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Mean Platelet Volume, Platelet Distribution Width,
and Platelet Count, in Connection with Immune
Thrombocytopenic Purpura and Essential
Eunyup Lee, MD, Miyoung Kim, MD*, Kibum Jeon, MD, Jiwon Lee, MD, Jee-Soo Lee, MD,
Han-Sung Kim, MD, Hee Jung Kang, MD, Young Kyung Lee, MD
Laboratory Medicine 2019;XX:1–7

DOI: 10.1093/labmed/lmy082

Objective: To examine the kinetic characteristics of platelet (PLT) counts <45 × 103/µL vs ≥ 45 × 103/µL), the MPV and PDW tended
destruction and thrombopoiesis by using mean platelet volume (MPV) to be higher in patients with PLT counts less than 45 × 103 per µL.
and platelet distribution width (PDW). When patients with ET were subdivided (PLT counts <770 × 103/µL
vs ≥770 × 103/µL), the MPV and PDW were lower in patients with PLT
Methods: Using the ADVIA2120i instrument, we measured PLT counts, count of 770 or greater × 103 per µL.
MPV, and PDW in 153 healthy individuals, 35 patients with immune
thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), and 48 patients with essential Conclusions: In ITP, the overall PLT composition varies, and PLT
thrombocytopenia (ET). sequestration is nondiscriminatory. In ET, PLTs quickly shrink and remain
small, resulting in a high proportion of small-sized PLTs.
Results: In the ITP group, the MPV and PDW were higher than those
values in healthy individuals. In the ET group, the MPV was lower Keywords: thrombopoiesis, mean platelet volume, platelet
than in the ITP group and in healthy individuals, and the PDW was distribution width, immune thrombocytopenic purpura, essential
lower than in the ITP group. When the ITP group was subdivided (PLT thrombocythemia, complete blood count

Chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) is charac- result of megakaryocytes in the bone marrow compensating
terized by an immune-mediated isolated thrombocytopenia for the peripheral destruction of PLTs.2
that is caused by the destruction of platelets (PLTs) by Fc
receptor–bearing macrophages in the reticuloendothelial Conversely, essential thrombocythemia (ET) is character-
system.1 Thrombopoiesis is usually observed in ITP and is a ized by a hyperproductive type of thrombocytosis. As a
myeloproliferative neoplasm, it is a clonal disorder chiefly
caused by JAK2, CALR, or MPL gene mutations. The
production of PLT precursors is markedly increased in the
bone marrow with a concomitant increase in the number
ITP, immune thrombocytopenic purpura; PLTs, platelets; ET, essential
of dysplastic megakaryocytes; consequently, isolated
thrombocythemia; rRNA, ribosomal RNA; MPV, mean platelet volume;
PDW, platelet distribution width; CBC, complete blood count; WHO, World thrombocytosis is observed in the peripheral blood.3 It is
Health Organization; Hb, hemoglobin; MCV, mean corpuscular volume; unknown whether the life span of the PLTs is affected by
MCHC, mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration; RDW, red-blood-
this clonal process.
cell distribution width; WBC, white blood cell; MCH, mean corpuscular
hemoglobin; IQR, interquartile range
Although the PLT count by itself does not reveal the under-
Department of Laboratory Medicine, Hallym University Sacred Heart lying pathomechanism, the volume and the distribution of
Hospital, Hallym University College of Medicine, Anyang, South Korea PLTs reflect the pathophysiology of PLT-associated dis-
*To whom correspondence should be addressed. orders. Immature, young PLTs that are newly released into the circulating blood from bone marrow megakaryocytes

© American Society for Clinical Pathology 2019. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: 1

