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Aleena At 80 centimeters and 50 kilograms on average,

Aleena are a small and fast species of warm-blooded
reptiles. Proportionally, their body is rather long with
short legs and arms. Despite their short stride, they
have quick reflexes, and a fast metabolism gives
them large amounts of energy: enough energy to
outrun much larger predators. Though their hands
have only four stubby fingers, they are nevertheless
superior to many species in terms of dexterity. Their
somewhat scaled skin is mostly blue-gray and
typically grayest at the chin and chest. Their hairless
head also includes a wide mouth of sharp teeth,
downward-pointing ears, noseless nostrils, and a
pointed forehead.

Aleena are social creatures, thriving the most
amongst their own families or with other closely-knit
groups. They live in villages with large groups of their
extended family members. They are very loyal and
dedicated to their families and friends, travelling with
them even if they leave the planet. They are also
innately curious, eager to see new things. Their food
is omnivorous and known for being extremely spicy.

Aleena Tourists:
Tourism is a preferred hobby of most Aleena, and
their dedication to family means that Aleena families
touring is common sight at many metropolises,
historical sites, amusement parks, or sporting events.
Podracing is a particularly common sport for Aleena,
whose quick reflexes and dexterity grant an edge.
The Aleen Classic is one of the most important races
on their homeworld.

The Aleena homeworld is the Inner Rim planet of
Aleen, which, despite its verdant terrain, is a very
dangerous planet. Predatory sagcatchers continue to
plague the Aleena because of their great speed, as
do the scatalpens. Despite these troubles, the Aleena
have built a well-functioning society, including a
prominent sporting industry. However, because of
Stats: their love of tourism and exploration, they are
Agility 3, Brawn 1 scattered throughout the galaxy.
WT 9+Brawn, ST 10+Willpower
100 XP Language:
1 rank in Coordination Most Aleena can speak Aleena, which is their native
Sturdy Frames: Receive the talent “Durable.” language, and Basic.
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