Bible Test 2

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LISTENING TEST In the Listening test you wil be asked to cemonstate how well you understand spoken English. The entire Listening test wil last approximately 45 minutes. There are four pats, and opis Pitss 839 Woo 40. 1" 12. 1. 4 46. 6. 1”. 2 1, PART 2 Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer shoot, Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer sheet, Mark your answer on your answer sheet 20 24 22, 23, 24, 2. 26. a. 2, 2, 30. 3 Directions: You wil hear a question or statement and three responses spoken in English. They wl net be printed in your test book and wil be spoken ony one time, Select the best response to the question ‘ar stalamont and mark the later (A), (Bor (C) on your answer sheet. "Mark your answer on your answer sheet. "Mark your answer on your answer sheet, "Mark your answer on your answer sheet ‘Mark your anewer on your answar shest "Mark your answer on your answer sheet ‘Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet. Mark your answer on your answer shest Mark your answer on your answer sheet "Mark your answer on your answer sheet Mark your answer on your answer sheet Crovenscesise PART 3 Directions: You wil hear some conversations betwoen two or more people. You wil be asked to answer three questions abou! wha the speakers say in each conversation, Select the best response to ‘ach question and mark the llter (A), (B), (C). ar (0) on your answer sheet, The corwereatione wit not be printod in your test book and willbe spoken only ane me, 32, What does the man say he has tod 38. Why isthe woman at Houseman tomorrow? Incorporated? (A) Hove his car fixed (A) To register for a class {e) See a coster (8) Tohave a business kinch (©) Submit a report (C) Tolead a seminar (0) Plan an event (0) To attond an interview 33. What do the speakers agree to do? 38, What does the man ask the woman to do? (4) Cotaborate on a project (A) Waitin te lobty (B) Moot ats restaurant (8) Update an application (C) Exchange contact information (6) Woara badge (0) Wade work sits (©) Provide phot identfication 34, What wil the man probably do next? 40. What doss the man say has changed? (4) Notiy a manager (A) The location of a meeting (8) Cance! an appornment () The date of an event (C) Tran new stot (6) The length of a session (©) Clean a work area (0) The numberof partpants __ 38. What wore the men doing last weekend? 41, Whats the conversation mainly about? (A) Conducting a tour (A) Alelevision service (@) Trahing now employees (8) Anewspaper subscription (©) Attending a gallery opening (©) Arado program (©) Designing a bulking (0) A theater production Wat ype of work the spears do for 42, What does the woman ask for? (A) A bank balance (A) They created marksting material. (8) The Web-ste address of a business (B) They fumished an office spaco. (©) The spoling of a name (©) They revised a workdow procedure. (©) A sort number (©) They made a financial investment. 48, According to the woman, when wil the change tke effec? Wat does ne woman plan to do inFebeuary? (A) Today eno at (8) Tomorrow Relocate to another city (©) Nextwook (G) Altend a conference (©) Next month (©) Take a vacation oe Goonto the met age ron asriccssase’ 44, What does the woman request? (A) An invoice (8) Amap (0) A signature (0) A roplacoment part 45. What does the man say he has to do? (A) Find bis security pass (@) Talk wth a supervisor (©) Uniocka door (©) Check iwentoxy 46, What does the man ask the woman to do? (A) Return tater {B) Lower a price (©) Mowe a vehicle (©) Remove some boxes 47. Wal are the speakers dscussing? (A) An appliance warranty (B) Blueprins rom a designer (C) A butting permit (©) Ahome improvement project, 48. Why does the woman say, “And actual Golgate Painting said fey would door