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Digital libraries and sustainability

Digital transformation 1.1 Digital libraries: definitions
of libraries in Brunei As we move towards constructing digital libraries,
Darussalam: addressing we need to remember that libraries are not merely
collections of works. They have both services and
the sustainability issues traditions that are a critical part of their functions.
Libraries interoperate with each other to serve the
of VILIS Brunei information needs of a variety of different user
groups today, and expect to sustain themselves and
their collections so that they can serve users 100
Haji Suhaimi Bin Haji Abdul Karim years from now. They defend their users’ right to
access content, and to do so with some degree of
privacy or anonymity. The digital collections we
build will not truly be digital libraries until they
incorporate a significant number of these services
and traditions (Besser, 2002).
Libraries have experienced a strong shift in focus
over the past decades towards digital formats for
The author information resources. In a growing number of
Haji Suhaimi Bin Haji Abdul Karim is Senior Librarian, libraries, there is now an attitude that user
University Brunei Darussalam, Brunei. demands will be made through digital media and
electronic dissemination as much as through
Keywords paper-based media. Universities are providing
Digital libraries, Government, Economics, Brunei,
improved teaching and learning resources via
Economic sustainability digital media. National libraries such as the British
Library and the US Library of Congress are
Abstract developing large technical infrastructures.
The phrase “digital libraries” has been linked
In Brunei Darussalam the implementation of a technical
infrastructure to improve access to the digital world and various with many other phrases, such as “electronic
e-government initiatives are empowering the country through an library”, “hybrid library” and “virtual library”.
informed community and an efficient government. A number of Numerous definitions exist, and they vary
ICT-related projects have been planned and implemented under considerably. According to Halliday and
the Brunei Economic Development Council and e-government Oppenheim (1999):
initiatives. Digital libraries and the digital transformation of The term digital library is used less precisely and
heritage information have been identified as the most viable may refer to anything from a limited list of hotlinks
areas to be developed in an effort to strengthen the information to the entire content of the Internet.
basis of the community. This paper describes the plans for one
important project, the Virtual Library System of Brunei (VILIS Miller (2002), described a digital library as being
Brunei), and outlines the economic sustainability issues being based on the following two components:
considered. (1) The commercially produced databases,
electronic journals and books and other
Electronic access electronic resources that are routinely
The Emerald Research Register for this journal is purchased or licensed by a library for delivery
available at via the library’s interface to users both inside
the libraries and remotely, and for which
library funds are expended for their purchase
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is or licence.
available at (2) Those digital materials that are produced within the library or university and
subsequently made available to users
Sun Microsystems (2002) define a digital library as:
The electronic extension of functions users
typically perform and the resources they access in a
traditional library.

Program: electronic library and information systems Received: 9 January 2004

Volume 38 · Number 3 · 2004 · pp. 184-193 Revised: 13 March 2004
q Emerald Group Publishing Limited · ISSN 0033-0337 Accepted: 30 March 2004
DOI 10.1108/00330330410547232 All URLs in this paper were checked on 6 April 2004.
Digital transformation of libraries in Brunei Darussalam Program: electronic library and information systems
Haji Suhaimi Bin Haji Abdul Karim Volume 38 · Number 3 · 2004 · 184-193

