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Sport and Free Time:

1. What is your favorite sport to play or watch? Why?

2. How has technology changed the way people exercise?
3. Do you think children these days have enough physical activity?
4. How do you feel about extreme sports? Which one would you like to try? Why?

( bungee jumping / sky diving / paragliding / white-water rafting / parkour /

wingsuit flying / hang-gliding / slacklining / parachuting / zip lining )

5. Which sports are most popular in your country?

6. How often do you exercise or play sports?
7. What are the health benefits of regular exercise?
8. What sport would you like to try but haven’t yet?
9. Do you think sports stars are paid too much?
10. How do you feel about the Olympics?
11. What hobbies do you have outside of sports?
12. What activities do you enjoy in your free time?
13. Do you prefer indoor or outdoor activities? Why?
14. Are there any traditional games or sports in your culture?
15. How do you balance work or study with free time?
16. How important is relaxation to you?
17. What's your opinion on e-sports?
18. How has the pandemic affected sports and physical activities in general?
19. Do you think sports help build character? Why or why not?
20. How do you motivate yourself to be active?
21. Have you ever been a part of a sports team?
22. Do you think schools give enough importance to physical education?
23. How do you feel about women's representation in sports?
24. What role does diet play in sports and exercise?
25. Have you ever run a marathon or participated in a long-distance event?
( Sprint / middle distance race / long distance race / long jump / hurdle race / high
jump / relays / the track and field event )

26. What is the most challenging physical activity you've tried?

27. How do sports and free-time activities influence mental health?
28. How do you feel about sports being used for political reasons?
29. Have you ever attended a live sporting event? What was it like?
30. What sport do you think is underrated and deserves more attention?

Digital Life:

1. How many hours a day do you spend online?

2. What are your thoughts on social media?
3. How has technology affected relationships?
4. Do you prefer e-books or physical books? Why?
5. Have you ever tried a digital detox ( A "digital detox" is a break from using electronic
devices and the internet. ) ?
6. How do you protect yourself from digital scams ( digital fraud ) ?
7. What are the pros and cons of online shopping?
8. How has the internet changed the way we learn?
9. Do you think children have too much screen time nowadays?
10. How do you feel about online dating?
11. What's your opinion on virtual reality ( Virtual reality (VR) is a computer-generated
environment that simulates a realistic experience, allowing users to interact with it using special
equipment, like headsets and sensors. ) ?
12. How has digital technology affected the job market?
13. Do you think we rely too much on technology?
14. How does technology influence art and creativity?
15. Have you ever experienced cyberbullying or know someone who has?
16. How do you stay safe online?
17. How has streaming changed the music and movie industry?
18. Do you prefer online or face-to-face communication?
19. How do you feel about the rise of artificial intelligence?
20. Have you tried any online courses or e-learning platforms?
21. How has social media affected news and journalism?
22. What are the potential dangers of oversharing online?
23. What's your favorite app and why?
24. How do you manage your screen time?
25. How has technology impacted travel?
26. What future technology are you most excited about?
27. How has technology affected our attention spans ?

( Attention span is the length of time a person can concentrate on a task or stimulus without
becoming distracted. )

28. What role does digital technology play in your daily routine?
29. How do you feel about technology's impact on mental health?


1. What's your favorite cuisine and why?

2. How often do you cook at home?
3. Are you conscious about organic and GMO foods ( "GMO" stands for "Genetically
Modified Organism." ) ? Why?
4. How do you feel about fast food?
5. What traditional dishes are famous in your culture?
6. How has globalization affected food habits?
7. Do you have any food allergies or dietary restrictions?
8. Have you ever tried a diet? If so, what kind and why?
9. How important is presentation in a dish?
10. What are the benefits of home-cooked meals?
11. How do you feel about vegetarianism and veganism?

Vegetarianism is the practice of abstaining from eating meat.

Veganism is the practice of abstaining from using any animal products, including in diet,
which means no meat, dairy, eggs, or honey.

12. Do you enjoy spicy food?

13. How do you feel about food wastage?
14. How has technology impacted food production and delivery?
15. Do you think eating habits have changed over the generations?
16. What's your favorite comfort food?

Comfort food refers to food that provides a feeling of well-being or nostalgia, often associated
with home, childhood, or warmth. It's typically simple, hearty, and satisfying, often high in sugar
or carbohydrates.

