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= Parktal DitPerutral E¢abiou (Poe) An efeeat ron Couloini-e oye oy more partiok derive tims ef an unknown unction ef tuo ey more a ee varrables, rs calkel Perr bial di} pemsu breek ejuetion (PDE). Order so Ovoler of highest deriv o kiue appee reg I< eqlled — ovdler “f POE. Liner PDE “ “A PDE Ig Sapol tf be Dinear ie iE is of Bret degree im the depeudect (unkown) Variable aud rks partiel deriva kves. oan “A PDE te Sard te be renby # Ct emtaius product f depewcltet tr el ard tks derpvative oR ole pope hyther Tho ome. de f . vie Homefemesua PPE Ancl Nonhoneiereeus PDE TH each term ef te one Cmbams ethe jhe clofencleut nels: oy me ef its derivative, fou It iS Sasd fe be Home feneous oTkot wi — nen~ home gencotes POE. Solution of PPE A Solution 6, PDE in Some Vepion ef hace R rndlebeacout yarva bles "SQ un eles Hat hao a te partial abrive tives im Son-e elomerin Con tains Rael Satis pies the Ep. everywhere nk. $4 Examples x = ac aA ' and order , Diver, hore rai =e" a ) ard” arate, Dincerr, hamegeneoces *u 24 ' eo + aa =0 ” “ ' ou mee CreL an ; Ta order, non -Lyweor , hens offinests anu OP * cuge + Sina, ad order, nen dinar, nenhenreffervese Inj trek Cond tions a. ct) wien Lime 't’ 1S one ef the varrables Tht aCer > ty are preseri bed at bao, We Gnolilion are calhd Hartree Cools trons. eg Uwe)=d, 24] = BP at =o Boanda amd; bions @.c’s) | The Cndlrbion which are Fivon Cassemed) or | be — boandary ef the jon alone with the PDE are ahd Loundar Condl: kiens. Thexe. are three ty Ps ef B.e* f ppe’s “4 Ulot)=d, ulhb=p 4. Setmamm—Emalebron. Drichlet Cmalition Ct bind) The Bc Specifies the Value ef unbrewy Sunchie, 'W on The boarndary , jor jnstawce I ump is displacerneu t Fined at x=0 acd y= Har He Drichlet conel; brons re bape eo Strip ek Ulot)= 04 GICUU =o 5 ocx & >. Neumann Cond; tien Q™ Lind) Oo The Q.c$ Spee; Fies Ihe derivative of *u? in the divec lion normed — fe boundary 1S cayltcel Nevmaun Cond; bien. eg aut) _ rs =O , cha =0 3. Rebin's (mjyed) Codilion. (374 kind) Geer forms rs Gus p3)| for| oD ab oR ' Qu, ty Uo, t) + aa ? Par ticalarly UCO;b) + Barby 7 jay Q Heo Hza | (Check the follomief ane solut sens of au ec 224 —_—o ate = oH? fC a Constant. Ya 2 20s * Der Sat ished 2. ue simat sin hx Q3. We CANE SryrXx MQ. He Smct Sinx solu tion of Qu. = Sjnqet. Si tx a 908 9L. sin dx ou a Ji smak» Sing x ! 