With digital libraries, an individual may be able to: 2. E-government and e-library initiatives
gain access to information about the holdings in Brunei Darussalam
of libraries worldwide through online public
access catalogues; Brunei Darussalam is a sultanate situated in the
locate both physical and digitised versions of Northwest of the island of Borneo, with a
scholarly articles and books; population of some 330,000 (see www.brunei.
optimise searches, simultaneously search the Against the
Internet, commercial databases, and library background of the 8th Brunei Government Five
collections; and Year Development Plan, which began in the year
save search results and conduct additional 2000, the Government of Brunei Darussalam has
processing to narrow or qualify results and formulated a national IT strategic plan, called
then click through to access the digitised “IT2000 and Beyond”. For this, the Brunei
content or locate additional items of interest. Government National IT Council (BIT Council)
In the context of the Ministry of Education (MOE) was formed, with the following aims:
of Brunei Darussalam’s e-Education initiative, a .
to advise His Majesty’s Government in
digital library is defined as: matters pertaining to IT;
. . . a portal that comprises components of electronic
to assist Brunei to achieve the vision, mission
resources, bibliographic databases of full-text and goal of the National IT strategy plan for
journals and other knowledge-based information the year 2000 and beyond; and
sources made available through the Internet and .
to advise, formulate and implement activities
required by various sectors in the teaching and with regard to the development and usage of
learning communities. It is a set of electronic
resources and associated technical capabilities for IT.
creating, searching and using information. In this The formation of the BIT Council is in line with
sense, they are an extension and enhancement of
the national IT mission, which states that it aims to
information storage and retrieval that manipulate
digital data in any medium (text, image, sound, lead and facilitate the strategic development and
static or dynamic images) and exist in digital diffusion of state-of-the-art IT for the entire
networks. It offers various scholarly information nation. Since its inception the BIT Council has
services that range from bibliographic to specialised been able to co-ordinate several efforts by relevant
information services including full-text electronic government and private sector agencies in the
databases and digital publishing.
country to improve the utilisation of ICT in
various sectors of the community. The Brunei
1.2 Sustainable development e-Government initiative, which aims to establish
Sustainability in the context of this paper refers to electronic governance and services to best serve
two interdependent and related areas, namely: the nation, is a strong indication that Brunei has
(1) the internally or externally generated the serious intention of achieving a knowledge-
resources needed to maintain the digital based economy with state-of-the-art ICT
material over time; and development. The e-government vision is to be an
(2) the preservation strategies needed to maintain e-smart government in line with a 21st century
future access and authenticity. civil service, and this vision is currently taking
shape in several ministries, including:
Hence, issues of business models and sustaining .
the Treasury Accounting Finance Information
access through preservation are important in the System;
strategies adopted by the digital library projects in .
Human Resource Management Systems;
Brunei Darussalam. The effective utilisation of .
financial resources and the returns on investment .
efforts are part of the ongoing debate between local .
information professionals and the e-government .
funding authority, as digital library investment will .
the Government IT Network; and
cover the following expenses: .
the Multipurpose Smart Card.
immediate start-up costs of either creating or
purchasing digital content and infrastructure, The focus of the Brunei Darussalam e-government
including hardware and software; initiative goes beyond the physical infrastructure,
further implementation costs for establishing with the overarching challenge of modernising and
a digital library or even just basic access to increasing the effectiveness and efficiency of the
bought resources; and public sector “machinery” in the country. The
costs implicit in preserving, managing and project covers a wide area of the ICT needs of each
maintaining digital resources in the longer ministry, including hardware, data centre, PC
term. requirements, and content development and
Digital transformation of libraries in Brunei Darussalam Program: electronic library and information systems
Haji Suhaimi Bin Haji Abdul Karim Volume 38 · Number 3 · 2004 · 184-193

