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The cybernetic implants also allow for silent

Gank communication with other Ganks.

Ganks are a brutal people with a reputation as such.
Aside from the Ganks themselves, no one really
knows much about the species. They almost all view
battle and mercenary work as their calling in life and
have no qualms about murdering anyone. This earns
them the name “Gank Killers.” Few seem to object to
it. They can be violent as a result of any perceived or
real insult, although they can get along better with
employers. Even for those who successfully approach
a Gank, they are cold and mysterious. They have a
taboo against exposed flesh and entirely cover
themselves in armor. Although they almost always
travel in packs, evidence of a society or leader
remains yet to be seen.

The use of Ganks as bodyguards by Neimoidians is
one of the few notable cases in history in which the
Bounty Hunter’s Guild did not maintain complete
control of the field. Such is not the only notable feat
by the Ganks in mercenary fields. Their overall history
as hitmen, enforcers, and mercenaries is well known,
and they have good relations with many Hutt crime
lords. Their abilities seem far superior to that of any
competition. The Hutt relations, as well as their overall
Stats: nature, makes them seen as immoral and low-class to
Presence 1 most citizens of the galaxy. For this, or perhaps some
WT 10+Brawn, ST 10+Willpower other unknown reason, they organized, fought, and
110 XP lost in a war against the Republic over 5,000 years
1 rank in Coercion or Vigilance ago.
Cyborgs: At character creation, gain up to 2 free
cybernetic implants of up to 5,000 credits combined Homeworld:
value. Additional credits at character creation may be The original Gank homeworld is unknown, but they
used to increase the 5,000 credit cap. Have a came to Nar Shaddaa and made it their homeworld.
cybernetic implant cap of 3+Brawn. Nar Shaddaa is the Hutt-controlled moon of Nal Hutta,
covered in cities that house all sorts of illicit activities.
Physiology: They seem to live with their Hutt crime lord
Ganks are a species of entirely cyborgs who augment employers, or they may be nomadic entirely. Such
their skills and physique with mechanical devices. In mysteries, just like the others, can only be answered
addition, they almost always cover their entire body in by the Gank Killers themselves.
their traditional body armor. Those that see a Gank
outside of his or her armor, which is very rare, will see Language:
a furry yellow body. Their head is squared-off and Since Ganks can communicate silently, the nature of
their mouth is almost in a frown or snarl. Their eyes, their language remains yet another mystery. They can
not far above the mouth, are small. Though short, understand and speak Basic, however, if they need to
they are heavy, with broad shoulders and thick limbs. get a point across.

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