3055161.499 1380.239 CP 390 633743.922 3055189.144 1383.581 CP

Detailing - 5
Survey Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Point Northing Easting RL Desc Point Northing Easting RL Desc

391 633754.090 3055195.918 1383.633 CP 430 633764.886 3055138.584 1377.184 CP
392 633763.673 3055201.994 1382.989 CP 431 633759.344 3055140.060 1377.134 CP
393 633783.299 3055194.038 1382.369 CP 432 633753.929 3055146.037 1377.251 CP
394 633765.397 3055197.943 1382.305 CP 433 633747.251 3055145.989 1377.309 CP
395 633755.995 3055191.247 1382.520 CP 434 633745.423 3055140.421 1376.962 CP
396 633746.543 3055187.244 1382.331 CP 435 633730.252 3055130.655 1375.490 CP
397 633747.741 3055179.590 1382.372 CP 436 633734.488 3055131.550 1375.450 CP
398 633738.595 3055171.039 1382.464 CP 437 633742.574 3055133.370 1375.647 CP
399 633729.387 3055164.676 1380.533 CP 438 633746.095 3055138.614 1375.791 CP
400 633740.326 3055168.452 1380.786 CP 439 633755.722 3055136.732 1375.863 CP
401 633748.462 3055176.015 1380.549 CP 440 633761.541 3055136.582 1375.807 CP
402 633754.017 3055183.699 1380.233 CP 441 633770.719 3055132.397 1375.704 CP
403 633764.111 3055191.412 1380.626 CP 442 633770.844 3055127.074 1376.051 CP
404 633775.653 3055190.822 1380.316 CP 443 633779.448 3055130.195 1376.325 CP
405 633794.083 3055183.504 1380.329 CP 444 633790.215 3055142.345 1376.084 CP
406 633795.393 3055179.720 1378.754 CP 445 633793.823 3055146.437 1376.242 CP
407 633787.873 3055179.315 1378.253 CP 446 633793.670 3055150.451 1376.269 CP
408 633777.045 3055185.790 1378.733 CP 447 633805.889 3055154.524 1376.231 CP
409 633760.721 3055184.623 1378.834 CP 448 633811.677 3055157.309 1376.412 CP
410 633753.432 3055177.655 1378.945 CP 449 633816.776 3055153.310 1375.641 CP
411 633746.589 3055169.227 1378.766 CP 450 633810.695 3055146.304 1375.640 CP
412 633735.397 3055163.687 1378.942 CP 451 633800.790 3055140.330 1375.515 CP
413 633735.320 3055156.249 1378.755 CP 452 633792.458 3055136.775 1375.283 CP
414 633726.078 3055148.695 1378.602 CP 453 633781.566 3055130.572 1375.464 CP
415 633725.770 3055142.006 1378.547 CP 454 633773.322 3055127.466 1375.774 CP
416 633731.450 3055133.541 1377.787 CP 455 633769.366 3055124.667 1375.656 CP
417 633741.289 3055141.147 1377.806 CP 456 633720.667 3055117.934 1375.486 RE
418 633745.388 3055143.949 1377.791 CP 457 633729.238 3055116.165 1375.475 RE
419 633745.577 3055151.658 1377.803 CP 458 633744.961 3055118.447 1375.574 RE
420 633757.794 3055167.113 1377.770 CP 459 633772.057 3055115.199 1375.008 RE
421 633780.885 3055175.291 1377.547 CP 460 633790.829 3055115.482 1375.230 RE
422 633792.436 3055175.225 1377.521 CP 461 633808.345 3055117.471 1375.094 RE
423 633800.903 3055174.390 1377.084 CP 462 633822.927 3055118.877 1374.427 RE
424 633809.233 3055180.133 1376.970 CP 463 633821.861 3055112.129 1375.155 RE
425 633789.305 3055165.774 1377.318 CP 464 633803.835 3055110.916 1375.285 RE
426 633790.823 3055153.094 1377.389 CP 465 633790.101 3055109.121 1375.483 RE
427 633786.663 3055148.271 1377.320 CP 466 633778.502 3055108.475 1375.715 RE
428 633778.334 3055135.052 1377.188 CP 467 633759.176 3055110.186 1375.492 RE
429 633773.184 3055133.683 1377.195 CP 468 633744.805 3055111.637 1375.726 RE

Detailing - 6
Survey Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Point Northing Easting RL Desc Point Northing Easting RL Desc

469 633733.257 3055111.403 1375.609 RE 508 633847.837 3055195.294 1377.454 CP
470 633726.109 3055109.031 1375.699 RE 509 633846.122 3055196.929 1378.075 CP
471 633717.172 3055111.643 1375.720 RE 510 633845.612 3055199.259 1378.691 CP
472 633710.840 3055115.405 1375.763 RE 511 633851.526 3055200.127 1378.366 CP
473 633695.010 3055109.482 1375.886 RE 512 633859.816 3055207.802 1378.567 CP
474 633693.508 3055102.446 1375.923 RE 513 633859.548 3055211.869 1379.425 CP
475 633693.575 3055095.481 1375.950 RE 514 633852.693 3055207.859 1379.534 CP
476 633700.559 3055075.528 1376.211 RE 515 633841.693 3055201.422 1379.571 CP
477 633780.962 3055114.847 1375.307 RE 516 633842.790 3055204.857 1379.981 CP
478 633799.722 3055115.387 1374.830 RE 517 633839.711 3055207.647 1380.184 CP
479 633811.371 3055118.072 1374.975 RE 518 633840.487 3055211.514 1381.013 CP
480 633828.762 3055116.775 1374.817 RE 519 633840.410 3055217.922 1382.107 CP
481 633839.828 3055125.169 1375.010 RE 520 633843.683 3055216.829 1380.960 CP
482 633855.431 3055140.350 1374.963 RE 521 633831.820 3055212.027 1381.920 CP
483 633848.989 3055149.722 1374.794 RE 522 633821.868 3055208.817 1381.965 CP
484 633845.407 3055159.182 1374.758 RE 523 633812.416 3055204.540 1381.733 CP
485 633844.802 3055174.710 1374.229 RE 524 633803.543 3055197.841 1381.730 CP
486 633850.941 3055181.647 1374.403 RE 525 633794.510 3055190.683 1381.573 CP
487 633863.773 3055186.954 1374.398 RE 526 633784.935 3055189.548 1381.542 CP
488 633870.844 3055190.575 1374.214 RE 527 633783.666 3055194.438 1382.288 CP
489 633857.938 3055185.888 1375.209 RE 528 633793.362 3055195.175 1382.290 CP
490 633855.779 3055190.899 1375.000 CP 529 633798.091 3055199.080 1382.353 CP
491 633856.303 3055192.236 1375.676 CP 530 633801.285 3055199.547 1382.171 CP
492 633863.086 3055190.783 1374.981 CP 531 633809.679 3055205.492 1382.093 CP
493 633862.818 3055191.592 1375.777 CP 532 633811.697 3055208.259 1382.081 CP
494 633870.362 3055196.016 1375.800 CP 533 633815.906 3055211.750 1382.031 CP
495 633871.606 3055195.671 1374.992 CP 534 633821.996 3055214.873 1382.106 CP
496 633871.850 3055192.568 1374.966 CP 535 633830.868 3055214.093 1381.954 CP
497 633869.098 3055190.701 1374.910 CP 536 633838.088 3055207.541 1380.920 CP
498 633862.764 3055187.684 1375.196 CP 537 633827.612 3055204.988 1380.996 CP
499 633860.942 3055194.931 1375.632 CP 538 633818.154 3055199.598 1380.885 CP
500 633868.893 3055198.824 1376.291 CP 539 633804.794 3055192.922 1381.093 CP
501 633864.836 3055197.614 1376.383 CP 540 633794.953 3055186.776 1380.671 CP
502 633865.060 3055200.030 1376.706 CP 541 633795.869 3055181.448 1379.715 CP
503 633867.461 3055203.609 1376.733 CP 542 633808.596 3055188.220 1379.791 CP
504 633865.505 3055204.359 1376.865 CP 543 633822.592 3055194.831 1379.733 CP
505 633864.132 3055204.728 1377.465 CP 544 633836.995 3055199.088 1379.621 CP
506 633863.706 3055198.827 1377.395 CP 545 633846.333 3055199.214 1378.725 CP
507 633856.640 3055195.669 1377.388 CP 546 633834.766 3055196.385 1378.966 CP

Detailing - 7
Survey Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Point Northing Easting RL Desc Point Northing Easting RL Desc

547 633824.622 3055192.262 1378.796 CP 586 633865.573 3055202.817 1377.488 CP
548 633811.505 3055185.241 1378.757 CP 587 633866.187 3055202.277 1376.686 CP
549 633794.792 3055176.309 1378.799 CP 588 633868.892 3055198.354 1376.365 CP
550 633794.188 3055171.933 1376.909 CP 589 633871.154 3055195.685 1375.015 CP
551 633803.387 3055174.914 1376.763 CP 590 633872.202 3055192.112 1374.526 CP
552 633814.941 3055182.413 1376.787 CP 591 633853.724 3055242.264 1380.407 CP
553 633817.088 3055186.179 1378.059 CP 592 633856.038 3055234.614 1380.210 CP
554 633817.932 3055186.806 1378.036 CP 593 633858.493 3055229.876 1380.039 CP
555 633831.533 3055191.566 1377.657 CP 594 633860.748 3055223.836 1379.417 CP
556 633831.209 3055188.756 1376.794 CP 595 633862.370 3055216.593 1378.570 CP
557 633841.463 3055191.032 1376.702 CP 596 633863.169 3055209.925 1377.062 CP
558 633848.518 3055190.516 1375.921 CP 597 633869.115 3055204.026 1375.922 CP
559 633849.403 3055186.453 1375.290 CP 598 633872.884 3055195.692 1374.423 CP
560 633842.826 3055180.003 1375.338 CP 599 633875.484 3055192.027 1373.796 CP
561 633838.871 3055174.595 1375.347 CP 600 633855.031 3055242.504 1380.926 CP
562 633834.873 3055173.518 1376.170 CP 601 633856.849 3055235.241 1380.881 CP
563 633837.402 3055183.357 1376.652 CP 602 633861.150 3055227.482 1380.241 CP
564 633831.394 3055176.224 1376.629 CP 603 633862.607 3055222.169 1379.352 CP
565 633825.655 3055172.072 1376.604 CP 604 633864.187 3055215.279 1379.025 CP
566 633823.322 3055178.118 1376.621 CP 605 633864.608 3055214.199 1378.096 CP
567 633830.482 3055183.251 1376.587 CP 606 633864.103 3055211.982 1378.122 CP
568 633790.051 3055166.529 1376.717 CP 607 633864.560 3055211.020 1377.411 CP
569 633792.325 3055152.435 1376.733 CP 608 633872.146 3055202.775 1376.925 CP
570 633799.879 3055155.432 1376.716 CP 609 633872.691 3055201.946 1376.256 CP
571 633808.889 3055156.785 1376.607 CP 610 633873.550 3055200.221 1376.339 CP
572 633822.147 3055166.889 1376.690 CP 611 633873.819 3055198.672 1375.070 CP
573 633826.909 3055166.888 1376.251 CP 612 633876.063 3055195.696 1375.212 CP
574 633839.232 3055174.835 1375.367 CP 613 633876.785 3055192.822 1374.312 CP
575 633830.745 3055164.255 1375.498 CP 614 633903.334 3055190.960 1374.218 RE
576 633823.947 3055158.685 1375.306 CP 615 633903.364 3055190.943 1374.216 RE
577 633815.046 3055151.476 1375.642 CP 616 633917.004 3055196.278 1374.085 RE
578 633807.069 3055144.874 1375.589 CP 617 633935.733 3055185.608 1373.830 CP
579 633852.056 3055241.377 1380.841 CP 618 633947.139 3055177.137 1373.636 RE
580 633855.217 3055235.693 1380.819 CP 619 633950.014 3055175.943 1373.920 RE
581 633858.252 3055230.292 1380.344 CP 620 633953.544 3055169.771 1373.880 RE
582 633860.524 3055223.002 1379.610 CP 621 633956.282 3055157.009 1373.516 RE
583 633860.087 3055212.227 1379.448 CP 622 633950.943 3055154.543 1373.957 RE
584 633861.502 3055211.383 1377.995 CP 623 633944.774 3055172.953 1373.813 RE
585 633864.227 3055205.046 1377.748 CP 624 633937.409 3055175.358 1374.264 RE

Detailing - 8
Survey Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Point Northing Easting RL Desc Point Northing Easting RL Desc

625 633918.894 3055182.185 1373.869 RE 664 633866.686 3055221.285 1379.638 CP
626 633895.670 3055185.851 1374.499 RE 665 633864.965 3055226.108 1380.297 CP
627 633876.030 3055185.860 1374.460 RE 666 633875.540 3055228.881 1380.358 CP
628 633853.834 3055175.095 1374.476 RE 667 633895.939 3055234.112 1380.227 CP
629 633849.906 3055177.453 1373.674 WL 668 633902.626 3055234.138 1380.885 CP
630 633872.162 3055186.369 1373.679 WL 669 633915.207 3055236.239 1380.862 CP
631 633948.167 3055171.882 1373.257 WL 670 633927.206 3055241.473 1380.953 CP
632 633920.277 3055200.928 1374.309 CP 671 633934.536 3055243.486 1381.000 CP
633 633924.372 3055213.221 1374.110 CP 672 633937.661 3055252.701 1380.819 CP
634 633928.978 3055224.731 1374.046 CP 673 633930.960 3055257.776 1380.741 CP
635 633941.547 3055223.591 1374.178 CP 674 633920.377 3055257.532 1380.803 CP
636 633949.369 3055223.823 1374.127 CP 675 633905.720 3055252.740 1380.939 CP
637 633959.168 3055214.343 1374.306 CP 676 633892.882 3055245.071 1380.828 CP
638 633961.044 3055202.521 1373.963 CP 677 633889.834 3055246.834 1380.860 CP
639 633951.664 3055188.531 1373.870 CP 678 633874.677 3055246.249 1380.760 CP
640 633916.213 3055203.631 1374.241 CP 679 633861.443 3055245.370 1380.839 CP
641 633922.087 3055218.252 1374.248 CP 680 633867.673 3055248.788 1382.194 CP
642 633925.307 3055226.399 1374.817 CP 681 633867.657 3055248.796 1382.194 CP
643 633913.161 3055224.560 1374.613 CP 682 633874.843 3055247.169 1382.060 CP
644 633898.576 3055218.608 1375.009 CP 683 633891.232 3055247.557 1382.181 CP
645 633884.906 3055206.581 1374.996 CP 684 633912.401 3055257.302 1382.027 CP
646 633875.851 3055203.701 1376.986 CP 685 633930.805 3055259.156 1382.043 CP
647 633882.014 3055209.692 1376.919 CP 686 633930.712 3055267.121 1381.865 CP
648 633887.568 3055216.725 1376.955 CP 687 633903.662 3055259.559 1382.048 CP
649 633893.277 3055220.351 1376.940 CP 688 633888.638 3055253.409 1382.084 CP
650 633899.270 3055222.767 1377.170 CP 689 633873.979 3055251.291 1381.884 CP
651 633904.227 3055225.022 1377.529 CP 690 633851.508 3055252.179 1381.915 CP
652 633909.735 3055228.194 1377.612 CP 691 633852.086 3055257.176 1384.233 CP
653 633915.757 3055227.544 1377.867 CP 692 633864.174 3055257.132 1384.239 CP
654 633921.992 3055230.403 1378.055 CP 693 633870.469 3055256.468 1384.267 CP
655 633925.760 3055231.653 1378.171 CP 694 633875.187 3055254.645 1384.206 CP
656 633942.548 3055238.921 1379.566 CP 695 633888.074 3055260.070 1384.246 CP
657 633934.778 3055237.440 1379.475 CP 696 633899.460 3055262.989 1384.412 CP
658 633928.259 3055236.899 1379.878 CP 697 633903.899 3055267.214 1384.989 CP
659 633918.853 3055234.202 1379.809 CP 698 633915.966 3055268.891 1384.870 CP
660 633899.969 3055229.046 1379.256 CP 699 633925.683 3055268.793 1384.481 CP
661 633892.257 3055227.980 1378.745 CP 700 633930.442 3055274.044 1384.028 CP
662 633885.295 3055227.503 1379.161 CP 701 633990.454 3055265.365 1381.833 CP
663 633872.951 3055223.945 1379.240 CP 702 633990.230 3055256.659 1381.957 CP

Detailing - 9
Survey Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Point Northing Easting RL Desc Point Northing Easting RL Desc