training requirements. The digital transformation currently at a disadvantage by not having these
of libraries and the provision of digital resources resources. Also, UBD is in need of more electronic
for the teaching and learning communities in the resources to support expansion of its academic
country are among the key areas that have been programmes and research activities, as print-based
considered as part of these initiatives. The most materials are not adequate to support and
significant are VILIS Brunei and e-library@ubd, complement the “dynamism” of these programmes.
which are projects initiated under the e-Education Budgetary constraints are hampering the
initiative of the MOE. In e-Education, digital development of information resources in academic
library developments have been placed under institutions and are affecting the quality of
the MOE’s five pillars of strategic ICT teaching, learning and research. The budget for
components, in line with Edunet (Internet for libraries has not been very generous, and in higher
schools), e-Learning, Education Information education institutions the money allocated is often
Systems and Human Capacity Building. far below requirements, especially for subscribing
In addition, there are other Government IT to electronic resources. It has to be recognised that
projects being undertaken using a special funding these electronic resources are not “a rich man’s
arrangement outside the e-government initiatives. toy” any more, but a necessity and an advantage
For instance, the Baitulhikmah Digital Library of for the future development of institutions of
State Mufti Department is a specially funded learning in Brunei Darussalam.
government project under the Prime Minister’s The difficulties in acquiring locally published
Office. materials and archival papers are also hampering
learning, teaching and research activities in Brunei
Darussalam. Publications about the country and
works by local writers are greatly in demand,
3. Scenarios of opportunities especially among university students, academics
and foreign institutions, and the book trade is still
The digital transformation of libraries in Brunei is in its infancy. Information is usually stored in
happening at a slow pace. Only one library so far, dispersed locations and access is mainly confined
that of the University Brunei Darussalam (UBD), to specific institutions. Rules and regulations in
has embarked on transforming its collections into these institutions vary: some are restrictive, while
digital format. Most libraries, except for UBD, some are flexible. Searching through the
Institute Teknologi Brunei (ITB), State Mufti and collections is a very time-consuming, manually
the Ministry of Defence are still using a traditional based process. There is no central bibliographic
library management approach. However, most database for identifying the collections and
school libraries now have Internet access. facilitating document delivery.
Currently only UBD Library offers access to Local electronic publishing industries are
electronic resources, including online dictionaries, currently not well developed to meet the challenge
electronic encyclopedias, e-journals, bibliographic of a knowledge-based economy. Publishing houses
databases and some digitised resources. Figure 1 in Brunei such as Dewan Bahasa dan Pustaka,
Pusat Sejarah, Jabatan Penerangan, UBD and
shows the homepage of the UBD Library Web site
many others are still focusing on paper-based
publications and production is still below the
The Brunei Investment Agency (BIA) and some
desired level. E-business related to publishing is
financial institutions are accessing the Bloomberg
still not being explored. Most of the current
and Datastream databases on a subscription basis.
institutional information system infrastructures
E-journals are among the most sought-after are inadequate to accommodate ever-changing
information resources in many academic libraries requirements, but this is changing.
and teaching institutions, as well as business “Distance learning” is a new catchphrase for
communities, in the country. Because of the high many academic institutions in Brunei. Many
cost and budget limitation factors, many have private institutions have already embarked on this
resorted to a “wait and see” approach. It is widely venture, and there is a tendency that academic
recognised that primary resources such as institutions are planning to embark on similar
scholarly journals, reports and statistical data are projects based on the “calak Brunei concept” or
vital for personal and institutional research, Bruneian character. Establishing information
teaching and for market or strategic purposes in resources to support distance learning course
business organisations. content and information delivery mechanisms is
The VILIS initiative recognises the importance one of the applications to be developed by VILIS
of making e-journals and e-books available to all in partnership with relevant parties. The MOE will
colleges and higher education centres, including be embarking on e-learning initiatives very soon
the School of Nursing and the teaching hospitals in after a careful evaluation of a pilot project with
Brunei Darussalam. Most of these institutions are UBD.
Digital transformation of libraries in Brunei Darussalam Program: electronic library and information systems
Haji Suhaimi Bin Haji Abdul Karim Volume 38 · Number 3 · 2004 · 184-193

Figure 1 Homepage of the Web site of the Library at the University of Brunei Darussalam

4. Digital library projects 4.2 e-library@ubd

The e-library@ubd project is being developed in
There are three projects already approved by the line with current technological advances and the
authorities at the ministerial and governmental need for an efficient storage and retrieval
level and these are briefly described in this section, mechanism on the part of the UBD library, at the
with the remainder of the paper being concerned same time initiating a robust digital library and
specifically with the VILIS project. content digitisation initiative for the purpose of
enriching national digital resources and preserving
them in electronic form.