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are large, reticulated, and contain elevated levels of ribo- hyperproductive-thrombocytosis group comprised 48
somal RNA (rRNA).4 Thus, young PLTs can be differenti- patients with ET; none of the patients in either group had
ated from older ones, which are smaller in size and have previously received treatment. ET was diagnosed based
reduced rRNA levels. Consequently, information on the on bone-marrow examination and molecular study of JAK2
rates of thrombopoiesis and of PLT turnover can be de- and/or CALR mutation status, as well as clinical obser-
rived by determining the proportion of young PLTs in the vations and other laboratory data according to the World
blood.5,6 Further, the activation of PLTs causes morphologic Health Organization (WHO) classification.13
changes, including in their spherical shape and pseudo-
podia formation, possibly affecting the PLT volume and size The specimens were collected randomly at Hallym Sacred
distribution.7 Heart Hospital, Anyang, South Korea, between January
2009 and April 2016. This study was approved by the
Automated blood cell counters provide additional informa- Institutional Review Board/Ethics Committee of Hallym
tion on circulating PLTs.8 Among several PLT parameters, University Sacred Heart Hospital (IRB no. 2016-I030).
mean platelet volume (MPV) and platelet distribution width
(PDW) are the 2 most widely used indices. The results CBCs and Measurement of MPV and PDW
from previous studies9,10 have shown that MPV and/or
In the control group, CBCs (including simultaneous
PDW are helpful in distinguishing ITP from hypoproductive
measurements of MPV and PDW) were obtained using the
thrombocytopenia, although Nakadate et al 11 reported that
ADVIA2120i (Siemens AG) within 1 hour of specimen col-
neither the MPV nor PDW value differed in pediatric patients
lection according to manufacturer instructions. Hemoglobin
with ITP vs those without ITP. Studies on PLT indices in
(Hb), mean corpuscular volume (MCV), mean corpuscular
patients with ET are less common, and whether alterations
hemoglobin concentration (MCHC), red blood cell distribu-
in MPV and/or PDW exist in ET is still controversial.3,12
tion width (RDW), white blood cell (WBC) count, PLT count,
Nevertheless, to our knowledge, no comprehensive studies
PDW, and MPV results were included in the analyses.
of the MPV and PDW values in ITP and ET, 2 diseases with
distinct PLT production pathophysiologic manifestations Statistics
(compensatory and intrinsic/clonal, respectively), exist.
The Shapiro-Wilk test was used to test for normality. Values
In this study, we hypothesized that the MPV and PDW can are expressed as mean (SD) for normally distributed data and
reflect the pathophysiological profiles of these 2 separate as medians (interquartile ranges) for non–normally distributed
diseases: hyperdestructive thrombocytopenia with compen- data. We used Kruskal-Wallis and Mann-Whitney analyses
satory thrombopoiesis in ITP, and hyperproductive thrombo- to compare CBC parameters (Hb, MCV, mean corpuscular
cytosis with clonal thrombopoiesis in ET. In this first study hemoglobin [MCH], MCHC, PDW, WBC, PLT count, and
of its kind, we analyzed the MPV and PDW values in both MPV) among the 3 groups and their subgroups. Spearman
diseases and compared them, respectively, to those values rank correlation analysis was used to determine associations
in healthy individuals. between parameters. We performed all statistical analyses
using SPSS software, version 22.0 (IBM Corporation). P val-
ues less than .05 were considered statistically significant.

Materials and Methods

Specimens Results
A total of 153 individuals whose complete blood count Patient Profile
(CBC) results were within the reference ranges and who
did not have any underlying diseases were enrolled in The distributions of age, sex, and measured CBC parame-
the control group. The hyperdestructive-thrombocyto- ters, including Hb, MCVs, MCHCs, RDWs, WBCs, and PLTs,
penia group comprised 35 patients with ITP, and the from the study subject individuals are summarized in Table 1.

Lab Medicine 2019;XX;2–7
DOI: 10.1093/labmed/lmy082

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Table 1. Demographics and Complete Blood Count Results of Healthy Individuals, Patients with ITP, and
Patients with ET
Variable Healthy Individuals ITP ET

(n = 153) (n = 35) (n = 48)