fourthousand Slee"? (A) To clan a request (5) Tonegotate a pice {G) Tocrter some help {0) To recommend 3 Serve 48, Why ls the woman relieved? (A) Some work wil be completed on time (8) Acost estimate includes supplies, (C) A selectoa tem is instock (©) Exporionced workers vail be on-site, 50. What ae the speakers planning to poverise? nes Panning (A) Evening classes (8) Job opportunties (6) Anontine sore (©) A printing demonstration S51. According othe man, what was the problem wth lest year's pampniols? (A) They were not ready on time () They wore he wong a2, {[C) The formation was too specie (0) The contact nimber was missing, '52, What does the man say he wil send the (A) Free product samples (B) Alstot parteipants (C) A ara of a document (0) A revsed schedule 153, Why i the man calling? (A) To make plane reservations (8) Toreschadule mall colivery (C) To get drections to a shop (0) Toordersome envelopes 54, According tothe woman, how fain advance ‘should the man make Ma request? (A) One day {@) Two days (©) One woek (©) Two weeks '55. What the man equires to do? (A) Pay ateo {B) Contr an address (C) Give an account sumber (©) Submit en online frm co avpitee sta ‘56, What i the problem? 62 (A) A deadline has been moved up. {B) Some funding has been reduced {C} Some materats nave not been delivered {0} An architect isnot available Which par ofthe renovations wiikey be Bt postponed? 63. (8) A brary aditon {6} Some rot repre {G) an clectel sytem upgrade {B) Some window replacements 58, What does the man mgan when he says, ca “That's net abbad idea"? (A) He would ike to hear mare suggestons. {B) He prefers the engine pan {C) He grees with tne proposed solution, (0) He has a batior idea, 59. What aro the speakers cscussing? (8) Drating a contract {) Working exra hours {C) Using a now tee reporting system {0) Revising a vacation policy 60, What does the man imply when he says," lot of people have beon asking about I? (A) Staff are confused about a procedure. (B} People have heard that a workshop is Interesting (@) Staff are waiting for a now assignment (0) A vacation calendar has not been posted ye 61. What does the woman plan to do? (A) Lead some trining (G) Ask for assistance (C) Take some time off (0) Author a manual |where does the conversation most iksly take place?” (A) Atan electronics store (G) Ala public brary (C) Als movie theator (0) ata travel agency \Whatis the man concerned about? (A) Repair foes {) Dificut technology {C) Warranty terms. {0) Screen size i ‘What does the woman offer to do? 7 (A) Call supervisor a (6) Provide a demonstration 4 (©) Exchange an tem (©) Apply aciscount TEST 2 Goonte trex page Revsirsnsrase Sparkle Dry Cleaning Fabric Price Caton 37 Woot so Mixed synthetics | $10 ik $2 165. What does the woman say she wil 6 later this woek? (A) Attend a dinner [ {®) Gotoa conference (©) Hosta celebration (©) Vist er family 66, Look atthe graphic. What the dress made of? (A) Cotton {B) Woo! {C) Mixed synthetics (0) Six 67, What does the man say he will do? (A) Print a receipt (B) Expedio.a service (©) Send a confirmation (©) Schedule an appointment ' PETERSVILLE JAZZ BAND ' DOORS OPEN 5:30 P.M. \Fanpay, nance 27 Pevserisessraicn PART 4 ctions: You will har some talks given by a single speaker You willbe asked to answer tree ‘questions about what the speaker says In each talk. Selec he best response lo each question and ‘ork he ltr (A), (8), (C)- or (O) on your answer sheet. The talks wil ot be printed in your test book fd willbe spoken only one tie, 168. What does the woman ask the man to do? (A) Record a performance (8) Save some seats (C) Check te tine of a meeting (0) Arrange for transportation 68. Look atthe graphic When does the man plan to aru a the concert hal (A) atsa0 mm {8} ateio rw {c) A630 ew {0} A1700 70. What wil the woman do next? (A) Print