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1.1 Background information
Hotel Management System operates a global online hotel reservation system for business and
leisure travelers. To compete with the international e-marketplace, a great deal of attention
should pay towards the optimization of user requirements to generate recommended hotel
alternatives. In general sense, hotel management is the way of maintaining different activities of
a hotel where staffs are engaged to perform a number of these activities. At first let us take a
glance to an ordinary hotel. For hiring a room in this type of hotel, the client needs to meet with
the receptionist to collect the information of hotel facilities. After that, the client is made to fill
up the pro forma provided by the hotel authority, then he must pay the defined amount of money
and is offered the room key. At the completion of the formalities, the client’s heads to the
assigned room. One of the key services clients are always asking for are privacy and reliable
security. To this effect, Koolmanojwong et al.,(2015) developed an intelligent e-marketplace for
the tourism based on fuzzy to serve the customers who wants to travel but has no idea about the
accommodation. This system is global in the sense that anyone can use this to find the
appropriate hotel according to his/her affordable means.
One major challenge in Business management in Nigeria is ineffective utilization of resources
and lack of proper record keeping leading to wastages and outright fraud by the staff. This is
particularly true in the hospitality industry.
The Hotel management information system is a system that aids the management of the
Customers’ data, Hotel staff data, customers’ registration, Customer accommodation or
allocation into specific rooms, room reservation and Personnel staff management.
1.2 Problem statement
The phase of system analysis process deals with problems that are affecting the current
manual system. The problems are those, which are affecting the hotel in its daily routine work.
As the growing trend in most business in InfoTech World of Computers, need of accuracy,
perfectness, speed and high memory data storage is a must. Each problem must be solved with
least amount of time and energy.

i. Difficulty in maintenance of records: It is very difficult to maintain data record in the system as
all the records are entered in the register or the perspective record books. There are chances of the
record books or files in which all the Data are stored may be torn or wearied out or some other
damages result or files may even be misplaced.
ii. Time Consuming: It is very time consuming and difficult to write every entry and exit of
customers into the hotel in the register. Also it takes a lot of time if all the entries are to be
repeated say to keep in another record for safe keeping. It is also time consuming to check for
data quickly. In the current system processes such as making different types of reports, preparing
merit lists, and tedious calculations are examples of time-consuming processes.
iii. Editing of data: Manually written data cannot be changed or edited once written. If there is a
mistake and the administrator tried to cancel it out and write it again this would make the entire
register very dirty and disorganized. If data is entered incorrectly the entire system gets incorrect
while editing wrongly entered data cannot easily solve errors.
iv. Incidence of Fraud: Fraudulent acts can be perpetuated by the staff arising from record
insecurity. The continuous incidence of fraud in the hotel organization may lead to non-
profitability of the business and the hotel involved may eventually fold up.
v. Data Insecurity; As the data is stored in files or registers, it is not a secure place, As the storage
media here are files and books or registers, there are chances of getting this storage media lost,
torn, or it may go in the hand of the wrong person which can destroy the database or it can also be
destroyed accidentally. Also in the system, data should be shown to the person according to his
position on the establishment; everybody should not be allowed to use all the data.
vi. If the Data goes into the hand of the wrong person he or she may take advantage of the data. So
security is the major aspect of the Hotel Management System.
vii. High Data Redundancy: As mentioned in the current system. Due to maintenance of so many
registers there is a high redundancy of data i.e. same data is recorded repeatedly.
viii.Data Inconsistency: Here as mentioned in the above step the same information is written in
more than one place that creates the problem, where there is a change or deletion in the recorded
1.3 Aim and objectives
The aim of this study is to develop a hotel management system. In order to achieve this aim, the following
specific objectives would be performed:
i. To investigate the existing system within the hotel sector
ii. To design the architecture of the proposed system

iii. To develop a flowchart depicting the interaction of the different components
iv. To design the database management system
v. Integrate the developed component, test and validate

1.4 Significance of the study

The Hotel Management system is developed to overcome the most of the problems occurring in the
manual system by computerizing the existing system. The features of the newly proposed computerized
system are described in brief below:
After computerizing the system, the Hotel Administrator can finish their work in the least amount of time
possible and with very little effort. The computerized system has many gains and efforts which the
manual system cannot give in any type of situation.
In any manual system if we take the main problem arising is to maintain the number of records and
finding a particular record, computerized systems are most helpful in dealing with areas where database
comes into existence.

A computer can hold large amount of data in storage devices and it can operate at a very high
speed. The user can input all types of information into the computer and can be able to perform
any type of task which when done manually is tedious and time consuming.
1.5 Methodology
This section involves data gathering. Area of study, the data quality controls provided for the study. It
also illustrates how the data was analysed and presented.
The visual aspect refers to the method to be used to create the graphical user interface with Visual basic
application. Rather than writing numerous lines of code describe the appearance and location of interface
elements, you simply drag and drop pre-built objects into a place on screen.
Visual Basic revolves around ready-made objects and it is event-driven that is all the activities in a
program are triggered by one event or another. Each object has its own properties, determining its
size,colour, appearance and nature of its text and much more. Each object also has its own event-
Handling procedures. Visual basic also handles images, menus, dialog boxes, drive and directory list and
much more. The application will be web-based using the ASP.NET platform to eliminate system
compatibility issues, and ensure it run on all systems provided with web-Browsers.
MS-SQL is used as the backend where Customer Record and Transactions are stored. It serves as the
Information Gathering system details are not left out the specific problems are identified.

1.6 Scope of study
The study is focused on the critical operations carried out within the hotel administrative system. These
major operations include
 Front-desk operations (customer management, room allocation, cashier posting)
 Accommodation (Hotel room management, staff schedules, inventory).
 Assets management (Fixed, Floating asset).
 Staff record Management.
 Restaurant & Bar operation.
 Staff payroll (Pay slip).
 Accounts Receivable &Payable.

