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through its side.

Their skin comes in shades of brown,

Adarian yellow, or blue, which is mostly dependent on caste.
They have no nose or ears, but they have olfactory
glands under their skin and thin hairs which can hear
even more effectively than the ears of other species.
They have a distinctive throat pouch which they can
inflate and vibrate to emit a low sound called a long
call. They can use it to communicate with each other
over long distances, but it can be used as an attack
against non-Adarians who are nearby.

Highly intelligent, the Adarians will take a long time to
consider before making any sort of decision, but once
they have made their choice, they are incredibly
stubborn. They place high value in financial success,
which gives them a powerful drive to succeed in
business, often at the expense of hobbies or
relationships. This, when combined with their knack
for technology, has ensured that they do well in
mining and technology industries.

Adarians are arranged into a caste system called
screel’sara, which almost all of them support. Any
Adarian will support a member of a higher class and
obey their commands. This structure is so successful
that their civilization has been stable and avoided any
sort of civil unrest. Their government is composed of
members in the higher castes. Breaking away from
the tiers of the caste structure is unthinkable, so any
Adarians in the lower caste who want freedom must
leave their planet.

Adarians come from the Inner Rim planet of Adari,
Stats: although it is widely accepted that they immigrated to
Intellect 3, Willpower 3, Brawn 1, Cunning 1 it thousands of years ago from an unknown
WT 9+Brawn, ST 10+Willpower homeworld. A cold world with forests and mountains,
90 XP it is ruled by a government, which is headquartered in
1 rank in Perception the Hall of Decisions, that acts like a corporation. It
Long Call: May create a low sound which can be has prominent industries of mining and
heard up to 20 kilometers away by other Adarians. manufacturing, but many Adarians are sent offworld to
Once per encounter, may also use it to attack using find more business opportunities.
an easy Resilience check, dealing 4 base damage as
strain to all non-Adarians within short range. Have Crit Language:
4, but suffer 2 strain when using this attack. Adarians have a rigid mouth with no lips, so they have
a thick accent when they speak Basic. Their own
Physiology: language, Adarese, is based on pitches and tonal
Adarians are mammals distinguished by a tall, inflections.
wrinkled head which has a large hole that goes

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