a confirmation (8) Send an e-rait (C) Approve a purchase (0) Request contact information 71. What is wrong with the camera? (A) Its missing a part. {6) tis an alder mode (©) is too heavy (0) Ris damaged. Who's the aucience forthe tak? (8) Hotel quests (8) Maintenance stat (C) Apartment resigents (©) Garden club members 72. Where does the speaker want to go tis 78. What problem does the speaker mention? sternoon? (A) The poo! naeds tobe pated (A) To. real estate agency (B) Areservaton has boon lost (6) Toa camora store {(©) Some air conditioners are not werking. (© Toa postotfoe (©) The Rotel restaurants cloeod (©) Toa warehouse 79, What does the s oon Monday? (A) Check out on tine (8) Sign anew toase (©) Make mince repairs (©) Pick up passes hor remind listeners to 73, Wy does the speaker request a return call? (8) To change an order (6) To arange a rental (C) To contm an aderess (©) To get avin crections What s happening his weekend? 0, Whois Moonee Lee? (a) Amerathon (a) Aegina manager (8) Anart testa! (8) Anew employes {C) Arms concert {G) Aheath inspector {0} Acommunty nic (5) A roepecive cet 75. Where are listeners instvucted to go frst? 81. Why does the speaker ack listeners to (4) Toa ticket booth stay ate? (@) Toa stadum (A) Ta process a large order (©) Tosely nal {B) To wattfora sripment 0 arive (©) Tos county pace {C) To atlend @ workshop {0) To propare the store fora visit 78. vnat dota can be found on the city's Web sie? {82 What does the speaker offer the liteners? (8) Parking information (A) A company dioner (5) Rain dates {@) Acash bonus (6) Amap of the city (©) Some tine off (0) Atstot musicians (0) Some merchandise Goont te rox pane cpa ov asricts za 183, What isthe main topic of the rao show? (A) Financial planning (8) Web ste design {C) Interior decorating (0) Carrepaie 84, What has recently become avalabe online? (A) Step-by-step instructions (6) Audio recordings (©) Product reviews (0) Free estimates 85. Why does the speaker say "And | abways ike toneer fom you"? (A) To azrange for @ quest speaker (8) To ask or technical help {C) To tank his audience for their interest (0) To encourage listeners to contact him 86, Vat is being celebrated? (A) The completion of some renovations (6) The etrement ofa coleague (©) An award for community service (0) The growth of a company '87. Who most skely is the speaker? (A) Alead architect (G) A business owner {C) A current cent (0) A conference coordinator £88, What are employees asked to do before they leave? (A) Meet a public official (8) Bein a group photograph (©) Mate @ donaton (©) Colt git m1 92. 93. om. What postion is being advertised? (A) Program coorginater (8) Admoistratve assistant {) Laboratory worker (©) Human Resources drector What does the man imply when he cays, "Haye you saen the ier questions ne (A) He Is contirsing an assignment. (8) He has misplaced some forms, (C) He Is concarned about soma questions. (©) He wants the woman to lead an Wty dogs the man wan to meet wh the (8) Toinroduco an applicant (8) To.askforher prion (C) To offerher a promotion (©) To plan an onentaton Receipt Sushi Rice and chicken Pasta Assorted fut What event does the woman mention? (A) A training session (B) A company lunch (C) A cooking contest {0) A grand opening What is the problem? (A) An item is missing (8) Adelvery was late {(C) A discount was not opplied (0) A stalt member is unavatiable. Look atthe graphic. How much money will the woman Be elunded? "y (a) $160 (B) S140, ($135, (©) $80 Peo sirictearaaes ‘Option Option | Option | Option we a Sst) Sas HS 500 No No 95. Where does th tak mast katy take place? (A) Ata pross conference {B) Ata company meting (C) Ata jobsrainng session (0) Ata technology conference 96. What doos tho company want todo? (A) Hire a consultant {@) Purchase new desktop computers {(C) Become more environmentally tendly () Have employees work t night 7. Look atthe graphic. Which option does the speaker recommend? (8) Option 1 (6) Option 2 (©) Option 3 (©) Option ¢ Training Schedule Tsay | Wednesday | Thursday | Fridy Sap | Prastoe | Paco | Pras ond ese Team Reaves ina Feedback What ate listeners traning to be? (A) Computer technicians (B) Roctourant chefs {) Assembly line workers (0) Customer service representatives i eng ae {B) Touring the company eee Look at the graphic, On what cay wil the stoners moet wth he company president? (A) Tuesday (8) Wednesday (©) Thursday (©) Fray ‘This isthe end of the Listening test. Turn to Part Sn your tost book. Goon tothe net age 101 102, 103, 104, Directions: A word or phrase is missing i READING TEST —— the Chiba office nor the Nagoya office ishing, (a) Born (8) But {C) Eithor (0) Nether Mic Aromdce wil prepare a sh from hometown of Sango. (a) he 8) his {C) him (5) Risa Korean Star Atines offers day nensto fights ==" Landen an Busan? (A) aboard {6) onto (6) up (0) between Mr Hirose ~~ at Seventh Steet Financial Ine years aga (A) works (8) worked (©) working (0) wit work You must mark your answers onthe separate answer she book. PART 5 ch ofthe sentences below. Four answer choices are Avon below ach sentence. Sect e bow never compe tho eerie, Then ark te llr (A), (8), (C), oF (D) on your answer sheet. " 108, 106. 107. 108, In the Reading test, you wil read variety of texts and answer several ferent types of reading ‘comprehension questions. The ene Reading test wil last 75 minutes. There are twee pats, and Geckos ar gen fo aach part. You are oncoragd ie anon a8 many qustons as posite win Do not write your answors in your tet ~~ of the now employees were able to ‘tend te onontaton (A) Most {5) Ober {c) Eise {0} Arete ‘Aloud beeping nioates that theo fachine has not been loseg sesurly (A) sound {8} Sounds {¢) sounding {5} sounded? Please ~~ our Web sitet find unique recipes made with Hahm food product, (A) come (8) 99 (C) wt (0) tke ue to construction delays on Maplewood Avenue, employees wil ==- need tod ater routes, (A) probable (8) probabiy (©) probabilty (©) probabitties 400. 110. 12 13. 114, 15, Billo miniature model planes contain 116, hundreds of smal parts and must be assembled with =~ (A) contact (2) lew {c) care {0} amount The this month “ cavers credited Marit mages. (A) creative (@) creatvely (©) creating (0) creativity Parlcpaton this year was the largest-—~- 118, Ine history of the Securitas conference. (A) totally () ever (©) soon (0) haraly Ms. Fields not abe to travel rom New York fo Buonos Aves = suftcent nates 119, (A) inside (@) except (6) about (0) without ‘Yuvawos Transit Company drivers should fave tne vehicles Inspected =~ 120, (A) rather (8) annuaty {) quite {0} highly CCl Choiog marketers are to become famitar with competitors products and advertising 121, (A) encourage (6) encourages (c) encourages (0) encouraging ‘The customer service department has seen ansdecresse inthe number oF ‘ompaints over tha past year (A) éromatic (®) polte (©) frequent (©) aiferent “The financial view board has stated that ro budget proposal may (A) excessive (8) excess, (©) exceeaing (0) exceea ‘As president. Ms. Min made great efforts to productive envronmont at Chae investment Corporation (A) process (B) estimate (C) sstaatch (©) parteipate “The city council will meet tomorrow to ld Questions from ~~~ concerning the new ttoter tower (A) resident (6) rosdonts (C) residences (©) residential Ccruz-AWva Oil provides ~~ priced Solutions forall your energy needs (A) competing (8) compettion (©) eompestve (0) competitively ‘Southenic Etectroncs technicians are on hand 24 hours a Gay — you can be at ace king help always aval, (A) because of (8) so (©) everyting (©) unt ‘Strong stiatogie thinking ——- and sharp