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BREERIVIER IRRIGATION (PTY) LTD (PRIVATE BODY) (ANCORPORATED IN THE REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA) (REGISTRATION NUMBER: 1982011838107) (ersinafter refered 38 BRI) PAIA MANUAL, his mal has Bon propel in ardor with Seton 51 the Promotion of Acces Infomation Act, 10 26/2000 heir referee “PALA” Table of Contents: 1. [Foreword 3 2. | introduetion 3 3. | Parteulars in terms ofthe manual 5 4.4 _| Contact Detals of information Officer 5 82 | Directors of BR 5 [3.3 | How to use the Manual le | 34 _| Processing of Personal Information in terms of POPIA 6 4 | Records and information held by BRI 10 5 | Records avaiatie in terms of other leisiation " 6 | Right of access to rocords of private bodies (Section 50) 2 7 | Grounds for refusal of access to records 2 8 | How to request records andor information (Section 63) 18 8 _| Fees in respectof request or nformation 7 10 | Consideration of Application 7 11 | Refusal of Appiation 8 12 _ | Payment of Fees 8 ‘Annexure: ‘able A: Schedule of Records in trms of Section: 61 (1) (d) and (e) Form B: Request for Access to records of Private Body ‘Annexure C: List of BRI Associated Afiiates Moresriver tigation tt or yer FOREWORD ‘The Promotion of Access to Information Act (no 2 of 2000) has been formulated to ensure a cuture of tansparency and accountabilty in public end private bodies by ving effect to the raht of access to information as entrenched inthe Constitution, ‘copy of PAIA maybe downloaded from: ‘ww PAIA establishes voluntary and mandatory procedures to give effect to @ person's constitutional right information in a manner which enables persons to obiain records of public and private bodies suit, inexpensively and effertessy. ‘BRI constantly endeavour to ensure that ther reporting and dlaclosure to stakehokiers 's relevant, clear and elective ‘This manuel fs compiled in compliance wih section 51 ofthe PAIA and wil assist @ person in requesting information from BRI, The manual may be amended from time to ‘ime and a8 soon as any amendments have been affected, the latest version of the ‘manual willbe publshed and distibuted in accordance with PAIA, Applicants may cont he Information Ofer, should they need any further assistance inthe use ofthis manual andlor requesting information 2 INTRODUCTION “This manual was prepared in respect of, and applies to, BREERIVIER IRRIGATION (PTY) LTO and where applicable, its Associated Afliats, incorporated inthe Republic of South Afica ane provides the procedure to be followed in requesting information. Any reference to Blin this manval shall specifically include, where applicable, the BRI Associated Aflats. “Tie manual contains categories of information BRI poseeax and he caect procedure to flow shoul anyone require 8ccess to any of this information. rere sate KEY DEFINITIONS ‘The following words will bear the following mearings in this manu “Applicant” “client” “Correspondence” “Data Subject" Employee" “Information Officer" "COMPANY" “PoPIA Moedsivier tigation ‘means any person or ently (including any Data Subject) requesting access to a record that is under the contol of BRI: and means a natural or jurstic person who or which receives senvces andlor products from BRI means any writen andlor electronic communication oxchanged between paris; ‘means thelving natural or existing jure person to whom Personal Information relates means any person who works for, © provides services to, (oF on behalf of BR, and receives or ie entitled to recsive remuneration means BR's designated information officer described in paragraph 3 below, means BREERIVIER IRRIGATION (PTY) LTD trading as BrobrviorIrigatlon (egistation number 1982/011993007), 2 private body, is involved in the marketing and vad of itigation and related products and services and includes BRI Associated Affliates as described in Annexure C; means this PAIA manual, together with all ennexures hereto @s amended and made avaliable on the website of BRI and atthe regstered offices of BRI from time to time, ‘maane the Promotion of Access to Information Act No.2 2000, a5 amended from tine to time, together with any regulations published thereunder, ‘means the Protection of Personal Information Act No, 4 of 2013, as amended from time to time, together with any regulations published thereunder; "Personal Information’ has the same meaning a ascribed thereto under POPIA “Processing” “Thee Panty” means any operation or actuty, whether or not by automatic means, conoerring Personal Information, including ~ © the collection, receipt, recording, organisation, collation, storage, updating or modification, retrieval, alteration, consultation or use; © lssemination by means of transmission, distribution ‘or making available in any other form by electronic ‘communications or other means; or ‘© merging, inking, blocking, degradation, erasure or destruction. For the purposes of this defnton, “Process! has a corresponding meaning: means any independent contractor, agent, coneuitant, sub- contractor or other representative of BRI 3, PARTICULARS IN TERMS OF \NUAL 34 Contact Detalls ofthe Information Officer: UNDIE STANDER ‘Telephone Number. Mobile Number. Physical Address: 427 23628 3151 427 79 405.4380, Postal Address: 2 Contttion Street Robertson, P.0, Box 377, Robertson ‘Western Cape Province 6705 Wester Gapa Province 6708, E-mail |s@breebesp coza Website Address: yunu ‘Mocosvier gation 3.2 Directors of COMPANY: Gerhardus Smit Comets Marais Vijosn Francois Nicolaas Malan Du Toit Frank Edwards Joubert Jan Hendrik Gerber ‘These Directors may vary from time to time and any Applicants advigedto consult the latest CIPC records a BR. 3.3 Howto use the Manu PAIA grants an Applicant access to records ofa private body ithe record is required {or the exercise or protection of any rights Ifa public body lodges a request in terms ‘of AIA the public bedy must be acting inthe pubic interest. Requests in terms of PAIA shall be made in accordance with the prescribed procedures, and a the proscribed fees ‘A ude on how to use PAIA will be compile by the Information Regulator and wi be accessible on the Information Regulators website or you may request a copy of the guide from us by contacting our information Offer Please direc ll questo ‘The Information Regulator (South Africa) Postal addr P.0 Box 31533, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2017 Physical Address: JD House, 27 Stmene Steet, Braamfontein, Johannesburg, 2001 Website: ‘itns awww justice gov zafnforeg/index him! Email: Inforea@iustice gov za complaints Rustic Tot: 012 406 4038 Fax 1086 6002351 Mocosver gation 34 Processing of Personal Information in terms of POPIA: 34:4. Purpose of BR's Processing of Personal Information saat 3412 3413 344 24ts ‘BRI wil only Process a Data Subjects Personal Information for specifi, lawl and clear purposes and wil enue that it makes the Data Subject aware of such ppurpose(s) a fer as possible, ‘tl ensure thal there i legal bass forthe Processing of any Personal Information, Further, BRI wil ensure that Processing wil eate only tothe purpose for and of which the Data Subjact has been made aware (and where relevant, consented to) and will not Process any Personal Information for any other purpose(s) ‘BRI wil process Personal Information only in waye that are for, or compatible with, the business purposes for which the data was collected o that are subsequent azthorised by the relevant Data Subject. ‘BRI will retain Personal Information only fr as long 2s is necessary to accomplish BR's legiimate business purposes of for as long as may be permitted or requir by applicable aw. [BRI uses Personal Information fer ane ar more ofthe folowing non-exhaustive purposes — ‘© For the purposes of providing its services to the Data Subject from time to time; © Personal Information Is processed in order to conduct due dligence processes on BRI Chents ‘© Personal Information ie processed in erder to comply with obligations that right be imposed on BRI under the Based Black Economic Empowerment ‘Act No. §3 of 2003 (‘BEE Act’) read together wit the Department of Trede and Industy’s Codes of Good Practice on Broad-Based Black Economic Empomerment, as amended or reissued from time to time; ‘2 Persona Information is processed for the purposes of performing general Information tecinologyseated functions foal business functions within BRI, ‘© For purposes of interacting wth youon our website and generally monitring your use of our website, including fe purposes of improving the same; — am Q © Persona information is processed in connection with infra aud purposes (Ge. ensurhy tha te appropriate intemal contois are in place in order to mitigate the relevant risks, as well as to carry out any investigations where this is required) © Personal Information processed for employment related purposes such as ‘administerng payol, assessing credit and criminal history, and determing Employment Equity Act No, 55 of 1998 statisti © Torespondto any corespondence thatthe Data Subject may send to BRI, including va email, BR'e