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Phương pháp làm bài:

1. Đọc đề, skim (đọc lướt) và đánh dấu các từ khóa nổi bật (tên riêng, viết hoa, ngày tháng, số, tên
khoa học, từ được giải nghĩa…
2. Đánh dấu từ khóa (key words) trong câu hỏi và các lựa chọn.
The writer thinks that children who have important exams
A need sports lessons to keep healthy.
B don’t need to focus on exam subjects more.
C need to spend more time studying.

3. Tìm (scan) trong bài các từ khóa giống hoặc gần giống với các từ đã gạch trong câu hỏi
4. Chọn đáp án đúng. Có thể loại dần những câu sai.
5. Câu nào không biết bỏ qua làm câu tiếp theo, sau đó quay lại để định vị đoạn liên quan.

Exercise 1
You are going to read an essay about the importance of exercising while studying for exams.
Read the text and choose the best option, A, B or C.
Essay question: Students who are studying for important school exams should stop sports lessons.
Some parents may think that while their children are preparing for important school exams, they
shouldn't have sports lessons. This could be because they want them to focus on exam subjects more,
like science and maths. For a similar reason, some parents think children should also stop painting and
music lessons in the final school term so they can spend more time studying. However, I disagree with
these views, and believe that children should continue to have sports lessons. These lessons help students
keep healthy and happy during the exam period.
Firstly, schools need to encourage young people to follow a healthy lifestyle and get regular exercise.
Many young people don't do enough exercise. They prefer to spend their free time indoors on their
computers or watching TV than going to the park and playing tennis, or going cycling.
Many people today are overweight and have health problems. There is a lot of information about
eating healthily, but people often forget that regular exercise is equally important. Secondly, exercise helps
us feel less stressed and tired. It also improves memory and helps us think clearly. When students are
studying for exams, it's a good idea to take regular breaks and do something active for 20 minutes.
Exercise also helps us to concentrate better on difficult tasks and helps us sleep better at night. Doing
exercise may even help students get better results in their exams.
In conclusion, I believe that students who are revising for important exams should continue to have
sports lessons because regular exercise is good for their body and mind.

1. The writer says many young people prefer to 3. The writer believes regular exercise can make
spend their free time people feel
A riding their bikes. A more active.
B in the park. B less stressed.
C in front of their computers. C more tired at night.
2. The writer thinks that exercise for young 4. The writer thinks that exercising
people is A benefits the body and the mind.
A less important than diet. B can affect studying in a negative way.
B just as important as diet. C will help you get better exam results.
C more important than diet.

Exercise 2
Look at the words in bold in the text. Read the sentences containing the words and guess the
meaning of the words. Then read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

Unusual homes

A Brazilian artists Tiago Primo and his brother Read the text and choose the correct answer.
Gabriel live on a climbing wall on the side of a
1 How do the Primo brothers move around their
building in Rio de Janeiro. There aren't any stairs
or a lift, so they have to climb from one 'room' to
A They take the lift.
the next. The 'house' has got a hammock to
B They go up the stairs.
sleep in instead of a bed, but the brothers have
C They use the climbing wall.
to use the bathroom in the art gallery next door.
D They stand on the bed.
B Another artist, Moussa Kalo, designed the
2 Why is the house in Abidjan called the Crocodile
Crocodile House in Abidjan, capital of the Ivory
Coast. He built it with the help of his apprentice,
A A crocodile killed the man who built it.
Thierry Atta, who wanted to become an artist like
B A lot of crocodiles live there.
him. The house looks like a large crocodile, but
C There's a painting of a crocodile on the walls.
there's enough space inside for a bedroom. Mr
D It's in the shape of a crocodile.
Kalo died before it was finished, but Thierry
completed it, and then went to live there. 3 Why did Mr Lhota design a house that turns?
A He wanted to build something different.
C Czech builder Bohumil Lhota isn't an artist, but
B He didn't like the view from his window.
people say that his house is a work of art. The
C He had more time when he retired.
73-year-old was bored with building ordinary
D He entered an art competition.
houses, so he designed a new place in a village
to the north of Prague. Mr Lhota's house turns 4 Why does Liu Lingchao carry his house around
around, so that he can choose the view that he with him?
wants. He can also move it up and down by A He doesn't like being in crowds.
pushing a switch. B Because it weighs 60 kg.
C He prefers to be outside.
D Liu Lingchao's house also moves, but that is
D He doesn't work in one place.
because he is carrying it. The house is made of
bamboo, pieces of plastic and bed sheets, and 5 What do all of the houses in the text have in
it weighs around 60 kg. Mr Liu collects used common?
water bottles on the road and sells them at the A They were all built by artists.
next town he gets to. He travels all over southern B They don't look like other houses.
China and he carries everything he needs with C They are all in big cities.
him. D They all move.