703 633987.385 3055248.145 1381.883 CP 742 633950.596 3055243.975 1376.333 CP
704 633982.404 3055245.747 1381.489 CP 743 633948.759 3055246.092 1376.278 CP
705 633977.087 3055242.710 1381.339 CP 744 633946.355 3055248.881 1376.266 CP
706 633972.830 3055235.209 1381.487 CP 745 633946.906 3055252.291 1376.521 CP
707 633977.528 3055226.242 1381.499 CP 746 633949.719 3055255.825 1376.630 CP
708 633983.010 3055220.268 1381.501 CP 747 633953.557 3055258.304 1376.929 CP
709 633993.533 3055228.338 1381.843 CP 748 633956.198 3055258.130 1376.976 CP
710 633991.079 3055238.878 1381.811 CP 749 633958.773 3055256.467 1377.240 CP
711 633975.486 3055247.649 1380.994 CP 750 633965.282 3055256.841 1378.402 CP
712 633964.915 3055241.564 1381.039 CP 751 633971.103 3055253.514 1378.498 CP
713 633969.883 3055233.527 1381.094 CP 752 633958.807 3055258.041 1377.453 CP
714 633973.635 3055226.709 1381.069 CP 753 633954.644 3055259.829 1377.419 CP
715 633976.386 3055217.795 1380.500 CP 754 633951.060 3055259.739 1377.270 CP
716 633970.669 3055225.388 1380.283 CP 755 633947.316 3055256.597 1376.741 CP
717 633964.643 3055233.590 1380.504 CP 756 633944.528 3055252.827 1376.633 CP
718 633962.263 3055240.956 1380.342 CP 757 633943.477 3055250.864 1376.554 CP
719 633960.484 3055249.157 1380.023 CP 758 633944.223 3055248.220 1376.048 CP
720 633959.548 3055251.671 1379.662 CP 759 633945.380 3055245.331 1376.036 CP
721 633967.257 3055250.668 1379.718 CP 760 633946.521 3055243.707 1376.325 CP
722 633972.978 3055250.786 1379.838 CP 761 633946.668 3055240.009 1376.027 CP
723 633980.642 3055247.734 1380.102 CP 762 633947.634 3055236.536 1375.894 CP
724 633970.634 3055251.433 1378.724 CP 763 633948.924 3055234.305 1375.770 CP
725 633961.621 3055253.780 1378.395 CP 764 633949.565 3055232.244 1375.000 CP
726 633955.345 3055256.082 1378.121 CP 765 633948.245 3055230.302 1375.046 CP
727 633953.998 3055249.030 1378.134 CP 766 633940.766 3055229.890 1376.187 CP
728 633954.033 3055239.498 1378.184 CP 767 633944.539 3055231.096 1376.637 CP
729 633955.886 3055230.663 1377.932 CP 768 633946.933 3055233.899 1376.692 CP
730 633960.549 3055227.280 1377.831 CP 769 633945.421 3055239.320 1376.865 CP
731 633956.277 3055226.856 1376.983 CP 770 633944.947 3055243.496 1376.980 CP
732 633955.677 3055225.894 1375.983 CP 771 633942.617 3055246.888 1376.755 CP
733 633958.580 3055225.849 1375.858 CP 772 633942.456 3055251.239 1377.626 CP
734 633961.308 3055223.444 1375.922 CP 773 633944.032 3055257.578 1377.971 CP
735 633964.623 3055219.155 1375.608 CP 774 633951.124 3055263.071 1378.271 CP
736 633961.335 3055218.535 1373.643 CP 775 633956.445 3055261.421 1378.280 CP
737 633952.523 3055229.399 1376.157 CP 776 633961.790 3055258.603 1378.836 CP
738 633952.083 3055232.520 1375.659 CP 777 633965.845 3055257.952 1378.977 CP
739 633950.330 3055237.938 1375.854 CP 778 633969.383 3055256.513 1380.169 CP
740 633951.183 3055236.460 1376.589 CP 779 633975.367 3055255.835 1380.957 CP
741 633951.857 3055241.302 1376.669 CP 780 633982.153 3055252.561 1381.285 CP

Detailing - 10
Survey Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Point Northing Easting RL Desc Point Northing Easting RL Desc

781 633986.892 3055266.487 1381.940 CP 820 633965.352 3055195.745 1375.795 CP
782 633969.632 3055261.906 1382.027 CP 821 633966.284 3055201.306 1375.918 CP
783 633956.608 3055267.930 1382.025 CP 822 633969.352 3055203.400 1377.166 CP
784 633945.408 3055267.325 1381.455 CP 823 633967.863 3055206.336 1375.645 CP
785 633940.341 3055264.622 1381.859 CP 824 633970.610 3055209.244 1377.940 CP
786 633933.134 3055259.378 1382.091 CP 825 633970.743 3055215.448 1379.239 CP
787 633934.490 3055253.999 1380.780 CP 826 633966.991 3055221.374 1378.728 CP
788 633938.955 3055252.834 1380.874 CP 827 633967.621 3055222.733 1379.397 CP
789 633934.481 3055245.215 1380.987 CP 828 633971.680 3055224.332 1380.545 CP
790 633936.969 3055242.235 1380.455 CP 829 633978.472 3055215.571 1380.448 CP
791 633934.518 3055238.388 1380.465 CP 830 633980.338 3055210.497 1379.339 CP
792 633934.071 3055236.012 1379.587 CP 831 633977.237 3055206.335 1378.313 CP
793 633938.174 3055236.340 1379.531 CP 832 633975.700 3055203.476 1377.608 CP
794 633933.610 3055234.873 1378.863 CP 833 633970.794 3055199.182 1376.661 CP
795 633934.434 3055232.535 1378.016 CP 834 633971.825 3055192.976 1375.858 CP
796 633940.290 3055233.102 1378.653 CP 835 633970.708 3055191.498 1375.056 CP
797 633939.810 3055230.802 1377.924 CP 836 633968.135 3055183.191 1373.935 CP
798 633944.826 3055233.262 1377.993 CP 837 633957.241 3055158.514 1373.534 CP
799 633942.977 3055233.663 1378.661 CP 838 633972.209 3055235.799 1381.448 CP
800 633944.307 3055242.511 1378.634 CP 839 633976.364 3055228.951 1381.414 CP
801 633940.032 3055245.945 1378.045 CP 840 633982.969 3055220.436 1381.440 CP
802 633940.450 3055251.622 1379.100 CP 841 633991.992 3055214.543 1381.390 CP
803 633941.330 3055253.998 1379.055 CP 842 633999.408 3055210.577 1381.490 CP
804 633940.596 3055255.882 1380.749 CP 843 634001.337 3055214.585 1381.479 CP
805 633943.591 3055260.655 1379.177 CP 844 633991.769 3055238.094 1381.885 TL
806 633953.419 3055264.055 1379.368 CP 845 633994.208 3055231.009 1381.922 TL
807 633958.923 3055262.733 1379.674 CP 846 633994.251 3055224.424 1381.848 TL
808 633963.938 3055259.839 1380.096 CP 847 633997.364 3055218.182 1381.830 TL
809 633968.196 3055260.975 1380.499 CP 848 634001.542 3055215.373 1381.765 TL
810 633964.283 3055263.819 1381.043 CP 849 634007.159 3055212.934 1381.907 TL
811 633957.974 3055266.587 1380.869 CP 850 634013.582 3055214.930 1381.595 TL
812 633953.599 3055266.473 1381.056 CP 851 634016.671 3055215.153 1381.626 TL
813 633947.569 3055266.310 1380.281 CP 852 634023.462 3055213.673 1381.940 TL
814 633942.047 3055262.007 1380.309 CP 853 634032.395 3055219.671 1382.013 TL
815 633946.935 3055176.776 1373.479 RE 854 634040.788 3055222.286 1381.941 TL
816 633949.827 3055175.957 1373.749 RE 855 634055.622 3055221.754 1381.926 TL
817 633954.782 3055186.612 1373.661 CP 856 633987.726 3055244.542 1382.561 TL
818 633962.382 3055196.230 1373.481 CP 857 633992.126 3055239.757 1382.426 CP
819 633963.935 3055195.899 1374.544 CP 858 633996.213 3055234.155 1382.753 CP

Detailing - 11
Survey Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Point Northing Easting RL Desc Point Northing Easting RL Desc

859 633996.289 3055226.084 1382.840 CP 898 633990.249 3055180.060 1373.932 CP
860 633999.206 3055219.499 1382.967 CP 899 634004.055 3055176.026 1374.182 CP
861 634005.504 3055218.432 1382.996 CP 900 634015.755 3055173.230 1373.843 CP
862 634011.413 3055223.287 1382.646 RO 901 634024.196 3055169.974 1373.792 CP
863 634014.813 3055223.186 1383.020 RO 902 634034.989 3055171.976 1373.080 CP
864 634023.378 3055223.326 1382.957 CP 903 634053.012 3055201.104 1374.206 CP
865 634032.743 3055229.586 1383.414 CP 904 634045.169 3055195.054 1374.382 CP
866 634040.453 3055230.119 1383.337 CP 905 634041.475 3055181.802 1374.406 CP
867 634052.766 3055227.362 1383.717 CP 906 634033.508 3055174.187 1374.278 CP
868 634053.268 3055233.875 1384.633 CP 907 634023.914 3055170.906 1374.402 CP
869 634044.203 3055234.117 1384.691 CP 908 634011.089 3055173.368 1374.856 CP
870 634033.372 3055233.705 1384.563 CP 909 634000.386 3055178.681 1375.694 CP
871 634021.415 3055236.956 1384.605 RO 910 633992.493 3055181.244 1375.534 CP
872 634025.740 3055244.613 1384.658 RO 911 633984.187 3055185.551 1376.465 CP
873 634034.429 3055253.416 1384.911 RO 912 633972.297 3055193.161 1376.282 CP
874 634031.347 3055257.912 1384.990 RO 913 633967.192 3055201.559 1376.315 CP
875 634018.944 3055239.781 1383.959 RO 914 633970.305 3055207.789 1377.332 CP
876 634012.524 3055225.101 1383.029 RO 915 633970.794 3055208.570 1377.684 CP
877 634014.330 3055214.219 1381.348 RO 916 633977.013 3055202.673 1377.022 CP
878 634011.387 3055202.579 1378.573 RO 917 633986.598 3055195.890 1377.053 CP
879 634002.001 3055197.710 1377.593 RO 918 633996.991 3055193.213 1377.316 RO
880 633990.264 3055185.478 1376.149 RO 919 634009.373 3055201.050 1378.297 RO
881 633978.164 3055177.000 1373.861 RO 920 633997.596 3055194.971 1378.233 CP
882 633956.315 3055156.733 1373.542 RO 921 633987.837 3055196.256 1378.282 CP
883 633959.206 3055148.434 1373.748 RE 922 633981.486 3055200.321 1378.247 CP
884 633971.502 3055134.713 1373.674 RE 923 633972.895 3055207.995 1378.296 CP
885 633985.666 3055130.608 1373.756 RE 924 633971.805 3055212.752 1379.110 CP
886 634007.335 3055105.458 1373.629 RE 925 633980.151 3055210.232 1379.156 CP
887 634023.190 3055109.105 1373.459 RE 926 633991.587 3055203.264 1379.101 CP
888 634027.420 3055136.913 1373.360 RE 927 634010.285 3055203.000 1379.295 CP
889 634035.654 3055170.645 1373.115 RE 928 633977.157 3055216.729 1380.383 CP
890 634055.593 3055187.518 1373.495 RE 929 633985.987 3055210.858 1380.422 CP
891 634027.083 3055168.519 1373.152 CP 930 633995.589 3055204.992 1380.488 CP
892 634008.508 3055170.232 1373.646 CP 931 634039.404 3055219.391 1381.169 CP
893 633993.622 3055171.448 1373.731 CP 932 634040.751 3055216.215 1379.113 CP
894 633983.189 3055177.507 1373.824 RO 933 634041.766 3055210.884 1379.249 CP
895 633965.323 3055192.150 1374.526 CP 934 634042.360 3055210.071 1378.359 CP
896 633971.600 3055188.683 1373.903 CP 935 634043.231 3055208.148 1378.452 CP
897 633982.933 3055182.404 1373.911 CP 936 634043.114 3055207.219 1377.181 CP

Detailing - 12
Survey Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Point Northing Easting RL Desc Point Northing Easting RL Desc

937 634044.167 3055204.180 1377.247 CP 976 634073.524 3055200.296 1374.038 CP
938 634044.142 3055203.259 1376.619 CP 977 634064.639 3055194.467 1373.965 CP
939 634044.039 3055202.197 1376.278 CP 978 634077.588 3055199.430 1374.798 CP
940 634044.723 3055199.125 1375.695 CP 979 634084.790 3055195.334 1373.258 CP
941 634059.174 3055188.749 1373.220 RE 980 634093.669 3055193.521 1373.325 CP
942 634071.528 3055187.749 1373.316 RE 981 634108.063 3055187.081 1373.357 CP
943 634082.317 3055181.582 1373.242 RE 982 634118.296 3055185.367 1374.652 CP
944 634089.845 3055171.722 1373.075 RE 983 634113.023 3055189.185 1375.440 CP
945 634099.157 3055157.517 1372.870 RE 984 634104.913 3055193.263 1375.182 CP
946 634108.766 3055150.263 1372.850 RE 985 634096.603 3055197.737 1375.579 CP
947 634118.986 3055143.757 1372.720 RE 986 634087.263 3055198.351 1374.991 CP
948 634117.215 3055149.871 1372.599 CP 987 634075.214 3055202.775 1375.427 CP
949 634109.609 3055156.302 1372.578 CP 988 634068.254 3055206.120 1375.432 CP
950 634096.955 3055165.408 1372.787 CP 989 634065.128 3055208.094 1375.975 CP
951 634092.353 3055170.661 1373.050 CP 990 634058.270 3055208.271 1376.031 CP
952 634087.379 3055176.605 1373.112 CP 991 634059.005 3055212.017 1377.695 CP
953 634097.105 3055177.661 1372.909 CP 992 634066.277 3055212.950 1377.794 CP
954 634106.374 3055179.190 1372.918 CP 993 634074.333 3055213.776 1378.785 CP
955 634116.171 3055179.587 1372.831 CP 994 634083.827 3055208.477 1378.978 CP
956 634114.297 3055171.871 1372.897 CP 995 634094.619 3055204.412 1379.217 CP
957 634114.252 3055163.476 1372.853 CP 996 634110.312 3055202.329 1378.287 CP
958 634109.907 3055167.099 1372.930 CP 997 634119.758 3055197.920 1378.365 CP
959 634102.950 3055168.177 1372.966 CP 998 634128.639 3055190.830 1378.653 CP
960 634115.922 3055182.272 1373.444 CP 999 634126.722 3055187.837 1376.860 CP
961 634108.380 3055181.156 1373.192 CP 1000 634115.971 3055192.075 1376.635 CP
962 634096.263 3055178.805 1373.288 CP 1001 634106.875 3055197.768 1376.708 CP
963 634091.088 3055183.793 1373.219 CP 1002 634131.944 3055196.735 1380.488 CP
964 634098.203 3055185.390 1373.216 CP 1003 634136.917 3055203.489 1380.508 CP
965 634079.164 3055185.456 1373.107 CP 1004 634129.434 3055208.220 1380.203 CP
966 634071.277 3055192.316 1373.192 CP 1005 634126.370 3055202.239 1380.300 CP
967 634063.829 3055191.270 1373.215 CP 1006 634117.453 3055206.193 1380.206 CP
968 634059.335 3055192.750 1373.571 CP 1007 634116.640 3055212.714 1380.180 CP
969 634057.851 3055198.524 1373.898 CP 1008 634101.961 3055213.869 1380.066 CP
970 634056.819 3055202.624 1374.116 CP 1009 634100.681 3055208.713 1380.140 CP
971 634061.136 3055204.156 1373.910 CP 1010 634097.510 3055209.572 1380.593 CP
972 634058.939 3055205.928 1374.995 CP 1011 634098.890 3055214.343 1380.562 CP
973 634067.573 3055204.944 1375.024 CP 1012 634092.506 3055211.141 1380.606 CP
974 634066.894 3055203.009 1373.902 CP 1013 634088.158 3055212.141 1381.078 CP
975 634071.591 3055203.668 1374.787 CP 1014 634081.148 3055213.118 1380.610 CP

Detailing - 13
Survey Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Point Northing Easting RL Desc Point Northing Easting RL Desc

