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Akurian A primitive people, the Akurians have the appearance

of simple-minded brutes, and they can be intimidating
to other species. They use little technology in their
traditional lifestyle, which also involves isolation. As
larger nomadic predators, they live on their own or in
small units of immediate family, although there are a
few occasions where they interact with one another.
Some work as merchants, and there are a couple
dozen judges across the planet who are paid to act as
the government. Because they have little experience
with seeing those outside their own family, they come
across as strange in demeanor. Often, they are cold
and unfriendly, forming cynical rivalries, but they will
obey authority without question and expect the same
from their subordinates.
Brawn 3, Intellect 1 A Tenuous Alliance:
WT 14+Brawn, ST 10+Willpower Akurians were once hunted by Imperials, who had a
100 XP base on Akuria II and were oblivious to the fact that
1 rank in Coercion Akurians are sentient. The Rebel Alliance, which once
Thick Fur: Remove setback for cold conditions, add wanted to make a base of their own there, has made
setback for hot conditions. various dealings with the Akurians to help them fight
Primitive: Upgrade the difficulty of any checks off Imperial rule, including supplying weapons and
involving advanced technology. This counts as any personnel, hoping that the Akurians would provide
technology not available on their home planet, support to the Alliance after they emerge victorious.
although individual pieces of technology they become Unfortunately, such an optimistic venture has not
familiar with over an extended period of time can worked out exactly as intended. After a longer than
become exempt from this at the GM's discretion. May expected struggle, the Akurians have indeed earned
spend 10 XP at character creation to remove this their freedom, but few have developed genuine
penalty permanently. friendships with the rebels they fought with or have
any interest in fighting in a galaxy-wide war. The vast
Physiology: majority wish to return to their primitive lifestyle, and
A larger species of primates comparable to Wookiees those who do go offworld typically have a more selfish
in build, the Akurians have thick, white fur in order to motivation.
protect them from the snowy environment of their
homeworld. Because of their ferocity, they are Homeworld:
sometimes called Snow Demons or Snow Stompers. Akurians come from the frigid planet of Akuria II in the
Their face, generally not covered by fur, is fairly Oplovis sector of the northern Outer Rim. It is a very
humanoid with a short nose and a wide mouth, and backwater planet with little resources to offer the
they have a vertical crest of fur atop their head. galactic community, but now that the Imperials have
been driven away from it, a few smugglers and other
Note: criminals use it as a hideout.
Little is known about Akurian society. The remainder
of this information has a few assumptions based on Language:
subtle comments but is mostly made up. However, I Akurians rarely ever speak Basic, as they have little
need to fill this page, and having societal information contact with outsiders and cannot always differentiate
should make Akurian characters more interesting. between its vowels. Their native language, also
Players are not obligated to follow this, but it is named Akurian, comes in many dialects, many of
encouraged that if not, they imagine their own aspects which have not been properly studied.
of Akurian culture.

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