marketing instincts are portant qualtes for 2 successful product manager (A) skis (8) findings {C) reales (©) approximations TEST 2 122, 123, 14, 125, 126, sot ses wl ten arn 127. Bolo the lbeaton carts can be used to Session on now vehules in he coming! trangport-—-= materials, techricans must PART 6 ne Mg evpoed suas ite die (2 Qosratone A Directions Read te tt tha low. A or, tase cr sentence emisng parts of ean tt {G) Operate 1) posse Four anewer choices or each queson are gien below the ox. Select he best anowe o compel the {5} Sprang {G) Senate tet Than ater 8), (8) (0) oO} on your anne eet {5} demonstrate Fenoratons oy te op heat of he Mesa Sreiratiee mesryAugist ee * Gontiovrsal novel spprooches Puskas ‘Questions 131-134 rete othe following instructions. (9) expo ISgrowing exponent (©) construct (A) anticipation {C) commence (8) antcpatery (©) srange {C) anvopated (5) amber AtBen Pores Bins, ie customers sic OWNS te oven, Alloa east 10 conte of space round hese, op and back Gerbera tated Bates! 129, Forte craton of Me, Caras a, er aii a St Serine pd octet Peraroms con ng: an even omc ee ant Sion na ad Bae Do, : (8) nvocg oe y crete range gr. The reason for this i tha locked air ext wil case the oven to shut (8) iret ject ange. ges Te e800 ot 2 (©) rose 1) respetney down avtomatcaly ys tumed on {8} imoucry (8 ant (9 tne wr ecb bon recat 3 (0) sven ‘und wi bo aud To your occuni tin too See hee sas Inrovemersin tiation technology 7 (4) node tat onan com pede mes —— EN Oe ee Bnet {6} nowt (3) propetenay (Cet ee {8} Neon 1) Fopatra (O)recna hater (©) beperteing 492. (9 eove Last year, Enertainment Azuse, In, and (©) proportions hou Seimei (chose ere adresses nel creas {G)conse pris for Both organizations (A) combining 3. (A) Koop all vents clear during cooking, (B) combined (6) Folow al drections when preparing (C) combines packaged meals (0) combine (€) Do not use the avon to bol any liquids (©) Do not mirowave more than two patos ‘aa time ‘Yur C§200 microwave oven can be placed easily in your kitchen, family room, or office. Set the oven on flat surface such as kitchen countertop of sturdy tabla tis important to allow arto low Goan tothe next pepe ‘Questions 135-138 rofer to the following leter. ‘Questions 139-142 refer tothe folowing e-mail. sly 7 “Jo: Komple industrioe Stat From: Technology Department Subject: Update Date: March 27, Dear Mr. Whitney: Ths let serves to confirm tat Naoko Sugimor ~~ with Takana Motor. Ms. Sugimod has nels the tile of Systoms Analyst for four years and earns @ salary in the upper range for that post. [eis wh great excitement tat inform you thatthe Kemplet Industries Web seis to have a new look =jjg- | wil also testy t0 755 high level of performance. 7 " ' 10 gz, high level ot por ia: MMs, Sugimori nas demonstrated a strong work ethic and excellant business insight ‘working with Takana Motors, ‘nd improved functonaity The sto ~~ several upgraded features such as motile device readabilty and an interactive tour of Komplet laces. The ~~ to the new site is scheduled to i ‘ecur on Saturday, March 8. g;-. Please be aware that problems may occur while we change If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at 03-1002-8974, ‘ver to the new Web sito. Wo wil Work ~:~ to ensure that any problems are resolved quick the new Web site. Wo wil Work 55 t that any 9 1 quickly, Please sond feachack on persistent issues to webinlo®@komplet net Sincorey, ' Jessica Kreuse Engineering Program Dikector 489, (A) included 142, (A) instructively TTakana Motors (6) had includes (8) previously (6) wil include (C) potentiaty (©) to inetude (©) aiigonty 138. (A) had besn employed 197. (A) our 140. (8) transition (G) willbe employed @is (8) gathenng [0) i employes (C) your {C} demotion (0) has employes (her (©) chatlenge 136, (A) Ournew entryJovel