Hindu Law, 2015

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D (20116) Roll No. Wally. B.A. LLB-V Sem, NP-3444 B.A. LL. B, Examination, Dec. 2015 Hindu Law (Codified Law) (BL-504), Time + Three Hours} {Maximum Marks : 100 Note: Attemptal the Sectonsas per instructions ah aoe a Fegan se Sectloa EH (Very Short Answer Questions) (sit og sata 9x7) [Attempt all the fve questions. Bach question cares 4 marks, Very shor answer is required not exceeding 15 words 4%5-20 ao ee seat & sare ing | an oe 4 oat wr fr 75 ae eg er @ 1. Define Custom and its importance. Bi 1 GRtaTeT Aifoey Oe THT ABTA ATT | 2. Whatdo you understand by Notional Partition’ ? When, isitrequired? corates fra’ @ ort en ast & ? gaat rage a BiB? 3. Divoreebymutual consent. arceats eAR @ Pree PB 4. Define maintenance’ according tothe provisions of Hindu Adoption and Maintenance. Act, 1956. fg ca ae dre iA L950 SITE OT er a often Are 1 5. Definition of Guardian” according to Hindu Minority and guardianship Act, 1956 fey sorerea wet Hear siPra 1956 % srt eevee NP 3444 @) Section-B wea (Short Answer Questions) (ey outer sa) Attempt any fo questions out of the following three questions. Fach question carries 10 marks. Short answerisrequirednotexceeding 200 words, 102-20 Prete sit 98 Peel seit ae Ate 1 He eT 10 aT | sift 200 stl ay sere er ‘Who is bound to the maintained by a Hindu According to Hindu Adoptions and maintenance Act, 1956? Is a ‘married daughter also iable to maintain her old parents Refertoa decided Supreme Court case on this subject. me Re ar AAR eat Teer a are are ? a es Refer Set int ge Re-s t er ae ah eB 2 Fg wm Sher cater 19568 deaf A wee Ate NP3444 @ 7. What are the essentials confitons of a valid Hindu Marriage? What isthe consequene of non-filfementof conditions? Answer with referenceto HMA 1955. am Be fg Ras ae ona ait B ? oo act ger cera oe? eg Pare ae 1955 Seol Asada 8. Define the word ‘Crusliy’ as one of the grounds of divorce given in HMA 1955. Is demand for dowry ‘cual’ RefertoSC.cascon he subject. forg Ree sian, 1955 4 ge er fea “tre At Pere Pre rere | en a A eT ca ear Goh A at 7 ee fae ge wate area a a seer aif | Seetion-€ TST (Detated Answer Questions (Pree sata a) Attempt any tree questions out ofthe following five questions, Each question caries 20 marks, Answer is requiedin deta 203-60 NP-3444 6) Frese he wet A A eet sere re | sri et 20 ob a rg a tea 9. Define the words 'Agnate! and'Cognate' given in Hindu Succession Act 1956, What is their importance in matters related to succession ? fog crater ofthe, 1956 9 Ray sa ‘ag wet a afer dire | aaa wear Rava A era a wea? 10, What do you understand by the words ‘Capacity’ and ‘Right to adopt ? Define both and bring out the distinction beeen thm, Bae OFF fore ote! oe eh eral a Fe oe tateaemt gemomem 1L, "Hindu Law isnot Lex Lot (Local Law) butitislawot status", Explain this statementby giving examples NP-3444 Cy “ey Ref “eentta afer at ong ae “fren rea afer 21" eer a shes Sacre aE AT ‘What are the conssquenees of valid adoption ? Canan adoptive child deprive his adoptive parents to dispose of. their property ? Discuss the relevant provisions of the in doption nd Maintenance Act 19S6inthisregard 1m he eae Ben cho BSE 2 eT TS fe FMT SR TY TNA THT Gh a aT, Ferma rear FAC ART GT ATT (transfer) BAT ar a eB 2 ere rg eT eT ra re a eter ig 1 ‘Who are the natural guardians ofa Hindu minor? When do they lose the right of guardian ? Can they appoint testamentary guardian if so when ? State the relevant law reffering the provisions given in Hindu Minority and guardianship Act, 1956. NP-344d o 1m fog sore & Sats de Se aa E 2 or Het ire aa er 8 2 en Fa PT ee Pega oe wd a eh or oT A? fg soreey @@ dere sehr & saat at re fra dota or oa are NP-3444-7

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