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STM 300 – Science Teaching Methods



1. This paper comprises of seven questions. Candidates are expected to

answer any five (05) questions
2. Each question carries twenty (20) marks.
3. Candidates are reminded of the need for the clear presentation in their
4. All the parts of the question should be answered strictly in
5. Supporting information is provided at the end of the questions.
6. Time management is important.
Question one

(a) Below is the extract from integrated science syllabus 8-9 .write a detailed
lesson plan. [20]


Learners should be able to;
Human  Identify organs of the human  Organs of reproduction;
Reproductive reproductive system. Male: testes, sperm duct,
System and Puberty  Explain the functions of the parts scrotum, urethra, penis.
of the reproductive system.  Female: ovaries,
 Identify changes associated with oviducts, uterus, cervix,
puberty for both male and female vagina.
 Explain the importance of  Functions of reproductive
observing personal hygiene of the parts: penis-depositing
reproductive organs sperms, ovary-producing
 Changes associated with
puberty: Menstruation
and Wet dreams.

Question two

(a) Explain three important reasons why science should be taught in

schools in Zambia. [3]
(b) Science consists of processes and products.
(i) Briefly explain what is meant by the process of science and state
two advantages of teaching processes.[4]
(ii) Briefly explain science content/product and suggest reasons why
most teachers in Zambia teach more content than process. [3]
(c) Discuss the components of the scientific method and how they are used
to teach science.[10]
Question three

(a) Define Benjamin Bloom’s classification. [2]

(b) ‘it is important for a teacher realise that teaching has to do with the
development of the whole person, mind, feelings or emotions and body. Discuss
Benjamin Bloom’s domains of learning. [6][6][6]
Question four

(a) Change each of the following teacher intentions into fully stated learning
outcomes/specific objectives. during the course of this lesson, I will:
(i) Show the pupils part of a flower [2]
(ii) Ask the pupils to copy a diagram of a flower [2]
(iii) Ask the pupils to label the parts of a flower [2]
(iv) Explain the functions of the parts of the flower [2]
(v) Assist the pupils to understand the meaning of fertilization.[2]
(b) Given below is a list of specific objectives or learning outcomes.
Identify the domain to which each belongs and give a reason for your
answer. TPSBAT:
(i) Determine mass of an irregular object.[2]
(ii) Determine the volume of a solid or liquid to within ± 0.1cm3 [2]
(iii) Calculate the number of moles when given mass. [2]
(iv) Encourage other pupils to join science club.[2]
(v) Writing state symbols in a chemical equation. [2]

Question five

(a) Briefly discus how each of the following factors influences the choice of a
teaching approach during the process of lesson planning.
(i) Psychological need of pupils. [4]
(ii) Rate of learning for pupils. [4]
(iii) Instructional objectives [4]
(iv) Availability of teaching and learning materials [4]
(v) Teachers ability and preference [4]

Question six

(a) Briefly explain what a field trip is. [2]

(b) Describe the essential requirements that a teacher should consider while
planning take her/his pupils on a field trip.[10]
(c) Discuss four merits and demerits of using field trip in teaching of

Question seven
(a) Briefly explain why accidents should be avoided in the laboratory. [3]
(b) State five common accident that occur in science laboratory. [5]
(c) A laboratory accident is an unplanned and uncontrolled event in which
the action or reaction of an object, substance, or person results in
personal injury, illness or death. Using the Cartoon in the picture;
(i) List three unsafe laboratory behaviors you can identify in this
picture and explain why those behaviours would be considered
unsafe. Use the letter of the alphabet that corresponds with the
student(s) that are exhibiting unsafe behaviours. [6]
(ii) List three safe laboratory behaviors you can identify in this
picture. Explain why that behaviours would be considered safe.
Use the letter of the alphabet that corresponds with the student(s)
that are exhibiting safe behaviours.[6]

End of Examination

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