1015 634075.956 3055218.229 1380.553 CP 1054 634131.946 3055227.855 1385.748 CP
1016 634067.954 3055218.430 1379.780 CP 1055 634124.214 3055233.770 1385.752 CP
1017 634058.607 3055218.559 1379.616 CP 1056 634114.959 3055238.270 1385.950 CP
1018 634057.313 3055222.483 1381.969 CP 1057 634105.826 3055240.139 1385.834 CP
1019 634067.989 3055223.830 1381.943 CP 1058 634091.305 3055235.315 1385.743 CP
1020 634079.449 3055219.516 1382.103 CP 1059 634082.757 3055231.379 1385.962 CP
1021 634095.730 3055215.140 1382.055 CP 1060 634072.102 3055234.200 1385.945 CP
1022 634109.452 3055215.504 1382.053 CP 1061 634061.030 3055238.128 1386.035 CP
1023 634122.970 3055212.916 1381.970 CP 1062 634059.490 3055242.476 1388.896 CP
1024 634133.237 3055207.441 1381.875 CP 1063 634067.454 3055242.342 1388.902 CP
1025 634142.999 3055206.558 1383.479 CP 1064 634075.898 3055243.579 1388.690 CP
1026 634135.532 3055212.855 1383.783 CP 1065 634082.608 3055245.013 1388.782 CP
1027 634129.749 3055215.624 1383.717 CP 1066 634090.873 3055250.043 1389.754 CP
1028 634124.809 3055216.873 1383.360 CP 1067 634080.272 3055248.199 1389.806 CP
1029 634121.063 3055221.786 1383.424 CP 1068 634071.344 3055245.911 1389.979 CP
1030 634113.221 3055219.058 1383.329 CP 1069 634065.005 3055245.551 1390.139 CP
1031 634105.793 3055227.061 1383.324 CP 1070 634117.368 3055144.687 1372.590 RE
1032 634096.839 3055226.502 1383.293 CP 1071 634124.779 3055139.616 1372.602 RE
1033 634085.098 3055222.088 1383.247 CP 1072 634134.530 3055131.298 1372.393 RE
1034 634095.402 3055219.268 1383.261 CP 1073 634144.853 3055131.405 1372.576 RE
1035 634082.728 3055223.431 1383.963 CP 1074 634159.867 3055139.756 1372.313 RE
1036 634080.258 3055223.738 1383.484 CP 1075 634159.195 3055151.292 1372.631 RE
1037 634072.717 3055225.867 1383.630 CP 1076 634168.321 3055155.866 1372.511 RE
1038 634065.413 3055228.345 1383.732 CP 1077 634179.857 3055159.151 1372.299 RE
1039 634061.049 3055229.294 1383.439 CP 1078 634179.196 3055161.959 1372.466 RE
1040 634054.121 3055228.220 1383.433 CP 1079 634168.040 3055161.922 1372.303 RE
1041 634053.850 3055232.934 1384.169 CP 1080 634155.886 3055155.498 1372.339 CP
1042 634053.986 3055236.521 1384.605 CP 1081 634154.782 3055156.029 1372.558 CP
1043 634055.910 3055239.190 1386.336 CP 1082 634144.413 3055154.415 1372.697 CP
1044 634067.897 3055233.723 1385.982 CP 1083 634144.883 3055153.215 1372.527 CP
1045 634074.441 3055229.140 1385.153 CP 1084 634143.426 3055143.133 1372.700 CP
1046 634082.379 3055225.975 1385.060 CP 1085 634134.334 3055146.857 1372.684 CP
1047 634083.212 3055229.736 1385.810 CP 1086 634118.417 3055150.380 1372.701 CP
1048 634091.116 3055231.290 1385.803 CP 1087 634128.697 3055150.908 1372.697 CP
1049 634102.170 3055234.362 1385.765 CP 1088 634130.870 3055151.943 1372.779 CP
1050 634112.342 3055232.691 1386.068 CP 1089 634143.240 3055171.654 1372.605 CP
1051 634130.288 3055221.463 1385.897 CP 1090 634129.188 3055173.284 1372.732 CP
1052 634143.565 3055214.672 1385.819 CP 1091 634134.748 3055175.360 1374.768 CP
1053 634138.908 3055220.436 1385.888 CP 1092 634144.161 3055174.844 1374.495 CP

Detailing - 14
Survey Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Point Northing Easting RL Desc Point Northing Easting RL Desc

1093 634147.607 3055176.431 1374.778 CP 1132 634172.380 3055185.736 1378.430 CP
1094 634150.898 3055178.018 1375.434 CP 1133 634166.867 3055182.009 1376.926 CP
1095 634155.163 3055176.775 1374.033 CP 1134 634148.553 3055186.705 1379.201 CP
1096 634160.535 3055173.201 1373.830 CP 1135 634138.445 3055187.154 1378.687 CP
1097 634169.652 3055168.866 1374.012 CP 1136 634130.079 3055190.352 1379.053 CP
1098 634175.960 3055165.053 1374.256 CP 1137 634129.460 3055188.508 1378.340 CP
1099 634178.425 3055166.145 1374.273 CP 1138 634136.110 3055184.493 1378.341 CP
1100 634182.543 3055164.410 1373.346 RE 1139 634143.252 3055184.958 1377.963 CP
1101 634182.715 3055162.962 1373.346 RE 1140 634148.626 3055182.759 1377.324 CP
1102 634185.360 3055161.103 1373.482 RE 1141 634138.990 3055181.651 1377.351 CP
1103 634185.977 3055158.131 1372.775 CP 1142 634128.636 3055184.953 1377.332 CP
1104 634187.870 3055160.670 1374.710 CP 1143 634131.480 3055196.247 1380.456 CP
1105 634185.424 3055168.242 1374.777 CP 1144 634143.822 3055192.665 1380.503 CP
1106 634185.445 3055172.313 1375.449 CP 1145 634153.884 3055193.141 1381.061 CP
1107 634180.549 3055174.122 1376.261 CP 1146 634157.494 3055195.034 1380.199 CP
1108 634182.526 3055175.770 1376.526 CP 1147 634168.419 3055193.769 1379.863 CP
1109 634176.502 3055171.457 1375.767 CP 1148 634175.775 3055192.928 1379.154 CP
1110 634168.670 3055175.754 1375.855 CP 1149 634182.673 3055187.637 1379.193 CP
1111 634156.980 3055179.709 1375.735 CP 1150 634180.229 3055182.417 1379.128 CP
1112 634152.332 3055179.913 1375.746 CP 1151 634164.968 3055197.863 1381.801 CP
1113 634157.478 3055183.890 1375.764 CP 1152 634152.129 3055206.774 1384.602 CP
1114 634169.297 3055181.108 1375.794 CP 1153 634168.621 3055203.528 1384.589 CP
1115 634173.747 3055174.974 1376.742 CP 1154 634186.951 3055202.523 1384.851 CP
1116 634177.386 3055172.709 1377.070 CP 1155 634204.012 3055192.940 1384.847 CP
1117 634179.368 3055175.426 1377.987 CP 1156 634212.635 3055184.971 1384.929 CP
1118 634181.808 3055177.712 1378.470 CP 1157 634230.126 3055165.633 1384.563 CP
1119 634182.663 3055183.126 1378.423 CP 1158 634228.514 3055163.105 1381.486 CP
1120 634179.518 3055181.640 1378.449 CP 1159 634227.268 3055152.583 1381.457 CP
1121 634175.758 3055187.651 1378.442 CP 1160 634224.496 3055152.881 1381.478 CP
1122 634170.200 3055190.726 1378.440 CP 1161 634216.338 3055169.217 1381.907 CP
1123 634165.289 3055191.899 1378.765 CP 1162 634211.622 3055180.344 1381.557 CP
1124 634149.255 3055186.716 1378.666 CP 1163 634202.102 3055180.609 1381.668 CP
1125 634150.623 3055185.376 1378.026 CP 1164 634191.932 3055196.214 1381.495 CP
1126 634163.780 3055189.133 1377.832 CP 1165 634186.883 3055186.043 1381.656 CP
1127 634170.355 3055185.957 1377.438 CP 1166 634188.619 3055183.388 1379.757 CP
1128 634173.702 3055181.428 1377.889 CP 1167 634204.848 3055174.603 1379.440 CP
1129 634179.155 3055175.797 1377.870 CP 1168 634200.272 3055166.334 1379.571 CP
1130 634178.956 3055176.826 1378.403 CP 1169 634220.745 3055150.593 1379.279 CP
1131 634174.270 3055181.485 1378.418 CP 1170 634222.076 3055156.133 1379.246 CP

Detailing - 15
Survey Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Point Northing Easting RL Desc Point Northing Easting RL Desc

1171 634219.067 3055145.955 1378.540 CP 1210 634235.164 3055130.488 1376.080 CP
1172 634215.456 3055142.873 1376.730 CP 1211 634237.624 3055126.928 1375.982 CP
1173 634209.450 3055138.656 1374.797 CP 1212 634250.238 3055124.721 1375.776 CP
1174 634204.757 3055135.413 1373.030 CP 1213 634251.386 3055126.693 1375.840 CP
1175 634201.508 3055132.358 1372.076 RE 1214 634282.926 3055106.530 1375.897 CP
1176 634208.242 3055120.039 1372.271 RE 1215 634296.042 3055099.215 1375.582 CP
1177 634189.666 3055151.121 1372.036 CP 1216 634309.393 3055098.539 1375.868 CP
1178 634193.593 3055155.301 1374.753 CP 1217 634225.623 3055142.023 1379.220 CP
1179 634187.851 3055164.651 1376.075 CP 1218 634235.411 3055140.639 1379.756 CP
1180 634189.270 3055169.710 1376.679 CP 1219 634239.641 3055140.226 1379.944 CP
1181 634199.369 3055163.810 1378.014 CP 1220 634246.056 3055141.014 1380.360 CP
1182 634207.056 3055125.433 1372.355 RE 1221 634263.419 3055146.725 1380.797 TL
1183 634207.225 3055116.745 1372.044 RE 1222 634274.128 3055139.631 1380.825 TL
1184 634205.095 3055106.694 1372.295 RE 1223 634304.864 3055145.273 1381.190 TL
1185 634216.505 3055092.474 1372.053 RE 1224 634251.009 3055143.341 1379.524 CP
1186 634232.304 3055090.711 1371.982 RE 1225 634258.028 3055145.723 1379.889 CP
1187 634243.027 3055094.187 1372.224 RE 1226 634257.491 3055140.346 1379.227 CP
1188 634255.897 3055106.016 1372.069 RE 1227 634269.486 3055139.574 1378.855 CP
1189 634268.456 3055101.001 1371.623 RE 1228 634278.858 3055138.126 1378.994 CP
1190 634273.436 3055090.603 1371.601 RE 1229 634283.275 3055136.776 1379.187 CP
1191 634306.309 3055052.044 1371.445 BR 1230 634304.401 3055143.974 1379.707 CP
1192 634291.345 3055085.189 1371.671 CP 1231 634307.725 3055143.767 1380.364 CP
1193 634283.604 3055098.400 1372.569 CP 1232 634253.196 3055145.687 1380.815 TL
1194 634272.310 3055100.960 1372.120 CP 1233 634240.444 3055140.714 1380.709 TL
1195 634266.736 3055106.803 1372.255 CP 1234 634222.217 3055147.781 1380.578 TL
1196 634261.677 3055110.989 1372.306 CP 1235 634225.671 3055150.432 1380.671 TL
1197 634256.337 3055111.568 1372.339 CP 1236 634230.685 3055148.642 1380.700 TL
1198 634252.304 3055114.950 1372.215 CP 1237 634238.532 3055148.168 1380.612 TL
1199 634247.968 3055116.241 1372.365 CP 1238 634242.127 3055148.014 1380.660 TL
1200 634246.440 3055115.060 1372.248 CP 1239 634246.754 3055147.855 1380.738 TL
1201 634241.899 3055118.320 1372.113 CP 1240 634248.946 3055146.415 1380.679 TL
1202 634222.997 3055125.676 1372.800 CP 1241 634259.749 3055148.475 1380.726 TL
1203 634215.307 3055128.463 1372.696 CP 1242 634263.775 3055152.439 1381.014 TL
1204 634209.801 3055129.496 1372.267 CP 1243 634271.728 3055149.582 1380.873 TL
1205 634218.749 3055133.439 1375.644 CP 1244 634301.351 3055151.691 1380.679 TL
1206 634220.072 3055131.384 1375.611 CP 1245 634269.285 3055154.112 1382.961 TL
1207 634226.984 3055130.246 1375.575 CP 1246 634256.900 3055155.298 1382.996 CP
1208 634230.176 3055130.477 1376.094 CP 1247 634243.681 3055151.881 1382.897 CP
1209 634232.456 3055129.501 1375.988 CP 1248 634235.678 3055154.669 1383.006 CP

Detailing - 16
Survey Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Point Northing Easting RL Desc Point Northing Easting RL Desc

1249 634231.362 3055156.014 1383.121 CP 1288 634435.218 3055099.705 1380.556 CP
1250 634230.502 3055162.488 1383.089 CP 1289 634429.156 3055125.449 1380.704 CP
1251 634232.629 3055163.413 1383.613 CP 1290 634419.770 3055152.107 1380.374 CP
1252 634241.154 3055159.798 1383.524 CP 1291 634418.072 3055173.086 1379.362 CP
1253 634250.696 3055165.824 1383.822 CP 1292 634416.207 3055163.442 1379.371 CP
1254 634255.830 3055164.038 1385.004 CP 1293 634416.788 3055162.409 1378.619 CP
1255 634248.491 3055172.575 1384.018 CP 1294 634409.125 3055122.971 1377.240 CP
1256 634240.239 3055185.369 1384.652 CP 1295 634403.828 3055110.115 1375.954 CP
1257 634252.555 3055164.282 1382.857 CP 1296 634431.129 3055087.702 1380.417 CP
1258 634266.597 3055159.303 1382.975 CP 1297 634422.813 3055083.368 1378.520 CP
1259 634268.263 3055156.554 1382.945 CP 1298 634416.710 3055080.483 1376.976 CP
1260 634252.767 3055143.240 1378.557 CP 1299 634412.258 3055075.287 1374.957 CP
1261 634246.581 3055139.954 1378.682 CP 1300 634405.426 3055072.828 1372.923 CP
1262 634238.814 3055138.921 1378.580 CP 1301 634399.628 3055067.656 1371.207 CP
1263 634230.798 3055139.105 1378.528 CP 1302 634386.142 3054996.228 1370.518 RE
1264 634224.884 3055141.823 1378.503 CP 1303 634348.580 3055007.831 1370.905 CP
1265 634220.543 3055144.305 1378.219 CP 1304 634332.808 3055001.954 1371.069 RE
1266 634308.845 3055144.687 1381.247 RO 1305 634313.678 3054972.477 1370.899 RE
1267 634315.655 3055141.635 1381.211 RO 1306 634297.612 3054974.406 1370.960 RE
1268 634331.078 3055138.498 1381.282 RO 1307 634285.813 3055010.922 1371.193 RE
1269 634339.534 3055144.960 1381.519 RO 1308 634308.842 3055030.732 1371.768 RE
1270 634353.593 3055147.915 1381.920 RO 1309 634307.379 3055049.894 1371.607 RE
1271 634364.690 3055158.229 1382.076 RO 1310 634312.635 3055077.926 1371.637 CP
1272 634375.336 3055168.605 1382.585 RO 1311 634321.381 3055080.588 1371.521 CP
1273 634389.716 3055174.395 1382.581 RO 1312 634327.335 3055088.610 1371.515 CP
1274 634412.952 3055179.016 1382.602 RO 1313 634343.480 3055088.329 1371.325 CP
1275 634430.984 3055171.444 1383.224 RO 1314 634357.240 3055085.106 1371.327 CP
1276 634451.565 3055175.636 1389.258 RO 1315 634376.763 3055072.303 1370.940 CP
1277 634464.300 3055176.375 1393.699 RO 1316 634388.485 3055075.047 1372.662 CP
1278 634448.707 3055163.665 1389.722 CP 1317 634388.984 3055082.959 1372.585 CP
1279 634450.588 3055129.359 1390.383 CP 1318 634373.116 3055080.574 1372.613 CP
1280 634450.727 3055098.411 1389.850 CP 1319 634364.929 3055088.859 1372.799 CP
1281 634444.705 3055093.219 1386.666 CP 1320 634362.145 3055089.815 1373.579 CP
1282 634444.420 3055110.350 1386.909 CP 1321 634343.756 3055092.323 1373.567 CP
1283 634439.352 3055126.166 1387.557 CP 1322 634353.042 3055096.465 1373.795 CP
1284 634432.413 3055153.109 1387.816 CP 1323 634336.630 3055096.692 1373.766 CP
1285 634423.923 3055170.832 1380.998 CP 1324 634325.947 3055094.295 1373.445 CP
1286 634422.250 3055153.275 1381.031 CP 1325 634320.496 3055085.023 1373.408 CP
1287 634432.989 3055128.161 1381.777 CP 1326 634312.879 3055096.490 1373.817 CP

Detailing - 17
Survey Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Point Northing Easting RL Desc Point Northing Easting RL Desc

