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which can even detect radio waves.

Their sense of
Columi touch is also very weak. They cannot reproduce on
their own and must use cloning to make new Columi.
However, all of these disadvantages are made up by
the fact that they have four highly advanced
cerebrums, each with veins visible from the outside of
their hairless scalp. These combine to make perhaps
the greatest mind of any species in the galaxy, and
the Columi excel in all intellectual pursuits.

Columi have built a technologically advanced society
which is relatively isolated. They view intellectual
pursuits as inherently superior to physical ones, so
they look down on all other species who do not share
their intellect. They also prefer indirect interactions
over face-to-face meetings. They have a democratic
society, although they have agreed to support the
Empire in exchange for being left alone. They often
work as administrators, engineers, or analysts within
the Empire, although a few use their genius to
achieve wealth in private enterprises. Columi in the
rest of the galaxy typically wear repulsorsuits or ride
in mental hoverpods in order to move around
normally. Their technology is typically controlled by
sensing brain waves rather than using physical
consoles, and most of their production is automated.

Ancient Roots:
Columi were one of the first species to ever achieve
Stats: space travel, and they explored the galaxy long
Intellect 4, Brawn 1, Agility 1 before contemporary societies such as those of the
WT 8+Brawn, ST 8+Willpower humans and Duros had developed. Disappointed by
120 XP the barbarism they found on other worlds, the Columi
1 rank in any Knowledge skill retreated to their home, and they remained there to
Vestigial Limbs: Reduce encumbrance threshold by 4 avoid conflicts with the ancient race known as the
and may not move without mechanical assistance. Celestials. This sense of superiority has not gone
away over the past millennia, and they have remained
Physiology: isolated with little interest in trade ever since.
Descending from herbivorous reptiles, Columi are a
technologically advanced species who have almost all Homeworld:
of their mass devoted to their cranium. Although they Columi come from the low-gravity Core World of
are similar to humans in size, their body is incredibly Columnus, which is composed of jungles and muddy
weak, its sole purpose being to house their heart and swamps. As they are adapted to its low gravity, they
lungs needed to support their mind. Their arms and dislike travelling to other worlds with standard gravity.
legs are essentially vestigial, as they are longer able
to walk or support their own body weight, even on Language:
their low-gravity homeworld. They have wrinkled skin, Because they have little interest in dealing with other
and their head features two wide eyes. They lack a species, the Columi typically do not speak Basic and
nose or ears, as they cannot hear, smell, or taste, instead use their native language.
although their eyes double as auditory receptors

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