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PRELIMINARY oe TM 09135 U.S. MARINE CORPS TECHNICAL MANUAL s/t OPERATION, ORGANIZATIONAL, INTERMEDIATE, AND. DEPOT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS TRUCK, FORK LIFT, MODEL 8606, PNEUMATIC TIRED, . . ,FOUR-WHEEL DRIVEN, ROUGH TERRAIN NSN 3930-01-275-6420 DeFENGE TECHNOLOGY CORPORATION (CONTRACT NO LATED C229 “This publication is required fr offical use a for administrative or operational purposes. Distebaton’ {slimited (0 US. Goverament Agencies only. Other requests for this document must be veered ta ‘COMMANDANT ofthe MARINE CORPS (HOSP-2), Washington, D.C, 2058-00 ‘DESTRUCTION NOTICE: For unclassified, limited documents, destroy by any method that will ia (rove ef os or costo edu yeu FEBRUARY 1988 FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY TECHNICAL, MANUAL TW 09135A-15/1 OPERATION, ORGANIZATIONAL, INTERMEDIATE, AND DEPOT MAINTENANCE TiiSTRUCTIONS ‘TRUCK, FORKLIFT, MODEL 8606, PNEUMATIC TIRED, "FOUR-WHEEL DRIVEN, ROUGH TERRAIN Preliminary TW 09135A-15/1 must be corrected in accordance with the following instructions prior to its use for operation or maintenance of the item of equipment covered in this TH. Remove old pages and insert new pages as indicated below. Remove Pages Ins es A A 4 and fi and if v and vi vand vi x through xvi Hx through vi xvii/ (avi it Blank) xvii/(xvi if blank) 1-3 through 1-8 1-3 through 1-8 1-11 through 1-16 Et through, 1-16 2-3 through 2-6 2.3 through 2-6 2-9 through 2-14 2-9 through 2-14 2-17 and 2-18 3217 and 2-18, None 2-184/ (2-18 blank) 2-19 and 2-20 2-19 and 2-20 2-23 through 2-28 2-23 through 2-28 5-1 through 3-4 3:1 through 3-4 3-9 and 3-10 3-9 and 3-10 3:13/(3-14 blank) 313. through 3-15/(3-16 blank) ‘41 through 4-6 41 through 4-6 4-15 and 4-16 415 and 4-16 419 through 4-22 4219 through 4-22 4-39 and 4-40 4-39 and 4-40 4243 through 4-45 4243 through 4-46 4-49 through 4-54 4-49 through 4-54 4-59 through 4-62 4-59 through 4-62 4-71 through 4-85 4-71 through 4-86 None 4-360 and 4-268, 4-87 and 4-28 487 and 4-88, 493 and 4-94 4-93 and 4-94 42103. through 4-112 4-103 through 4-112 42117 through 4-124 through 4-124 4127 and 4-128 and 4-128 42131 through 4-136 through 4-136 4-143 through 4-146 through 4-146 42149 through 4-152 through 4-152 4-155 through 4-158 through 4-188 4173 and 4-174) and 4-174 Remove Page: 5-3 and 5-4 5-11 and 5-12 5:17 through 5.20 ER rough 5-58 5-73 ar 3 5278 throws 5-103/(8°i08 blend) Ansert Pages 5-3 and 5-4 11 and 5-12 -17 through §-20 48a) (5-480 blank) 5-49 through 5-58 5-73 and 5-74 5-79 through 5-102 5-103/ (5-104 blank) 5 5 5. 5. TM ostasA45/1 LIST OF EFFECTIVE PAGES Duet fr iin nd hanged pes figs 2. Feb ‘TOTAL NUMBER OF PAGES INTIS PUBLICATION 1 360 CONSISTING OF THE FOULOWING: ero in thle column indleats olga page. “ ‘Tm o61358-16/1 RECORD OF CHANGES ‘CHANGE ‘TITLE OR BRIEF No. DATE DESCRIPTION ENTERED BY fe oman 2) Ww ‘ra 001988-18/1 : TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter Page LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS i LIST OF TABLES ‘sn x SAFETY SUMMARY. a 1. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1 1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION AND SPECIFICATION DATA. nm BL SCOPE “I 12 PURPOSE 1H 13. PHYSICAL DESC i {4 FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION nH 15 Chasis Assembly 1 Drive Tran Assembly 47 Power Unit 18 Trassmision Oil Coole 19 Mas 110 Hydaulc Syster = {1 Preumatie System TA2 _Blecvieal System wen 113 LEADING PARTICULARS 1 PREPARATION FOR USE... 18 UNLOADING AND UNPACKING - YAS Unloading Instretons a mr a6 $16 Unpacking Fastrucions TA? SERVICING : “0 Lis.“ kemonl of Prcaine Compounds “7 $190 Clemning nom — uit 120 Labieation wa : 41:21 INITIAL CHECKOUT AND ADJUSTMENT 1 122 Uaspetion wnnennnm 7 123 Sene Check ons 47 124 RELOCATION OF EQUIPMENT 135 Dig 125 er zag fi0W FOR irre BTORAGE AN/OR RESHMA NT 128 Limited Storage : 120 Reshipment It DEMOLITION TO PREVE: 130 GENERAL — 13 CN i Hid FORK LT TRUCE iNOPERATIVE 132 Demolidon by Mits€ em 135 Demoltion by Mechanical Means - [4 Demolilon bp Explosives non 135 Demolition by Weapons Fre 138 Demolition by Buealg won 137 Demoltion by Scattering a 138 Demoltion by Submersion aoa Tat 18 119 119 re 9 ris 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS .. 