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naturally to them, although they are notorious for

Amaran spending far longer than other species in the process.

While this long-winded bargaining can be a waste of
time in some cases, many Amaran manage much
better deals when they make others cave out of
frustration. Many are also good at dealing with
animals, so some find work as ranchers or beast
charmers. Others combine these abilities to sell
animals. Unlike some other furred creatures, they
typically wear clothing.

Amarans and the Trade Federation:

While the Amarans originally hail from Amar, their
nature for business makes many of them travel
offworld. In particular, many have worked with the
Trade Federation as managers or middle men. One of
the planets that many have come to for business is
Vulpter. This highly polluted Deep Core planet had
many Amarans, who made up about six percent of the
population. It was used as a storage world for the
Trade Federation, with its underground facilities
managed by immigrant Amarans while the native
Vulptereen handled menial labor. This arrangement
meant that the Amarans were greatly disliked by the
Stats: Vulptereen. The Amarans on Vulpter were also
Presence 3, Brawn 1 disliked by their own people, as their homeworld
WT 9+Brawn, ST 11+Willpower chose to stay with the Republic. After the end of the
95 XP Clone Wars, the Amaran immigrants who worked for
1 rank in Leadership or Survival their Trade Federation suddenly lost their offworld
Demanding Negotiators: After making a Negotiation benefactors in addition to being trapped on the planet
check, may suffer 2 strain to convert 1 triumph into 2 by Imperial regulations regarding the Deep Core. With
success. their hostile relations combined with poverty, the life
Silhouette 0 for Amarans on Vulpter is now difficult.

Physiology: Homeworld:
The Amarans are small-sized creatures that share The Amarans originally come from Amar, a terrestrial
vulpine and canine heritage. They are covered in fur, Inner Rim world. However, they are often seen on
which is typically red-orange with a white spot on the other planets. Many live on the watery Mid Rim world
chest. Their fur is relatively short aside from their of Naboo, where they inhabit swamps and work as
bushy tail and tufted cheeks. They have a pointed ranchers for the native bursa. These swamps also
white muzzle with a small mouth. They also have feature a primitive species, the Gungans. Those on
small black eyes and a black nose, and their ears are Vulptereen and other worlds related to the Trade
large and pointed. While the Amarans have no toes, Federations mostly focus on business management,
they do have four-fingered hands with thin claws. leadership, and other white-collar jobs. They can also
be found on many other planets like Coruscant, often
Society: as merchants or traders.
The Amarans are a social people, so many work in
roles related to leadership. They are a mobile species Language:
that likes to form colonies. Even more Amaran travel Amarans often know many languages, as they like to
for business and job opportunities. Negotiation comes travel and be social. Typically, Basic is one of them.

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