Exercise 3
Một số câu hỏi sẽ hỏi về gist (ý chính, đại ý) của bài hoặc ý đồ, mục đích của tác giả khi viết bài
(miêu tả, thuyết phục, so sánh, hướng dẫn, v.v…).
Đối với câu hỏi đại ý, KHÔNG chọn những đáp án quá chi tiết.
Nối các câu A-E với mục đích phù hợp 1-5.
1. give a reason A. Silver Street is more attractive than East Street.
2. give information about the past B. It has big wings and a long tail.
3. describe something C. I like living in the house because it's near the gym.
4. compare things D. Come out of the station, cross the square and walk 100m
5. give directions along Mill Lane.
E. 300 years ago, people lived in small houses near the lake.

Read the texts and answer the questions (1—3). Choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.
The heart of Seoul
Seoul is the capital city of Korea. It’s 600 years old and it's a large, busy, noisy city. But a small river runs
for 5.8 km through the middle of the city. It's called the Cheonggyecheon Stream. The river is older than
the city, but for many years the people of Seoul couldn't see it at all because there was a big road over it.
Then, in 2003, the government closed the road. They took the road away completely and opened the river
again. Now the river is a beautiful place to go for a walk and relax.
1. The text gives readers
A a list of good places to visit in Seoul.
B a funny story about a river.
C reasons why the city needed a big road in 1958.
D information about the history of a river.

A Green City Walk

When we were in Paris last month, we walked along the Promenade Plantée. Do you know it? It's a park
now, but a hundred years ago it was a train line. The line closed, and then in 1988 two men planned a
public garden for the space. They planted trees and flowers and created a beautiful long path through the
12th District. Away from the crowds and the traffic, it was hard to believe we were in the middle of the city.
2. The author of the text
A invites you to go to a park with her
B tells you about the history of a park that she visited.
C explains why two men wanted to make a park.
D gives facts about the birds and insects in a park.

20th-century inventions
The most important modern invention has to be the mobile phone. It was only invented in the 1970s, but
look at it now! Everyone has a phone. Originally, of course, phones were large and were only used to make
phone calls. Now those phones are in museums! Modern mobile phones are mini-computers — you can
do so much with them. You can buy very expensive phones, but you can also buy cheap models. That’s
why, in my view, it’s the best 20th-century invention.
3. What is the purpose of the text?
A to advertise mobile phones
B to invite people to a museum exhibition
C to give an opinion about an invention
D to advise people to avoid cheap phones

3D printers
3D printers are a new kind of machine that can make everyday objects. They’re amazing because they
can produce different things in different materials. A 3D printer can make anything from cups and plates to
plastic toys and even chocolate cakes! So how do they work? First you design a 3D object on your
computer, then you connect it to a 3D printer. Press 'print' and watch it work. The printer makes the object
in very thin layers, like the pages of a book — one on top of the other until you have a complete object.
4. What is the writer of the text doing?
A giving an idea about the future of printers
B describing an invention
C giving a short history of an object
D explaining different inventions