4.3 Baitulhikmah Digital Library

4.1 VILIS Brunei
Baitulhikmah Digital Library is the development
VILIS Brunei is a national digital library initiative,
of an Islamic digital library project initiated by the
spearheaded by the MOE in conjunction with the
State Mufti Library, Prime Minister’s office. It
needs of other heritage and information
involves building an Islamic Library Portal,
institutions, such as the Dewan Bahasa dan
content development, including digitisation of key
Pustaka Library, Brunei Museum Library, the
Islamic reference sources, and the implementation
Ministry of Religious Affairs and other ministries
of an integrated library management system for the
in the country. The VILIS project will also take
into account the needs of institutions of higher
learning, colleges and secondary schools in Brunei
Darussalam. VILIS comprises several
components, such as the provision of hardware 5. VILIS Brunei
and software, e-resources, information products
and services, library automation and digital 5.1 General overview of VILIS
publishing, as described further in the next VILIS Brunei is meant to serve the information
section. needs of the teaching and learning communities in
Digital transformation of libraries in Brunei Darussalam Program: electronic library and information systems
Haji Suhaimi Bin Haji Abdul Karim Volume 38 · Number 3 · 2004 · 184-193

Brunei Darussalam. It is a digital library offering .

be active in electronic publishing and
various services that are beyond library catalogues digitisation to enrich the collection of locally
and bibliographic information. It provides access published material;
to specialised information services, including .
house all the digital publications of the MOE
electronic databases, online reference enquiries, (school textbooks, question banks,
interlibrary loans, digitisation, and electronic curriculum);
publishing. One of the vital components of VILIS .
provide relevant information services of
is the ability to create, search, use, store and electronic nature to the Bruneian community;
preserve local publications and information of .
take the leading role in library automation and
national and international interest accessible on a digital library developments in Brunei;
subscription or pay-per-view basis. In this sense, it .
provide necessary assistance and consultancy
is an extension and enhancement of information on institutional digital library projects;
storage and retrieval mechanisms that manipulate .
co-ordinate the needs and requirements of
digital information in any medium (i.e. text, other government agencies pertaining to
image, sound, static or dynamic images) and exist digital library initiatives;
in digital networks. .
enhance the information and technological
VILIS Brunei aims to make available relevant literacy of the community;
and adequate electronic information resources to .
assist in the exploration of knowledge
all sectors of the learning and teaching community resources with relevant document delivery
in the country, in an equitable, co-operative and services;
cost-effective manner. VILIS also aims to support .
undertake e-business processes as part of its
the research and information needs of learning and business agenda;
teaching, and meet the overall objectives of the .
undertake smart partnership and joint venture
national education system of Brunei Darussalam. projects;
To achieve the above aims, the following .
promote lifelong learning among the
objectives are stated: community; and
to establish adequate and efficient electronic . promote reading for leisure.
information resource services (including
reference and information delivery) to support 5.3 Conceptual framework of VILIS
the informational needs of academic VILIS Brunei comprises the following conceptual
institutions, while at the same time supporting framework:
members of the professional community in .
resources – reference resources, databases,
Brunei Darussalam; e-journals, knowledge and archival
to provide adequate bibliographic, text-based repositories, union catalogue;
directories and other information sources .
product and services – e-library service,
required by administrators, academics and current awareness, document delivery,
students of academic institutions and membership, community information,
members of the professional community in distance learners’ service, general information
Brunei Darussalam; service, online reference service;
to establish “a one-stop shop” of information .
e-business processes – online payment and
resources and services of academic and charges for the accessing/acquiring relevant
educational value to schools and higher services, downloading of key resources,
education institutions in Brunei Darussalam; in-house printing, etc.;
to enrich the national online resources with .
technological implementation – library
locally produced digital content; and automation systems, hardware and software,
to strengthen the existing rapport in terms of integration of institutional digitisation
information sharing among information and initiatives; and
heritage institutions, including academic and .
electronic publishing – co-ordinating and
school libraries. publishing locally produced materials.