Age (y), mean (SD) 43.3 (20.4) 52.1 (35.9) 65.3 (32.5)
Sex, no. (M/F) 119/34 4/31 23/25
Hb (g/dL), median (IQR) 14.7 (13.8–15.2) 12.6 (10.8–14.3) 12.7 (11.5–14.2)
MCV (fL), median (IQR) 89.9 (87.8–92.2) 88.3 (86.0–90.4) 93.0 (88.2–100.3)
MCHC (g/dL), median (IQR) 34.7 (33.9–35.3) 34.5 (33.7–35.3) 33.0 (32.2–33.8)
RDW (%), median (IQR) 12.6 (12.3–12.9) 12.9 (12.5–13.9) 14.0 (13.3–14.9)
WBC/μL, median (IQR) 5960 (5010–6890) 7400 (4500–9600) 9000 (7400–12,425)
PLTs ×103/µL, median (IQR) 246 (213–274) 43 (16–73) 762 (589–954)
Abbreviations: ITP, immune thrombocytopenic purpura; ET, essential thrombocythemia; Hb, hemoglobin; IQR, interquartile range; MCV, mean corpuscular volume; MCHC, mean corpuscular
hemoglobin concentration; RDW, red blood cell distribution width; WBC, white blood cell; PLTs, platelets.

P < .001 P = .048
P < .001 P < .001 P < .001 P < .001
13.5 85

MPV (fL)
MPV (fL)


5.5 35
Control ITP ET Control ITP ET
(n = 153) (n = 35) (n = 48) (n = 153) (n = 35) (n = 48)

Figure 1
Difference in platelet parameters among healthy individuals, patients with immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP), and patients with
essential thrombocythemia (ET). A, Mean platelet volume (MPV) in patients with immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) vs in healthy
individuals. B, Platelet distribution width (PDW) in patients with essential thrombocythemia (ET) vs in healthy individuals.

Comparisons of PLT Indices (MPV and PDW) [7.7–8.9] fL; P <.001) (Figure 1A). Further, patients with ET
in Healthy Individuals and Patients with ITP showed higher PDW values than healthy individuals (Figure
and ET 1B). However, patients with ET showed significantly lower
PDW values than patients with ITP (54.1% [45.8%–60.0%]
MPV and PDW in ITP vs 66.3% [57.4%–70.1%]; P <.001).

The MPV in patients with ITP was 10.2 (8.6–11.0) fL, which Correlations among MPV, PDW, and PLT Counts
was significantly higher than the 8.8 (8.4–9.3) fL observed in in ITP and ET
healthy individuals (P <.001) (Figure 1A). The PDW values in
patients with ITP (66.3% [57.4%–70.1%]) were significantly Patients with ITP
higher than those in healthy individuals (50.5% [47.1%–
55.3%]) (Figure 1B). When patients with ITP were subdivided into 2 groups
based on their PLT counts (<45 × 103/µL vs ≥ 45 × 103/µL),
MPV and PDW in ET there was no statistically significant difference in MPV or
PDW between the 2 groups (Table 2). On Spearman corre-
The MPV of patients with ET was significantly lower than lation analysis, neither MPV nor PDW showed any signifi-
that in patients with ITP and that in healthy individuals (8.3 cant correlation with PLT counts (ρ = −0.129, P = .46 and Lab Medicine 2019;XX;3–7  3

DOI: 10.1093/labmed/lmy082

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Table 2. MPV, PDW, and PLT Counts in Patients with ITP and ET
Variable ITP ET
3 3 3
PLT <45 × 10 /µL PLT≥ 45 × 10 /µL P Value PLT <770 × 10 /µL PLT≥ 770 × 103/µL P Value

(n = 18) (n = 17) (n = 25) (n = 23)

MPV (fL), median (IQR) 10.5 (8.8–12.3) 9.4 (8.5–10.6) .21 8.5 (7.8–9.2) 8.1 (7.6–8.4) .04
PDW (%), median (IQR) 67.8 (58.4–72.0) 63.7 (57.1–69.0) .14 57.1 (52.2–64.3) 50.2 (41.7–57.3) .008
Abbreviations: MPV, mean platelet volume; PDW, platelet distribution width; PLT, platelet; ITP, immune thrombocytopenic purpura; ET, essential thrombocythemia; IQR, interquartile range.