1327 634316.389 3055103.345 1374.649 RO 1366 634407.148 3055159.247 1378.480 BE
1328 634326.795 3055099.523 1374.843 CP 1367 634402.903 3055131.422 1377.710 BE
1329 634329.689 3055110.139 1374.972 CP 1368 634398.265 3055172.687 1379.531 CP
1330 634330.262 3055110.629 1375.495 CP 1369 634397.129 3055171.452 1378.784 CP
1331 634337.821 3055101.033 1374.840 CP 1370 634387.541 3055167.667 1378.715 CP
1332 634338.481 3055101.280 1375.424 CP 1371 634377.625 3055161.604 1378.854 CP
1333 634342.888 3055113.830 1375.466 CP 1372 634376.753 3055161.299 1379.331 CP
1334 634350.771 3055098.581 1375.253 CP 1373 634365.386 3055153.904 1378.987 CP
1335 634364.199 3055094.896 1374.595 CP 1374 634355.974 3055145.768 1378.945 CP
1336 634374.136 3055093.311 1374.567 CP 1375 634368.332 3055151.827 1379.016 CP
1337 634387.909 3055086.365 1373.414 CP 1376 634368.693 3055150.379 1378.352 CP
1338 634393.258 3055101.139 1375.429 CP 1377 634359.484 3055141.477 1378.874 CP
1339 634391.256 3055123.025 1375.717 CP 1378 634359.978 3055140.666 1377.859 CP
1340 634390.188 3055125.953 1377.474 CP 1379 634352.187 3055144.342 1378.936 CP
1341 634386.266 3055125.793 1376.729 CP 1380 634350.567 3055142.819 1379.001 CP
1342 634374.816 3055118.355 1376.497 CP 1381 634350.247 3055143.545 1379.762 CP
1343 634375.038 3055116.913 1375.547 CP 1382 634350.363 3055136.623 1379.033 CP
1344 634372.866 3055107.537 1375.535 CP 1383 634350.735 3055135.918 1378.319 CP
1345 634372.238 3055106.689 1374.991 CP 1384 634352.035 3055133.020 1378.062 CP
1346 634357.450 3055105.295 1374.992 CP 1385 634346.983 3055129.762 1378.019 CP
1347 634355.890 3055105.746 1375.576 CP 1386 634345.995 3055128.437 1377.266 CP
1348 634344.524 3055113.369 1375.459 CP 1387 634347.541 3055125.757 1377.313 CP
1349 634343.526 3055115.954 1376.230 CP 1388 634348.371 3055127.124 1376.199 CP
1350 634351.827 3055114.091 1376.147 CP 1389 634347.210 3055131.059 1377.997 CP
1351 634348.988 3055127.679 1376.296 CP 1390 634347.858 3055132.267 1378.040 BE
1352 634360.525 3055132.536 1376.222 CP 1391 634345.836 3055131.518 1377.946 BE
1353 634361.621 3055132.236 1376.812 CP 1392 634341.455 3055116.005 1376.478 CP
1354 634361.256 3055133.946 1376.785 CP 1393 634330.202 3055115.614 1376.632 CP
1355 634363.894 3055133.114 1376.279 CP 1394 634330.700 3055114.646 1375.570 CP
1356 634369.333 3055138.292 1376.786 CP 1395 634328.813 3055111.151 1376.500 CP
1357 634369.988 3055140.231 1378.067 CP 1396 634314.868 3055111.709 1376.717 RO
1358 634380.793 3055140.132 1376.491 CP 1397 634315.820 3055107.493 1375.055 RO
1359 634384.037 3055143.255 1377.594 CP 1398 634310.617 3055101.272 1375.780 BE
1360 634390.465 3055155.429 1378.010 CP 1399 634310.447 3055108.305 1376.191 BE
1361 634386.189 3055158.987 1378.895 CP 1400 634300.770 3055108.505 1375.922 BE
1362 634400.393 3055163.061 1378.828 CP 1401 634313.975 3055103.705 1375.853 CP
1363 634416.992 3055173.424 1379.338 CP 1402 634312.816 3055126.251 1376.488 CP
1364 634417.008 3055173.411 1379.338 CP 1403 634312.131 3055127.302 1377.982 CP
1365 634411.906 3055158.617 1378.838 BE 1404 634331.244 3055124.946 1376.547 CP

Detailing - 18
Survey Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Point Northing Easting RL Desc Point Northing Easting RL Desc

1405 634330.463 3055126.731 1377.519 CP 1444 634462.336 3055038.517 1376.747 CP
1406 634320.620 3055128.905 1377.764 CP 1445 634472.110 3055029.251 1376.460 CP
1407 634311.151 3055138.267 1377.510 RO 1446 634471.076 3055025.743 1375.629 CP
1408 634327.974 3055133.814 1377.497 CP 1447 634459.557 3055044.959 1376.601 CP
1409 634337.617 3055133.666 1377.316 CP 1448 634451.796 3055053.162 1376.282 CP
1410 634338.675 3055135.751 1379.247 CP 1449 634447.114 3055061.264 1376.464 CP
1411 634342.967 3055134.647 1379.061 CP 1450 634439.939 3055068.728 1376.538 CP
1412 634340.803 3055140.866 1379.092 CP 1451 634432.418 3055072.449 1376.853 CP
1413 634345.939 3055142.040 1379.110 CP 1452 634421.420 3055077.484 1376.639 CP
1414 634346.295 3055143.064 1379.646 CP 1453 634423.617 3055081.016 1378.176 CP
1415 634344.887 3055143.963 1379.684 CP 1454 634423.586 3055081.036 1378.156 CP
1416 634350.754 3055144.924 1379.805 CP 1455 634430.921 3055078.629 1378.409 CP
1417 634305.232 3055154.659 1381.251 CP 1456 634436.792 3055076.195 1378.403 CP
1418 634348.404 3055159.603 1382.109 CP 1457 634416.267 3055072.079 1374.245 CP
1419 634360.190 3055168.912 1382.399 CP 1458 634417.078 3055068.813 1373.026 PO
1420 634381.234 3055179.759 1381.916 CP 1459 634418.693 3055070.373 1373.933 CP
1421 634434.175 3055087.303 1380.337 CP 1460 634425.670 3055068.127 1373.916 CP
1422 634442.336 3055097.677 1384.570 CP 1461 634425.517 3055064.793 1373.143 CP
1423 634450.638 3055085.157 1388.555 CP 1462 634430.947 3055064.567 1373.716 CP
1424 634458.954 3055078.780 1388.403 CP 1463 634439.484 3055058.317 1373.710 CP
1425 634464.259 3055070.453 1387.474 CP 1464 634444.631 3055049.556 1373.689 CP
1426 634459.315 3055071.454 1386.057 CP 1465 634449.449 3055040.878 1373.718 CP
1427 634454.716 3055075.893 1386.073 CP 1466 634453.583 3055033.539 1373.713 CP
1428 634449.329 3055081.882 1386.167 CP 1467 634459.086 3055026.075 1373.672 CP
1429 634443.048 3055084.591 1383.001 CP 1468 634466.392 3055020.960 1373.326 CP
1430 634443.736 3055075.733 1380.685 CP 1469 634465.887 3055017.067 1372.582 CP
1431 634431.374 3055085.585 1380.236 CP 1470 634456.689 3055023.632 1372.553 CP
1432 634434.806 3055083.529 1380.232 CP 1471 634450.858 3055029.940 1372.553 CP
1433 634448.134 3055072.236 1380.755 CP 1472 634445.681 3055038.989 1372.781 CP
1434 634454.160 3055066.330 1380.611 CP 1473 634438.354 3055053.476 1372.640 CP
1435 634460.704 3055060.055 1380.467 CP 1474 634430.430 3055060.169 1373.027 CP
1436 634467.456 3055052.855 1380.370 CP 1475 634414.892 3055066.153 1372.301 CP
1437 634475.863 3055048.258 1380.320 CP 1476 634422.125 3055064.351 1372.326 CP
1438 634472.824 3055048.055 1379.742 CP 1477 634415.809 3055062.365 1370.643 CP
1439 634464.660 3055049.443 1379.316 CP 1478 634426.941 3055055.737 1370.702 CP
1440 634470.438 3055043.236 1378.578 CP 1479 634436.361 3055047.831 1370.844 CP
1441 634479.243 3055037.522 1378.559 CP 1480 634444.671 3055032.292 1370.794 CP
1442 634472.678 3055037.425 1377.790 CP 1481 634451.525 3055022.849 1370.805 CP
1443 634467.135 3055041.923 1377.896 CP 1482 634457.389 3055015.208 1370.788 CP

Detailing - 19
Survey Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Point Northing Easting RL Desc Point Northing Easting RL Desc

1483 634452.278 3055006.473 1370.504 CP 1522 634394.121 3055005.157 1370.361 CP
1484 634442.277 3055011.293 1370.524 CP 1523 634399.850 3055015.308 1370.214 CP
1485 634429.076 3055017.480 1370.569 CP 1524 634407.483 3055005.501 1370.262 CP
1486 634417.905 3055020.930 1370.555 CP 1525 634415.980 3054998.074 1370.088 CP
1487 634422.001 3055036.856 1370.498 CP 1526 634426.404 3054994.920 1370.268 CP
1488 634431.031 3055036.490 1370.552 CP 1527 634434.430 3054991.179 1370.277 CP
1489 634405.314 3055063.738 1370.960 CP 1528 634428.427 3054979.433 1370.399 CP
1490 634406.641 3055061.710 1370.765 CP 1529 634420.938 3054986.030 1369.989 CP
1491 634406.296 3055071.608 1372.896 CP 1530 634408.367 3054992.785 1370.211 CP
1492 634412.864 3055069.547 1372.858 CP 1531 634410.335 3054983.048 1370.331 CP
1493 634412.803 3055075.368 1374.989 CP 1532 634411.615 3054980.924 1369.915 CP
1494 634406.463 3055083.521 1374.921 CP 1533 634421.620 3054976.662 1369.903 CP
1495 634409.683 3055050.943 1370.465 CP 1534 634417.473 3054970.490 1369.912 CP
1496 634406.301 3055041.999 1370.554 CP 1535 634412.282 3054974.552 1369.929 CP
1497 634403.068 3055031.993 1370.543 CP 1536 634411.451 3054959.839 1369.970 CP
1498 634398.919 3055021.038 1370.824 CP 1537 634416.706 3054954.055 1369.986 CP
1499 634408.511 3055009.573 1370.550 CP 1538 634422.634 3054968.557 1369.790 CP
1500 634412.005 3055019.315 1370.531 CP 1539 634422.036 3054933.313 1369.558 RE
1501 634416.235 3055031.306 1370.591 CP 1540 634431.838 3054926.050 1369.458 RE
1502 634411.677 3055033.590 1370.567 CP 1541 634440.085 3054923.241 1369.253 RE
1503 634421.588 3055001.376 1370.602 CP 1542 634443.879 3054940.705 1369.877 RE
1504 634431.992 3054996.483 1370.532 CP 1543 634454.967 3054940.280 1369.572 RE
1505 634444.043 3054991.521 1370.607 CP 1544 634462.354 3054947.586 1369.652 RE
1506 634438.927 3054980.985 1370.367 CP 1545 634469.420 3054963.098 1369.412 RE
1507 634433.756 3054970.781 1370.465 CP 1546 634471.194 3054969.634 1370.182 RE
1508 634432.846 3054968.239 1369.954 CP 1547 634476.216 3054975.382 1369.839 RE
1509 634427.831 3054958.986 1369.928 CP 1548 634480.469 3054979.693 1370.895 RE
1510 634425.055 3054948.485 1369.984 CP 1549 634485.271 3054979.152 1370.933 RE
1511 634423.200 3054939.916 1369.979 CP 1550 634487.137 3054977.719 1371.458 RW
1512 634422.150 3054934.378 1369.841 RE 1551 634494.472 3054976.806 1371.463 RW
1513 634413.806 3054942.588 1370.125 RE 1552 634505.989 3054975.464 1371.387 RW
1514 634407.711 3054954.394 1370.104 RE 1553 634510.893 3054971.170 1371.343 HR
1515 634406.813 3054967.861 1370.329 RE 1554 634510.038 3054960.380 1371.391 HR
1516 634405.877 3054976.236 1370.447 RE 1555 634515.086 3054959.483 1373.543 BR
1517 634403.940 3054983.099 1370.510 RE 1556 634516.664 3054977.941 1373.656 BR
1518 634400.288 3054987.818 1370.569 RE 1557 634517.609 3054987.797 1375.296 RO
1519 634392.901 3054992.949 1370.611 RE 1558 634515.536 3055000.481 1377.681 RO
1520 634384.566 3054997.153 1370.522 RE 1559 634511.511 3055015.156 1380.768 RO
1521 634389.745 3054997.647 1370.316 RE 1560 634507.275 3055034.943 1384.977 RO

Detailing - 20
Survey Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Point Northing Easting RL Desc Point Northing Easting RL Desc

1561 634496.162 3055053.252 1389.359 RO 1600 634467.131 3055015.697 1372.817 CP
1562 634507.277 3054989.814 1371.607 GB 1601 634475.274 3055013.981 1372.941 CP
1563 634505.602 3054999.783 1372.108 GB 1602 634484.116 3055013.838 1372.980 CP
1564 634492.847 3055001.813 1372.317 CP 1603 634488.806 3055013.466 1373.350 CP
1565 634484.180 3055006.236 1371.346 CP 1604 634497.135 3055020.073 1374.057 CP
1566 634511.668 3054977.079 1371.580 CP 1605 634495.243 3055019.516 1373.208 CP
1567 634510.521 3054987.638 1373.050 CP 1606 634488.150 3055012.403 1372.340 CP
1568 634506.105 3054997.045 1371.819 CP 1607 634483.450 3055011.298 1371.094 CP
1569 634501.307 3055006.602 1372.579 CP 1608 634478.967 3055010.838 1370.619 CP
1570 634498.651 3055014.725 1373.385 CP 1609 634470.328 3055010.344 1370.738 CP
1571 634497.988 3055021.594 1374.137 CP 1610 634458.749 3055015.117 1370.787 CP
1572 634496.907 3055027.387 1375.322 CP 1611 634454.095 3055008.117 1370.489 CP
1573 634492.651 3055034.730 1376.504 CP 1612 634448.199 3054996.870 1370.590 TL
1574 634489.848 3055037.826 1377.248 CP 1613 634444.041 3054988.169 1370.673 TL
1575 634488.144 3055040.245 1378.320 CP 1614 634455.114 3054983.490 1370.566 TL
1576 634483.215 3055049.589 1379.684 CP 1615 634468.513 3054978.904 1370.632 TL
1577 634482.841 3055050.353 1380.404 CP 1616 634472.732 3054976.888 1370.023 CP
1578 634475.709 3055048.705 1380.331 CP 1617 634470.276 3054969.016 1370.165 CP
1579 634465.257 3055053.644 1380.387 CP 1618 634458.965 3054970.299 1370.155 CP
1580 634452.698 3055067.098 1380.610 CP 1619 634446.184 3054965.983 1370.342 CP
1581 634443.532 3055075.789 1380.681 CP 1620 634432.958 3054968.083 1370.250 PO
1582 634454.492 3055054.253 1376.617 CP 1621 634513.421 3054953.051 1373.520 RO
1583 634462.367 3055046.357 1376.968 CP 1622 634509.507 3054954.220 1372.245 CP
1584 634473.278 3055034.800 1377.117 CP 1623 634502.666 3054956.392 1371.502 CP
1585 634483.150 3055031.058 1377.101 CP 1624 634494.268 3054957.217 1370.329 CP
1586 634488.026 3055037.958 1377.291 CP 1625 634484.787 3054958.168 1369.558 CP
1587 634492.664 3055034.609 1376.484 CP 1626 634479.718 3054953.761 1369.732 CP
1588 634486.341 3055025.790 1376.459 CP 1627 634470.542 3054947.848 1369.988 RE
1589 634482.024 3055024.820 1376.417 CP 1628 634473.613 3054954.935 1369.641 RE
1590 634471.557 3055029.668 1376.446 CP 1629 634479.591 3054968.190 1369.319 RE
1591 634471.552 3055023.791 1374.693 CP 1630 634489.925 3054968.942 1369.419 RE
1592 634480.981 3055020.433 1374.672 CP 1631 634506.516 3054962.965 1369.477 RE
1593 634497.293 3055025.341 1374.187 CP 1632 634511.362 3054948.703 1373.907 RO
1594 634489.687 3055022.211 1373.638 CP 1633 634507.472 3054940.546 1374.619 RO
1595 634483.770 3055019.337 1373.306 CP 1634 634501.762 3054928.973 1375.922 RO
1596 634475.837 3055021.237 1372.864 CP 1635 634499.729 3054915.792 1377.837 RO
1597 634466.848 3055020.536 1372.754 CP 1636 634504.004 3054906.362 1379.033 RO
1598 634459.229 3055022.583 1372.589 CP 1637 634505.597 3054920.925 1376.867 RO
1599 634457.461 3055020.146 1372.576 CP 1638 634509.508 3054934.352 1375.050 RO

Detailing - 21
Survey Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Point Northing Easting RL Desc Point Northing Easting RL Desc

1639 634517.093 3054948.433 1373.803 RO 1678 634530.184 3054940.783 1376.844 CP
1640 634504.091 3054900.640 1381.868 CP 1679 634529.772 3054939.216 1378.894 CP
1641 634509.747 3054927.179 1381.962 CP 1680 634552.045 3054956.685 1374.131 RE
1642 634517.907 3054936.710 1383.081 CP 1681 634552.467 3054950.827 1373.781 CP
1643 634528.269 3054927.853 1390.132 CP 1682 634551.891 3054945.806 1373.969 CP
1644 634533.287 3054927.506 1391.554 CP 1683 634550.691 3054937.724 1374.981 CP
1645 634517.333 3054912.713 1387.919 CP 1684 634551.204 3054934.146 1376.917 CP
1646 634527.242 3054907.049 1393.900 CP 1685 634563.810 3054957.112 1373.787 RE
1647 634544.644 3054919.596 1399.253 CP 1686 634563.135 3054951.353 1372.972 CP
1648 634548.331 3054896.678 1402.211 CP 1687 634562.036 3054946.030 1373.217 CP
1649 634554.039 3054876.302 1404.784 CP 1688 634559.497 3054936.600 1375.518 CP
1650 634555.735 3054909.825 1406.848 CP 1689 634564.650 3054936.454 1375.798 CP
1651 634564.707 3054914.965 1408.022 CP 1690 634564.300 3054930.027 1375.709 CP
1652 634582.195 3054910.235 1412.289 CP 1691 634564.637 3054926.880 1376.203 CP
1653 634588.003 3054913.599 1411.386 CP 1692 634569.429 3054924.521 1376.666 CP
1654 634496.321 3054954.582 1371.454 PO 1693 634571.657 3054927.271 1376.425 CP
1655 634497.519 3054953.298 1371.489 PO 1694 634570.256 3054929.128 1375.759 CP
1656 634518.032 3055002.510 1377.922 RO 1695 634569.291 3054937.399 1373.650 CP
1657 634520.519 3054996.225 1376.634 RO 1696 634569.010 3054943.766 1373.310 CP
1658 634520.962 3054978.795 1373.886 RO 1697 634568.608 3054947.967 1372.539 CP
1659 634524.234 3054979.225 1373.581 CP 1698 634568.582 3054952.903 1372.616 CP
1660 634524.771 3054979.313 1373.602 CP 1699 634569.605 3054957.882 1372.457 RE
1661 634523.912 3054983.124 1374.101 CP 1700 634575.482 3054956.565 1371.765 RE
1662 634524.409 3054983.402 1374.148 CP 1701 634576.087 3054953.042 1371.503 CP
1663 634521.912 3054988.740 1375.068 CP 1702 634576.535 3054947.129 1371.612 CP
1664 634521.283 3054977.371 1373.155 BR 1703 634575.862 3054939.620 1372.005 CP
1665 634525.214 3054978.372 1372.498 BR 1704 634582.210 3054956.750 1370.518 RE
1666 634519.105 3054959.126 1373.571 BR 1705 634583.342 3054953.709 1370.116 CP
1667 634518.325 3054957.085 1373.471 RO 1706 634586.047 3054948.369 1370.295 CP
1668 634516.686 3054949.674 1373.772 RO 1707 634585.321 3054942.181 1371.123 CP
1669 634534.983 3054954.074 1373.439 RE 1708 634585.285 3054936.894 1372.177 CP
1670 634536.568 3054952.815 1373.633 GB 1709 634602.113 3054929.900 1372.896 CP
1671 634537.625 3054952.815 1373.655 GB 1710 634610.848 3054934.283 1369.862 CP
1672 634537.264 3054944.047 1373.664 GB 1711 634621.898 3054930.214 1369.200 CP
1673 634536.263 3054944.067 1373.703 GB 1712 634617.179 3054935.587 1369.237 CP
1674 634521.786 3054956.130 1372.794 RE 1713 634610.935 3054944.053 1369.950 CP
1675 634528.665 3054955.087 1373.025 RE 1714 634603.089 3054944.629 1370.419 CP
1676 634533.356 3054943.471 1374.179 CP 1715 634601.207 3054936.485 1370.381 CP
1677 634530.461 3054942.272 1375.693 CP 1716 634607.862 3054936.128 1369.740 CP

