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Engineering Design

12.1 What Is Engineering Design?

Engineers create our physical environment through design and construction of the
infrastructure and design and manufacture of the objects we use in everyday life.
Engineers work with their hands, think in numbers, and follow the engineering
design process, a continuous, iterative procedure in which a feedback loop forces
convergence to an acceptable solution for a specified problem. Design is the pinnacle
of the engineering profession, the foundation upon which all other engineering activ-
ities are built.
Engineering design ranges from the extraordinarily complex, such as the smart-
phone and associated wireless networks, to the straightforward, such as a ­woodscrew.
It should come as no surprise that few of the building blocks of our current environ-
ment have had smooth trajectories to completion or market: true innovation breaks
new ground and presents unexpected challenges. You would be forgiven for not
knowing that the Brooklyn Bridge in New York City represents an extraordinary feat
of civil engineering (beautifully narrated in Ken Burns’ PBS documentary Brooklyn
Bridge). Opening with the death of the lead engineer in 1870, moving through
life-threatening conditions inside the caissons and placement of the west tower on
aggregate rather than bedrock, the design evolved to overcome each of these chal-
lenges and to yield the greatest bridge of its time, first opened to the public in 1883.
Move forward to the 1990s, when Boeing started work on a replacement for the 767
aircraft. When the final design for the 787 Dreamliner was approved in 2003, it was
the first commercial passenger aircraft to have been entirely designed and tested
with computer aided design (CAD) software. To reduce cost, this approach made
­possible the distributed manufacture of very large sub-assemblies designed for easy
final construction (BBC 2015). However, unanticipated manufacturing problems
pushed delivery from late 2008 to fall 2011, showing that, regardless of the level of
sophistication of your tool, there will always be new and often unpredictable obsta-
cles that require iterative thinking.
All accredited engineering programs include a major engineering design experience
that builds upon the fundamental concepts of mathematics, basic sciences, the human-
ities and social sciences, engineering, and communication skills. The ­Accreditation
Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) writes that


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Engineering design is the process of devising a system, component, or process

to meet desired needs. It is a decision-making process (often iterative), in which
the basic sciences, mathematics, and the engineering sciences are applied to
convert resources optimally to meet these stated needs.

As described by ABET, the design experience1 within a program matches the

­requirements for that discipline:

Students must be prepared for engineering practice through a curriculum

­culminating in a major design experience based on the knowledge and skills
­acquired in earlier course work and incorporating appropriate engineering stan-
dards and multiple realistic constraints.

In some respects it is more interesting to look at what ABET left out from their new
definition in the interests of being concise. Previous descriptions included:

Among the fundamental elements of the design process are the establishment of
objectives and criteria, synthesis, analysis, construction and evaluation. . . . it is
essential to include a variety of realistic constraints, such as economic ­factors,
safety, reliability, aesthetics, ethics, and social impact.

All these considerations remain within broad-reaching phrases such as “convert

resources optimally” and “meet desired needs.” Through automatic incorporation of
people and the planet into the process, ABET reminds the profession to adopt a
­holistic approach to design in the interests of the prosperity of the human race.
Learning the principles of engineering design at any level is a significant yet
­rewarding challenge. There’s nothing like the excitement of standing with a group of
your peers gazing at a physical object that is the output of your imagination and
hands-on labor. En route to this final outcome, hard lessons are learned—­compromise,
teamwork, and failure—and not always at the same pace.
With appropriate projects, you can easily learn the engineering design process. It
will probably be a class like no other. On occasion you will crave intervention by your
instructor to provide the right answer to an open-ended question or to tell the class
what to do. However, if you are to really learn and experience the engineering design
process, you need to be allowed to fail during the process, to comprehend that learn-
ing through failure is one of the most important components of engineering design
(Petroski 1992, 2006). One of the more difficult roles for your instructor is stepping
back and allowing you the freedom to formulate and implement your ideas, knowing
that not all will succeed. There is a fine line to be drawn between useful failure as an
integral component of the learning process and lack of progress arising from your
limited technical knowledge and hands-on skills. Failure during the design process
is not failure in the conventional sense—it is an understanding that the current

Not to be confused with drafting or art-related work, ABET adds that “Course work devoted to
­developing computer drafting skills may not be used to satisfy the engineering design requirement.”

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solution needs improvement, that it can be, and needs to be, better. You quickly
­appreciate that engineering design is an iterative, time-consuming, and often frus-
trating process. Engineers have to make things work, and not all ideas work.
Although closely linked, compromise and teamwork do not necessarily go hand in
hand. Technical compromise is required to satisfy the resources available; design com-
promise is needed to accommodate different ideas. For each, the team has to work
­together and arrive at a consensus, and this often involves learning to work with people
you don’t necessarily like or respect, often with very different ideas and opinions from
yours. Through this dialog, you learn about the need to be a good listener and to provide
critical feedback, however harsh it may appear to be. Put another way, you need to gain
the confidence to voice your own opinions and ideas while being r­ eceptive to critical
feedback; this is the information exchange that feeds iterative design.
Communication, through many different types of media, is another essential com-
ponent of the engineering design process, as will be covered in Chapter 13, “Technical
Communication.” Throughout the design process, your activities must be communi-
cated clearly and concisely without ambiguity. At each stage of the design, discus-
sions, decisions, what was done, and why it was done must be documented so that
another engineer or team of engineers can replicate what you have accomplished. All
engineering and scientific endeavors are built upon the work of others.
Students graduating with an engineering degree from an accredited program will
have participated in one or more design experiences as part of their education.
­Current practice is to assemble teams of individuals with different expertise and
­backgrounds to find solutions to engineering problems. Most programs include an
introductory design experience in the freshman year in which you learn and docu-
ment your understanding of the process itself. Subsequent classes build upon this
foundation with progressively more challenging design coursework in which you
apply your prerequisite background in math, science, and related fields to a variety of
discipline-specific engineering problems. In most programs, courses that include
design constitute between 20 and 25 percent of the total curriculum.
If you are feeling a little intimidated after reading this section, don’t be. Jump into
engineering design with both feet and you’ll soon find out what fun it is. As we have
already said, the most exciting part is seeing your ideas come to life in some type of
mathematical model or prototype.