1.7 Definition of some terms

Hotel: A hotel is an establishment that provides lodging paid on a short-term basis.
Hotel management Information system: An integrated set of components for collecting,
storing, and processing data and for delivering information, knowledge, and digital products for a
Record: A record is a value that contains other values, typically in fixed number and sequence
and typically indexed by names.
Database: A database is an organized collection of data. The data are typically organized to
model relevant aspects of reality in a way that supports processes requiring this information.
Object: An object is a location in memory having a value and referenced by an identifier.
1.8 Organization of the study
The project is broadly described in five chapters below:
Chapter One: This part of the work reveals the background of the study and gives a brief
account each of statement of the problem, aims and objectives, importance of the study,
methodology of the study, scope of the study, layout of the project and the definition of the terms
that will be used in this project.
Chapter Two: This chapter has to do with the literature review aspect of this project. It explains
different articles on Hotel Management. It also gives a review of an existing online system in
relation to the proposed system.
Chapter Three: This chapter explains the system analysis, methodology, and system design of
both the existing manual system and the proposed system.
Chapter Four: This chapter deals system implementation and documentation of the new system,
which includes the tools, software and hardware requirement of the new system, system testing
and maintenance of the new system are also disused here.
Chapter Five: This chapter summarizes the entire project as well as drawing conclusion and
recommendations from the project.

2.1 Hotel management
Hotel Management refers to the process, agency or level of management which handles the
various business duties and day-to-day concerns of a given hotel establishment. Hotel
management is responsible for employing, managing and paying the various staff. Hotel
Management also involves taking care of paying bills and taxes associated with the hotel and the
property where it is located.
The size and magnitude of a hotel management structure varies significantly depending on the
size and function of the hotel. A small hotel normally consists of a small core management team
consisting of the General Manager and a few key department managers who directly handle day-
to-day operations. On the contrary, a large full service hotel often operates more like a large
corporation with an executive board headed by the General Manager and consisting of key
directors serving as heads of individual hotel departments. Each department normally consists of
subordinate line-level managers and supervisors who handle day-to-day operations.
Activities carried out by the Hotel Management vary depending on the size and type of hotel, but
may include:
 Planning and organising accommodation, catering and other hotel services
 Promoting and marketing the business
 Managing budgets and financial plans as well as controlling expenditure
 Maintaining statistical and financial records
 Setting and achieving sales and profit targets
 Analysing sales figures and devising marketing and revenue management strategies
 Recruiting, training and monitoring staff
 Planning work schedules for individuals and teams
 Meeting and greeting customers
 Dealing with customer complaints and comments
 Addressing problems and troubleshooting
 Ensuring events and conferences run smoothly
 Supervising maintenance, supplies, renovations and furnishings

 Dealing with contractors and suppliers
 Ensuring security is effective
 Carrying out inspections of property and services
 Ensuring compliance with licensing laws, health and safety and other statutory
2.1.1 System
A system is a set of interacting or interdependent components forming an integral whole.
Or a set of elements (often called components) and relationships which are different from the
relationships or the set or its elements to other elements or sets (Merriam Webster online
dictionary). Every system I delineated by its spatial and temporal boundaries, surrounded and
influenced by its environment, described by its structure and purpose and expressed in its
Some systems share common characteristics, including:
i. A system has structure, it contains parts that are directly or indirectly related to
each other ;
ii. A system has behaviour, it exhibits processes that fulfills its functions or
iii. A system has interconnectivity; the parts are connected by structural and/or
behavioural relationships.
iv. A system structure and behaviour may be decomposed via sub systems and sub
processes to elementary parts and process steps.
The term system may also refer to a set of rules that govern structure and or behaviour.
2.1.2 Components of a system Environment and boundaries
System theory views the world as a complex system of interconnected parts. We scope a system
by defining its boundaries; this meaning choosing which entities are inside 6he system and which
are outside-part of the environment. We then make simplified representations9models) of the
system in order to understand it and to predict or impact its future behaviour. These models may
define the structure and/or behaviour of the system.

7 Natural and human made Systems
There are natural and human made (designed) systems. Natural systems may not have an
apparent objective but their outputs can be interpreted as purposes. Human-made systems are
made with purposes that are achieved by the delivery of outputs. Their parts must be related;
they must be designed to work as a coherent entity else they would be two or more distinct
2.2 Theoretical Framework
An open system exchanges matter and energy with its environment. Most systems are open
systems. A closed systems exchanges energy but not matter with its environment. An isolated
system exchanges neither matter nor energy with its environment.
2.2.1 Process and Transformation System
A system can also be viewed as a bounded transformation process that is a process or collection
of processes that transform inputs into outputs. Inputs are consumed and outputs are produces.
A subsystem is a set of elements, which is a system itself, and a component of a larger system.
2.2.2 System Model
A system comprises of multiple views. For a man-made system it may be such views as
planning, requirement analysis, design, implementation, deployment, structure, behaviour, input
data and output data views. A system model is required to describe and represent all these
multiple views.
2.2.3 System Architecture
A system architecture using only one single integrated model for the description of multiple
views such as planning, requirement analysis, design, implementation, deployment, structure,
behaviour, input data and output data views, is a kind of system model (Checkland 1997, Flood
2.3 Elements of a system
Following are considered as the elements of a system in terms of Information systems:-
1. Input
2. Output
3. Processor
4. Control
5. Feedback
6. Boundary and interference
7. Environment
i. INPUT: Input involves capturing and assembling elements that enter the systems to be processed.
The input are said to be fed to the systems in other to get the output. For example input of a
computer system is input unit consisting of various input devices like keyboard, mouse, joystick
ii. OUTPUT: Those elements that exist in the system due to the processing of the input are known
as output. A major objective of a system is to provide output that has value to the user.
iii. PROCESSOR: The processor is the element of a system that involves the actual transformation
of input to output. It is the operational component of a system.
iv. CONTROL: the control element guides the system. It is the decision-making sub-system that
controls the pattern of activities governing input, processing and output. It also keeps the system
within the boundary set.
v. FEEDBACK: Control in a dynamic system is achieved b feedback. Feedback measures output
against a standard in some form of cybernetic procedure that includes communication and
control. The feedback may generally be of three parts viz, positive, negative, and informational.
The positive feedback motivates the system. The negatives indicate need of an action. The
feedback is a reactive form of control.
vi. BOUNDARY AND INTERFACE: A system is defined by its boundaries- the limits that
identify its components, processes and interrelationships when it interfaces with another system.
For example in a computer is there is a boundary for number of bits, the memory size e.t.c.
vii. ENVIRONMENT: the environment is the super system within which the organisation operates.
It includes input, processes and outputs. It is the source of external elements that impinge on the
2.4 Hotel management system
Hotel Management System is web based hotel management software. The software features
include revenue management, yield management, booking management, day rate management,
booking calendar, guest relationship management, check ins & check outs management, POS &
folio management, invoices and receipts and accounting document reports.The Hotel
Management System provides complete information about the Hotel and staff of the Hotel. The
features of the Hotel Management System are expected to provide the user(s) with; easily
accessible information for both the Administration and registered staff, reduce administrative
costs, provide information about new management policies, fee structure, date of payment, new
rules and keep track of all the rooms in the Hotel and customers. The information should be
accurate, consistent, timely, reliable and complete.
2.5 Integration of hotel management system by web services
Nowadays web services technology is widely used to integrate heterogeneous systems and
develop new applications. An application of integration of hotel management systems by web
services technology is presented by various groups of researchers. The Hotel management
system integrates lots of systems of hotel industry such as Front Office system, Property
Management System, Property Management System, Enterprise Information System (EIS),
Enterprise Information Portal System(EIP), Customer Relationship Management System (CRM)
and Supply Chain Management system (SCM) together. This integration solution can add or
expand hotel software system in any size off hotel chains environment (Yang et al, 2003).
It is generally accepted that role of web services in business is undoubtedly important. More and
more commercial software systems extend their capability and power by using web services
technology. Today e-commerce is not merely using the internet to transfer business data or
supporting people to interact with dynamic web page, but is fundamentally changed by web
services. The World Wide Web Consortium’s extensible Markup Language (XML) (W3C, 2003)
and the eXtensible Style sheet Languages (XSL) (W3C, 2003) are standards defined in the
interest of multi-purpose publishing and content reuse and are increasingly being employed in
the construction of web services. Since XML is seen as the canonical message format, it could tie
together thousands of systems programmed by hundreds of programming languages. Any
program can be mapped into web service, while an web service can also be mapped into program
(Eric, 2002). And we found that this system greatly improves both the hotel customer and hotel
officer’s experience in the hotel business work flow. Because current technologies are quite
mature, it seems not to be difficult to integrate the existing system and the new coming systems
(for example, web –based applications or mobile applications). However currently in hotel
industry there re few truly integrated systems used because there are so many heterogeneous
systems already in existence. Scalability, maintenance, price, security issues then become huge
to overcome.