Detailing - 22
Survey Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Point Northing Easting RL Desc Point Northing Easting RL Desc

1717 634593.686 3054938.333 1370.599 CP 1756 634637.099 3054947.385 1358.843 CP
1718 634592.576 3054938.558 1370.515 CP 1757 634641.072 3054945.883 1358.179 CP
1719 634583.384 3054939.334 1371.057 CP 1758 634639.785 3054946.766 1360.559 CP
1720 634578.676 3054946.562 1371.075 RE 1759 634632.656 3054958.352 1360.409 CP
1721 634584.179 3054950.250 1370.115 RE 1760 634627.050 3054959.749 1361.266 RO
1722 634590.142 3054945.677 1369.428 RE 1761 634619.279 3054957.542 1362.728 RO
1723 634600.036 3054946.140 1369.331 CP 1762 634607.283 3054960.328 1364.938 RO
1724 634601.204 3054951.100 1368.163 CP 1763 634601.201 3054961.745 1366.149 RO
1725 634595.033 3054951.273 1367.885 CP 1764 634608.797 3054956.570 1364.578 RO
1726 634593.761 3054958.633 1367.787 RE 1765 634624.570 3054949.641 1361.920 CP
1727 634599.373 3054961.849 1366.354 RE 1766 634677.387 3054947.026 1353.599 RO
1728 634600.546 3054958.006 1365.744 RO 1767 634677.068 3054943.760 1352.772 RO
1729 634602.951 3054957.018 1365.900 RO 1768 634676.986 3054934.585 1352.743 CP
1730 634604.084 3054960.582 1365.505 RE 1769 634674.900 3054925.284 1355.137 CP
1731 634603.591 3054947.010 1371.431 CP 1770 634673.471 3054914.921 1360.007 CP
1732 634613.995 3054950.375 1368.264 CP 1771 634684.214 3054945.571 1352.103 CP
1733 634617.811 3054948.867 1366.174 CP 1772 634685.605 3054936.352 1351.669 CP
1734 634619.775 3054941.413 1365.926 CP 1773 634688.510 3054927.298 1355.081 CP
1735 634621.344 3054936.222 1367.084 CP 1774 634688.878 3054921.639 1355.758 CP
1736 634621.342 3054936.239 1367.070 CP 1775 634695.457 3054919.901 1356.437 CP
1737 634623.362 3054947.312 1362.964 CP 1776 634697.359 3054930.648 1350.889 CP
1738 634665.145 3054946.852 1353.726 RO 1777 634696.125 3054945.930 1350.878 CP
1739 634664.574 3054941.348 1353.823 RO 1778 634700.392 3054935.148 1350.667 CP
1740 634664.316 3054934.455 1353.538 CP 1779 634706.362 3054928.950 1350.767 CP
1741 634661.981 3054915.808 1358.048 CP 1780 634708.796 3054931.765 1351.818 CP
1742 634648.842 3054922.174 1364.979 CP 1781 634709.902 3054935.601 1351.714 CP
1743 634650.349 3054929.438 1362.488 CP 1782 634713.650 3054926.685 1352.309 CP
1744 634653.623 3054932.641 1359.560 CP 1783 634722.254 3054934.904 1351.872 CP
1745 634654.360 3054935.132 1356.832 CP 1784 634728.093 3054930.298 1351.913 CP
1746 634654.999 3054936.556 1358.221 CP 1785 634728.568 3054936.396 1351.524 CP
1747 634655.312 3054937.139 1354.628 CP 1786 634729.632 3054942.602 1349.902 CP
1748 634649.281 3054936.052 1357.739 CP 1787 634729.917 3054948.380 1347.791 CP
1749 634648.327 3054947.268 1356.384 RO 1788 634734.771 3054954.700 1346.971 CP
1750 634648.746 3054952.416 1357.450 RO 1789 634733.073 3054962.410 1346.350 RO
1751 634641.414 3054954.673 1358.925 RO 1790 634726.335 3054954.896 1346.946 RO
1752 634639.816 3054952.261 1358.477 CP 1791 634722.423 3054944.633 1348.516 CP
1753 634641.464 3054947.183 1358.340 CP 1792 634719.708 3054938.521 1350.435 CP
1754 634637.592 3054948.638 1359.657 CP 1793 634715.255 3054941.323 1350.075 CP
1755 634637.805 3054947.918 1361.385 CP 1794 634712.647 3054942.674 1349.110 RO

Detailing - 23
Survey Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Point Northing Easting RL Desc Point Northing Easting RL Desc

1795 634707.350 3054946.734 1349.457 RO 1834 634680.972 3054954.699 1347.442 CP
1796 634706.167 3054939.966 1349.846 RO 1835 634671.711 3054957.971 1346.308 CP
1797 634806.442 3054947.580 1341.471 CP 1836 634668.167 3054964.024 1344.843 CP
1798 634799.654 3054948.647 1342.560 CP 1837 634742.856 3054960.697 1346.441 CE
1799 634792.884 3054952.329 1342.332 CP 1838 634745.269 3054954.238 1350.670 CP
1800 634779.778 3054959.436 1342.483 PI 1839 634751.479 3054956.105 1349.966 CP
1801 634773.450 3054966.213 1342.295 RE 1840 634755.185 3054952.763 1350.526 CP
1802 634760.181 3054971.403 1343.220 RE 1841 634758.909 3054949.778 1350.485 CP
1803 634751.019 3054974.240 1344.162 RE 1842 634765.952 3054945.842 1350.521 CP
1804 634744.994 3054976.053 1344.274 RE 1843 634774.586 3054944.879 1346.815 CP
1805 634734.403 3054975.455 1344.149 RE 1844 634776.940 3054943.540 1347.741 PI
1806 634724.086 3054972.928 1344.091 RE 1845 634776.155 3054944.130 1347.887 PI
1807 634713.858 3054965.381 1344.707 RE 1846 634780.848 3054944.534 1347.151 CP
1808 634709.236 3054963.759 1345.201 RE 1847 634778.866 3054948.851 1344.772 CE
1809 634697.727 3054959.787 1346.497 RE 1848 634770.037 3054954.611 1344.216 CE
1810 634687.408 3054958.065 1347.258 RE 1849 634762.048 3054959.924 1344.538 CE
1811 634675.395 3054959.700 1346.492 RE 1850 634755.205 3054963.056 1345.104 CE
1812 634663.547 3054963.141 1345.159 RE 1851 634746.544 3054962.124 1346.344 CE
1813 634683.953 3054963.462 1342.301 CP 1852 634739.973 3054955.687 1348.214 CP
1814 634695.424 3054964.973 1341.949 CP 1853 634799.931 3054950.553 1341.587 CP
1815 634723.035 3054979.165 1339.912 CP 1854 634799.301 3054948.750 1342.585 CP
1816 634737.101 3054982.285 1339.487 CP 1855 634797.708 3054945.891 1342.485 CP
1817 634792.477 3054956.388 1341.322 CP 1856 634796.376 3054943.726 1343.688 CP
1818 634797.977 3054950.167 1342.782 CP 1857 634793.846 3054941.298 1344.521 CP
1819 634799.172 3054945.256 1342.374 CP 1858 634792.243 3054938.922 1345.366 CP
1820 634785.110 3054952.419 1342.212 CP 1859 634788.254 3054934.418 1347.911 CP
1821 634779.991 3054954.844 1342.376 CP 1860 634792.443 3054930.359 1347.047 CP
1822 634778.312 3054952.572 1343.416 PI 1861 634794.880 3054932.058 1345.633 CP
1823 634777.739 3054951.487 1343.625 CP 1862 634797.255 3054933.180 1344.187 CP
1824 634767.074 3054961.514 1343.322 CP 1863 634799.644 3054937.058 1342.792 CP
1825 634749.146 3054966.373 1345.164 CP 1864 634803.264 3054941.530 1342.178 CP
1826 634744.428 3054969.361 1345.147 CP 1865 634805.595 3054944.107 1341.941 CP
1827 634735.184 3054963.815 1346.186 CP 1866 634806.219 3054945.710 1341.392 CP
1828 634738.204 3054969.504 1344.392 CP 1867 634806.926 3054948.071 1341.523 GB
1829 634730.280 3054964.159 1344.668 CP 1868 634812.485 3054944.285 1341.475 GB
1830 634722.527 3054956.203 1345.441 CP 1869 634810.340 3054941.837 1341.950 CP
1831 634714.564 3054952.547 1346.095 CP 1870 634807.769 3054938.379 1342.036 CP
1832 634702.640 3054951.307 1346.934 CP 1871 634804.463 3054935.264 1342.383 CP
1833 634692.067 3054952.554 1347.704 CP 1872 634802.464 3054932.945 1343.027 CP

Detailing - 24
Survey Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Point Northing Easting RL Desc Point Northing Easting RL Desc

1873 634801.064 3054931.201 1343.916 CP 1912 634857.264 3054878.739 1342.444 CP
1874 634799.809 3054930.096 1345.110 CP 1913 634851.270 3054874.345 1342.319 CP
1875 634805.044 3054925.970 1345.050 CP 1914 634850.074 3054873.929 1343.315 CP
1876 634807.403 3054926.906 1343.819 CP 1915 634901.011 3054836.251 1338.788 PO
1877 634810.027 3054929.473 1342.213 CP 1916 634902.749 3054837.100 1338.824 GB
1878 634813.699 3054934.045 1341.873 CP 1917 634901.838 3054836.826 1338.679 GB
1879 634815.843 3054936.743 1341.853 CP 1918 634895.178 3054845.059 1338.712 GB
1880 634817.364 3054938.622 1341.694 CP 1919 634889.009 3054851.327 1338.833 GB
1881 634818.624 3054940.006 1341.298 GB 1920 634882.447 3054858.590 1338.978 GB
1882 634826.606 3054932.891 1340.985 GB 1921 634877.841 3054864.425 1339.263 GB
1883 634824.926 3054931.182 1341.913 CP 1922 634871.190 3054872.819 1339.232 GB
1884 634822.081 3054927.819 1341.669 CP 1923 634862.664 3054883.327 1339.807 GB
1885 634819.972 3054925.876 1342.203 CP 1924 634860.799 3054880.124 1339.727 RO
1886 634816.502 3054922.942 1342.631 CP 1925 634868.747 3054870.826 1339.446 RO
1887 634814.898 3054920.987 1343.718 CP 1926 634876.225 3054859.118 1339.257 RO
1888 634812.508 3054918.754 1345.019 CP 1927 634879.174 3054850.715 1339.262 RO
1889 634808.255 3054914.076 1346.506 CP 1928 634875.546 3054849.394 1339.455 BE
1890 634837.224 3054923.560 1340.673 GB 1929 634883.663 3054839.217 1339.351 BE
1891 634834.859 3054921.966 1341.087 CP 1930 634894.408 3054830.900 1338.971 BE
1892 634832.654 3054919.772 1341.445 CP 1931 634890.718 3054826.237 1339.105 BE
1893 634830.873 3054916.939 1341.458 CP 1932 634887.659 3054827.239 1339.325 CP
1894 634827.862 3054913.458 1341.790 CP 1933 634872.988 3054846.334 1341.368 CP
1895 634825.821 3054911.747 1342.161 CP 1934 634872.893 3054859.862 1341.458 CP
1896 634819.692 3054906.943 1342.129 CP 1935 634868.789 3054863.977 1341.473 CP
1897 634815.776 3054903.473 1344.574 CP 1936 634855.979 3054881.227 1342.300 CP
1898 634845.825 3054908.228 1340.733 CP 1937 634860.767 3054873.435 1342.300 CP
1899 634843.407 3054905.930 1340.911 GB 1938 634867.675 3054863.539 1342.396 CP
1900 634841.234 3054903.559 1341.103 CP 1939 634867.479 3054858.036 1341.226 CP
1901 634838.447 3054902.032 1341.561 CP 1940 634867.475 3054849.048 1341.225 CP
1902 634835.252 3054895.064 1341.405 CP 1941 634863.814 3054851.922 1342.969 CP
1903 634834.279 3054894.123 1342.688 CP 1942 634862.242 3054862.584 1343.056 CP
1904 634851.994 3054898.150 1340.469 GB 1943 634864.871 3054842.907 1343.028 CP
1905 634850.703 3054896.922 1340.741 CP 1944 634868.933 3054840.929 1343.039 CP
1906 634848.742 3054895.398 1340.763 CP 1945 634886.690 3054842.217 1339.198 RO
1907 634847.041 3054893.755 1341.016 CP 1946 634957.432 3054770.461 1337.925 RE
1908 634842.629 3054889.501 1341.212 CP 1947 634957.125 3054769.700 1337.855 GB
1909 634841.237 3054886.745 1342.381 CP 1948 634956.344 3054768.239 1338.266 CP
1910 634862.666 3054883.554 1340.082 GB 1949 634954.368 3054764.600 1338.348 CP
1911 634859.843 3054880.901 1339.755 CP 1950 634951.982 3054759.017 1339.733 CP

Detailing - 25
Survey Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Point Northing Easting RL Desc Point Northing Easting RL Desc

1951 634949.482 3054754.784 1342.248 CP 1990 634890.365 3054798.652 1338.713 BE
1952 634945.158 3054756.763 1342.157 CP 1991 634887.824 3054796.625 1338.916 BE
1953 634944.459 3054755.395 1343.281 CP 1992 634884.308 3054794.870 1339.992 CP
1954 634948.963 3054764.399 1339.546 CP 1993 634897.966 3054789.993 1339.126 CP
1955 634949.864 3054765.868 1338.512 CP 1994 634892.299 3054784.514 1340.375 CP
1956 634951.645 3054771.826 1338.300 CP 1995 634908.803 3054798.415 1338.712 CP
1957 634942.350 3054779.663 1338.030 RE 1996 634913.830 3054801.890 1338.664 CP
1958 634938.772 3054775.916 1338.296 CP 1997 634917.212 3054803.250 1339.736 CP
1959 634935.822 3054771.311 1338.693 CP 1998 634922.937 3054804.086 1338.151 RE
1960 634930.680 3054764.429 1338.835 CP 1999 634919.355 3054782.222 1338.254 CP
1961 634928.618 3054762.563 1339.827 CP 2000 634897.687 3054781.221 1341.192 CP
1962 634928.022 3054760.834 1340.797 CP 2001 634914.149 3054787.250 1338.398 CP
1963 634923.377 3054764.505 1339.891 CP 2002 634890.368 3054791.253 1339.124 CP
1964 634925.101 3054769.190 1338.824 CP 2003 634893.992 3054787.971 1338.992 CP
1965 634926.817 3054774.702 1338.499 CP 2004 634966.155 3054766.262 1337.663 GB
1966 634929.703 3054781.362 1338.242 CP 2005 634963.412 3054760.507 1338.067 CP
1967 634931.574 3054783.653 1339.295 CP 2006 634959.639 3054753.662 1339.031 RO
1968 634933.162 3054785.468 1338.872 CP 2007 634968.089 3054752.325 1338.983 CP
1969 634934.686 3054787.165 1338.088 RE 2008 634970.074 3054756.538 1338.189 RO
1970 634930.339 3054793.688 1338.199 RE 2009 634971.185 3054756.996 1337.340 CP
1971 634925.856 3054790.314 1339.313 CP 2010 634976.170 3054758.923 1337.263 GB
1972 634921.669 3054787.775 1338.342 CP 2011 634988.715 3054749.710 1336.844 GB
1973 634910.052 3054770.941 1339.049 CP 2012 634984.877 3054746.417 1336.725 CP
1974 634905.531 3054768.350 1342.108 CP 2013 634982.093 3054745.456 1337.889 RO
1975 634899.569 3054775.892 1344.205 CP 2014 634980.064 3054743.425 1338.408 CP
1976 634870.652 3054797.654 1343.157 CP 2015 634970.762 3054752.698 1338.220 RO
1977 634870.576 3054809.819 1342.710 CP 2016 634975.922 3054748.781 1338.039 RO
1978 634882.480 3054829.565 1342.973 CP 2017 634970.262 3054750.626 1339.722 CP
1979 634873.485 3054834.555 1343.072 CP 2018 634968.037 3054749.112 1341.587 CP
1980 634884.571 3054831.729 1340.812 CP 2019 634965.715 3054740.216 1343.947 CP
1981 634890.047 3054836.777 1339.069 CP 2020 634963.787 3054738.304 1346.087 CP
1982 634897.555 3054842.540 1338.850 CP 2021 634957.319 3054743.598 1347.675 CP
1983 634898.102 3054843.205 1338.853 RE 2022 634960.517 3054746.836 1346.012 CP
1984 634890.713 3054826.013 1339.075 BE 2023 634950.562 3054748.290 1349.275 CP
1985 634889.147 3054821.529 1339.101 BE 2024 634993.487 3054746.208 1336.248 CP
1986 634888.788 3054820.576 1339.040 BE 2025 635019.550 3054729.195 1336.446 GB
1987 634884.784 3054808.871 1339.264 BE 2026 635017.367 3054726.484 1335.715 CP
1988 634881.554 3054809.697 1339.621 BE 2027 635017.562 3054728.785 1335.816 CP
1989 634884.919 3054805.602 1339.287 BE 2028 634998.082 3054737.152 1336.505 CP