Tim Berners-Lee is the British computer scientist who is given the credit for inventing the World Wide Web.
People had been developing the internet since the 1960s. However, Tim Berners-Lee put all the ideas
together to create the World Wide Web. In 1990, he produced the first version and it was put online in
1991. He could have made a lot of money from his invention, but he decided to offer it to the world as a
5. What would be the best title for this article?
A The inventor of the internet
B The advantages of the world wide web
C An expensive communication system
D The growth of the internet
Exercise 4
Đôi khi các từ khóa trong các câu lựa chọn có thể không giống y như từ nêu trong bài đọc, đôi
khi cần tìm từ gần nghĩa hoặc các diễn đạt cùng nghĩa với từ khóa để chọn ra câu đúng.
New Yorkers love going to Central Park, especially to do sport. There are tennis and volleyball courts and
two large ice skating rinks. In the summer, one changes into a children's amusement park and the other
into a swimming pool. From January to December, Park Drive is often full of people walking, running or
riding their bikes.
Which sport can you do all year round in Central Park?
A. ice skating B. cycling C. swimming D. ice hockey

Read the texts and choose the correct answer, A, B, C or D.

Visit to a museum
The Natural History Museum in London is one of the oldest museums in the world. Start your visit in the
beautifully decorated Central Hall, with its enormous model dinosaur. Then, continue through the dinosaur
gallery and the mammal exhibitions of the Blue Zone. Next, see thousands of birds and insects in the
Green Zone and after that, learn about the history of the Earth in the Red Zone. Finally, leave the museum
through the wildlife garden of the Orange Zone.
1. The text gives readers
A a history of a museum.
B suggestions for a tour around a museum.
C a description of a dinosaur.
D an explanation about an exhibit in a museum.

Tourist information
There are various ways of getting to central London from Heathrow Airport. The quickest is the Heathrow
Express, which takes 15-20 minutes to get to Paddington Station. At 21.50 each way, this is also the most
expensive. Heathrow Connect runs cheaper trains, which only take ten minutes longer. The fare is €10.10
per journey. The cheapest way to get to the city centre is by underground. The journey to Piccadilly Circus
costs only €5.70, but it takes nearly an hour.
2. The author of the text
A describes Heathrow Airport.
B tells you the best way to get to London.
C gives you some different travel options.
D explains how to use the London Underground.

What's my password?
These days we have so many computer passwords that it isn't surprising that we often forget them. That's
why most people create passwords which are based on the people, places and things they know best.
Using names and dates in different ways is popular. For example, combining part of your name with your
date of birth. Using a childhood memory is also very common. You might use the name of the street you
grew up in, or the name of your favourite teacher.
3. According to this article, how do most people decide on their passwords?
A They only have one or two passwords for everything.
B They choose words which are very personal.
C They only use information about themselves.
D They use numbers rather than letters.

Exercise 5
Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.

Many people assume that video games have a negative effect 1 Newspaper headlines about video
on young people. A lot of time in front of a screen is bad for games
the mind and the body, they believe. Newspaper headlines A only talk about violent games.
often express the same opinion — and combat games cause B always present the same view.
the most concern because of the violence. But is there any C do not tell the truth.
evidence for this view? According to a report in American D usually present a negative view.
Psychologist, the truth is not so simple. Playing video games
2 You learn to think about things in
is sometimes good for children's education, health and social
three dimensions when you
A play combat games.
Research shows that video games can actually improve B play any kind of video game.
certain mental skills. This is especially true for combat games. C study engineering or maths.
These games teach players to think about objects in three D do scientific studies.
dimensions and this makes them better at studying science,
3 Research shows that role-playing
technology, engineering and maths. Other types of video
game do not usually provide these benefits.
A are the only games that make
However, other types of video game can have other positive children more creative.
effects. In 2013, scientists did some research into the effect of B do not provide as many benefits
role-playing games (RPGs) on children. The research showed as violent games.
that when children spend a lot of time playing RPGs, they get C help children to do well at school.
better grades at school than children who do not play them. D help children to learn how to use
Other research showed that playing any kind of video game, computers.
including violent games, improves children's creativity. But
4 The report also suggests that video
using a computer or smartphone for emails or other tasks
does not provide this benefit.
A spend a lot of time on their own.
Quick and simple games like Angry Birds can improve players' B learn some useful skills by playing
mood and prevent them from feeling anxious. This emotional with others.
benefit is important, the report suggests. Feeling relaxed and C usually fail in other areas of their
happy is good for your health. The report also describes lives.
another emotional benefit of video games: they teach children D spend a lot of time feeling anxious.
how to react well to failure. In video games, players continually
5 According to the report, the effect of
fail and try again. This makes them emotionally strong in real
video games on children
A is mostly good.
Video games can improve social skills too, the report says. B is mostly bad.
More than 70% of gamers play with a friend, not alone, and C is not known.
millions of people take part in huge online games like D is not very important.
Minecraft and Farmville. The players learn useful social skills:
how to lead a group, how to work together and how to make
Overall, the report does not deny that some video games can
have negative effects; but it is important to think about the
benefits too. And remember: you mustn't believe everything
you read in the newspapers!

