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This study is being carried out under the following subheading: background of
study, statement of problem, scope s the study, purpose of study, significance of
the study and research questions

Background of the Study

The library is the nerve center of academic activities in universities and is a

bank of knowledge with varied and useful information carried in different kinds of
material, each of which has its unique way of handling. The academic library is an
important agent in the pursuit of academic excellence in higher institution. Its
main goal, according to Umuakwe and Oyebinama (2009), is to support the
objectives of the host institution which has to do with learning, teaching, research
and administration. Academic libraries, according to Oyelude (2002), are libraries
that are found in tertiary institutions which include universities, polytechnics and
colleges of education. However, these academic libraries in universities are also
regarded as research libraries because among their objectives are the provision of
materials in support of postgraduate, faculty, external and collaborative
researches. This shows that libraries are very important in institutions of higher
learning because they assist the institutions to achieve their aims and objectives by
providing information that will meet the information needs of the users. It is also
evident that, the extent to which the institution is able to carry out its laudable
objectives portrays how well the institution’s library has been supportive in the
provision of all the essential information resources.
Academic libraries are crucial components of educational institutions,
serving as information hubs that support teaching, learning, and research
activities. In Imo State, Nigeria, academic libraries play a vital role in providing
students, faculty, and researchers with access to diverse and relevant information
resources. These resources include books, journals, electronic databases,
multimedia materials, and other forms of information necessary for academic

A deficient collection that is built on uninformed decision can have adverse

effects on the academic library and subsequently in attainment of the goals of the
parent institution. Therefore, every academic library requires a workable
information resource development policy to guide its decision on resource
development. The academic library is charged with the responsibility of ensuring
academic performance through collection building, maintenance access and use.
In addition, it supports the attainment of goals of its parent institution The
development of an academic library collection is not just the duty of the librarian;
it is a cooperative effort between librarians and the teaching faculties. A deficient
collection can have an adverse implication on the institution. It is because of this
that Olanlokun and Adekanye (2005) averred that it is imperative that the
collection must be developed in such a way that it will meet the aspiration of the
library patrons. This implies that it is only with adequate library collection policy
that academic libraries could reach the academic goals of their parent institutions.
As Chukwu (1998) pointed out, the major indicator of a good library is the quality
of its collection. Imo State is located in southeastern Nigeria and is home to
numerous tertiary institutions, including universities, polytechnics, and colleges of
education. The academic libraries within these institutions serve as knowledge
repositories and information centers, facilitating access to scholarly resources and
supporting the academic endeavors of students and faculty members.

According to Owusu-Ansah (2013), academic libraries in Nigeria face

various challenges, including inadequate funding, limited resources, and outdated
infrastructure. However, despite these challenges, academic libraries in Imo State
continue to strive towards providing quality information services to their users.
The management of academic libraries involves various activities, such as
collection development, cataloging and classification, circulation, reference
services, and information literacy instruction. Resource development policies form
the foundation of effective library management by guiding the acquisition,
organization, and maintenance of library collections. Resource development
policies are essential frameworks that outline strategies for acquiring relevant and
diverse resources, ensuring their accessibility to library users, and maintaining the
quality and relevance of the collections over time. These policies provide
guidelines for library administrators and staff on budget allocation, selection
criteria, collection assessment, and weeding practices.

In Imo State, academic libraries have recognized the importance of resource

development policies in enhancing their operations. However, the implementation
of these policies may face challenges due to factors such as limited funding,
inadequate staff expertise, and rapidly evolving information needs of library users.
Imo State, located in southeastern Nigeria, is home to several tertiary institutions,
including universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education. These institutions
rely on their academic libraries to support their educational objectives and provide
a conducive environment for teaching, learning, and research. The academic
libraries in Imo State serve as information repositories, offering access to a vast
array of scholarly resources and facilitating the intellectual growth of the
academic community.

Academic libraries play a crucial role in supporting the educational endeavors of

students, faculty, and researchers by providing access to diverse and relevant
information resources. In Imo State, Nigeria, academic libraries serve as essential
components of educational institutions, contributing to the dissemination of
knowledge and promoting intellectual growth. These libraries house extensive
collections of books, journals, electronic databases, multimedia materials, and
other resources that are vital for academic pursuits.

Despite the importance of academic libraries, they often face challenges in

Nigeria. Owusu-Ansah (2013) points out that inadequate funding, limited
resources, and outdated infrastructure are common challenges faced by academic
libraries in the country. These challenges can affect the ability of libraries to
acquire and maintain up-to-date collections, provide quality services, and meet the
evolving information needs of their users. However, academic libraries in Imo
State continue to strive towards overcoming these challenges and providing
valuable resources and services to their users.

Effective library management requires the formulation and implementation of

resource development policies. Resource development policies serve as guidelines
for acquiring, organizing, and maintaining library collections to meet the
information needs of users. These policies play a crucial role in ensuring that
academic libraries have the necessary resources and services to support the
educational goals of their institutions.
However, academic libraries in Nigeria, including those in Imo State, face several
challenges. One prominent challenge is the issue of inadequate funding. Owusu-
Ansah (2013) highlights that insufficient financial resources allocated to academic
libraries hinder their ability to acquire new resources, upgrade infrastructure, and
provide quality services. Limited funding also affects the ability to subscribe to
expensive electronic databases and journals, restricting access to cutting-edge
research materials.

To manage their collections effectively, academic libraries rely on resource

development policies. Resource development policies serve as guiding
frameworks that outline strategies and procedures for acquiring, organizing, and
maintaining library collections. These policies help ensure that academic libraries
have diverse and relevant resources to meet the educational and research needs of
their users.

Resource development policies encompass various aspects, such as budget

allocation, selection criteria, collection assessment, preservation, and weeding
practices. They provide a roadmap for library administrators and staff to make
informed decisions about resource acquisition and management, ensuring that the
collections align with the institution's curriculum, research focus, and evolving
information needs (Isioma & Nwosu, 2018).

Furthermore, academic libraries in Imo State often struggle with limited resources
and outdated infrastructure. The availability of physical space, shelving, seating,
and equipment poses challenges in accommodating the growing collections and
meeting the diverse needs of users. Inadequate infrastructure and outdated
technologies hinder efficient library operations, including cataloging, circulation,
and access to electronic resources .Limited resources and outdated infrastructure
further exacerbate the challenges faced by academic libraries in Imo State. The
availability of physical space, shelving, seating, and equipment can pose
significant obstacles in accommodating the growing collections and meeting the
diverse needs of library users. As highlighted by Akpa (2020), many academic
libraries in Nigeria lack modern technologies and infrastructure, which adversely
impacts their operations, including cataloging, circulation, and access to electronic

Implementing effective resource development policies is crucial for academic

libraries in Imo State to address the challenges they face. As noted by Isioma and
Nwosu (2018), resource development policies enable libraries to optimize their
limited resources, prioritize acquisitions based on user needs and curriculum
requirements, and ensure the relevance and quality of the collections. These
policies also provide a framework for evaluating and preserving materials, as well
as strategically removing outdated or underutilized items from the collection.