Detailing - 26
Survey Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Point Northing Easting RL Desc Point Northing Easting RL Desc

2029 634992.798 3054746.650 1336.799 GB 2070 635025.571 3054721.870 1335.619 CP
2030 634895.833 3054847.064 1335.740 RE 2071 635014.568 3054727.360 1335.994 CP
2031 634902.244 3054839.556 1335.720 RE 2072 635033.965 3054718.518 1336.581 GB
2032 634904.985 3054835.811 1335.779 RE 2073 635044.038 3054712.090 1337.049 GB
2033 634907.845 3054831.008 1336.325 RE 2074 635044.630 3054710.699 1337.622 RO
2034 634911.364 3054827.756 1335.528 RE 2075 635049.899 3054711.736 1338.174 RO
2035 634918.363 3054813.248 1335.479 RE 2076 635053.682 3054713.555 1338.681 BR
2036 634924.284 3054804.549 1335.203 RE 2077 635062.864 3054727.086 1338.453 BR
2037 634936.597 3054786.831 1334.976 RE 2078 635068.226 3054735.005 1336.627 CP
2038 634943.330 3054781.019 1334.815 RE 2079 635057.849 3054730.333 1334.715 CP
2039 634948.176 3054776.537 1334.475 RE 2080 635064.325 3054737.731 1336.270 RO
2040 635048.498 3054714.176 1335.822 CP 2081 635059.387 3054741.336 1336.312 RO
2041 635041.738 3054717.923 1335.286 GB 2082 635027.108 3054758.329 1336.575 RO
2042 635033.080 3054724.766 1334.795 CP 2083 635029.443 3054761.434 1336.634 CP
2043 635020.219 3054730.866 1334.674 GB 2084 635070.899 3054739.114 1336.556 RO
2044 635003.222 3054739.429 1336.355 GB 2085 635087.187 3054751.675 1337.785 PO
2045 635000.984 3054735.391 1336.382 CP 2086 635086.455 3054745.095 1337.738 PO
2046 634999.285 3054734.986 1337.784 CP 2087 635070.149 3054729.438 1337.369 RO
2047 634993.596 3054723.856 1338.526 CP 2088 635065.935 3054724.646 1338.511 BR
2048 634994.002 3054718.014 1339.454 CP 2089 635060.859 3054705.212 1339.120 RO
2049 634991.404 3054712.746 1341.401 CP 2090 635075.119 3054699.538 1340.574 RO
2050 634979.124 3054717.735 1342.609 CP 2091 635072.802 3054695.175 1340.796 RO
2051 634985.238 3054722.249 1340.695 CP 2092 635060.557 3054700.283 1339.293 RO
2052 634986.682 3054724.001 1339.509 CP 2093 635056.791 3054711.521 1338.527 BR
2053 634972.787 3054730.713 1342.630 CP 2094 635049.548 3054699.505 1339.975 RO
2054 634974.108 3054735.682 1341.131 CP 2095 635037.027 3054695.835 1341.821 RO
2055 634974.701 3054737.209 1339.893 CP 2096 635020.521 3054694.017 1344.504 RO
2056 634984.275 3054732.669 1338.251 BE 2097 635020.443 3054698.858 1344.090 RO
2057 634983.311 3054731.954 1338.292 BE 2098 635030.509 3054699.779 1342.422 RO
2058 634988.053 3054729.582 1338.232 BE 2099 635042.465 3054702.591 1340.606 RO
2059 634991.986 3054726.023 1338.426 BE 2100 635049.041 3054704.887 1338.956 RO
2060 634989.191 3054721.911 1339.324 BE 2101 635042.488 3054706.492 1337.646 RO
2061 634999.804 3054719.760 1338.585 CP 2102 635035.547 3054710.772 1337.302 RO
2062 635008.021 3054728.656 1338.254 CP 2103 635035.221 3054707.339 1337.454 CP
2063 635005.813 3054714.871 1338.608 BE 2104 635021.250 3054708.336 1338.361 BE
2064 635009.317 3054718.081 1337.730 CP 2105 635028.394 3054706.453 1338.198 CP
2065 635015.623 3054720.962 1337.783 RO 2106 635017.448 3054738.785 1334.976 RE
2066 635017.873 3054723.475 1337.943 RO 2107 635028.022 3054734.130 1334.829 RE
2067 635021.581 3054713.623 1337.465 BE 2108 635042.025 3054731.491 1334.845 RE
2068 635030.267 3054717.681 1337.095 RO 2109 635049.758 3054731.375 1334.929 RE
2069 635031.538 3054720.845 1335.482 CP 2110 634981.165 3054738.251 1338.488 BE

Detailing - 27
Station Data
Project Title: Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
Project Location: Lalitpur
Survey date: 2069-02-02
Design Date: 2069-04-01

Station Northing Easting RL Desc

1 633435 3054985 1380 ST1
2 633469.5 3055012 1382.052 ST2
3 633531.7 3055030 1377.897 ST3
4 633621.6 3055093 1380.174 ST4
5 633673.8 3055165 1382.993 ST5 LEGEND FOR DESCRIPTIONS:
6 633781 3055143 1377.074 ST6
7 633825.1 3055186 1376.661 ST7 Abbrevation
8 633905.1 3055229 1379.358 ST8 CP Contour Point
9 633942.6 3055239 1379.556 ST9 RE River Edge
10 634000.6 3055206 1380.434 ST10 BE Building Edge
11 634086.9 3055215 1381.758 ST11 RO Road
12 634185.6 3055193 1381.39 ST12 BR Bridge
13 634233.4 3055143 1380.613 ST13 GB Gabion
14 634355.3 3055109 1375.725 ST14 PO Pole
15 634441.1 3055047 1372.688 ST15 PI Pillar
16 634477.3 3054982 1370.562 ST16 TL Trail
17 634545.7 3054941 1374.311 ST17 WL Well
18 634605.2 3054951 1371.053 ST18 HR Head regulator
19 634668.9 3054934 1353.523 ST19
20 634741.3 3054974 1344.251 ST20
21 634818.9 3054936 1342.046 ST21
22 634881.7 3054857 1339.252 ST22
23 634908.3 3054793 1338.598 ST23
24 634960.8 3054766 1338.34 ST24
25 635023.4 3054720 1337.871 ST25

Survey Data
Volume Calculations
Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road (Badikhel- Badegaun)

Cumilativ Cumilative Cumilative Excavati Masonar

Total Total Cut Fill
Chainage e Cut Fill Balance Drain on in y vol. in
Cut area Fill area volume volume
Volume Volume volume Drain drain
m sqm sqm sqm cum cum cum cum cum cum
0+000 0.049 0.624 None
0+020 10.32 0.49 109.439 0.49 109.439 -108.949 None 0
0+040 1.004 113.239 0.49 222.678 -222.188 None 0
0+047.19 9.415 33.847 3.609 34.337 226.287 -191.95 Both 1.294
0+056.98 16.975 129.179 163.516 226.287 -62.771 Both 3.524
0+060 15.636 49.243 212.759 226.287 -13.528 Both 1.087
0+066.76 9.459 84.821 297.58 226.287 71.293 Both 2.434
0+080 10.184 130.037 427.617 226.287 201.33 Both 4.766
0+100 5.208 153.92 581.537 226.287 355.25 Both 7.2
0+117.91 1.374 0.033 58.942 0.296 640.479 226.583 413.896 Right 4.836
0+120 2.195 0.031 3.73 0.067 644.209 226.65 417.559 Right 0.376
0+136.55 1.96 34.383 0.257 678.592 226.907 451.685 Right 2.979
0+140 2.195 7.167 685.759 226.907 458.852 Right 0.621
0+155.19 2.418 35.036 720.795 226.907 493.888 Right 2.734
0+160 2.768 0.029 12.472 0.07 733.267 226.977 506.29 Right 0.866
0+180 0.91 0.062 36.78 0.91 770.047 227.887 542.16 Right 3.6
0+200 2.37 32.8 0.62 802.847 228.507 574.34 Both 5.4
0+220 2.639 50.09 852.937 228.507 624.43 Both 7.2
0+240 0.106 0.04 27.45 0.4 880.387 228.907 651.48 None 3.6
0+260 0.976 1.06 10.16 881.447 239.067 642.38 None 0
0+271.5 1.718 15.491 881.447 254.558 626.889 None 0
0+280 2.014 15.861 881.447 270.419 611.028 None 0
0+282.45 2.109 5.051 881.447 275.47 605.977 None 0
0+293.39 5.265 40.336 881.447 315.806 565.641 None 0
0+300 6.393 38.53 881.447 354.336 527.111 None 0
0+320 3.732 101.25 881.447 455.586 425.861 None 0
0+340 5.395 91.27 881.447 546.856 334.591 None 0
0+360 5.145 51.45 53.95 932.897 600.806 332.091 Both 3.6
0+380 12.131 172.76 1105.657 600.806 504.851 Both 7.2
0+395.18 14.97 205.697 1311.354 600.806 710.548 Both 5.465
0+400 13.836 69.422 1380.776 600.806 779.97 Both 1.735
0+410.74 4.965 100.961 1481.737 600.806 880.931 Right 2.9
0+420 6.53 53.222 1534.959 600.806 934.153 Right 1.667
0+426.3 10.304 53.027 1587.986 600.806 987.18 Both 1.701
0+440 15.353 175.75 1763.736 600.806 1162.93 Both 4.932
0+460 0.884 0.356 162.37 3.56 1926.106 604.366 1321.74 Right 5.4
0+480 4.509 8.84 48.65 1934.946 653.016 1281.93 None 1.8
0+499.68 14.833 190.325 1934.946 843.341 1091.605 None 0
0+500 15.122 4.793 1934.946 848.134 1086.812 None 0
0+511.92 25.161 240.087 1934.946 1088.221 846.725 None 0
0+520 34.284 240.158 1934.946 1328.379 606.567 None 0
0+524.2 29.301 133.529 1934.946 1461.908 473.038 None 0
0+540 17.574 370.312 1934.946 1832.22 102.726 None 0
0+559.4 0.197 0.089 1.911 171.331 1936.857 2003.551 -66.694 None 0
0+560 0.257 0.073 0.136 0.049 1936.993 2003.6 -66.607 None 0
0+574.3 4.499 34.005 0.522 1970.998 2004.122 -33.124 Both 2.574

Volume Table - 1
Volume Calculations
Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road (Badikhel- Badegaun)

Cumilativ Cumilative Cumilative Excavati Masonar

Total Total Cut Fill
Chainage e Cut Fill Balance Drain on in y vol. in
Cut area Fill area volume volume
Volume Volume volume Drain drain
m sqm sqm sqm cum cum cum cum cum cum
0+580 2.876 21.019 1992.017 2004.122 -12.105 Both 2.052
0+589.18 3.575 29.61 2021.627 2004.122 17.505 Both 3.305
0+600 4.834 19.341 26.152 2040.968 2030.274 10.694 None 1.948
0+620 9.122 0 139.56 2040.968 2169.834 -128.866 None 0
0+626.74 0.722 1.823 2.433 36.885 2043.401 2206.719 -163.318 Left 0.607
0+640 4.442 0.061 34.237 12.491 2077.638 2219.21 -141.572 Left 2.387
0+640.96 5.155 0.015 4.607 0.036 2082.245 2219.246 -137.001 Left 0.173
0+655.16 9.25 102.276 0.106 2184.521 2219.352 -34.831 Both 3.834
0+660 10.806 48.536 2233.057 2219.352 13.705 Both 1.742
0+666.66 14.304 83.616 2316.673 2219.352 97.321 Both 2.398
0+680 12.856 181.157 2497.83 2219.352 278.478 Both 4.802
0+683.87 9.128 42.539 2540.369 2219.352 321.017 Both 1.393
0+700 4.567 3.444 110.45 27.776 2650.819 2247.128 403.691 Right 4.355
0+701.06 4.392 3.469 4.748 3.664 2655.567 2250.792 404.775 Right 0.191
0+720 10.711 41.592 134.285 2697.159 2385.077 312.082 None 1.705
0+725.19 7.701 47.779 2697.159 2432.856 264.303 None 0
0+737.56 19.205 166.414 2697.159 2599.27 97.889 None 0
0+740 20.4 48.318 2697.159 2647.588 49.571 None 0
0+749.91 21.354 206.891 2697.159 2854.479 -157.32 None 0
0+760 2.461 7.794 12.416 147.052 2709.575 3001.531 -291.956 Right 0.908
0+780 17.469 24.61 252.63 2734.185 3254.161 -519.976 None 1.8
0+800 11.858 0 293.27 2734.185 3547.431 -813.246 None 0
0+807.24 1.11 4.729 4.018 60.045 2738.203 3607.476 -869.273 Right 0.652
0+815.11 2.638 1.167 14.748 23.201 2752.951 3630.677 -877.726 Right 1.417
0+820 3.277 0.471 14.462 4.005 2767.413 3634.682 -867.269 Right 0.88
0+822.96 6.269 0.284 14.128 1.117 2781.541 3635.799 -854.258 Right 0.533
0+837.87 2.27 6.697 63.658 52.043 2845.199 3687.842 -842.643 Right 2.684
0+840 2.404 7.163 4.978 14.761 2850.177 3702.603 -852.426 Right 0.383
0+860 6.216 24.04 133.79 2874.217 3836.393 -962.176 None 1.8
0+860.27 6.006 1.65 2874.217 3838.043 -963.826 None 0
0+880 0.186 5.725 1.835 115.726 2876.052 3953.769 -1077.717 Right 1.776
0+882.87 1.051 0.267 9.724 2876.319 3963.493 -1087.174 None 0.258
0+900 12.908 119.559 2876.319 4083.052 -1206.733 None 0
0+901.25 13.909 16.761 2876.319 4099.813 -1223.494 None 0
0+920 2.52 5.774 23.625 184.528 2899.944 4284.341 -1384.397 Right 1.688
0+936.71 1.209 5.268 31.156 92.256 2931.1 4376.597 -1445.497 Right 3.008
0+940 3.452 5.314 7.667 17.407 2938.767 4394.004 -1455.237 Right 0.592
0+960 13.105 34.52 184.19 2973.287 4578.194 -1604.907 None 1.8
0+980 4.642 177.47 2973.287 4755.664 -1782.377 None 0
1+000 0.027 2.302 0.27 69.44 2973.557 4825.104 -1851.547 None 0
1+020 2.742 0.27 50.44 2973.827 4875.544 -1901.717 None 0
1+040 4.779 75.21 2973.827 4950.754 -1976.927 None 0
1+041.32 4.293 5.988 2973.827 4956.742 -1982.915 None 0
1+051.99 5.792 53.803 2973.827 5010.545 -2036.718 None 0
1+060 4.778 42.333 2973.827 5052.878 -2079.051 Right 0.721
1+062.65 5.307 13.363 2973.827 5066.241 -2092.414 Right 0.477

Volume Table - 2
Volume Calculations
Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road (Badikhel- Badegaun)