2 "THEORY OF OPERATION 2 21 GENERAL : 2 22. THEORY OF OPERATION a ‘Ta 091984.18/1 chapter 23 Blea $0 nents 2 itl Sytem 25 PocumaticSytem nnn 26 Mechanical System on —— Bea EEN OF OP ea A TO fereneemneneeesareensioeatneeaceeeees 7 34 SERVICE UPON RECEIPT OF EQUIPMENT woo 2 28 gpetiog nner 2 2 es eee au 240 Completeness Of Equipment zn 24L_ PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE ~~ 22 12 Gel nnnnmnnnnmmnrnnn 22 2B gOpetlor’s Daly Service 22 IML CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTS NT 23 Zig LOCATION AND FUNCTION OF CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTS wo PAS Insrumeat PaQel enn 26 Wier Driver Contily wan conn 247 IV OPERATION UNDER SPECIFIC CONDITIONS = 28 BAT GENERAL so scnn sre a 28 2:48 OPERATION UNDER NORMAL CONDITIONS 2 219 219 Sarting the Engine coewenewcee ~ 219 220 Operating the Fork Lit Tock a 29 221 Driving the Fork Lift Tuck 219 222 LIFTING OPERATION 2 2.23 TOWING OPERATION ne, 232 224 OPERATION UNDER UNUSI 226 249 Operation in Bareme CO neers ee 225 226 Operation in Etrsme Heat 27 227 Operation ia Sandy o Dusty Areal 228 228 Operation in Damp, Tropical Areas “oe 2a 229 Operation in Salk Water Areas on nn 238 230 Fovding Operations eens INT 38 LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS a 1 GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS «no eri BA SCOPE corns nn —— as HL 32 GENERAL LUBRICATION INFORMATION ea FORK LIFT TRUCK LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS = 33. GENERAL LUBRICATION INSTRUCTIONS oe 34 GENERAL SERVICING INSTRUCTIONS oH 3S Begins Lubrication SM een Son 38 Transmission Lubrication Sytem wn 35 33 Hrdeute Labreation Stem eon nen 38 Hydraulic Sytem Purging, ——— 39 39° Hitch Lbeieaton cee cnn 39 340 Sampling Vabies wo 31 Water Separator 32 ApTank no 343 Foal Fess 34 nro a Sa MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS wns eb 2 oR Ts O DUCTION eee ceed a {1 MAINTENANCE DEFINITIONS a 42. MAINTENANCE RECORD AND REPORT FORMS 2 a TM oo1986-15/1 Chapter Page ‘TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT 43° TOOLS AND MATERIALS CARRIED WITH THE COUPMENT 44 SPECIAL TOOLS AND EQUIPMENT — IL” PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE SERVICES =. eo 45) GENERAL, = = 44 _ PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKLIST 1V TROUBLESHOOTING = ~ 47 GENERAL —— 48 "TROUBLESHOOTING PROCEDURES — : V “CARE AND PREPARATION FOR STORAG 49 GENERAL on 410 Short-Term Storage on $1 LongeTorm Storage a \VI_ MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES ~ a ” 412) GENERAL = ~ = 13, CHASSIS on : - — 14 Rollover Prtction Stem cn 18 Tow Bar nme 416 Tool Box 417 Tie fofiaion Ki = a 418 Howler Air Brake Hose Kit a 419 Coumerwcight 2 — Fenders nna = Engine Cover ~ = Floor Fanci ~ a Operators Seat ———— WINCH ASSEMBLY, = ea ‘Winch Hydraulic Motor —— = Winch Brake Asembly — = ———— Winch Gear Tain Assembly . Rollover Protetion System, The rollover protection sytem i asec cage made wil the inte to protect the operator shoul a roller ose. This sete is Bled othe Fame ad contains the attachment pints for the upper Food gh Engine Compartment. The engine compartment i constructed of sheet metal and protects the engine ‘components frm damage due Co something being dropped onthe forklift tusk. This serves the same function asa bod, 146 sie Tenn Assembly, The dive train assembly figure 1.3, consists ofthe rear aul, font ae, and frot and rear drive shafts, Each ofthese subasemblies is described below. “4 OIA BEI “oe TM ost3sA481 igre. Dre ant Rese Aude hese ade contin the gars abt, bearags rer nesting eines an the pivots necessary ‘eons power so steering tthe wheels. is outed the fame by a cen pvt po tha low these to ate. “The rear anle aso contin an nena rake sytem for stopping the fr i tack tant Aus Te rot axe contin the gears, shas, end bearings o rane power tobe wees igi ‘moveted he fame. The fon axle als incorporates a nea bse tem fer stoping the Tork i rc ws ca be ‘operated by ether the normal sevie brake or he packing brake. ©: Drive Shuts The font nd rear deve shafts rast power rom the rnsmlsion tothe whels by way ofthe xs 1-7 Bawer Unit The power uni, gue 1-4, consists of te rir asembiy exhmstasenly, engine assembly, ‘arsmisson assembly and assckted moons, broker, hoses snd fitings ®. Rano Assembly. The radiator aserbly is mounted tothe er ofthe vehicle nd consis ofthe radi, aioe ‘2p, hoses, sd backtry equred to provide fr engine cling Haast Assembly. The exhous assembly Is mounted othe ra of he voice and consis of the mul, exhast ie turbocharger busing apc, and suppor and brackety. Te exaust gates flow ffm he turbocharge hosing ‘dope through the vertically mounted mule to Be expel by the exas ipe to he ear of ie wesc, © Eaginn Asembiy. The engine assembly, figure 1-5, conse ofthe basic engin and is sociated access. The agin sembly is Cummins Engine Compiny Model 43739, which base iplacement 299 cubielnchen, Accesses ‘mounted on rin tbe engin and considered apart ofthe engine sembly, are Gescred in the flowing pragragt, 4 ‘TM o9195A5/1 Fe Powe (dy The capa sn ners combustion power unt in which he heat ofthe ignited esl fel s converte ito ‘workin 6 eynocs of he eae. Int die ng en eompresnd in the lider sn charge of deel fs Spel tis pray eompresed cinder y the injectors. As the compression ofthis ian fel continues, ition ‘Gals reul of he hear end compression produced by the compressing cylinders. Aes drawn nto the olindey the ‘Sotward movement ofthe piston jst prio the compression stoke ad exhaust ses are forced out ofthe cide by theupward movement ofthe piston immedi aer te power sroke. 