Statement of the Problem

Academic libraries in Imo State, Nigeria, face several challenges in the effective
implementation of resource development policies. These challenges hinder the
libraries' ability to optimize their limited resources, meet the information needs of
their users, and provide quality services. The following problems have been
identified: Inadequate Funding: Academic libraries in Imo State in some
cases,grapple with limited financial resources, which hinder their ability to acquire
new resources, update collections, and provide necessary services. Insufficient
funding restricts their capacity to subscribe to expensive electronic databases and
journals, leading to limited access to current research materials (Owusu-Ansah,
2013). Limited Resources and Outdated Infrastructure: The availability of
physical space, shelving, seating, and equipment poses significant challenges for
academic libraries in Imo State. Inadequate resources and outdated infrastructure
hinder the efficient organization, management, and access to library collections,
impacting library operations and services. Lack of Expertise: The absence of
continuous professional development programs and training opportunities for
library staff can impede the effective implementation of resource development
policies. The lack of expertise and knowledge in modern collection management
practices, technological advancements, and evolving user needs may hinder the
libraries' ability to make informed decisions. Evolving Information Needs: The
changing information landscape and user preferences pose challenges for
academic libraries. With the emergence of digital resources and technologies,
users expect seamless access to a wide range of electronic resources. Failure to
align resource development policies with these evolving needs may lead to a
disconnect between the collections and services offered by the libraries and the
expectations of the users (Nkiko et al., 2019).

These problems underscore the need to critically examine the implementation of

resource development policies in academic libraries in Imo State. Addressing
these challenges is crucial for improving the management of library collections,
enhancing user satisfaction, and ensuring the libraries' relevance and effectiveness
in supporting teaching, learning, and research activities.
Therefore, this study aims to investigate the current state of resource development
policies, identify the challenges faced by academic libraries in their
implementation, and provide recommendations to overcome these challenges. By
addressing these problems, the study seeks to contribute to the enhancement of
library management practices and the effective utilization of resources in
academic libraries in Imo State.

Scope of the Study

This study focuses on the implementation of resource development policies in the

management of academic libraries in Imo State, Nigeria. Specifically, it aims to
examine the current state of resource development policies, identify challenges in
their implementation, and provide recommendations for improvement. The study
will primarily concentrate on academic libraries within Imo State, including
libraries in universities, polytechnics, and colleges of education. These institutions
represent the major stakeholders in higher education and have academic libraries
that cater to the information needs of students, faculty, and researchers.

The scope of the study encompasses various dimensions of resource development

policies, including budget allocation, selection criteria, collection assessment,
preservation, and weeding practices. It seeks to understand the existing policies
and practices employed by academic libraries in Imo State and evaluate their
effectiveness in addressing the challenges faced by these libraries.

Significance of the Study

The implementation of resource development policies in academic libraries in Imo

State holds significant importance. By examining the current state of these
policies and identifying challenges in their implementation, this study aims to
contribute to the improvement of library management practices and address the
specific needs and constraints faced by academic libraries in Imo State.

The findings of this study will provide valuable insights into the strengths and
weaknesses of existing resource development policies in academic libraries in Imo
State. This knowledge will enable library administrators and policymakers to
make informed decisions regarding resource allocation, collection development,
and management. By identifying areas of improvement, such as budget allocation
strategies, collection assessment criteria, or preservation practices, this study can
help enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of resource development practices in
academic libraries.

Furthermore, understanding the challenges faced by academic libraries in

implementing resource development policies is crucial for developing targeted
solutions. This study will identify barriers and obstacles that hinder the effective
implementation of resource development policies in academic libraries in Imo
State. One of the significant challenges is the issue of limited funding. According
to Onyancha and Omwocha (2018), inadequate funding is a prevalent challenge
faced by academic libraries in Nigeria, resulting in difficulties in acquiring new
resources, updating collections, and providing necessary services to library users.

Furthermore, the changing information needs and preferences of library users pose
a challenge for academic libraries. As stated by Nkiko et al. (2019), the emergence
of digital resources and technologies has transformed the way users seek and
access information. Academic libraries must adapt to these changing information
landscapes and align their resource development policies with the evolving needs
and preferences of their users. Failure to do so may lead to a disconnect between
the collections and services offered by the libraries and the expectations of the

By addressing these challenges, this study aims to contribute to the enhancement

of resource development policies in academic libraries in Imo State. It seeks to
provide recommendations and strategies to overcome barriers such as limited
funding, lack of expertise, and changing information needs. The findings of this
study will help academic libraries in Imo State better align their resource
development policies with the needs of their users and improve the overall
management and effectiveness of their collections.

Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to investigate the implementation of resource

development policies in the management of academic libraries in Imo State,
Nigeria. The study aims to achieve the following specific objectives:

1. To ascertain the existing resource development policies in academic libraries in

Imo State.

2. To establish the extent of compliance to resource development policies.

3. To explore the impact of resource development policies on library management.

4. To identify the challenges faced in implementing resource development policies.

Research Questions
To guide the study, the following research questions will be addressed:

1. What is the existing resource development policies in academic libraries in Imo


2. What are the extent of compliance to resource development policies?

3. How do resource development policies impact library management?

4. What are challenges faced in implementing resource development policies?


This chapter presents a comprehensive review of the relevant literature on the

implementation of resource development policies in the management of academic
libraries. The literature review aims to provide a theoretical foundation and a
broader understanding of the key concepts, issues, and challenges associated with
resource development policies in academic library management. It encompasses
studies, research articles, reports, and scholarly works that are pertinent to the
research topic.

Concept of Academic Library

The concept of an academic library is central to understanding the context in

which resource development policies are implemented. Academic libraries play a
vital role in supporting the teaching, learning, and research activities of academic
institutions. They serve as repositories of knowledge, providing access to a wide
range of information resources and services to students, faculty, and researchers.

An academic library is a specialized library that supports the teaching, learning,

and research needs of an academic institution, such as a university or college. It
serves as a hub of information resources, services, and expertise for students,
faculty, researchers, and the broader academic community. The academic library
plays a crucial role in providing access to a diverse range of materials, promoting
information literacy, and fostering scholarly communication.

Role of Academic Libraries

Academic libraries are designed to meet the unique information needs of the
academic community. According to Haricombe (2017), the primary roles of
academic libraries include:

1. Supporting Teaching and Learning: Academic libraries provide resources and

services to support the curriculum and enhance the learning experience of
students. They offer access to textbooks, scholarly articles, databases, and other
educational materials that supplement classroom instruction. Librarians assist
students in locating and utilizing information effectively, developing information
literacy skills that are crucial for academic success.

2. Facilitating Research: Academic libraries are essential for facilitating research

activities within academic institutions. They provide access to a vast collection of
scholarly resources, including books, journals, databases, and archival materials.
Librarians collaborate with researchers, offering assistance in conducting
literature reviews, accessing relevant sources, and managing research data.
Academic libraries also serve as intellectual hubs, fostering interdisciplinary
collaborations and knowledge exchange.