12.2 The Engineering Design Process

From the outset, it is important to realize that there isn’t a specific recipe or formula
for design. Indeed, some would argue that design itself cannot be taught—rather, we
learn the principles of design through experiences that grow in complexity. The solu-
tion of one problem or completion of one design opens up opportunities for s­ ubsequent
designs or modifications.
Straightforward projects may require only a short, simple process, but more com-
plex products need a multistep approach with several stages. Whether the outcome is

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342 Studying Engineering



Figure 12.1 The engineering
design process (top view)

a product to be manufactured thousands or millions of times or a one-time solution,

such as a road bridge, an interplanetary space probe, or a prosthetic limb, the engi-
neering design process is always used.
Discussion of this process usually commences with describing the problem to be
solved by the problem solvers (the engineers). The third entry in the Oxford English
Dictionary definition of “problem” is “a difficult or demanding question; (now, more
usually) a matter or situation regarded as unwelcome, harmful, or wrong and n ­ eeding
to be overcome; a difficulty.” Nowadays, when we use the word “problem” we are
­i nvariably describing something that is perceived as wrong. Representing engineers
as question answerers hardly seems destined for universal approval, so, bowing to
­accepted norms, we will use “problem” in the OED sense of “a difficult or demanding
Irrespective of the physical implementation of the result, the solution to any
­problem can generally be found from three separate iterations of the engineering
design process (Fig. 12.1). In the first iteration, the overall concept for a solution is
created for input to a second in which one or more prototypes or models are used to
develop a final design for the construction or manufacture phase.
The exact implementation of the process will depend upon the item and its usage.
The prototype and analysis stages required for the design of soda bottles, with a lifes-
pan of months, and for a road bridge, with an expected lifetime of decades, will be
radically different. For example, the embodied energy and end-of-life disposal will
probably be much more important for the soda bottle than the bridge.

The Five-Stage Design Process

Three representations of the engineering design process are outlined in Table 12.1.
The first entry describes a composite path from initial idea to product in the market-
place; this was condensed by NASA to the procedure reproduced in column 2. The
more widely adopted core process is listed in column 3 and shown in schematic form
in Figure 12.2; note that the improve stage represents an iteration of the loop. We will

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Table 12.1 Three Representations of the Engineering Design Process

Composite NASA Core

Identify the problem/product Identify the problem/product Define

innovation innovation
Define the working criteria/goals Define the working criteria/goals
Research and gather data
Brainstorm/generate creative ideas Brainstorm possible solutions Imagine
Generate ideas
Analyze potential solutions Explore possibilities Evaluate
Select an approach
Develop and test models Build a model Create
Refine the Design Improve
Make the decision
Communicate and specify
Implement and commercialize
Post-implementation assessment


Test Imagine

Create Evaluate
Figure 12.2 The core engineering design

approach engineering design from this perspective with due acknowledgment to the
manufacturing and succeeding stages.
To illustrate how each of the five stages of the engineering design process is applied
in the realization of a complex product, we will discuss the design of an automated
teller machine (ATM). A working model for classroom implementation of the process
comes from the design of an imaginary backpack taken through the same procedure.
All projects begin with the appointment of a project manager/coordinator or team
leader who is responsible for driving the design and ensuring that the key elements of
each stage are satisfied before the project moves forward. This individual assembles a
team of engineers and non-engineers with varying backgrounds and expertise; some
will be required throughout the project, others for select stages.

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344 Studying Engineering

Stage 1: Define

Engineers are problem solvers; the problems they solve relate to the specific or per-
ceived needs of our society. For example, a new prosthesis may be required to overcome
a particular handicap, stricter pollution standards might demand higher-efficiency
­engines, or new computer software might be required to increase the efficiency of a
manufacturing process.
The first task for the team, with all groups represented, is the construction of a
clear, concise, unambiguous definition of the problem to be solved.2 Put another way:
What is the question to be answered? The problem definition stage is probably the
most important, for it points the team in a particular direction to achieve a
­well-­defined result. Loosely written, ambiguous problem statements can lead to an
­enormous waste of resources with little to no chance of success. Concomitant with
construction of the problem statement is the establishment of a preliminary list of
working criteria and goals that the design must address.
To approach a definition, the team can first ask “What is known about the
­problem?” There may be a multitude of sources outside as well as within your team
that can assist with writing the problem statement. Many organizations have a re-
search and development unit comprising scientists and engineers with the training
and e­ xpertise to assist with problem evaluation. Critical input is provided by sales
and marketing who, through contact with your customers, provide valuable input on
problem identification and the desired functionality of the solution. You, as an engi-
neer, are designing something for someone else—your project is a response to an
actual request or perceived demand from a customer. Too often the real needs of
­customers are not a­ ssigned a fitting priority when defining the challenge to be
To ensure that the pertinent issues and background of the project are thoroughly
explored, access to good information is essential. Your first questions might be the
following: “How reliable are the data? Do the data conflict? If so, can the differences
be resolved?” Given an open-ended challenge, it is likely that available information
may appear inconsistent. However, careful reading of the source often resolves
anomalies. For example, different criteria yield different conclusions! The team mem-
bers active in this phase of the process must determine what types of information
they require and where they reside. In-person resources could include marketing
­departments, technical salespersons, and reference catalogs.
Nowadays, everyone begins an information quest with an Internet search, which in
itself initiates the iterative design process. Adjusting search terms to find the informa-
tion sought contributes to a better comprehension of the challenge and often d ­ irects
the team toward sources they may not have initially considered. You will quickly learn
how to seek, gather, evaluate, and organize information through ­detailed notes, files,
pictures, sketches, and other supporting materials—continuously updated as new data
become available. The assistance of librarians, trained in the retrieval and evaluation

If you have not already done so, review the section of Chapter 7 which discusses the real problem.

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Chapter 12 Engineering Design 345

of factual, accurate, unbiased data with known provenance, can be ­enlisted to expand
the search to include:

■■ Books
■■ Government publications
■■ University research laboratories
■■ Peer-reviewed journals and proceedings
■■ Independent research organizations
■■ Engineers, professors, and other scientists
■■ Patent searches and listings (U.S. Patent Office:
■■ Professional associations (technical and non-technical)
■■ Trade journals and publications
■■ Newspapers and magazines

As soon as is practical, a formal, preliminary statement of the problem should be

constructed. For example, the need for a new automobile safety device for infants
might evolve into “Develop a better child restraint system that will protect children
involved in automobile collisions.” From this, the design process may commence
with a search for what the competition, if any, has accomplished:

1. What information has been published about the problem?

2. Is a solution to the problem already available?
a) If the answer is yes:
i. Who is providing it?
ii. What are the advantages of their solution?
iii. What are the disadvantages of their solution?
iv. How is it made?
v. What is the cost?
vi. Was the solution well received?
b) If the answer is no:
i. Is there a fundamental reason why no one has worked on this?
ii. Did someone try and fail?
3. Are there legal issues to consider?
4. Are there environmental concerns to be addressed?
5. What core questions need to be asked and answered before we write our problem
6. How are we going to evaluate our success or failure as we proceed through the
design process?

Once the problem has been identified, the team should establish working criteria
to validate possible solutions through each stage of the engineering design process.
These preliminary goals help the team members focus their efforts on the desired
objective as they work through the process and could include the following:

■■ How much will it cost?

■■ Will it be difficult to produce?

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■■ What will be its size, weight, strength?

■■ Does it look good?
■■ Is it easy to use?
■■ Will it be safe to use?
■■ Are there any legal concerns?
■■ Is it reliable and durable?
■■ What happens at the end-of-life?
■■ Is this what the customer truly wanted?
■■ Will customers want to purchase it?
■■ Will customers purchase this in preference to a competitor’s product?

