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extremely sensitive, and they can use smell to track

Baragwin targets or even decipher the moods and emotions of

others. Because of these abilities, a number of them
have found success as bounty hunters.

Baragwin are a people with a desire to move and
explore, often migrating and forming colonies
throughout the galaxy. They are also known to treat all
people equally, regardless of societal background or
wealth. This even applies to criminal Baragwin, who
often exploit without prejudice. Their intelligence
allows them to succeed in many careers, and they
were one of the first spacefaring species. However,
they have become especially noteworthy as
weaponsmiths. They make weapons ranging from
blasters to vibroblades, and they can be found on
both sides of the Galactic Civil War.

Baragwin Colonies:
Baragwin are so inclined toward colonization that they
have forgotten their old homeworld and have yet to
unify on a single planet. They have a number of small
settlements, most of which are relatively anarchic and
Stats: have politicians selected by an informal democracy.
Intellect 3, Agility 1 Such politicos only remain in power for short periods
WT 11+Brawn, ST 10+Willpower of time, however. They affiliate themselves more with
90 XP their colony of origin than their species, and their
1 rank in Mechanics culture varies greatly based on which colony they are
Thick Skin: Receive the talent “Enduring.” from. For example, the Baragwin on Denuhi-Eight and
Advanced Olfaction: Add boost on olfactory amiable yet cautious, but Baragwin on other worlds
Perception checks. As a maneuver, may sense the such as Tatooine are very different.
emotional state of anyone within medium range by
passing an average Perception check. Homeworld:
Ponderous: May only spend 1 maneuver moving per The Baragwin originate from Old Barag, an Expansion
turn. Region planet. However, they were quick to discover
space travel and have moved on to many other other
Physiology: planets. They have now completely forgotten Old
Baragwin are hunchbacked reptiles with very thick Barag. Although their population is only in the
skin that is typically brown, gray, or olive. This thick millions, they have many small colonies. Such
skin helps them to shrug off a great deal of damage, colonies include Tatooine, Denuhi-Eight, and
but they are heavy and slow. Such sluggishness is Coruscant. Because of how widespread they are, they
purely physical, however, as their mind is highly are a common sight and are very-well known
intelligent. They do sometimes hide their intelligence, throughout the galaxy.
as they can often take advantage of misconceptions.
They have three-fingered hands and three-toed feet. Language:
Their head, typically very wrinkled, is large and Baragwin typically know Basic, and some know other
roughly cylindrical with a flat face. They have small, tongues that are used on their planet of origin. They
black eyes, and their mouth is wide and slobbery. have a native language, Baragwinian, but most of
They have a very large, circular nose. This nose is them are not fond of it.

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