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Diva Johnson, Director of Community Development

July 5, 2023

Hot Topics:
 CDD Staffing for the new FY
o Vendor Coordinator (we only have one)
o Direct hire BCBA for EBSH monitoring
 Special monitoring dollars not enough for direct hire. We currently contract with
two different BCBAs for Tularosa and Foothill
 DDS shared they will be updating the reimbursement
o QA specialist-to cover ARFPSHNs, EBSHs and FHAs
o Resource Developer

 Coordinated Family Supports

o Provider RFP scoresheets were due last Friday, a couple are outstanding
o LOI being developed specifically for CBOs
o CBO outreach plan
 Working with Kim to develop flyer
 Building list of CBOs for each county
 Schedule a webinar specifically for CBOs
 ES Training Reimbursement-We have over $300K and thus far there has been a reimbursement
request for $13K
 San Felipe/Kathryn LeGros-Had an initial meeting with DDS staff from the rates dept, there will
be a follow up mtg, hopefully this week with Caroline (the new Jim Knight)
 Lisa Graham-Whistleblower complaint
o Not much of an update until after Mike Nagle speaks with her on 7/11

In Process:

 Devereux DTAC closure-gathering info on who many individuals will be impacted
o Devereux is presuming individuals will transition to their other dp
o I’m encouraging Devereux to share communications with TCRC prior to contacting
individuals and families
o Planning team mtgs need to be held
 Closure of Mentor/REM day program in SLO
o PathPoint and NCI have expressed interest in taking over
o 8 part time individuals impacted
 Planning team mtgs have taken place for all 8
o Rent information has been shared with PathPoint and NCI
o Waiting for final decisions
 Office Hours continue
 Momentum Willow Lane project-Kim mtg ongoing until development is completed.
Targeting licensure in June
o Huge building in TO
 Will include a gym open to the public (integration)
 055 day program
 Art studio
 Coffee cart employment training
 Cart will not be owned by Momentum
 Social Rec/Camp AB 637 has been approved
o Waiting on courtesy vendorization info from WRC
 Initial request sent June 5th
 I have enlisted that assistance of my WRC counterpart
 Challenges in getting resource needs for individuals exiting school
o Ongoing discussion at S&S breakout meetings
o Exploring a different modality to capture the information (perhaps sending a Survey
Monkey to the transition SCs quarterly)
o Meanwhile, current spreadsheet is being used

 Devereux still inching in the right direction
o Tularosa-monthly
 Home is stable and accepting new client soon.
o Foothill-bi-weekly
 Sanction still in place but will be reviewing after PALS implements day program
hours for GG which should start today.
o Check ins with Devereux leadership every other week
 Medication Error Provider Meetings with Options (SLS/ICF/Group Homes) and New Heights
SLS have started
o Providers are cooperating with these mtgs
 DDS FHA audit 2022 report is in process of being finalized by DDS.
o Rose Samaniego of DDS was pleased with the TCRC Responses and just needed to
address a couple loose ends (getting IPP and IPP Sig pages into provider homes which is
o Rose did express gratitude for increase in FHA unannounced visits in 2022 with only one
missed UAV in 2022.
o Freddie will continue monitoring of the FHA UAVs and striving for 100% completion
this year.

 New CPP SC-Heather Strum from Azita’s team
 1 open SC positions
 Findley
o I haven’t heard anything about Alta requesting a mtg with us and DDS
o Court is scheduled next week 07/10-07/14.
o Nicole and Darcy will be called to testify re visitation guidelines and Deborah’s
 They are being prepped by Don and Kallie, DOJ attorney
o Darcy is exploring the Public Guardians office as a potential conservator option
 TCCHC-Marc is still hesitant to acquire properties until he receives final audit report from DDS
o Requested that Tiffani from DDS meet with me, Darcy and Marc to way lay his fears
o Acquisition needs to take place by the end of the year for two properties
o Darcy has been identifying potential properties and at this point, it is not an inventory

 Jennifer working with David Grady on communicating the eradication of subminimum wage
 Jennifer continues to work with David Grady on HCBS Final Rule info outreach
 No applicants at this point for SB position. I will mention at VAC

Special Projects
*All Current HCBS Project granted $60K in continuation funding

 Animated HCBS Training Series

o Mark Wolfe connected us with Mark Baldo from Thomas the Train and Friends
o Project is going great
 Building capacity around certified PCT Trainers/Mentors and Independent Facilitators
o Mary Beth, Liz and Angel
o Trainer candidates have been selected 3 providers, 3 TCRC staff
 *Customized Employment Project
o Training series is well attended
o Andrew is now lead
o Is being monitored by HCBS Task Force
o Sharing with all RCs for participation in first training
 Will see if SoCal RCs will benefit from certification
 *HCBS Compliance Support
o Sue Goss still providing individual provider support
o Will develop PCT COPs with Angel-met this week
 Leveraging Tech to address communication gaps between hearing and deaf
o DDS approved $9K for phase zero of this project which entails researching
the gap to produce a clearing defined problem which will assist is
evaluating whether or not tech is a viable answer
 Tech Lending Library
o On track with the exception of Service Code 661
Standing Items/Ongoing Meetings:
 DDS Employment Workgroup-Andrew is now attending
 DDS Incentives Workgroup
 DDS Staffing project
 HCBS Final Rule Task Force
 Statewide CSD
 ARCA Community Development Cmte
 ARCA Housing
 SoCal CS Directors
 Employment Task Force
 Employment Collaboratives-Andrew now coordinating
 Self Determination

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