Having overall objectives for the project provides a means of evaluating, monitor-
ing and, if necessary, adjusting the problem statement as the design process evolves.
With each input to the process, the preliminary working criteria and overall goals are
reviewed and modified as necessary. For example, one or more criteria may no longer
apply, or new issues may surface that necessitate the addition of extra criteria or mod-
ification of goals. It cannot be overemphasized that each stage of the engineering
design process is an iterative loop in itself.
Using the example of new standards implemented to increase gas mileage and
reduce emissions in automobiles, the initial goals for the design might be “To develop
an automobile engine that produces 25 percent less emissions while increasing gas
mileage by 10 percent.”

Stage 2: Imagine

The basic concept for this stage of the engineering design process is to creatively
­develop as many potential solutions to the problem as possible. A major method of
generating multiple ideas is called Creative Problem Solving and uses a technique
called brainstorming.3 For this, the project leader brings together a group of individu-
als with varying backgrounds and training to solve a particular problem. The more
diverse the group, the broader the range of ideas and the greater the chances of find-
ing an optimal solution to the problem. Such a group may include engineers, s­ cientists,
technicians, shop workers, production staff, finance personnel, anthropologists,
managers, computer specialists, and potential customers.
In the brainstorming process, every spontaneously contributed idea is recorded. None
is deemed too wild or illogical—preliminary judgments and negative c­ omments are not
permitted. The goal is to develop a wide-ranging list of possible solutions to the problem
at hand. The group leader will encourage participants to suggest random thoughts and
ideas using initial triggers such as “Who? What? Why? When? Where? How? How often?”
Anyone who has participated in a brainstorming session knows that it is a very
enjoyable, highly stimulating creative process best introduced when the core team
dynamics are in place—that is, when each individual is receptive to the ideas of others
For a thorough discussion of creative problem solving and brainstorming strategies, see Chapter 7
sections 7.4 and 7.6.

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and comfortable voicing his or her own opinions. If a single session does not provide
sufficient input, the process should be repeated for as long as it remains productive.

Stage 3: Evaluate

We now move to evaluate the best ideas imagined in the brainstorming stage4 with
more sophisticated analysis techniques. If many potential solutions have emerged,
two or more rounds of elimination may be required to reach a manageable list. Early
narrowing of the proposed ideas could include the following:

■■ Eliminating duplicates—While it is important not to create limited categories,

repeated ideas should be eliminated and similar ones retained.
■■ Allowing clarifying questions—This helps identify duplicates.
■■ Asking for preliminary evaluation by a vote—The ideas with the most votes go
forward for more detailed analysis. Note that a vote in this context represents an
informed decision. Limited resources preclude a thorough investigation of all
proposed solutions; the team members must therefore use their collective
judgment and expertise to choose what they believe to be the most sensible and
productive ideas.

Potential solutions are now subjected to thorough technical and financial ­a nalysis,
the design challenge dictating the method of evaluation. Complex systems may
­require characterization with mathematical models; in contrast, a verbal discussion
could suffice for a simple device. In practice, the evaluation of ideas from a brain-
storming session is fraught with uncertainty that depends on access to the qualitative
and quantitative design constraints. For example, the mechanical loading of a
material with specified dimensions is easily predicted; much less certain, and
­fi nancially unpredictable, is whether a proposed solution can be built if the design is
novel and/or the technology is new. While individuals with varying expertise are
­involved in evaluation, the engineer is of primary importance. It is here that the
­engineer’s training in mathematics, science, and general engineering principles is
­applied e­ xtensively to critique the potential solutions. Clearly, the certainty of the
evaluation of these initial ideas increases with experience and knowledge gained.
As an example, let’s consider the types of evaluation that could be applied to the
development of an automobile bumper designed to withstand a 20-m.p.h. crash into
a fixed object barrier:

Analysis using basic engineering principles and laws: Does each of the
proposed solutions satisfy Newton’s laws of motion?5

Note: Chapter 7, Section 3 discusses the analytic method in detail and is directly related to the ma-
terial in this stage.
Obviously the laws of the universe always have to be obeyed, but this may not have been fully
thought through when the idea was proposed.

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Table 12.2 A Decision Table

Working Criteria Points Available #1 #2 #3

Cost 10 8 9 10
Production difficulty 15 8 12 14
Size, weight, strength 8 7 7 5
Appearance 10 7 9 8
Convenient to use 5 3 4 4
Safety 15 8 11 10
Legal issues 5 4 4 4
Reliability/durability 15 7 9 13
Recyclability 7 4 3 5
Customer appeal 10 7 8 9
Total 100 63 76 82

Computer analysis techniques: One frequently used method for structural

assessment is finite element analysis, in which a component is broken up into
segments for numerical analysis. Here, the effects of the impact can be
analyzed as a head-on crash and compared to a 45° angle or a side-impact
collision. As each section is analyzed, the worst-case scenario can be evaluated.
Estimation: How does the desired performance compare to that predicted? If the
early prediction was that some of the solutions would perform better than
others, how did they actually perform against the estimate6?
Analysis of compatibility: Each of the possible solutions and their related
mathematical and scientific principles are compared to the working criteria to
determine their degree of compatibility. For example: How did each bumper
solution meet the criteria of being cost-effective? What is the size, weight, and
strength of each of the proposed solutions? How easy is each to produce?
Common sense: Do the results appear reasonable when evaluated in a simple
form? Does the solution make sense compared to the goal?
Economic analysis: Are cost factors consistent with predicted outcomes?
Conservative assumptions: As discussed in Chapter 7, this technique can be
most useful in analysis in building in safeguards until more data are

After all possible solutions have been examined and their behavior has been com-
pared to the list of working criteria, a decision table (Table 12.2) eliminates those
­proposals that have not performed well. The evaluation stage is another critical part
of the engineering design process because poor evaluation could eliminate the best
solution while promoting inferior or even dangerous ideas. Potential solutions that
satisfy all the requirements will likely be authorized to proceed by the project

Review Chapter 7, Section 3 for a more thorough discussion of estimation.

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manager. If none of the proposed solutions is deemed satisfactory, it probably means

that the problem statement and working criteria need revision.

Stage 4: Create

Here the engineering design process starts to get exciting—the creation of some type
of comprehensive physical or mathematical model that enables visualization and
­exploration of the operational aspects of your design. As for the evaluation process,
the actual manifestation of the model will depend upon what you have designed. Is it
practical or useful to build a full-scale model or prototype? If it’s a large bridge that
crosses a river, you will likely generate one or more mathematical models, CAD
­d rawings, and renderings and possibly build a physical model to help you envision
how the bridge fits into the existing terrain. If it’s a skateboard, full-scale models are
built and used as intended. However, with today’s composite materials and extensive
CAD tools, it is likely that a combination of mathematical and physical models will be
used for even the simplest designs. Models commonly used by engineers and others
include the following:

■■ Full-scale models or prototypes: If practical, building the product as designed is

the best solution. These models, often called prototypes or mock-ups, are very
useful in helping engineers visualize the actual product. Such models are useful
for comparatively small items such as hinges, furniture, tools, dishwashers, etc.
■■ Scale models: Smaller models are built to simulate the proposed design and are
unlikely to include all the features and functions of the actual end product. Such
models may be used to depict large structures, such as dams, highways, bridges,
or perhaps the entire body of an aircraft and help engineers visualize the actual
■■ Diagrams or graphs: These tools help designers visualize the basic functions or
features of a particular part or product. They could be the output of an electrical
circuit of the operating unit of the product, or a visualization of how the
electronic components may eventually be assembled.
■■ Computer models: There is a plethora of computer modeling software, generally
referred to as CAD, available to transform designs into three-dimensional,
on-screen wire-frame drawings, or fully rendered images, for extensive
mathematical analysis. Linking the same software to rapid prototyping 3D
printers, yields solid individual parts or complete models for use in test
■■ Mathematical models: Complex electronic systems, such as those whose
operation relies on stochastic processes, might require more abstract
mathematical analysis to enable fair comparison of their behaviors.