website or by telephone; © Inconnectan with the execution of payment processing functions, including payment of RI suppl” ivoices; (© To contact ne Data Subject for dvect marketing purposes © For such oer purposes to which the Data Subject may consent from time to time; ane © Fer such oter purposes as authorised in terms of applicable lw. 3.42 Categories of Data Subjects and of the Personal Information relating thereto 3424 3422 3423 Prev tigation ‘athe [BRI collects Personal Information erect from the Data Subject andlor rom Third Parties, and where BRI obtains Personal Information from Third Patties, BRI wil {ensue that totais the consent of the Data Subject to do so or wll nly Process, ‘the Personal Infrmation without the Data Subjects coneent where BRI is permitted todo sc in terms ofthe appleabe aw, Data Subjects in respect of which Personal Information is Processed include Glents of BRI, employees, contractors, customers, members and service providers. Examples of This Paris from whom Personal Information is collected include other BRI Associated Aflates; cur Clients when BRI handles Personal Information ‘onthe behalf reculatory bodes; cre reference agencies (for example, Experian and TransUnion): ‘other companies providing servoss to BRI (for example, INPRO, PWC, BARVALLE! and other accounting -, compliance and information services providers and where BRI makes use of publicly avallable sources of information. 3.43 3434 3432 3433 3434 3435 Recipients or catoyories of recipients to whom Personal Information may be supplied ‘BRI may share /our Personal Information with the BRI Associated Afiites, third patties engaged by us, or our business pariners, 10 assist us to provide our services and products to you. Such third parte or business partners may include hosting, dita storage or archiving service providers and payment processing professional advisors; and © marketing research and advertising agencies, ‘BRI may be required to disclose Personal Information in response to a court order, subpoena, cv! Ssoovery request, other legal process, or as otherwise required by law as per statuory authorties andor the lawful order of any Court or Tibunal. We ‘may disclose Fersonal Information when we believe disclosure is necessary to comply with the law o fo protec the rights, property, or safely of BRI, our Cots, orothers. [BRI wil comply with POPIA, before transferring Personal Information to a Thi Paty who is nc a contractor of BR Before transfering Personal Information to @ Third-Party contractor, such as an authorised service provider, BRI wil obtain assurances from the Third-Party that it ‘il process Personal Information in a manner consistent wth POPIA. Where BRI Jeams that a Third-Party contractor Is using o disclosing Personal Information in @ manner contray fo POPIA, BRI wil take reasonable stops to prevent such use oF dlslosure. We reserve the right to dieclose and transfer Data Subjects information, including their Personal Information in connection with @ corporate merger, consolidation, the sale of substantially all our membership interests andlor assets or other corporate charge, including to any prospective purchasers In canying outany cross-border transfers, BRI shall adhere to the provisions of| POPIA. 3.44 Information Security Measures 34.4.1 The security anc conidentatty of Personal Information is important to BRI. We hhave implemented reasonable technical, administrative, and physical security ‘measures to protet Personal Information from unauthorised access or disclosure and improper use. 3442 We are commitsd to ensuring that our securty measures which protect your Personal Information are continuously reviewed and updated where necessary 344.3 In Processing any Personal Information, BRI shall comply with the folowing ‘minimum technical and organisational security equicements — © Physical Access: ‘Aco2ss to Personal Information is restcted in our offices and only to those Employees. who need the Personal Information to perform a specific job task © Employee Training: AA Employees with access to Personal Information are kept up to date on our security and privacy practives. After 2 new policy 1s added, these Employeas are notiied andlor reminded about the Importance we place on privacy, and what they can do to enhance protection for the Personal Information ofall Data Subjects ‘© Unique User Identification: Employees each have a unique user 1D ‘assigned to thom, subject to sict confidentiality undertakings in terms of BR's password and confidentiality oly, © Passwords: BRI shal ensure that there are passwords required for any access to Personal Information in ne with ts password policy, Moreeaviertrigation titra SCs © Physical access and privileges: BRI ensures that access to Personal Iinormaton is inted 19 Employees on ‘need to know’ basis, and BRI Employees are required to stricy ute their unique user 1D and applicable passwords fo accoss same, © Backups: [BRI ensures that all Personal Information s backed-up regularly, based on ‘operational or legal requirements, and that back up testing Is conducted regularly inorder to ensure that Personal Information can be recoveredin the event that auch Personal Information is lost, ‘damaged or destroyed, © Malware protection: BRI ensures that iis environment has comprehensive matware protection software employed, which sofware Is _specficaly designed to protect BRI from the most recent malware infections © Systoms Review: BRI conducts regular reviews of its technical and organisational security measure system in order to ensure that al of the above securly measures are functioning effectively and applied consistent CORDS AND INFORMATION HELD B) “The information held by BRI includes information and records held in terms of other lecislatin [section 51(1(0(e, Some of the documents are fisted in Table attached hereto [No description of cocuments that are freely available was lodged in terms of section 52 ‘ofthe Act. [BRI holds to categories of documents and information: 'A: Information foaly availabe at payment ofa prescribed fee rebar igation ni ore eet Information ttt can only be obtained by a formal application and payment of the proscribed fe. In some instances, the records are only vallable to shareholders. Some records are destroyed from time to time, It is advisable, but not compulsory, to enquite from the Information Ofcer, whether a specific rceedis feel avallable porto lodging a formal application 5. RECORDS AVAILABLE IN TERMS OF OTHER LEGISLATION Information is avalatie in terms of he flowing legislation, and where applicable: + Basic Conditions of Employment Act No. 78 of 1907; + Compan Act No. 71 of 2008 + Cooperatives het, 14 of 2005; * Compensation of Occupational njuies and Diseases Act No, 120 of 1989; + Customs and Excise Act No, 8 of 1964; + Constitution ofthe Repubic of South Ace, 1986; * Consumer Prokction Act No‘ of 2008; + Copyrioht Act Ho, 68 of 1978, + Curency and Exchanges Act No.8 of 1993; *+ Electronic Communications and Transaction Act No. 25 of 2002; + Employment Eauity Act No, 85 of 1908; + nancial ittigence Cente Act No 38 of 2001; + Income Tax Ae No. 58 of 19625 + Liquor Act No, 89 of 2008; + Labour Relators Act No, 66 of 1995; + National Crest Act No.24 of 2006; + National Environmental Management Act No 107 of 1898; + Occupational Heath and Sat Aet No, 85 of 1993; + Patents Act No. 57 of 1978; + Prevention of Oganised crime Aet No. 121 of 1008; ee ne DN eT + Promotion of Access to Information Act No. 2of 2000; + rotation of ersonal Infomation Act No. of 2018; + Skis Development Act No.67 of 1988 + Skils Development Loves Act No.8 of 1988; + Shortterm Insurance Act no, 83 of 1968; +Tax Adhinistaton Act No.28 of 2011 + Trademark Aat No, 194 of 1983; + Transfer Duty Act No 40 of 1948; + Unemployment insurance Act No. 20 of 1968; + Unemployment insurance Contributions Act No, 4 of 2002 + Value Added Tax Act 89 of 1981 Records keptin terms ofthe above lapislation may, n certain instances (and insofar a8 the tnformation cortained therein is of a public nature) be available for inspection vwthout a person having to request access thereto in terms of PAIA. RIGHT OF ACCESS TO RECORDS OF PRIVATE BODIES (SECTION 50) 50/1)’ A Applicant must be given access to any record of a private body it {a} Thatrecord is requited forthe exercise or protection of any rights; {) That person complies with the procedural requirements in this act relaing fo the request of access to that record; and fe) Aacess to that record isnot refused informs of any grounds for refusal contemplated in Chapter 4 of Part 3 of the Promotional Access to Information Act. sk OR REFUSAL OF ACCESS TO RECORI “The orans or refusal of access to information of records are set out under Chapter 4of the Promation of Access to Information Act. 8 ow {EQUEST RECORDS ANDIOR. JATION (SEC ‘A request to access information of BRI must be noted inthe form attached to this ‘manual, Form B, Form Bis avaiable on request fom the Information Ofcer. Form B must be completed thoroughly and returned the Information Ofer by e-mail oF prepaid