2) Te tboctarger supplement the acto ofthe piston in proving a tothe eylindes fr combustion. Te ait {scrawn pou tet elener tobe compeseor sige of the urbocharger, ‘Thea the flows tough thea cssaver ‘Connotea abd int the ake rarfod. Ato entines trough the intke valves an ino the combustion chambers. ‘Etna use Dow out ofthe cylinder hough he extant valves no the exaust manifold en then into he cvided entry (linc tubocnarget whee te ena gace ive te bine Wheel. Tis ceiving ofthe tubing whes with exis as hun more ir ow i dein asthe uroctarger ation, (0) Te njecor pun fs mound on the ight sie ofthe eagine ad controle fuel soply provide to each injtr, Fac sped Hom te pump eat linet njetor by fest ies mound on he ender hed. The fe ters ‘ad fel it pump ae ao lected oe right side ofthe engine. (4 The eagine ol pump sinteraly mounted nthe engine sembly and provides fr he Bow of eagle ol fom tne ol pas trough cgi of cone ol iy, and back othe ol pan. Ano level goge lesa en the side ofthe eagae. (6) Tee water pump is extemaly mounted in the engine sembly and provides fo the Now of cool fo he radiator through the engine snd back othe radiator. {6 Tee fans mounted on the engin rat a thereat of the vehi ad eases the at low across he ator toreduce the temperature ofthe coolant inthe radiata. 1 TM 091358-18/1 ak ‘Compressor Fie Eng Aen ‘TMos195A45/1 (©) The sarer motor is 24-vol, 4-pote, fra water ein! un. The sar motor drive assembly, mounted ‘nthe amature sa provided wir a scleno-engagd, ove sunning cuch ad pinion which engages the starr wih te Miywboe! rng gear. The stating sytem incides a lockout devs lene on te intument panel 0 prven ster ‘engogenet when te engine runing. @) The sir cleaner is mounted bron tthe ear of the engae compare end secre othe lake ofthe turbocharger. dry element fer i housed inthe ar cleaner ssembly An sic rextiction nso smote in oe ‘vers compartment on te wall tothe ight and behind be drivers seat towing the condition of theater. Ashe ter ‘becomes cin, «red ag in the window of tbe indicate wil se. When the red flag reaches the ope locks pasion, the lier must be replaced. Aner replacig the fier element, put the buon on he top ofthe indo reac (©) The lr compressors mount tothe righ sie of the engine bela the ree fader wheel wel, This le ‘eompressor provides the al pressure require to mec the pocumate equrement of bah the ok it tucked te ‘owize, when comecte, The ar compressors governed 095-105 pl oul (20) The terior assembly i igdly mounted at the ese end rear ofthe engine cmperiment and is betsdven fom the crankshaft. The aliraior roids asouce of elec erent for mlnaning the rage Balle in 8 charged condition and spplying sulficiet current 0 cary any eter electrical lad egurtent up to 40 amperes, ie ‘ed eapecity of the aero. 4 Tnumisson Asembiy. The ranisson assembly, gue 1-5, consis ofthe basic rasmison and torque ‘conver. The transmission i @ Clark Equipment Company Model 126 HR 183142. The tensmisson assembly isthe _mechanisn by which th power provided by the engine sapped a propel he whic. Te transmis allows the ‘peritarto determine direction of trvel. The purpose of he lore converter io miply the orgue or wing fre, of the engae 1 whose ouipat shat its aplled. The amount of oad or restance applied to the input spline a the ogee cover determines he extent to which the engine tegues mulled. There xno muluplion of ere when he oad ‘ante moved with he amount of tore being produced by te engine. When the workload i intase, oven, ¢ rerouting af the ie erin ine the fn comer, engi incre ning foes 1-8 Tiagsmission Oi Coker. The transmission it noe, gure 1-7, Is mounted in roto the radiata (re ofthe For it ‘evi During operation, he wansmsion i routed tothe ol eto, through ol ow ines, o mails pope transmission apeating emperatre. 1-9 Mas. The mst igre 18, cons of two mast catige, vo fos chins and pulleys end the ssocited hycraliequlpmens. Forks ace manallyausabe dw eked a poston by bois on the forks Hiyerulieeiades ti ‘te mast Forward ii cea abd it yor aise the mast bea. A ids cyier, located behind the arog, Shite calagerghor lei and a rate ender, mowed at he top of te eae oats he carige ina clockwise of couneeiekvise direzios. Th towable ple Bock ssl spstonedon the orks andl used primarily for towing Ube Metos owe. 1-10 Hyckalie Sytem, The hyeraulc ysem,figee 19, eit ofa pump, beer, anki, winch assent, “deetolcontol valves, nd the associ itigs, ses andes, Theyre pump ip type ad operas le power tering ini the winch. TD tension driven pomp supplies the pressure reuied fo opr all, ‘nytt component. Abyeraule system schematic shown in Chapt 2. 