5.2 Role of VILIS in the community 5.4 Technical components and features
Among the roles identified for VILIS are to: VILIS requires an infrastructure at local, national
be the “national” Digital Library of Brunei and international level that comprises a set of
Darussalam – a digital repository of Bruneian functions, capabilities, and/or services that will
knowledge of academic and leisure; make it easier, quicker, and less expensive to
provide scholarly information to the develop, provide and operate a broad range of
community; applications. This will include facilities, software,
make available the Digital National Union tools, documentation, and associated human
Catalogue of Libraries in Brunei; support organisations covering the following:
Digital transformation of libraries in Brunei Darussalam Program: electronic library and information systems
Haji Suhaimi Bin Haji Abdul Karim Volume 38 · Number 3 · 2004 · 184-193

Content. VILIS is a one-stop integrated digital .
the availability of the resources will create a
library that offers users a “personalised” Bruneian society with a strong information
experience of having a digital library of their base and information literacy, and hence
own. It provides remote access to the content enhanced individual research skills;
and services of libraries and other information .
the availability of electronic resources in
resources, combining an onsite collection of VILIS will provide an impetus for all sectors of
current and heavily used materials in the teaching and learning communities in
electronic form, with an electronic network Brunei in solving the information resources
which provides access to, and delivery from, vacuum, which will further enhance
external sources. In essence the user is institutional research;
provided with the effect of a library created by .
improved search and retrieval tools will enable
bringing together technologically the users to perform literature searches more
resources of many libraries and information efficiently and effectively;
services. .
users will have the convenience of
Info-structure. The info-structure of VILIS desktop access 24 hours a day, seven days
comprises the library management system, a week;
database management systems and a .
ability to navigate directly from an indexing
middleware tool that manages, integrates and database to the full text of articles referenced,
supports the systems, content, services and and to follow further links from there;
facilities offered by VILIS. .
cost savings for subscriptions to electronic
Hardware infrastructure. This component resources via a co-operative approach;
comprises the servers that host the content of . cost savings for the storage of printed journals
VILIS and the communication tools that link and reference collections, even though printed
the components together, as shown in
journals are still needed;
Figure 2. .
stimulation of institutional learning, teaching
5.5 Expected benefits of VILIS and research;
5.5.1 General benefits .
wide coverage of various subject disciplines
The implementation of VILIS is expected to bring will suit various professions;
about changes to the information-seeking activities .
wider choice of information sources; and
of the learning and teaching communities in .
saving time in searching and retrieving
Brunei. The expected advantages are as follows: information.

Figure 2 Schematic of the hardware infrastructure of VILIS

Digital transformation of libraries in Brunei Darussalam Program: electronic library and information systems
Haji Suhaimi Bin Haji Abdul Karim Volume 38 · Number 3 · 2004 · 184-193