This system is developed to integrate the business flow of hotel management by using web
services and software integration technologies. These involve a scenario of hotel reservation and
discuss the interaction between the system and the users including the design and
implementation of this system (Yang et al, 2003).
2.6 Challenges
Web services technology is developed rapidly as a practical means to integrate heterogeneous
systems and develop new applications. Our project successfully integrates systems in hotel
business chains together. Although research has greatly advanced in this area, developing and
maintaining integration system in hotel industry remains a lot of challenges (David et al, 2002).
First of all, our experience implicated that in order to deploy a global, or to less scale, national
wide hotel reservation system, there is a long road ahead for hotel industry to get IT
standardization. Nowadays there are several hotel alliances existing, but these organizations do
not touch data exchange standard between enterprises.
Secondly, security is one of the most important and complicated challenges related to our work.
There are lots of research papers on providing security solution of integration of heterogeneous
computers and resources spread across multiple domains with the intent to provide user services.
We intend to obtain three basic targets. One is to keep the contents confidentiality and integrity –
that is to ensure nobody ever tampers with or steals the data transferred through public networks.
The other is to control access to web services. Before using web services must pass the
authorization procedures (Davi et al.,2002)
2.7 Benefits of hotel information management system
Hotel Information management system is able to automate the process of Hotels. It is
useful for the authorities which keeps track of all the users registered in a particular state. The
authority can add hotel packages, room details, and availability of rooms, online booking and
other packages.
The following steps that give the detailed information of the need for electronic management
items are:
i. Performance: During past several decades, the records are supposed to be manually handled for
all activities. The manual handling of the record is time consuming and highly prone to error. To
improve the performance of the Hotel management System, the computerized system is to be
ii. Efficiency: the basic need of this application is efficiency. The website should be efficient so that
whatever the user submits any detail the application is updated immediately and automatically.
This record will be useful for others instantly.
iii. Control: The complete control of the electronic system is under the hands of authorized persons
only who have the password to access the system and illegal access is not permitted. Control is
entirely in the hands of the administrator and the other members have the rights to see the records
not to change any transaction entry.
iv. Security: Security is the main criteria for electronic hotel management system. Since illegal
access may corrupt the database and ensure protection of the scored data.
2.8 Object oriented methodology
Object-oriented programming is an approach to designing modular, reusable software systems.
Although discussions of object-oriented technology often get mired in the details of one
language vs. the other, the real key to the object-oriented approach is that it is a modelling
approach first(Booch, Grady 1986). Although often hyped as a revolutionary way to develop
software by zealous proponents, the object-oriented approach is in reality a logical extension of
good design practices that go back to the very beginning of computer programming. Object-
orientation is simply the logical extension of older techniques such as structured
programming and abstract data types.

Object-oriented analysis and design is the principal industry-proven methodology for

developing high-quality object-oriented systems. This prevailing software development
methodology involves three aspects: object-oriented analysis, which deals with the design
requirements and overall architecture of a system, and is focused on describing what the system
should do in terms of key objects in the problem domain; object-oriented design , which
translates a system architecture into programming constructs (such as interfaces, classes, and
method descriptions); and object-oriented programming, which implements these programming
The fundamental idea behind an object-oriented language is object decomposition,
breaking the complex software system down into its various objects, combining the data and the
functions that operate on the data into a single unit, the object. Objects are discussed and built by
modeling real-world instances. A typical object oriented system consists of a number of
cooperating objects, each of which may or may not collaborate with other objects in order to
achieve some task for the user. Real-world objects display the characteristic of high cohesion,
they maintain a single theme or focus, in turn, and software objects model real-world objects.
This form of object decomposition provides a natural way of breaking the problem down into
isolated, manageable parts. In many cases, the development effort shifts from writing a new
code, to assembling existing objects in new and innovative ways to solve a problem. Thus,
object-oriented analysis and design methodology cuts down development time and costs, leading
to faster time to market and significant competitive advantage, and enables producing more
flexible, modifiable, easily maintainable object-oriented systems.
The goals of object-oriented programming are:
 Increased understanding
 Ease of maintenance.
 Ease of evolution.
2.9 Microsoft visual studio
Microsoft visual studio is an integrated development environment (IDE) from Microsoft.
It can be used to develop console and graphical user interface applications along with Windows
Forms applications, web sites, web applications, and web services in both native code together
with managed code for all platforms supported by Microsoft Windows, Windows Mobile,
Windows CE, NET framework, NET compact Framework and Microsoft Silverlight.
Visual studio includes a code editor supporting IntelliSense as well as code refactoring. The
integrated debugger works both as source-level debugger and machine level debugger. Other
built in tools include a forms designer for building GUI applications, web designer, class
designer, and database schema designer. It accepts plug-ins that enhances the functionality at
almost every level-including adding support for source-control systems and adding new toolsets
like editors and visual designers for domain-specific languages or tool sets for other aspects of
software development life cycle.
Visual Studio supports different programming languages by means of language services,
which allow the code editor and debugger to support (to varying degrees) nearly any
programming language , provided a language specific service exists. Built in languages include;
C/C++ (via visual C++). VB.NET (via Visual Basic.NET), C# (via Visual C#), and F# (as of
visual Studio 2010). Support for other languages such as M, Python, and Ruby among others is