24 _ swat. ase Cosy X ax ! a4 ~~ a Singe. Siu TH om 3) BX _ ¢*D2u Ns “ot ah on™ i ~8iSmatestadit = OZ Snebend ty Ra a cr= 96 > c= +36 = Q. Check the Pollowsinsy aye yo lection of PPE Qu o> 2 Foor carlabke <) tax BH = et Cem ot a by mt = Siu x os = " ~@ © cry x dS a Cc eter) > ct] Du a Buca ot TTA” | » Siywx u *¢ (w (ods ») r 2 ert i -weé S14 0% n zy Da Bhec* 3 — 2c an* feats ws KDE re Ey =(cd"e Spare ae ) Adz, » Sat 1SPreof Use Co 2H , Quowe @ 7 a. COW XK Check [te (elowsivr are Soler birons of Pape Ou , 2ru yr 9 —_—@ 58 Q.1, Us Corn Siuhy au au = Cos x Cos hy on > —Siuxsiahy ry ~ ey : 24 Comm ouhy art Corn Sib ——— z au 324 02 art Sa aye ~o 0 — Coxu Qi Al SatisPiecl, os Qua, Y= 2%7 Qa. us 2 Siny Fee meow? nol Nomhene fentoro Byucdlary _Conals bron Ve concl:tons U@ty=0, UCL Q Hy berbebic oR wave EY. W5. Una — 3 Ung as Yay + I6Uy =o V.cobve the follovsing Poe's Um - U =o Since no Oleviva ive wert he 's ieee) So Ths pe cau be Contidereol a0 ODE, Dice " U -Usro aru 2 Ge ~ thse > @-)uso ee eee Row bs ave teal and Olis bivck. uU= fAer~+ Be ee Q.2. Ung =-Ux Lt Ux=V Uxy = Vy - gue Ve eee ag = ~V (+p av -foly Jav= - I+ Aw y's | ithe >U ae Ve Ame du ~d -q . ah LA Uc= he of => om we Intayratirg wert la’ UOugy = Jaw Stan +5) = fa eta qa 2 Venda = foo Q@3 uy <4 Solve Yourseef W.4. Urn+qu=0 Solve Gourseff Os. Uy, =o Solve Yourself (Qe. Uy+ Ayu =o os +aqurzo Akove EY Com be Consyclereol a ODE du co => au ay ane => “ay = dM [i ae = re Ay du u=-xy +A baue - ye + Ago . re VEN a : i » A / ~ eo UHy) = Bw Se e@ =Bev §.4 Ung = Ux Solve Gourself ()-8. Ugy = Colve gourse Lf 2 AM patqgu = du = 274 diy fadu ~Srny aly bn = BH V4 Aw Ha 4 Ae my 2+ Ar, ye Aw u= @ -Qo-e ay oe Uonyy = key © a) re Pio Ugy = 4g | a eyrivekives are ahpearveg wort ly? So ae ~ sar eon he GnSidered ODE (i oe by du ae apo 2 PEP =o (*-D) g =o 5 D-Dso BCp+) =o DS Deo, Dea) UGry) = Aw eg Be e° Uay) -Aw@+ &ey ef Heat ESnation: Selution 8y Feuriey Serres 64 Con toler The heat epruction u 3 i eo vu =o (44 +S +t eh) re Coleen hae UCa4, 2) buen tr nee Jlrs in the bed 7, or is the hitral a Ppas utp kis qa the reel Conclec Givi ty 7 me Speci} re htat and £ is Ha chug tf cf te materiel , Vv asa eile laf yess of u Gre DimewSonal Hort Esnation 7 — 0 Sah. f Dus ‘8’, Hensperalare 107 © Consicler a ted © ms 7D hosing it tem 4=0 te yeh: Beancory Odile are ule 20 , uc(hty=e0 —~® Initial Conditions are uo) = F%-—® By sing welled *f &parection of var uat= Fe. 6% —@ 24. F'@) SH) Du _ FO) Gib ot yoo sable, lot 6s FG =c* F'G dive 4 CFS FG e's CFS ctFG ae £—€ Siumce Les is only a June in of ‘4b? end Bits i of of 4’, Se bom Seles must ejeul Tepe ne Cro conde ee ae ego ke Slatin is triviel t-e U=o New aa K 640, A=o » Msp F = Bsinbx— @ Now yg} Hy ee ts uUDY= FO Sib =0 pet x-h in & Fe) = Bsinbl. uhiye Bsinbl. Fle =o Sma 6 #9 So B gnpl =2 also gue BF, So son pl =o pl= Sin! = nT P= a, N=Hl, Bro o— “YD Froe= B sin C5) __69) Now 92 GthG-o j where has BE G ys 4 Tn begpeting y we get An = Bat +e : sant *4e — Ane © eo we EME 7 NS noes Glo= Bc, © “_@: Nea lca