1-11 PncumateSuxtem. The pacumatc system, figure 1-10, consis of he ar tnk, it compress, snd the exscited ‘ings, hoses and tubes, The scan recelves pressurized al frm the compressor and mais tis pressured a wall @ ‘connection & made fo oper the alr brake sytem ofthe howitzer. The accelesor sl peumaticaly operated. The ‘au baes are also pneumatically asistedby the power Doster. A pocumai jem echmatics shown in Capit 2 TM op1358-15/1 ‘TORQUE CONVERTER ‘raesttssion PADUTOR TRANSMISSION OL COOLER OSes TO TRANSMISSION Ta 091958-15/1 Ss Pa cure ur ownnen, SbeSHFT CHNDER For vocns BOLT ReMovessue TLE rom rome cranes ves 1” TM 091358-16/1 DIRECTIONAL Co (CONTROL VALVE HroRAuuc Poe Fee 18 tye Sem Fier £10 Panna Som 1-42 Beis Sete, The cet apstem, figure 11, 24-olt sytem wits Mea ces lose ine atery box behind the ever’ seat, The aero nd ster seb a eee The ramen pane hoes the various rugs and coool sed to monitor ang operate fr ft a nd cours we enpnne in Chap 2. Te folowing paragraphs dese the ights a er sd ‘where they are mouned or ataced on the fork it ck sa Lighs- Te ood igs are sea-bean type an ar ountd with on on ac sd ofthe allover rte RELIES ont ne nd woo eat ender Te Hod gis ace oes Bat he ae over a oy rane eves Tomei ce active va the master gh switch igre 2-1, one stunt eel ts Tila SopLighs The tl ihre mounted on both er eer. The io ight svt by bake prsse amin ovich. The mse igh swic, figre2-3,mouned on the srs pel inte cps ‘ompaeotecvtes the tai igh. © “The maker gh are mounted on both rt fenders. The igh are acivae bythe master gh nc SE mounted on te insruneat pel inte operators compart, ‘ “Tne blackout head ight eset onthe ef fot fener. Te er blackout igs te he hoe poneettaabion ant sop phd ee bese nth eat ede, aco hs ae nro te Peep sw, igure 213, outed on te nsrunent pane! in the operator's compatne. «Hm, Te torn mounted onthe right fot se ofthe trmet pane, Te or opr te hom boon Ane exe ofthe stating wheel ie 1, lect se at ‘TM 091354-15/1 1143 LEADING PARTICULARS, ‘Leading patclars, performance specifications and otber pertinent technical data are sted in table 1-1, oP Tee Lan Pes TEM (CHARACTERISTICS ‘GENERAL VENICE ‘Type ‘Track, Fork Lit, 4000 pound, Rough Terria, DED Masufctree Detense Technology Corpration Model, ‘0s Dimensions Leogth (otra, mas vertical) 196 inches Length (overall, forks removed) 156 inchee Height (op of overhead guard) inches Height to top of steering whe! Stiacher Wides Biches Ground clearance (oat ale) 1325inekes Ground clearance (rear ae) 1325inchee Wheelbase 92inches Tire wack 635 inches ised rear pate hook height (ester) S3Sinches Weigh ‘Less oad operator, and fel 14,080 pounds Frost ane S820 pounds Rear ade 50 pounse "No load, wi 17-pound operator andr el aa 11471 pounds Front ae 018 pounds Rear ale 5.59 pounds ‘Wiight with 2000-pound loed 1547 pounds "Froat ale 12.65 pounds Rear ale 3012 pounds Operating Data Speed (Masimun forward ot reverse) 20mph Mast assem. Lift epsciy rated 4000 pounds ‘Maximum it height (bottom of forks empty) 100 inches Drop below around (bottom of forks emp) ‘ines Minimum iateral fork adjustment (on eaters) 8.125 inches ‘Matimum lateral fork adjustment 3855 inches Rate oft at rated load 102 fpm Rate of drop at ated load 75pm Reach fom centerline of dive wheels 38iaches Degrees tit (ast centered) Foreard to degrees Resrward 10 degrees Mast sideshi (eight or let fom enter) 2Linhes Degres oselation 2D degrees Grae ability (maximum oad) oe Fogding height ‘sinches, Tate Taio sing Poe CONT Ta 091358-15/1 TEM (CHARACTERISTICS GENERAL VERICCE - continued Fluid Capacities: uel tank 275 ¢allons (Cooling system 35¢allons ideale reservoir tank ‘75gallons Hydraulic system 30.5 gallons “Trasumision, torque converter a2iquars Engine eranease quarts ‘Ales (each) Squats ‘sr reser tank 1400 cubic inches Fhid Types Fuel DF, DF2,De (euendeapabtig) sP-4 JP J0t A Engine ll SAB 15W4o, MiL--2104,NSO110 ‘Transmission oll SAEI0, MIL-L 2104 NS9110 Bake id - Federal Specification W.H.910 Dillereaal gear ‘SABO, MILAL-2105| Hydealic reservoir ‘SABI0, MIL-L-2104,NSO110 DRIVE TRAIN Radiator 50% Ethylene Geo, 086 water Drive Shafts: ‘Manvfactore Spicer Universal Joint Dis Long (oat) 2525 inches ‘Sorte 13.6 inches Axe Assembly Manutactree Hurt Ade Spa ‘Model number (r3e) 12/159 ‘Model number (oat) repos Final axe ratio s$at101 Ties: Manufstrer Firestone Tze and Rubber Company Size BxI5 Tre sid-Steer Ply rating Bi Noel pressure n/45 pi Wheste ‘Maoufacturer Peterson Manufacturing Company Size 1175 X 19558 Boles) POWER UNIT Engine Astembiy, Manafsturee (Cummins Engine Company Model number “E139 Bore 400 inches Stok ‘M2 inches Compression ratio 175001 [Nomber of elinders 4 ‘Masur brake horsepower (2500 spn) 100 “Total displacement 29 eb inches Fring order 1342 119 TM os1388-15/1 Table Taf Leating Poison CONT TEM (CHARACTERISTICS POWER UNIT continued Engine Assembly - continued [amber of main bearings s Starter Motor ‘Manutecturer Deleo Remy Model number MT Alteraator: Manufacturer etch Motorola Model umber SDBSFASASS ‘Transmission Astembly, ‘Manufacturer (Clark Equipmeet Company Model number TSHR 142 Tyre ‘Torque Converter Torque Converter (ategral wit