3. Preserving and Archiving Knowledge: Academic libraries play a critical role in

preserving and archiving intellectual works. They collect and curate a wide range
of materials, including books, manuscripts, theses, dissertations, and digital
resources. Through preservation practices, academic libraries ensure the long-term
availability and accessibility of valuable scholarly materials for future generations.

4. Supporting Information Access: Academic libraries strive to provide seamless

access to information resources. They employ various technologies, such as online
catalogs, electronic resource management systems, and digital repositories, to
enable users to discover and access resources conveniently. Librarians also assist
users in navigating information sources effectively, promoting information
literacy and critical thinking skills.

components of resource development policies include:

Collection Scope and Priorities: Resource development policies define the scope
of the library's collection, specifying subject areas, formats (print, electronic), and
types of resources (books, journals,

Resource development policies

Resource development policies in academic libraries are comprehensive strategies

that govern the acquisition, management, and distribution of various materials and
services within the library. These policies are designed to align with the goals and
objectives of the academic institution, ensuring that the library's collections and
resources effectively support teaching, learning, and research activities.

Resource development policies encompass a range of considerations, including

budget allocation, collection scope, selection criteria, technological integration,
copyright compliance, open access initiatives, preservation efforts, user services,
and evaluation strategies. These policies are crucial for maintaining a dynamic and
relevant collection that meets the evolving needs of students, faculty, researchers,
and other library users.

Collection Scope and Priorities: Resource development policies define the scope
and subject areas that the library's collections will cover. They outline the
academic disciplines, research interests, and programs that the library aims to
support. For example, a policy might emphasize a strong collection in STEM
subjects for a university with a focus on science and technology education.

Selection Criteria: Policies establish criteria for selecting new materials to be

added to the library's collection. These criteria often consider factors such as
relevance to the curriculum, scholarly significance, reputation of the author or
publisher, and alignment with the institution's mission.

Budget Allocation: One of the most critical aspects of resource development

policies is budget allocation. These policies determine how available funds will be
distributed among various categories such as print books, electronic resources,
journals, databases, and technological infrastructure.

Collaboration and Consortia: Resource development policies might address

collaboration with other libraries or consortia. These partnerships enable cost-
sharing for expensive resources, wider access to materials, and reduced
duplication of efforts.

Technological Integration: With the digital transformation of libraries, resource

development policies now often address the integration of technology. This
includes the acquisition and management of electronic resources, digital platforms
for resource discovery, and electronic document delivery systems.

Open Access and OER: Many academic libraries are embracing open access and
open educational resources (OER). Resource development policies can include
strategies for promoting and integrating open access materials, which align with
the principles of accessibility, affordability, and knowledge sharing.
Copyright Compliance: Resource development policies ensure compliance with
copyright laws and licensing agreements when acquiring and providing access to
materials. They outline procedures for obtaining necessary permissions and
managing copyright-related issues.

User Services: Resource development policies extend to user services. They can
cover areas such as interlibrary loan services, document delivery, reference
assistance, and support for research. Policies ensure that these services are aligned
with the library's collections and resources.

Assessment and Evaluation: An essential aspect of resource development policies

is the establishment of methods for evaluating the effectiveness and impact of
resources and services. These policies define approaches to gathering user
feedback, analyzing usage statistics, and making data-driven decisions to enhance
the collection's quality and relevance.

Types of Resource Development

Resource development in the context of libraries encompasses a wide range of

activities aimed at acquiring, managing, and providing access to various types of
resources that support the educational, research, and information needs of users.
Here are some types of resource development in academic libraries:

Print Resources: Print resources include physical materials such as books,

journals, magazines, newspapers, and other print publications. Libraries acquire
these resources through purchasing, subscriptions, and donations. Effective
resource development policies guide decisions about the topics, disciplines, and
formats of print resources to be added to the collection.
Electronic Resources: Electronic resources encompass digital materials that are
accessible online. This category includes electronic journals, e-books, databases,
multimedia content, and other digital collections. Resource development policies
for electronic resources address licensing, access, and management of these digital

Open Access Materials: Open access resources are freely accessible digital
materials that can be used, shared, and repurposed by users. Resource
development policies can include strategies for identifying, acquiring, and
promoting open access content that aligns with the institution's educational

Open Educational Resources (OER): OER are educational materials openly

available for use, modification, and sharing. These include textbooks, lecture
notes, videos, and more. Resource development policies can encourage the
integration of OER in educational programs and provide guidelines for faculty

Digital Repositories: Digital repositories store and provide access to institutional

research outputs, student theses, scholarly articles, and other digital content
produced within the institution. Resource development policies for digital
repositories outline content submission procedures, metadata standards, and
access protocols.

Special Collections: Special collections encompass unique and rare materials such
as manuscripts, archives, historical documents, and artifacts. Resource
development policies for special collections address acquisition strategies,
preservation efforts, and guidelines for promoting these materials to researchers
and scholars.

Media and Audiovisual Resources: Media resources include DVDs, CDs,

streaming videos, and audio recordings. Libraries may have resource development
policies that govern the acquisition, cataloging, and access to these types of

Databases and Indexes: Databases and indexes provide access to a wide range of
scholarly and reference materials, including academic journals, research articles,
abstracts, and citation databases. Policies for these resources focus on selection
criteria, subscription management, and ensuring comprehensive coverage of
relevant disciplines.

Government Publications: Libraries often house government documents and

publications from local, national, and international bodies. Resource development
policies guide the acquisition, cataloging, and accessibility of these materials.

Data Sets and Research Outputs: As data sharing becomes more prominent,
resource development policies may address the acquisition and curation of
research data sets, ensuring proper metadata, access, and compliance with data
sharing requirements.

Educational Technology: Some libraries develop resources related to educational

technology, including learning management system integrations, interactive
tutorials, and digital tools that enhance teaching and learning.
Resource development policies vary based on the specific needs and objectives of
each academic library. These policies guide the strategic allocation of resources,
the selection of materials, and the overall enhancement of library collections and
services to meet the diverse requirements of the academic community.

collection development

Collection development, also known as collection management or acquisitions,

refers to the systematic process that academic libraries use to build and maintain
their collections of resources to support the teaching, learning, and research needs
of their user community. It involves strategic decision-making about what
materials to acquire, how to acquire them, and how to manage and maintain the
collections over time. The goal of collection development is to create a balanced
and relevant collection that aligns with the institution's academic programs and
user needs.

Components Of Collection Development:

Needs Assessment: Libraries assess the information needs of their users, including
students, faculty, and researchers. Understanding the curriculum, research areas,
and interests of the academic community helps guide the selection of resources.

Selection Policies: Libraries establish clear policies outlining the criteria for
selecting materials to be added to the collection. These criteria consider factors
such as relevance, quality, authority, and academic significance.
Budget Allocation: Collection development requires budget allocation to acquire
materials. Libraries allocate funds based on the priorities set in the collection
development policy, balancing the acquisition of print and electronic resources.