jt) = Fr @Sn (D = Bsn GB). Un @) = By $m (2B eo ” Big 4 © ¥ BCnzB is Te ohetion of fy © M a Where Br ts Constant, eco 62 er Gon values sf fhe problem. cen - Em Lire solu tien of the Proble us Ws Ulnt) 2DLin b - Z RnSiv nme en's pag Usicg uCwoys FU b{Yft=0 in ® U (4,0) = = Ry Sin 2 Bo Fay = = By Gin ay ‘To Seon Rn wit above es bY Sin nae a re begra tive cae o te ‘ [Feo Gin OPH)a4 SF & Se OH) a (be, (RE a ic ote - Be | af - Smeg) |e = ye - Gop) Sinann Smoh\ = Ba [e- Sax (9-9 => Rn 2 z f 1X B= 7+ \ oss ef Fourity Sire Ceviea, ayvey by 2 e Bu = zr fy. Sin C7 ) dx fer k2co £ sa G _ £ec Gr F G 5 ae-* ro Gr? fp +o 45 de wre aga 7° Gw =a, Fi» = bree ature, Flo =e ucetye Flo Gl o- ¢€-Guy > GeO but cro Fue bx neo uUlhty= FI Gib =0 Fi) = bh uchy- & Gw=o G #0. ph=0 9 b=o become Lto Fme=0 Hua UCt)= FO- Gib -0.Gt)-9 Hence we fot trivial Cole bien. T 7 68 Where \, = a ae ede co. Nici ra | ax_koo fy 99 oF a = eke aap, tere Geethe, FIP PF Geo PG =9 —O (ae Pp op G=~G so —— pen” Solution of Ww 7's Foes Bags eeaa | alxzo, Flo-A+B Ulort)= FO-Gb =? (A+B).g =° Simce G #0, AtB=0 NY Now USirf a-k , ucht)=o ce hers ag®P nent) = FOG0 ersne!).G =o But Geo, « Bee ae ee A+ Bote _——W) xB =O Ms) fh+oO-o wpsitao WAzet Ge IP )_, “BO ao "9 Fu=o BC _o) eo “ ACA t= FH G4) ap =0.G [-@ Fa,B=90 Ulayt o 3 we get trivial Solution a te Stead y- Slale To Dimensional Heat Fo lapha Ejuation) Cosicler two dimensional Yul Ep. au au any Sp Oat ay Por steady slab Plow ae =o zy g2u ? aed +“ 3g> a oO boundary lend kions are U(r) =o, Uu(o,)=0 —@ I UCait)=0 ——B, UlnJ=Py- | BY wnuthe el of separation of vanables het und) = Feo.Gwy —@ oe PGs ee. Fe" patig vaekin iy © , F'G+FG'=0 @ FG =-FG wrivp by FG f.-4 —@ FP S Cuce Lies is purely a June ren of AH deol Ras is of "7, gg pap @D efusl To a Corsten! fay) Ey aa z _ 6" 2 ale ) “ee rT f'+ KFe0 —®, 6" %620 —@ f Sleekien of ® vs oy FQ) = A@skx+BSinkx —@ pet Aso in@® Fe = Aloor ae -f Usp uco,) = U(o,b) = by. 6M) o= 4-GwW 29 JAso i) > Peay = PSink x —a Now put x= % in@ Fa) = BSiuka Us} Pecue tGarD) =o ula f= FO-9@ p= Bsnka. 6@ D BSinka =o Sauce BO, inka =o Ka= Siw \@0) = nt Ie aE Ne\Ueore: D2 Fee 6sn(®@B) —@ Now Solution 7 — GW= ce’+ De! © pet y=o, mm Go) = ce +De° =C+D Usivy U(a,o0) = ua,o) = FM. Go) oc Filay.+) Swce Fay#o, ¢r+DdD5O DS D=-c 02 Gy =cett_ catlaac( & = a) GY) =2C Sinhy =2¢ SmhC2md) @ ptt mp Ww acrof @) m@ UCHy) = Fe. FW = Bsiu (SE) 2¢ simh (OU Un Qa) = By Sin CRY), Simh@ES)—~ ance a, Solution on the ecutive olonory i's KOuY) = a Un ny) ulwd) = 2 Bn Sim CRY .cmh.(224 —®& pet fab IW] ancl UCP UCajb) = Foy UCB) = 2 Ba Sin(@™X) Sook CTE) Foy = e Bu Sn (2A) gn 2) wry on “yy by . a > Bac woke \ fo Sim@B%) dx (7) 9

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