Although the creation stage will involve computer specialists, shop workers,
t­ esting technicians, mathematicians and others, engineers guide the overall process
using their scientific knowledge and expertise.

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Stage 5: Test

In actuality, every idea and model is tested as soon as it appears in the engineering
design process. However, it is the results of the tests undertaken on the models from
the creation stage that establish the foundation for decisions made about the future of
the project. Performing a variety of tests on each of the models allows for comparison
and evaluation against the working criteria and the overall goals that have been
­established. These could include the following:

■■ Function: How well does the design fulfil the role for which it was intended?
■■ Form: Is the overall shape, size, and weight conducive to function?
■■ Safety: Is the product safe for consumer use?
■■ Ease of manufacture: How easily can the product be built? How much labor is
required? What ergonomic concerns are involved in manufacture or assembly?
■■ Strength: Under what forces or loads is failure likely, and with what frequency
might it occur?
■■ Reliability: How reliable is the product over its simulated life cycle?
■■ Durability: How will the product fare during use? What is its predicted lifespan?
■■ End-of-Life: What happens to the product when it no longer functions? Can the
components be recycled?
■■ Quality consistency: Is product quality consistent in the various stages of
manufacture? What conditions need to be controlled to ensure uniformity?
■■ Consistency of testing: Are the testing methodologies and their results
self-consistent? In the bumper design example, the testing methodology might be
different for a head-on impact test to that for a 45° crash test to minimize anomalies.

A means for the consistent and accurate evaluation of data acquired from testing all
the models and prototypes must be established. The working criteria developed in the
first stage of the design process are used to evaluate the results from testing the output
of the creation stage using a decision table to visualize and rank their advantages and
disadvantages. The table typically lists the working criteria in the first column with a
weighted available point total for each of the criteria in the second; the order of prior-
ity is determined by the team. The third and succeeding columns list the ­performance
scores for the possible solutions.
While none of the proposed solutions scored near the ideal, solution #3 outper-
formed the others. With this information, the project manager and team leaders now
make the final decision to “go” or “no-go” with the project. They may decide to pursue
solution #3, to begin a new process, or even to scrap the entire project. We will assume
they decide to proceed with implementation of the design.


The outcome of the five-stage design process is, in essence, a final design for imple-
mentation—input to the manufacturing or construction stage. While the engineering

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design process is still followed, the path is much more clearly defined. The capabili-
ties of the manufacturing plant or the construction procedure will generally be well
understood as will the properties of the materials used and the performance of the
end product. Iteration during manufacturing or construction is kept to a minimum to
reduce costs although it may be necessary to develop manufacturing procedures and
design assembly routes. Changes in the final process should be limited to small ad-
justments of manufacturing variables such as temperature, pressure, or dimension,
for example.
For this to be achieved, there must be complete, thorough, and transparent
­communication, reporting, and specification of all aspects of the design for input to
the manufacturing or construction phase. Team member engineers, skilled craft
workers, computer designers, production personnel, and other key individuals work
together to write and collate the appropriate documentation. This will include d ­ etailed
written reports, summaries of technical presentations and memos, relevant e-mails,
diagrams, drawings and sketches, computer printouts, charts, graphs, and all other
relevant and cataloged material. This information is critical to those involved in de-
termining final approval for the project, as well as the group involved in designing the
final implementation of the product. They require complete knowledge of all parts,
processes, materials, facilities, components, equipment, machinery, and systems that
will be involved in the manufacturing or production of the product. All serious issues
must now be resolved since costs now escalate dramatically.
Communication is an essential tool throughout the design process, but especially in
this stage. If team members cannot adequately “sell” their ideas to the rest of the orga-
nization and cannot appropriately describe the exact details and qualities of the prod-
uct or process, then possible, good solutions might be ignored. Training materials,
operating manuals, computer programs, or other relevant resources for use by the
sales team, the legal staff, and prospective clients and customers are now created. In
addition to the engineers, project manager, and team leaders, many others, r­ epresenting
a variety of backgrounds and areas of expertise, now become involved:

■■ Management and key supervisory personnel make the ultimate decisions

concerning the proposed project. They are concerned with the long-term goals
and objectives of the organization, determining future policies and programs
that support these goals, and making the economic and personnel decisions that
affect the overall health of the organization.
■■ Technical representatives include skilled craft workers, technicians, drafters,
computer designers, machine operators, and others involved in manufacturing
and production. The members of this group will have primary responsibility for
getting the product out of the door.
■■ Business representatives comprise the following:
ǑǑ Human resource personnel to hire new individuals
ǑǑ Financial personnel to handle budget details and financial analysis questions
ǑǑ Purchasing personnel to procure the required materials and supplies
ǑǑ Marketing and advertising personnel to promote the product
ǑǑ Sales personnel to sell and distribute the product

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352 Studying Engineering

■■ Attorneys and legal support staff handle a variety of legal issues including
patent applications, insurance, and risk protection analysis.

When all parties are in agreement that all criteria have been satisfied and the
­ verall goal has been achieved, the project moves to implementation and commer-
cialization. With the product in full production, the project team is terminated and
the product is considered a regular offering in the company’s overall product line.
The project manager, key supervisory personnel, and team members who had sig-
nificant input to the project gather for a final review and assessment. The product’s
performance is examined, as are the latest data on production efficiency, quality con-
trol reports, sales, revenues, costs, expenditures, and profits. An assessment report is
prepared that details the product’s strengths and weaknesses, outlines what has been
learned from the overall process, and suggests ways that future teams can improve
the quality of the process.

12.3 Using the Engineering Design Process—ATM

In this section, to provide you with a better appreciation for the processes involved in
getting a product to market and the team effort required for implementation, we spec-
ulate on the process used to design an ATM. With the concept of an ATM already well
established, the remainder of the process is outlined as a flowchart in Figure 12.3.


The AAA Engineering Company is a small engineering subsidiary of the BCD R ­ esearch
Corporation, a world-renowned research and development facility in the areas of
computer vision, real-time image processing and design, and other advanced video
For many years, AAA has supplied products and services to the banking industry
and has dominated the field in such areas as security systems, bank cards, and per-
sonal identification number (PIN) systems. The parent company, BCD, realizes that
the future of face-to-face banking transactions is rapidly changing and that the secu-
rity of these new types of transactions is a major problem. The challenge for BCD and
its subsidiary AAA is to develop a new electronic security system to validate banking
transactions. They apply their vision technology to the increasing popularity of the
ATM industry.