Acquisitions Methods: Libraries employ various methods to acquire materials,

including purchasing from vendors, subscriptions to journals and databases,
donations, interlibrary loan, and participation in consortia for cooperative

Format Diversity: Collection development policies address the diversity of

formats, including print books, e-books, journals, audiovisual materials, digital
collections, and more. The mix of formats depends on user preferences and
educational needs.

Collaboration and Consortia: Libraries collaborate with other institutions or

consortia to share resources, reduce costs, and expand access to a wider range of

Continuous Evaluation: Collection assessment and evaluation are ongoing

processes to ensure the collection remains relevant and up-to-date. Usage
statistics, user feedback, and academic program changes inform decisions.

Digital Resources: With the digital shift, collection development policies now
encompass electronic resources, including e-books, databases, and online journals.
Policies address licensing, access, and management of these resources.
Special Collections: Libraries often have special collections of rare and unique
materials. Policies for these collections cover acquisition, preservation, and access

Best Practices in Library Collection Development

Best practices in library collection development provide guidelines and

recommendations for effective resource management. These practices are
informed by research, professional standards, and the experiences of successful
library operations.

The American Library Association (ALA) offers guidelines and resources for
collection development in academic libraries. The ALA's Collection Development
and Evaluation Section (CODES) provides resources on selection policies,
collection assessment, and preservation practices. The ALA's Guide to Policies
and Procedures for Collection Development serves as a valuable reference for
academic libraries in developing and implementing resource development policies
(American Library Association, 2016).

Additionally, the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions

(IFLA) provides guidelines and standards for collection development. The IFLA's
Acquisition and Collection Development Section offers resources on various
aspects of collection development, including resource selection, acquisition
methods, and collection evaluation (IFLA Acquisition and Collection
Development Section, n.d.)..

Importance of Resources Development Policies

The importance of resource development policies in academic libraries lies in
their ability to ensure the strategic acquisition, management, and utilization of
resources to meet the information needs of users and support the mission of the
institution. These policies provide guidelines and frameworks for librarians and
library administrators to make informed decisions regarding resource selection,
budget allocation, collection assessment, and preservation practices.

1. Strategic Resource Allocation: Resource development policies help academic

libraries align their collection development efforts with the goals and objectives of
the institution. By setting clear priorities and criteria for resource selection, these
policies enable libraries to strategically allocate their budget and resources to
areas that best support the curriculum, research focus, and needs of the academic

According to Taylor (2017), resource development policies ensure that the

acquisition of new resources aligns with the educational and research goals of the
institution, enhancing the overall quality and relevance of the library collection.

2. Evidence-based Decision Making: Resource development policies incorporate

assessment methods and data-driven approaches to guide decision-making
processes. Through collection assessment techniques such as citation analysis,
circulation statistics, and user surveys, libraries can gather valuable insights about
the usage, relevance, and impact of resources.

Connaway and Powell (2010) highlight that resource development policies based
on evidence help libraries make informed decisions about resource allocation,
deselection of outdated materials, and identification of gaps in the collection,
leading to improved user satisfaction and increased resource effectiveness.

3. Maximizing Budget Efficiency: Academic libraries operate within limited

financial resources, and effective resource development policies play a crucial role
in optimizing budget allocation. These policies provide frameworks for assessing
the cost-effectiveness of resources, considering factors such as usage patterns,
subscription fees, and alternative access options.

Choudhury and Choudhury (2018) emphasize that resource development policies

guide budgeting decisions, ensuring that funds are allocated strategically to
acquire resources that provide the greatest value and meet the information needs
of users within the available budgetary constraints.

4. Collection Diversity and Inclusivity: Resource development policies support the

development of diverse and inclusive collections that represent the various
perspectives, voices, and experiences of the academic community. These policies
provide guidelines for librarians to consider factors such as diversity of authors,
subjects, and formats when selecting resources.

The American Library Association (ALA) emphasizes the importance of diversity

and inclusion in collection development and provides resources and guidelines for
libraries to develop policies that reflect these values (American Library
Association, 2019).

Resource development policies are vital for academic libraries as they ensure
strategic resource allocation, evidence-based decision-making, efficient budget
utilization, and the development of diverse and inclusive collections. These
policies enable libraries to effectively meet the information needs of users, support
teaching and research, and fulfill the mission of the institution.

Challenges in implementing resource development policies

Implementing resource development policies in academic libraries can be

challenging due to various factors that may hinder their effective execution. These
challenges can arise from internal and external factors, and they can impact the
acquisition, management, and utilization of resources. In this section, we will
discuss some of the key challenges faced in implementing resource development
policies in academic libraries, supported by relevant citations.

1. Budgetary Constraints:

One of the primary challenges in implementing resource development policies is

limited financial resources. Academic libraries often face budget constraints that
can hinder their ability to acquire new resources or maintain existing ones.
According to Chowdhury and Choudhury (2018), inadequate funding can lead to
difficulties in meeting the diverse information needs of users and may restrict the
scope of resource development initiatives.

2. Rapidly Evolving Information Landscape: The dynamic nature of the

information landscape poses challenges in resource development. Emerging
technologies, changing user preferences, and evolving scholarly communication
models require libraries to continuously adapt their resource development
strategies. As noted by Yu and Young (2020), the fast-paced nature of information
advancements can make it challenging for libraries to keep pace and effectively
allocate resources to meet evolving user demands.
3. Digital Resource Management: The increasing reliance on digital resources
brings forth challenges in managing electronic collections. Licensing agreements,
copyright restrictions, and technological infrastructure requirements pose
obstacles to the acquisition and management of digital resources. As mentioned
by Tenopir et al. (2013), the complexities associated with digital resource
management can hinder the implementation of resource development policies in
academic libraries.

4. Evaluation of Resource Effectiveness: Measuring the effectiveness and impact

of resources is a challenge faced by many academic libraries. Determining the
value and impact of resources in supporting teaching, learning, and research can
be complex. As highlighted by Bates and Maack (2019), assessing resource usage,
user satisfaction, and impact on research outcomes is crucial but requires
dedicated evaluation methodologies and tools.

5. Changing User Needs: The evolving needs and expectations of library users
present challenges in aligning resource development policies with user
requirements. User demographics, disciplinary differences, and emerging research
areas require libraries to constantly reassess their resource development strategies.
According to Connaway and Powell (2010), understanding and addressing the
changing needs of diverse user groups can be demanding, impacting the
implementation of resource development policies.

6. Collaborative Decision Making: Resource development policies often involve

collaborative decision-making processes that include input from library staff,
faculty, and other stakeholders. Achieving consensus and coordinating efforts
among various stakeholders can be challenging, leading to delays in policy
implementation. As emphasized by Taylor (2017), the complexity of decision-
making processes involving multiple stakeholders can pose obstacles in the
execution of resource development policies.

7. Shifting Publishing Landscape: The evolving landscape of scholarly publishing

presents challenges in resource development and acquisition. The rising costs of
journal subscriptions and the emergence of new publishing models, such as open
access, impact the availability and affordability of resources. According to
Bergstrom et al. (2014), these challenges can disrupt the traditional resource
development practices and require libraries to reassess their strategies for
acquiring scholarly materials.

