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662 N A T U R E Ociober I5, I949 Vol.

Scattering of Polarized Neutrons by Protons central term (which is a function of the angles
IN spite of many attempts, it has not been possible which the spin directions of the two particles make
so far to develop a theory of nuclear forces which with the line joining them), the latter being often
accounts in a satisfactory way for all the properties of denoted as tensor interaction. In the presence of
even the simplest system, a neutron and a proton. An the latter, the above analysis for utilizing the experi-
alternative procedure might, therefore, be attempted, mental observations to determine the phase-shifts and
namely, to obtain the interaction potential empir- the interaction potential will become more involved
ically from the various observed properties like than in the previous case. On the other hand, a
the binding energy, quadrupole moment, magnetic qualitatively new feature appears in an azimuthal
moment of the deuteron and the scattering cross- dependence of the depolarization P, provided the
section. The latter seems particularly useful for this spin direction of the incident neutrons makes a finite
purpose, as there exist general reciprocal quantum angle oc with the incident direction; the azimuthal
mechanical relations between the differential scatter- dependence being greatest when on = TE/2. It is
ing cross-section do and the interaction potential; possible to give the expected order of magnitude of the
do is expressed in terms of certain phase shifts m, azimuthal variation of P by making use of an inter-
(Z =1 0, 1, 2, . . .), suffered by the partial waves of action potential which gives the correct quadrupole
different orbital angular momentum l due to the moment and binding energy of the deuteron ; for the
interaction between the two particles. For spinless case on = 11:/2, and at 9 = -rc/2, the maximum azimuthal
particles, a knowledge of do (as a function of the variation in P, namely, Pq, = 0 — Pa =:'z]2 (cp = 0 gives
angle of scattering 6) determines all the phase shifts 1;; the plane containing the directions of motion and of
and mice verso, and a knowledge of the phase shift 1;; spin of incident neutrons), is about Q per cent and
(as a function of energy) for a given Z-state determines 40 per cent for incident neutrons of energies 1 MeV.
the interaction potential for that l-state and mice and 100 MeV. respectively. It thus follows that detec-
versa. However, the fact that the neutron-proton tion of the azimuthal dependence of the depolar-
system splits into the singlet and triplet states (with ization should permit a determination of details of the
different interactions) makes the determination of the non-central interaction between aneutron and a proton.
phase-shifts from aknowledge ofdo (6) alone impossible. My thanks are due to Prof. H. Frohlich for his
It is the purpose of this note to point out that this encouragement during the progress of this work.
difficulty can be overcome by utilizing an additional A. B. BHATIA
property, namely, the partial depolarization of a Department of Theoretical Physics,
polarized beam of neutrons on scattering by an un- University, Liverpool. May 2.
polarized proton gas. This partial depolarization is
due to the spin dependence of the interaction poten-

tial ; for example, if the triplet interaction were zero,

then the scattered neutrons would be completely Mass-Defect Curves
depolarized. The result of depolarization measure- IN the accompanying graph, giving (W —— A)
ments can be expressed in terms of a depolarization plotted against A, where W is the atomic weight and
factor P, defined as the ,_ __ _ _ _ __ — __ _ s __—' __—* *7 P 7 "<1--1_. _ wry-I;

difference between the

absolute probabilities 0-14 L- ‘\

that tho spins of scat- y

tered neutrons point 0-12; P‘, \ (W-A
parallel or antiparallel
to the spin direction of /Qése
the incident neutrons. 0'10 F’
Now if the inter- (Wed
——A) l‘ '- 0'12
action potential were O <500 cT_
spherically symmetrical Observ
then it can be shown “L 0‘1O
that from a knowledge 0116
of the angular distribu- Grew -l 0-0s
tion of scattering cross- OML Q

section and of P, all the f

phase-shifts both for 1 -1 0-00
triplet and singlet states 0 ‘02 @- pl
could be uniquely de- ' A 0-04
termined and thus the 0;- l
interaction P otentials
themselves could be ob- "l 0-02
tained. From the ex- -002)
istence of the quadru- 10
pole moment of the
deuteron, it is known, -004 '_-:_ 3

however, that the neu- T --0'02

tron—proton interaction _006_
is not spherically sym-
metrical; usually one 1
assumes the interaction -otsr l

potential as a stun of 7 -0-00

a spherically symmet- , - -~L. l_,_.1-- jni 1- ._ 1-. 1- in» .4--i__J.. -1... ..L_-J
rical term and a non- O 20 44‘ 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 2(5) 220 240