available via language services installed separately. It also supports XML/XSLT,
HTML/XHTML, JavaScript and CSS individual language-specific versions of Visual Studio.
2.9.1 .Net framework platform studio
Microsoft visual studio programs run on the .NET framework, an integral component of
Windows that includes a virtual execution system called the common language runtime (CLR)
and a unified set of class libraries. The CLR is Microsoft’s commercial implementation of the
common language infrastructure (CLI), an international standard that is the basis for creating
execution and development environments in which languages and libraries work together
Source code written with Visual Basic is compiled into an intermediate language (IL) that
conforms to the CLI specification. The IL code, along with resources such as bitmaps and
strings, is stored on disk in an executable file called an assembly, typically with an extension
of .exe or .dll. An assembly contains a manifest that provides information on the assembly types,
version, and culture and security requirements. (MSDN, 2005)
When the program is executed, the assembly is loaded into the CLR, which might take
various actions based on the information in the manifest. Then, if the security requirements are
met, the CLR performs lust in time (JIT) compilation to convert the IL into native machine
instructions. The CLR also provides other services related to automatic garbage collection,
exception handling, and resource management. Code that is executed by the CLR is sometimes
referred to as the managed code in contrast to unmanaged code which is compiled into native
machine language that targets a specific system.
2.9.2 Microsoft SQL Server 2008
The Microsoft SQL server 2008 Database engine is the core service for storing,
processing and securing data. The database engine provides controlled access and rapid
transaction processing to meet the requirements for the most demanding data consuming
applications within your enterprise. The Database Engine also provides rich support for
sustaining high availability (MSDN, 2005).
2.10 Database engine
The Database Engine is the core service for storing, processing, and securing data. The
database engine provides control, access and rapid transaction processing to meet the

requirements of the most demanding data consuming applications within the enterprise. He
database engine is used to create relational databases for transactions processing or analytic data
processing. This includes creating tables for storing data and database objects such as indexes
views and stored procedures for viewing, managing, and securing data. You can use SQL server
management Studio to manage the database objects, and SQL Server profiler for capturing server
events (MSDN, 2005).
2.10.1 Database engine tasks
The order of the topics in the database engine documentation follows the main sequence of
tasks used to implement a system that uses the Database engine for data storage (MSDN, 2005):
 Design and create a database to hold the relational tables or XML documents required by the
 Implement systems to access and change the stored data in the database. This includes
implementing websites or applications that work with the data, and also building procedures that
use the SQL server tools and utilities to work with the data
2.11 Development of management system
One project relating to the proposed system was titled “Development Of Management System”.
The project was done by students of Ajayi Crowther University named Matti Olarenwaju M. and
Jenfa Abayomi J. in partial fulfilment to their bachelor degrees in Computer Science. The system
is a web based system for management of a hotel and its day to day activities. The technologies
used to design and implement this system were: Microsoft Visual Studio, Visual
and .NET framework Platform Architecture.
As rightly observed by Matti Olarenwaju M. and Jenfa Abayomi J. (AjayiCrowther University,
2011), Hotel Information Management System is a technique that is used in the hospitality
industry to provide satisfactory services to Customers, improve company performance and make
Hotel management easier. They also noted that the ability to manage a hotel through electronic
means by multitude of choices such as web and mobile technologies is instantly attractive. Such
facilities should also overcome constraints associated with the existing manual method of
managing a hotel. There is no doubt that electronic hotel management offers a convenience that
would be appreciated by many people but it also has many challenges such as security issues
within the system itself, large scale deployment of the software and also protecting the server
from malicious attacks especially when the service is opened to the internet.
This project study underwent few challenges such as the lack of e-payment system on the
customer booking portal, lack of centralized management services (Asset Register, Staff
Records, and Payroll System).
Another project related to the topic was carried out by Wong PohKian(School of Arts and
Science Tunku Abdul Rahman College Kuala Lumpur,2010)in partial fulfilment of his bachelor
degrees also noted that Hotel information Management Systems are becoming increasingly
popular due to a rise in the need for more hospitality service providers hence any newly
developed software must be able to meet all the services that the Manager would require to
provide for the ever increasing needs of the customers and these presents a lot of challenges for
the Application developers in order to meet these needs.
The system consisted of the following modules:

 Payroll Module
 Room Maintenance Module
 Food Ordering and Delivery Module
 House Keeping Scheduling Module
 E-Newsletter Subscription Module

The system was designed using .NET Framework (version 3.5), Microsoft visual Studio 2010,
and MSSQL Server 2008.