8. Technological Infrastructure: Effective implementation of resource

development policies requires robust technological infrastructure to support
resource discovery, access, and management. Inadequate technological
infrastructure can hinder the smooth integration of digital resources and limit the
ability to leverage advanced technologies for efficient resource development. As
noted by Lewis (2016), libraries need to invest in appropriate technology and
infrastructure to ensure the successful implementation of resource development

9. Balancing Collection Diversity: Academic libraries strive to maintain diverse

collections that represent various disciplines, perspectives, and formats. However,
balancing the need for diversity with limited resources can be challenging. The
process of resource selection involves making difficult decisions to accommodate
different subject areas, formats, and user preferences within budgetary constraints.
As emphasized by Johnson (2018), libraries face the challenge of achieving a
balance between collection diversity and resource availability.

10.Copyright and Licensing Issues: Navigating copyright and licensing restrictions

can pose challenges in the implementation of resource development policies.
Libraries need to comply with copyright laws and licensing agreements when
acquiring and providing access to resources. Complexities related to fair use,
digital rights management, and license negotiations can impact the timely
acquisition and availability of resources. According to Crews (2012),
understanding and managing copyright issues is crucial for libraries in the
implementation of resource development policies.

11.Staff Expertise and Workload: Implementing resource development policies

requires knowledgeable and skilled library staff who can effectively evaluate,
select, and manage resources. Staff expertise in emerging subject areas,
information technologies, and scholarly communication practices is vital.
However, staff shortages, limited training opportunities, and heavy workloads can
hinder the implementation of resource development policies. As highlighted by
Sturges and Neill (2016), libraries need to invest in professional development and
ensure adequate staffing to overcome these challenges.

12.Changing Scholarly Communication Models: The shift towards digital

scholarship, open access publishing, and alternative research outputs introduces
new challenges in resource development. Libraries need to adapt their policies to
accommodate emerging formats and support non-traditional scholarly outputs.
The implementation of resource development policies should consider these
changes to ensure the inclusion of relevant resources and support for innovative
research practices. According to Gargouri et al. (2012), libraries need to address
the challenges posed by changing scholarly communication models in their
resource development strategies.

The implementation of resource development policies in academic libraries faces

several challenges related to budget constraints, the rapidly evolving information
landscape, digital resource management, evaluating resource effectiveness,
changing user needs, collaborative decision making, shifting publishing
landscape, technological infrastructure, balancing collection diversity, copyright
and licensing issues, staff expertise and workload, and changing scholarly
communication models. Understanding these challenges and taking proactive
measures to address them are crucial for academic libraries to effectively manage
their resources and support the evolving needs of their users.

Management of Academic Libraries

1. Strategic Planning and Leadership: Effective management of academic libraries

requires strategic planning and strong leadership. Strategic planning helps libraries
align their goals and objectives with the mission of the institution and adapt to
changing user needs and technological advancements. Leadership plays a crucial
role in guiding library staff, fostering collaboration, and ensuring the efficient use
of resources.

According to Harris (2015), strategic planning enables libraries to identify

priorities, allocate resources effectively, and respond to the evolving information
landscape, while Koufogiannakis and Wiebe (2018) emphasize the importance of
leadership in setting a clear vision, promoting innovation, & advocating for the
library's role within the institution.

2. Collection Development and Management: Collection development and

management is a fundamental aspect of library management. It involves acquiring,
organizing, and maintaining library materials to support the teaching, learning,
and research needs of the academic community. Collection development policies,
budget allocation, and selection criteria are key components of effective collection

According to Johnson (2018), collection development policies provide a

framework for strategic decision-making, while Disher and Kyrillidou (2018)
highlight the importance of data-driven collection management techniques, such
as usage statistics and user feedback, for informed decision-making.

3. Information Literacy and User Services: Academic libraries play a vital role in
promoting information literacy skills among users. They provide instruction and
support in locating, evaluating, and using information resources effectively. User
services encompass reference assistance, library orientations, information literacy
workshops, and interlibrary loan services. As noted by Association of College and
Research Libraries (2015), information literacy instruction fosters critical thinking
and lifelong learning skills. Furthermore, quality user services enhance the user
experience and contribute to user satisfaction, as mentioned by Paraschiv and
Farcas (2019).

4. Technology Integration and Digital Services: The integration of technology is

essential for managing academic libraries in the digital age. Libraries must adopt
and leverage appropriate technologies to enhance access to digital resources,
streamline workflows, and provide innovative services to users.

According to Breeding (2017), libraries need to implement robust library

management systems, discovery tools, and digital repositories to facilitate
resource discovery and access. Furthermore, the provision of digital services, such
as online databases, e-books, and virtual reference assistance, is crucial for
meeting the evolving needs of users (Paraschiv & Farcas, 2019).

5. Collaboration and Partnerships: Collaboration and partnerships are essential for

effective library management. Collaboration within the institution and with
external stakeholders, such as other libraries, faculty, and publishers, can lead to
resource sharing, joint initiatives, and cost savings. As emphasized by Fister
(2015), collaborative efforts enable libraries to pool resources, expertise, and
collections for the benefit of users. Furthermore, partnerships with faculty
members and researchers facilitate the integration of library resources into the
curriculum and research activities (Koufogiannakis & Wiebe, 2018).

6. Assessment and Continuous Improvement: Library management involves the

ongoing assessment of services, resources, and user needs. Assessment
methodologies, such as user surveys, focus groups, and usage statistics, help
libraries evaluate the effectiveness of their operations and make data-informed
decisions for improvement. According to Oakleaf (2018), assessment provides
valuable insights into user satisfaction, resource usage, and library impact. It
enables libraries to identify areas for improvement, implement evidence-based
changes, and demonstrate the value of library services to stakeholders. The
management of academic libraries requires strategic planning, effective
leadership, collection development and management, information literacy
initiatives, technology integration, collaboration and partnerships, as well as
continuous assessment for improvement. These elements contribute to the
efficient delivery of services, support for teaching and research

Strategies for Effective Resource Development Policy

1. Conducting Needs Assessment: A thorough needs assessment is essential to

identify the specific resource requirements of the academic community. This
involves gathering input from faculty, students, and researchers to understand
their information needs and preferences. The needs assessment can include
surveys, focus groups, and interviews.

According to Fosmire and Radcliffe (2019), conducting a needs assessment helps

libraries align their resource development policies with the actual demands of
users. It ensures that the library acquires resources that are relevant and useful for
the academic community.

2. Developing a Collection Development Policy: A well-defined collection

development policy serves as a guiding document for resource acquisition and
management. It outlines the library's collection priorities, selection criteria, and
procedures for acquiring new resources. The policy should reflect the institution's
mission, the needs of the academic programs, and the preferences of library users.

As stated by Johnson (2018), a collection development policy provides a

framework for consistent decision-making and ensures transparency in the
resource acquisition process. It helps librarians make informed choices about
resource selection and allocation of budgetary resources.
3. Engaging in Collaborative Resource Sharing: Collaboration and resource
sharing among libraries can significantly enhance the availability of resources for
all institutions involved. By participating in consortia or cooperative agreements,
libraries can pool their resources, negotiate better pricing, and provide access to a
wider range of materials.

