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‘I. Ans ”, "3. Ans ONE MARK QUESTIONS WITH ANSWERS Atomic mas, i Ses and Composition of Nucleus Mention the mass of cP ~atom. The mass of C? Jatom is 1.992647 x 19° Kg. Mention the comm ‘only used unit to Measure the nuclear mass. Atomic mass unit Itis denoted byamuoru. Mention the mass of proton. m, =1.00727u =1.67262x 102” Kg Mention the mass of neutron. m, =1.00866u =1.6749 x10 "Kg What are nucleons? Protons and neutrons innucleus are collectively called as ‘nucleons. Whatis atomic number? Number of protons ina Duc! What is mass number? Total number of, Protons and neutrons ina nucleus is called mass number (A). “A=Z+N leus is called atomic number (2). How many neutrons. are Z=92. A=235 Number ofneutrons = A-2=235.92=143, Which nucleus does not contain neutrons? 1H (Hydrogen) What are Isotopes?Give example, Nuclei with same atomic number but different mass numbers are called isotopes. ©8.4C",,C,,C” and ,C" are the isotopes of carbon atom, What are isobars? Give example. ; Nuclei having same mass number but different atomic numbers are called isobars. e.g. 1) 0" and ,N'S 2),H? and ,He’ t are Isotones? Give example. es with different atomic number and different mass number with same number of neutrons called isotones. €g.1),N" and ,C° 2),C““and 0" What are Isomers? Give example. Nuclei with same atomic number and same mass numbers but with different nuclear energy are called Isomers. Present in ,,U7*? e.g. Br", 8 Bré (Where m=meta stable, g=ground state). ***14, Define electron - volt (eV). Ans ‘One electron - volt is the energy gained by an electron when it is accelerated. through a p.dof onevolt. 15. Define atomic mass unit (u) or amu. 12 Ans The atomic mass unit (amu) is defined as 1/12" of the mass ofthe carbon atom ,C" inits lowest energy state. **16. Whatis the relation between Kgand amu? Ans Jamu =1.661x107 Kg ***17, Give the relation between amu and MeV. Ans lamu=931 MeV Size of the Nucleus ***18. How does nuclear radius of an atom depend on its mass number? — Ans Nuclear radius (or diameter) is directly proportional to cube root of its mass number. [Rad" or R= RA! | ***19, Whatis the order of magnitude of the radius ofa nucleus? Ans The radius ofa nucleus is about | fm =10'm *20. The mass number of a nucleus is 125, What is its approximate radius? Ans A=125 “R= RAY =1.2x(125)” =1.2%5 =6 fermi = 6x10 m “21, Whats the ratio of the nuclear ra f elements with mass numbers 216 and 125? Rie ee) Ans Ra A", Given 4, = 216, 4. =125.2 -( a “22. Whatis the order of nuclear density? Ans 10"’kgm™ *23. How does nuclear density vary with mass number? Ans — Nuclear density is independent of its mass number. *24. Why isthe density of the nucleus more than that of the atom? Ans _ Inany atom, total mass is concentrated at the center of the atom called nucleus. Also, most of. the atom is empty. Hence density ofthe nucleus is more than that of atom. *25. Two nuclei have mass numberiin the ratio 1:2. Whatis the ratio of their nuclear densi ties? Ans The ratio ofnuclear densities is 1:1. (- Nuclear density does not depend upon mass number) Mass - Energy and Nuclear Binding Energy ***26, Mention Einstein’s mass - energy relation. Ans According to Einstein, mass and energy can be changed from one form to another. The energy equivalent of mass ‘m’is given by J = mc. Where cis the speed of light in vacuum, **27, Calculate the energy equivalent of mass 1 kg using Einstein’s mass - energy relation, Ans According to Einstein's mass - energy relation a se, E=me mc =1x(3x10) <9 x10! ***28. Define . the term : . . Mass defect. . and its res Resi ine difference between the sum ofthe masses of the nucleons forming the nucleus Mass is called Mass defect. Mass defect, Am = [Zm, +(4- z)m, |-M ; m, arethe rest Where Z-atomic number, A-mass number, M-rest mass of the nucleus, m,and le +##30), Ans 31. Ans Define the term binding energy. The energy, which binds the nucleons to forma stable nucleus, is called binding energy. or It can also be defined as the energy required to break the nucleus into its constituent particles. Define the term specific binding energy or Binding fraction or Average binding energy. Binding energy per nucleon (or mass number) is called specific binding energy. A Specific binding energy =Binding energy / Mass number = Be Give the relation between mass defect and B.E. If Am is inKg then B.E=(Am)C’ Joules If Amis inamu then B.E= Amx931.5MeV The mass defect when a nucleus is formed is 0.4 u. Ifit contains 50 nucleons, what is the specific binding energy? Spee BES Mass defectx93\MeV e ~ 931 =7.488MeV mass number ‘The binding energy of the nucleus of ,C'> = 92.17MeV . Find the Specific Binding energy? binding energy _92.17 Specific B.E = aaa a 7.681MeV Give the range of mass number (A), for which the atoms are stable. 30, H?+,,e°+v+0.42MeV -----( (i) e+e ytytl.02MeV ------- (ii) (1M) }H? +, H' >, He’ +7 +5.49MeV ------- (iti) >He’ +, He’ >, He‘ +, H' +, H' +12.86 MeV -------- (iv) (IM) 2()+2(ii)+ (ii) Hiv) 4,H'+2e —, He‘ + 2v+6y +26.7MeV Thus four hydrogen atoms combine to form an , He atomwith a release of 26,7 MeV of ea (IM)

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