5.5.2 Benefits to learners with various organisations in governments and

The likely benefits of VILIS for learners in Brunei private sectors on a profit-sharing basis. Charges to
include: be imposed will be minimal and will enable
offering an alternative learning environment information to be selected and acquired as easily
with rich information sources that are related and quickly as possible to facilitate learning,
to specific groups; and teaching and research:
supporting the formation of multiple .
Bibliographic searching and compilations. These
communities of practice, and co-ordinating may also include selective dissemination of
learners’ interests and their role in these information (SDI) services. Clients may
communities of practice. request in-depth information or specialised
information involving lengthy searches of a
5.5.3 Value to educators range of printed and electronic resources or
It is hoped that VILIS will be of value to educators product packaging. These services will be
in Brunei, as it is designed to: available to individuals or to institutions.
support the information requirements of .
Book loan and document delivery. These will
multiple learning communities so that a also be offered to individuals or to institutions.
choice is given to the education professional to A document request may be for a journal
choose learning and reference resources that article, the chapter of a book, a newspaper
are filtered according to subject area; article, or a microform resource. Requests will
integrate online and offline communications be made electronically through the VILIS
within the communities; portal service, by telephone or by e-mail. The
. provide digital repositories inclusive of outcome of each request will be delivered
learning objects, question paper databases, within 24 hours and the services will be
and digital contents of academic value, so that offered in partnership with local public/
educators can benefit from the existing academic libraries (for the supply of printed
knowledge and the best practices in their day- resources requested) and postal and courier
to-day work; and services (for the delivery of printed materials).
alert educators to information on and details . Business information services. These will
of events of specific personal interest. provide, for a fee, online services such as
Reuters Business Briefings, ProQuest Direct,
5.5.4 Value to government ministries Emerald Intelligence,, Infotrac
In addition it is hoped that VILIS will be of value (which includes Investext), Wilson Web,
to those in government ministries in Brunei by Global Access, and more. Clients may also
providing: request business information packaging based
a flexible platform that encourages learner- on individual and institutional requirements.
focused education with the resources VILIS will provide an adequate physical
available; infrastructure to facilitate access to these
information support for various learning services as well as training.
models and lesson-dispensing techniques, so .
Electronic reference service. A service which
that institutions, schools and parents have allows users to manage their reference systems
ample choice of information resources; and locally on an individual level or within a
centralised repositories of course content, consortium or group of libraries is planned.
projects, and question banks that enable work The components would include “chat”
to be shared amongst colleagues. functionality, local knowledge-based
comprehensive reporting and administrative
5.6 VILIS economics of sustainability tools.
VILIS will need to have a well-planned business
E-journal/e-book service. This service would
strategy in order for it to be sustainable and meet provide access, based on special arrangements
the challenges in the Internet business. There are with the suppliers, to e-journals and e-books
various business propositions that VILIS will take within VILIS for private institutions. An issue
advantage of and generate substantial income to faced by many institutions is the increased
sustain the services offered, as described below. ability of individuals and groups within an
organisation to order information products
5.6.1 Selling the e-library service to the community online and therefore bypass the centralised
Libraries are in the business of information, and services of the library. VILIS will act as
information is now an important commodity that national information provider to these
has high commercial value. The VILIS services resources, and will have marketing rights of
will take into account help from and partnership the resources in Brunei.
Digital transformation of libraries in Brunei Darussalam Program: electronic library and information systems
Haji Suhaimi Bin Haji Abdul Karim Volume 38 · Number 3 · 2004 · 184-193