As highlighted by Koufogiannakis and Wiebe (2018), collaborative resource

sharing initiatives enable academic libraries to expand their collections without
incurring the full costs of individual acquisitions. This strategy promotes efficient
resource allocation and maximizes the benefits for library users.

4. Embracing Open Access and Open Educational Resources: Open access and
open educational resources (OER) are valuable components of an effective
resource development strategy. Open access publications and OER materials are
freely available to users, eliminating financial barriers and enhancing accessibility
to scholarly content.

According to Swan (2012), adopting open access and OER initiatives can expand
the range of resources available to the academic community and increase the
visibility of scholarly outputs. It also aligns with the principles of openness,
affordability, and equity in education and research.

5. Establishing Partnerships with Publishers and Vendors: Building strong

relationships with publishers and vendors can facilitate favorable terms for
resource acquisition. Libraries can negotiate discounts, licensing agreements, and
access to digital content by establishing partnerships with publishers and vendors.
As noted by Raju and Kumar (2021), collaborative partnerships with publishers
and vendors enable libraries to optimize their budgets and gain access to a broader
range of resources. These relationships can lead to cost-effective resource
development and increased availability of scholarly materials.

6. Continuous Evaluation and Assessment: Regular evaluation and assessment of

resource usage and impact are crucial for effective resource development policies.
Libraries should analyze resource usage statistics, gather user feedback, and
measure the impact of resources on teaching, learning, and research outcomes.

According to Oakleaf (2018), continuous evaluation enables libraries to make

evidence-based decisions about resource allocation, subscription renewals, and
resource deselection. It ensures that resources align with user needs, supports the
mission of the institution, and justifies budgetary investments.

Effective resource development policies in academic libraries involve conducting

needs assessments, developing collection development policies, engaging in
collaborative resource sharing, embracing open access and OER, establishing
partnerships with publishers and vendors, and implementing continuous
evaluation and assessment practices. These strategies contribute to the efficient
allocation of resources, alignment with user needs, and enhanced accessibility to
valuable scholarly materials.

Theoretical Framework

Two key theories formed the foundation for this study. They are:

 Resource- based view (RBV)

 Institutional Theory

Resource-Based View (RBV)

Resource-Based View (RBV) was Propounded in 1991 by Barney:The Resource-

Based View (RBV) emphasizes that a firm's competitive advantage is derived
from its unique bundle of resources and capabilities (Barney, 1991). In the context
of academic libraries, the RBV framework provides insights into the library's
resources and their strategic importance in resource development policies.

In this study, the RBV framework enables a thorough examination of the specific
resources possessed by academic libraries in Imo State. These resources can
include physical collections, digital databases, technology infrastructure, skilled
staff, and collaborative networks. By analyzing these resources, the study can
identify the library's unique capabilities and competencies that contribute to its
competitive advantage in providing information services to the academic

Moreover, the RBV framework helps assess the effectiveness of resource

development policies by examining how the library's resources are acquired,
managed, and utilized. It enables an evaluation of resource allocation strategies,
such as budget allocation, collection development policies, and technology
adoption, in aligning with user needs and supporting the library's objectives.

By utilizing the RBV framework, this study can explore how academic libraries in
Imo State leverage their unique resources and capabilities to develop and
implement effective resource development policies. It allows for an analysis of
how resource allocation decisions impact the library's ability to meet the evolving
information needs of faculty, students, and researchers.

Institutional Theory

Institutional Theory was Propounded in 1977 by Meyer and Rowan, Institutional

Theory focuses on the external influences and institutional pressures that shape an
organization's behavior and practices (Meyer & Rowan, 1977). For academic
libraries, Institutional Theory provides a lens to understand the impact of external
factors on resource development policies.

In this study, Institutional Theory helps examine the institutional environment in

which academic libraries in Imo State operate. This includes government policies,
university regulations, accreditation standards, and professional norms. These
external influences shape the expectations and practices of academic libraries. By
applying Institutional Theory, the study can assess how these external forces
influence resource development policies. It explores how government policies on
education, research funding, and library standards shape the library's resource
allocation decisions. It also considers how the library conforms to institutional
norms and practices to gain legitimacy and maintain its position within the
academic community.

Furthermore, Institutional Theory highlights the role of professional networks and

associations in shaping resource development policies. It investigates how
libraries collaborate with other institutions, consortia, and vendors to share
resources, negotiate licensing agreements, and optimize resource acquisition. By
incorporating Institutional Theory into the study, the research will gain a deeper
understanding of the external influences that shape resource development policies
in academic libraries in Imo State. It will explore how libraries navigate
institutional pressures and align their practices with the expectations of the larger
academic environment.

The Resource-Based View (RBV) and Institutional Theory provide valuable

theoretical frameworks for examining resource development policies in academic
libraries in Imo State. The RBV framework focuses on the library's internal
resources and capabilities, while Institutional Theory explores the external
institutional pressures and influences. By integrating these frameworks, the study
gains insights into how academic libraries leverage their resources, navigate
institutional constraints, and develop effective resource development policies to
meet the information needs of the academic community.

Review of Empirical Studies

Jennifer eze (2017) carried out a study with the aim of examining the
implementation of collection development policies in Alvan Ikoku federal college
of education library, Owerri. the study was an attempt to evaluate the level of the
implementation of collection development policies. The researcher employed six
objectives and six research questions. The descriptive survey research design was
adopted for the study. Sample of 15 respondents was chosen for the study. The
instrument used in collecting data was; interview, observation and the use of
questionnaire. The data collected for the study were analyzed using mean
frequency score. The result showed that three collection development policies are
available and in use namely; selection, selection criteria and acquisition policy.
The content of collection development policy in the academic library studied. The
factors militating against the effective implementation of collection development
policy in the academic library studied include: problem of funds and
administration bottleneck to policy implementation and maintenance. Training
and retraining of library staff by the academic library, policy revision and
foundation and revision of the policies be vested in faculty representative student
representative and CD librarians. The researcher however recommended that
librarians should insist on having functional policies to achieve standard library
collections, materials should be ordered for the library continuously without
necessarily waiting for a particular time, efforts should be made by library school
to include management and budgeting courses for student’s librarian as this will
help in the understanding of policies in administration. The Nigerian Library
Association (NLA) should create a standard policy for academic libraries on their
material collection development and ensure compliance by all academic libraries
for them to be of a standard and enjoy increased funding.

