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Motion In Plane

1. The angle between A = i + j and B = i − j is

(a) 45° (b) 90° (c) –45° (d) 180°
2. Figure given below shows the orientation of two vectors u and v in the XY plane.
If u= a i + b j and v = pi + q j

which of the following is correct?

(a) a and p are positive while b and q are negative.
(b) a, p and b are positive while q is negative.
(c) a, q and b are positive while p is negative.
(d) a, b, p and q are all positive.

3. The horizontal range of a projectile fired at an angle of 15° is 50 m. If it is fired with the same speed at an
angle of 45°, its range will be
(a) 60 m (b) 71 m (c) 100 m (d) 141 m

4. Consider the quantities, pressure, power, energy, impulse, gravitational potential, electrical charge,
temperature, area. Out of these, the only vector quantities are
(a) Impulse, pressure and area (b) Impulse and area (c) Area and gravitational potential (d) Impulse and

5. In a two dimensional motion, instantaneous speed v0 is a positive constant. Then which of the following are
necessarily true?
(a) The average velocity is not zero at any time.
(b) Average acceleration must always vanish.
(c) Displacements in equal time intervals are equal.
(d) Equal path lengths are traversed in equal intervals.

Q6. A particle revolves around in a circle , the centripetal acceleration is inversely proportional to
(a) mass of the particle (b) radius of the particle (c) velocity of the particle (d) both
(b) and (c)

Q7. The resultant of two equal forces of magnitude P acting at point has resultant P .The angle between the two
vectors is
(a) 1200 (b) 900 (c) 00 (d) 1800

Q8. A aeroplane is moving on with a horizontal velocity u at a height h . The velocity of the packet dropped from it
on the earth’s surface will be
(a) (u2 – 2gh) ½ (b) 2gh (c) (gh)1/2 (d) (u2 + 2gh) ½

Q9. The speed of the boat is 5 km/h in still water . if it crosses river of the width 1 km along the shortest path in
the 15 minutes , the velocity of the river’s water is
(a) 1 km/h (b) 2 km/h (c) 3 km/h (d) 4 km/h

Q10. Two boys are standing at the ends A and B of the ground . Where AB= d. The boy at B start running in a
direction perpendicular to AB with Velocity v and the boy at a start running simulatnously with the speed u and
catches the other boy in time t , where t is
(a) d/√(u2 + v2) (b) d/√(u2 - v2) (c) (a) d/√(u+ v) (d) (a) d/√(u - v)

1 M Question
1. Give two examples of physical quantities that may be expressed as the scalar product of
two vectors.
2. Show the position vector for a particle in two dimensional motion. Write an expression for
this position vector in terms of its rectangular components.
3. Obtain an expression for instantaneous acceleration in terms of its rectangular
4. Deduce the relation between angular velocity , frequency and time period.
5. Find a unit vector parallel to the vector 3i +7j+4k.
2 M Questions
1. The magnitudes of vectors A , B and C are 12 , 5 and 13 units respectively and A+B = C.
What is the angle between A and B?
2. Find the unit vector parallel to the vector 3i+7j+4k.
3. What is the angle between two vectors if the ratio of their dot product and the magnitude
of cross product is 3.
4. What will be the effect on maximum height of a projectile when its angle of projection is
changed from 300 to 60o, keeping the same initial velocity of projection.
(3 times)
5. Two projectiles A and B projected with velocities 2 v and v respectively. They have a
same range. If A is thrown at angle of 15 with the horizontal, then what is the angle of
projection of B? (45o)
3 M Questions
1. Τhe angle between vectors A and B is 600. What is the ratio of A. B and I A X B I?
2. Find the conditions for two vectors to be (i) parallel and (ii) perpendicular to each other.
3. Prove that the horizontal range is same when angle of projection is (i) greater than 45 by
certain value (ii) less than 450 by the same value.
4. What is projectile? A projectile is fired with the velocity u making an angle ѳ with the
horizontal. Show that its trajectory is a parabola.
5. Derive the relation between linear velocity and angular velocity in uniform circular
6. Show that there are two angles of projection for which the horizontal range is same
.Also show that the sum of the maximum heights for these two angles is
independents of the angle of projection.
7. A hunter aims his gun and fires a bullet directly at a monkey on a tree. At the instant
the bullet leaves the barrel of the gun, the monkey drops. Will the bullet hit the
8. A particle is projected at an angle θ from the horizontal with kinetic energy K. What is
the kinetic energy of the particle at the highest point.
9. A particle is thrown with the speed u at an angle α with the horizontal. When the particle
makes an angle β with the horizontal what is its speed?
( u cosβ secα)
10. What is the angle of projection for the projectile motion whose range R is n times the
maximum height H?
(tan-1 (4/n)
11. The greatest height to which a man can throw a stone is h. What will be the greatest
distance upto which he can throw the stone.
12. A stone is thrown from the top of a tower at an angle of 300 above the horizontal
level with a velocity of 40 m/s. It strikes the ground after 5 second from the time of
projection. What is the height of the tower.
(25 m)
13. A river 800 m wide flows at the rate of 5km/h. A swimmer who can swim at 10km/h in
still water, wishes to cross the river straight. (i) Along what direction must he strike? (ii)
What should be his resultant velocity? How much time he would take.
(30 , 2.4m/s, 333.3s)
14. If unit vector a and b are inclined at an angle θ, prove that
I a-b I =2sin (θ/2)
15. A particles starts from origin at t=0 with a velocity 5i m/s and moves in x-y plane
under action of a force which produces a constant acceleration of (3i+2j) m/s2.(a)What is
the y coordinate of the particle at the instant its x coordinate is 84 m?(b) What is the
speed of the particle at this time. (y=36m , v=25.9m/s)

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