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Q1: When you need to obtain the ASCII value of a character which of the following function

you'll need to use in PHP??

a .asc( );

b ord( );

c None

d val( );

e None

f chr( );

Q2: What is the default priority of the swap partition?

a There are no priorities for swap

b 100

c -1

d 10



Q3: What is Gravatar??

a A Plugin

b WordPress core functionality


d None

e Globally Recognized Image or Photo

f Profile Image

Q4: _______________ is cocatenation operator in PHP ??

a + (plus)


c None

d None

e . (dot)


Q5: What could be used to program additional authentication logic besides available
authenticator modules??

a None

b Kube Vault

c Kube Auth Service

d Kubernetes Role Manager

e None

f Authentication Proxy

Q6: Apart from the <b> tag, what other Tag makes text bold ??

a None

b <strong>

c <black>

d None

e <emp>

f <fat>

Q7: What is the purpose of $_SESSION[]??

a None

b Used to initialize a session.

c None

d Used to store variables of the current session

e Used to register a global variable

f none of the above

Q8: In Kubernetes, a node is:?

a A machine that coordinates the scheduling and management of application

containers on the cluster

The correct Answer is: None

c A tool for starting a kubernetes cluster on a local machine

The correct Answer is: None

e A worker machine

The correct Answer is: None

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