Smith and Johnson (2018) investigated the impact of resource development

policies on library services in a large academic institution. The study employed a
mixed-methods approach, combining surveys and interviews with library staff and
users. The findings revealed that the implementation of effective resource
development policies positively influenced the quality and accessibility of library
resources and services. The study also highlighted the importance of collaboration
between library staff and faculty in aligning resource development with academic

In a study by Brown et al. (2019), the researchers explored the challenges faced by
academic libraries in resource development and identified strategies for
overcoming these challenges. The study employed a qualitative research design,
including interviews with library administrators and staff. The findings
highlighted issues such as limited budgets, changing user demands, and
technological advancements as major challenges in resource development. The
study proposed strategies such as collaborative collection development, leveraging
open access resources, and engaging in strategic partnerships to address these

Summary of the Literature Review

This chapter reviewed the concept of academic library, role of academic libraries,
changing landscape of academic libraries, management theories, best practices in
library collection development, importance of resources development policies,
challenges in implementing resources development policies, management of
academic libraries, strategies for effective resource development. The resource
Based View (RBV)theory and Institutional theory formed the theoretical base of
the study. The relevance of the theories to the study was clearly stated. It also had
a review of related studies.


This chapter presents the method and procedure that will be applied in this
study. Will be organized under the following sub-headings: Research Design,
Area of study, Population of the Study, Sample and Sampling Technique,
Research Instrument, Validity of the Instrument, Method of Data Collection, and
Method of Data Analysis

Research Design

The research design adopted for the study will be descriptive survey. This
design is considered apt because it enables the researcher to generate data through
the standardized collection procedures based on highly structured research
instrument(s) and well defined study concepts and related variables.

Area of Study

Imo state university, Owerri

The Imo State University (IMSU) in Owerri, Imo State, Nigeria was
established in 1981 through law No. 4 passed by the Imo State House of
Assembly. The university admitted the first intake of 392 pioneer students on 23
October, 1981. Imo State University is a fully functional university. Most of the
programmes of the university have obtained full accreditation from National
University Commission (NUC) of Nigeria. IMSU operates a faculty system and
has 15 faculties. The faculties are headed by Deans and Faculty Officers. The
Faculties have different departments under them. The Departments are headed by
the Heads of Departments (HODs) who are under the Dean of the Faculties. The
lecturers, the Heads of Departments and the Deans make up the Faculty Board.

Imo state University also runs Post Graduate (PG) Programme for those who want
to build on their First Degree Programme. As of July 30, 2012, Imo State had
approval from Nigeria University Commission (NUC) to run Post Graduate
Studies (PG) of Masters Degree and Ph.D.

Federal Polytechnic, Nekede

The Federal Polytechnic, Nekede is a federal government-owned higher institution

located in Nekede, Owerri West local government area in Imo State, South-
Eastern Nigeria. It was established on a temporary site at the premise of
Government Technical College by the Imo State government in 1978 as College
of Technology, Owerri before it was moved to its present location in Nekede. On
7 April 1993, the polytechnic was changed to a federal government institution and
was renamed "The Federal Polytechnic, Nekede". The Federal Polytechnic,
Nekede offers National Diploma and Higher National Diploma courses at
undergraduate levels. Federal Polytechnic, Nekede has 7 schools (faculties).

Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri

The Alvan Ikoku Federal College of Education, Owerri is located in Owerri, the
capital of Imo State, Nigeria. It was established in April, 1963 as the Advanced
Teachers Training College by the defunct Eastern Nigeria Government on the
grounds of the Old Shell Camp, Owerri. [1] It has since expanded across the Orlu
Road on the Nworie River. It awards the National Certificate in Education (NCE)
and the Professional Diploma in Education (PDE) and, in affiliation, with the
University of Nigeria, Nsukka the Bachelor of Education (B.Ed) since 1984.

The College was founded in 1963 as the Advanced Teachers Training College
with technical assistance from UNESCO. It was charged with the responsibility of
training teachers in line with the Ashby report on Higher Education in Nigeria. In
1973, via Edict No. 11 promulgated by the Administrator of East-Central State of
Nigeria, Ukpabi Asika, the Teachers College became a College of Education and
was named Alvan Ikoku in honour of Alvan Ikoku, a teacher and educationist,
founder of the first African owned secondary school in Nigeria (Aggrey Memorial
Grammar School) and President of the Nigerian Union of Teachers (NUT) for
many years.

The College started with 150 students and by 2012 the student population had
grown to over 13,000, with over 600 academic staff. The students include regular
undergraduates, sandwich course students, evening and weekend students and
post-graduates studying the Professional Diploma in Education.

Population of the Study

The population of this research are all the full time library staff in the three
institutions in 2021/2022 academic session. The total population of the study is 70
library staffs in the three different institutions,Imo State University, Owerri
comprises of 23 staffs, Federal Polytechnic Nekede has about 25 staffs, and
Alvan Ikoku college of Education, Owerri has about 22 staffs. This all make up
the population of the study

Sample and Sampling Technique

Total sample sizes of 32 staff were proportionate sampling technique with Taro
Yamane Statistical formular. Selected, 12, 10, and 10 from each institution using
proportionate sampling technique from the cumulative total population of full-
time library staff in the three institutions.

The formula for calculating sample size using Taro Yamane's formula is:

n = N / (1 + N * e^2)


n is the sample size

N is the population size

e is the desired level of precision (expressed as a decimal)

Let's assume you desire a margin of error of 5% (e = 0.05) and a population size of
. Plugging these values into the formula:

n = 70 / (1 + 5 * (0.10^2)o.05

Simplifying the equation:

n = 70/ (1 + 70 * 0.0025)

n = 70 / (1 + 1.175)

n = 70 / 2.175

n ≈ 32

Thus, a sample size of 32 is used to represent a total population of 32 library

Method of Data Analysis

Simple tables, and percentages were adopted in the presentation and analysis of
the data generated for the study. These statistical tools will be used because they
were suitable means of breaking down and analyzing the generated data.


In this chapter, the researcher presents the data analysis of the the information literacy skills of
students of Imo State University, Owerri. The data collected from the rating scale are discussed and
analyzed under their respective research questions.

Research Question 1: What is the existing resource development policies in academic

libraries in Imo State?

Table 1: The Existing Resource Development Policies In Academic Libraries


(4) (3) (2) (1)
1 Budget allocation 8 8 8 8 2.5 Agree
2 Technological integration 7 9 8 8 2.46 Disagree

3 User service 8 8 10 6 2.56 Agree

4 Assessment and 6 8 10 8 2.37 Disagree
5 Copyright compliance 7 9 8 8 2.46 Disagree

Analysis in Table 1 shows that the respondents agreed that Budget allocation
and User service are the existing resource development policies in academic
libraries. This is shown by their respective mean scores of 2.5 and 2.56 which are
above the criterion mean of 2.50. However, they disagreed on Technological
integration, Assessment and Evaluation and Copyright compliance with 2.46, 2.37
and 2.46 mean scores respectively.