Cumilativ Cumilative Cumilative Excavati Masonar

Total Total Cut Fill
Chainage e Cut Fill Balance Drain on in y vol. in
Cut area Fill area volume volume
Volume Volume volume Drain drain
m sqm sqm sqm cum cum cum cum cum cum
1+080 9.46 128.104 2973.827 5194.345 -2220.518 Right 3.123
1+100 19.195 286.55 2973.827 5480.895 -2507.068 Right 3.6
1+120 19.645 388.4 2973.827 5869.295 -2895.468 Right 3.6
1+121.03 19.529 20.175 2973.827 5889.47 -2915.643 Right 0.185
1+125.89 17.58 90.175 2973.827 5979.645 -3005.818 Right 0.875
1+130.75 20.47 92.461 2973.827 6072.106 -3098.279 Right 0.875
1+140 22.79 200.078 2973.827 6272.184 -3298.357 Right 1.665
1+160 0.299 10.054 2.99 328.44 2976.817 6600.624 -3623.807 Right 3.6
1+160.42 0.401 9.442 0.147 4.094 2976.964 6604.718 -3627.754 Right 0.076
1+161.73 0.853 7.718 0.821 11.24 2977.785 6615.958 -3638.173 Right 0.236
1+163.03 1.42 6.152 1.477 9.015 2979.262 6624.973 -3645.711 Right 0.234
1+180 26.926 240.516 52.2 3219.778 6677.173 -3457.395 Both 4.582
1+200 18.463 453.89 3673.668 6677.173 -3003.505 Both 7.2
1+200.22 18.073 4.019 3677.687 6677.173 -2999.486 Both 0.079
1+213.66 14.303 2.891 217.567 19.428 3895.254 6696.601 -2801.347 Both 4.838
1+220 7.386 11.885 68.754 46.84 3964.008 6743.441 -2779.433 Both 2.282
1+225.9 6.768 13.852 41.754 75.924 4005.762 6819.365 -2813.603 Both 2.124
1+240 10.7 12.192 123.149 183.61 4128.911 7002.975 -2874.064 Both 5.076
1+251.35 0 0 60.722 69.19 4189.633 7072.165 -2882.532 None 2.043
Total Ordinary Soil(OS) 4189.633 7072.165 -2882.532 190.053
1+309.82 0 0 0 0 0 0 None 0
1+312.67 6.948 9.901 9.901 0 9.901 Both 1.226 0.713
1+319.59 62.796 241.314 251.215 0 251.215 Both 5.951 3.46
1+320 62.565 25.699 276.914 0 276.914 Both 0.353 0.205
1+340 43.54 1061.05 1337.964 0 1337.964 Both 17.2 10
1+360 67.567 1111.07 2449.034 0 2449.034 Both 17.2 10
1+366.99 59.775 445.06 2894.094 0 2894.094 Both 6.011 3.495
1+368.32 58.17 78.433 2972.527 0 2972.527 Both 1.144 0.665
1+369.64 53.957 74.004 3046.531 0 3046.531 Both 1.135 0.66
1+380 48.892 532.758 3579.289 0 3579.289 Both 8.91 5.18
1+397.04 44.547 796.1 4375.389 0 4375.389 Both 14.654 8.52
1+400 57.671 151.283 4526.672 0 4526.672 Both 2.546 1.48
1+407.11 39.844 346.666 4873.338 0 4873.338 Both 6.115 3.555
1+417.18 7.883 0.479 240.305 2.412 5113.643 2.412 5111.231 Left 6.495 3.776
1+420 1.54 0.69 13.286 1.648 5126.929 4.06 5122.869 Left 1.213 0.705
1+440 17.832 15.4 185.22 5142.329 189.28 4953.049 None 4.3 2.5
1+460 68.864 866.96 5142.329 1056.24 4086.089 None 0 0
1+465.09 55.128 315.56 5142.329 1371.8 3770.529 None 0 0
1+480 41.726 722.047 5142.329 2093.847 3048.482 None 0 0
1+488.26 46.012 362.358 5142.329 2456.205 2686.124 None 0 0
1+500 53.1 581.787 5142.329 3037.992 2104.337 None 0 0
1+511.42 72.465 716.976 5142.329 3754.968 1387.361 None 0 0
1+516.48 80.459 386.898 5142.329 4141.866 1000.463 None 0 0
1+520 80.546 283.369 5142.329 4425.235 717.094 None 0 0
1+540 41.995 1225.41 5142.329 5650.645 -508.316 None 0 0

Volume Table - 3
Volume Calculations
Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road (Badikhel- Badegaun)

Cumilativ Cumilative Cumilative Excavati Masonar

Total Total Cut Fill
Chainage e Cut Fill Balance Drain on in y vol. in
Cut area Fill area volume volume
Volume Volume volume Drain drain
m sqm sqm sqm cum cum cum cum cum cum
1+545.77 34.09 219.505 5142.329 5870.15 -727.821 None 0 0
1+560 27.911 441.137 5142.329 6311.287 -1168.958 None 0 0
1+575.05 29.588 432.68 5142.329 6743.967 -1601.638 None 0 0
1+580 25.646 136.704 5142.329 6880.671 -1738.342 None 0 0
1+600 0.856 6.976 8.56 326.22 5150.889 7206.891 -2056.002 Left 4.3 2.5
1+617.37 10.603 7.434 152.674 5158.323 7359.565 -2201.242 None 3.735 2.171
1+620 10.084 27.203 5158.323 7386.768 -2228.445 None 0 0
1+627.58 6.525 62.948 5158.323 7449.716 -2291.393 None 0 0
1+637.79 0.019 3.139 0.097 49.335 5158.42 7499.051 -2340.631 None 0 0
1+640 0.031 2.202 0.055 5.902 5158.475 7504.953 -2346.478 None 0 0
1+660 2.098 0.058 21.29 22.6 5179.765 7527.553 -2347.788 Left 4.3 2.5
1+680 7.317 94.15 0.58 5273.915 7528.133 -2254.218 Both 12.9 7.5
1+700 14.343 216.6 5490.515 7528.133 -2037.618 Left 12.9 7.5
1+720 6.746 210.89 5701.405 7528.133 -1826.728 None 4.3 2.5
1+740 2.685 67.46 26.85 5768.865 7554.983 -1786.118 None 0 0
1+741.46 2.825 4.022 5768.865 7559.005 -1790.14 None 0 0
1+748.85 0.799 2.909 2.952 21.187 5771.817 7580.192 -1808.375 Left 1.589 0.924
1+760 12.313 4.454 84.863 5776.271 7665.055 -1888.784 None 2.397 1.394
1+780 7.734 200.47 5776.271 7865.525 -2089.254 None 0 0
1+800 5.088 128.22 5776.271 7993.745 -2217.474 None 0 0
1+800.91 5.253 4.705 5776.271 7998.45 -2222.179 None 0 0
1+817.53 4.842 83.889 5776.271 8082.339 -2306.068 None 0 0
1+820 4.136 11.088 5776.271 8093.427 -2317.156 None 0 0
1+834.14 3.156 0.93 22.313 35.817 5798.584 8129.244 -2330.66 Left 3.04 1.768
1+840 5.921 3.498 26.596 12.974 5825.18 8142.218 -2317.038 Left 2.52 1.465
1+853.87 0.765 2.102 46.367 38.836 5871.547 8181.054 -2309.507 Left 5.964 3.467
1+860 0.029 3.554 2.434 17.336 5873.981 8198.39 -2324.409 None 1.318 0.766
1+862.57 0.545 3.598 0.738 9.19 5874.719 8207.58 -2332.861 Left 0.553 0.321
1+871.27 4.259 4.916 20.897 37.036 5895.616 8244.616 -2349 Left 3.741 2.175
1+880 0.375 5.014 20.227 43.344 5915.843 8287.96 -2372.117 Left 3.754 2.183
1+899.56 4.424 3.667 92.304 5919.51 8380.264 -2460.754 None 4.205 2.445
1+900 3.66 1.778 5919.51 8382.042 -2462.532 None 0 0
1+909.36 1.216 22.82 5919.51 8404.862 -2485.352 None 0 0
1+919.16 12.311 66.282 5919.51 8471.144 -2551.634 None 0 0
1+920 12.731 10.518 5919.51 8481.662 -2562.152 None 0 0
1+940 13.654 263.85 5919.51 8745.512 -2826.002 None 0 0
1+960 3.564 172.18 5919.51 8917.692 -2998.182 None 0 0
1+980 2.067 20.67 35.64 5940.18 8953.332 -3013.152 Left 4.3 2.5
1+984.58 4.482 14.997 5955.177 8953.332 -2998.155 Both 2.954 1.717
1+991.76 5.21 34.794 5989.971 8953.332 -2963.361 Both 6.175 3.59
1+998.94 4.945 36.456 6026.427 8953.332 -2926.905 Both 6.175 3.59
2+000 4.851 5.192 6031.619 8953.332 -2921.713 Left 0.684 0.397
2+020 0.801 1.604 56.52 16.04 6088.139 8969.372 -2881.233 Left 8.6 5
2+027.24 0.8 1.407 5.796 10.9 6093.935 8980.272 -2886.337 Left 3.113 1.81
Total Hard Soil(HS) 6093.935 8980.272 -2886.337 578.076
Total Quantity 10283.57 16052.44 -5768.869 768.129 115.097

Volume Table - 4
Necessary Calculations
Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
(Badikhel- Badegaun)

A. Calculation of Cross Sectional Area of Drain

Area = ( )

= ( )

=0.18 m2

B. Calculation of area of lined drain

Area = ( )

= 0.43 m2

C. Calculation of the area of stone masonry in lined drain

Area= ( ) ( )

=0.25 m2
D. Calculation of the area of preparation of subgrade
Area of subgrade = Length * Breadth
= 1968.77 * 5.75
= 11320.43 m2

Calculations - 1
Necessary Calculations
Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road
(Badikhel- Badegaun)

E. Calculation of Volume of Gravel:

Volume of Gravel = Length*width*depth
= 1968.77*5.75*0.28
= 3169.72 m3

Calculations - 2
Culvert Estimate
Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road (Badikhel- Badegaun)

Item No. 17

Rate Analysis for Culvert

(including all the costs for transportation, material and construction cost for excavation, stone masonary, sand
filling, laying of culvert and all other works as per specifications)

SN Particulars No. L B H Quantity Rate Amount

1. EW in Excavation
a. Abutment Walls 2 2.2 0.6 0.5 1.32 936.94 1236.761
b. Wing Walls 4 1.2 0.3 0.5 0.72 936.94 674.5968
c. Sand and Concrete filling 1 2.2 7 0.15 2.31 936.94 2164.331
Deduction on EW:
a. Abutment Wall 2 2.2 0.6 0.15 0.396 936.94 371.0282
b. wing wall 4 0.9 0.3 0.15 0.162 936.94 151.7843
Total 3.792 936.94 3552.876

2. Stone Masonary on foundation

a. Abutment Walls 2 2.2 0.6 0.5 1.32 9801.06 12937.4
b. Wing Walls 4 1.2 0.3 0.5 0.72 9801.06 7056.763
Total 2.04 9801.06 19994.16

3. M10 concrete 2 2.2 1.28 0.15 0.8415 10355.83 8714.429

Deduction in Concrete:
a. Concrete M10 2 2.2 0.6 0.15 0.396 10355.83 4100.908
Total 0.4455 10355.83 4613.521

4. Sand Filling 1 4.45 2.2 0.15 1.4685 2469.55 3626.533

5. Stone Masonary on Superstructure

a. Stone Masonary for wing wall 4 2.58 0.6354 9801.06 6227.594
b. Abutment wall including paraphet 2 2.58 3.3396 9801.06 32731.62
a. Culvert Pipe 2 0.6 0.76 0.76 0.272188 9801.06 2667.727
Total 3.702812 9801.06 36291.49

6. Hume Pipe 1 7.5 7.5 4060.29 30452.17

Total 7.5 3350.196 25126.47
Rate per culvert 93205.05

Rate Analysis - 9
Otta Seal Estimate
Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road

Rate Analysis/Estimate for

Laying of single/double/multiple bituminous coats for otta seal using stone chips

Item No. 16
Resp. Item
Clause no. Materials unit Qty Rate Amount Remarks
A. First Coat:
Bitumen binder l 1.7 222.05 377.485
Chips cum 0.015 3291.69 49.3753
B. Second Coat:
Bitumen binder l 1.6 222.05 355.28
Chips cum 0.015 3291.69 49.3753
Rate per sqm 831.516
Rate Analysis
Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road (Badikhel- Badegaun)

Item No. 1
Activity Specificati
Items Unit Description Qty. Rate Amount Remarks
No. on clause
Roadway excavation including disposal
upto 10 m lead and lift upto 1.5 m etc all
9.01 905 complete as per specification.
a)Soft Soil
(A) Labours m/d unskilled 0.75 350 262.5
Subtotal (A) 262.5

(B) Tools and equipments 7.875

(3% of labour cost)
Subtotal (B) 7.875
Subtotal (C) = A+B 270.375
Contractors overhead and profit (D)= (15 % of C ) 40.56
Subtotal (E) 310.93
Vat (F) = 13% of E 40.42
Total (G) = F+E 351.35
Rate per cum 351.35

Item No. 2
Activity Specificati
Items Unit Description Qty. Rate Amount Remarks
No. on clause
Roadway excavation including disposal
upto 10 m lead and lift upto 1.5 m etc all
9.01 905 complete as per specification. cum
b)Hard soil/Gravel/B.M.S.
(A) Labours m/d unskilled 1 350 350
Subtotal (A) 350

(B) Tools and equipments 10.5

(3% of labour cost)
Subtotal (B) 10.5
Subtotal (C) = A+B 360.5
Contractors overhead and profit (D)= (15 % of C ) 54.08
Subtotal (E) 414.58
Vat (F) = 13% of E 53.89
Total (G) = F+E 468.47
Rate per cum 468.47

Rate Analysis - 1
Rate Analysis
Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road (Badikhel- Badegaun)

Item No. 3
Activity Specificati
Items Unit Description Qty. Rate Amount Remarks
No. on clause
Earthwork excavation for drain and
trenches including shoring, strutting,
bracing, sheeting and disposal upto 10m
9.02 905 cum
and lift upto 1.5m etc. all complete as
per specification.
(a) Soft Soil
(A) Labours m/d unskilled 0.9 350 315
Subtotal (A) 315

(B) Tools and equipments 9.45

(3% of labour cost)
Subtotal (B) 9.45
Subtotal (C) = A+B 324.45
Contractors overhead and profit (D)= (15 % of C ) 48.67
Subtotal (E) 373.12
Vat (F) = 13% of E 48.51
Total (G) = F+E 421.62
Rate per cum 421.62

Item No. 4
Activity Specificati
Items Unit Description Qty. Rate Amount Remarks
No. on clause
Earthwork excavation for drain and
trenches including shoring, strutting,
bracing, sheeting and disposal upto 10m
9.02 905 cum
and lift upto 1.5m etc. all complete as
per specification.
(b) Hard Soil/Gravels/B.M.S.
(A) Labours m/d unskilled 1.5 350 525
Subtotal (A) 525

(B) Tools and equipments 15.75

(3% of labour cost)
Subtotal (B) 15.75
Subtotal (C) = A+B 540.75
Contractors overhead and profit (D)= (15 % of C ) 81.11
Subtotal (E) 621.86
Vat (F) = 13% of E 80.84
Total (G) = F+E 702.70
Rate per cum 702.70

Rate Analysis - 2
Rate Analysis
Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road (Badikhel- Badegaun)

Item No. 5
Activity Specificati
Items Unit Description Qty. Rate Amount Remarks
No. on clause
Excavation for foundation through all
types of soil including relevent lift and
9.07.01 907 cum
disposal upto 20 m.
a) Depth upto 1.5 m
(A) Labours m/d unskillled 2 350 700
Subtotal (A) 700

(B) Tools and equipments 21

(3% of labour cost)
Subtotal (B) 21
Subtotal (C) = A+B 721
Contractors overhead and profit (D)= (15 % of C ) 108.15
Subtotal (E) 829.15
Vat (F) = 13% of E 107.79
Total (G) = F+E 936.94
Rate per cum 936.94

Item No. 6
Activity Specificati
Items Unit Description Qty. Rate Amount Remarks
No. on clause
Subgrade Construction and preperation of
formation in cutting (other than rock
10.01 1003 sqm
excavation) including disposal of materials
upto 10 m.
A(Materials) lit Diesel 0.122 80.53 9.82466
Subtotal (A) 9.82466

B ( labours) m/d skilled 0.01 500 5

m/d unskilled 0.1 350 35
Subtotal (B) 40

(C)Plants and Equipments hour Roller 8-10 ton 0.017 500 8.50
hour Grader(75 Hp) 0.01 1200 12.00
Subtotal (C) 20.50
Subtotal (D) = A+B+C 70.32
(E) Testing (@ 10% of total rate) 7.03
(F) Subtotal (D+E ) 77.36
Contractors overhead and profit (G) = 15% of F 11.60
Subtotal (H) 88.96
Vat (I) = 13% of H 11.56
Total(J) = H+I 100.53
Rate per sqm 100.53

Rate Analysis - 3
Rate Analysis
Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road (Badikhel- Badegaun)

Item No. 7
Activity Specificati
Items Unit Description Qty. Rate Amount Remarks
No. on clause
Subgrade Construction with loose untreated The rate
10.03 1003 materials; preparation and formation of cum material for fill
subgrade in fill areas; has not been
taken into
A(Materials) lit Diesel 0.122 80.53 9.82
Suitable as it is
Material 1.1 0 available
lit Water 100 0.2 20 nearby and
Subtotal (A) 9.82 free of cost.
B ( labours) m/d skilled 0.01 500 5 of materials
m/d unskilled 0.1 350 35 has been
Subtotal (B) 40

(C)Plants and Equipments hour Roller 8-10 ton 0.017 500 8.50
hour Grader(75 Hp) 0.02 1200 24.00
Subtotal (C) 32.50
Subtotal (D) = A+B+C 82.32
(E) Testing (@ 10% of total rate) 8.23
(F) Subtotal (D+E ) 90.55
Contractors overhead and profit (G) = 15% of F 13.58
Subtotal (H) 104.13
Vat (I) = 13% of H 13.54
Total(J) = H+I 117.67
Rate per cum 117.67