3.1 Introduction
Methodology is "'a contextual framework' for research, a coherent and logical scheme based on
views, beliefs, and values, that guides the choices researchers [or other users] make".
It comprises the theoretical analysis of the body of methods and principles associated with a
branch of knowledge such that the methodologies employed from differing disciplines vary
depending on their historical development. This creates a continuum of methodologies that
stretch across competing understandings of how knowledge and reality are best understood. This
situates methodologies within overarching philosophies and approaches. Methodology may be
visualized as a spectrum from a predominantly quantitative approach towards a
predominantly qualitative approach. Although a methodology may conventionally sit specifically
within one of these approaches, researchers may blend approaches in answering their research
objectives and so have methodologies that are multimethod and/or interdisciplinary.
Overall, a methodology does not set out to provide solutions - it is therefore, not the same as a
method. Instead, a methodology offers a theoretical perspective for understanding which method,
set of methods, or best practices can be applied to the research question(s) at hand.
There are basically 4 types of software development methodology they are;
a. Agile development methodology
Teams use the agile development methodology to minimize risk (such as bugs, cost overruns,
and changing requirements) when adding new functionality. In all agile methods, teams
develop the software in iterations that contain mini-increments of the new functionality.
There are many different forms of the agile development method, including scrum, crystal,
extreme programming (XP), and feature-driven development (FDD).
Pros: The primary benefit of agile software development is that it allows software to be
released in iterations. Iterative releases improve efficiency by allowing teams to find and fix
defects and align expectation early on. They also allow users to realize software benefits
earlier, with frequent incremental improvements.
Cons: Agile development methods rely on real-time communication, so new users often lack
the documentation they need to get up to speed. They require a huge time commitment from

users and are labor intensive because developers must fully complete each feature within
each iteration for user approval.
Agile development methods are similar to rapid application development (see below) and can
be inefficient in large organizations. Programmers, managers, and organizations accustomed
to the waterfall method (see below) may have difficulty adjusting to an agile SDLC. So a
hybrid approach often works well for them.
b. DevOps deployment methodology
DevOps is not just a development methodology but also a set of practices that supports an
organizational culture. DevOps deployment centers on organizational change that enhances
collaboration between the departments responsible for different segments of the development
life cycle, such as development, quality assurance, and operations.
Pros: DevOps is focused on improving time to market, lowering the failure rate of new
releases, shortening the lead time between fixes, and minimizing disruption while
maximizing reliability. To achieve this, DevOps organizations aim to automate continuous
deployment to ensure everything happens smoothly and reliably. Companies that use
DevOps methods benefit by significantly reducing time to market and improving customer
satisfaction, product quality, and employee productivity and efficiency.
Cons: Even in light of its benefits, there are a few drawbacks to DevOps:
 Some customers don’t want continuous updates to their systems.
 Some industries have regulations that require extensive testing before a project can move
to the operations phase.
 If different departments use different environments, undetected issues can slip into
 Some quality attributes require human interaction, which slows down the delivery
c. Waterfall development methodology
Many consider the waterfall method to be the most traditional software development method.
The waterfall method is a rigid linear model that consists of sequential phases (requirements,
design, implementation, verification, maintenance) focusing on distinct goals. Each phase
must be 100% complete before the next phase can start. There’s usually no process for going
back to modify the project or direction.
Pros: The linear nature of the waterfall development method makes it easy to understand and
manage. Projects with clear objectives and stable requirements can best use the waterfall
method. Less experienced project managers and project teams, as well as teams whose
composition changes frequently may benefit the most from using the waterfall development
Cons: The waterfall development method is often slow and costly due to its rigid structure
and tight controls. These drawbacks can lead waterfall method users to explore other
software development methodologies.
d. Rapid application development
Rapid application development (RAD) is a condensed development process that produces a
high-quality system with low investment costs. Scott Stiner, CEO and president of UM
Technologies, said in Forbes, “This RAD process allows our developers to quickly adjust to
shifting requirements in a fast-paced and constantly changing market.” The ability to quickly
adjust is what allows such a low investment cost.
The rapid application development method contains four phases: requirements planning, user
design, construction, and cutover. The user design and construction phases repeat until the
user confirms that the product meets all requirements.
Pros: : Rapid application development is most effective for projects with a well-defined business
objective and a clearly defined user group, but which are not computationally complex. RAD is
especially useful for small to medium projects that are time sensitive.
Cons: Rapid application development requires a stable team composition with highly skilled
developers and users who are deeply knowledgeable about the application area. Deep knowledge
is essential in a condensed development timeline that requires approval after each construction
phase. Organizations that don’t meet these requirements are unlikely to benefit from RAD.
3.2 Methodology adopted
The methodology adopted is the Object-Oriented methodology. Teams use the agile
development methodology to minimize risk (such as bugs, cost overruns, and changing
requirements) when adding new functionality. In all agile methods, teams develop the software
in iterations that contain mini-increments of the new functionality. It was adopted because, it
helps teams significantly improve the quality of their software at each release. Not only that, it

allows teams to adapt to change quickly. The Agile process consists of short, time-boxed
iterations known as sprints. Each sprint results in a working product.
Types of Agile development Methodology
a. Scrum
b. Crystal
c. Extreme programming (XP)
d. Feature-driven development (FDD).
3.2.1. Scrum Agile methodology
a. Analysis
Agile scrum methodology is a project management system that relies on incremental
development. Each iteration consists of two- to four-week sprints, where each sprint's goal is to
build the most important features first and come out with a potentially deliverable product. More
features are built into the product in subsequent sprints and are adjusted based on stakeholder
and customer feedback between sprints.
Whereas other project management methods emphasize building an entire product in one
iteration from start to finish, agile scrum methodology focuses on delivering several iterations of
a product to provide stakeholders with the highest business value in the least amount of time.
b. Who can benefit from scrum?
While scrum can benefit a wide variety of businesses and projects, these are the most likely
 Complicated projects: Scrum methodology is ideal for projects that require teams to
complete a backlog.
 Companies that value results: Scrum is also beneficial to companies that value results
over the documented progress of the process.
 Companies that cater to customers: Scrum can help companies that develop products in
accordance with customer preferences and specifications.