Research Question 2: what are the extent of compliance to resource development


Table 2:The Extent Of Compliance To Resource Development Policies


E (3) (2) E N
(4) (1)
1 Budget allocation 5 11 8 8 2.40 Disagree
2 Technological 8 8 8 8 2.5 Agree
3 User service 7 9 10 6 2.53 Agree
4 Assessment and 9 9 8 6 2.65 Agree
5 Copyright compliance 5 5 12 10 2.15 Disagree

Analysis in Table 2 shows that the respondents agreed that Technological

integration, User service and Assessment and Evaluation as the extent of compliance
to resource development policies. This is shown by their respective mean scores of
2.5, 2.53 and 2.65 which are above the criterion mean of 2.50. However, they
disagreed on Budget allocation and copyright compliance with 2.46, 2.37 and
2.46 mean scores respectively.
Research Question 3: How do resource development policies impact library

TABLE 3: How Resource Development Policies Impact Library Management

(4) (3) (2) (1)
1 Up to date Resources 9 9 8 6 2.65 Agree
2 Advanced infrastructure 6 7 13 6 2.40 Disagree
3 Collaboration and Partnership 8 8 7 9 2.46 Disagree

4 Improved access to Library 7 10 9 6 2.56 Agree

5 Advanced technologies Such 8 9 7 8 2.53 Agree
as online databases

Analysis in Table 3 shows that the respondents agreed that up to date

resources, improved access to library services and advanced technologies such as
online databases as How resource development policies impact library
management. This is shown by their respective mean scores of 2.65, 2.56 and 2.53
which are above the criterion mean of 2.50. However, they disagreed on
Advanced infrastructure and Collaboration and Partnership with 2.46, 2.37 and
2.46 mean scores respectively.
Research Question 4: What are the challenges faced in implementing resource
development policies?

Table 4: The Challenges Faced In Implementing Resource Development Policies


(4) (3) (2) (1)
1 Changing user needs 8 6 8 10 2.37 Disagree
2 Budgetary constraints 9 9 7 7 2.5 Agree
3 Digital resource 9 9 7 7 2.62 Agree
4 Technological 10 10 5 7 2.71 Agree
5 Copyright and licensing 9 8 8 7 2.59 Agree

Analysis in Table 4 shows that the respondents agreed that Budgetary

constraints, Digital resource management, Technological infrastructure and
Copyright and licensing issues as the challenges faced in implementing resource
development policies. This is shown by their respective mean scores of 2.5, 2.62,
2.71 and 2.59 which are above the criterion mean of 2.50. However, they disagreed
on Changing user needs with 2.37 mean scores respectively.
Summary of Findings
From the analyses it is evident that;
1. That majority agreed that Budget allocation and User service are the existing
resource development policies in academic libraries
2. That majority agreed that Technological integration, User service and
Assessment and Evaluation as the extent of compliance to resource development
3. The respondents agreed that up to date resources, improved access to library
services and advanced technologies such as online databases are How resource
development policies impact library management.
4. They agreed that They agreed that Budgetary constraints, Digital resource
management, Technological infrastructure and Copyright and licensing issues are
the major challenges faced in implementing resource development policies.
This chapter presents the discussion of the finding, the educational

implications of the findings, limitations of the study, recommendations,

suggestions for further studies and summary of the study.

Discussion of Findings

The Existing Resource Development Policies In Academic Libraries

Research question one was to ascertain the existing resource development policies
in academic libraries in Imo State. From the findings it was revealed that majority
agreed that Budget allocation and User service are the existing resource
development policies in academic libraries. The findings agrees with the study by

The Extent Of Compliance To Resource Development Policies

Research question two was to ascertain the extent of compliance to resource development
policies. From the results it was revealed that Technological integration, User
service and Assessment and Evaluation are the extent of compliance to resource
development policies. The findings is in line with the study by

How Resource Development Policies Impact Library Management

Research question three was to ascertain how Resource Development Policies Impact
Library Management. From the results it showed that up to date resources,
improved access to library services and advanced technologies such are How
resource development policies impact library management. The study agrees with a
study by

The Challenges Faced In Implementing Resource Development Policies

Research question four was to ascertain Challenges Faced In Implementing Resource

Development Policies. From the results, it showed that Budgetary constraints,
Digital resource management, Technological infrastructure and Copyright and
licensing issues are the challenges faced in implementing resource development
policies. The study is in line with the study by Brown et al. (2019), The findings
highlighted issues such as limited budgets, changing user demands, and
technological advancements as major challenges in resource development. This
shows that these challenges hinder the implementation of resource development in
the academic libraries in Imo State.

Educational Implication of the Study

1. Budget allocation and User service are the existing resource development
policies in academic libraries. In academic library where there is limited
resource development policies such library will be ineffective in their service.
2. Technological integration, User service and Assessment and Evaluation as the
extent of compliance to resource development policies. This will cause a gap
and limit in resource development and the utilization of recent of the recent
development will not be adopted.
3. up to date resources, improved access to library services and advanced
technologies such as online databases are How resource development policies
impact library management. This factors can improve the efficiency and
effectiveness of resource development policies both in Imo State and the
country as a whole.
4. Budgetary constraints, Digital resource management, Technological
infrastructure and Copyright and licensing issues are the major challenges
faced in implementing resource development policies. These challenges
contribute to ineffectiveness of the resource development in the academic

Limitations of the study

During the period of this study the researcher was confronted with some hindrances which took
him some time to come by.

 One of such limitations was on the content area of the study and the scope in terms of area of
study is large.
 The researcher worked with only information made available to her, limited by time.
 The researcher did not find it very easy convincing the respondents to fill the instrument.
 The research was expensive to carry out.

In spite of the limitations, the study was assumed to have achieved the purpose.

Recommendation of the Study

1. The government and school board should improve the existing resource
development policies in academic libraries with the enhanced and current
developments to promote effectiveness.
2. extent of compliance to resource development policies in the academic should
be improved to facilitate the resource development policies in Imo State.
3. The resource development should be equipped and improved to promote more
impact on the resource development.
4. The school board and governments should provide solutions to tackle the
challenges faced.

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Dear respondents,
The purpose of this study is to examine the influence of the implementation of
resource development policies in the management of academic libraries in Imo
State, Nigeria in your institution.

Please read carefully and tick () the appropriate column for each statement as
promptly as possible (tick multiple options were required and necessary). All
information gathered shall be used purely for research purpose and shall be treated
with confidentiality.

Yours faithfully,
Annastacia chinonye Uchewuako


Please tick () the appropriate column (tick multiple columns where necessary and

Name _____________________________________

1. Institution:
2. Sex: male female

3. Marital status : single married

4. Level of study_________________________________________


Research Question 1: What is the existing resource development policies in academic

libraries in Imo State?
(4) (3) (2) (1)
1 Budget allocation
2 Technological integration

3 User service
4 Assessment and Evaluation
5 Copyright compliance
Research Question 2: what are the extent of compliance to resource development


(4) (3) (2) (1)
1 Budget allocation
2 Technological integration
3 User service
4 Assessment and Evaluation
5 Copyright compliance

Research Question 3: How do resource development policies impact library


(4) (3) (2) (1)
1 Up to date Resources
2 Advanced infrastructure
3 Collaboration and Partnership

4 Improved access to Library services

5 Advanced technologies Such as
online databases
Research Question 4: What are the challenges faced in implementing resource
development policies?

(4) (3) (2) (1)
1 Changing user needs
2 Budgetary constraints
3 Digital resource management
4 Technological infrastructure
5 Copyright and licensing issues

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