vehicle is also very 138, (A) While ‘41. (8) As a result, new advertising will be added Popul (8) wether ‘othe st. (6) In adelion, she earne an annual bonus (©) Prorto (@) This is atime when trafic on the Web that is Rgher tan average, (0) Astong ae ‘te wil Be lighter (©) Lkenise, she works well under pressure, (0) | willbe happy to oer her a positon with ‘our company. {C) Tho factory tour wil begin at 3:00 om (©) Ourromodeled offices are dve to open in Apa Goon tothe net page i , : ; ‘Questions 143-146 reer to the folowing latex CCouncii Member Deborah Hsu 451 Forest Place, Ground Floor Huxton, Fl 02310 ear Councl! Member Heu, sage. In fact, the Huxton Daly made note of aa, “Teasdale Street and Port Avenue. fully support these; land efciency of our roads by adding bicyole lanes Thank you Sincerely, Gabriel Richards 443, (A) shortan 6. (8) has shortened (C) shortening (0) to shorten 144. (A) tis )wricn (Chew (0) hem 14S, (A) companies (8) groups (©) measures (©) facones “The development of now business faces near residential areas |/am wating on behalf of my felow community members to request more bicycle lanes in our town, the distance we need to ‘commute. The opening ofa bicycl shop on Helleyhill Avenue atlets to the increase in bicycle nan aricle earlier in the year. | understand thatthe council approved plans on Soplember 6 fr bieyle lane development on Please improve the safety (A) In fact, more bicycle safely courses should be provided (@)In additon, new bicycle shops have bean ‘opened (€)notrer words, riding a bicycle is good (©) Indeed fel that more bieyle lanes ‘shoud follow PART 7. Directions: In this part you wil read a selocton of texts, such as magazine and newspaper artces, frmas, ad instant messages. Bach text or sel of ters folowed by several questions, Select the Dest answer for each question and mark the ltr (A), (B), (C), oF (O} an your anawer sheet, ‘Questions 147-148 refer to the following form. Ganzon Automotive Silang Avenue, Butuan City ‘Agusan det Norte, Philippines 8600 bg, Mochanie on duty & Date: apeii 6 (Glient: ovens Bast: Vehicle Information Make: ¥inp0 ode: eavy 0: Vehicletype: Smaxle, co Work Completed ed and balanced 212,000 ck: 4,800 147. Wats the purpose of the form? (A) To give deta about work on a vehicle (6) 70 ask about purchasing avons (©) To request a corecton fo = bil, (0) 70 schedule maintenance work 148, What action is mentioned? (A) Repairing an axle (B) Paining @ buck (C) Changing of (©) Replacing a lock = Questions 149-150 rer tothe following online chat EY Andreas Hildebrand FEY Andreas idebrand 10:04 Hi Eun Hoe, do you havea minute to look at something? EunHee Pak 1004 FF res tstrand 1008 EunHes Pak 1005 EunHeoPak 010 FY Ancreas Hildebrand 10:11 EinteePak 109 FF poses brand 1:4 EmHeePak 1015 149. At 10:10 a1, what does Ms, Park mos ely mean when She writes, “Okay, got? (A) She understands what Me Midebrand sal, (®) She has the package Me Hidebrand is Tooking for (C) She has received an e-mail Mr Hildebrand sent. No probe, Ooo Sure, what do you need? 1 email itto you ts the draft forthe cover of ‘Anne Wahlberg's book, (ne second, (Otay, got. Lele take a lok |s the tite to dificult to read? I wanted it to be eye-catching and diferent, ite the eect. Butyou could be right Mate if you changed the oir? Even just a darker shade of bie woul help. Good idea, giv that a try. Ming if run itpast you agaln ater? (A) Change a deadtine (8) Revise a design [C) Gee presentation {D) Moet wrth Mis, Wahlberg (©) She nas found 3 fe Me Hildebrand wants to ses, 1560. What wil Mc Hidebrand mosttkaly do nex? ‘questions 151-152 refer tothe following advertsemont Copycentric-for All Your Printing and Copying Needs ring of age ts s + Printing of digital photographs ina variety of formats + Professional copying of documents, with binding avaiable + 24-hour service available at obs new Taylor Stet location Visit our Web ste at www-copycentric-com for information on our five locations, We guarantee law prise and offer delivery ‘on bal orders, 481. Whats indicated about Copjoontic? (A) Itsals copy machines. (B) Ithas opened a new siore {C) only provices black-and-white copying, {0) Ithas boon in business for five years. 