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Soil Mechanics – KNS2123

The Department of Civil Engineering

Universiti Malaysia Sarawak

Tutorial Compaction

Lecturer: Alsidqi Hasan


1.7 kg of moist soil is compacted into compaction mould. The
soil has 7% water content.

Determine dry unit weight of the soil in the mould.

A modified proctor test is performed in the laboratory for an
highway construction project. Six samples with different water
content are compacted. The following table presents the
Q2 experimental data.
Bulk weight
18.6 19.5 20.13 19.8 19.5 19.3
7.82 8.93 10.2 12.07 13.01 13.6
content (%) Gs = 2.67
a) Construct compaction curve (dry unit weight, kN/m3 versus water content, %)
b) Construct zero air void line (S=100%, ZAVL)
c) Construct 20% air void line (S=80%)
d) Determine the optimum water content (owc) and maximum dry unit weight (gd,max)
e) Calculate degree of saturation at maximum dry unit weight (gd,max)
f) Calculate the 95% dry unit weight needs to be achieved in the field
g) Determine water contents at dry of optimum and wet of optimum

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