Stage 1: Define

AAA appoints a project manager to oversee the entire program with a mandate to
launch a new product to resolve the issue. The AAA team must first identify the problem

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Chapter 12 Engineering Design 353

Start Design

Data Accept?


Outcome Yes
Good P.S.?

Enough No










Construct/ Complete
Manufacture Design


Figure 12.3 Product design from concept to implementation

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354 Studying Engineering

and generate ideas to better understand its scope and nature. In the initial stages of the
design process, the team will probably include engineers, physicists, and computer
­designers, in addition to personnel from manufacturing, production, management,
sales, ­finance, and banking. The group members discuss the increasing role of ATMs in
the banking industry and the current use of a PIN and security access card: an i­ ndividual
approaches an ATM linked to a compatible financial institution, inserts an access card,
and enters a PIN to initiate a transaction.
The team members realize that there have been increasing problems with fraudu-
lent use of ATMs. AAA’s experience in the banking field and growth of its computer
vision products may provide an opportunity for them to expand their operations into
this area. Following this premise, the group members work to better understand the
overall situation and locate sources to help them narrow their focus on the perceived
problem. They begin by consulting their own research and development staff and sales
and marketing personnel. In addition, they contact managers and supervisors who
may have ideas regarding the expansion of current product offerings through modifica-
tions and upgrades. External sources of information include prospective banking
industry customers, the Internet, libraries, specialized journals, trade shows,
­conferences, and the competition. An example of an Internet search for ATM design
might resemble that of Figure 12.4.
With these resources, the team can focus on the challenge and develop an initial
problem statement, “Eliminate fraudulent access to ATM accounts.” From this the
team develops working criteria to evaluate possible solutions:

■■ Cost: The machine must be affordable.

■■ Reliability: The accuracy of the solution must be as close to 100 percent as
■■ Security: The security of the cardholder must be fraud-proof.
■■ Technical feasibility: The solution must be easily produced with current
■■ Convenience to the customer: The solution must be easy to use.
■■ Acceptance: The solution must not appear complicated or peculiar, or the public
may not use it.
■■ Appearance: The solution must have an aesthetically pleasing appearance.
■■ Environmental: The solution and its components should be recyclable.

After extensive discussions, the team members decide to re-examine their prelim-
inary problem statement. Following additional review of the working criteria, the
project goal becomes: “Design and implement an alternate method of identifying a
cardholder at an ATM, while focusing on reducing the acceptance of fraudulent
Establishing a goal for the project provides a means of evaluating, monitoring, and
possibly changing the focus of the process as it evolves through the design stages. For
the project manager, these criteria and the goal become a checkpoint, a means
for ­periodically assessing the project’s progress, and help determine when the project
is ready to proceed to the next stage.

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Chapter 12 Engineering Design 355

ATM design

Images Videos

ATM Design Considerations

ATM networks are made up of three distinct components: endpoint elements (users), ATM switches, and
Interfaces, Consider the guidelines discussed in the following...
TN More results

ATM Design Specialists - ICL ATM Design

ICL ATM Design manufacture and design ATM surrounds, window panels and decals. Find out more about
our quality ATM products here.

ATM Design: Make your ATM Signage Standout

Expert designers ensure your custom ATM Surrounds, Kiosks, Enclosures, Toppers, and other products
meet your exact design specifications.

TMS Design - ATM Solutions

TMS Design The Leader in the ATM Environment Industry. Since 1987, TMS Design Inc. has been the leader
in the ATM environment industry with it’s products and services ...

The History of ATM Design Is Crazy │Co.Design│business ...

And even though ATM usage is declining, banks are still trying to reinvent the experience. It took some time
to endear Americans to the Automated Teller Machine, the ... ...

ATM Designs│LinkedIn
ATM Designs is a self owned company specialized in designing, creating and maintaining tailored websites
for individuals and small businesses.

Figure 12.4 Sample Internet search results for ATM design

The team next moves to collect data on ATM fraud using PINs. In addition to ­i nsight
from current public opinion and available market research, they investigate available
products to explore the possibilities for adaptation of their current product lines, and
new developments for the possible introduction of a new product.
They supervise a disassembly of a competitor’s product to discover how it is ­designed
and manufactured—a process termed reverse engineering. Clearly, the manufacture of
a direct copy of a competitor’s product may well run into legal problems if it is ­protected
by trademarks or patents, in addition to being potentially unethical. However, the
­information garnered from such a disassembly exercise may help overcome a design

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356 Studying Engineering

or manufacturing challenge without incurring legal problems. To prevent competitors

from discovering closely guarded secrets, manufacturers will often add red herrings to
a product or design to derail attempts at reverse engineering.
Throughout the design process, the team members maintain accurate notes, r­ ecords,
and files for the information they collect. Sketches and diagrams of similar products or
competitors’ models may be useful when they begin to develop their solutions.

Stage 2: Imagine

Prior to the brainstorming session, the team decides to re-evaluate the list of prelimi-
nary working criteria and assigns a weighted percentage of importance to each of the
factors. After eliminating the criteria of “appearance” and “environmental” from their
list, the resulting working criteria and their respective assigned weights are as follows:

Cost = 10 percent
Reliability = 25 percent
Security = 10 percent
Feasibility = 15 percent
Convenience of use = 20 percent
Public acceptance = 20 percent

A team of engineers, sales staff, managers, supervisors, research and development

staff members, production workers, computer specialists, and selected clients from
the banking industry is assembled. Their assignment is to imagine as many options as
possible for uniquely identifying ATM customers in a series of creative problem-­
solving/brainstorming sessions. Instructed to make no judgments or negative com-
ments on any idea, they propose the following:

1. Modification of the current use of PIN access codes: Adjust current access methods
to tighten security.
2. Individualized signature verification: An ATM attendant matches the cardholder’s
signature to one written on the spot by the person standing at the machine.
3. Machine recognition signature verification: A scanner inside the ATM matches the
cardholder’s signature to one written on the spot by the person standing at the
4. Voice recognition: The person speaks his or her name into an ATM equipped with
a speakerphone and an internal computer matches the voice to that of the
cardholder recording on file.
5. Speech pattern recognition: The person speaks a complete sentence or longer
phrase into an ATM equipped with a speakerphone and an internal computer
matches the voice characteristics and speech pattern to that of the cardholder
recording on file.
6. Fingerprint match: The ATM has a fingerprint pad for the person to press and an
internal computer compares the print to one on file for the cardholder.