3.2.2. Crystal Agile Methodology
Crystal is an agile methodology for software development. It places focus on people over
processes, to empower teams to find their own solutions for each project rather than being
constricted with rigid methodologies.
Unlike more fixed frameworks like scrum, crystal recognizes that different teams will perform
differently depending on team size, criticality, and priority of the project and encourages users to
adapt the framework for their individual situation.
For example, a small team can keep itself aligned with regular communication, so it doesn't need
much status reporting and documentation, whereas a large team is likely to get out-of-sync and
would benefit from a more structured approach.
These are categorized by color, according to the number of people in the project;
 Crystal clear - Teams with less than 8 people
 Crystal yellow - Teams with between 10 and 20 people
 Crystal orange - Teams with between 20-50 people

 Crystal red - Teams with between 50-100 people

3.2.3 Key principles of the crystal agile framework
At the heart of the crystal, a family is seven principles. The first three are compulsory for all
crystal approaches, but the rest are optional and can be adopted if appropriate:

a. Frequent delivery
You should deliver code regularly to your real users. Without this, you might be building
a product nobody needs.
b. Reflective improvement
Look back on what you've done, how you've done it, and why. As a team, reflect and
decide how to improve it in the future.
c. Osmotic communication
Cockburn believed that co-location (having teams in the same physical space) is critical
as it allows information to flow between team members, as if by osmosis.
d. Personal safety
Team members should feel safe to discuss ideas openly, without fear of ridicule. There
are no wrong answers or bad suggestions in a crystal team.
e. Focus on work
Team members should know what to work on next and be able to do it. This requires
clear communication and documentation when required.
f. Access to subject matter experts and users
Team members should be able to get feedback from real users and experts when required.
g. Technical tooling
Even back in the 1990s, Cockburn said development teams should have access to toolings
like continuous deployment, automated testing, and configuration management. This
means errors and mistakes can be caught quickly without human intervention.
3.2.4 Advantages of using the crystal agile framework
 Teams have a lot of autonomy to work in the way they deem most effective
 Teams communicate directly with each other, reducing management overhead

 The framework can adapt as a team grows or shrinks

3.2.5 Disadvantages of using the crystal agile framework
 Lack of structure can slow down inexperienced teams
 Not clear on how remote teams can share knowledge informally
 Lack of rigid planning can lead to confusion and loss of focus

3.3 Extreme programming methodology
Extreme Programming (XP) is an agile software development framework that aims to produce
higher quality software, and higher quality of life for the development team. XP is the most specific
of the agile frameworks regarding appropriate engineering practices for software development.
Characteristics of extreme programing methodology
The general characteristics where XP is appropriate were described by Don Wells
 Dynamically changing software requirements
 Risks caused by fixed time projects using new technology
 Small, co-located extended development team
 The technology you are using allows for automated unit and functional tests
3.4 feature-driven agile methodologies
Feature Driven Development (FDD) is an agile framework that, as its name suggests, organizes
software development around making progress on features. Features in the FDD context,
though, are not necessarily product features in the commonly understood sense. They are,
rather, more akin to user stories in Scrum. In other words, “complete the login process” might
be considered a feature in the Feature Driven Development (FDD) methodology.
The first real-world application of the Feature Driven Development methodology was on a 50-
person software-development project for a Singapore-based financial institution, and the first
public discussion of the methodology was in the 1999 book Java Modeling in Color with UML.
FDD was designed to follow a five-step development process, built largely around discrete
“feature” projects. That project lifecycle looks like this:
 Develop an overall model
 Build a features list
 Plan by feature
 Design by feature
 Build by feature
The framework has since gained widespread use particularly in larger organizations, and today
there is a thriving Feature Driven Development community with its own website.

 You can deploy software quicker, so your customer can get value sooner rather than later
 You waste fewer resources because you always work on up-to-date tasks
 You can better adapt to change and respond faster
 Faster turnaround times
 You can detect and fix issues and defects faster
 You spend less time on bureaucracy and busywork
 There's a big community of Agile practitioners with whom you can share knowledge
 You can get immediate feedback (which also improves team morale)
 Developers can improve their skills based on QA feedback
 You don't have to worry about premature optimization
 You can experiment and test ideas because its costs are low
3.4 Benefits agile methodologies
An Agile approach provides a unique opportunity for clients to be involved throughout the
project, from prioritizing features to iteration planning and review sessions to frequent software
builds containing new features. However, this also requires clients to understand that they are
seeing a work in progress in exchange for this added benefit of transparency.
Early and Predictable Delivery
By using time-boxed, fixed schedule Sprints of 1-4 weeks, new features are delivered quickly
and frequently, with a high level of predictability. This also provides the opportunity to release
or beta test the software earlier than planned if there is sufficient business value.
Predictable Costs and Schedule
Because each Sprint is a fixed duration, the cost is predictable and limited to the amount of work
that can be performed by the team in the fixed-schedule time box. Combined with the estimates
provided to the client prior to each Sprint, the client can more readily understand the
approximate cost of each feature, which improves decision making about the priority of features
and the need for additional iterations.

Allows for Change
While the team needs to stay focused on delivering an agreed-to subset of the product’s features
during each iteration, there is an opportunity to constantly refine and reprioritize the overall
product backlog. New or changed backlog items can be planned for the next iteration, providing
the opportunity to introduce changes within a few weeks.
Focuses on Business Value
By allowing the client to determine the priority of features, the team understands what’s most
important to the client’s business, and can deliver the features that provide the most business
Focuses on Users
Agile commonly uses user stories with business-focused acceptance criteria to define product
features. By focusing features on the needs of real users, each feature incrementally delivers
value, not just an IT component. This also provides the opportunity to beta test software after
each Sprint, gaining valuable feedback early in the project and providing the ability to make
changes as needed.
Improves Quality
By breaking down the project into manageable units, the project team can focus on high-quality
development, testing, and collaboration. Also, by producing frequent builds and conducting
testing and reviews during each iteration, quality is improved by finding and fixing defects
quickly and identifying expectation mismatches early.
3.5 Elements of object-oriented system
Let us go through the characteristics of OO System −
a. Delight the customers
Making the customers happy is the only way to sustain and progress in the cutting-edge
competition. To achieve the goal, businesses are analyzing the user’s unmet need and
adding value to the users on the multitude of devices in anytime, anywhere fashion. It’s
not just a trend while becoming an essential for growing the business by leaps and
bounds as the customers is now a big boss.
Agility also helps you do the similar thing. It allows the organizations to make a shift
from seller mindset to the buyer mindset and create the strategies that ascend customer
b. Scaling up with descaling the work
Performing the task in small batches by the different teams and then working
collaboratively is extremely taxing. Even more, when it comes to iterating at speed based
on the user feedback, the problem grows by manifolds.
That’s where an agile program comes to the rescue. In an agile organization, a project can
be disaggregated as sprints consisting of a few user stories, and several teams working on
the distinct part of the project can communicate and collaborate seamlessly. Plus,
releasing iterations in short cycles becomes a breeze.
c. Incorporating agile mindset enterprise-wide
As discussed above agile is not just meant for IT, while it has a broad scope. The
enterprises are favoring to be agile along with the agile IT software development. In
effect, agile thinking is on the rise that’s changing the way strategic decisions are taken,
processes executed and workflow managed.
It’s of vital importance for the organizations with rigid institutional bureaucracy to
improve flexibility, and the speed at which the operations performed and results
delivered. Promote the agile spirit to make the tools flexible enough to customize and
d. Make the organization’s culture agile
There are some industries where rigid and formalized methodologies are employed and
regimented culture stays at the core of everything happening in and out of the enterprise,
be it communication, personnel management, training, strategy planning or process
management. There is a dire need to weave agile DNA is the organizations’ culture to
bring joy in the workplace.