17. Have you ever taken a cooking class?

18. How do you feel about processed foods?

Processed food is food that has been changed from its original form.

Examples of processed foods include:

• Canned vegetables
• Potato chips
• Breakfast cereals
• Frozen dinners
• Soft drinks
• Packaged cookies and cakes.

19. What are the health benefits of a balanced diet?

20. Do you think restaurants should display calorie counts on their menus?
21. How do different cultures influence food trends?
22. Do you enjoy trying new foods or do you stick to familiar dishes?
23. How has travel influenced your food choices?
24. How do you feel about the use of pesticides and herbicide in agriculture?
25. What's your opinion on food-related documentaries or shows?
26. How often do you dine out?
27. Do you believe in superfoods?
28. What should you do if you see someone trying to "dine and dash" ( leaving a
restaurant without paying for the meal ) ?
29. Do you read food labels when shopping?
30. How do seasons affect your food choices?

1. How do you usually commute to work or school?

2. What's your opinion on public transport in your city?
3. How do you feel about electric cars?
4. Do you think cycling is a viable mode of transport in urban areas?
5. How has technology improved transportation?
6. What's your opinion on high-speed trains?
7. How do you feel about the environmental impact of air travel?
8. Do you have a driving license? If so, how was your learning experience?
9. Have you ever used a ride-sharing app? What was the experience like?
10. What's your opinion on self-driving cars?
11. How can cities reduce traffic congestion?
12. Do you think public transport should be free?
13. Would you prefer carpooling or using public transport for your daily commute?
Why? ( Carpooling is when people share a car ride to a similar destination. )
14. Have you ever traveled by boat or ferry?
15. What's the most scenic journey you've ever taken?
16. How do transportation options differ in urban and rural areas?
17. Do you think flying will change significantly in the next 20 years?
18. How can governments encourage the use of public transport?
19. Have you ever been on a road trip? Describe the experience.
20. What do you think of pedestrian-only zones in cities?
21. How important is infrastructure development for efficient transportation?
22. Do you think bicycles can replace cars in urban areas?
23. How can cities promote eco-friendly modes of transport?
24. Would you consider using carpooling services to reduce traffic and pollution?
25. What impact has the pandemic had on public transportation in your area?
26. Do you think underwater transport, like tunnels or submarines, will become
common in the future?
27. How do you feel about the affordability of various transport options?
28. What role do transportation hubs, like airports and train stations, play in global
29. Have you ever experienced extreme weather conditions while traveling?
30. How do you see the future of transportation, considering advancements in
technology and environmental concerns?
31. What are your best tips for overcoming jet lag ( Jet lag is the tiredness you feel after a
long flight across different time zones. ) ?


1. What's your favorite holiday of the year and why?

2. How do holiday traditions vary across cultures?
3. How have your holiday celebrations changed over time?
4. Which country's holiday would you most like to experience and why?
5. How does your family prepare for major holidays?
6. What are some unique holiday traditions in your culture?
7. Which holiday foods are a must-have for you?
8. Do you think holidays are more enjoyable as a child or as an adult?
9. Have you ever traveled during the holiday season? Share the experience.
10. How do you manage stress during busy holiday seasons?
11. Which historical or national holidays are important in your country?
12. How do holidays promote cultural exchange?
13. What's your opinion on giving and receiving gifts during holidays?
14. How do you handle conflicts during family holiday gatherings?
15. Have you ever volunteered or worked during a holiday? What was it like?
16. Do you enjoy decorating for holidays? Who is a house-proud person in your
family? Why or why not? ( House-proud means taking great pride in keeping one's home
neat and tidy. )
17. How do different religions and cultures influence holiday celebrations in your
18. What impact do holidays have on the economy, particularly retail?
19. How do holidays affect travel and tourism in various regions?
20. Have you ever celebrated a holiday away from home?
21. How do you feel about non-traditional holiday celebrations?
22. What role does food play in your holiday traditions?
23. Are there any holidays you believe are overlooked or deserve more recognition?
24. How do you approach teaching children about the significance of holidays?
25. Do you think technology has changed the way we celebrate holidays?
26. What memories do you cherish from holiday celebrations in your childhood?
27. How do movies and media influence our perceptions of holidays?
28. How important is it to take time off from work or school during holidays? Why?

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