5.6.2 Digital publishing rights and licensing rights imposed are spread out among the consortium
Digital publication will be a key business venture members based on criteria such as the number of
of VILIS. Digital publishing, marketing and selling full-time equivalent students, library holdings, and
rights to the e-published and government-digitised so on. Other benefits that can be derived from a
materials will be undertaken by VILIS. With the consortial arrangement are as follows:
sophisticated information system infrastructure in .
smaller libraries, such as school libraries, may
VILIS it will be possible to incorporate all be able to improve access to e-resources for a
government digitisation initiatives and provide a relatively small amount of money;
platform for the development of e-business in .
there will be more content available for the
e-publishing and e-library services in Brunei money spent;
Darussalam. VILIS will be enriched by a collection .
content may be more likely to be used; and
of digitised materials on Brunei and materials .
publishers gain revenue from smaller
published by Bruneians or other government institutions that could not otherwise afford to
departments. All digital publications or digitised subscribe to any of their products.
archival materials will be deposited in VILIS and
will be made available on the Web for free or for a 5.6.4 Fund raising and sponsorship
fee. VILIS sees e-commerce opportunities in the
VILIS will need to negotiate on the publishing,
area of sponsorship and fundraising. This
licensing and selling rights to all digitised
could include corporate names appearing in
government publications and also undertake the
connection with sponsored VILIS online services
rights to market and sell digital publications of new
or banner advertisements. VILIS will also
works or publications by individuals, government
negotiate funding from various private institutions
departments or private sector organisations. VILIS
for the information services offered in conjunction
will also offer digitisation services to individuals or
with their informational needs. VILIS will create
organisations that wish to transform original
its own pool of management funds that will be
scholarly or organisational works into digital
used to manage and maintain the services
format. This venture will take into account the
need to conform to the current Brunei Darussalam
Copyright Law and also to international
Intellectual Property Rights legislation. Aspects of 5.6.5 Partnership and joint venture
royalties and access rights to the published works It is envisaged that VILIS will in the end become a
in electronic format will also be addressed. corporate organisation in order for its business
Clients will be able to acquire or print new agenda to be successful and its services to be
books published in Brunei by paying the cost for improved and upgraded. Smart partnership and
access and downloading part or the whole of the joint venture projects will be established. These
publication. Researchers will be able to search for will investigate various profit-sharing activities or
local publications from the VILIS portal. The activities that can benefit both parties. VILIS may
price for each access will be negotiated with the also provide opportunities for private sector
institutions or individuals concerned. VILIS will organisations to buy shares and make it a joint
not only look at the local market for selling venture company. Whatever the action taken, it
information but also at foreign individuals and will not jeopardise its initial purpose.
institutions that require such information. Possible partnerships identified include:
VILIS will take into account restrictions and .
a Postal Services Department and courier
will control access to the electronic resources to be service company for document delivery
published and archived. services;
a local Internet Service Provider;
5.6.3 Library consortium .
a finance company to facilitate e-payments;
The term “library consortium” refers to a .
private organisations for digital publishing
co-operative association of libraries that enables projects;
systematic and effective co-ordination of resources .
a mobile telecommunication company for
for improving services to users. This is one area wider usage of VILIS services, possibly via
that has been considered in addressing the mobile phones;
economic sustainability of VILIS. Consortial .
government ministries (Curriculum
arrangements for e-journals can benefit libraries Department, Ministry of Religious Affairs,
financially in various ways. As the buying group Institut Perkhidmatan Awam, Management
expands, prices are lowered. A consortium Service Department, Jabatan Perkhidmatan
purchase will take into account special etc.); and
arrangements in terms of subscription costs for .
professionals and local experts on references
access to the resources by members. Charges and information packaging.
Digital transformation of libraries in Brunei Darussalam Program: electronic library and information systems
Haji Suhaimi Bin Haji Abdul Karim Volume 38 · Number 3 · 2004 · 184-193

5.6.6. Information Packaging Service Digitised resources that will form the key
The Information Packaging Service will be offered resources made available or sold through the
to parents, professionals and students through the VILIS portal will be funded by the host institution
VILIS Web site or via a local Internet TV or by the copyright holders themselves.
company. With minimal monthly charges, VILIS
will provide parents with an information package
5.6.12 E-commerce
(InfoPack) including the full text of periodical
VILIS will also work closely with book vendors/
articles, encyclopedias, books and supporting
publishers in and outside Brunei to facilitate
material to help with children’s school projects and
e-commerce for printed book sales. Clients will be
examinations. VILIS will also look at the
able to access vendors’ databases for titles
possibility of offering learning packages for
currently on the market, which will help facilitate
professional qualifications and personal
ordering items that are required by an institution
development such as the Government Service
or individual. All books published in Brunei will be
marketed by VILIS and appropriate selling
5.6.7 Training programmes arrangements (including discounts) will be
ICT and information literacy courses will be arranged. In addition, other products to be sold
offered, and will be charged to those interested. through the VILIS portal will include software,
The training programme may include the effective photographs, etc. For any e-business transactions,
use of e-journals, online search strategies, Internet VILIS will negotiate commission with the
searching, and utilising digital library facilities for originators.
research and learning.
5.6.13 Going global
5.6.8 Selling the e-library solution
Once VILIS reaches a level of maturity and a
VILIS will negotiate the right to market digital
strong financial base, the company will venture out
library solutions developed within Brunei
to seek “new pastures” overseas. Armed with
Darussalam to other organisations in Brunei or
digital library experience, digital information
overseas. Expertise and experience on e-libraries,
assets (about Brunei) and selling rights of the
in particular with knowledge about e-commerce, is
information resources, VILIS will be able to sell
and market these resources to other institutions
5.6.9 Supporting distance learning overseas. The marketable services will include:
It is inevitable that distance learning will be
Information Resources Package Licensing
developed within higher education institutions in (e-journals, e-books, etc.);
Brunei such as UBD and ITB. Also, many private
Brunei-rich digitised information resources;
education institutions now offer courses in the
e-learning packages; and
distance-learning mode. Hence, this provides
e-library solutions that VILIS will be
business opportunities for VILIS to work with constructing.
these institutions in making course content
available and providing information resources for
distance learners.
6. Sustaining access