transmission): ‘Manufacturer (Clack Equipment Company Sullatio 225001 Exhaust Awembly Masusetrer Donalison Company In, Model number ‘003 Radiator Assembly: ‘Masufactret 1B, Radiator Specialities, ne. Mode! number RSM (Cap manufacturer Stant Corporation {Sap part umber sot ‘Transmission Coole Manufscrrer Haydn, Is Par aumber 1052881 PINTLE HOOK ASSEMBLY Fed Pale Hook Assembly (cat) Manufacturer Hollsad Hitch Company Part number 1MS51335-2 (PH-T-60.AOLS) Swivel Pate Hook Assembly (fork sounds ‘Manufactures Holland Hitch Company Partnumber MSSIS31-1 (PH-T-G-AOS-IL3) HYDRAULIC ASSEMBLY Hirai Pun: ‘Manofactures ‘Tyrone Hydraulics Company ‘Model sumber PIBSSCINS Capac, 18 gpm a 2500 cpm Presare 340 ps Power Steering Unit Manufacturer Danfoss ne Part number 1580019 Winch Assembly Masusesrer Braden Carco Gearmatic. Partnumber ow Rated ine pull 1000 pounds 14 ‘TM op195a46/1 ae, Tobie ein Paso -CONT TEM (CHARACTERISTICS THAYDRAULIC ASSEMBLY - coated Hidrauie Mast Assen Manufacturer Job Handler, Ine Nove: Original manatee ro loaget supplies this tem. Colac MCLB, ‘Nbbany (Code 837-3) fr iforsation ‘nth te, Part number 6957 Te Straight 2stage Telescopic Operating pressure 7250 ps Mason pressure 00 Psi Fork Assembly: Manufacturer ‘Yale Matesial Handing Corporation Partnumber SI7IS3600 Hydraulle Ciaders: ‘Manvlacturer ‘Dana Corp, Fd Drive Division Free lit ‘SSB ‘Main it 6sx2-4R Sideshit eset! Rotation Ta Stering deal ter: Manufacturer Geocen Manufacturing Part aumber FSPII2IEFIC ELECTRICAL SYSTEM ‘Voltage Vd Ground Negative Battery Type (exch) (Ms3s0003 (6TN), volts Tall Stop, Tura and Marker: Manufectorer ‘Aurora Cord and Cable Company Partnumber MSSUD5? Blackout Driving? Manufserurer Aurora Cord and Cable Carspany Part aumber ‘MSSISIS-1 Panel Lights ‘Maaufacwer Dialighs Corpration Part number 41990290201 Lamp 327 Gh, Ohamp) Flood Light Assembiy ‘Manufacturer IN, Speaker Corporation Part somber “soos Sealbeam oom Front Tura, Park and Marker: ‘Manufacturer ‘Agora Crd and Cable Compsny Part number Mss2125-2 Maser Ligh Sich: ‘Manufacturer ‘Aurora Gord nd Cable Company Part aumber ‘MSSLIIE 148 ‘TM oo1s5a-15/1 Tile Teo Laing Paris - CONT TEM (CHARACTERISTICS PREUMATICSYSTEM ‘Air Compressor Assembly. Manufacturer Midland Brake ne Model NTIS Air pressure 25 pe Air Taak Aseembiy: Manufacturer Wikoa Company Mode! WM 85112016 ‘Ale Cleaner: ‘Manafacturer Donaldson Company, Ine Model FHGOD 0025 Tre 2.uage with Vacuum Vahe 1-14 UNLOADING AND UNPACKING Section I. PREPARATION FOR 1 PSE 1-15 Anacking Instions. The for it tacks shipped unboxed and mobile by rio tuck wit chains between the ck sd idown pons, 16 aso shipped with minimum fein the tnk, andthe cgloe an tanaession ae sescera ith proprio Bsteris donot can electrlye,Petfom the following prceaues before slempang wlaatog ‘Remove blocking fom front, et, and ses of ck Remove tedown chal, tape, bandlng, Before operating he fr rk, facts equres spe, nd oles pacing mei. Remove tape fom exhast pipe, vbual check ou the tc, fl baer wit ltolye and add teed "116 Ulan Inston Remove he fork it rom the i er (sing eran) or he tk sng a ap) Note ‘Wie recived from the factory, te engine cooling sytem is serviced witha SO% mine ofetiyene syealaniteeze (30°, 146 TM 091988-15/1 117 SERVICING. 18 SOLVENT HAZARD Dryleaning solvent P-D-80, ued to clean pars i potetially dangerous to personnel and property. ‘Avoid repsted and prolonged skin contact by wearing rubber or oaperons gloves when handing the ‘soleat or material Wet with deeleaning solvent. Wash hands immediately afer exposure with soap ‘nd water and ue a lanolin bated skin cream to peeveat skin dying. Do not use near open Mame or ‘icesive beat Flash point of solen is 10°F (38°C). Do not work wih solvent ia a losed room. Be “ure there good venation or the solvent vapors wil bud up iathe air and become a poisonous risture, which ean enue physi jury or even death ds, Remote preservative compound from metal surfaces with deyeaning solvent, ‘Removal of Protective Compounds P-D-6i or equivalent. Check ll il openings and vents to make sore they are clear. The vent inthe filer cap fr the rac reser mst remain nthe laced position 4149 Cleaning, Clean al dirt and dit from the sets, conteols, engine, and radiator. Clan allinsrumets 1-20 Labrsstion. Ensure that ui levels are in accordance with ibvicaton chart, gure 3. 1.21 INITIAL CHECKOUT AND ADJUSTMENT. Perform the following procedures pio to placing the fork it truck in operat 1422 Inspection » Inspect the fork it truck to ensure tat all required tals, repair parts, publications, accesories, and sftachments are with the equipment and propery ataced o toed Inspect the entice tuck fr loss of pats or damage that may have occurred during loading, shipment, ot unloading (able 2-1). Document damage in acordance with TM S700-15/1 Inspect the muller and ar cleaner for dens, cracks, distortion, and ensure no foreign object represen Inspect all gauges and instruments for broken gas or other damage. Inspect coatols and sitches for beat or ‘broken condos (Chock engine acessories fr lose connections or insecure mounting. spect wiring fr loose connections, damaged insulation, or broken wires Inspect piping ines, and hoses for cracks, lose connections or broken or misng parts. Make sue all dain plugs are securely tightened. 