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February 27, 2016: Using Notability, I created a document entitled Species Stats, which

would eventually become the CSG v1. Looking back, it was an abomination. At the time, I only
had access to the EotE Core Rulebook and Dangerous Covenants, and I sought to expand my
list of 11 playable species. I jotted down official stats with some modifications, and I also wrote
my own for other species. When it was all said and done a few weeks later, I had a total of 50
species: 11 from my printed books and 39 that I had written down stats for. I grouped them by
characteristics at 3, a precedent which I would continue for years.

March 9, 2016: I posted a few of my original stat blocks onto FFG forums. Rightfully so,
they were not well-received.

July 4, 2017: The CSG as we all know it began on this patriotic day, in which I thought it
would be nice to have all my stats printed. Of course, while I was at it, I thought it would make
sense to have a picture of the species and a brief description for each, which I then molded to
match FFG’s physiology/society/other/homeworld/language style of writing. The page for
Wookiees was the first one.

August 21, 2017: Ending with Falleen, I completed all of the species from v1 a month
and a half later, and I triumphantly printed off my new resource… only to realize that my guide
was full of flaws, especially in terms of typos. I also started the Great Clone Wars Alien
Compendium, a relatively short-lived project dedicated to statting TCW species. However, the
time spent working on it taught me a lot about creating stat blocks.

January 2, 2018: I shared the CSG for the first time via FFG forums. The only version
released was Brawn 3, and I added other species over the next few days. These versions had
some new additions, and I uploaded them after I finished proofreading.

January 12, 2018: I finally completed v3 10 days later, and I uploaded a PDF with all of
the species in one, although they were still sorted by characteristic.

February 19, 2018: v4 soon followed, in which I added many species in response to
requests as well as almost every species that I knew of. It brought the total to 144 and featured
another round of edits. For the first time in a long time, I considered the CSG to be finished: I
printed off a copy and took a break from the project. However, I still wrote down new species as
I discovered them.

April 30, 2018: My list had increased, and I had also discovered more errors. I accepted
the fact that the project was still incomplete.

June 1, 2018: After discovering the popularity of OggDude’s Character Generator and
realizing how easy it is to create datasets, I decided to transfer the CSG into Oggdude’s.
June 6, 2018: I was contacted by TheDearth2, who offered to reformat the CSG by
creating a better-looking version. I accepted and temporarily stopped working on v5 to make
these new versions.

June 11, 2018: I completed the Dataset, and I released v4.1 both as a Dataset and a

June 26, 2018: Although formatting decisions from more than a year ago were once
considered a gospel, I made the first major formatting change by no longer including starting
Brawn and Willpower in wound and strain thresholds.

November 3, 2018: After a long hiatus, I finished the fancy graphics version. Thus, I
released v4.3, which came in 3 formats: fancy graphics, printer friendly, and Dataset.

November 6, 2018: Due to popular, I made my second major change to the formatting by
removing the chapters sorted by characteristic(s) at 3. I also decided to add an index, and I
began it by sorting species by characteristic(s) at 3. This new format came out as v4.4, and it
lacked a fancy graphics version because I lost contact with TheDearth2.

February 5, 2019: With formatting and different versions settled on, I was finally able to
get into the meat of v5. One of the biggest steps in doing this was purchasing the Ultimate Alien
Anthology, a resource which I have used to discover more new species.

February 27, 2019: To celebrate the 3 year anniversary of the CSG, I provided a link to
the Google Drive folder, thus allowing everyone to instantly see changes and additions as I
made them.

January 16, 2020: I completed and released Printer Friendly and OggDude’s Dataset
versions of v5. This was the biggest update ever: More than a year in the making, it featured
110 new species.

June 9, 2020: The fancy graphics version returned in v6, alongside the Printer Friendly
version and OggDude’s Dataset.

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