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Chapter 12 Engineering Design 357

7. Blood match: The ATM has a device to prick the person’s finger and collect a small
blood sample for instant DNA compatibility analysis with the cardholder’s profile
by an internal computer.
8. Hair sample match: The person inserts a hair sample, with root attached, into the
machine for instant DNA compatibility analysis with the cardholder’s profile by
an internal computer.
9. Eye iris match: The ATM is equipped with a camera that takes a picture of the
person’s iris structure and an internal computer performs a comparison to the
cardholder’s profile on file.
10. Breath analyzer match: The person breathes onto a sensitized glass plate, the
output of which is compared to the cardholder’s profile on file by an internal
11. Dental identification match: The ATM is equipped with a sanitized plate attached
to a computer sensor that the person bites. The output is compared to the
cardholder’s profile by an internal computer.

Stage 3: Evaluate

The team now evaluates each of the 11 ideas against the working criteria to decide
which should be taken forward to the creation stage.


1. Modification of the current use of PIN access codes: Adjust current access methods
to tighten security.
a) Similar to current solution
b) Not reliable or secure
c) Neutral cost
2. Individualized signature verification: Bank employee matches cardholder’s
signature on file with one written on the spot.
a) High cost
b) Not customer-friendly
c) Difficult to implement
3. Machine recognition signature verification: Scanner inside the ATM matches the
cardholder’s signature on file with one written on the spot.
a) Technology is currently available.
b) Public would probably accept this method.
c) Higher cost to implement
d) Long-term reliability is untested.
4. Voice recognition: ATM is equipped with a microphone to capture cardholder’s
name for match by an internal computer to voice on file.
a) Technology is currently available.
b) Higher cost

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358 Studying Engineering

c) Easy to use
d) Long-term reliability is untested.
5. Speech pattern recognition: Similar to above, cardholder speaks a complete
sentence or longer phrase for match by an internal computer to pattern on file.
a) Expensive
b) Technology not as well developed
6. Fingerprint match: ATM has fingerprint pad to capture cardholder’s fingerprint
for comparison by internal computer to one on file.
a) Technology is currently available.
b) Moderate cost
c) Easy to use
d) Long-term reliability is good.
7. Blood match: ATM collects small blood sample from cardholder’s finger for
instant analysis by an internal computer for DNA compatibility.
a) High cost
b) Good reliability
c) Completely unacceptable to the public
8. Hair sample match: Cardholder submits hair sample, with root attached, into
ATM for instant analysis by an internal computer for DNA compatibility.
a) High cost
b) Good reliability
c) Public acceptance would probably be very poor.
9. Eye iris match: ATM is equipped with a camera to take a picture of the iris
structure and perform a comparison to profile on file.
a) Technology is currently available.
b) Moderate cost
c) Very easy to use
d) Long-term reliability is excellent.
10. Breath analyzer match: Cardholder breathes onto a sensitized glass plate for
analysis by internal computer to match pattern on file.
a) Technology not fully developed
b) Expensive to implement
c) Public acceptance would be poor.
11. Dental identification match: ATM is equipped with sanitized plate for cardholder
to bite for analysis by internal computer to match pattern on file.
a) Technology not developed
b) High cost
c) Public acceptance would be extremely poor.

The proposed solutions are evaluated against the working criteria using a decision
table. Those that do not perform well in the various tests are eliminated and we are
left with five options. After review by the project manager, three are deemed to satisfy
the working criteria and authorized to proceed to the next stage.

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Chapter 12 Engineering Design 359

Stage 4: Create

Models are now developed and built for the three proposed solutions: #4 (voice
­recognition), #6 (fingerprint match), and #9 (eye iris match).
A variety of different diagrams and sketches for each concept are developed and
reviewed. The team members have many different styles, options, and units to con-
sider. For each idea, they decide to develop a computer-generated model and also
have craft workers in the model shop construct the prototypes shown in Figures 12.5
through 12.7.

Idea #1: Fingerprint Scanner with Monitor, Keypad Idea #2: Fingerprint Scanner, Small


Idea #3: Fingerprint Scanner, Larger Idea #4: Fingerprint Scanner System


Figure 12.5 Idea concepts for fingerprint identification.

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360 Studying Engineering

Internal Eye Scan Unit

Idea # 1: ATM Wall Unit with

Internal Eye Scan

Idea # 2: ATM Free-Standing

Unit with Internal
Eye Scan

Idea # 3: Remote
Eye-Scan Unit

Idea # 4: ATM Top-Mounted

Eye Scan Unit
Figure 12.6 Idea concepts for eye iris identification.

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Chapter 12 Engineering Design 361

Voice Recognition Unit

Idea # 1: ATM Wall Unit with

Voice Recognition

Idea # 2: ATM Free-Standing

Unit with Voice

Idea # 3: Ceiling or Wall-

Mounted Voice
Recognition Unit
Figure 12.7 Idea concepts for voice recognition identification.

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362 Studying Engineering

Stage 5: Test

Based on the working criteria, the team decides to concentrate on specific tests for the
prototypes that include technical feasibility, quality performance, error rate, and
ease of use. The results of the tests indicate that proposed solution #9 (eye iris identi-
fication) performs very well, as do the other two. For solution #9, the following obser-
vations were made:

■■ Technical feasibility: Current specialty cameras and computer systems can

identify a human being by scanning the iris of the eye and extracting over 400
identifying features from which a digital profile is created for database
■■ Quality performance: Eye scans from 512 individuals were captured, some of
whom had their iris features stored in the database. The program correctly
identified all those on file, rejecting everyone with no matching profile.
■■ Error rate: This was measured to be 1 in 131,578 cases, by far the lowest rate
among any type of biometric testing, including fingerprint and voice recognition.
In addition, the iris scan provides long-term reliability since the iris does not
significantly change with age as do other body parts.
■■ Convenience of use: The technology available provides a hidden camera able to
identify an approaching customer and zoom in on the right iris. As the
cardholder draws closer, security access control makes a positive identification in
a few seconds.
■■ Cost estimation: While not a test per se, sufficient data are available to estimate
the cost of this system at $5,000 per unit. While the initial estimate is high for
machines that typically sell for $25,000 to $30,000, it is predicted that the cost will
drop as units are mass produced.

The compiled data are evaluated by the project manager who determines that the
results consistently meet the working criteria and overall goal. From these data a
­decision table is constructed (Table 12.3).
The results confirm that the eye scan identification system delivered the best per-
formance, and the project manager decides to move ahead with this solution.