4152, What doos Copyeentric offer? (A) Nightime hours at allocations (8) Digial photography classes (C) Professional ecing services (0) Dolwory servic fr large orcers Goan tothe net page Questions 153-154 reter tothe following noice Stontord Employment Agency Stanford Employment Agency seeks a receptionist for a busy office. Primary duties include greeting potential clients ling, and typing. The successful candidate must have a friendly. manner and be able to operate a multiline telephone system in ‘a busy office setting. In addition, the receptionist wil assist the | office manager as directed — Candidates must have finished secondary school, Prior experience ina similar job is helpful but not necessary Excellent salary and benefits are offered. Pease send a letter of interest and résumé to Gita Aggarwal, Stanford Employment ‘Agency, 17 Market Way, Edinburgh, EH! ITH. Visit our Web site for more information, www stanfordemployment.couk i 154, What is required of job candidates? (A) Experience in a previous jab (8) Completion of socondary schoo! (C) Participation ina telophana intervaw (0) Complation of an onne application 153. Wali indicated about the job? (A) iis availabe only to offs managers. {B) Itinvolves teaching peopie to type. (©) Minds welcoming peopl othe (©) Irequtes the aly to rept telephone 458. ‘questions 155-157 refer tothe following e-mail To: ‘waren suet @revaaig | [Geta kwon rere ong From: tpsstwvsaostetratons com x ‘Staff Celebrations Event planning for companies large and mall since 1982 Bienes | Avard Ceremonies | Tean-buling Events | Milestone Celebrations] Picnics with your company in mind! Pricing to 1 every budget Wedoit al: 4 Setup and cleanup || 4 Shuitle service between parking area and ste if needed 1 + Food and beverages (choose from a wide varity of smack and meal options) ‘ Games and activities fr adults and children (many to choose fom) + Photor | “© Gift bags for each guest (optional; your choice of items to include) | ‘We'll come o your site, oF you can rent ether of ous two beautifl spaces: the Garden Grove in Glenview (for upf0 200 people) or the Bridge Center in Woodsorrel || {for 200-,000 people) Tat your sta to an event they'll remember! Te (Racper Bukowski ihutowski@ioningfinencom> Frew: Delilah Chalmers ichalmers@ sy bsvarchieclure som Date a Subject: (RE: Staff Gelcbrions [Dear Mr. Bakowsi | | Lam happy to provide you with some information about Staff Celebrations. We hired them for our tem anneal company picnic, which was Held this past Joly. Over 200 of | cur employees and their families Were fn attendance. After looking into several options, | sve sated on Sst Celebrations to plan and host our event because they were highly ‘commended by several otter companies in the aes. We weve delighted With th ‘convenience of their sevice All me had to do was make a fow menu snd game Selections, and they did the rest. We chose to use one oftheir sts, which Was a8 a beautiful as promised. Despite uncomfataly hgh temperatures on the day of cur event, i i the sat at Stl Celebrations remained checrfl and enthusartic. We di not opt for the fit bag option, although I recall from our initial mesting that the choices for Usk Seale esta ela of hh uly hay recommend Stal Rega Delilah Chalmers ‘ioe President for Corporate Eveats Te: (Dalai Chainer cibiainen @syrasrarcicue cons Sybrae Architecture From: | [Kacper Bukowsti

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