3.6Agile development life cycle

It consists of three macro processes –
 Planning
 Analysis
 Design
 Implementation
 Testing and integration

 Maintenance

3.7Tools for software development

PHP is a popular general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to web
MySQL Database Service is a fully managed database service to deploy cloud-native
applications. HeatWave, an integrated, high-performance query accelerator that boosts MySQL
performance by 400x.
Fast, flexible and pragmatic, PHP powers everything from your blog to the most popular
websites in the world.
Bootstrap is a free and open-source CSS framework directed at responsive, mobile-first front-end
web development. It contains CSS- and (optionally) JavaScript-based design templates
for typography, forms, buttons, navigation, and other interface components.

This chapter focuses on the implementation of the developed automated online hotel
management system. At this stage (System Implementation), major components of the computer
based application would be tested to know each unit functions and the emerging of the total
system functionality.
The development tools are programs which were used in combination with other tools to
accomplish this project. This tools helps in the creation, debugging, testing and maintenance of
the program. The following tools are used in the development of the project;

1. XAMP: stands for Cross-Platform (X), Apache (A), MariaDB (M), PHP (P) and Perl (P). It
is a lightweight Apache distribution that makes it extremely easy for developers to create a
local sever for testing and deployment purposes. It includes server application (Apache),
database (MariaDB), and server scripting language (PHP).
2. MySQL: is a relational database management system (RDBMS). MySQL was used because
of its consistent fast performance, high reliability and ease of use.
3. HTML Editor (notepad ++):is a program for editing HTML, the markup of a web page.
Although the HTML markup in a web page can be controlled with any text editor,
specialized HTML editors can offer convenience and added functionality.
4. Dreamweaver: is one of many HTML editors - List of HTML editors used to create Web
sites. It is used to edit HTML, PHP, Javascript, CSS and related files and can also be used to
upload them to one's Web server.
These are the requirements needed by the system to function properly and efficiently. The
requirement needed to implement this system is as follows;
The software specification required on the computer system is;
a) A window XP or higher version for faster processing

b) HTML Text Editor
c) Dreamweaver 8.0
d) PHP
e) WAMP Server
f) Mozilla web browse
For the effective operation of the newly designed system, the following minimum hardware
specifications are recommended;
a) The computer system in use should be IBM compatible since they are considered clone
b) The Random Access Memory (RAM) should be at least 4GB.
c) The system should have a hard disk of at least 100GB and at least a diskette drive of high
density of 1.44MB (3.5 inches).
d) The system should be equipped with an E.G.A/V.G.A, a colored monitor.
e) Processor of about 2.40 GHz speed and above.
f) An uninterruptible power supply (UPS) units.
These listed configurations are the minimum requirement but if the configurations are higher
the report derived will definitely be better and the program will run much faster.
The users are expected to have indebt knowledge of the computer software and hardware
Hardware skills allow you to physically operate a computer. Hardware skills can be as simple as
knowing how to turn devices on and off. They might also involve more complex tasks like
connecting machines to networks, changing parts or fixing broken devices.
Software skills help you to efficiently use computer programs and applications. This includes
knowledge of specific software, applications used in the development of the new system.
This involves installing all the necessary equipment, the directions and principles to be followed
in order to achieve the design goals and objectives effectively.
The new can be installed in a XAMPP server following these steps:

a) Create a folder in the www folder in XAMPP and copy the General Ledger folder into it.
b) Use the phpMyAdmin in the XAMPP dashboard to create a MySQL database for student
clearance system, as well as the user who has all privileges for accessing and modifying
c) Run the online salary system from your browser through the XAMPP server dashboard
d) Setup the users and the database connection links
e) Then the online salary system now installed and you can start running it.
4.4.1. CODING
The new system was implemented using HTML Framework, JavaScript and PHP 5.0. The
database for the new system was developed using MySQL (Version 5.0). Dreamweaver which is
one of many HTML editors was the IDE used for developing the new system.
See source code in appendix I.
Training would be conducted for all the concerned staffs and adverts for customers that will
implement the new system. Workshop and seminars would be organized and delivered to the
staffs and management of the hotel to include general introduction to computer operation and the
mode of function of the system, as well as how to process data. They would be also taught and
given a practical approach on how to handle request and processes. At the end user guide or
procedural manual would be designed and given to them in order to help them get acquainted
with the working of the new system.
In conversion process, the newly designed system is put into use alongside with the old system.
The conversion procedure alludes to the steps and process involved in changing from one system
to another. The conversion procedure methods recommended is the pilot operation method.
This is simply the method of changing from the existing system to the new system. There are
three basic types of changeover procedures, namely parallel, direct and pilot changeover. The
one that is adopted in any particular situation depends on the type of organization and
relationship between the existing system and newly designed system.

(a) Parallel changeover: This involves running two systems concurrently i.e. the new
system and the old system together until the new system is proved satisfactorily. The
outputs from both systems are always compared.

