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Nome Sudeshno Monia ade- 1 13.

b1AM 2hd deop

- P a y e hiainio a leenized anea

6PAyehjatniC Nunsng
pnaetice empy hooTmJe hu mgrt behavnn 01

of nunsimy ot Self a
f0Ac fu a
a t Ys S u e n e c ond ha "Pur
and ne ome t 0f human
t an ot, m the dioy)noss
Potenhal montal kcalth Prokiens
Ho octual o

incifles o Poyehaartrie Nsmg .

ThatoloG Prinei Ples ane * e ral mnatune and

cane of a
fat ent kede
hm m 7udel incrs to motima
bAG The
Cameo Pf had eAch indivjdual
Prine Pl ane

Lyth 0Td dijht

ho ftientalite
ha an msie
haAo ane
j d l rad Tuns es to otAc
in frac tiee
Pachent v AecePte d Exoctiy
v AtePhng
nom- Judme nta. Feco Ptan ce Cm eyr) th
mears bei1g
lone d and Caned
felng o Beny
Bein9 nIM-umenfal andao

Aecoptante xPeed in the fello wing ajo

oand non Punihue
Bem non-
u e ntal
ojlect teo lings skieh
Parhent ExPHes|

Sineeely Intenested in dhe Patient

th a Punfose
Talk ig
Pepmiting Patient to ExPn cr stmarg\- hol

Counoe lon Role:-tounAus tAee lta
l P them in meth)

EduCatm no le-Omganis es comm unuty awaTe

eem to uulne rable grout
c m a n A , SPe a tefe anel eomiun
Promotion and hoalth
oc tios
(viy co-mdinatm relePoyehaatrie care s bared o
team aPPYoaeh and "he nurAe has ta
m ulti oud upli nary
Condinate betw een a Heam mem berA, case,fireli9
Viecs and nefermal ete
Conrinui+ of Sem
(vi) Themafeutie R0 le Plam and asbtm Pojchohe
n the elient
rale he aciviies
tom mPro Venent
memben to utHlta oub
@mdi tion, eneoura7es tam
Senvi ecs in OPD

ww.)Dgmjcilljan are Cmmunity mental keath

anvibito he holae and
anheshe haalth statun
coPing stateaied u ad tha fomily memberT
DAMolohical funefiomir9 o Ae îhdividuals etHe
Plas, imflene ntá noeeanyone ad thain daoi.
/ e R e r c h e n pale,Plas and emduet neeare

Publo he vahjows
ne Pont70
arrheles. baned n
Cnee nno

igs and DeAtr

)Obie ehe 0hserwo-fio) of fatient lo Umde nS tad h
ai1 To evaluafe exacily
Behavign 0b3eo-ivity an

and not mx On Ou
Jhat the Pafit yD rt "lo
teelins. P ImOn
Reaugiie Hurae ient Rolafiovah iP
vfn he
Pnofesional reto lions hif focwau
of the atient o iof y
and tmgijonal nev
nunAca ees

and venbal foreo Much s Possjblo

Avoid Phrsiea
Care Cedeped on the Paient
loy HurSir
and not on the
Cortrol 0 5ymPdam
0 PCe oduren and oTher Rourfine
h) Alu ExPlanatjan
Accm i 17
o the Pathendla Level of

Role of nuTse in Mental Heath Pro ram

GLiwsn Role NuTACs ilbe C eet ks,

Lmi Jges the 7af bertueon oiento and tamlembeny

wi t fauly and health Cane Proj *o) onala, betwicn

iel fane enCeð T TeSOUn CcA and famulies

() Con/sul tant Rale Advae lomaly nd hein comwitrala

TCOUTICe/ bo lhe lenel 0 sufft and cane reluins
Aona sfecithe CuP

PTeeti tionen
Clmiu an kole Rgncdev, lieo
a f e the Ch enit t i n he Communit
Nu hakTe accePd 1he ctiento a ha

liet to dec tor coTT Stnatea

ely - unerStanaing a TRena P e u h e teo

elf-unde Standia me tho ane

Exehorge Pen.sSo nal ePerien cos eo and hone

Lwith ole-os
4taneiftte in
?reuf c
onfenen ee ne ard
Cone fare
koeP neflee tir uhy ay
ou feel on ac tke

Csiteney i» aed to cmtry buke to Patie nts

U - C s n t e n e y memo having eentun

P utine Potern that doe not eha frm nue

day lo h dfhen.

ReaAunan Ce shoulo be Gtinen n a subtle and

AeceP table Manner

-Reamunanee buildinvs
Patiet'o t i den e To ie rwm
uanee, " he nukae
hee ds to under Stand anod
anoy2e The Situa tion t o
ho u it aPPeas to he fatiert

Patient/ behavim ia ckonged Thno ugh Em fjona

Exfenien Ce and not RaHoma nHenPnetaion
Maim focws Pafehjat m teelivgo and noj m
he intel eetual asPecet Adviaing om raionaling aih
Patiento n nef efete im chohgira behavio
Patien Hn xiety
6 Unnecamanj nepeas
ShoWd be Pvojdod
i) shotu
ti fass shovf CammeT and ShoLITindi f p
Dreet Ctradietm of tixieniFaho fie idea
Em/th seae of the
fam felirg. 5) Hevs a
5) Has a Senee
actim of feelm

img&) Lts does not neune

) I
neq une Sme
naim CaPacity to undén-| any imomadion Catacrt
-Stand me Situathon
Mertally il renn
Mertal healthy
(9 fasoimuote

b l e i e SelMe P0ble m 4) Avoid prgbilem than sov "

and oheng ) fGa Seif ConcePt and 1c
)AeceA sel
iv) AeecPt Ihe autouty
)Unoble to aecept the nesM)
and nesribilt
V) Dble to make deAvo1on ) Makes Potr 3u/eme t

Vi)Disferenhade ard
aaiyoá vi) unable io differenha and
the 3tuati on
nauy e s the situ.fin

unable to Joe efectvcly

vu) Able to uonk teehvely
and mdclen dentl and imde Pendent7 mostiy
nde Pendr nt

Hm the neod
vw) uonkA fen aelf and vu) De ma n os

EmPorth mPorth
1 Abiity #o
1deneity and
fecing of Scvre
TdemStard a)d T erbng fun Seme one dld m0jrAunage

ond fee liv93

) ToEN NOt hako imueD e Prieneo
)nakane imiloaT kftri
Inthe s t .
nA 1n1he paAf.

3) Und:Stan ond aectat Pt7 S0h0 and Cmeen

mutual 1) I MO e s `w Sunfly
4) da
h o r e d e m o e n a l

feoling ith keUng


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