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A Year in Review Skyrocket your fluency in the next 12 months

Part 1: Reflect
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Reflect on your English experience in the last 12 months

and answer the following questions.

What are you most proud of this year?

It’s important to take the time to acknowledge your progress and your achievements,
and not focus on the negative as we sometimes do in our day-to-day lives.
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A Year in Review Skyrocket your fluency in the next 12 months

What inspired you in 2020? Motivated you? Got you excited? Kept
you going? What would you like to have more of next year?

It’s important that you are intentional about the things you do in the next 12 months
and you do more of what lights you up.

Have you had to overcome a challenge in English?

What was it and how did you overcome it? What did you learn
from it?
Challenges will always come, so it’s more important to focus on how we overcame
them and what we learned from them, instead of focusing on the challenge itself.
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A Year in Review Skyrocket your fluency in the next 12 months

What hasn’t been working for you?

This will help you be more intentional about the things you do in the next 12 months,
so that you don’t repeat things that aren’t working for you.

Have you committed to doing something and didn’t follow

through? Why?
This is mostly about your learning and practice habits. If you’ve committed to
accomplishing something and you haven’t accomplished it (for example, you
decided to learn something new, speak more often, join a program), you want to
take a look at your process and your habits. Were they helping you accomplish your
goals? If not — is it because the goal was too demanding? Unclear? Is the
environment you’re operating in too distracting and preventing you from getting
things done?
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A Year in Review Skyrocket your fluency in the next 12 months

What beliefs and limitations are you willing to let go of so you

can step into your full potential in the next 12 months?
This is where you list the negative thoughts and beliefs that prevent you from
communicating as confidently and powerfully as you do in your native language.

Part 2: Plan your next 12 months

Complete this part after watching part 2 of this video


From the 5 things mentioned in the video, what do you need to

focus on in the next 12 months?
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A Year in Review Skyrocket your fluency in the next 12 months

What would your ideal year look like?

What is one big (scary) goal for 2021?

Additional notes:
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A Year in Review Skyrocket your fluency in the next 12 months

Remember, at any given moment you can create the change you
want to see in your life.
All you need to do is to make a decision, take the right action, and
believe that it’s 100% possible.
I believe in you!
May you have a beautiful, healthy and fulfilling year. . .

More videos for inspiration:

Become Fluent | The #1 strategy to gain fluency and confidence in English

STOP doing THIS if you want to speak English fluently

This Really Helped Me Become Fluent

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