Term 42023 Student Guidance

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The Rockhampton Grammar School

Year 8 Geography

Landscapes and Landforms: Coasts

Assessment Instrument 2: Fieldwork Report

Fieldwork Report Due Date: All Classes – Friday 3rd November, 2023

Student Name


Topic/s Landscapes and Landforms: Coasts

Date of Issue 16th October, 2023 Duration 3 weeks

Length 600-800 words Mode Report

 Individual Work
Week 4: Draft Report due
Week 5: Feedback Provided
Week 5: Final Report Submission
Draft Due 27th October, 20023
Resources Access to internet & library resources
Fieldwork data

Criteria Marks Available Marks Awarded

Geographical Understanding 5

Geographical Thinking 15

Research & Communication 5

Total 25

Teacher Feedback

Coasts are dynamic landscapes, subject to a range of geomorphological processes. Humans also have an impact on
coastal landscapes. Geographers conduct fieldwork to collect data and information about natural coastal erosional
processes that impact how humans can interact with the coastal landscape.


Using data and information collected during the Field Trip to Ritamada, you are to write a Fieldwork Report which
explains the natural and human erosional processes that occur along the beach. You will then analyse and interpret
your Fieldwork data that will inform a proposal to mitigate the impacts you observed. You should consult
secondary sources in addition to your Fieldwork notes to supplement what you have learned in class.

To complete this task, you must do the following:

 Complete Fieldwork data and notes which will document and organise your research in preparation of your
Fieldwork report.
 Present your findings in a Fieldwork Report using the resources provided in class, data taken on the Fieldtrip
and secondary research evidence which contains the following:

Introduction (100 words approx.)

 Outline the aims and purpose of the Field Report

Part A: Natural and Human Erosional Processes (500 words approx.)

 create and annotate an aerial map of Ritamada, identifying geographical points of interest
 explain the natural and human erosional processes identified at Ritamada and create an appropriate graph to
represent the data collected
 analyse and interpret the data
 generalise the environmental impacts of erosion at Ritamada

Part B: Proposal (200 words approx.)

 from the data gathered give one (1) proposal that would manage the environmental impacts of erosion
observed at Ritamada
 Illustrate this on an aerial map of Ritamada
 justify why your proposal will be effective in managing the environmental impacts of erosion at Ritamada
using examples of further secondary research to support your proposal


I declare that, in accordance with The Rockhampton Grammar School

assignment policy, the work contained in this assignment is entirely my own and contains no material which has
been written by another person except where due reference has been made. I understand that copying from other
work, plagiarism or work submitted which is not my own will result in academic penalties. I also accept that it is
my responsibility and obligation to submit an item for assessment on the due date specified.

Signed: Date: ________________

Word Count: _________________

Moderated 

Marking Guide

Criterion 1: Geographical Understanding

The student work for this criterion has the following characteristics:
 Thorough explanations describing features and elements of erosional processes that
shape the Ritamada landscape.
 Precise use and application of geographical data in relation to aims and purposes of the
 Detailed explanations describing features and elements of erosional processes that shape
the Ritamada landscape.
 Reasoned use and application of geographical data in relation to aims and purposes of
the report.
 Clear explanations describing features and elements of erosional processes that shape the
Ritamada landscape.
 Adequate use and application of geographical data in relation to aims and purposes of
the report.
 Vague description of features and elements of erosional processes that shape the
Ritamada landscape.
 Unclear use and application of geographical data in relation to aims and purposes of the
 Minimal description of features and elements of erosional processes that shape the
Ritamada landscape.
 Minimal use and application of geographical data in relation to aims and purposes of the
 Does not satisfy any of the descriptors above. 0

Criterion 2: Geographical Thinking: Analysing and Applying

The student work for this criterion has the following characteristics:

 Sophisticated analysis and interpretation of the field data.
 Uses highly credible evidence including a range of photos, primary data, and secondary
research to analyse the impacts of natural and human erosional processes on the 9-10
Ritamada landscape.
 Sophisticated generalisations of the environmental impacts at Ritamada.
 Coherent analysis and interpretation of the field data.
 Uses credible evidence including some photos, primary data and secondary research to
analyse the impacts of natural and human erosional processes on the Ritamada 7-8
 Effective generalisations of the environmental impacts at Ritamada.
 Adequate analysis and interpretation of the field data.
 Uses appropriate evidence including photos, primary data and/or secondary research to
analyse the impacts of natural and human erosional processes on the Ritamada 5-6
 Sufficient generalisations of the environmental impacts at Ritamada.
 Cursory, fragmented and/or superficial analysis and interpretation of the field data.
 Uses cursory and/or fragmented evidence that may include photos and/or primary data
and/or secondary research to analyse the impacts of natural and human erosional 3-4
processes on the Ritamada landscape.
 Cursory generalisations of the environmental impacts at Ritamada.
 Minimal and/or inaccurate analysis and interpretation of the field data.
 Uses inaccurate, invalid, or minimal evidence that could include photos and/or primary
data and/or secondary research to analyse the impacts of natural and human erosional 1-2
processes on the Ritamada landscape.
 Vague generalisations of the environmental impacts at Ritamada.

 does not satisfy any of the descriptors above. 0

Criterion 2: Geographical Thinking: Synthesising
The student work for this criterion has the following characteristics:

 Insightful synthesis of information used to make one justified proposal to manage the
identified impacts on the coastal landscape at Ritamada. 4-5
 Uses convincing secondary evidence to support the proposal.
Coherent synthesis of information used to make one informed proposal to manage the
identified impacts on the coastal landscape at Ritamada. 3
Uses credible evidence to support the proposal.
 Reasonable synthesis of information used to make one proposal to manage the identified
impacts on the coastal landscape at Ritamada.
 Uses cursory and/or fragmented evidence to support the proposal.

 Vague synthesis of information used to make an unclear proposal to manage the impacts
on the coastal landscape at Ritamada.
 Uses invalid or minimal evidence to support the proposal.

 Does not satisfy any of the descriptors above. 0

Criterion 3: Research & Communication: Communication

The student work for this criterion has the following characteristics:

 Accords closely with the style and conventions applicable to geographical writing
including accurate report template, minimal errors in grammar, sentence structure,
spelling, punctuation that demonstrates a sophisticated vocabulary and clear, concise,
and fluent expression.
 Accurate geographical identification of Ritamada as per an aerial map that contains 5
detailed annotations of geographical points of interest.
 Proficient transformation of field work data to create maps and graphs that fulfills all
requirements of BOLTSS.
 Transformation of data to create sophisticated maps and graphs.
 Accords for the most part with the style and conventions applicable to geographical
writing including mostly accurate report template, minor errors in grammar, sentence
structure, spelling, punctuation that demonstrates an effective vocabulary that is clear
and generally fluent.
 Adequate geographical identification of Ritamada as per an aerial map that contains 4
some annotations of geographical points of interest.
 Adequate transformation of field work data to create maps and graphs that fulfills most
requirements of BOLTSS.
 Transformation of data to create effective maps and graphs.
 Errors in style and conventions applicable to geographical writing including basic report
template, some errors in grammar, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation that
demonstrates adequate vocabulary, generally clear expression with some errors that may
inhibit understanding.
 Competent geographical identification of Ritamada as per an aerial map that contains 3
some annotations of geographical points of interest.
 Competent transformation of field work data to create maps and graphs that meets some
requirements of BOLTSS.
 Transformation of data to create basic maps and graphs.
 Frequent errors style and conventions applicable to geographical writing including basic
report template, numerous errors in grammar, sentence structure, spelling, punctuation
that demonstrates limited vocabulary, generally unclear expression which limits
 Basic geographical identification of Ritamada as per an aerial map that contains some 2
annotations of geographical points of interest.
 Rudimentary transformation of field work data to create maps and / or graphs that meets
one or two requirements of BOLTSS.
 Transformation of data to create basic maps and / or graphs.
 Does not follow the style and conventions applicable to geographical writing including
basic report template, substantial errors in grammar, sentence structure, spelling,
punctuation that demonstrates obscure, inaccurate or confusing expression which
severely limits understanding.
 Inappropriate geographical identification of Ritamada as per an aerial map that contains 1
some annotations of geographical points of interest.
 Inappropriate or invalid transformation of field work data to create maps or graph that
does not meets the requirements of BOLTSS.
 Transformation of data to create basic map or graph.

 Does not satisfy any of the descriptors above. 0

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