Table 12.3 ATM Security System Decision Table

Working Criteria Points Available Voice Fingerprint Iris

Cost 10 6 8 8
Reliability 25 20 22 24
Security 10 9 7 9
Technical feasibility 15 15 14 15
Convenience of use 20 15 16 18
Public acceptance 20 16 17 18
Total 100 81 84 92

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Chapter 12 Engineering Design 363

Manufacture and Commercialize

The management of AAA gives approval for the iris scan identification project to
move into production, starting with the formation of a new team to undertake all
the necessary preparation for manufacture of the ATM units. Questions concerning
overall costs and financial and labor commitments have been resolved. The fi ­ nance
department has developed a project budget, and the purchasing department has
begun the process of obtaining bids for the needed parts and supplies. The legal
staff is resolving final legal issues, including patent applications and copyright
A group of engineers has been selected to oversee the production startup, which
includes obtaining the necessary production space, facilities, equipment, personnel,
and production timetables. When in place, a pilot production process begins.
The marketing, advertising, and public relations staffs contact prospective clients
and customers to promote the eye scan ATM system. Sales personnel involved with
selling and distributing the product are trained to work with clients and provided
with appropriate promotional literature including training and operations material.
With all parties in agreement that the criteria have been satisfied and the overall
goal has been achieved, production begins. Once the eye scan ATM system is in full
production and commercialization, the project manager, key supervisory personnel,
and team members who had significant input to the project gather for a final project
review and assessment. As described earlier, the project team is disbanded and the
iris scan ATM system’s performance is reviewed, including the latest data on produc-
tion efficiency, quality control reports, sales, revenues, costs, expenditures, and prof-
its. A comprehensive report containing all inputs to the design and detailed aspects
of the product’s behavior is compiled for use as a reference for future project manag-
ers and teams to consult.7

12.4 Using the Engineering Design Process—Backpack


The backpack is an ubiquitous item, especially on school and university campuses.

Indeed, it is so omnipresent throughout our society that any attempts to produce a
universal solution are probably doomed to failure. However, posed as an open-ended
problem, the design of a universal backpack is an almost perfect vehicle to learn the
engineering design process. When we start to think about a backpack, we discover
that the possible variations are almost limitless (Fig. 12.8). This is principally because
the item is used for many different activities by individuals who span a broad range of

The iris identification system is currently being piloted in several British and western U.S. locations.
The information presented in this case study is a simulated application of the engineering design

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364 Studying Engineering

Figure 12.8 Ideas for backpacks

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Chapter 12 Engineering Design 365

age, physical size and strength, each with very different demands. Notwithstanding
our concern that a universal backpack design is probably unattainable, it is still an
intriguing design problem if for no other reason than the enormous existing market—
annual sales of backpacks run into the millions.

Stage 1: Define

In addition to the mechanical, biomechanical, materials, and production engineers

recruited for this task, the team would probably include fashion designers, marketers,
anthropologists, college students, social scientists, luggage designers, and travel spe-
cialists, to name but a few. In our hypothetical scenario, the team creates a mind map
(Fig. 12.9), a useful construct for the visual organization of information or ideas.
Broad classification of the arenas for backpack use might include school, college,
urban commuting, aircraft carry-on baggage, and backcountry trekking. Since each
of these end uses will have different working criteria and goals, the team quickly
­decides to narrow the focus to optimize an initial design. They eliminate consider-
ation of backpacks for school, backcountry trekking, carry-on baggage, and urban
commuting in favor of college use. They conclude that this choice represents a
­compromise design that, with modification, could be quickly adapted to include
a broader section of the market such as school use.
The team includes members with a technical background since they are ­k nowledgeable
in the behavior of materials, their mechanical properties, and the ­constraints these
impose. Other members of the team are responsible for answering questions pertaining
to the appearance and customer satisfaction of the design. C ­ ollege students use

Frequency Fashionable
Time Ease of Use Form Attractive
Taking on and off Practical
Wet (clothes) Functionality
Dry (book/papers) Internal Compartments Volume
Organization Capacity
Number Load
External Pockets
Single strap use
School Comfort
College Durability
Application Materials
Backpack Design Weight
Urban Commute
Frame Rigidity
Hiking Construction
Physical Impact Recycle

Water Resistance Protection Ease of Manufacture

Security—Theft Ease of Repair

Use Breathable skins

Design Adaptability Technical Photovoltaic panel
Smart materials
Construction Smart phones
Specialist pockets

Figure 12.9 Mind map for backpack design

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366 Studying Engineering

backpacks to carry around books, computers, snacks, sports clothing, and anything else
they might require during the day. The group discusses the function and use of different
backpack models and collects information related to the problem. Wishing to incorpo-
rate new materials and developments into their ­solution, they use public opinion and
market research to understand the lifestyles and expectations of current students.
The team starts with the working problem statement: “Design the ultimate college
backpack.” They also pose ancillary questions:

■■ “What does a student use a backpack for?”

■■ “What are the most important functions of a backpack?”
■■ “What do students look for when they purchase a backpack?”

Working from their mind map, market research data, and examples of the ­best-selling
backpacks, they develop the following baseline criteria to drive their design:8

■■ Durability: The backpack will be heavily used in a plethora of environments.

■■ Protection: It is likely the backpack will contain a laptop computer or tablet,
which needs to be protected against physical shock and remain dry.
■■ Function: The backpack has to satisfy a variety of operational requirements, and
it needs to do them well.
■■ Organization: The backpack needs to accommodate student requirements for
organization of items—for example, separation of expensive textbooks from wet
sports clothing.
■■ Ease of Use: The backpack will be frequently accessed and taken on and off.
■■ Comfort: The backpack might be carried for reasonable periods of time.
■■ Cost: The solution must be affordable to the average student.

After discussion, the team re-evaluates its preliminary problem statement and
amends the goal statement to: “Design and manufacture a rugged backpack for col-
lege student use to accommodate, organize and protect electronic devices, textbooks,
notebooks, a water bottle, and extra clothing.”

Stage 2: Imagine

Before embarking on their brainstorming session, the newly assembled team mem-
bers review the data and assign weighted percentages of importance to the factors they
retain. After discussion, they conclude that “Ease of Use” and “Comfort” fall within the
category of “Function” and assign weights to the remaining criteria as follows:

Durability = 25 percent
Protection = 25 percent

These suggestions make no claim to be the right answer—they are here to stimulate your creative

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Chapter 12 Engineering Design 367

Function = 25 percent
Organization = 15 percent
Cost = 10 percent

The team, now comprising mechanical and biomechanical engineers, marketers,

luggage designers, anthropologists, university students, and others who can offer a
different perspective on the problem, start the brainstorming process and generate
this list of ways to improve student backpack design:

1. Internal waterproof, padded compartment to protect laptop/tablet

2. Custom exterior pockets for wet clothing, smartphones, etc.
3. Integral, external waterproof cover used to protect against heavy rain
4. Integrated, interior, lightweight frame to provide independent structural
support—protect papers, books from getting squashed
5. External straps to accommodate wet clothing
6. Replace compartment zippers with Velcro for rapid access.
7. Make external pockets detachable.
8. Overall access controlled by single zipper with integrated lock

At this juncture, the project manager is comfortable with the results and allows
the team to move ahead in the design process.

Stage 3: Evaluate

To reduce the number of options for prototyping, the team evaluates the ideas.