(b) Direct changeover: This has to do with direct and absolute introduction of the new
system without reference to the existing system. This method is mostly used when
the new system bear or resemblance to the existing system.
The operation of the system confirms the satisfactory service to the hotel. It actually proves that
the new system has gone a long way solving the problem of tedious work to staffs and
management of the organization and also as the details is stored in a database, there is no more
manipulation of the data stored.
The life span of an application can be significantly extended through proper maintenance.
Periodic maintenance should be scheduled because preventive maintenance is better than
corrective type. Preventive maintenance is a daily maintenance which:
a) Improved system reliability.
b) Decreased cost of replacement
The new system should be subject to maintenance from time to time, this will eliminate or
reduce the problems of hardware and software breakdown and consequently prevent operational
delays in the system, and the following maintenance practice should be adhered to strictly.
(a) Proper use of the system: In this case, the system should be started and shutdown in
the right manner to avoid system hanging or file data corruption.
(b) Periodic servicing of the computer hardware or peripherals to prevent unforeseen
(c) Regular back-up of the files on the hard disk to external storage device to recover
most of the data or all of them in the event or hard disk failure.
During the implementation of this system, the current manual method used in the hotel for
customer management and the newly automated system was compared and the results indicate
that the automated system has greater advantage;
The advantages are listed below:
a) Save management quality time and Resources: The implementation of the new system
will erase time management waste in moving from one office to the other during their
b) Efficient and Cost Effective: In comparison with the manual system for hotel
management the new system offers more significant cost benefits. It saves staffs cost of
transport moving from there place of comfort to the office.
c) No distance barrier: Give the management the ability to upload there employees details
remotely without visiting the hotel venue officers.
The hotel management system is a web-based application with the following modules;
a) Login Module
b) Main module.
c) CustomerRegistration Module
d) Room Order Module
Testing is carried out to evaluate whether the system and its components satisfy the requirements
already specified. It is done to establish confidence and provide information about the quality of
the system (product or service) under test to the stakeholder (users).
After coding, program testing is needed to ensure that the program is working in accordance with
the set objectives. Top down testing is to be used here.
However the new system when installed will be of a great benefit to the organization for proper
and effective operations, the following are the feature of the new system;

a) Accuracy in the handling of data.

b) Fast rate of operation and excellent responses time.
c) Flexibility (i.e.) it can be accessed at any time
d) Flexibility (i.e.) it can be accessed at any time
e) Easy way of back up or duplicating data in diskettes in case of data loss.
f) Better storage and faster retrieval system.
g) Accessibility from any part of the world.
The use of computer software based online hotel management forms the basis of the firm’s
management decision. It aims at providing the management with adequate, effective, well
documented up-to-date and formatted output. To help as a tool in planning and decision
making/based on the customers orders. The lack of learner outcome variation of the online
system signals the establishment of concurrency between the two measures even though they are
measures of same construct. This investigation supports the use the online system delivery
structure to broaden the instruction audience in technology education program. The use of online
management system in the organization remain at the minimal level as suggested by the 80
percent of the online staff participant, predominantly the organization measures who report that
they have not done online payment previously. Also 75 percent of online staff participant report
that they have not used computer software base online previously. Having come to completion of
this project work a lot of achievement was made and they include;
a) The replacement of error prone manual system with new automated online hotel
b) Data can now be processed with great speed and efficiency.
c) The application has the ability to update record in various files automatically there relieving
the management the stress from working from file to file.
d) The security of data is ensured.
e) The use of database server was implemented.
Research and development are continuous processes; this is same in computer and software
development. However the effectiveness and efficiency of this new system provide room for
further improvement. As early mentioned some of the objectives of this project were not
actualized due to some limitation. So this objectives could be improved upon, the outline
management system developed will offer greater opportunity in management. All transaction or
orders with regards to customers’ can be carried out online.

The research work carried out is limited to online hotel management only. It would be better if a
full portal is developed for effective and wholesome of information management technology in
our organizations. When this is done the following modules are recommended to include in the
a) Developing an online staff employment system to enable full tracking of staff records
b) Developing a customer opinion or complaint systems, to help in proper ad effective service
c) Maintaining a central database for accessing information relating to customers.

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Appendix 1 (Source Code)

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<h4>SUN RISE</h4>
<h3>We know what you love</h3>
<p>Welcome to our hotels</p>
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<h4>SUN RISE</h4>
<h3>Stay with friends & families</h3>
<p>Come & enjoy precious moment with us</p>
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<h4>SUN RISE</h4>
<h3>want luxurious vacation?</h3>
<p>Get accommodation today</p>
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<h4>SUN <span>RISE</span></h4>
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<h5>We know what you love</h5>

<p>Providing guests unique and enchanting views from their rooms with its exceptio
nal amenities, makes Star Hotel one of bests in its kind.Try our food menu, awesome services and friendly staf
f while you are here.</p>
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<a href="admin/reservation.php"><h2>ROOM RESERVATION</h2></a>

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<h3><span>Experience a good stay, enjoy fantastic offers</span> Find our friendly welcoming rece
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<h4 class="cbp-ig-title">MASTER BEDROOMS</h4>
<span class="cbp-ig-category">SUN RISE</span>
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<h4 class="cbp-ig-title">SEA VIEW BALCONY</h4>

<span class="cbp-ig-category">SUN RISE</span>
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<h4 class="cbp-ig-title">LARGE CAFE</h4>
<span class="cbp-ig-category">SUN RISE</span>
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<h4 class="cbp-ig-title">WIFI COVERAGE</h4>
<span class="cbp-ig-category">SUN RISE</span>
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<h3 class="title-w3-agileits title-black-wthree">About Our SUN RISE</h3>
<p class="about-para-w3ls">Sun Rise is the best when it comes to qualitie and service and cu
stomer care. We gurantee the best security.</p>
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<h4>You'll love all the amenities we offer!</h4>

<p>Our amenities are top notch, from the world class furniture makers. </p>
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<h3 class="title-w3-agileits">Our Services</h3>
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<i class="fa fa-credit-card" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<h4>Stay First, Pay After! </h4>
<p>Dont stress our customers, we offer an option to stay and pay later.</p>
<p><i class="fa fa-check" aria-hidden="true"></i>Decorated room, proper air conditioned</p>
<p><i class="fa fa-check" aria-hidden="true"></i>Private balcony</p>

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<i class="fa fa-clock-o" aria-hidden="true"></i>
<h4>24 Hour Restaurant</h4>
<p>We render world class 24/7 services .</p>
<p><i class="fa fa-check" aria-hidden="true"></i>24 hours room service</p>
<p><i class="fa fa-check" aria-hidden="true"></i>24-hour Concierge service</p>
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<h3 class="title-w3-agileits title-black-wthree">Meet Our Team</h3>
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<h4>Lucas Jimenez</h4>
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<h4>Sarah Connor</h4>
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<h4>Ivan Simpson</h4>
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<h4>Marc Gutierrez</h4>
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Appendix 11 (Output)

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