ρ = −0.162, P = .35, respectively). The PDW and MPV were The finding that we believe is most notable is that thrombo-
moderately correlated with each other (ρ= 0.458, P = .006). poiesis and PLT sequestration in ITP and ET involve com-
plex mechanisms. Patients with ITP showed higher MPV
Patients with ET and PDW values than healthy individuals, irrespective of
the instrument used. Previous studies have shown that the
When patients with ET were subdivided into 2 groups
PDW and/or MPV were higher in patients with ITP than in
according to their PLT counts (<770 × 103/µL or ≥
those with thrombocytopenia of different pathologies, such
770 × 103/µL), MPV and PDW were significantly lower
as hypoproductive thrombocytopenia. Keito et al14 reported
in patients with ET who had PLT counts of 770 or
that MPV and PDW were significantly higher in ITP than
greater × 103 per µL than in those with counts less than
in aplastic anemia. Ntaios et al9 reported increased MPV
770 × 103 per µL (Table 2). The mean MPVs were 8.5
and PDW in patients with ITP, compared with patients with
(7.8–9.2) fL in patients with ET who had PLT counts less
hypoproductive thrombocytopenia. However, the aforemen-
than 770 × 103 per µL and 8.1 (7.6–8.4) fL in those with
tioned studies did not include comparisons to values from
counts of 770 or greater × 103 per µL (P = .04). In contrast,
healthy individuals. A possible explanation for the higher
the PDWs were 57.1% (52.2%–64.3%) in patients with ET
MPV values in patients with ITP than in healthy individuals is
who had PLT counts greater than 770 × 103 per µL and
that the proportion of young, large PLTs is higher in ITP than
50.2% (41.7%–57.3%) in patients with counts of 770 or
in normal conditions because of compensatory thrombo-
greater × 103 per µL (P = .008).
poiesis in the bone marrow in response to antibody-medi-
ated peripheral destruction.
On Spearman correlation analysis, the MPV showed a weak
negative correlation with PLT counts (ρ = −0.394; P = .006),
We expected that PDW values in ITP would be low because
as did the PDW (ρ = −0.492; P <.001). Also, the PDW and
we theorized that the continuous destruction of peripheral
MPV values showed moderate positive correlation with
PLTs would eliminate already existing, relatively old PLTs
each other (ρ = 0.609; P <.001).
of smaller sizes; however, our data showed the opposite
result. This finding indicates that although the proportion of
young, large PLTs is increased in ITP, the high PDW shows
that the overall composition of the circulating PLTs varies,
with increased proportions of PLTs at both ends of their size
Discussion distribution. This, in turn, may be occurring because PLTs are
not necessarily targeted for destruction because of their older
Previous studies of MPV or PDW focused on the discrim- age; rather, the process is nondiscriminatory. Hence, the dis-
inatory power of the 2 indices, mostly in patients with tribution of the surviving PLTs in patients with ITP is not much
thrombocytopenia and sometimes in those with thrombo- different from that in healthy individuals; however, the PDW is
cytosis. Most of these studies did not compare the values higher because of excess younger PLTs. Future investigations
from patients with these disorders with the corresponding of individual PLT sizes and their life spans in patients with ITP
values in healthy individuals. In our study, we hypothesized ought to yield clarity regarding these notions.
that the MPV and PDW values of circulating PLTs reflect the
pathophysiology of these 2 diseases, which have different Further, we believed it was notable that the ranges of the
mechanisms of altering PLT production. distributions of MPV and PDW values were wider in patients