Exercise 6
Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B or C.
The Dewey Lake Monster
On the west coast of Canada, there are stories of a very large creature, half human and half animal. Some
people call it 'Bigfoot', but there are other names too, like 'Sasquatch'. The descriptions of the creature are
all very similar. It is about three metres tall. It stands and walks like a human, but it has thick, dark hair all
over its body, like a bear or a gorilla. Sometimes, people take photos or videos of the creature, but most
of them are not very clear — and scientists usually say they are fake. People tell stories about meeting
Bigfoot, but they probably invent the stories because they want money or attention. For example, a man
called Albert Ostman described a meeting with a Sasquatch in 1924: it captured him and carried him to its
home. He stayed there for six days with the creature and its family, he said. But not many people believe
this story.
However, one story is more believable. It happened in Michigan, USA, in a place called Dewey Lake. In
the summer of 1964, a woman called Mrs Ultrup described a meeting with a strange creature. It was about
three metres tall and covered in hair. It chased her into her house and attacked her dog. She called the
police. When they arrived, there were huge footprints in the ground outside Mrs Ultrup's house. The police
photographed the footprints, and the local newspaper reported the events. But this was not the end of the
story. Other people in the Dewey Lake area reported seeing the creature. Three teenage girls called the
police after seeing the creature beside the lake. Suddenly, the 'Dewey Lake Monster' was on news
programmes around the country and people arrived with guns to look for it. But they couldn't find it.
To this day, the Dewey Lake Monster is still a mystery. The people at the centre of the stories are certainly
not looking for attention or money; in fact, they do not want to talk about their experiences at all.

1. Sasquatch and Bigfoot are

A two creatures from different parts of North America.
B two different names for the same creature.
C completely different creatures: one is real, the other is mythical.
2. Bigfoot is similar to a human because
A it is about the same size as an adult human.
B its hair is similar to a human's hair.
C it moves in a similar way to a human.
3. Who or what did the Dewey Lake Monster attack, according to the stories?
A Mrs Ultrup.
B A dog
C Three teenagers.
4. The writer doesn't think people invented stories about the Dewey Lake Monster to get attention. Why
A Because they don't want to talk about it.
B Because the stories appeared in newspapers and news programmes.
C Because they called the police after seeing the creature.