5.6.10 Consultancy work Electronic information resources differ

The experiences and technology acquired from substantially from the print environment in terms
setting up the VILIS project will provide of sustaining access and preservation. In a
opportunities for personnel to undertake traditional library environment, preservation is
consultancy work in other digitisation and digital based on the physical objects of the book,
library efforts in Brunei and overseas. newspaper, manuscript and so on. Volume
printing, physical persistence and multiple library
5.6.11 Institutional and ministerial funding collections help ensure preservation of and
The MOE will be able to fund VILIS’s information continuing access to such materials. In a digital
resources requirement of government academic environment, sustaining access and preservation of
institutions. As the introduction of VILIS promises digital resources will require interdependent
future income and raises the status of the strategies in the short to medium term based on
institutions and the education system as a whole, securing the computer system, storage media, data
MOE will not abandon VILIS. Funding will be and documentation, and strategies for long-term
sought through the annual MOE budget preservation to address the issues of software and
expenditure in order for the key resources to be hardware obsolescence. Hence, VILIS will have to
maintained for the benefit of the institution under adopt preservation strategies incorporating the
the MOE. following:
Digital transformation of libraries in Brunei Darussalam Program: electronic library and information systems
Haji Suhaimi Bin Haji Abdul Karim Volume 38 · Number 3 · 2004 · 184-193

Migration. Data will be stored in a software- knowledge or information and the way personal
independent format and migrated through development takes place.
changing technological regimes.
Technology preservation. There will be
preservation of data along with the hardware
and/or software on which it depends. References
Emulation. The look, feel, and behaviour of a
resource is emulated on successive hardware Besser, H. (2002), “Moving from isolated digital collections to
generations. interoperable digital libraries”, paper delivered at the
Victorian Association for Library Automation, Melbourne,
Any digitisation or content project will be created 8th February, available at:, howard/
and maintained for the lifetime of the project and Papers/vala01.html
Halliday, L. and Oppenheim, C. (1999), Economic Models of the
will have to make arrangements for longer-term
Digital Library, Loughborough University, Loughborough,
preservation and access within institutions or with p. 3.
an appropriate repository. Miller, R.G. (2002), “Shaping digital content”, Journal of
Academic Librarianship, Vol. 28 No. 3, pp. 97-103.
Sun Microsystems (2002), “Digital library technology trends”,
available at:
7. Conclusion whitepapers/pdf/digital_library_trends.pdf

The VILIS project, with the provision of services

and resources available for the majority of learning
and teaching communities in Brunei Darussalam, Further reading
will not only save in terms of cost but will also offer
opportunities for the knowledge and research University Brunei Darussalam Library (2003), An Information
development of the nation. The value in services Requirements Survey, University of Brunei Darussalam,
Bandar Seri Begawan.
and convenience offered should be consistently
Yassin, Pengiran Dato Paduka Haji Abd. Hamid bin Pengiran Haji
maintained at the highest level. VILIS will provide Mohd. (2003), “Spreading K-economy through
a new dimension in knowledge accessibility and e-government in Brunei Darussalam”, paper presented at
availability in Brunei Darussalam, because it will the K-Economy: Competitiveness, Survival and Growth,
bring about radical change in the way we seek ASEAN-EC International Conference.


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