Lab Medicine 2019;XX;4–7
DOI: 10.1093/labmed/lmy082

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with ITP than in those with ET, demonstrating a larger study. In contrast, Arellano-Rodrigo et al12 reported that
coefficient of variation in the former. Ours is the only study patients with ET had significantly higher MPV values than
to compare MPV and PDW in ITP and ET; therefore, this controls (n = 55 in each group). They also reported that the
finding is novel and could be attributed to the difference PDW was elevated in patients with ET, which they attributed
in the rates of PLT production in the 2 diseases that have to possible PLT activation and excessive heterogeneity in
distinct mechanisms for thrombopoiesis (compensatory vs PLT volume in those patients.
clonal). Compensatory thrombopoiesis in ITP is reactive and
therefore, it can be highly sporadic, whereas clonal throm- Our observations may suggest that newly generated young
bopoiesis in ET is a relatively stable process. PLTs in ET are not necessarily large as previously thought
but vary in size. Alternately, our observations may hint at the
Another possible explanation for this phenomenon could speed at which PLTs decrease in size as they age. Although
be that patients with ITP have lower PLT counts than those the production of young, large PLTs is increased, these PLTs
with ET, and therefore, there are smaller denominators when quickly shrink and remain small for most of their life spans,
calculating the coefficient of variation, resulting in a larger resulting in a high proportion of small-sized circulating PLTs
value. Further biological studies are required to validate in ET. Because ET is a malignant, clonal process, PLTs gen-
these hypotheses. erated in patients with this condition might not be the same
as those produced in normal or compensatory conditions,
We subdivided patients with ITP into 2 groups according in terms of size and lifespan.
to their PLT counts by using a PLT count cut-off value of
45 × 103 per µL, which is generally used to distinguish Despite their statistical significance, the actual differences
severe from moderate thrombocytopenia in South Korea. in MPV and PDW values between healthy individuals and
In most cases, MPV and PDW tended to be higher in patients with ET were fairly small (only 5.7% in MPV and
patients with lower PLT counts (<45 × 103/µL) than in 7.1% in PDW), in relation to the median values of healthy
patients with higher counts (≥45 × 103/µL), despite that individuals (ie, when the difference was expressed as a per-
the difference was not statistically significant. This finding centage using the median values of healthy individuals as
suggests that PLT destruction is increased in ITP, as denominators). Therefore, our data may not be sufficiently
demonstrated by the higher PDW, and that compensatory conclusive; hence, a further analysis with a larger number
thrombopoiesis is more active, as demonstrated by the of study subjects will be helpful to clarify and potentially
higher MPV. Again, this hypothesis ought to be tested in a validate our findings.
future study.
The analysis of MPV and PDW in patients with ET divided
In contrast, patients with ET showed lower PDW and MPV according to their PLT counts support our explanations,
than healthy individuals. This finding contrasted with our as presented earlier herein, as do the findings of Sehayek
expectation that MPV and PDW would be elevated in ET, et al,15 who report that MPVs were found to be significantly
owing to the increased production of PLTs, and suggested lower in patients with PLT counts of 770 or greater × 103
that clonal PLT production is a complex process. Regarding per µL than in those with PLT counts of less than 770 × 103
MPV and PDW in ET, there are few previous studies with per µL. This finding suggests that the more advanced the
which to compare our results. In an investigation comparing disease, the higher the proportion of relatively small-sized cir-
MPV and PDW in ET, reactive thrombocytosis, and healthy culating PLTs (as is the case in ET). This finding also suggests
individuals, Sehayek et al15 reported that ET was character- that the increased production of PLTs does not necessarily
ized by a 5-fold increase in small PLTs less than 7.5 fL and a lead to a higher proportion of large PLTs but of small ones.
3-fold increase in larger-sized PLTs, resulting in lower MPVs
in patients with ET than in those with reactive thrombocyto- The PDW was also lower in patients with PLT counts of 770
sis, who in turn had lower MPVs than healthy controls. or greater × 103 per µL than in those with counts less than
770 × 103 per µL, which suggests that the more advanced
The findings of Sehayek et al may explain our observations. the ET, the more uniform the sizes of the PLTs, with a
However, a PDW of 10.5 or greater was reported in 50%, probable shift towards small-sized ones. Further studies
21%, and 14% of patients with ET, patients with reactive on the role of age on PLT sizes in healthy individuals and in
thrombocytosis, and healthy controls, respectively, in their patients with ET would help address these theories. Lab Medicine 2019;XX;5–7  5

DOI: 10.1093/labmed/lmy082

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One limitation of our study was that the distributions of age that the proportion of small PLTs was higher than normal
and sex in the healthy individual, ITP, and ET groups were although PLT production is increased. The more severe the
different. However, in a study of 306 individuals (101 male disease, the stronger the tendency for the MPV and/or PDW
and 205 female), Giovanetti et al16 showed that MPV and to be altered—this principle is consistent with our interpre-
PDW do not differ significantly with respect to sex and age tations herein. LM
except when comparing those values in the 1- to 10-year-
old age group to those in most other age groups (the
10–20-year-old age group was the exception). Our analysis
also showed that neither the MPV nor the PDW correlates
with age and sex in healthy individuals.2
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DOI: 10.1093/labmed/lmy082

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