Item No. 8
Activity Specificati
Items Unit Description Qty. Rate Amount Remarks
No. on clause
Transportation of materials by
manpower including loading, hauling,
8.03 800 unloading and stacking. cum
1) Excavated Earthwork
a) First 10m. with load unload and haul
(A) Labours m/d unskilled 0.47 350 164.5
Subtotal (A) 164.5
Contractors overhead and profit (B)= (15 % of A ) 24.68
Subtotal (C) 189.18
Vat (D) = 13% of C 24.59
Total (E) = C+D 213.77
Rate per cum 213.77

Rate Analysis - 4
Rate Analysis
Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road (Badikhel- Badegaun)

Item No. 9
Activity Specificati
Items Unit Description Qty. Rate Amount Remarks
No. on clause
Providing, laying, spreading, watering,
levelling and compaction of natural sand
12.02 1201 gravel subbase grading of standard cum
specification for base course lead upto
10m.(for manual works)
A(Materials) lit Diesel 0.66 80.53 53.1498
cum Base agg. 1.28 1094.8 1401.28
Subtotal (A) 1454.4298

B ( labours) m/d skilled 0.005 500 2.5

m/d unskilled 1.05 350 367.5
Subtotal (B) 370

(C)Plants and Equipments hour Road Roller 0.03 500 15.00

Subtotal (C) 15.00
Subtotal (D) = A+B+C 1839.43
Contractors overhead and profit (E) = 15% of D 275.91
Subtotal (F) 2115.34
Vat (G) = 13% of F 274.99
Total(H) = F+G 2390.34
Rate per cum 2390.34

Item No. 10
Activity Specificati
Items Unit Description Qty. Rate Amount Remarks
No. on clause
Laying of single/double/multiple bituminous Due to
coats for otta seal using stone chips unavailability
1301 including compaction of separate
13.05.01 lit
1303 Bitumen binder for otta seal ( mass work) specifications
for otta seal,
the labours
(A)Materials and plants and
lit Diesel 0.27 80.53 21.7431 equipments
lit Kerosene 0.1 80.53 8.053 for surface
Bitumen dressing has
lit 1.05 80.05 84.0525 been taken.
80/100 open
Subtotal (A) 113.8486 The materials
has been
taken from the
(B) Labours m/d skilled 0.002 500 1
publicaion "A
m/d unskilled 0.14 350 49 guide to the
Subtotal (B) 50 use of Otta
Seal" from
(C)Plants and Equipments hour Boiler 0.0025 1260 3.15 Department of
hour Distributor 0.0025 1300 3.25 Roads(DoR)

hour Air Compressor 0.0025 250 0.63

Subtotal (C) 7.03
Subtotal (D) = A+B+C 170.87
Contractors overhead and profit (E) = 15% of D 25.63
Subtotal (F) 196.50
Vat (G) = 13% of F 25.55
Total(H) = F+G 222.05
Rate per lit 222.05

Rate Analysis - 5
Rate Analysis
Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road (Badikhel- Badegaun)

Item No. 11
Activity Specificati
Items Unit Description Qty. Rate Amount Remarks
No. on clause
Laying of single/double/multiple bituminous
coats for otta seal using stone chips
1301 including compaction
13.05.04 ton
1303 Chipping for otta seal for 1st coat size or
second coat size
A(Materials) lit Diesel 3.6 80.53 289.91
t Chips 1.05 1037.4 1089.24
Subtotal (A) 1379.15

B ( labours) m/d skilled 0.001 500 0.5

m/d unskilled 0.21 350 73.5
Subtotal (B) 74

(C)Plants and Equipments hour Chips Spreader 0.1 300 30.00

hour Tyred Roller 0.2 500 100.00
Subtotal (C) 130.00
Subtotal (D) = A+B+C 1583.15
Contractors overhead and profit (E) = 15% of D 237.47
Subtotal (F) 1820.62
Vat (G) = 13% of F 236.68
Total(H) = F+G 2057.30
Rate per ton 2057.30

Item No. 12
Activity Specificati
Items Unit Description Qty. Rate Amount Remarks
No. on clause
Providing and laying RCC pipes with or
without collars, jointed with or without
collars, jointed with stiff mixture of cement
7.02 701 mortar in the porportion 1:2 (1 cement : 2 m
fine sand), lead upto 100 m.
i) 600 mm dia (Int.)
A(Materials) m RCC Pipe 1 2481.4 2481.35
kg Cement 6.813 12.53 85.36689
cum Sand 0.009 1589.2 14.30244
kg Jute 0.219 20 4.38
Subtotal (A) 2585.39933

B ( labours) m/d skilled 0.281 500 382.9

m/d unskilled 1.094 350 140.5
Subtotal (B) 523.4

(C) Tools and equipments

(3% of labour cost)
Subtotal (C) 15.70
Subtotal (D) = A+B+C 3124.50
Contractors overhead and profit (E) = 15% of D 468.68
Subtotal (F) 3593.18
Vat (G) = 13% of F 467.11
Total(H) = F+G 4060.29
Rate per metre 4060.29

Rate Analysis - 6
Rate Analysis
Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road (Badikhel- Badegaun)

Item No. 13
Activity Specificati
Items Unit Description Qty. Rate Amount Remarks
No. on clause
b) Providing and placing manually mixed
cement concrete for the foundation and
footing, etc. including compaction, curing,
10.03 1003 testing and lead 30m. etc. all complete as per cum
specification and drawing.
i) M 10/40
A(Materials) kg Cement 245 12.53 3069.85
Aggregate 20-
cum 40 mm 0.65 1765.7 1147.7245
Aggregate 10-
cum 20 mm 0.25 1659.8 414.9475
cum Coarse Sand 0.48 1589.2 762.7968
lit Water 147 0.2 29.4
Subtotal (A) 5424.7188

B ( labours) m/d skilled 4 500 350

m/d unskilled 1 350 2000
Subtotal (B) 2350
Subtotal (C) = A+B 7774.72
(D) Mix Design and Quality Control (@ 2.5% of cost of concrete) 194.37
(E) Subtotal (C+D ) 7969.09
Contractors overhead and profit (F) = 15% of E 1195.36
Subtotal (G) 9164.45
Vat (H) = 13% of G 1191.38
Total(I) = G+H 10355.83
Rate per cum 10355.83

Item No. 14
Activity Specificati
Items Unit Description Qty. Rate Amount Remarks
No. on clause
Providing and laying Radom rubble
masonary in cement mortar including
scaffolding, curing, preperation of mortar
26.04 2607 etc. complete, masoned height 0-5m, lead cum
30m (manual mixing) mortar 35%
(Cement sand) 1:3
A(Materials) kg Cement 190 12.53 2380.7
cum Stone 1.15 1236 1421.4115
cum Sand 0.4 1589.2 635.664
lit Water 120 0.2 24
Subtotal (A) 4461.7755

B ( labours) m/d skilled 1.5 500 1575

m/d unskilled 4.5 350 750
Subtotal (B) 2325

(C)Plants and Equipments

(3% of labour cost) 69.75
Subtotal (C) 69.75
Subtotal (D) = A+B+C 6856.53
Quality control Test(E) (@ 1.5% of total rate) 685.65
Subtotal(F) = D+E 7542.18
Contractors overhead and profit (G) = 15% of F 1131.33
Subtotal (H) 8673.50
Vat (I) = 13% of H 1127.56
Total(J) = H+I 9801.06
Rate per cum 9801.06

Rate Analysis - 7
Rate Analysis
Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road (Badikhel- Badegaun)

Item No. 15
Activity Specificati
Items Unit Description Qty. Rate Amount Remarks
No. on clause
Backfill with graded filter materials in Sand filling has
2404 been taken
24.11 layer with necessary watering and cum
3110 equivalent to
compaction, lead 30m, lift 1.5m.
the filling of
(A) Labours m/d skilled 0.7 500 735 filler materials
unskillled 2.1 350 350 in absence of
Subtotal (A) 735 separate
clause for sand
(B) Materials cum filler sand 1.1 1059.4 1165.384 filling.
Subtotal (B) 1165.384
Subtotal (C) = A+B 1900.384
Contractors overhead and profit (D)= (15 % of C ) 285.06
Subtotal (E) 2185.44
Vat (F) = 13% of E 284.11
Total (G) = F+E 2469.55
Rate per cum 2469.55

Rate Analysis - 8
Summary of Costs
Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road (Badikhel- Badegaun)

Item of Work Unit Quantity Rate Amount
Roadway excavation including disposal upto 10
m lead and lift upto 1.5 m etc all complete as
1 cum 3999.58 351.35 1405261.68
per specification.
a)Soft Soil
Roadway excavation including disposal upto 10
m lead and lift upto 1.5 m etc all complete as
2 cum 5515.859 468.47 2584013.09
per specification.
b)Hard soil/Gravel/B.M.S.

Earthwork excavation for drain and trenches

including shoring, strutting, bracing, sheeting
3 and disposal upto 10m and lift upto 1.5m etc. cum 190.053 421.62 80130.67
all complete as per specification.
(a) Soft Soil

Earthwork excavation for drain and trenches

including shoring, strutting, bracing, sheeting
4 and disposal upto 10m and lift upto 1.5m etc. cum 578.076 702.70 406216.68
all complete as per specification.
(b) Hard Soil/Gravels/B.M.S.
Subgrade Construction and preperation of
formation in cutting (other than rock
6 sqm 11320.4275 100.53 1137992.6
excavation) including disposal of materials upto
10 m.
Subgrade Construction with loose untreated
7 materials; preparation and formation of cum 5515.859 117.67 649063.95
subgrade in fill areas;
Transportation of materials by manpower
including loading, hauling, unloading and
8 stacking. cum 5768.869 213.77 1233198.15
1) Excavated Earthwork
a) First 10m. with load unload and haul
Providing, laying, spreading, watering, levelling
and compaction of natural sand gravel subbase
9 cum 3169.7197 2390.34 7576704.7
grading of standard specification for base
course lead upto 10m.(for manual works)
Laying of double otta seal using stone chips
16 including materials, compaction and all other as sqm 11320.4275 831.52 9413120.75
per specification
Construction of culvert including providing and
laying 600 mm dia (int.) RCC pipes with stone
17 no. 12 93205.05 1118460.62
masonary structures and foundations as per
drawings and specificaions
Total Project Cost(NRs.) 25,604,162.89
Total length of Road(m) 1968.77
Cost per km(NRs.) 13,005,156.97

Summary -1
Rate of Relevant Labour, Materials and Equipments by DDC, Lalitpur
for fiscal year 2068/69
Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road (Badikhel- Badegaun)

S.N. Item Unit Rate Unit Rate

1 Skilled Manpower md 500 md 500
2 Unskilled Manpower md 350 md 350
3 Rubble Stone(Quarry) cuf 35 cum 1236.01
4 Sand for concrete cuf 45 cum 1589.16
5 Sand for soling cuf 30 cum 1059.44
6 Aggregate 6-10 size cuf 47 cum 1659.79
7 Aggregate 10-20 size cuf 47 cum 1659.79
ton 1037.37
8 aggregate 20-40 size cuf 50 cum 1765.73
ton 1103.58
9 Aggregate 6 down cuf 42 cum 1483.22
10 Gravel for sub-base cuf 31 cum 1094.75
11 80/100 bitumen kg 80.05 l 80.05
12 Hetuda Cement bag 626.55 kg 12.53
13 Grader hr 1200 hr 1200
14 Roller 12 ton hr 500 hr 500
15 Jute kg 20 kg 20
16 RC pipe 60cm m 2481.35 m 2481.35
17 Kerosene l 80.53 l 80.53
18 Diesel l 82.3 l 82.3
19 Boiler hr 1260 hr 1260
20 Distributor hr 1300 hr 1300
21 Air Compressor hr 250 hr 250
22 Chips Spreader hr 300 hr 300
23 Water l 0.2 l 0.2
CBR Test of Subgrade Soil
Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road

Sample taken = 5.785 kg

Water content = 7% OMC
Amount of water = 400 ml

Least count of penetration dial gauge = 0.001 inch

Relation between proving ring reading and load in lbf is

Deflection = A + B*Load + C*load^2
A = -1.4285706E-1

Observation Table:

Deflection dial Proving ring dial

Penetration (mm) Load (lbf) Load(kg)
gauge reading gauge reading
0 0 0 0 0
25 31 0.635 298 13.78
50 81 1.270 776 35.85
75 136 1.905 1300 60.08
100 201 2.540 1917 88.62
125 251 3.175 2391 110.53
150 279 3.810 2656 122.77
175 297 4.445 2826 130.63
200 312 5.080 2967 137.17
225 330 5.715 3137 145.02
250 350 6.350 3326 153.74
275 382 6.985 3627 167.66
300 410 7.620 3890 179.83
325 437 8.255 4143 191.55
350 478 8.890 4528 209.32
375 520 9.525 4921 227.48
400 551 10.160 5210 240.87
425 583 10.795 5509 254.67
450 605 11.430 5714 264.14
CBR Test of Subgrade Soil
Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road


From above curve:

Load corresponding to 2.5 mm penetration = 100 kg

Load sustained by standard aggregate at 2.5 mm penetration = 1370 kg
CBR value at 2.5 mm penetration = 100/1370*100 = 7.30%

Load corresponding to 5 mm penetration = 140 kg

Load sustained by standard aggregate at 5 mm penetration = 2055 kg
CBR value at 5 mm penetration = 140/2055*100 = 6.81%

Hence, the CBR value of 7 % was taken for the design.

Penetration Vs Load Curve





Load in KG










0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 6.5 7 7.5 8 8.5 9 9.5 10 10.5 11 11.5 12 12.5

Penetration in mm
Horizontal Curve
Detailed Engineering Survey, Design and Estimate of Karmanasa River Corridor Road

Northing Easting Radius Chainage Deflection Tangent

m m m IP BC MC EC angle m
IP1 633474.31 3055014.636 50 0+057.10 0+047.19 0+056.98 0+066.76 22:25'32'' 9.912
IP2 633517.03 3055083.002 50 0+137.47 0+117.91 0+136.55 0+155.19 42:43'26'' 19.557
IP3 633658.82 3055121.729 50 0+282.62 0+271.50 0+282.44 0+293.39 25:05'35'' 11.127
IP4 633757.1 3055205.28 50 0+411.26 0+395.18 0+410.74 0+426.30 35:39'45'' 16.083
IP5 633858.73 3055213.648 50 0+512.20 0+499.68 0+511.94 0+524.20 28:05'51'' 12.512
IP6 633911.73 3055247.809 50 0+574.75 0+559.40 0+574.29 0+589.18 34:07'42'' 15.348
IP7 633980 3055246.231 30 0+642.12 0+626.74 0+340.95 0+655.16 54:16'07'' 15.374
IP8 634006.13 3055208.075 30 0+686.03 0+666.66 0+683.86 0+701.06 65:42'17'' 19.372
IP9 634061.38 3055217.927 50 0+737.81 0+725.19 0+737.55 0+749.91 28:19'36'' 12.618
IP10 634135.35 3055193.585 50 0+815.17 0+807.24 0+815.1 0+822.96 18:00'24'' 7.922
IP11 634182.26 3055193.414 50 0+861.95 0+837.67 0+860.27 0+882.87 51:47'31'' 24.274
IP12 634219.92 3055145.216 50 0+919.76 0+901.25 0+918.98 0+936.71 40:37'40'' 18.509
IP13 634351.24 3055118.803 50 1+052.15 1+041.32 1+051.99 1+062.65 24:26'31'' 10.830
IP14 634411.33 3055075.444 40 1+125.92 1+121.03 1+075.89 1+130.75 13:55'04'' 4.882
IP15 634444.6 3055062.073 50 1+161.72 1+160.42 1+161.72 1+163.03 02:59'32'' 1.306
IP16 634491.43 3055040.345 50 1+213.35 1+200.22 1+113.06 1+225.90 29:25'55'' 13.132
IP17 634516.81 3055004.997 50 1+256.29 1+245.40 1+056.12 1+266.84 24:33'46'' 10.885
IP18 634519.98 3054988.844 30 1+272.41 1+267.91 1+137.38 1+276.85 17:04'56'' 4.506
IP19 634515.54 3054946.286 8 1+315.14 1+305.74 1+312.66 1+319.59 99:12'02'' 9.400
IP20 634573.58 3054949.567 30 1+368.32 1+366.99 1+218.32 1+369.64 05:03'15'' 1.324
IP21 634612.1 3054955.179 50 1+407.25 1+397.04 1+407.11 1+417.18 23:04'30'' 10.207
IP22 634692.45 3054933.971 50 1+490.07 1+465.09 1+488.26 1+511.42 53:05'10'' 24.976
IP23 634742.05 3054973.141 50 1+549.64 1+516.48 1+295.76 1+575.05 67:07'11'' 33.169
IP24 634817.26 3054931.758 50 1+627.73 1+617.37 1+627.58 1+637.79 23:24'14'' 10.356
IP25 634889.38 3054838.709 50 1+741.46 1+741.46 1+745.15 1+748.85 08:28'13'' 3.703
IP26 634925.12 3054775.035 50 1+818.17 1+800.91 1+817.52 1+834.14 38:04'50'' 17.256
IP27 634967.37 3054757.437 50 1+862.66 1+853.87 1+862.57 1+871.27 19:56'30'' 8.790
IP28 635002 3054725.645 50 1+909.49 1+899.56 1+909.36 1+919.16 22:27'05'' 9.924
IP29 635079.55 3054697.261 50 1+991.81 1+984.58 1+991.76 1+998.94 16:27'16'' 7.229

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