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Review test: Units 7–8 C

1 Match the food pictures with the words. Write the letter (A–F).


salt [B]

1 lemons [ ]

2 melons [ ]
3 ketchup [ ]

4 pepper [ ]

5 apples [ ]
D ___ / 5


2 Choose the correct alternatives.

happy / sad 1 tired / nervous 2 happy / angry

3 embarrassed / bored 4 excited / scared

___ / 4

PRINTABLE © Oxford University Press 2020

Review test: Units 7–8 C

3 Choose the correct alternatives.

Leo What do you have in your lunchbox today, Ella?

Ella I have any / some sandwiches, (1) some / any snacks, and
(2) much / a lot of fruit.

Leo Do you have (3) any / some cookies?

Ella No, I don’t. What do you have?

Leo Well, there weren’t (4) many / much things in the refrigerator this morning! I
have sandwiches, (5) a few / a little small tomatoes, and (6) an / any apple.

Ella I have soda. Do you want some?

Leo Oh, yes, please! How (7) many / much can I have?

Ella Just (8) a few / a little! OK?

___ / 8

4 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Write the letter (A–F).

(A) more expensive (B) shorter (C) the cheapest

(D) the youngest (E) older (F) the tallest

I’m 1.75 m. Sandra is 1.85 m.

I’m [ B ] than Sandra.

Sandra is 1.85 m. I’m 1.75 m. Billy is 1.80 m.

Sandra is [ F ] of all my friends.

1 My sister is 3 years old and my brother is 15. I’m 11.

My sister is [ ] person in my family.

2 My best friend is 12. I’m 11.

My best friend is [ ] than me.

3 The gold watch costs $400. The silver watch costs $200.

The gold watch is [ ] than the silver watch.

4 Cheese pizza $6; cheese and tomato pizza $8; cheese, ham, and tomato pizza $10.

The cheese pizza is [ ] pizza on the menu.

___ / 4

PRINTABLE © Oxford University Press 2020

Review test: Units 7–8 C

5 Choose the correct answers.

London is _ than Berlin from here.

A far B farther C farthest

1 The movie is ___ than the book.

A good B better C best

2 This is the ___ music in the world!

A bad B worse C worst

3 Anna is ___ funny as Max.

A as B the C more

4 I’m not as ___ as James.

A funny B funnier C funniest

___ / 4

6 Read the text. Then do the exercises.

Easy Street Kitchen

Are you a teenager? Do you love good food? Well, chef Natalie Hedley is opening an
amazing new restaurant – Easy Street Kitchen – in Brighton. Natalie has three restaurants
in the U.K., but she says Easy Street Kitchen is her most exciting restaurant because it is
somewhere teenagers can go and learn about food! We asked Natalie for more
information …

Choose the correct answer. Write A or B.

[ B ] can learn about food at Easy Street Kitchen.

A Everybody B Teenagers

1 Natalie thinks her other restaurants [ ] Easy Street Kitchen.

A are more exciting than B aren’t as exciting as

PRINTABLE © Oxford University Press 2020

Review test: Units 7–8 C

Why are you opening a restaurant for teenagers?

“Well, a lot of people think teenagers only eat burgers, fries, and candy, but that isn't true.
My daughter, Hannah, is 15 and she enjoys eating healthy and exciting dishes from
different cultures. The problem? Restaurants are usually expensive in the U.K., and they
aren’t very interesting places for teenagers. So I’m opening a fun place that is cheaper
than normal restaurants, but with healthier food, better music, and cooler furniture.
Hannah and her friends think it’s a fantastic idea!”

What does Natalie think? Match the sentence halves.

Restaurants in the U.K. are [ C ] A healthy.

2 Easy Street Kitchen is [ ] B more fashionable.

3 The music at Easy Street Kitchen is [ ] C expensive and not very interesting for

4 The furniture at Easy Street Kitchen is [ ] D not as expensive as other restaurants.

5 The food at Easy Street Kitchen is [ ] E not as bad as in other restaurants.

What’s on the menu?

“We have something for everyone. I like cooking with lots of meat, fruit, and vegetables. I
love lamb with lemons and tomatoes. My most exciting dish is pasta with ham, spinach,
and melon. This is great with a little olive oil and pepper. We have some interesting
snacks, too – coconut chips and chocolate apricots! They’re delicious.”
Do you cook a lot at home?
“People think I do all the cooking, but in my house, I never cook! My husband cooks
Monday to Friday, and my son and daughter do the cooking on the weekend. They love it.”

Choose the correct answers.

Natalie doesn’t cook any / cooks a lot of meat.

6 Natalie’s pasta dish is better / worse with some olive oil and pepper.

7 Natalie doesn’t do any / does some cooking at home.

PRINTABLE © Oxford University Press 2020

Review test: Units 7–8 C

Why is Easy Street Kitchen special?

“At Easy Street Kitchen, we have cooking classes for teenagers every Wednesday and
Thursday night. For just $12 you can come to the kitchen and try to cook anything on the
menu! Then, you and your friends can eat the meal. It’s a lot of fun!”
So, hungry? Easy Street Kitchen is opening next Saturday. Visit the website and book a
table now: www.hedley’

Decide if the sentences are true (T) or false (F).

There are cooking lessons at Easy Street every Tuesday and Wednesday night. [ F ]

8 Teenagers don’t have to pay for cooking lessons at Easy Street Kitchen. [ ]

9 It costs $12 to cook and eat a meal at Easy Street Kitchen. [ ]

10 Easy Street Kitchen is opening next weekend. [ ]

___ / 10

PRINTABLE © Oxford University Press 2020

Review test: Units 7–8 C

7 Complete the email with the words in the box.

as smallest best a lot of a few

some most smaller

Hi Lucy!

I went to Easy Street Kitchen last Friday with Emily and Oscar. It was great!

I had pasta with ham, spinach, and melon. I also had some orange cake, and just
(1) ________ chocolate apricots because I was full. It was a big meal!

Emily’s meal was (2) ________ than my meal. She had chicken with broccoli, and some
water. And Oscar’s meal was the (3) ________. He only had a salad. His meal only cost
$7. And Emily’s meal wasn’t (4) ________ expensive as my meal. She spent $10. My meal
was the (5) ________ expensive. It cost $16! $16 is (6) ________ money!

But we enjoyed the food and we’re going again soon. I think it’s the (7) ________
restaurant in town!



___ / 7

8 T04 Listen to a conversation about shopping for food. Write L (Lucy), T (Tim),
or LT (Lucy and Tim).

Who’s at the supermarket? [ LT ]

1 Who needs some food for a party? [ ]

2 Who thinks chocolate cake isn’t as nice as ice cream? [ ]

3 Who’s making pizza tonight? [ ]

4 Who wants a pineapple? [ ]

__ /4

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Review test: Units 7–8 C

9 T04 Listen again. Check () the sentences that are true and put a  next to the
sentences that are not true.

Lucy doesn’t need any ketchup. [  ]

1 Only a few people are coming to the party. [ ]

2 Tomatoes are cheaper at the market than in the supermarket. [ ]

3 Tim doesn’t have any cheese at home. [ ]

4 Tim needs a lot of peppers. [ ]

___ / 4

TOTAL: ___ / 50

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