1. Waterproof, padded compartment. Protect laptop/tablet.

a) Easy to use
b) Similar to current designs
c) Convenience level not as high
2. Custom exterior pockets. Provide specialized storage.
a) Moderate cost
b) Specification too open-ended
c) Technology is available.
3. Integral waterproof cover. Use in event of heavy rain.
a) Very convenient
b) Moderate cost
c) Easy to use

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368 Studying Engineering

4. Interior frame. Structural rigidity.

a) Moderate manufacturing cost
b) Provides degree of protection
c) Prevents backpack from being compressed
5. External straps. Use to transport wet clothing.
a) Convenient
b) Low cost
c) Items lost if improperly secured
6. Replace zippers with Velcro straps. Rapid access to compartments.
a) Low cost
b) Not very reliable
c) Lose effectiveness over time
7. Detachable external pockets. Customized design.
a) Low cost
b) Choice of size
c) Easily lost
8. Single zipper with built-in lock. Protect contents from theft.
a) Moderate cost
b) Easily performs intended function
c) Increases access time and is generally inconvenient

After comparison to the working criteria, four solutions—option #3 (waterproof

cover), #4 (internal frame), #7 (detachable pockets), and #8 (built-in lock)—are
­retained for further development.

Stage 4: Create

Several prototype backpacks incorporating one or more of the proposed ideas are
built and supplemented with CAD models to explore their structural behavior with
an eye to the use of composite materials. After reviewing the analysis and criteria, the
team decides to continue the process with all the options suggested.

Stage 5: Test

The team of engineers and technicians now initiates the testing process. They develop
procedures to measure the performance of the different ideas against the criteria
­developed in Stage 1 and construct a decision table (Table 12.4).
Tests show that solutions #3, the integral waterproof cover, and #4, the interior frame,
are the preferred options so the project manager suggests a combination of these
­solutions to complete the design process. The team members organize their data and
­prepare to move to the manufacturing stage.

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Chapter 12 Engineering Design 369

Table 12.4 Backpack Design Decision Table

Working Criteria Points Available Cover Frame Pockets Lock

#3 #4 #7 #8

Durability 25 15 18 10 15
Protection 25 25 20 10 20
Function 25 16 18 17 14
Organization 15 10 10 12 15
Cost 10 5 5 8 3
Totals 100 71 71 57 67

Manufacture and Commercialization

The vital role of communication in the final stages of the engineering design process
has already been discussed. In the case of a backpack, the investment required to tool
up for the manufacture of perhaps hundreds of thousands of backpacks will be
­considerable, leaving little room for error or uncertainty. Assuming that all the
­relevant documentation has been collated and checked for accuracy, process and
­production engineers will be called in to design and install a manufacturing facility.
In parallel with this, the necessary managerial, marketing, sales, and legal structure
will be put in place for commercialization of the backpacks.
The last phase of the engineering design process is commissioning the production line.
Yields from the initial production runs will be used to review thoroughly the r­ eproducibility
of the product and the reliability of the manufacturing process. The properties of the
backpacks produced are compared against the production specifications to ensure that
there are no weak links, such as poor stitching or misalignment of component parts.
Adjustments and fine tuning will no doubt be required before the design team
meets one last time to evaluate the data from manufacturing and sales, and the
­performance of the improved backpacks. The production efficiency, sales, revenues,
costs, expenditures, profits, and quality control reports are reviewed and support the
role of the backpack as an integral component of the company’s products. The group
produces a final report for reference by future project teams.


BBC, Time-lapse Film Shows How a Boeing Dreamliner is Built (9/30/15) /
.com/news/business-34406362 (accessed December 30, 2015).
Burns, K., Brooklyn Bridge, Walpole, NH, Florentine Films, 1982.
Petroski, H., To Engineer is Human: The Role of Failure in Successful Design, New York, Vintage
Books, 1992.
Petroski, H., Success Through Failure: The Paradox of Design, Princeton, NJ, Princeton
University Press, 2006.

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370 Studying Engineering


12.1 Disassemble one of the devices suggested below and put it back together. Sketch all
the parts and illustrate how they fit together to make the device operate. List at least
three ways you think the design could be improved. Choose one of the following
devices: a) flashlight, b) lawn sprinkler, c) sink faucet, d) stapler, e) inkjet printer,
f) computer mouse.

12.2 Prepare a list of questions to be resolved in defining each of the following

engineering challenges:
a) Develop an improved manual gearshift for a mountain bike.
b) Develop a chair, with back support, for an individual weighing 150 lbs using
nothing other than cardboard boxes.
c) Develop a hands-free flashlight.
d) Develop a theft-proof bicycle lock.
e) Develop a container to easily carry 10 gallons of water for five miles.
f) Develop a secure storage area on a bike for a helmet.
g) Develop an efficient open-air woodstove for baking bread.

12.3 Develop a list of working criteria that could be used in deciding whether to:
a) Accept a co-op job offer from Company A or Company B.
b) Study overseas for the fall semester or remain on campus.
c) Buy a new car or repair your old one.
d) Drive to school or use public transport.
e) Change your major or remain in engineering.
f) Purchase a new computer or upgrade your current model.
g) Live in a detached house or an apartment.
h) Eat no meat for a week.

12.4 Identify five product, structure, or system designs you think can be improved. Pick
one and write a preliminary problem statement for the engineering design process.

12.5 Using an item from your list in Exercise 12.4, develop a list of reference materials
that would be used in developing possible solutions to the problem. Provide specific

12.6 Get together with three other classmates and brainstorm at least 30 ways to use one
of the following objects:
a) Two-foot length of string
b) Ping-Pong ball
c) One plastic soda bottle
d) Page of notebook paper and a two-inch piece of tape

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Chapter 12 Engineering Design 371

e) 10,000 plastic grocery bags

f) Obsolete cellphone
g) Deck of playing cards
h) Yo-yo
i) Metal coat hanger
j) Empty plastic milk container
k) 15 paper clips
l) 1 lb of rotting vegetables
m) Newspaper and 12 inches of masking tape

12.7 Using the result you developed in Exercise 12.4, prepare a decision table for three
possible alternative solutions.

12.8 Read a current printed newspaper or magazine article that describes and discusses
a groundbreaking product, device, or system. Prepare a four-page report that
analyzes and explains, in detail, each stage of the design process that was probably
required in the development of this product or device. Apply the engineering design
process discussed in this chapter to your product or device, and use specific
examples to support your statements. Make sure you list your sources in the body of
the paper or in a bibliography.

12.9 Assemble a team of three students from your class and use the engineering design
process to develop a portable, garage-like covering for a bicycle that can be stored
somewhere on the bike when not in use.

12.10 Assemble a team of four students from your class and use the engineering design
process to build the tallest possible tower that can support a 12-oz can of soda/pop.
Materials: one roll of masking tape, one package of straws, and one can of soda/pop.
Constraints: Your tower must be freestanding and remain upright for five seconds
under load to qualify for measurement. You have 30 minutes to complete this

12.11 Assemble a team of five students from your class and use the engineering design
process to build a bridge that spans at least three feet between supports in contact
with the ground. Materials: one roll of duct tape, 10 feet of rope, a 40-inch by 75-inch
piece of cardboard, and 14 cardboard slats each 12 inches by 2 inches. After the
design is complete, 40 minutes will be allowed for bridge construction and testing.
The test: One of your team members must walk heel-to-toe across the bridge; extra
points are awarded for spans exceeding three feet.

12.12 Assemble a team of eight students to design backpacks for a use other than the one
proposed. Start with your own mind map, establish a different set of working
criteria, and then follow the engineering design process.

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