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iii) At the above exercise we have at first an orally conducted full- time contract

between two parties, A and B. This kind of contract may be cosidered a legally
binding agreement between two or more parties. Oral contracts typically deemed to
be as valid as written contracts, albeit this varies depending on the jurisdiction and,
in many cases, the type of contract. Certain sorts of contracts must be written across
multiple jurisdictions in order to be regarded as enforceable.( May Halton 2023).
A contract is regularly valid if it has the following provisions:
• An offer and the acceptance. That means that the employer must have made
a proposal and the employee must have complied with the coditions of that
offer. In our case this is confirmed by the moment B accepts to work for the
outlined in verbal full time conctract which includes a 5-day/40 hours per week
• A mutual desire across both sides to establish attaching bonds and
• Consideration for an agreement which entails the employer committing to
pay the employee for their labor. (Rowan ONeill 2023).
Controriwise , the part- time contract mentioned is invalid. First of all, at
the time of the conclusion of the contract or during its duration, A and B may, by
written individual contract, agree for a fixed or indefinite period of time, daily or
weekly or fortnightly or monthly, which shall be of shorter duration than the normal
duration ( part –time). In the event of a reduction in B's activity, A may impose a
system of rotational employment in his undertaking only after consulting B. (Leventis)
Therefore, the contract of part-time or rotational employment must be drawn up
in writing. Τhe document of agreement must include: the identity of the parties to the
contract, the place of performance of the work, the duration of the employment, the
method of payment and any conditions for amending the contract. In seasonal hotel
and catering enterprises, written individual agreements are made for a daily or
weekly working period.
Consequently a written form is required by law for the drawing up of a part-
time or rotational contract. The written form is constitutive. Failure to comply with the
written form shall entail the absolute nullity of the specific term of the part-time
contract. If this agreement is not drawn up in writing or is not notified within eight (8)
days of its drawing up to the Labour Inspectorate, the employee is presumed to be in
full employment.(Labour Inspectatorate, 2023)

iv) Therefore , as it follows from all the above , the lack of a written form affects the
agreement as a part-time contract and as a result, a full-time contract is presumed to
exist. Accordingly, B has the right to refuse this the unilateral change from Α. Also, B
has the right to claim for full – time employment. However, the employer can prove
that the employment contract is part-time and not full-time because the presumption
established by the law is rebuttable presumption. Τhe employer can also plead and
prove without invalidity ,due to non - compliance with the written formula , term, that
the employment contract would never have been concluded for part-time
employment, i.e. that the parties intended primarily to work part-time. In this case the
invalidity of the term entails the invalidity of the entire employment contract.
In the jurisprudence, the following opinion has prevailed owning to the invalidity
due to non-compliance with the written form, that if it was agreed to modify the
already existing full-time contract, then B, as we can see in our case , should be
employed part-time. Then, since the relevant agreement is invalid, because it was
not made in writing, it does not produce the results it seeks, i.e. it does not convert
full-time employment into part-time, and consequently B is entitled to claim full-time
employment and A is obliged to provide it to him. (koukiadis)

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