4-23 Service Check Check tires for cores pressure (4S pi. TM 091358-15/1 1b. Perform the btore-operation services (pa. 213. 1.24 RELOCATION OF EQUIPMENT. 1-25 Diving. The fork it truck may be moted under is om power without ay spedal preparation or may be lwansported ona suitable ruck and lt bed. 1426 Towing, The fork it tuck stowed rearward using the towing bar on the rear ofthe truck. Spedal procedures must be performed prior tothe towing operation. Refer to paragraph 23 or twin operation instruction, 1127 PREPARATION FOR LIMITED STORAGE AND/OR RESHIPMENT. 1-28 Limited Storage. When the fork it trucks tobe store fr less than 2 weeks, the following preparation procedures shouldbe performed: ‘Clean the fork it tuck thoroughly ‘Lubricate the truck scoring tothe lubrication chart, figure 3-1, © Fillfeltank to prevent condensation fom fpemiag. Drain water and sediment from fers and air tanks, 4. When moderate temperatures are expected, the batteries maybe left the truck. When extreme temperatures of below 20°F in exces of 24 hours are expected, the batteries shouldbe removed and stored where they wll be protected, © When rezing temperatures are posible, the cooing system must be protected wit suitable antifreze 4-29 Reshinment, Whoa reshipping the track block the track a front, ea, and sides of each tre, Remove the fork; box and band separately and store onthe tuck. Raise the mas and rote the fron tedown chains under he raised ‘mast Ti the tuck down securely, Lover the mast femly agains the font Gadown chains. Section III, DEMOLITION TO PREVENT ENEMY USE, 1.30 GENERAL, ‘When capture by or abandonment of the rough terrain fork it tack to an enemy is imminent, the responsible uit ‘commander must make the decision to either destroy the equipment or ender inoperative, Based om this decision, ‘orders reissued that ever the desired ett of destruction, 131 DEMOLITION TO RENDER THE FORK LIFT TRUCK INOPERATIVE, 1-32 Demolition by Misuse. Drain the as, engine, and wansmissionIbricants, hydraulic ol, nd coolant from the ‘ruck whe runing at ull throttle unl stops: This procse canbe accelerated by introducing an abrasive such as Sine sand nto the gear housings and int the engine ai take alr removing thea leaner, 133 Demoliion by Mechanical Means, Us ledge hammers, crowbar, picks, aes or whatever hea oo are ‘vailable to smash the radiator, engine crankcase, transmission housing, argue converte, hydraulic ender, and contol valves. Take particular care to destroy the fel injectors and fel pomp, This vl render the most complex ‘components ofthe fork it ruck useless. TM o9i35a-18/1 134 Demolition by Eaplasivs. Connect three oF more 2-pound charges of explosive for simultaneous detonation, pronding for dual priming to minimize the posal of mise. Place the ist charge oa top ofthe transmission Fouling the second on top ofthe engine, and the third on the Rydal stack valve under the instrument pane, gre 142, Additional information on expats is found in FM 5-25, 1-35 emuliins by Weapons Fite. First, subject either side ofthe truck to protracted fire from a heaty machine gun, niitank weapon, o rier as available, aiming primarily atthe engine ylnder Boek, torque converter, and teansmision housing. Secondly, fire om fel and hydraulic tanks enone

LOWAIRSWITCH ater the operate, should ear pressure fal low 40 pl © ALCOHOL EVAPORATOR ad in removing moisture trom the compressed ai 4 CHECK VALVES use sal ff possible back press AIR TANK used to sore presi i. The tank bis vo ain valves for dtnng mous £ POWER BOOSTER provides al peu fr the hydric rakes locale in the xis. This known a0 sicoverhycuae system, , ACCELERATOR TREADLE used to contol engine speed, ‘THROTTLE CONTROL CYLINDER used io regulate cope tote lve. | SERVICE AIR VALVE provide bake pes to vices unde ow. J. EMERGENCY AIR VALVE contol the presi for sopping vehi utero during emergency canons IE AREERGENCY AND SERVICE LINE QUICK DISCONNECTS provide a means of onectng peat peste lovehicles undertow, 26 Te fantion ofthe power in figure 2-4, consisting of he engine, torque conve tansmision, saa has ad drive whees is totum he whesks ad plo the tuck a mation. Tague be ett earns ‘tation, supplied by he engine 5. Eats, Te gle assem, ge 25, ovis moive power ox propelng te vets nfo ving he engine omocconars eine ently fowl, tow oc ined fold egin. The ant Paley Sot, Seceap aus 5 sted atte fen ed of tengo (ear of venice). The fnctoal sens telco cele, sssebly a as follows (2, bration system fhe age, Spice 26 of he fred yp tl man snd contin ed Set a ion secomplkied by means o gota planetary