registered post APPLICANTS MUST CLEARLY DESCRISE THE RIGHT THEY WANT TO EXERCISE OR PROTECT |THE APPLICATION FoR 9, FEES IN RESPECT OF REQUEST FOR I TION 9.1 The fee for@ copy of he marusl as contemplated in Regulation 92C is R1-10 for every ‘photocopy ofan 4 sze page or part thereof 9.2 The fees forreproducton refered to in Regulation 11(1) a flows: 8) forevery photocopy ofa M4 size page of prt thereof ») every printed copy ofa Ad size page or part thereof on a computer or electronic or machine-readable form ©) fora copy in a computer readable form on o o @ ® o w i ow Msreecvier gation compact csk For a anseroton of visual mages for an Ad size page or pat, thoreet {for a copy of visual images for a tanscrpton of an audio record for an AA size page or part thereof for a copy on an aus record the request fee payable by an Applicant other than a personal ‘Applicant refer ton Regulation 11(2) the access fees payable by an Applicant referred to in Regulation 11(3) sas fellows Tor avery photacony of an Ad size page or part thereof for every copy of an Aé size page or part thereof hala fn a computor or in electronic or machine-readable form © for 8 copy in a computer readable form on (contact disk R140 Ros 70.00 0.00 Ra0-00 20.00 30.00 50.00 Roz 70-00 10, 1. 4. (forthe transcription of visual images, for an Ad R4O-00 tke page or part thereat (fora copy of visual images 00.00 € @ fer atraneerition ofan audio record, for an Aé 20-00 ‘28 page or part thereof (fora copy af an auc record 30-00 f (to search for and prepare the record for 3000 fiscosure, for each hour or part of an hour Teasonable requred Yor such search and reparation {or purposes of Section §4(2) of the Act, the following spate: ‘a. _sichoure asthe hous to be exceed for the deposits payable, . one thie of an access foe is payable as 8 deposit by the Applicant ©. The actual postage is payabie when 2 copy of @r60ord must be posted to an Apacs CONSIDERATION OF APPLICATION ‘The Information Cficer wil consider the application and within 30 (ity) days: communicate withthe Applicant regarding the fees payable. Ifthe application is granted the documentation will be supplied tothe Applicant, [REEUSAL OF APPLICATION I the application for information is refused the Information Officer will communicate the reasons for such refusal to the Applicant. ‘The Applicant may, within 30 (ity) days ater the refusal ofsuch application, bring an application to have te information officer's decision revised by a court with jurisdiction ‘over the matior. 12, PAYMENT OF FEES Payment ofall fees must be made tothe following bank aecount ‘Account name: Brevi Inigation (Py) Ltd Bank FNS Branch Code: 250-655 ‘Account Number: 5356 0660 464 Proof of payment must be delivered t the Information Officer, 1. ANNEXURES 424 Table A: Schedule of Records in terms of Section: 51(1)) and (e) 132 FormB: Request for Accassto records of Private Body 133 Annexure C: BRI Associated Affiliates ‘This PAIA - manual was adopted upon the date of signature thereof. Dated and signed at folk iu" conthis lt day of _ Nu 2001 Mrecniver tigation rt ae vopebusnU99%0%, vores x x BHC x mnrer TSH x soz AY oe asTRIeUS sai | ho x eazy | sepoveinys saunnin cans x pp zesey sp08 wbeven siopouereus ue sc7020) sao | Avo couepustly x ‘nosey ID x sey ean x pp eosze pupa Samos cas_| ho sowrey | sssoovoseus | ‘Soa oa x Eve jee, 20 was on x soiwey | puesioaia suasios’ ANNO wants [aennay| “aos | stevivay | sunamzonvany ‘31400 | svevaivay | ON SYNWBINI | NOWWISI31 30 swL ofiang on AurHeYTVAY Nava | Nowanosaa xs00319 soarens (©) aNy (p)s)48 :NOLOS 40 SWAIaL NI SaYOOSY JO TINGSHOS venetian soma vores x x ‘sreds | LOn TWIN “Hany. ‘SINSINDOG x x soieogor 301349 "SapIg SUES ‘04 ypel9 = gaa ‘seo; x ‘se0=u SINaWNOO. x 20061 saxoo3y | ood x pusieon x yeas x seeyaundoa x suoupei9 x 101900 SINaNaLVIS ‘9NUNNODO¥ x siooug wowheg x suns snunuse x ca x saut| _ savotsus39 Xv Twenusa Fravivav| vod” | anevuvay | sinanzonveuy ‘s3ld09_| s1evivay | LON. TYNAN ‘rand OL ALTIgvIVAY Nower9s30. ANODSLVa aoarans one s9605h vere, x x x x x x x TaN, SIWHSNO. x ‘SONSONOAS=RHCO | SONSGNOASTHUOD x S1VOWSED x ssanisng x SHO1HIA, 's30N39N1 x x ‘SaSUNOD x x ‘SLOVSINGD x Le 208, ‘s8eM S30 “ais 1 x Te-20g | sietag feuosied aaNNosead TaNNOSESE ares PY x ‘ah 208 vonsedsuy x BaTepuasSaLIOD | SONTONGASTIVOD WESNSS. venus miaviay|__¥Od | sTeVviIvAY | SLNSNaONVENY s3id0o_| S1aVivAY | _LON SWNMBINI | NOLWISI937 30 SWaSL ofend OL ALTIByIVAY NLOTaH | Nowaniossa ANoos1v9 assrans | FORM B REQUEST FOR ACCESS TO RECORDS OF PRIVATE BODY [Section 