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Diverticulitis Ayurvedic Treatment - Matha Ayurveda

Home » Ayurvedic Treatment » Gastro Intestinal » Diverticulitis Ayurvedic Treatment

Diverticulitis Ayurvedic
A small pouch-like growth in the lining of intestine (commonly

seen at colon/ large intestine) is called Diverticula. It is usually

developed at the weakest portions of intestine. The presence of

single or multiple diverticula in intestine is termed as

diverticulosis. Usually, it is harmless and common in people

above 40 years of age. When one or more diverticula becomes

in�amed or infected, the condition is called diverticulitis. Tear of

diverticula is the cause of its in�ammation/ infection. Severe

diverticulitis need treatment or even surgery.

Diverticulitis Signs and

The common signs and symptoms of diverticulitis are severe and

constant pain at the lower abdomen (either left or right side),

tenderness over abdomen, constipation or diarrhoea, fever,

nausea and vomiting.

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Diverticulitis Ayurvedic Treatment - Matha Ayurveda

Diverticulitis Ayurvedic Analysis

Apana vayu is the type of vata that controls the bodily functions

like assimilation of food in small and large intestine, separation

of nutrients and waste materials at the end part of intestine,

excretion of waste materials, pregnancy, childbirth etc. Agni is

the other major factor that is related with digestion, assimilation

and formation of waste faeces etc. Apana vaigunya (derangement

of functions of apana vayu) causes di�culties like indigestion,

bloating, constipation, diarrhoea, abdominal pain etc; and that

of agni/ pitta leads to ulcers/ pus formation in intestine,

diarrhoea, vomiting, fever etc. certain conditions that involve

apana vaigunya and agnidushti are gulma (abnormal growths in

intestine/ abdominal organs), atisara (diarrhoea), arshas

(haemorrhoids), parikarthika (�ssure-in-ano), koshta vidradhi

(ulcerations in intestine) etc.

Diverticulitis Causative Factors

The common causes of apana vaigunya are ageing, sedentary

habit, irregular bowel habits, consumption of food containing

less dietary �bre/ heavy to digest food etc, continuous journey

etc. Agnidushti is caused by altered diet pattern (heavy/ spicy/

oily/ dry food, eating too much, frequent food intake without

proper digestion of previous meals etc), day sleep, stress,

irregular bowel pattern etc. Both these factors together lead to 

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Diverticulitis Ayurvedic Treatment - Matha Ayurveda

discomforts/ diseases mentioned above.

Possible Complications of
Diverticulitis Disease
Acute diverticulitis may lead to complications like obstruction in

intestine, abscess �lled with pus, �stula connecting parts of

intestine or intestine and abdominal organs, peritonitis etc.

Other systemic diseases and precautions to be

Certain medicines like NSAIDs, steroids etc can cause

diverticulitis. It is also seen in obese person, those leading a

sedentary lifestyle, consuming less-�bre rich food etc. Other

conditions such as appendicitis, colitis etc should be ruled out

before planning treatment for diverticulitis.

Diverticulitis Disease
Management with Ayurveda

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Diverticulitis Ayurvedic Treatment - Matha Ayurveda

This condition can be managed by correcting agni and apana

vayu. Internal medications supported by dietary as well as

lifestyle modi�cations are enough in most cases, otherwise

procedures like snehapana (oral administration of lipid

formulation), swedana (eg: steam bath), virechana (purgation

therapy), vasthi (enema with suitable drugs), varthi

(suppository) etc.

The person with diverticulitis must take more �bre-rich food

such as whole grains, green and leafy vegetables; fruits; and

water. Avoid the consumption of heavy to digest fatty food, spicy

items, dry food, processed and junk food etc.

Exercises that promote bowel movements help a lot to manage

the symptoms. It prevents constipation and improves digestion.

Follow the instructions of physician for a better exercise


Diverticulitis Preventive Aspects

in Ayurveda
Ageing causes weakening of intestinal tissues. in order to

prevent this, the following techniques can be adopted:

• Drink plenty of water

• Eat �bre-rich food

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Diverticulitis Ayurvedic Treatment - Matha Ayurveda

• Avoid over-eating, and control the consumption of heavy

food, oily food, junk food, carbonated drinks, spicy food etc
• Avoid travelling/ physical exertion soon after having food
• Take dinner at least one hour before sleep
• Lay on left lateral side to sleep after dinner
• Exercise regularly
• Stick on to a regular bowel habit
• Maintain healthy body weight
• Quit smoking and limit the consumption of alcohol

Importance of Diet
The nature of diet determines the health of intestine. Do not

torture the bowel with food containing high amount of fat, less

dietary �bre, spicy food etc. Never be adapted to heavy food,

junk or processed food, carbonated drinks etc.

The people with diverticulitis must avoid chances of
constipation, take more �bre-containing food, fruits/ fruit

juices etc, drink enough water, exercise regularly, maintain

healthy body weight, avoid smoking, alcoholism, day sleep,

sedentary habit etc. Purgation with suitable drug at frequent

interval can be done as per the guidance of physician.

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How to get ayurvedic

treatment from Matha

Matha Consultation 

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In case of a medical emergency, DO NOT wait for

the above process. You can inform your situation
at our helpdesk ( /

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Matha Ayurveda Eye Hospital - Kudappanakunnu

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Matha Ayurveda Eye Hospital - Moongode

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Matha Ayurveda Eye Hospital - Eighteenth Stone

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