ype press pump. Oil eang Ue lp Screed tog te ol cooks othe oil tee ad thea note man ol if int eyins Dns ow abn epee no various engine bearings. The engine icon stem coasts oft of pump ee of oe, xin ra 091958-18/1 senvceune enencency eenaencr UNE ry wave ok esi arnt ‘uve tne foaconnecrs ov (Mer om cceneraron soe | te ‘= TreDe ome ontrot enunoen power o0sTeR oe tusrorsTon pel TFFESSO®—STERION ior 23, Pama Sem Semis Tu ostasa-15/1 rane gta Sn, Sg 28 conse of he ex pp, mute ubochaygr housing adapter, nt {fiers and bracket, Hot a and gases re paces th cts though te utocarge:husingar an {nt the notte, coe tines ese ccc pokey manta ae Into tie amoephere ‘TM o9135A-15/1 pnt 26 Eng aden Sm ar Ta 001988-18/1 FUEL puecTON PuMe ‘TM 001358-15/1 For 29. ge Cang Sym TM oo1sea-1571 sxtrenes e210 Engine Surigao (6) Te ansersion ol coker, gure2-1, a ne-plee unt mounted tthe oat of the eat fo id a lowering tonamion ol tamperaie. “As rans i aw gh te col, tne wc by (side i flow, Transmssion os roted oan fom te tanansion ol coc by two besa, 1 THaaamision. The transmission, igre 2-4 te mechanlam by which the operate can determine the decton and speed of vec operation. The tensmission wedi : system, to moe the wheels ce othe right or let. The rear al isa a dive ale, making the vee focal dive. ‘Ta o91958,15/1 PAoaTOR TRANSMISSON OL. COOLER HOSES TO TRANSUISSION owe 211, Rano Cone Section II. SERVICE REQUIREMENTS OF OPERATOR 2.7 SERVICE UPON RECEIPT OF EQUIPMENT. 28 Inspection, Visually check the fork it track for evidence of damage and defences that should be corrected before operation » ‘Check for remoal ofall protective lubricants, tape and coverings that may have been missed when the tuck ‘wat intlly prepared for we. ‘Check for cracks and dents to engine enclosure and contol consol (Check lights fr evidence of damage, 29 Labsiston. Refer tothe current lubrication instructions and lubrication char, igure 3 2-10 Completeness of Eouipment. Check the following equipment and publications to ensure that they are propel tached or stowed on the equipment a Operator’ manual Weapons mount Forks Tir inflaton i ‘TM ostssacsit “Tow barsad safety etn, Plt bok (emovabe. Cole oss for tachment the howitzer 1. Stap assembly fo five plo gud contier bracket sembly, 2411 PREVENTATIVE MAINTENANCE. ‘Stop operation immediately ia defceny is noted hat would cause personnel jury o damage the ‘uipnent if epeation were continued. 2:12 Geneml, To ensue that the fork it track is eady fr operation asl tines, it mist be inspected systematically before pete, ding operation and fer operation, so that defects maybe cscovred and corected before thy feu a Seas image file. Th necessary preventative maintenance services willbe pexformed before operation, Detects dscoveres ding operation ofthe fork i tuck wil be noted for oecton es oon as epeation has ease, ‘Altec peration vies wil be performed bythe operator ale evry operating period. Ale operation services wil be Performed at eval based on normal operations ote fte it track, orl each diy. Reduce the intra to ‘ompenst for baomalconions. Defects or waststcnry operating carscteritice Beyond te scope of the operate 12 ‘ote must be reported a the eal pporunty tothe spot level (echelon) of mastenans 213 Operas Daily Servos. The daly services tobe perfrmed bythe operator sed in tebe 2. Table 21. Operators Daly Snicee Intewals | Tews | Interle Before Dusiog ‘Aner Procedure pectin | Operation | Operation x x [FUEL Inspect the fol spply. sure ht tefl ak i fa, Ensar that vot os fe tank ier cap is close. x ‘COOLANT: Inspect the coon level nthe disor, Ad coolant ss neces, x x COIL. spect the il ve inthe engine erenkcase, Add oi it octsiy. (Se ube cart fr prsared Iubcants) x x AIR CLEANER. Check a cleane indicator. Service it ceanec i rece. x FUEL FILTERS. Drain wate and sediment from Sue fie aod stale, x x [BRAKEDIFFERENTIAL LOCK FLUID. Inspect the id evel a the servo, Add ld if mecessry. (See Ireton chat or esrbed beats) x x TRANSMISSION FLUID. Inspect the fi evel inte tras mission, Add fui ifecesry. (See ubicaton cha for rscribd librcants. Engine must be rmning nd warn) Tu oo136445/1 Table 21. Opera's Daly Senices-CONT Inenals Before Operation Teter Operation Teter ‘Ate Prods THYDRAULICOIL, With the forts lowered and centered nspoche ‘i evel nthe hylan by using he sgh gauges. At ollif necessary. (See lbrcation chu for prescribed labicants) LEAKS, GENERAL. Inspec fo aks, paying parca atersoe tote engine coling system, ol and fe! ies, and connections. ‘Corect deficiencies noticed or report them io organizational ‘VISUAL INSPECTION. Make a general inspection ofthe entire trick for damage, one or missing stews ort ad loose ronetions. Inset hyéraulc ines for raying, erecking and xcesve cringing. PUBLICATIONS AND TOOLS. Check fo forms mans ol, and equipment assigned to the fork i tuck. Ensue that they ae ‘resco and arin serviceable conden. [ELECTRICAL Check for broken