©1949 Nature Publishing Group

No. 4l72 October I5, I949 N A T U R E 663
A the mass number, two curves, marked ‘observed’ The apparatus used in these experiments was sub-
and ‘calculated’, are shown, and the latter is dis- stantially that described by Bhoderickl. The maxi-
cussed in the letter below. The ‘observed’ curve is muin energy of the deuterons available from the
based on the empirical data given by Bosenfeld at the cyclotron was 6-7 MeV., and this could be reduced
end of his book on “Nuclear Forces”. The points to less than 5 MeV. by placing aliuninium foils in
corresponding to stable nuclei have been joined the scattering chamber in the path of the incident
together by straight lines, and other points have been beam.
omitted. There is a gap in the data from A = 160 to In general, the energy spectrum of the particles
A = 190, indicated by the dotted line. scattered at a given angle is complex. There are
The periodicity of 4, for the lighter nuclei, is many groups of singly charged particles with ranges
brought out very clearly in the graph. This is both longer and shorter than the range of the elastic-
especially apparent for A Q 24. The heavy naturally ally scattered deuterons. Most of these are presumably
radioactive group has been included. to be attributed to protons formed in (d,p) reactions.
In addition, at small ranges there are doubly charged
A. M. MOSHARRAFA particles which we believe to be alpha-particles formed
Faculty of Science, in (d,o<) reactions. As yet, we have not analysed all
Cairo. these groups in detail.
However, with both targets, but particularly with
magnesium, certain groups are prominent because
of their greater intensities. It is these which we
FROM theoretical considerations, the average bind- believe to consist of deuterons which have suffered
ing energy per nucleon can be put in the forml inelastic collisions.

--~-.[1--<-1.-ai- 41rr,,”0A'1/3 + g Z; Z2 A'4/3. (1)

If we calculate the Q value (that is, the excitation
energy of the target nucleus) for one of these groups,
on the assumption that it consists of deuterons, we
obtain a value in very good agreement with that
deduced from the inelastic scattering of protons.
This is shown in the accompanying table.
Nmnerical values of the parameters 2,, 7, 0 and 0'0
have been estimated empirically by Mattauch and
Excitation energy of nucleus (MeV.)
Fluggez : Proton scattering Deuteron scattering
s», = 14-66 MeV., y = 1 -40 Ali’ O-88
4'r:ro2o = 15-4 MeV., 9'0 = 1 -42 >< 10-18 cm. (2) Mg(? Mg“) 1 '36 1 '36

Since for a nucleus containing N neutrons and Z The values We have given for proton scattering
protons the average binding energy takes the form are those given by Rhoderick, the 0-88 MeV. in
aluminium being the average of his O-97 and 0-80
3 _ WT_Zm11T'Nm"-, (3) MeV. In general, these agree reasonably well with
A those of other workers. But We regard them as the
most satisfactory for comparison with the deuteron
where mp and ma are the atomic weights of a proton figures, since they were obtained with the same
and neutron, it is possible to calculate (W — A) from apparatus, and many systematic errors will therefore
(1), (2) and (3) and to compare the results with the be common to the two sets of data.
experimental data. Since the particles concerned are singly charged,
In the preceding note, Prof. Mosharrafa’s ‘observed’ it is extremely probable either that the above inter-
curve is drawn just above the ‘calculated’ curve for pretation is correct or that they are protons formed
comparison (the two curves are drawn with the in (d,p) reactions. In the latter case the agreement
same abscissa but with a difference in ordinates of shown in the above table would be fortuitous. How-
0-03 mass units). ever, it is possible to decide between these two
Although the curve based on the calculated values hypotheses by a detailed study of the variation of
is of the right shape, the following points are to be energy (range) of the scattered particles with the
observed : (a) the periodicity of four which is clearly energy of the incident deuterons and the angle of
brought out for A \g 24 in the empirical curve is scattering. This variation will be different for deu-
not shown; and (b) the calculated curve rises less terons and protons formed in (d,d) and (d,p) reactions
steeply than the empirical one at the end, giving respectively.
lower values for (W — A). We have made the necessary measurements for the
M. EL NADI groups corresponding to the 0-88 MeV. level in alum-
Faculty of Science, inium and the l-36 MeV. level in magnesium. In
Cairo. both cases our results agree with the groups of part-
icles being deuterons and disagree with them being
1 Rosenfeld, “Nuclear Forces”, 24 (1948).
2 Mattauch, J., and Flugge, S., “Kernphysikalische Tabellen”, 91 protons.
(1941). We quote as an example some of the results ob-
tained with magnesium. Measurements were made

at seven values of the energy of the incident deuterons.

These energies lie between 4-96 MeV. and 6-65 MeV.
Inelastic Scattering of Deuterons The Q values calculated, assuming the particles to be
VVE have recently performed experiments which deuterons, are scattered about a mean value of
show that deuterons are scattered inelastically by 1 -36 MeV. with a standard deviation of 0-04 MeV.
aluminium and magnesium targets. Such inelastic The extreme values are 1-30 and l-42 MeV., so that
scattering is well known for protons, but has not the extreme variation from the mean is only 1 -5 ><
hitherto been observed with deuterons. (standard deviation). On the other hand, if we

©1949 Nature Publishing Group

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