Exercise 7
Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D.
The Value of Friendship
Recent research into the world of teenagers has
suggested that they value friendship above everything
1 To teenagers, money is
else. Children aged between 12 and 15 were asked
A not important
what was important to them. Their answers included
B as important as computer gadgets.
possessions such as money and computer gadgets but
C as important as relationships with people.
also relationships with people. The teenagers
D less important than friendships.
questioned said that friends were the most important to
them, more even than family, or boyfriends and 2 Why are Ben, Rory and Carlos mentioned in the
girlfriends. article?
A They know why teenagers value friendship.
We wanted to find out more about the results of this
B They gave information about themselves.
research so we asked our readers what they thought
C They read magazines.
about the value of friendship. Here are some examples
D They are teenage boys.
of what they said about their friends:
3 Which of the following best describes Ben?
Ben, 15:
A He often has fights.
Every time I have a fight with my parents, I need some B He likes being alone.
time on my own. But after that, the first thing I do is meet C He is happier than his friends.
up with my friends. After playing football for a while, or D He likes some sports.
skateboarding, I usually feel much happier again.
4 What do we know about the lake that Rory
Rory, 13: visits?
A It is near the school.
When I moved to a village in the countryside, I thought
B It is near his home.
that it would be the end of my friendships. But my old
C It is used by a lot of people who do water
friends have kept in touch and they come and visit in the
holidays. There's a lake nearby, so we often go sailing,
D It is in a village.
water-skiing or windsurfing. And I have made some new
friends here too, at school, and since I joined the rugby 5 Carlos mentions that he is left-handed
club. because ...
A it makes skiing harder.
Carlos, 11:
B it makes it worse that he broke the arm he
Last year, I broke my arm on a skiing holiday. uses most.
Unfortunately, it was my left arm and I am left-handed. C it is an interesting fact about himself and he
My school friends all helped and copied their notes for was talking about his left arm.
me. D it is very unfortunate when you break your left
It seems that our readers value their friendships very arm.
highly. From what they told us, they spend a lot of time 6 The answers to the recent research and the
with their friends, just hanging out, or sharing hobbies answers from the readers
and interests. They seem to need their friends for advice, A were surprising.
help, chats, and for having fun. Clearly, friends make B were the same.
each other feel better. Looking at what our readers told C were similar.
us, the results of the recent research are not really D were both about sports

Exercise 8
Read the text and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D
Lost in Australia
When eighteen-year-old British student Sam Woodhead left
college, he dreamed of joining the army — but he decided to
1 Sam went backpacking because
have a gap year and go travelling first. Sam was already a
A he didn't know what to do with his
keen long-distance runner and was very fit and healthy, but he
thought backpacking in Australia was great training for his
B he didn't like being a student.
C he wanted to become fit.
In December 2012, Sam arrived in Central Queensland and D he thought it would be good for his
found a job on a cattle farm. The farm was in the middle of the career plans.
countryside, and Sam was enjoying his life there. One
2 Sam got lost because
Tuesday morning, only eight days after his arrival, he decided
A he didn't prepare well.
to go for a run. But Sam made some mistakes. He took a
B his map was incorrect.
heavy backpack but only one bottle of water. He also didn't
C the weather suddenly changed.
have a route, and he didn't know the landscape. After only two
D he wasn't well.
hours, he finished his water and realised he was lost. The
temperature was close to 40oC and he was soon exhausted. 3 Sam's employers realised Sam was
After four or five hours, he decided to stop and spend the night lost when
in the outback. A he called them from his mobile.
B they saw that all his money was
The next morning, Sam didn't report for work. His employers
checked his room. His backpack and running shoes were
C his family rang to speak to him.
gone, but his mobile and wallet were there. They called the
D some of his things were missing.
rescue services and then they called Sam's family in England.
The rescue services sent helicopters to the area to try to find 4 The rescue services found Sam after
Sam, but there were a lot of trees and plants in the area so it they
was difficult for the pilots to see a person on the ground. A heard him shouting.
B saw him moving about.
Meanwhile, Sam was trying to find his way back. He made an
C noticed his signal.
SOS emergency signal on the ground from all the clothes in
D decided to land.
his backpack, including a pair of colourful shorts. Then, on
Friday morning, Sam heard two helicopters flying over him. He 5 In the article, the author
shouted and waved his arms, but of course they didn't see him, A gives advice on survival.
and they couldn't hear him because their engines were too B describes an adventure that went
noisy. Then, in the afternoon, a third helicopter flew right over wrong.
the SOS signal. At first, the pilot didn't see anything, but the C advertises a rescue centre.
wind from the helicopter’s engine picked up Sam's shorts, and D tells the story of Sam's career.
the pilot suddenly spotted them. He searched the area again,
and at last he found the missing student only four or five
kilometres from the cattle farm. Sam went to a hospital in the
nearby town, Longreach, to recover. He was lucky to be alive!

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