ofaye wirag. Check operation of gts and ho, INSTRUMENTS. Boers ha all inet nde within reeled ngs. I sboornal eadlngsocar,sop ruck neil NOTE yee system must bea operatag temperature provide 8 ‘ormaleading onthe HYDRAULIC FILTER INDICATOR, CONTROLS. Check operation oa coniros, [UNUSUAL.NOISES. sen for unin notes ad check for excessive vibration. Irpeset, shutoff engine and repr to genizatonl manvenance ‘TIRES. Clean off alma snd it. Inspect the tres for ets oF ‘ter damage. Check fo proper infation [RADIATOR, Clean bogs dt, or othe foreign mate from ado. [AIR TANK. Drain ito daly WATER SEPARATOR. Drain water separate daly 219 TM ootasasi ‘Section IIE. CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTS 2:14 LOCATION AND FUNCTION OF CONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTS ‘Tis section escbes, oes, lata, and furnishes he operator with sulicientnferaton petlning to the vicious ‘cons and insrumest for proper operation of the fork it tock. 215 Insument Bane). The isrunent panel igre 2-12, contin many ofthe engine electrical system transmission, ysl, sd poeomatc controls and insruments. These conto ad intamen are described i the following sgt. 4. IGNITION SWITCH (1 contr the elec ers tthe instruments ad tre, It has two postions, OFF ad on. , STARTER SWITCH @) is clecrcaly connected tothe engine starter motor. Depesing the STARTER SWITCH when tbe IGNITION SWITCH inthe ON poston will case the starter mtr 1 engage the jwbee. When the engine ‘us tare, he STARTER SWITCH mus be released, [eaurion} ‘The sang motor must ot be operated for ore than a 30ecod interval Ifthe engine alto stat ‘iin hs lng of ine, wait 30 second before alten ping again. ‘© ENGINE HOUR METER (i digital meter, which recon the tne the ignition has been on. 4, FUEL GAUGE (isa arbirar sae mee, which indicts the felaonsip ofthe te ofthe tank tothe amount of sel ue i the fel ak. «. DIFFERENTIAL LOCK INDICATOR (5 ah nator gt, which uminses when be different! ock is exgspe, allowing bot ron drive wheels to operat a conuncin. Dusng normal operation, he diferensial ek is sdsengeged ad the indicator light rains OFF. The efferent lock normally engaged when opereting la my of ‘sandy ae, 4 {, REAR FLOOD LIGHTS (6) are controled by an ON an OFF toggle switch in conjnction wit the MASTER. LIGHT SWITCH. The MASTER LIGHT SWITCH, discussed ater in this Seton, must be inthe SERVICE DRIVE, sion lo operate te od igh. FRONT FLOOD LIGHTS (1 sr colle by an ON sa OFF ogee in conjunction with the MASTER LIGHT SWITCH, The top togae ofthe MASTER LIGHT SWITCH, discuss ltr inthis eetiog, st bein the ‘SERVICE DRIVE pion to operat the ood lig, 1. VOLT METER (isa meter thet indicates the vege being upped 1 the lect system, The VOLT METER. indicates batery volage when the engine i ot unnng and alratoe voltage when te engine is wning, The VOLT [METER is coor coded RED and GREEN wit the nota eating being in the GREEN postion §, MASTER LIGHT SWITCH (ia combination swith that Sonos the fod tigi, Blackout lights, pe! igh, ad Parking igh. Te function ofeach position ofthe MASTER LIGHT SWITCH (agua 213) is descbed below. 244 TM 091358-16/1 eur ii: r2og4 4 ig 1. ero swret 13. TRANSIASSION PRESSURE NOCATOR 2. STARTERSMTCH M4 UrTeowtRoL ER 2. ENGNEHOURMETER 8 TATCONTROLLEVER 4 URLoMLoe. 16 ROTATE CONTROL LEVER SS DIFFERENTAL LOCK INDICATOR 47. SDESIEFT CONTROL LEVER & ReMmR.ccOUTS $8 WINCHCONTAOL LEVER 1. FRONT FLOODUGHTS 18. EMERGENCY STOP BUTTON our METER wm Anpmessune anne MASTERUGHT ITCH 2 ARBRE APPLICATION LEVER ‘OL PRESSURE GAUGE 22 coumsTant con, ‘COOLANT TEMPERATURE GAUGE 2. PmELUGiTS [RANGMISSON OL TEMPERATURE GAUGE 2, STEERING COLUNNOENNG Fie 212 Inara Pat (2) The upper togtl is a Sporn snitch with OFF being the center positon (seta pasion). The ogle has ‘omit othe va (STOP LIGHT, SER DRIVE) an tw poston thee (BO MARKER, BO DRIVE) of center position, (2) The lower left tog ie a four-postonswich with OFF being the second poston fom the bottom. The toga as one postion to the righ (PARK) and two postion tothe let (PANEL DIM, PANEL BRT) of the OFF postion. (2) The lower right toggles spring Joded lover which must be moved upward fo the UNLOCK position allow the other toggles (1 and 2 above) to be positioned. Once the ater Logales hve ea postioned, the unlek ver ‘shouldbe released jj OIL PRESSURE GAUGE (10, gure 2-12) indicates th presture (080 ps) ofthe engine i k. COOLANT TEMPERATURE GAUGE (11) indicates the temperature (100-20"F ofthe engin coolant |. TRANSMISSION OIL TEMPERATURE GAUGE (12) indicates the temperture (100325) ofthe tronamizion id, 1m, TRANSMISSION PRESSURE INDICATOR (13) san ndieatr Hight, Which unnates when the transmis pres i ess than 9 pl. Tu 091984-15/1 on + service onve POSITION ave arIGHT Posiion POSTION PavieLOFF kre UGhT POSTION posTON 1. FORK LIFT CONTROL LEVERS are hydeaulccontrole that apply hydra pressare to one end ofthe

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