53(1) ofthe Promation of Accass to Information Act, 2000 ‘Act No. 2 of 2000)] [Regulation 10) ‘A. Particulars of private body The information Oficer BreéRiverIigation (Pty) Limited LINDIE STANDER ‘Tolophone Number: 427 23606 3161 Mobile Number 427 79.495 4960, Physical Address: Postal Address: 2 Cantition Sree, Roberson, P.0. Box 377, Robertson Western Cape Province Western Gape Province 6708, 6705, Ema hespso, Website Address: B. Particulars of person roquosting access tothe records (2) The pattcufars ofthe person who requosts acess to the record must be given below. (0) The actress and/or faxumberin the Republic fo which the information fo be sent must be given (0) roof ofthe capacity in ahich the request ie made, if applicable, must be attached. Full names and sumname Identity Number: Postal address: Fax number: “Tolophone number: E-mail address: Capacity in which request is made, winen mad on behalf of anather person ©. Particulars of person on whose behalf request is made This so6tion must be comeleted ONLY Wa request for hifrmation ie made on baha of a Full names and surname Identity Number: D lsresaiver tigation rt ee. D. Particulars of record (fo) Provide full particulars ofthe record to which access is requested, including the reference ‘number tha is known to you, to enable th record toe located. (0) It the provided spaces inadequate, pleasa continue on a separate folio and attach ito this form. The Applicant must sign al the addtional flls. Description of record or relevant part ofthe record: 2. Reference number, if available: 3, Any further particulars of record: Foes. (fe) A oquest for access 0 a record, other than a record containing personal information about ‘yourself willbe processed only afer @ request fee has bean pai. (0) Yowml'be notied othe amount required tobe paid as the request fee. (The fee payable for access to record depends on the frm which access fs required and the reasonable tina equred fo search for and propare a recor. (a) you qualify for exemption ofthe paymont of any fee, please state the reason for exemption. Reason for exemption frm payment of fees: F. Formof access to record [yor ae revo a iyo ead view sen thereon am of aces oie) forint fo4 horounder, stata your dsabity and indcate in which frm the ecard is req Disab Form in which ——=_. | Ts required ‘Mark the appropriate box with an X NOTES: fa) Compliance with your request in the specified form may depend on the form in which the record is available () acess inthe form requested may be refused in cetain circumstances. In such a case you til be informed if accass wil be granted in anther form. orerier gation (©) The fee payable for access tothe recor any, wl be determined party by te form in which cane ie maqesteh ithe recordis in written or printed form: Copy ofrecerd™ [epoction of resort 2 | Wrecord consists of vial images {this includes photographs, slides, video recordings, computer-generated images, sketches, ete. View te images copy ofthe anes? | Transcription 3.__| record consists of recorded words oF information which can be reproduced in sou sien fo the soundtrack Transcription of soundiracke (uo cassette) (orton or printed document) 4. | record is held on computer or in an electronic oF machine-readable form: Printed copy of record? Printed copy —— of Copy in computer Information dervad from readable form the recora" {sttty or compact disk * Tfyou requested a copy or transcription ofa record (above), dayou wish the | YES | NO’ ‘copy or transcription tebe posted to you? Postage is payable G. Particulars or right to be axercised or protected '"the provided space i inadequate, please continue on @ separate foo and attach ito this form. The Applicant must sign a the additonal folios. 1. Indicate which right tobe exeresed or protacted 2 Explain why the record requssted is required forthe exercise or protection ofthe aforementioned right. Notice of decision regarding request for access You wil be notified in vniting wheter your request has been approvedidenied. if you wish to bo informed in another manner, pleese spect the manner and provide the novessary poreulars 1 ‘enable compliance vith your requnst Mreenvier gation nat ee How would you prefer tobe informed ofthe decision regarding your request for access tothe record? Signed at ths day of 2, ‘SIGNATURE OF APPLICANTIPERSON (ON WHOSE BEHALF REQUEST IS MADE. cessive brigation oat re 7m ANNEXURE ¢ [BREERIVIER IRRIGATION ASSOCIATED AFFILIATES NOT APPLICABLE ocernier tigation rat ae

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